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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 12, 2023 2:45pm-3:01pm MSK

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they just made today a holiday for us and the kids, so i remembered everyone who asked the question, all your eyes, thank you very much, the aura group is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today, see you in a week. watch in the next issue: honored artist of russia, chief bouletmaster of the bolshoi opera and ballet theater of the republic of belarus igor kolk. why did you decide to move to minsk? do you have your own office, or do you
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work at a ballet barre? how do you understand what the ballet is about? is it difficult to do support? the level of belarusian ballet, what is it? is this true? the fact that ballet dancers don’t have days off. how do you dance in everyday life? 100 questions for an adult.
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accessibility and quality, two principles to which belarus remains faithful in matters of improving education, have been able to not only maintain, but also increase over the years of sovereignty, new universities and separate buildings have been built, the most modern equipment has appeared in student laboratories, which is partly why our education is so highly valued by everything... in the world, and foreigners are increasingly diluting the ranks of belarusian students. dear teachers and students. the state has given you a wonderful gift, a modern institution of higher education; we have never given such gifts to anyone in the field of education. and we really expect that there will be a return on this for both the polesie region and pinsk.
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we are young, we are only 17 years old, but today, polesie state university is known as a center of education, a center of science, culture, sports, these are five faculties that train specialists in demand in the real sector of the economy specialties, citizens of the people's republic of china, uzbekistan, tajikistan, and the russian federation study with us; the university has a unique material and technical base; we envy ourselves; we put a really deep meaning into this. we have compactly located educational buildings, we have the most luxurious dormitories, we have 100% provision of dormitories , and of course, these are our scientific laboratories, they are equipped according to, well, really according to the very latest, yes, requirements, that’s practically oriented, we are practically immediately we involve students in scientific work.
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the first is the colonial micropropagation of plants in industrial volumes, the second is the certification of plant varieties and hybrids , and the third is the development of the fundamentals of selection, with such improved qualities of meat and dairy productivity, such a whole closed complex of equipment ensuring implementation in the field of molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, well, we can probably immodestly say that we are one of the only ones in the republic of belarus, and most importantly, that we have such integration of support for the educational process, at the same time scientific activity, our sports bass , well, not every university can say that it has... an ice arena, a luxurious, in fact, sports center, and this is in demand, and it is in demand by our students, and plus we see the importance for the city of pinsk, we just recently came up with a project, of course, having an ice arena, we wanted to contribute, including to the development of, well
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, really our favorite folk sport, like hockey, a team of our lyceum students, the poles-ggu team, they became the champion of the republic of belarus, and well... it’s really always very nice to see them at trainings, we see plans for how we will develop it, the university is an example, and an example of the state’s real concern, we now need to improve universities some in certain areas to the most modern world levels and technologies, so we will modernize and improve what we have. thanks to the support of the president of the republic of belarus , a decree was signed and funds were allocated from innovation fund to complete the construction of this building in just a few years, by the eighteenth year the building was completed and put into operation. our university was created in
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1961 as the mogilev mechanical engineering institute; by the end of the eighties there was a need to increase its area. decision by the government of the soviet union that a whole complex of five buildings would be built here, including a swimming pool, design work was done, even the foundation of these buildings was laid, but the termination funded years, in the center of mogilev for a long time all this was located, then some of the foundations were even dismantled, only one foundation remained and after some time a decision was made in the republic of belarus to resume the construction of the educational and laboratory building. i graduated from university about 20 years ago, and of course, there was absolutely no such level of equipment, it got to the point where there was no place to measure the roughness, that is, over the last 10 years
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, the material base of our university has changed very much. here, for example, technologies such as additive technologies are being developed, that is, this is one of the modern areas of mechanical engineering. printing on 3d printers, 3d scanning of prototypes of various products, parts, that is, we can show students , at the same time, various types of business contracts are being carried out with enterprises, and a lot of products are made with parts of complex shapes, which are specifically aimed at import substitution, which now it’s very important, well , plus , a lot of new specialties have opened at our university in recent years direction of training specifically modern ones. including those related to three-dimensional technologies, and we have the opportunity to show students the most modern equipment, for example, we have installed a 3d metal printer, one of the largest in the republic of belarus, our country pays the closest attention to education, and at all levels, including the head
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of state, a student, a young man, if we talk about higher education, has every opportunity for self-realization, i am surprised that certain individuals from politics, who in their time the state... learned it for free, advocates only for a paid form of education. this means that children from working families, even if they are talented and smart, simply will not be able to afford such a luxury as a higher education. i dare to say that 90% of those in this room are exactly the same children who received this education in this way, and if we go back to that past today, we would not . for who we are, you would not become doctors of science, professors, and i have nothing to say about the presidency, these are better than our people, interesting people, reliable
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people, i then somehow followed these people, they all took a worthy place in the republic , well, with the president i had to work with him in my first year, in the early eighties, he, like everyone else, probably already old people, sat in the front row, i, too, am still a young teacher, well, i already had an academic degree, i was an associate professor. they amazed me with their curiosity, it was not a lecture, but a whole discussion club, then i was the secretary of the regional committee and he said that if i make references in theory, i always make a reference to larisa vladimirovna, and then the issue of reforming agriculture was concerned, for me her attitude towards renting, leasing, and modern approaches was very interesting. uzbekistan is unique in that we... we have specialists, in principle , in all specialties that are in demand
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in the agro-industrial complex , in addition to veterinary medicine, in three main areas - this is a biological profile, agronomy is the production of crop products, and of course, each of these specialties with its own branches , there is an engineering profile, a unique faculty, one might say, is the faculty of land management, which is practically the only one. faculty, which trains specialists in the republic of belarus in this area, we place great emphasis on practice-oriented training, more than 70% of the hours in the curriculum are devoted to practical training. we are located in the technical service laboratory of machines, which we opened this year, specifically for the new specialty technical service of the military-industrial complex, so that the guys can practically
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to work on... when i was still studying at the academy, there was no nursery yet, and just after i graduated , a nursery appeared, looking back, now the level of training has become much higher, namely practical, since well, such is the production base at... very strong, this is the only nursery in belarus and well, we are very proud that it is located at our department, this is trout breeding, namely directly obtaining planting material for rainbow trout, the guys go through all the technology of pre-incubation, obtaining seed, that is, growing seed material directly artificially reproduced, in the nineties this building should be built for students of advanced training and re-training of personnel.
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union significance, but in the ninetieth year the union collapsed, there were no funds to continue construction, the facility was frozen only after the formation of our country, the republic , funding was allocated by decree of the president of the republic of belarus, in 2001 the facility was put into operation, a new laboratory was opened: commercial activities where students study trade activities, throughout the history of training foreign citizens, citizens from 95 countries of the world have studied at the academy, at this stage, citizens from 21 countries are studying, uzbekistan, china is also a promising direction, which after covid is very seriously coming to life, you are not just teaching qualified specialists, no matter how pretentious it may sound, first of all you educate the citizens of our country, form the intellectual elite of society.
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