tv [untitled] BELARUSTV October 21, 2023 5:55am-6:26am MSK
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we bring it to you, travel with us on the belarus 24 tv channel. we have forgotten how to enjoy the little things, be surprised, feel the connection between generations, and simply notice. but every day is made up of tradition, today is a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, without noticing it ourselves, we pass on knowledge and experience through generations, it’s in our smile, the waves of our hands, in such a familiar way in our opinion
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hello, father sergei. hello, olya , a little over a year since you were appointed to obedience, or the position of first vice-rector of the institute of theology of bsu, how have you settled in, as they say, in this obedience in this place? no, probably not, because, well, i don’t even know what you mean, settled in, yes, because i have an association. now i can sit down calmly and watch how it all spins and spins by itself, there is no such thing, because the institute of theology is quite like that in itself this is a complex, in a sense, fragile structure, so you need to be very attentive to where and how it is developing , on the other hand, the presence of the institute of theology in the belgus university complex also obliges a lot, and then there will be very
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wide circles, where the institute of theology fits in, this is the church, this is the whole society with which we interact, so to settle in like this, to exhale like this and say, well, that’s it, everything is fine now, no, this didn’t happen, i must say here, then, that i have not been at the institute of theology for a year, that is, there were years when i taught, when i held various positions at the institute, but of course it was not at all the same as now, because now it is such... this is a huge responsibility for the institute, and so it turns out that, of course, you begin to feel more strongly some levers with the help of which the management of the institute takes place , but the further you go, the more prospects open up for what the institute of theology is called upon to do, because it was once created according to initiative of the metropolitan
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filoretta, and this is a personality, well, of such a spiritual, intellectual scale, so that somehow his work grows, or even not grows, but simply gets realized, then he needs to rise to the scale of these personalities, before he saw the place of the church in the modern world, and what education is, that is, you understand, we take all kinds of people to the institute, this requires such a specific , vigilant, attentive attitude towards everyone, because we cannot say, say that you entered the institute theology, you are not familiar with the basics of doctrine, this means that there will be further measures to prevent admission, expulsion, no, there is a person who has entered, and you would like to live with him for these 4 years of a bachelor’s degree, 2 years of a master’s degree, and live in such a way that this is all that is taught here , everything that is revealed here, it became familiar to him, and this created him as a person, a person who is still in his freedom...
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makes a decision whether to grow in orthodoxy or to be primarily such an external researcher of religion, well and you know, it’s not easy, but it’s very interesting. institute of theology bgsu. what kind of educational institution is this, what basic disciplines does it teach here? this is an institution of higher education, yes, that is, this is an institution where secular disciplines are taught, which are mandatory for many other institutions of higher education, but at the same time, the specificity of our institution is precisely the subject, yes, this is theology, and we teach here to the children, who graduate with a degree in theology and religion. that is, they also study a religious complex of disciplines, and this gives them the opportunity to subsequently find a job for a wide variety of positions, yes, well, simply for the reason that religion, in general, on the one hand, is clearly very localized in some church institutions,
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yes, that is, that’s what it’s about, yes, this is a church, this is a church , mosque, synagogue, whatever you want, but on the other hand, there are many people who simply live and work in their profession. yes, in general, there are also many issues related to religions, yes, this is management, this is education and teaching, these are some things related to journalism, if you like, yes, that is, because for a huge number of residents of belarus, religion is significant, since our institute trains specialists who have a little understanding of this, and, moreover, in different religions, disciplines are taught accordingly. that is, we study the traditions of different religions, we study what the psychology of religion is, that is, how it is that a person is a believer, what is in his soul, what is going on in his head, the sociology of religion, how society reacts to religious institutions, and how do people position themselves in society, yes, who are they?
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leaders, who are simple, that means followers, and so on and so forth, a lot of attention is paid to history, i mean world history, the history of belarus, and church history, it seems to me that the task of our institute is to form a certain taste in a person religious view of life, yes, that is, it is clear that the world is colorful and diverse, and diversity lies not only in what you look at, but in how you look, yes, our task is to teach this one the question is, how do you look, look with god’s gaze like that. yes, look and see what the meaning is in history, yes, you are studying some work of art, and what is the religious meaning of this, because there are a lot of such implicit, latent religious references in our culture, and well,
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they should to be specialists who can read, simply understand all these things, that ’s what this leads us to, well, that’s why our guys, these are the guys who can... it’s good in theory to think critically, be able analyze, and they clearly know their position regarding religiosity, who are they? the institute of theology, at first glance , implies spiritual education, bsu, in turn, is a secular educational institution, and the institute of theology bsu is a secular or spiritual educational institution, what type of diplomas do graduates receive? graduates of the institute of theology receive a state diploma, a diploma from the belarusian state university, and this is very important, it is important for the university that it is a full-fledged university in including, because historically
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, any university assumed the study of theology, in this sense, bsu is a university with a capital letter, and the diploma that we issue is a state diploma, therefore, our institute is secular, and i think it is very it is important to emphasize that for a long time now we have distinguished the concept of secularism from the concept of atheism, yes, that is, secular does not mean that you are an atheist, bgu, secular university, it means that they teach here, well, the whole range of disciplines that taught in universities, i have already said that, within the framework of our specifics , we nevertheless retain university -wide ones, which are taught according to programs approved by the relevant government structures , and that is, we cannot say so volunistically, but now we will be there some kind to teach political science that’s how we want to be there , yes, that is, we study such a complex of such
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disciplines, at the same time, i repeat , yes, that is, theology is about god, it’s about god, and i believe you can talk about god, you know, within the framework here are comparisons of some traditions studied there and here are doctrinal systems, but it is impossible to remain indifferent and personally not included in the understanding. besides, how am i with god, and what is my relationship with christ? in this sense, the institute of theology asks the question: who are you? man, how are you included in the disciplines you study? one way or another, any discipline , it connects a person, shapes his worldview, that is, a physicist, it is clear, yes, that he still graduates from some physics department, he also develops worldview, but in principle an objective orientation.
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it does not require some kind of personal, some kind of worldview factors from the student, but with us it’s different, we always turn to the fact that you, how you, as a person, as a person, understand when studying this or that aspects of theology, so you see, our institute is a synthesis of the spiritual and secular, but it seems to me, you know how, if you allow a little of this theology. yes, because in principle, the lord jesus christ is god who became man, he is like god, he so he is this very spiritual being, having become a man, he accepts all these human circumstances , in fact, the miracle of the life of jesus christ is the miracle of the meeting of the divine and the human, and i really want to believe that the institute of theology is in this in a sense, this is also a meeting of such a spiritual thing, when we... we remain faithful to our tradition, when we love our tradition, but at the same time, from within
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this love we are not afraid to be open to others, yes, we wonder who you are, we i wonder how you live, and we, having all the resources to scientifically, objectively study various religious traditions, we at the same time understand that this study, it not only presupposes some kind of position for the scientist, but it is like would stimulate one to ask the question: yes, i studied this, that, that, well, but i have some kind of tradition of mine, relatively speaking, what is my spiritual homeland, yes, based on what prerequisites, i analyze certain religious phenomena, and that this is secularism, yes, this is secularism is spirituality, this is an opportunity for spiritual growth, so it’s good for us , i wonder, since we have officially determined that the university is secular, is there a place for such teenage pranks, student adventures, or
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is there more spirituality here in students? oh, you know, you are pushing me to reveal such things , which even those interviews were created for revelation , yes, of course, we have living guys who study, who have some living interests, and these living interests, they are concern not only you know such pious spiritual things, often these are ordinary , some kind of passionate, teenage things, it happens, we also try to treat this with understanding and somehow still educate and say where something can be accepted and where you can save it, and where, listen, just try again, and you will get it, but at the same time, the institute of theology is a place of creativity, yes, that’s why we have a lot of such creative things that... you know how, they ask direction for creative self-realization, well, that is, there is
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well, we have an absolutely amazing musical group , yes, moreover, i remember how our already graduated guys told me how they once began to take part in some secular competitions in the big bsu, and you know, well, too now is the time when a lot of guys have already... gone through sunday schools, their grandmothers are believers, yes, they are somehow involved in the tradition, yes, that’s it, but for many this is some kind of somewhere a collision with religion, it was so traumatic and somehow, because of this, i want to push myself away, here are some guys coming to bsu who seem to look the same as us, idiots, excuse me, but suddenly it turns out that this is an institute of theology, so the guys are sharing , they say that we are leaving right there and... some shouts start from the hall there such that this is what this is, what kind of theology, so i listened to my
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guys, it just began to boil inside me, i think, how would i reacted there, i have no idea, yes, but guys, give them the due, here we come, we started and we will finish, they they did a high-quality, beautiful performance, you understand how, that’s what it is, it’s no longer a prank, yes, that is, they come out with creativity, they are faced with reality... perception, yes, and here they grow up and understand that this is reality of this life, for some you evoke delight and admiration, and for others, dislike, yes , this is what is here... god himself gives these conditions so that we can see that this life, it is real, well, just sitting at a desk and studying some things related to the history of the church or something like that help of buddhism, well, you are not fully realized as a person with creative potential, we also have a direction on how people can somehow express themselves somewhere in this, that is, we
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now have such a group of balance, when our the guys learn according to this logic: peer to peer, yes, convey to the junior students how they can adapt to life in the city, for those who came from somewhere other than minsk, yes, how can they even adapt to this new format training, yes, that is, not school, but it’s different here, what’s it like to live in a dorm not with dad, with mom, with people who often seem to you like some kind of little animals there, yes, all sorts of different things and it’s one thing that the teacher there will say something or a supervisor, but it’s another thing when a senior student, possessing training skills, yes, he can help you somehow find contact with your classmates, with the administration and generally fit into this life, well, somehow more or less adequately, without getting into trouble , yes, confidently, and we are learning about this, and this too
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you see, this is also about creativity, yes, it’s also about how the guys realize themselves, well, besides, you know, no one is closing the forest, no one is closing the sport, that is, we are there and there and there, that is, the guys lively, interesting, creative, intellectually challenging, that is, they ask questions , are interested, when you give them the opportunity to ask, when they understand that you hear them, yes, that we don’t just give ready-made answers, yes, and what yes, don’t be afraid to show up fool, don't be afraid, we've all been through this once, if you don't dare ask your stupid questions, you will never find smart answers, yes, that's why. well, i want to believe that the institute, well, at least, i want to believe that we create an atmosphere, yes, where, where people want to find themselves and share the fruits of this search and finding themselves, and in general interest in the institute of theology, does it exist, does it not fade over the years, how
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many people want it from each admission campaign, there is one thing for those who want it, and another thing is a clear regulation that we must fit into, in recent years we have been accepting... on a basis, here i must say that, after all , the institute of theology is a rather unusual phenomenon in belarus, that is, i understand your previous question, so who are you, secular or are you spiritual, because people of the church, they understand what a seminary is, and so the boys are there, but you simply want the spiritual, here you go, a seminary, the good thing is that we have and... in minsk in zherovichi, there is a theological school, and more than one in the republic, but to enroll, an institute of theology, as far as they go adequate for such growth in church life, and for the secular world too, what kind of theology, and in general what is this, why a clash of cultures, i have no idea, so we still have to work and work to make people know about us, and
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here we are counting word of mouth, yes, that is, with us. .. this year marks 30 years since this secular theological education has existed in the republic, soon we will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of how we are in the structure of bsu as an institute of theology, during this time, well, a sufficient number of our graduates, these graduates are here you see, they have already created some kind of layer, yes, people who, you know, like this was made in, yes, done at the institute... these are the guys who, you know, have such a specific kind of boldness, yes, on the one hand, they are freedom-loving people, on the other hand, guys who felt, well, some kind of joy of belonging to the church, i love everything, here this is my church, this is my parish, yes, this synthesis, it’s
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attractive, yes, that’s why it’s often very, when our guys, graduates find themselves at... school as teachers, or they lead some kind of additional classes, they somehow share what kind of education they have, yes, you can’t escape yourself, however, this is a certain view of things that we talked about above, this is also is present, and sooner or later , well, somehow it shines through, the fact that i am a graduate of the institute of theology, so i would not say that we have some kind of excitement, right? moreover, to be honest, i would like, of course, we aroused much more interest, but these demographic, objective laws, yes, there are some issues related to the economic situation in the country, and other other things that are independent of institutional science, they also let us know, so our admissions companies, so we are working to ensure that
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our and career guidance was somehow at a higher level like this, so that the distribution would also be clear and understandable, and where the guys can then go, and so that the very stay here at the institute would also be such that you would want to come to us and say, let’s do it the guys wanted to come and... us to study, this is just a question about distribution, you said, you have already outlined a little what specialties there may be, but if we talk about distribution, where do the guys go most often? today, most of the guys go to educational institutions, yes, as a rule, secondary, there are requests for colleges , and some go to universities, yes, well, these are just a few, those who already receive... in-depth education in the master's degree and further, now all these issues with distribution are becoming tougher, yes, who goes where,
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therefore, the question for us is that we formally have the right to be assigned not only to schools, yes, our hope is that we will succeed, then, well, really, it would be very cool in my opinion if we had graduates who are also with a microphone. in their hands, knowing what interruption is, knowing what a lens is, they can be like journalists of their height and make excellent reports on religious topics, i think that it would be very cool if, for example, in libraries, yes, well at least level some regional one there, yes, there were several people, graduates, with our education, who would know how to form a library collection, and what kind of contribution there should be from the spiritual side. literature, because people have such a need, because people read it, and they study it, in principle, in my opinion, well, i try to voice this wherever possible,
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well, i’ll also share with you, yes, that in general in belarus we have a huge number of people who consider themselves one way or another, well, religiously identified, yes, then there are these orthodox christians, these catholics, jews, muslims and so on, so on, so on, but in reality. then it trains specialists who will somehow professionally study this religious area, there are none, yes, that is, there are those who graduate from the faculty of science, they know something about the history of religion there, yes, there are those who are sociologists and they also studied something about religion somewhere, well, these are grains more often than not, these are grains, yes, these are grains, and where are the specialists for whom this will be their daily bread, moreover, we know that right now the constitution, which is now being discussed , the concept of national security, yes, more and more attention is being paid to spiritual, spiritual and moral issues, issues of traditional values, yes, but what is this?
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and it’s like something that goes without saying, yes, well, it’s so, only until you think about it, and when you think about it , a huge number of questions arise, yes, so what is this, what are our traditional values, yes, we usually talk about this, you know, and so, starting critically from the west, yes, but you won’t last that long, that is, remember, as in the film , who are you friends with, that is, this self-understanding based on criticism, not even on criticism, on repulsion, yes, on disdain, it does not form in the long term nothing integral, you need to understand, but who are we, and what are these spiritual values of ours, yes, and it seems to me that it would be very important that - well, we, the administration, of the institute of theology, so that our university also sees , understood how the institute could actually benefit society, here we are
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now we are working to ensure that we have such a scientific research center for the study of modern religions, where there is something like this in the country, but this should be, you know, these are professionals, and until we have this in our country ... this is such a clear attitude to this topic, it seems to me that it is, this is all this topic, it will develop, you know, as if from case to case, so somehow sporadically, well, you should have some kind of consultant who will tell you about this, and who will somehow guide you, well and simple things, too, there are just people working at the factory, well, they go somewhere to eat, just imagine, he considers himself an orthodox person there, he went into the dining room, and then, among other things, somewhere there is a sign... he or he doesn’t want to, that will be his choice, but look, to him, it means that the administration showed respect internally.
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things, yesterday he went with his beloved wife, went to confession, took communion, and today he comes here to work, look, here they know that there is some kind of religious tradition, if you want, please, and then there’s some holiday that’s not as significant as easter, yes, but something smaller, yes, there’s the veil of the mother of god, someone took it and also there in this local newspaper i congratulated you on mother’s day with the coverings, well, it’s nice, and this is at the plant, at the factory in... everything is there, yes, this is also taken into account and this is also included at such a moment in public life, we immediately get much more serious factors of consolidation and i would like, yes, that gradually, gradually we could have these to train specialists, yes, who could advise in this area of religious life, not intrusively, yes , just like a professional, i believe that at least, here’s a guarantee...
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they could just perform this in this educational nationwide here is the scale, here is the function of suppliers of literate personnel in the field of religion. at the very heart of the village of faith, sergei mausisyan gave his superiority, there are some good topics for dissolving his great wealth. for example, yago way and religion, asensavanga life. and how we have been thematic for the year 2020, kali the work of the community was carried out extensively with students, conducting interviews on new issues of the power of faith.
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secrets of good morning and good mood. good morning belarus. if they ask us how to get to the library, albeit at 2:00 am, then we will answer how to get there. mommy, come on, he shouts, yes, meeting amazing people, how many clubs do we need? to begin with, the club can be one, two, three, depending on the level of the game, if this club is in an irritated state, but what should i do, develop barefoot, i can, you see, i have a different profession, otherwise i will be a test subject now; nothing will work out, and i will be ashamed in front of tv viewers, you should try anyway, and there is also a lot of useful and
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interesting information, the chinese are very kind, they are like us, zhenya, but how will it work out, for the first time in our lives, we make a wish, and how many dogs in general are there up to the maximum number you had during your service, but how can we let him go now, so trembling? look, good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, on the tv channel belarus 24. in the new project, cultural appreciation, we remember folk traditions. according to the tradition of belarusian bread... this is the soul of the belarusian people, the scales of rubyazhevichy on sunny days want the traditional production of grains, and we also turn to the hysterical past, all this is pabudova, yana is illuminated by the punishment of mindaug, the first one anavanamu karala, dzyakuyuchy to whom the current appeared our country is belarus, because national self-awareness begins with
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knowledge. your carney. geta is so outstanding that at the prykladze adnago month you can swim for an hour. there was spachatku garadzishcha, then zamak, and then zeinichaya tsarkva. our country, belarus, was famous for such noble people, and there we developed a great standard of government. watch on tv channel belarus 24. every day we experience a million emotions, we can be happy, angry. to be surprised, to be sad, sometimes our emotions are beyond our control, but music, music expresses our emotions much more strongly, this emotional force literally takes us by the soul, having already entered us, it becomes an integral puzzle of life.
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