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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  October 28, 2023 1:15pm-1:25pm MSK

1:15 pm
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rome, year 1522, the pious italian suns, the lands of the eternal city, the hand of a man from a distant land draws riffled radii onto paper. eight of them are standing at the gushchara. barozhyts, what will happen, how much we drink, we drink in song. who is there in the forest, who is becoming the gallant hero of this great creation, and who is the author of the poem? it turned out that we don’t know anything about mikola gusovsk. my personal profile has been lost in the archives of history, and the creators themselves give new clues. 500 forests and illegal cannons remained on the belarusian lands. a
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here is the forest, there is a burning place, this was not just a hobby for the amatar of the forest pragulaks , but not, the burning place in that hour lives, the magic is true to itself, its hiding and abundance. karacei is an analogue of all modern sports. and of course, there were special people who used the argan oil, and they were deceivers. their abavyazak sachyts behind the parades at the tykh lyasah, and even now the vyalik prince himself with his saint. one of these children has a son, mikola, in 1470. mabyts was blessed with the same name of gusava. and all this is so interesting? varyantau shmat. geese are everywhere in our area. there are at least three different regions of present-day belarus on the ganarov tytul of the small radzima mikola gusovskaga: inyomansky region and dnyaproskiy and the villages of the belavezhskaya pushcha. cotton's wound is hurting my father.
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the burning place is a magical paradise in the vyalik principality. all the youth of the ancestral nation have cannons with bows, cannons, folk wisdom and various jumps. father's son's education , however, duremna, mikola does not apply for family rights. the old traps would be in shock, ale tatava veda spatrabyatstsa pit sweat. the lad was vabila adukatsiya. from illegal belarusian lines, mikola is cleared from krakow. vitay. yageronskiy ўniversitet, then the signs of balonskiy ўniversіtet. she is already a master of rhetoric, and in difficult times, a doctor of philosophical sciences. napevna, father's ganary is about to take off her son. ale gusowskaga pointed at radzima. yon vartaetstsa i take the pasada natarys. it’s not the same as if it’s tsikavaya, but you’re lying, you know it’s not good. and then it’s an hour away. it's been a long time already. so i would have sat down with the clerk. diving other people's papers and stuff
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zen, if we don’t sustrev chalavek, as we look at the scale of my talent, extracted from the office, show the light to the light, and the light to the light. dabradzey gusovskaga became erasmus tselak, no more, no less, sakrtar of the princely office. yon inadvertently confiscated the folded smoke-filled gifts, indicating the pasolsk mission to europe. at the end of the day, erasmus requests and kola gusovskaga will be on the streets of rome for all eternity, the city, pizza, espresa, football will be just a few hundred years old, and the last hours of the gala fun zhikharov ryma were on the streets bai bukov people the noble italians took care of our delegation on this occasion. señors, you see, how stealthy our asilki are in advocating for a bull, why don’t they adjudicate? syarod paslov z on'.
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visla, smoke gap. the court, yes, well, on the right is that we haven’t published anything new there, and that’s it, i look at the bull crazy. kudzhan pains and glazes of fish from the fishery from ours say that this is how it is in bison fishing. the admonishment of gassy pra blavanna on the mighty beast, like the valadars in the cannons of the vyalikag principality, the zatsikavі of the fast-living italians. tym pains, our great meats, yana then they knew nothing. historic daishla and the pope himself. less than 10 medical workers would be intrigued. what geta for kalmaty volati vodziatstsa. principality of lithuania. our smoke bombs pastanavil adkazat pantyfika flared up, with a jumping paetichny radik. they began to grow up to be specialists in bison. there are all the gusovskis and young bastards jumping around here. yong, the son of a fireman, as from the dzyatsinstvo of the great fishermen
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. who sculpts for iago raspavyadze pra geta. mikalai with the impets byaretstsa for five and to the full the hutka paema is completed. yashche b rym. sonza italy is a savory hedgehog, the spirit of the minulaga, and yes, all the kalyska is adradzhenya, i will be the most luscious. krynits for the creation of richness. the gusovskis would not be sraudnym paets if they slept only on the completed apisanny of the unknown in the frame of the beast. and i understand that this tsikavostka is a good blessing for spreading to the whole world the right of any land, and the great people that inhabit it. rhyming latvian words, mikola. i wonder how our land can overcome the heat of western europe? naypersh, with the charisma of an unquenchable nature, and assembling lasami, on there were no such people anymore, they grew up.
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don’t know the ugly volata, the pine tree, the snow below, the nature has given us the gift of nature, the watering of the groins of the colors of the forest forests, the beloved month of the walk on the walk, the games, the piss, not only the nature, as well as people, spells and brethren of different powers and culture of the european peoples, and the years and justice of the inner city, revealing the unsettled powers that lead to their ambitions, and not the agul selfishness and the rising prominence of the supra-nationally important chy. o most holy pure panna marya, give me a listen to our little ones, to the army of the unlucky, the time of our beasts on... our new ones for the war, the cruel one, the people of the world, praising the mars. the paema was planned to be grand and effective . oyavіtse, urochistaya hall ў vatykan, our smoke chambers carry out the pope of the roman
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kalmaty stuffed dziўnaga beast and we guarantee the completion of the work of righteousness. here, like thunder , the news of aborted death thundered across the clear italian sky. the situation in rome was changing, and the new pope adryan i zubrov had no answer. cyrymonia was administrated. that one didn't get better for a year and the guardian of husovskag erasmus celak, who lived through tragic losses, came to krakow. yong may tsvyordy intends to continue to oversize his creation. this is what we write: and all the old padrymians of the karalian bonesforts were already in 1523 from varstat. krakauskaya drukarni are smoking yago arkusha. the book did not become a bestseller, did not take up much space in books, in villages and in monasteries. it was important to purchase an electronic device that could read on the lapel. the forest and the forest of gusouska itself are not so
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happy. i packed the healthy berries. paet hvareў to paralyze the legs, but the spirit of the yagon would not be from the carons, and the folding of the top is correct, although it is not high. tsanii himself. i would greedily and often write, except as it seems, i don’t know any good material. i only write new things. it's time to pray. the creation and the beginning of our life has been forgotten. only at the end of the 19th century, at the library meetings of the yagilonskaga university, apantans passed from the past to the famous dusty companion of the unknown book. it is taken into account that the holes were dug out on... the lapels and it is understood that sacred pearl. at the same time, today , copies of the pershaga issued by the song of the prabra can be used lethally on the fingers. let's create another breath. dzyakuyuchy translation into belarusian. it is a fact that in
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the kingdom of lithuania there were bright and enlightened people who wrote brilliantly in the latvian language. we will have our own renaissance and patch up our centuries. and the local sapraudny patryots. the paema became the first completed work from our land, written for the european reader. some radics in the sky themselves are asking for travel booklets.


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