tv [untitled] BELARUSTV October 17, 2023 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK
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[000:00:00;00] we were happy with the fractions, the joy of the day, the connection between the hour and the heat, just respect , the skin’s day is formed from tradition, the fall of the year is already... everything that was seen by the old-timers was so new, we ourselves are the same without respect, we pass on the knowledge and experience of the past , this is our smile, with a wave of the hand, and with such a familiar
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pose, simple, happy moments that form the sacramental traditions. we are trying to save our products, we appreciate the last minute for our current situation, belarus 24. political knockout, but it wasn’t like that, it’s us they invited the nazis into the canadian parliament, and then became theatrically sad, saying they didn’t know and didn’t guess, childish excuses, the prime minister, out of habit, will season it with the russian vector. trudeau made it clear that he does not intend to push this topic too hard, so as not to play along with russian propaganda. now it is very important that we all fight back against russian propaganda and russian
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so many facts, you can draw conclusions? we start from the birthplace of fascism, italy; it is from there that hitler’s ideology originates. the fuhrer wrote in his letter to musalini that without a black shirt there would not have been a brown shirt. by the way, black shirts are still not prohibited in ausonia, just like musalini’s hymns. duce’s granddaughter was what musalini’s supporters called her, for example, until 2020 she sat in the european parliament, being the founder of a neo-fascist party, from high tribunes declared that she was proud of her grandfather, and this is all in the 21st century, there was a campaign for the brussels mandate of his great-grandson, the dictator, although gaius julius caesar, this is his first and last name, did not win the elections,
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he himself blamed facebook for this. the platform blocked his pages for communicating with voters. alexandra musalini was especially disgraced at the end of the 2000s, when she said on the main tv channel of the country that it was better to be a fascist than a homosexual. also, the granddaughter of the main fascist has repeatedly stated that only my grandfather felt responsibility and love for italy. i will notably shake up alexander italy and the eu april 25 , 2016. this. liberation of italy from fascism, the woman said that this was not a holiday for her family, however, further, the fate of the ideological inspirer of the current prime minister george miloni took a completely fantastic vector. granddaughter benita musalini announced the end of her political career and admitted that her participation in the popular television program dancing with the stars prompted her to make this decision. it was a fantastic experience. i've never before i danced and did not take dance courses
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, in my... it was also an extreme experience, because i had to learn choreography from a professional, but it allowed me to discover many aspects of my own personality that i was not aware of and which... apparently were hidden, alesandra said in an interview. moreover, alesanra, who recently promised to wear a t-shirt with the inscription “hello grandfather” in the european parliament, has become an lgbt activist. such changes finally quarreled her with prime minister miloni, although this the lady also knows how to get into stories. on the anniversary of the memory of the residents of openin executed by the nazis, miloni made an appeal. 335 innocent italians were killed just because they were. the phrase caused wild scandals and calls for milone to resign. the reason, the politician deliberately, according to many, omitted the fact that those executed were partisans. of course, milo didn’t deny it, but here’s
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a list of her government. education minister paolo francinetti, a regular guest of the ss march. augusta mantara was spotted during a pilgrimage to musalini's tomb, or so claudio durigon, he even proposed to rename one of the central parks of rome. the leader of the italian left, nicola frotaiani , was surprised, these are people who never sympathized with the nazis, all this is not ridiculously dangerous. lorenza tambelli from the anti-fascist group annette wrote on his twitter: so a junior minister with a swastika on his hand can stop the anti-fascist constitution? italy has hit rock bottom. for such high-ranking people, their personal opinions are no longer just theirs in any case. this is still one way or another an example of the propaganda of these views, they somehow end up on the front pages of the newspaper or on the air, their position is therefore nothing more than support
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for where they go, be it the sss march, where education minister paolo franetti goes, or support for the ideas of musalini, claudio durigon, who wants to name a square or a street after musalini. there are still real heirs of the nazi regime; organizations in which runes, hitler’s anthems and symbols of the reich are popular, have their supporters throughout europe. in search of supporters, modern hitler lovers went to internet. imageboards and anonymous forums have become a free flower bed for a wide variety of views. few people know that at the same time, european radicals have chosen the anonymous messenger telegram. together with like-minded american people, they created a whole network in it. channels with funny pictures and discussions, where you can find anti-semitism with conspiracy theories, and conversations about racial superiority and dreams of a totalitarian state with ethnic cleansing. demolition of monuments, renaming of streets, relocation or
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cancellation of historical dates. all this historical madness today is thriving en masse , encouraged, at the official level, in poland, the baltic states, and of course ukraine. i believe that the modern european elite is in its own way. most of them tore off their masks and expressively shows how much the policies of nazism correspond to its spirit. calls from the authorities to demolish monuments to soviet soldiers-liberators are clear evidence that the modern european elite, in many ways, unfortunately, is the spiritual heir of nazism and the policies that carried out by the nazi reich. although, why be surprised, we remember where after the war the most notorious nazis quietly worked, former murderers of any rank were hired by the cia in batches. they headed units in nato and created radio liberty. just a couple of years after the nymer trial, the charges against many nazi criminals were completely dropped, which gave them the right to hold public office. the leaders of the third reich straight from prison dungeons
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returned to the german parliament. i believe in american exceptionalism with all my heart. barack obama liked to say this phrase at his rallies. it would seem simple. populism, but analysts are increasingly saying that the logic of thought in such words is as old as time, and we have already heard this somewhere. since 1945, more than a third of the un member states, namely 69 countries , have suffered to one degree or another from american policies of modern fascism, military invasion, overthrow of governments, suppression of popular movements, bombing sieges, tactfully called sanctions, and none of these cases couldn't do without... lies. i believe in american exceptionalism with every fiber of the soul. this statement by obama evokes the national fetishism of hitler's germany in the 1930s. the ideology of exceptionalism is the best way to brainwash . so many americans do not
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realize that the nazi war machine was destroyed by the red army at the cost of 13 million soldiers' lives. the rhetoric that the united states and its allies won the second world war has long been familiar to us. and this despite the fact that many businessmen, the same henry ford, sponsored the nazis to the last, it seems not so long ago many were confident that the ideas of the superiority of nations or states over others were a thing of the past, but modern geopolitics is rapidly erasing them. history lessons. it would seem that the world community, after the fall of nazi germany, realizing the danger of this phenomenon for humanity , will become much more vigilant and will no longer allow its revival. unfortunately, this is not the case. nazism, in qualitatively transformed, less perceptible forms, flourishes before our eyes, based on the idea of exclusivity, implying the rise of the people and the state, their history, culture, economy, against the background and at the expense of other peoples and in confirmation of another saying from
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the dance and party lover boris johnson, he has his own winners, his heroes, which is why the west won the second world war with its allies, by the way, with ukrainian help. of course, the americans and the british are more cunning than the italians in this regard, and no one walks around with a swastika on their shoulders. the ideas of superiority, as a characteristic feature of neo-nazi ideology, are most clearly today appear in the political and legal agenda of a number of pros. countries, primarily the usa. having put its own superiority in one form or another at the forefront, the united states consistently impedes the normal development of other states, purposefully slows down the processes of decolonization, and interferes in internal political affairs, thereby depriving them of the right to gain complete economic and cultural independence. but theirs in ukraine finally dispelled the myth of friendship and proved that their attitude towards us is no better than that of the nazis. such is that the russian does not europeans.
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mr. danilov clearly put it, they have a different culture, russian asians, ultimately they really came from the mongols, they really come from a group, mr. president, mr. deputy, people who want to be slaves and want to be led, as it was in the times of chungis khan, so i would like the rest of europe, the western world to understand that europe ends in ukraine, we defend european and western values in the same way as they did hundreds, thousands of years ago, when the mongols came, i don’t know every russian, i will say that what is happening in the kremlin and what every russian is doing, supporting the decisions of vladimir putin, it has nothing to do with people, they cannot be called people, in fact, they are enemies of humanity. and such rhetoric is not accidental. earlier, us senator linsey graham said that killing russians is the best thing american taxpayers' money has ever been spent on. the russian foreign ministry compared such rhetoric with views. it’s interesting that if you compare the specific formulations in
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documents of system-forming political parties in the united states, in the speeches of american political leaders with the views of the leaders of nazi germany, it is not difficult to detect the similarity of many semantic messages. in order not to be unfounded, here are a few specific examples. the quality of the german people is unique, i will never allow myself to be convinced that any other nation can become of better quality. i stand by my conviction. that our people, especially today with their constant racial improvement, represent the greatest possible value which exists anywhere on earth at present . the united states does not intend to apologize to anyone for defending american interests. why? because americans are the most outstanding nation on earth. we believe in american exceptionalism, we believe that the united states of america is unlike any other nation on the planet. we believe that america... is an exceptional country because of the role it
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has played in history, first as a country of refuge, then as a protector, and finally as a model of freedom for the rest of the world. after such, what is surprising, the public speech of american politicians, who indirectly supported the idea of nazism in her speeches and congresswoman mary miller, the woman said that hitler was right, after the scandal she added that she meant his view on the development of youth, it did not save much. real fascism today, it’s not with a swastika, it’s with the stars and stripes. modern america is essentially a fascist state that discriminates, oppresses, destroys the rest of the world, and today they declared the russians their enemies, they call for ethnic genocide of our people, this is absolutely unacceptable, this is absolutely unacceptable. according to experts, the ideology of exclusivity. the usa is nazism in a new form, which is aimed at leveling the aspirations of the international
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community to achieve a multipolar world, a vital system of world order for all humanity. poor and disadvantaged citizens should be sterilized; they produce low-quality offspring. such a story was proposed to be introduced in 2020 by galina tretyakova, head parliamentary committee on social policy. protecting the rights of veterans, and yes, we are talking about ukraine, and yes, a deputy from zelsky’s party, a servant of the people. meanwhile, jacob's third could very well have mentioned adolf hitler in this speech. who personally signed the law on the forced sterilization of disabled citizens. these included the homeless and vagabonds, the blind and deaf, those suffering from dementia, epilepsy and schizophrenia, as well as jews, africans, denishes and gypsies. to implement these measures , special courts were created, and the total number the violence carried out amounted to from
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300,000 to half a million people, many of whom died in concentration death camps. similar policies were practiced in other countries of the world, for example, in sweden or the usa; forced sterilization was carried out there until the sixties. such thoughts would probably appeal not only to zelski, more about him later, but to the head of poland, andrzej dudi. images from august 2022. on the right, the president of poland. duda not only laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers of the ukrainian insurgent army, but also... a knee to the banderaites. this has been quite common for many centuries, the political line of the polish elite, with the desire to somehow bend and twist in order to satisfy their interests at the expense of others.
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therefore, they are even ready for such a humiliation of their own historical memory, and in order to win something, and they want to win , of course, at the expense of... the same ukraine that they allegedly support, they are interested in ukraine as suffered as much as possible in the conflict with russia, then they there will be more chances to chop something off from ukraine. but the matter is not only in duda, because in general the society of the same poland and the baltic states, through the leadership of the country, is brought up with the idea that the nazis are heroes and this is not a propaganda stamp, an excerpt from material from 2005. lithuanian nazism. is developing due to russophobic incitement by his american proteges in the lithuanian leadership, led by president adamkus, this former soldier of hitler's wehrmacht during the great patriotic war, an american officer military intelligence in the post-war period now serves us and nato aggression against russia.
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it was for this purpose that he himself personally led the anti-russian hysteria about the soviet occupation of lithuania, under the screen of which the true face of lithuania is hidden. with its many years of bloody history, written almost 20 years ago, you don’t find everything the same as today, finally vladimirsky and the failure in the canadian parliament, they tried to hush up the matter, they even accused the ukrainian diaspora in canada, saying that those bought by the kremlin organized a provocation with yaroslav gunki, the nazi. problems are coming, we're sure even ukrainian experts, where there are no independent ones left. it was not the ukrainian side that brought this man to the canadians, but in the end this is a serious, painful mistake that plays into the hands of the russian information machine. the way the media picked up this story and began to spin it showed that
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a strong tendency had formed to present news from ukraine and about ukraine in a critical manner. i think that the main reason for this is the lack of serious successes in the counter-offensive, new accusations of corruption and public criticism our allies in kiev on these and other occasions, this has formed a general tone and is alarming. by the way, at the time of recording the program, there was no clear reaction from the office of the president of ukraine, but keeping in mind the endless string of chevrons of the sss on the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine and proposals to sterilize ukrainians, it seems that zelsky and company apparently have nothing to apologize for, i hope now
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you too . it will be clear, happy. after the initiation of a criminal case, we decided that it was necessary not only in information terms to cover the progress investigations, with the help of the media, but also to present those facts and archival documents, plus testimony, in some publication, so in this way... an idea arose, this idea was implemented. in 2021, we prepared the first edition of the prosecutor general's office, and it was published in the twenty-first year. and the publication was very popular, several editions were published,
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all the books were sold out, so we, seeing the great popularity among our population, have already moved on to preparing the second edition, in which focused on death camps, on the extermination of our population in death camps, these are consul camps, these are prisons, places of forced detention... and so on. in these editions, both the first and the second, precisely those archival documents are published that have never been published before , which are new facts, these are circumstances that were not previously known, not only archival documents, here we present excerpts from testimony witnesses, excerpts of documents, including german captured ones, facts of mass destruction
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population, these documents were essentially in the archives for decades thanks to the work of prosecutors , we picked up these documents, studied them and included them in the materials - books, unfortunately, we could not publish all of them, there are a lot of documents, so we tried to make them more significant and interesting and so that the reader can objectively... evaluate the picture that happened, that is , nothing is far-fetched, specific facts, these books are intended for a wide audience, and i would like to note that this publication is also is very popular outside our country, and we receive feedback, including from a number of prosecutors general, commonwealth countries, as well as the european union, and the fact that the publication is really relevant, it is interesting and you know, it is timely, in fact, well, in the course investigations of such cases of genocide of the belarusian people, have you turned
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to foreign colleagues for help, what is it like, is there this feedback, do they respond, how willingly? naturally, the russian federation readily responds, because this is our common pain, this is our common tragedy of our peoples, except the russian federation, we receive answers and feedback from the german side providing us with the materials that we request regarding our neighboring states, the baltic countries, poland, unfortunately, they officially refused to provide us with any information, in general we sent a lot of instructions, more than 90 to dozens of countries around the world, the countries of latin america, in principle, cooperate with us, we correspond with him, we
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talk about the production enterprises of our country. the most important quality of our products is that they are made from natural raw materials, we have a large assortment, condensed milk with sugar, with all sorts of fillers, coffee, chicory, purposeful people united by one common goal. they are capable of many things. we share their development history and achievements. everything that is produced by our enterprise today is appreciated, it is very high. the maximum monthly production volume of cans can reach up to 25 million cans per month, we want to introduce some additional capsule lines so that we can attract more number of buyers. as a rule, only the best is said about our products. watch in the program: quality mark on our
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