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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 11, 2023 11:30pm-12:41am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] at least many, those who are even adequate people, simply because of a lack of information they judge on the surface, so russia sent troops to ukraine, everything is going wrong, now at least they will at least think about it and dig into something prehistory and fresh, and the same war in donbass, so maybe they will figure it out, but the most important thing is that at least we have an argument to counter the fact that guys, look, they laugh at us when we speak , we didn’t... start to fight and this is not a war, a special operation there is and so on, now we can say, look, there’s a war over there, look , there’s the gas sector, well, that is, we haven’t really started fighting yet, well, here it is, it’s me, i gave an example of how we say, yes, then on the one hand, this also sounds too propagandistic, because well, they didn’t start fighting, you don’t understand perfectly well, we don’t need to be embarrassed by the fact that we propagandists sometimes say and what needs to be said, no, i mean apparently, propaganda
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works until it becomes obvious. there must be propaganda, this is aerobatics journalism, yes, but there is no need to add pathos to this process, as if to prevent it from becoming, here is another point, the new speaker of the us congress, johnson, yes, yes, who clearly stated the division of military assistance packages to ukraine and israel, biden there is going to veto such a decision, yes, this moment, without new weapons and financial influences. how viable is the zelsky regime, how viable is this war then from ukraine’s side? well, here ’s the moment, of course israel will pull back the aid that was supposed to go to ukraine, this well, this is obvious, and financially in terms of ammunition and the like, now we will not immediately notice it at the front, but i think in the near future it will be noticeable
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directly at the front line. yes, but uh, about the zelinsky regime, how dangerous it is for him, they are helpless, of course , without finances and without support, without nato technologies, without nato intelligence and so on, well , there would be no ukraine anymore, well, this is obvious, back in ukraine would not have existed that year, that is, even in open sources there are western documents, let’s say there were publications when the delta was hacked, here the publication was on ... nato documents, which in english target designation, there is engels airport, an airfield, and so on, that is, targeting not only in the zone of a special military operation, but also throughout russia, delta is a system of command and control of troops, a system of command and control of troops, yes, which was developed, well, supposedly by ukrainian volunteers together with american ones, who developed it, yes , who implemented it, yes, yes, this is a very
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effective system, there in this system also, all the intelligence data that nato obtains is sent there, and they are also driven there, that is, all nato intelligence, the entire satellite constellation, and so on, it works for ukraine, that is, here you need to understand that the importance is not only in weapons , technology, the importance is also in intelligence, that is, when you promptly identify the enemy’s actions, the enemy’s plan , and the like, that is, when for you... all the enemy’s actions become as transparent as possible, but nato intelligence allows ukraine to understand and see everything, then there is any movement of ours, naturally, although it’s worth paying tribute to our avdeevka operation, the offensive that is now underway, which began on october 10, it began unnoticed by the enemy, this is a huge plus, they were able to do it as if just on wheels,
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like would go into battle. without quartering, without creating any unnecessary movements. okay, daniil, since you are on the agenda, and whatever the topic, in ukraine the power changed several times as a result of coups, and such, yes, good, high-quality political technologies, in including the legal chaos in makhachkala that happened recently, yes, a scheme familiar to every belarusian, this was also provoked with the help of social networks, including from the territory of ukraine, right? who really, in your opinion, is behind this latest attempt to shake up the russian caucasus, well, everything is obvious here in principle, but who is, initially, if we
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take, here’s the hierarchy... which is used as a tool by ukrainian information-psychological units and trains i understand that they are supervised and financed, of course. financing. very large, there are even some documents with estimates in open sources, that’s where, let’s say, one of the tactical groups of the freelance seventy -second center, that is, this is a separate freelance unit that simply carries out tasks that consist of ten people, among other things, in as logistics support, they have a new cruiser 200 freelance requirement. man, there must be a land cruzer 200 there, and there are 10 such units of freelance groups in the second center, three more
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there are approximately the same number of centers, that is, it’s very easy to imagine just from one estimate what kind of funding there is, and of course , since 2015 they have been conducting information operations of various natures on the territory of belarus and on the territory of belarus, no doubt about it, well in open sources already... there is, in principle, belarus, but let’s say, in the belgorsk region, in my opinion, they carried out an operation in order to discredit law enforcement officers, in different regions they carry out, for example, city quests, like in donetsk, well, in the donbass they carried out operation reif, they are also in the regions, most likely in the republic of belarus too, what does this mean, they involve young people, schoolchildren, some quests are related to the fact that you need to reach the finals, to the final point, yes, you arrived at the monument, there you found a piece of the map, they tell you where to go, whoever arrived first
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won, and then you just complete the task, take a photo of house 5 there, on lenin street, dawn at the stadium and something else, a monument and so on, then i’ll take a photo of the urals, and our ural vehicles are only military. yes, here in donetsk, for example, i’ll take a photo there of the place where the shell landed, here in your area and a military unit in your area, to show that in fact the ukrainian bastards are shelling civilians, not military targets, and people, a young schoolboy, such a good task , a game way of learning, just yes, and then those who are the most active, who score the most points, plus there is financial reward, say what to do next, burning schemes, burn it. burn this car, but no, i don’t want to burn it, well, look, these are the photos you sent us, you see, the ural is a military vehicle, and there’s also a military one standing there, you see, this is a military unit, this is a military facility, you
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sent to us, yes, you have the mgb there, you know, i heard that in the basement there is simply terrible torture, yes, and these are other operations of the ukrainian ipso, that in the basements there is torture with electricity and so on, public opinion has already been formed, yes well, partly they say: that means you will get paid for it or burn the car money there are new points and we won’t tell anyone about it, and if you refuse , we’ll send you to the basement, now we’ll send this mgb of yours with your data, and you’ll go to the basement, or you’ll just still earn money, put you in the car, no one will get hurt, yes, the young man thinks, damn it, okay, why burn the car, okay, i’ll burn the cameras, no, well, for example, someone will fall for it, no, well, there will be more next tasks, typical technologies, they just do them well. anyway, returning to to our friend zelsky, he also came to power thanks to these beautiful pr technologies, in the nineteenth the image won, yes, yes, which was formed, so handsome, young, yes, so active,
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creative, jumping, kissing there in the jump directly with voters, pr technology won , not people, yes, well, look, new elections in ukraine, in 2024 they are possible in principle, how great are the chances of re-election for this rather faded image, i think the chances are small, because elections, no, well, the elections themselves are just that just another information feed, in my opinion, there is no point in it at all, that is, in my opinion, they won’t be, it won’t affect anything from the word at all, well, the ukrainians are now throwing in information that a poll showed 81. they believe that there is no need to hold elections, it is impossible in war conditions, but the americans most likely want to hold elections in order to legitimize zelensky’s continued tenure in office and
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reinforce him, maybe the americans will use the elections simply to remind zelensky that you must disobey and so on, that is, it doesn’t matter here that the elections... will show what the americans need, maybe, for example, a new figure will appear, for example stovich, yes, or maybe zaluzhny, or maybe budanov, that’s why . there is no difference at all, the americans decide there, who will be there at all, even if there is no one there at all, they will just create a hologram of everything, as if yes, in general, no one else will even know, here is daniil, i like this answer, really, but look, i’ll ask a question, maybe, excuse me, from the field of esotorics, yes, zelsky’s grandfather, like your grandfather, fought the patriotic war, so you once noted
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that there are no atheists in war, in your opinion, what will zelsky’s grandfather say to his grandson, a bandera member, when they finally meet? yes, in my opinion, he won’t say anything, in my opinion, it seems to me that they will never meet, because grandfather, the soul of grandfather zelsky , will not want to meet him and have anything in common, well, no matter how it sounds, yes? but zelsky doesn’t care, zelsky has chosen his own path, the path of power, the path of money, you think his conscience doesn’t bother him at all, well what a conscience, there was such a joke, about conscience, i exchanged my conscience in the fifth grade for plasticine, as it were, and so on, firstly, uh, those promises that he made during the election campaign are diametrically opposed to what began to happen , when he became president, he promised to stop the war, of course, and after his elections, even when i wrote an article in
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1919 that without even realizing that, in principle, zelensky was not against these processes, then the fighting intensified actions after the elections, that is one got the impression that the vsushniki wanted to frame zelsky, that is, to stain him with blood, so that he would not even try to stop the war, that is, initially there was an impression that they began to actively, in the lnn, dpr, strike, specifically at the cluster, then there are public places where civilians are located during daylight hours, and so on, began with losses among the civilian population, but given that zelsky did not even react in any way about this, in principle, what he began to do next was there, in principle, it became clear that this was his position, that is, what kind of guy he was before the elections and that he started talking to us, people with bright faces
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show themselves in one way or another, our president in 2020 said his favorite catchphrase they give, it seems to me that these words are consonant with the majority of residents of donbass, this is how you saw our events, our events of the twentieth year from donetsk, well, first of all, we compared them with yanukovych, that is. with a machine gun, that’s when he said, so listen to my order, that’s it, we understand, it’s simple, we are all like this at once, and on social networks, handsome, that is, we immediately saw the contrast with yanukovych, yanukovych fled, that is , these protest sentiments that were there and so on, that is, he set him up, betrayed the security forces, he betrayed everyone, he simply ran away , because he was afraid that something would happen to him, your president stayed, and moreover, he didn’t just stay, he took up arms and said: i
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will, as it were, defend the interests of my state, my country, the future of my countries, personally, with weapons in hands, with our own with our family, everything is here, this was a contrast, because together with the security forces , of course, because for us it was important, for us we faced this ourselves, this is what we paid attention to, this was it... .. so then we are like, well, everything will be fine, i unfortunately have to ask the last philosophical question, well, the extreme one, yes, i always write the extreme one, my directors correct me, the last one, yes, but you know, that’s what sometimes upsets me about belarusians , is a misunderstanding of the fact that despite individual shortcomings, not the richest country, sanctions, from the rulers of the garden of eden, yes, western
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, we have the most important thing, a peaceful, calm life, very good, in fact, here you are a person who has been living in constant battles for 10 years. yes, and even in such conditions you know how to find good things, well, a wife, for example, yes, one of the most beautiful women of the lugansk militia, yes, as they say, yes, yes. novorossi, well, yes, i, yes, yes, so these are the topics, share with belarusians, how to learn to separate the main from the secondary, and for what? it's actually worth living, well, always of course, you need to set your priorities correctly, but this is how it used to be, or rather, i heard such an interesting example that there is, for example, a liter jar, this is what you fill it with, if small things are sand, yes, then
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some larger things, more important ones will not work, first give priority to tennis balls for pingong, yes, then seeds, then sand, that is, and not vice versa, as if you need to set priorities correctly, the main priorities are people, more important than people, human relations and society you have nothing, uh, i, when i first arrived, back in april, i saw that people were calm on the street , they weren’t running anywhere, they weren’t in a hurry, they weren’t fussing, there was no tension, there was no sense of tension, that is, just in april i walked around the city a lot, it was interesting to look at the people, it’s not the mood, it’s at the people, despite the fact that you don’t have any resources there, but... how is it in russia there is oil, gas, these moments, but you the distribution of what is among people is correctly structured, that is, you have the maximum number of people they live in the same conditions and here it is very important why, because when there is a contrast
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, the higher the contrast, in the social, in society , yes, that is, as if the poor and rich, as if yes, then this is very - it ends usually it’s very bad, it’s what stresses people out more, that’s what it is, these people, let’s say, what bothers people the most is injustice, that is, our people, and we ’re like one people, yes, that’s injustice, there’s lies, and so on further, here you have, the maximum justice has been built, yes, let there, uh, no one be there, he’s enjoying himself, like some people there, we have rich people there, there are some oligarchs... commerce, and you look there in moscow, there are maybachs, some very expensive cars and so on, here, but uh, you, here it is justice that has been established, in war you already understand that there is nothing more important than a person, that is, there is some kind of house, a car, well
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, a shell will arrive, this is not there, here is a person, human qualities and relationships between people, this is the most important thing and what people tell you, they will say sincerely. what mark will you leave, what contribution will you make to the whole? the most important thing is that when it comes to patriotism, education, patriotic education, the most important thing is that many people forget to say that every person should feel part of this society, an integral part, this is society, it is an integral part of man, so if this connection will be stimulated by the state, how can you be some kind of asocial element in this society and the like, that is, these moments in the war they manifest themselves very well, what kind of people, i like the word justice, it actually
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defines a lot, thank you for this conversation, thank you for inviting me. in each program there are new heroes, we are bakers by education, it’s amazing we work together at the same enterprise, the mood plus englishation is higher education, i will learn the korean language, the korean language, yes, unpredictable questions, what were the names of the brothers who were raised according to everything so literally and unexpected answers to them, maybe it somehow rhymes with dimyan, well, not dimyan, but somehow it’s possible, porridge, i don’t know, some kind,
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this is a sport in which you have to back away, i i accept the answer rome, the correct answer, milan, santa mariagrazia in milan, build a tower, let's go on an expedition in the corners of our country, change for so long as we accept this unity, let's straighten out on a new folkloric expedition, which will happen and ahead in the past, and next i eat history and meat abrades. administrate your yard, zinku vizhnіўny collection. if you all lived in parasensible and shady ways. if all our people were not there were the pagarelians and the galadayuchy. well, since you are kind , urajaj, gaspadenka, dagajay to us. pour grain on our syvenka, if you have an offensive godze byu yashche lepshi urajay. and old
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traditions: new life. as soon as i came to a young age, i became all lashed, so that i could go and sit down with my neighbor, and sit down to talk to
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ivanka. time with projects ahead of the past on the belarus tv channel 2. the skin of their day is growing, the people of meat, fat, and rich, with which belarus is so rich, there are always a lot of adzins, i am for yago, yans are talented and wise guys, we are showing a master on this machine -classes, many come up and say that oh, but our grandmother originally needed it for rough work two instruments, this instrument is called a hoop, incredibly marked by the history of their little birthplace, the first mention of the village of perru, and finally
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the project palishuki started watching on
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the belarus tv channel 244. natasha got completely lost from her hands, well, completely, just imagine, i found it in her briefcase the other day cigarettes, of course i couldn’t restrain myself, i hit her, and then we didn’t talk for 2 days. i don’t have time to educate them, you know, cooking, washing, shopping, and laboratories, no, it’s certainly interesting to work with vishnevsky, not a second of time, and in me he kindles a healthy, ambitious love, but you don’t listen, i listen very carefully, healthy ambitiousness is wonderful, you know, ira is in love with him,
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you said, she’s in love with petukhov, well, since petukhov. she had something like an affair there, she was in love with lev, these are different things , wow, yes, at the institute there was such an average boy, yes, this average boy, the director of the institute looks into his mouth, mm, not today, tomorrow his doctorate will protect, he’s like, like this, and you know what i noticed, people who they promise a lot, and even do it in their youth. rarely achieves success later, on the contrary, it’s not like you took my sad biography for example, but don’t be offended, don’t be offended, but really, at 26 years old, you are the chief engineer of the project, you have a two-room apartment, a charming wife, a crust, everything is the same most,
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so what about leva, for example. i served at the department for 10 years, did my ph.d., and if i , for example, am absolutely satisfied with all this, and the position, the apartment, and, strangely enough, even the wife, i don’t need another, yes, yes, to the sahara, you don’t want to move it somewhere, but it’s completely dry, a little quieter, the children are sleeping, oh, i’m sorry, please, you and the ship are amazing, of course, you had to specifically wait until i got home, you couldn’t tell me that , so just in case, inform korablev that this number will not work for you, that’s it, be healthy, something happened, and the builders were looking for a completely
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new dry site, not so far, only 20 km from the highway. so he asks me to look, to come, well, they miss me, they can’t, i didn’t have time to leave, they’re already bored, and of course you’ll go, and i won’t think about it, yes, give them an official telegram, otherwise i’ll call the main office, let their feelings lead them, oh, i’m tired, the same thing, the same thing, well my job is like this, well, well, what should i do, yes, i understand, do you need some more tea? who is this? who is it? why aren't you at school? i'm taking a walk, how come? on the occasion
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of your arrival, i’m joking from you. our athlete has been sick for 2 weeks now, okay, let’s get up and drink tea and eat. but what exactly do you have with your mother? happening? it’s just that she first interferes in my life, and then gets upset that there is no understanding, i have to report everything to her, who i’m friends with, who i go with, why i come at 10 and not 9, but how could it be otherwise, nata, well, i i can’t live according to her orders. i’m not interested in him, she wants me to be friends with him, and my best friend alena annoys her, but i
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love my mother, i feel sorry for her, but i can’t help it, how can it be, so you say, you understand everything, and you love your mother, and it’s a pity, well, how impossible, impossible, take at least this history of the cigar. mom was scared for you, everything is clear, uh-huh, she’s scared because of the situation, but she doesn’t see the main thing, but what’s important for us, and the main thing is that i’ve already grown up and should be the same as everyone else, she wants me was a black sheep, but there is a certain stereotype of modern life that i cannot help but take into account, these are jeans, and knowledge of modern music, and cigarettes, if you want? well, i wouldn’t smoke at all if it didn’t interfere with my friendships, well, you understand me, you know, frankly speaking, not very well, for me
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it’s better to be a black sheep than a repainted parrot. well, well, well, what, what, back, well, what can i do, i managed to arrive, well, well, let them put it on, well, what can i do if i don’t understand anything about this matter.
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hello, great, yes, just take a look at everything yourself, yes, personally, well, okay, that’s it, oh, i’m tormented with this car, a heavy cross, you’re going to see taisa alexandrovna, but no, i want to carefully show you the documentation, number seventeen, listen, and you even though i saw this new site, i’m not going to look, move to a new site it’s necessary, they are not ready, so they found an excuse to stop the construction at our expense, we’ll put something in the refrigerator for a second , i saw that all these drawings are special, holidays, testing of protection, but the main thing is that you can’t do anything, all this unites the team, put , thanks, let's put this down.
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groundwater that we have here, so we had to go to another layer, all this, by the way, our ira came up with, like this for stanislavich, and by the way, maybe i should come with you, but no, here, in my opinion, it’s so everything is clear, thank you, luva, look, sit down, dear, put down your... folders, sit down, but what are we going to do, they just called from the ministry, they are arguing, what do they say, you are for the institute, if you cannot agree with the builders, what should we agree on, valery pavlovich, as if for the first time, but no, what are they emphasizing, the institute refuses to consider sensible proposals from production workers, so until you... go, they will not lag behind, i already wanted to connect you with vishnevsky, but we are finishing an article for a magazine here, so he
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will send you a rooster, and you fly out tomorrow, old man, the situation is not easy, they stopped construction, they demand changes to the project , of course, you can take a stand, make noise to prove it, but you know, i don’t like scandals, but they’re not in fashion now? well, if it’s not in fashion, what’s possible without a position? don’t be funny, i’m not in the mood for jokes, it’s better to say straight out that you don’t want to go, of course you don’t want to. i’m only from there at night, and then it’s pointless, valery pavlovich, pointless, but necessary, well, it doesn’t happen, it happens, it happens , dear, it doesn’t happen yet, and quite often, unfortunately, but be it, oleg ivanovich, oleg ivanovich, hello, are you thinking so deeply about something, this is the second time i ’ve said hello to you, you’re back in the kandagay, and how do you know, i know how you live? best of all,
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well done, i'm getting married, i'm getting married, congratulations, thank you, and does anyone know? no, you don’t know him, but how long will you be there? yes, no need, ah, and i’m probably like last time, for a month , only in the fall in october, but well, it’s a pity that we’re not together, you’re really sorry, well, of course, well, i’m sorry, all the best, goodbye, oleg ivanovich. bon appetit petrovich, thank you, zavotenko was looking for you here, called twice, i was with him, thank you, fly to kandaga again, another six months of this life, the wife will refuse, a day at home, a month on the road, i knew that this would end, oh,
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bye caring everything should be good, wonderful and even wonderful, uh-huh, would you like some tea, no, thank you very much, yes, yes, come in, melt, uh-huh, and what will he say to her, and tomorrow they are expecting us to visit, and most importantly for the second time, how- then in the winter they were already waiting for us, and i left, as always. i think i'll go so as not to disturb you. totay petrovich, i beg you, please sit, she’s with you, if she gives you away, it won’t be all at once, i beg you very much. is it all so beautiful, is it some new blouse? yes, you saw this blouse when you came in the morning, then one day, everyone noticed, except for him, of course, i would kill such men without trial, yes, yes, okay, at least he realizes, i’m on... well,
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our customers are waiting for me there from civil aviation, where from aviation, and what do you have to do with it? hmm, order, they are building an airport with a french company, and we are carrying out survey work, god, yes, it’s an extremely important task, they’ll go to paris for it, that’s right , we’ll go, well, who’s going to go, who and, okay , wait for you, why, i’ll be a little late, we have something like this being prepared there, even kebab in cumin sauce , in caraway sauce, imagine something like this, well, there’s a tape recorder, two guitars, well, there won’t be any fireworks, so i ’ll sit for a while, uh-huh, uh-huh, and you, verochka,
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take it here, and then the immortal koschey got angry, like release all their dragons on ivan tsarevich, everything around burned with a terrible fire. don’t be so scary, dad, otherwise she won’t fall asleep, better hold my hand, come on, like this, close your eyes. here is
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my clever girl, here is my good girl, well, sleep my little one,
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like this. we work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to keep you up to date with current events in the country and the world. in addition, our team of journalists obtains valuable knowledge from experts on how to maintain and increase health.
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there is also room for entertainment. every friday we bring to your attention the best projects and films of our tv channel. this and much more awaits you in the weekly project ether 24.7. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. well, aren’t you ashamed, but do i really have to find out from vishnevsky that you are leaving, and what would change if you learned all this from me? so what? i wouldn’t go to this stupid birthday party, that’s why i didn’t
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say, you don’t go anywhere anyway? come on, why isn’t natasha still there? she called, alena’s is late, some test is being prepared, what test is there, they’re listening to their cds, isn’t it too late to call? it's late, listen tell me, what happened, you didn’t intend to go, well, everyone understands that this trip is pointless, meaningless, but necessary, you know, it doesn’t happen like that , you see, it happens, you won’t drink tea, you know who it happens to , for those who don’t know how to stand up for themselves, you would never have gone before, before. before, you wouldn’t talk to me like that, i talk to you like that because i care about you, yes, yes, what happens to you when you shouldn’t, you quarrel senselessly, argue with your superiors, and when you’re really right - complete lack of spine, well, complete, i’m getting old,
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probably, probably, by the way, tell me, you called your volodya, are they ready? well, of course he called, well done, well, if i were tatyana, i wouldn’t invite you to us anymore, i would, why are you standing there, let’s go to sleep, i think you should kiss me, say that you love me, well, i love you , well, of course i love you, very much! that's it,
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the swamp is over, here it is our platform. here is our pine tree, the main one is about 9 kilometers away, but no more, the deck will dry out in two or three, so build on dry land we will, it’s a great site, who says what, well, what do you say, geologist, what can i say, the place is good, about one and a half by one and a half, what ’s there approximately? 1,200 by 800 is more than necessary for construction, but why bother thinking about whether
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to build a site or a swamp? oleg ivanovich, this is a godsend, no drainage work for you, no drainage canals, but we’ll build this station not only in two, but in a year, are you agitating me , are you pretending to be a fool, a godsend, but extending the pipeline, which is not you see, i ’m not talking about a new project, 3 months of work, not less. do you understand what you're pushing him into? you have a conscience, the whole institute will gnaw it, can you force your own people to work hard for free? are we redheads? sergei aleksandrovich, allow me to pick up the dolezhnevki
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there, my friend. what about oleg ivanovich? ay, maybe really to hell with her, with whom, with her? with this site, let’s say, they assessed it, discussed it, and decided it was inappropriate. how did we look through it, and why did we look through it? firstly, it is 10 km from the highway, and secondly, what, firstly, secondly, what do you think, engineer, what i think there is an approved project, a good project, the institute has been working on it for 2 years, tied to the area, but now i’m so
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confused, it’s not serious. oleg ivanovich, come out for a minute, rook, come here, what kind of rook is this, last name or nickname , last name, last name, why is he so famous, now you’ll find out, meet misha, rook, it’s very nice, and i, vasya plotnikov, remember , i took you on an all-terrain vehicle in winter, yes, yes, of course, this is the same misha igrach, the primary source of all your troubles. yes, yes, this is it, he opened a new site. oh come on, opened. we were hunting with plotnikov, i saw a dry
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area, i thought, what to build in the mud? the sides are dry, the size seems to fit. good, good. yes, yes, no, i understand that all this is not a gift for you, huh? you will tell the authorities that the new site is a waste, we must work in the old way. are you already suggesting a solution to me? i just wasn't born yesterday. i know that no one will redo what has been done. yes, yeah, but actually, i don’t care about all this, of course, moving a site means thinking, thinking, and counting, and it takes a long time you’re going to think, exactly as long as it takes, not a day more, elik ivanovich, don’t be offended by him, he’s a good guy, work great, work great, because they pay well. but in general, working poorly is boring, here i completely
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agree with you, working poorly is really
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boring. keep your memories of the past, that was the name of the film that we showed you for more than a year.
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well, why are you tormented, the question can be closed, but it’s a shame, it’s beautiful. if in two months we would give a new project, when you could launch the station, you have to figure it out, well, just figure it out, throw it out, but without me, i won’t sign anything, you know, if i were you, i ’d think the same thing. yes, i’m thinking, maybe you should eat something, you’re after work , come on, but i don’t want to, oh, it’s a pity, i sometimes get some from my mother-in-law, from her orders, well, be careful, how you live, wonderful ,
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remarkably good or remarkably bad, wonderful, not at all. did anything happen? well, what are you doing the other way around? did you have a free evening in kuevek? can you imagine? i even thought it would be better i stayed at work. left again or what? oh, bear, what is he doing? oh, hello, taya, get drunk, what does a wife do when her husband is away? you have a performance today? i have a way out in the third act, well, i’ll warm your meat then. i won’t eat, i’ll drink coffee, and for the second day i can’t give my mother the medicine. poor thing, you
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talked to burkevich, he’s hosting a concert with us. olga nikolaevna still hopes that i will glorify our family name. you would be glorified if you heard him read poetry. tsvetae, akhmatova, lermont. great read. yes, it’s a wonderful read and there’s no point in making faces. by the way, some artists became famous only after 40 years. so watch out for advertisements. yeah, and i went, when you arrive at the theater, call, you have money, i have everything, here’s
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the takhlomon, that’s right, it turns around again through the axial, there’s it. like in the circus, i shake every time, oh, take some more coffee. i’m trumpeting, please, yes, mm, well, why are you upset, why are you upset, but i told you that you can’t deal with this person, but, okay, okay, yes, i miss you, yes, i kiss you, i’ll tell you. hi, did anything happen? is he not from the theater? this is not misha, this is a completely different person. oh, the other
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person, uh, who is this? listen, we haven’t seen each other for a very long time. and... why don’t you love misha anymore? mishka, this is my life, and vitka’s mother-in-law is inna vladimirovna. listen, you didn’t fall in love with anyone except oleg, i don’t remember something, i can’t, and i don’t want to live a double life. no, i couldn’t, i’m not talking about a double life, i’m talking about another life, you’re kind of
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stuck with me, maybe you still want you should change something in your life, otherwise it will be too late, yes, but i don’t need anyone except oleg, and you think that misha and olek are ours, who... has been absent for months, i’m sure, yeah, you of course, i have a very beloved, but very stupid friend , excuse me, yes, maybe some strange telegram came to our address, a copy to the ministry, what did you give? consent to revise the project? how could i give consent? valery pavlovich? here, as far as i understand, the question is about carrying out survey work. what research? for
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what? did stepanna give you my report? she passed it on, i read it, not without surprise, it’s like in that fairy tale , make a fool pray to god, you didn’t want to go there, i persuaded you. suddenly so enthusiastic? i just objectively stated what i saw. if the builders’ estimate turns out to be correct, this will allow gas to be supplied a year ahead of schedule, and that’s almost 10 million in profit. we follow the sporting life of our country. egor gerasimov. reached the second round of the tournament in shenzhenye, china, with a prize fund of almost $100,000. it's clear that we don't we prepared in such a way that we could win 10 matches in a row there. cooperation with the
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russian fencing team allows our athletes to significantly progress. we review the most interesting event in the capital - a doubles tennis tournament. parents at the competition acted as partners of their children, although everyone won in this situation. dynamo minsk players alexey kolosov and vitali pinchuk will go to the match based on the results of spectator voting. we are sure that this year will be no less interesting than last year, every year the league is gradually is gaining momentum, we listen to the opinions of competent specialists, for me it’s generally an indicator of how the team feels the next game, victory does not always bring confidence, psychological relief, all this is in the sports projects on the belarus
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24 tv channel, they are dedicated to their work, i can feel it: my name is morozov , i am the head coach of the national sailing team, now the athletes are taking similar courses, they call it showing one day in their life. the important elements of the museum's work are not only the acquisition of material culture artifacts are so, but also intangible cultures, then side by side madelyavanne folk sayings, abradau, and exactly this year we can look at them. watch on the tv channel
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belarus-24. i don’t know for whom there is profit, but for you and me there is loss, this means revising the project with all the ensuing consequences, why is this project valery, the transfer of one compressor, and the money, well, where are you going to get the money? everything allocated for your project has long been spent, and the people who will do it? we don’t have enough people for the planned work, you don’t need vishnevsky won't give one person in the next six months? no, if any western businessman had heard us, he would have decided that he had gone crazy. people argue whether it is worth spending some hundred thousand to get 10 million? is this
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a demo? this is an abstraction, there’s different money and different pockets, your 10 million will go to the state budget, it’s no one’s money and no one is waiting for it, here ’s some dense fool, an economic misfortune, look at it, he’s throwing the same amount, if not more, down the drain, let's say, it rots imported equipment, and its hole is yours million. yes, if only a grain of this money would end up in the pocket of the institute, and if i could spend this grain on you, well, let’s say , to financially expand some initiative, yours, for example, but nothing will happen, it won’t happen, dear oleg ivanovich, but there will be an overexpenditure of the wage fund, and for this
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they will be fired from work, now yes... by your grace the institute will not fulfill the plan, and people usually will not receive this bonus, and this is no longer an abstraction, this is reality, and you know how they are waiting for this award, oh, how they are waiting for us, we are surrounded by you they’ll tear you apart because you’re silent, it wasn’t me who came up with this mechanic, but we humbly agree with it, and you know, said the guy who found this very site, he says, you won’t revise a damn thing, someone wants to care redo it, whether he turns out to be right, well, right or wrong, what kind of guy , i don’t know, but we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be drawn into this story, as you yourself understand, we must immediately prepare an answer that the institute will not respond to any change in the project did not give consent
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and is not going to give it, exploitation, well, until why teach you, you know, in short, they must receive a decisive refusal, decisive, i hope you agree with me, valery pavlovich, i cannot endorse this decisive refusal of yours, i have to figure it out. well, as you know, okay, he’ll go get my signature, he went to the authorities, where, he’s getting a new apartment , by the way, just like that, let’s go to him so as not to interfere, well, that’s okay, your designers will wait, let’s go, she needs to take pity on her, you will take him for
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pity. have you been to zabotenko? yes, but why are you angry? i'm angry because i'm tired, blacks calling white and white black, justifying this with purely scientific and even scientific considerations, you see, you see how inconsistent you are, yes, you didn’t even want to go see this site, and now you are ready to jeopardize your own project. already today at lunch, marya antonovna from the plan, they were already alarmed , of course, it’s you for the sake of your principles, maybe you can refuse the bonus, but people read it...’ marya antonna regretted it, yes, yes, i regretted it, and you, ruthless egoist, marya anton, i don’t care about your
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ideas, he’s raising a child alone without a husband, well , why are you silent, trying to figure out who i ’d rather be, a ruthless egoist who offends your mary antonna, or an idiot? who knows how to build better and deliberately builds worse, oh my god, if only he could hold out until retirement and go to hell, well, you can leave earlier, where is that, science, and create slackers, not all slackers, of course, some of them build airports with the french yes, they are building. calm down, calm everyone down, of course, we will build in a swamp, we agree with the project, we will receive all the bonuses and marya antonovna, you and i have a color tv, why are you talking to me like that,
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please forgive me, i have to work, oleg ivanovich, listen. you're my kind alexandrovna, excuse me, she 'll have to ruin this little place, what are you saying? yes, you, i heard, you treat this work of ours somehow ironically, why ironically , i envy you, that’s it, i have this whole story,
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that’s where, everyone, from young to old, under this paris, the nerves tremble, and well, yes, we’re pulling one girl to protect us, dashenka polishchuk, though she herself doesn’t really want to, but what then you're pulling, let's pull, let's get going. it’s inconvenient to leave, but in terms of it, where are you going, but here ’s kindergarten for my daughter, come on, i’ll give you a ride, i fixed it, or what? yes, i don’t know, so far i seem to be lucky, let’s go, yes, by the way, what did you and valery pavlovich decide on, but yes, i haven’t decided anything yet, listen, there is an approved project, accepted, the assessments are excellent, let them build, of course, let them build , yes, you are being ironic, listen, maybe you have some kind of personal interest, then explain,


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