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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  October 15, 2023 3:30am-4:51am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] magneta, yes, how can it be, that’s what we were talking about, yes, his hands began to work hard, it became very difficult, of course he couldn’t cope with the elements of air, i’m sure that everything will be fine with him, especially since there’s still more to come testing a magnet, we need to get together, what is this all about, electro, why are you relaxed, i don’t understand, but get ready , please, i’m very worried, really , i think he’s in a complete daze now , he didn’t expect that he won’t be able to pass this obstacle course, it’s difficult for him, it was obvious from the very beginning, yes, something went wrong, but let's hope that he can pull himself together and prove himself in the next
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test. xudo xohlasa hammasi yaxshi bo'ladi kel manaqa kelda hech narsa qilmang ko'p turib qoldingga sen joyingda o'sha shunday tortishib qoldida homilimlar hech narsa qilmang manamiz oldinga tortib ketaman deb o'ylagandim o'zim fikrim bo'yicha qo'yil gan to' siqdan o'tib olsam bo'ldi qolgani qiyinchilik tug'dirmaydi deb o'ylaganman to'mirim tog'ritib qoldi. qo'limni tombiri tortishdim, aynan o'sha damni o'zida stress holatiga tushib qoldim, aynan osilib qolgan paytim, jamoadoshlarim va trenerlarimdan uzr so'rayman, g'alabaga hali
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ham umidimiz bor. pressure. harvey, that's all, this guy is a real hero, harvey, we don't hang our noses, yes , we keep our smile, please, the most important thing is that you did it, we did it, yes, plus one crystal in the piggy bank, keep it up, we give petunis, let's stay strong, right? so, teams, the next test that you will need to pass is the test of the elements of the earth, to be honest, there will be a lot of surprises, they are not pleasant, well unless you are fans of horror, of course, one of you will find yourself in a dark labyrinth full of unexpected traps and turns, the rest of the participants will become his
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intuition, look, it’s scary not to get into a dead end, but not to find a way out of it, i activate the third stage, the element of earth, this is an underground quest, the player must reach the main crystal in 4 minutes to pick it up. to do this , you need to get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass a key through the pipeline and use it to open the vendian shaft, get through it, called muddy sands, and end up at the storage facility so that open the door into it, don’t miss the clues with numbers along the way, their sum is the code from the lock , once you enter it, you can only touch the lasers three times, take the main crystal,
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you will have 2 minutes to get out back. it’s worth hurrying, the ceiling press can be pressed to the sand, the thunderstorm is ready to pass the tests, it’s charged to run through the labyrinth to collect the maximum number of crystals, now magnets and current will support it in the command post. i believe in your victory, dear ones, everything will work out. o'sha shartga charosni lozim topganmiz, shuning uchun charos, aqlli va matematik qiz ham har qanday vaziyatda, kichik to'siqlardan balandlikka pastlikka chiqib, labirint yo'lidan yo'l topib ketadi, shuning uchun charos qo'yganmiz, charosni qo'llab-quvvatlaymiz, hammasini qarab,
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qayerda o'chirib bo'lgan. kerak bo'lsa srazu aytib turamiz, men o'zim shu yerda otib turaman, lazerga tegib ketma extiyotni, ha shuda a ... charos shoshilma, teppaga chiq, chiq, chiq, chiq, chiqaver, tochkaga qara, tochkaga qara,
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tushding, chap tomoningda anavi bor, narsa bor, chap tomoningda, hal emas , yur, yur, yur, sal, sal, sal yurgin, chap tomoningga qara, narsa bor, chap tomoningga, yurib kelaver, pastida, pastida, pasta, pasta. raqam necha 456 456 raqam nechi 45656 qayerda
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bor tochka kelyapsan. paska tushdikmi ha yur yur tepaga ko'tarilgan joyinda turibdi ekan ikki yarim minut qoldi charos pastga tushganingdan keyin burchakda ekan, burchakda qara, tezlash, ko'ryapsanmi, bo'ldi, burchak ekan 650, 645, 645 mi, 645, eshiga kel dikmi, yana bitta bo'lishi kerak, nechcha narsani ana narsa turibdi, oyog'ini toshchalarda oldi, yerda, toshni oldida toshlarni oldir topding topding yaxshi bir yarim vaqting
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1715 171515 17-15 17-15 kerakmi bir daqiqa qoldi bir minut 645 637 7 18 20 secund 20 20 seconds olgin to'siqlardan bor yur o'sha chiziqda bor 15 davaiqlarda lazer bor ekan 10 9 8 tezlash olding olding. normalni shoshilma bemalol, bir marta, bir marta, yana bor, ehtiyot shoshilma, shoshilma, shoshilma,
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uchinchi marta tegmagin, shoshilma, bemalol, to'xtaykan charosda, qarab, qarab o'tgan, yugur aka, yugur. ulgurding yaxshi shoshilma. bir minut vaqting bor, shoshilma, 50 sekund, zo'r, zo'r, zo'r
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charvoz, zo'r, senga ishonaman, galonlakan, buchalamiz ham. qiziqarli bo'ldi, men bu shartda kristalni , qo'lga kiritganimdan juda xursand bo'ldim, albatta komandamning yordami bilan bu kristalni qo'lga kiritdik, men ishongandim, bu shartda g'alaba qozonishimga va do'stlarimni ishonchini oqlashga. realized ideas that few
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people around them believed in at first, i don’t like the partnership that is at the bottom, that is, this is six acres of land, i wanted more space and more, as it were, fresh air away from minsk, the heroes of the project of life in the belarusian outback, it grows here, about 150 tons of wheat and rapeseed are produced, yes, of course, this is very difficult to believe, numbers just threatening, they will offer the presenter to master... the first test is to climb up here high, i’m sitting far away, i’m looking, well, great, 20 monsters, 20 bullets , one me, one you, well, some kind of prize, without today, watch the show, i’m from the village, on our tv channel, they had good reasons, choose our country, now we are at the international faculty.
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scene of the belarusian state university, where i study, in general, and belarusian education , as it seemed to me, is one of the best, because here it is worthy of very demanding teachers who demand you to become one of the best in your business, we came to my beloved belarusian state medical university, where i study, the clinical base and theoretical base are simply huge, the professorial staff is simply wonderful, this is actually very... important for a future doctor. now i will get one of the best educations, and of course i will go to work further in my specialty. watch the project glance at belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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from the taifuon team in the labyrinth. a storm is leaving to help her at the command post, vikhar and harvey will be there, we wish the guys good luck, we bet on the smallest , most nimble, dexterous, dasha, a very brave girl, confident in her abilities, but i’m worried about her, i ’m worried whether she’ll be able to bring team two crystal, but i'm into it... this is a top view, this is a rear view, it's clear, that is, right from above, left from behind, look for hints here, when she passes, you will have to say, wait, the hint is somewhere here, here look in this area, dasha, listen to the guys as much as possible, pronounce the numbers clearly, don’t memorize , don’t think too much about it, i understand, yes, nod , i understand, that’s it guys, good luck, you will
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remember the number mostly, okay, say more time please, how often, well at the beginning not very often, i’ll tell you when it’s 3 minutes until the end, good. so look right above the door, look for something there somewhere, there is no door above the hatch
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, move on. dasha, do you see anything? ah, now, ah, yes, no, nothing, probably, and then. heard, yes, vlad remembered, 145, 3 minutes dash, everything is fine.
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so are you going into the ventilation now? yes, there will be ventilation at the end, that is, down at the end, yes. dasha, be careful, okay, but look around, because you might miss something, let's see, at the exit, not far from the exit, you should have a hint somewhere, come on, 2 minutes, everything is fine, at the exit, yes, look here somewhere, found 953, did you hear? 9 5 3 accepted here somewhere there is a hint found listen 6 4 5 heard 6 4 5 645 heard
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count 953 + 645 953 + 645 dasha dasha 1 7 4 3 1 7 4 3 okay. 45 seconds, okay, where's the crystal? crystal, crystal crystal, now god would like to understand where you are right now, where you are, i get to the second , i get from the second, listen, we don’t see crystal, 25, 25 seconds, i took crystal, that ah, quiet, dasha, carefully. tasha, be careful, you see lasers, don’t take risks, that’s it,
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you have a minute and a half to get out, dash, what’s going on there, i’m opening the door, okay, which way. you have a minute 5 seconds left, come on, come on, dash, you can handle it, that’s it, you can easily manage, throw everything away, in short , do something, come up with something, that’s it, come on, roller coaster, okay. hurray, two great mathematicians , mathematics, well done
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, well done, well done, thank you, good, even a magiograph would curse this map, i tried, my mathematical skills did not let us down one bit. trusted myself, trusted my team, and i kind of knew where i was going and knew that i could it’s always much easier to do with this when you’re with someone than when you’re alone, when i touched the laser, everything started flashing red very strongly, i thought about where exactly i could touch it, and how, while i was thinking, i touched until the second, i’m not entirely happy with my result, it could have been better, it could have been a little more, a little more to look at, on the other hand, it’s still good that at least one participant left the dungeon, but not a single one could find his
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secret crystals, the thunderstorm brought the first crystal to the electro team, the storm brought another crystal, team typhoon. congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, well, an urgent hug for everyone. this is to say, you use your energy to win, if you didn’t know what a real storm looks like, then look straight into its eyes. eye of the storm, she brought a whole crystal to our team. hooray! everything, guys, is practically in our pocket, but let’s not make any guesses, with every test, the desire to win flares up with greater force, but will it be enough to overcome the elements? fire, now we find out who plays for himself, who plays for the team,
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success depends on it. success, like a match, can flare brightly and quickly go out. i activate the fourth stage: fire element. the first players of the fire relay pass through the rock garden, pass the hammer to the second players, dive into a glass bowl, and take out a valve from it. the second players, having cut through the wall with a hammer, must dig out the entrance to the mousetrap , stretch a fire hose through it, fill the mice with water so that the third players can get the crystal from the flask, and then climb the mast and secure it at the top. whoever goes down first and takes
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the main crystal from the totem will bring victory to the team. at the start, the electric player magnet will be from the team, well , typhoon harvey will be pulling the hammer from the team. magneta let the team down during the air stage, but now there is an opportunity to rehabilitate and lead. everyone in victory, because you give a start to this test, well, like harvey, i ’m already used to winning, so i don’t doubt him, he’ll succeed, this test will continue from the electro thunder team, from the typhoon team, beauty storm, thunderstorm, between by the way, she is the champion of asia in potakwando, so i think it’s not for nothing that she behaves like a real winner, well done, keep it up, the girls got one of the most difficult tasks in this test, yes, cut a door into the tunnel, stretch a fire hose, oh, well
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in general, we will see everything very soon, but in the finale of our fire show the whirlwind will collide, and then, this will be a duel, it will be powerful, the crystal will go to us, ogier athletics uchun, zo'r qish mashqi ekan, birinchisida zo'riqish mashqini ko'tarib olib borish, charos shu yong'in o'chirish mashqida qatnashgan, yosh chiqaruvchi musoboqasida, shuning uchun ikkinchi etapiga qo'ydik, uchinchi etabda ozod turibdi, ozodni chaqqonni uchun uchinchi etapga qo'ydik. ne person's personality, the same spirit. we have vlad at the first stage... he is a very strong guy and he will stretch the python ball to dasha, who is at the second stage, a little nimble, i
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believe that the second stage will not be a problem for her, at the third stage we have styopa, i thought that he would show himself as well as possible on the balance beam, where you need to rise and show strength and endurance and lack of fear, so i am confident that my team will perform great. and the hammer, the hammer is very heavy, it weighs like the world, approximately, but not approximately, but exactly, he has already reached the second section, oh, what are they doing , look, they are looking for the weentel in a cube of water, everything
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is visible, visible, get it , look, the main thing now is to very quickly dig an entrance to the tunnel and stretch a fire hose there. keep trying, trying, lifting, listen , which of the girls will be faster, the thunderstorm or the storm, to be honest, i don’t know, and the storm is immediate, look, it’s almost already in the tunnel, but there’s a lot of sand there, of course, here, here, here we push, smart girl, smart girl, dear , what are you doing, hey, come on, come on, lift the bars. crawl, well done, look how
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it’s grabbed, i think we have every chance now, what’s happening, i don’t understand why? now the main thing is to untangle the ropes, untangle them and get through, although she’s thin, maybe she’ll get through there now without unraveling, all the little knots, little knots, what i told you, look, but your girlfriend, i don’t understand what the problem is, why she has i can’t lift the bars, untie them again, don’t be afraid, he’ll come out now, please, come on, don’t get confused, chief, meanwhile there’s a thunderstorm! i was able to open, lift this grate up, look, harvey opens the wendel and the water pours out, but now the main thing is exactly at the target , please fill the flask, so that in the third section the whirlwind takes the crystal and climbs onto the machna as quickly as possible, and well done, good, in my opinion , we really have a clear advantage now, i really hope so,
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hey, electro team, where are you? yes, there is, that’s it, styopa, don’t rush, the main thing is don’t rush, you can waddle up, climb up the mast, i didn’t understand what happened, it’s a thunderstorm, come on, powerfully, lift up this mast, go down the rope and bring it. treasured crystals for us, well done, well done, worm, everything is already clear here, i really, i don’t know what to do, don’t worry, and we have victory at stake here, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh, it seems to me , i wouldn’t have been able to cope in this section, well, well, that’s it, victory, and i said everything, everything is clear as
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daylight, signature movement, signature movement, do the same, well, signature movement, as they say, listen, well worthy, to be honest, i’m very upset, well, we’re waiting for the test, the tower, it will decide everything, handsome guys, the electro team, don’t get unstuck, we need to get together, the taif team fully lived up
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to its name, well done guys, the hall. hammasi yaxshi bo'ladi bo'ldi, endi nima qilasan yig'lab qiladigan qilib bo'llaring bo'ldi yig'lab keragi yo'q, ko'tarib boya bunaqasan ko'tarilib ovoz ko'tarish kerakdi
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bo'ldi nima teppadan krasavtsy , our team in the tunnel began to rise rapidly faster than the board teams from uzbekistan, there is such a anticipation of victory, but the thought still remains in my head, that since the opponent is still at a distance, it means that he will definitely not give it away , it is very pleasant to mine the decisive crystal, i won the battle, but i did not win the war, it is unknown, who will stay bilmayman nima bo'ldi nimaga, hech nimani his qilganim yo'q, yo'q, men bilmayman, sababi kristal chiqishini kutdim, ular to suvni to'ldirmaguncha kristal chiqmasdi, shuning uchun men umid qilamanki keyingi etabda yaxshi harakat qilib yutamiz, hali imk oniyatimiz bor edi, o'sha imkoniyatdan
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umumli foydalanmoqchi bo'ldim. in general, it’s surprising, right... instead of the whole world exploring new planets, evolving correctly , developing technologies, we are again and again forced to face this social monstrosity called fascism, we all see how the situation is developing on the southern borders ours, on the western borders, the level of terrorist danger is really high, there will be more provocations, there will be more attempts at terrorist attacks on the territory of belarus, there will be more attempts to destabilize, especially by 24, by the elections by twenty. that’s what’s interesting, it’s impossible to demonize, we have created such a unique model of our state, which during the turbulence in which the whole world has found itself, we ensure security and peace, and we will destroy fascism and
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there is no other way, the project is objective, do not miss new issues on tv channel belarus 24. the history of your country is knowledge that... the answer to three most important questions: where are we from, why are we the way we are, and how do we, based on our historical everyday life, build our strategy for the future, you need to be careful about the news you consume, stration avoids digital fast food, and if some news causes you excessive emotions and a desire to do something, you are most likely being manipulated, we have never threatened anyone, belarus - is this a man of compromise? but for the time being, we don’t want war, we always want to preserve peace, and we will not allow anyone, with the help of weapons, political technology or anything else,
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to tell us how to live, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new releases on tv channel belarus 24. sweeping away everything in their path, the strongest went through the fire to victory. team typhoon receives two crystals. electro team, again, not a single one, guys, typhoon, typhoon, typhoon, we have a clear advantage, all that remains is to climb the first tower, easy, easy, if it's easy, keep it up, guys, please, the result of the fire test, by the way, that's it in order to take the treasured crystals, but it didn’t work out, on the tower, he’s waiting for us today
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, the team electro, electro, electro, what a tense, dramatic game today, but for in order to become a winner and go to the next... level of the game you need to overcome the main obstacle - the tower. earned crystals of course play an important role today, but everything is unpredictable, remember this. so who will become the hero of today's game, we will find out very soon. you cannot change the past, but you can influence the
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future. time for the final test. the tower, this is the ultimate test, selected participants start from different heights, climb a vertical wall with hidden holds to a glass tunnel and use all their strength rise from the top of the vashni, the most resilient and fastest will take the main crystal, and with it victory from the opponent. team electro will begin the ascent from a height of one step. the typhoon will rise five steps, in whose hands the winning crystal will be,
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the tower will decide. listen, i’m glad that you are with me in this game , but we decided to help you, last year you somehow lost a little, it’s all in the past, no, no, no, no. yes, yes, yes, bring us the main crystal, please, come on, you must wave. help him get there above, also, tsarlyukevich, vladislav, i completely trust him, he is a professional in his field , he said that he can handle it, the team believes in him, vlad, come on, tear everyone apart, vlados is the most imperturbable among us, in general, his face does not change
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if he will take the crystal. to'rtinchi etapga yutqizganimizga qaramasdan yigitlarni shashiti va shiddati tugamadi, sal bo'lsa ham oxirgi beshinchi etapga kim chiqadi deganda, o'z xohishi bilan avaz men chiqaman deb aytib va ​​oxirgacha borishga va o'zbekiston bayrog'ini men qahram on bo'laman deb o'z
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xohishi bilan. there is a victory, well done, guys, well done.
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super, well done, well done, well done, well done, character, with the same equanimity now, right? man, at first i felt afraid, because when i started to take off, all the holds started spinning, it became a little scary, i thought that he might speed up, i had to climb for the crystal as quickly as possible. i
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feel victory, i changed my team further, emotions completely overwhelm me, i did not expect such an outcome at all, such a huge lead in the final, the pay is absolute well done, i was rooting for him with all my heart, i was worried, i even wanted to close my eyes for a second when at first he lost something there, but he coped with it, overcame his fears, got over himself and was able to do it after all, they already felt the taste of victory, they will want to win , again again again, so rivals, fear us, we are coming , the typhoon team moves to the second level, for reaching the finals it will fight with the pirates team, run, run, run to us, come on, good, come on!
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champion, well done, well done, well done, how did you do it? we tried our best, honestly word, we did the maximum, you are still great, fighter, our heroes, yes, guys, you are the best, i warned that you will not leave anyone a chance, this is... your day, your victory, hurray, the winners are determined today, but ahead of us there are even more exciting games and the main prize from the presidential sports club, this is the game of heroes and it continues, heroes, they are already next to you,
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just forward, heroes, luck is a reward, heroes, victory is a testament, a new day is ahead, feel free to it go. and take the first step, without a doubt, this is our finest hour, time has chosen us, not miss it, our time, friends with you next to you and wings behind your back. noah, and just believe nada, you are a hero, heroes, they are already next to you, and only forward, heroes, luck
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is a reward, hero, victory in a hurry, heroes, they are already next to you, forward to the heroes, luck is a reward, heroes , victory will assure you, they are already next to you, victories over your opponent gives you strength, victories over yourself strengthen your character, which is more important for the chosen ones, welcome to the world where
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everything is real.
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hail to the earth, our bright name, to the peoples of the fraternal union, our beloved. belarus, our beloved mother, belarus has lived forever, and we have suffered and suffered forever.
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forgotten by the work, the words of the earth, our bright name, we say to the people, the proterva union, our beloved matsina, forever. be belarus, our beloved mother, radima, live forever, strong belarus, friendship of peoples, the strength
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of our peoples for the poor soviet. having mothers in our hearts, belarus, our beloved
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party, lived forever. this is a panorama of a live broadcast about the main events of saturday, october 14, yagowski will tell you. strengthening the cis as an organization status key in decision-making in the region. let's summarize the results of the cis summit in bishke. poland is on the eve of a large-scale niggle; tomorrow there are elections in the country. the ruling regime, realizing its fiasco, is preparing a total falsification. military personnel across the country were put to guns. and of course, we congratulate all mothers on the holiday. happy stories , patients and employees of the republican center mother and child will tell in the project
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belarus creating, well, see also in our issue, they give life, love, educate and guide, today mother’s day is celebrated throughout the country, i’ll tell you the stories of those mothers under whose wing more than a dozen babies grew up, while belarus is looking for new contracts, strengthening its... positions and bypassing the sanctions package europe is reaping the benefits of anti-russian sanctions with might and main, reproaching its partners for unreliability, about this and the results of the whole week in section panoramas. global redivision of the world and the belarusian way of strengthening sovereignty. i, alexey ovdonin, will tell you how regional cooperation, economics and defense are connected. simple economics in panorama. the thirty-seventh gymnasium of minsk celebrates twenty year anniversary. what's special? we talked to teachers and students. two
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800m obstacle courses, four wheel drive, lots of dirt and sand. near minsk , the best virtuoso belarus tractor driver is chosen. a grandiose tractor show takes place in the great stone park. all the details are in the panorama. and the focus of the sports day is alexandra sosnovich's reaching the final. results of the match. dynamo vs skav kglleyball confrontation between minsk and leningrad in the super league. details in the final. panoramas. strengthening the cis as organizations, interface with international initiatives, maintaining established connections, creating conditions for self-sufficient economies. the peoples of the commonwealth must feel each other's support and consolidate their own centers of power. all this. discussed at the cis summit. we can solve many problems only together, and these are the words
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of our president. and they sound extremely relevant. including due to fast. unfolding conflicts in the west in the east, because the cis, with all the criticism that periodically appeared against the union with nineties, an association that arose in the wake of the soviet union, a bloc that no one could threaten, well, now the commonwealth occupies most of eastern europe, northern and central asia, is washed by the waters of three oceans, the scale is more than impressive, so the collective opinion of the cis, in case the allies will continue to strengthen their positions and will balance the ambitions of america and europe. how experts assess the results of the summit, details of key agreements in our story. 17 documents were signed following the five-hour summit. this is common number, it consists of all
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communication formats. in bishkek, by the way, a lot of people were on their feet. the presidents communicated on the sidelines in a limited format. the footage shows the signing of key agreements from the humanitarian sphere, the creation of an international organization to support the russian language, to serious political statements, one of them on the principles of interstate relations in a multipolar world. the leaders of eight states of belarus, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, russia, tajikistan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan in the format cis summits meet quite often. officially, the last time was last fall in the istana. an informal meeting took place literally 2 months later in december in st. petersburg. the informal only name is discussed by state leaders as well as the current agenda. today it is close to critical in the world. the palestinian-israeli conflict, events in ukraine, tension in europe. these conditions, alexander lukashenko is sure, only once again emphasize the importance of the unity of the cis. remember, when we
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were in the soviet union, everyone was afraid of us, feared respected. unfortunately. the world is such that it respects only force, and now, together with china, iran, brazil, and the global south, what western sanctions, our opinion will be taken into account, if we are together, our opinion in international affairs will be decisive, look how many of us done for the future, while in the west they are investing in the war, in other words, their taxpayers’ money, we are each investing with a long-term view, in science-intensive industries, such as microelectronics, aircraft construction, biotology, artificial intelligence, information and communication solutions, we can solve many problems only together, if we are not together, we will only
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talk about these topics, only we ourselves can be the guarantor of our sustainable safe development, the ussr existed for 69 years, the cis is approaching half of this figure, expert opinion everything is still ahead, despite periodic criticism of the commonwealth. they take into account that in the post-soviet space there are other trade, economic, and geopolitical projects, now i mean the eurasian economic union, and what’s more, these union states of russia and belarus, which are, well, from my point of view, better structured, probably at the present stage have more prospects, in the sense that they were initially created exclusively for their economic goals, and not like the cis, which was created for the sake of everything, but the cis is very important for us, as a kind of symbol of the once united soviet union space, which existed for 70 years, and before that existed
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before the civil war in the format of the russian empire, it is precisely this tool that allows us to determine exactly what kind of sociocultural gene, sociocultural code, at least in the majority of the former soviet republics, there is either one of them, or they are very close, while, of course, the cis does not close on itself, alexander lukashenko will ask a rhetorical question: what if the cis were in the sco and brix as a single organization, would this weaken its position? the answer is no. and the shanghai cooperation organization and interstate associations of brazil, russia, india, china south africa has huge territories and huge markets, but there are questions, mainly in the speed of putting general decisions into action. i just want to draw your attention to the traditionally emerging new trend , here is brix, here is the sco and so on, of course, this is an organization of the future, but you see
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that there is a certain inhibition there, after all, the level of integration between the european union and... even ours is higher, okay, but if we were in the shanghai cooperation organization and brix, if we were there as a single organization, what would our positions be? weakness, no. and i am sure that here russia needs to behave more actively, without looking at how the americans or the west behave there, or where they are looking, russia should be the backbone of our association, the commonwealth of independent states, we should strive for brix and the sco to the fact that we will be there as a single organization more advanced in integration , political, economically and so on, therefore, looking at the shosi on brix, we will be members of this organization, we need to strengthen ours, we need to develop ours, if we go to the starting point level, this is where regions come into play,
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for example, cooperation between russia and belarus, when direct contacts between governors and periodic business forums with government support bring multimillion-dollar contracts. alexander lukashenko will say this: he has experience and will support uzbekistan’s initiative to hold a forum of cis regions. very interesting, this would actually take cooperation to a new level, this is an opportunity to discuss cooperation, so to speak, more substantive, yes, it may be less general such topics, but more specific topics, more proposals for specific cooperation between - well, at least large enterprises, representatives of the region, that is, it seems to me that this is an initiative... it is very correct, very good, in principle, i think that this will allow us to establish cooperation between the cis countries at a higher level, this is
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especially important in the context of sanctions. the topic of sanctions was not heard at the summit as often as it was at the beginning of the pressure, when we were rebuilding, time has shown that everything can be solved, moreover, that the essence of the sanctions is not universal human problems or tragedies that our opponents speculate on, and a political conflict of interests, the americans continue to put pressure... on those who are against their absolute leadership, while this only incites wars, but every cloud has a silver lining, the allies have obviously become closer. macroeconomic and financial stability has been preserved, access to a growth trajectory has been ensured, and these are figures that characterize only the current moment, and russia has decently secured itself in many areas of economic development , it has become an order of magnitude more self-sufficient, and if we, together, as a community, shoulder to shoulder, had put up a barrier to these western horror stories, our overall results would have been much higher, by and large, after all, it was they
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who forced us to hedge our bets, take a fresh look at the situation, find a solution that was on the surface, today’s results speak for themselves, and i must say that the situation is catastrophically fast, and is changing at a rapid pace, shavkat miramunovich talked about this for about an hour, just now. is changing a lot and more and more new challenges are appearing: take your neighbor the east, they are not only shaking us up, they are already shaking up the whole world, god forbid they stop so as not to approach the third world war. it is also for this reason that, as a result, the seventeen documents signed at the summit included a statement on international relations in a multipolar world. it generally reflects our common vision of the foundations of the world order with the exception of a paragraph. in which it was proposed to express concern about the politicization of the activities of international courts, but even such a soft
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formulation was not supported by everyone, why these international courts, especially in our relations, the more we understand , especially now why this is being done, apparently this has simply not affected anyone yet, someday you will want to help children too... experts comment on this as a breakthrough in the movement to several centers of power that will function according to understandable rules. we are talking, first of all, about openness, about national interests; no one can cancel them. a multipolar world does not mean that we will forget about ourselves and will constantly be friends, there will be rivalry, there will be competition, but the basis is cooperation, mutual understanding, openness and dialogue. this is actually an analogue of what was proposed at the un, but the un proposal, they do not work for the entire world
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community, but here within our region, we also have to do something, and we did it. another important document is the agreement on the establishment of an international organization for the russian language; this socio-cultural code, understandable to everyone, cannot be lost, especially on the territory of the commonwealth countries. russian is taught in schools as the main language... but look at the youth in our republics, many speak russian worse than english and other languages, this is our greatest asset, we can get to the point where we communicate through translators, we cannot lose the language of interethnic communication, as it was called, then, i don’t understand at all, well, why should we lose him, is he harming us,
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ours? generation no, but it should not harm the generation of our children, this is our heritage, this is our common language, we have been in a single state for a long time, and based on the concept that language is a living, creative developing, so we developed this russian language together, there are a part of azerbaijanis, uzbeks, tajiks and so on, not only russians and belarusians, so why are we losing the russian language, and me frankly. speaking, this trend in the central asian republics is encouraging, here in malisharipovich, kyrgyzstan, in uzbekistan, especially, new schools are appearing, new universities are appearing, russian-language ones, but this is not enough, so this initiative on the russian language is no less important initiative than any something from the field of economics, all this together, politics, economics, history and language today make the cis, of course, a very valuable
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association. which you can join. new statuses for observer partner countries will be available after the cis summit in beshka, this is the first time this has been done. the commonwealth and partners may be interested in developments in other formats, e-commerce, the introduction of digital technologies, access to government procurement, tariff reductions, and roamingate telephone communications. all these are also obvious advantages. as a result, the cis is moving forward with its cooperation strategy. what the unstable world needs today, such as the future of geopolitical unions and such formats as the commonwealth of independent states, became the topic of the new issue of the tv news agency project, question number one. the cis is today the oldest entity in the post-soviet space, but its potential is far from exhausted. the chairman of the standing commission of the council of the republic on international affairs of national
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security shared his opinion. those who will be large and united will win, and they have talked about this and continue to do so say alexander grigoryevich, lukashenko, so i think that a lot of projects have been implemented within the commonwealth, and first of all, these are not only political projects, but also economic ones, the creation of a free trade zone, and today the economy is everything, this is... therefore i would answer the critics of the cis that they will not wait, see the full release of the project question number one, dedicated to the development of the commonwealth of independent states, on the youtube channel of the television news agency. warm
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wishes today. sound to those who gives life, loves, educates, guides us in our country, mother's day, the president congratulated belarusians on the holiday. this kind and gentle holiday personifies the greatness of spiritual power, the holiness of motherhood, as an invaluable source of life and one of the highest qualities of femininity. we carry the image of a mother, close and dear to everyone, into our hearts throughout our lives. limitless in a mother's soul. the most ordinary events of our earthly journey resonate with love, with your wisdom and sincerity you teach children to be independent, instill in them moral values. values ​​are guidelines - alexander lukashenko emphasized. i heartily congratulate and thank each of you for your sensitivity and patience in caring for the well-being of your family and the comfort of your home. words of deep respect and low bow to mothers with many children and foster mothers, as well as
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those raising children with special development, your attention and participation instill in them kindness, hope for the best and confidence in their own abilities. according to good tradition , congratulations to mothers are heard throughout the whole week; festive concerts and events are held in all corners of belarus. total in our almost 4,60,000 women live in the country, which is slightly more than 55% of the total adult population. well, now, let's try to create a general portrait of a belarusian mother; more than half of the fair sex are married, and they live in the city and have a higher education or secondary education. almost 50% of women have two children. the average age of a belarusian at the birth of a child is about 30 -odd years, at the birth of the first child the age is a little more than 27. by the way, our state
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occupies twenty-fifth position in the ranking of the most comfortable countries for motherhood, but about we will tell you this in more detail in the project belarus creators. well, for now, some more statistics. more than... 59% of working women aged 20 to 49 have minor children, of which more than half are raising one child, almost 34%. but about 9% of belarusian women are mothers of three or more children. but our next heroine already has 16 grandchildren, and now 13 more children are growing up. of course, we are talking about parents-educators, family-type homes, and in the capital there is also a children’s playground for orphans who, for some reason, were left without parental care, they are assigned to teachers and live in apartments for up to seven people, and those who give
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life and family happiness, daria rachko, what are the sweets, sweets, you did it all yourself, show us, at school, you are in did this at school, right? you are a flower, you did it yourself, there is a box with uh, an envelope and a bottle with a wish, with warmth and special love, they are worried, they give mom a gift, the turmoil in the house is only at first glance, the parents and educators, irina and ivan dzhukovic, correctly delegated responsibilities for everyone until one chops, the second mixes, and the third washes the dishes; there are 13 helpers in the kitchen. but you can’t go anywhere without your mother, the main thing is to give a command, to distribute what to whom, if you say what we are doing, i happen to be at home , otherwise they won’t cook it themselves, and if we make a new dish together and show it, they say that cooking is only a woman’s job, you're still helping, right? i don’t believe you, i don’t believe you can cook pie
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and cake, what can you already do, well , cook pasta, on saturdays sometimes like that, well, whoever is at home, everyone gets their own room, plus the common room helps, lessons help check, and we cook together, right? natalya vasilevskaya is a kindergarten teacher, this is an institution where children who are orphans or for some reason left without parental care end up, in such families there are usually up to seven people, yana, marina, ksyusha, kolya and roma are blood brothers and sisters, you often do you draw at all, often, oh, albums, paints, pencils, this is plasticine, this is mine, when homework is done, weekends, which of them draws from... beads plays chess, a master in his craft. ksyusha made a snowman, and this is in kindergarten, when we went to first grade
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, they study music professionally, invent their own, sing, blog , train, some at workout grounds, some in the gym, and pay attention to everyone, do their homework in difficult times, support and not forget about my hobby, and my children. they won't give it. oh, i love it so much, my husband loves to peel potatoes, he can sit down and clean the bucket in the morning, and i sit down at the machine, i don’t have to get up. for me, this is home, that is, i come home and i like to spend time with my family, but i ’m used to natalie yulina. for me it an irreplaceable person is a very special person. i also like the teacher, she is kind, beautiful, and once gave me a ring. hardworking. wonderful, i want to put kindness into the children, i want to put a real attitude towards life into the children, so that they grow up to be kind, decent, honest people, they know how to ask for forgiveness from each other, they
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know how to forgive, i think this is important, they know how to be merciful, they can help, even on the street, zhenya often comes, i helped my grandmother, they can be compassionate, i would like to wish her that... maybe maybe we upset her somehow, so that there is less of this and so that we always make her happy, always have a smile on her face, good health, so that she remains as young as now, the first sleepless nights, the first in polish, then the steps, fall, kindergarten, school and first extraterrestrial love, it’s once and for all, and how does mother know all this, how to behave, what to say, when they themselves... walked this path only with their mothers, our grandmothers, studied on mistakes in order to advise later,
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suggest, guide, teach us in time to be strong, overcome any obstacles and enjoy the little things from the entire team of the tv news agency, happy holiday, our dear, beloved, special, and of course, our women can be confident in achieving their long-awaited dream and becoming a mother, they have all the possibilities, they are helped in this, including the republican scientific and practical center for mother and child, all the best is collected here to provide medical... assistance to newborns to the expectant mothers themselves. new children's building intensive care unit, where babies with record low body weight are cared for, a fetal surgery department, where unique in utero operations are performed, and a bank of genetic material for iko has been formed. in short, we have all the latest treatment and diagnostic methods to give birth to a healthy child, and we also thank our doctors for this. watch the new series of the project belarus creating. republican mother and child center today immediately after
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the panorama with the result we came to 2.4 per mile infant mortality rate for in many countries, this is generally such a distant record. the most important thing in a successful resuscitation is teamwork. we are given very little time to bring a person back to life, up to 5 minutes, we do ivf for her, so i can say that this center not only helps to become parents, but also to give birth to healthy children, oh, you are good, i wanted i would wish our women to take care of themselves and not worry, we will try to cope with all the problems that may arise during
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pregnancy and help them with this. we we continue to monitor developments in the middle east; according to idf reports, the israeli army has begun to launch large-scale attacks on hamas targets in the gaza strip. all this footage has emerged of what is said to be ordinary egyptians crossing the border to deliver food, water and supplies to gazans. the head of the hamas politburo appealed to the un secretary with a request to influence the israeli authorities so that they do not complicate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the gas strip. tension remains on all fronts, the sides continue to exchange missile strikes. during the week of conflict , almost 1,500 people were killed on the israeli side. the death toll in the gas sector is already over 2,200.
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the escalation of the situation has resulted in mass demonstrations around the world, and rallies are being held in different countries in support of the two sides. hundreds of palestinian supporters gathered for a rally in times square. the demonstration was met with counter-protesters in support of israel, with some clashes. local media are reporting arrests. thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of italian cities in support. in rome, a peaceful demonstration was brutally stopped by security forces, crowds of palestinian supporters flooded central london, activists threw red paint at the entrance to the headquarters of bbc propagandists, and people took part in support of israel.
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in a show of solidarity with the jewish community , demonstrators gathered in vienna near the federal chancellery building. the conflict in the middle east was followed by the most violent world reaction, but the main dictator of poland, duda, showed maximum indifference. about emotions and information agenda of the passing week, yulia alferova will tell you. deepening cooperation and responding to the challenges of the global crisis. beshkak became a platform for global dialogue, hosting a meeting of the council of cis heads of state. for belarus, the key interest is the development of an economy with a wide scope from energy to innovation. i'm yulia alferova, i'll tell you the details and sum up this week. a meeting in kyrgyzstan in this composition, and this is the leader... of states, including the president of belarus, once again emphasizes that no one from the cis
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intends to follow the lead of the west, and today it is especially important to prevent disunity, the belarusian leader called on the participants to do this. today is the time. to more critically assess the situation in our community, and we should not bury our heads in the sand. we see that all the old conflicts that were thrown at us at one time inevitably come out with very sad consequences. there are enough successful examples in the work of the cis, this is confirmed by the rich agenda of the summit, including a number of important joint statements. today is the time to take steps towards expanding the zone of influence of the commonwealth and unity. upon membership in larger organizations, conditions from belarus: mutual support, partnership on the sco and brix fields, implementation of high-tech projects and development of new logistics schemes, today is of interest to all cis member countries, and as an opportunity to develop without fear of falling under secondary western sanctions. sanctions
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seem to have been imposed against some countries, but they also cause problems for the eac countries and other cis countries. last year, on the initiative of belarus , a working group was created in the cis: it is designed to strengthen the subtle places, the effect is already noticeable, over 8 months of this year, the volume of trade between belarus and the cis countries grew to $33 billion, which is 12.5% ​​more than a year earlier, while the economy of the once strongest union with the euro prefix, is relentlessly sliding downwards, anti-russian sanctions are boomeranging, europe is forced to overpay for oil and gas supplies. industrial production and personal incomes are falling, it is not surprising why the ruling social democratic party of germany was defeated in the regional elections parliaments, the party structure of the ruling party classes, it represents a huge corruption machine. unlike the post-soviet period, in times of crisis they are looking not
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for like-minded people, but for extreme ones. the scholz government, for example, due to the economic downturn, considered not only the consequences of the energy crisis, but the weakness of its main... trading partners. while they are dividing and figuring things out, belarus and russia have reached the highest level of integration construction in the post-soviet space. today we are talking about reducing costs reducing the cost of non-raw materials and non-energy exports to belarus; participation of our country in significant investment projects on preferential terms. providing assistance to belarusian companies that are ready to offer component equipment for russian enterprises that create... which now, from the point of view of import substitution, have export potential. over the past 2 months , belarus has received six delegations from russian regions, every week in minsk, one of the governors. this time there is a large delegation from siberia, where belarus has already has laid a solid foundation, for example, with the participation of bmk holding in the novosibirsk region they are modernizing the tram fleet and developing
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cooperation with belaz, and the localization of individual electric drives in belarus is also underway. today there is powerful cooperation. we just can’t allow it, now there is no extra money, duplication of production, agriculture, supply of quarry equipment - this is a base that we are ready to dilute today by realizing scientific potential. we have artificial intelligence development centers, including the academy town, under the regional government, of course, it is important to join forces with a powerful


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