tv [untitled] BELARUSTV November 14, 2023 2:05pm-2:40pm MSK
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[000:00:26;00] in each program there are new heroes, bakers by education, we work together at the same enterprise, the mood is plus in english , this is higher education, i will learn the korean language, the korean language, yes, unpredictable questions, what were the names of the brothers who were suckled according to legend by a she-wolf. so, the obligatory version, a chill on the forks, don’t take everything so literally, and unexpected answers to them, maybe it somehow
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rhymes, dimyan? well, not dark, but somehow , perhaps, porridge, i don’t know, some kind, this is a sport in which you have to back away, i i accept the answer rome, the correct answer, milan, santa maria delegation in milan, build a tower, watch the intellectual show tower on the belarus 24 tv channel, the tv news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. let us know the well-known days that identified the creatures of the city and became the information of the historical city and the republic. the first would be urad's house. the most significant developments in belarusian
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architecture were made by hand. people with straw fears were not navat budyn, they were planning their future, lenin square in minsk, the government house, during the war the nazis called this building leninhaus, lenin's house, they wanted to blow it up, tons of explosives were planted here in the basements. not from the mercy of the assadnik and not from the kabala pameshchyka exits your stick of bread, but from the land of the savetskaya union, and the land of the savetskaya union, and the land of the yago sumly pratsy,
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the dry savetska land. for savetskaya belarus - the report says, the promised five-year plan will mean not only liquidation the wars of german acupation emerged, as well as the further development of the people's culture and culture, increasing the vitality of the population. minsk had its first session of the supreme council of the republic . i am the oldest deputy, vice-president of the academy of sciences of the bssr, the hero of the socialist people atrakhovich, the follower kandrat krapiva. shamyakin, pershy, the viceroy of the foreman of the board of the union of writers of the bssr, is unanimously elected as the elder of the supreme council. years, decades pass, but youth remains the mistress square, lenin square, is the address of the medical and pedagogical institutes of the belarusian state university. lenin square. square of people of power,
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was the border between families erected? one of the main areas on which the polish authorities relied on in pursuing the policy of polonization was religion. she was involved quite actively, because the overwhelming majority are ethnic belarusians. on the territory of the eastern voivodeships of poland were orthodox, and this did not fit into pelsudsky’s concept of a state with one nation and one religion. persutsky is a person who hated everything russian in general, and one of his ideas was, when i take moscow on the kremlin wall, i will write that speaking russian is prohibited. persudsky built a mono-national, mono-religious state, catholic, pure. polish, and hitler was inspired pelsudsky, the kind of honors that hitler showed to pelsudsky after his death in 1935, he probably did not give to any other political figure
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in europe at that time. in 1922, the authorities created the autocephalous orthodox church in poland ; it seemed to them that it was not enough that the bulk of the orthodox population, who unwillingly began to live under the jurisdiction of the polish republic, lost their parishes. in addition, the polish language began to be imposed on the belarusian-speaking population in religious services. the clergy who did not agree to change church slavonic language into polish was subjected to persecution and repression. moreover, the polish authorities, under various pretexts, tried to liquidate orthodox churches; they were transferred to churches or completely closed. this phenomenon even has its own term - reindication. people were simply forbidden to confess openly. if you are a catholic, then you are a pole, and in no other way, according to their concept, a belarusian
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catholics are privileged, all others are second-class people, this was the most dangerous, because such expressions of a xenophobic kind, psya krev, hop, kotsap, all these expressions , which... she, of course, only incited interethnic and interreligious hatred ; they were looked upon as outcasts, as second- or third-class people who could not even find a job, because if it were any reduction at the moment, the orthodox were reduced first. poles and belarus will work, then the pole will have one salary, belarus will have half the salary, dissatisfaction with the policy of polonization, the fact that belarusians were forced to forget their native language, deprive them of the faith of their ancestors, ethnic identity, led to a massive
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national liberation movement in the territory of the eastern in the voivodships of poland , the most massive party of the national liberation movement, the party of western belarus, operated underground. kali there uzyats kalektyina party of the national rukh, yes, that’s the same, the activist of the kamunistychnaya party of western belarus, yes, these lads are 20-25 years old, young lads, who didn’t know anything about the polish vogul, yes, who worked and on the ground. peasants, extraordinary people, all the sakhas, why they went to the belarusian as well as some other sort of element. many famous cultural and artistic figures were members of the national liberation movement: grigory shirma, maxim tank and
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valentin tavlai, and even while in prison they published a handwritten magazine called krata. there are more than once were sentenced to prison. tavlay was even expelled from the gymnasium for calling himself a belarusian. chalavek creative hatseў pіsats. so from such people it is necessary to select allowak all paper, and all roina, kali were released into the wild to dance, they managed, they took all, let’s say, stones and all those who raised people to strikes, to uprisings, maps birch, everything is registered, everyone controlled, attempts to somehow communicate there, to establish this relationship, a spy, they hanged, in our litskaya prison three people, such well-known ones, were hanged, that is they quickly dealt with all
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the undesirables, without stings. but it must be said that one of the largest examples of the national liberation movement in western belarus was the uprising of the norychan fishermen, the reason for which was the adoption by the polish sejm of the so-called fish law, according to which all rivers and lakes of the country are subject to nationalization. the polish administration simply decided to ban it. i fish for people who simply survived at this expense, it is clear that social unrest occurred, large landowners, the landowners, belarusian, polish, were leased those same lakes, including lake naruch, and the local residents, ancestors, who called the lake our breadwinner, they had to come to hire jobs in the rychansky region, which at that time was part of
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vilna voivodeship of poland, lakes, on these lands they have been fishing for centuries, and for peasants this fishing was the main, and often the only source of income, and imagine, you are presented with a fait accompli, the lakes are leased to landowners, patience the fishermen didn’t have enough, unrest began in the fall of 1935, self-defense squads were formed, people who collaborated with the authorities were not allowed into the kozer, they were called agents of the defensive polish intelligence, simply strikebreakers, the fishermen overturned boats with police officers, they were not afraid of either threats or arrest, then many of the fishermen ended up in the vilna lukishki prison in the berezakarskaya concentration camp. soon , more than 5,000 people from 40 villages took part in the unrest against the agrarian tax policy of the polish authorities, fishermen from all over the voivodeship joined. in the spring of 1936, the directorate of state
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forests refused to lease the river and the fishermen again became the owners of the lake; in 1939, the polish authorities were forced to make concessions, allowing the peasants to resume fishing in the lake. the polish government did not succumb to the great agrarian reforms. many people were right to change this tension, many people were to increase this whole problem of the forest, azerbaijan, who, who belongs to the state, the rights of the state and so on, the polish state y getaga didn’t work and yany solve all these problems. the west naberian poet maxim tank, who was an active participant in the liberation movement against the polish
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authorities, dedicated a poem to the narach fishermen. maxim tang knew firsthand about the uprising, because he himself is from the noroch region, was born in the pilkov region, this is in the modern myadel region , he went to school in a neighboring village, and when he was eight, his homeland became poland, his native language suddenly became banned, defending one's national interests, evgeniy skurko, the real name of the poet, was under close police attention more than once. was in prison. the first sentence was 20 years; a life sentence from the polish authorities was given to one of the organizers of the komsomol underground in western belarus, the future chairman of the supreme council, sergei pritytsky. the first time he was arrested, he was sent to the posterunok ozyory from our grodno region. and you know what jesuit torture was like, they couldn’t get anything out of him, they put boards on his chest
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and beat him with weights until part of his lung was knocked off. another major uprising occurred in polesie voivodeship in the summer of thirty-three . the police came to a peasant family to confiscate two cows because they had not paid taxes to the polish state. taxes were very high, so even in the house, when... eating an egg or slaughtering a calf for yourself, it was considered almost a crime, how did you allow yourself to do this? to use it or kill some rooster, it all went to the market in
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order to earn money, pay taxes, the entire male population, about 150 people, sided with the peasant, police... into the crowd, but the policemen did not disperse and responded by attacking the police. the network of punitive institutions on the territory of western belarus was quite extensive, in all large cities there were prisons, in all communes, police stations, and there was also a concentration camp, where active participants in popular uprisings were sent. the murder of the minister of internal affairs of poland, bronislaw the pirate, served as the reason for the creation of a prison camp. pirate was killed in warsaw on june 15, 1934, and already on june 17 polish president ignacy mosticki signs a decree on the creation of the beryozakartu concentration camp in the city. officially
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it sounded like this: to combat active elements of national minorities. the first group of prisoners arrives in bereza. already in the month of july. after the camp was opened in bereza, the city became closed. it was possible to enter here only with special passes. the local population was prohibited from approaching the camp. it was the first prison camp on our lands and one of the most cruel in history. the first commandant of the grefner camp, he characterized his brainchild in such a way that there are only two ways out of our camp: to one’s own funeral or to a nursing home. and until the end of the day they went to dachau to take over, as in the early days of the functions of the camp at beroze kartovskaya, the prisoners in the concentration camp were under special security, for four prisoners, one policeman, along the perimeter of the camp there were loopholes with a machine gunner, barbed
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wire was energized. every word was followed by a baton, they were forbidden... to talk, they were deprived of the right to speak, the right to make any demands, they were beaten for everything with batons, the policeman decided to beat him, which means he came to kill him. if a judge made a decision to send a person to the beryoza kartusskaya camp, it was not subject to appeal, it was the final verdict. the prisoners in the camp... kartuvskaya had neither a first nor a surname, only a camp number, as soon as the gate was closed behind a person, the command to run and march sounded, here in general all orders were carried out by running, it was the most athletic camp, it was a hell of a day, like was considered a day off, on sunday the prisoners were released from work, but
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they were obliged to stand peacefully against the wall all day long, without touching it, which they did with difficulty. the prisoners' working day began at 4:00 in the morning, and this despite the fact that during the night they were raised several times : morning roll call, breakfast, work either in workshops or in the field, the prisoner was harnessed to a ram, some were more lucky, they made stone slabs with which they paved the streets, but if the guard didn’t like something. punishment, punishment with a bloody trail, that ’s what the prisoners called this punishment, so the police called it punishment journey to stalin, the path was lined with broken bricks and the prisoner had to get on all fours and crawl along this path, and
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also raise his hands up. the worst thing was to end up in a punishment cell; former powder magazines were used for it, a cold room that was constantly flooded. navat tada, kali yany hadzili in the fishing room, there are given minimal intervals of time, and that’s all for this, as soon as the moral decline of the chalavka, as well as the perversion of the yago, at the two-legged source, which is slaughtered, driven and killed skin shout from the side there is no canvas, there is no parade, which means they have been there for how many centuries, clean up, byts, well, he doesn’t
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always speak, even the party members? they gave a gangway and it wasn’t always valid, take off your shirt, put it away, today it is impossible to say how many people went through the polish concentration camps, according to archival documents about 3,000 over the 5 years of its existence, but researchers note the fact that since the thirty-eighth year a large number of people have come here began to bring in residents of western belarus, including women, so the number of prisoners reached... almost 10,000 people, but this cannot be documented. the camp ceased to exist on the day the red army crossed the border and began its liberation
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campaign. on september 1, 1939, the second world war began. on this day at 4 am , german armed forces crossed the border of poland. the first bombs fell at 4:26. during the day , luftwaf soldiers had dozens of combat missions. today it is extremely rare to remember that the bombs were fired. on september 1 , 1939, they fell on belarusian cities, because they were part of poland. first bomb fell on grodno on september 1 , 1939, so again we say that the territory of western belarus was still one of the first to meet the beginning of the second world war. the third reich could not leave important strategic objects, railway junctions, radio stations, airfields intact, especially if parts of the polish army were stationed in the cities, and the residents of baranovichi also learned what fascist bombing was in september 1939. on september 15, 1939
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, baranovichi was bombed, the radio station was bombed, both railway stations were bombed station, they bombed the airfield, there were killed, wounded, we cannot say how many, but of course, the same soldiers suffered, for example, they suffered. do not forget that many belarusians served in the polish army. according to some historical data, 75,000 people were part of the polish army, as a rule, these were residents of western belarus called up for military service. the breda fortress felt the beginning of the war even in advance, let’s say, since already in march 1939, when the first nobilization was announced in poland, many military servicemen. which served here for military service, were sent to other regions, including the western borders of poland, then these people
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took part in the defense of warsaw and its western borders. large mobilization points were located in grodno and brest, but mobilization took place throughout the country, including four voivodeships, which poland called the eastern kras. it was important to take measures to organize defense. according to the report of the brest elder hale, the city of brest above god and the brest fortress have been subjected to german bombardment for 2 years. on this day , more than ten bombs were dropped on the city and fortress. and as they said then, no one thought that the nemer soldier would still reach the cutting of the fortress. but that's what happened. when the german units of the nineteenth army corps of general gudarian found themselves on the approaches to brest above the bug, the families of polish officers were evacuated from the city to a fortress. the wallachians installed anti-aircraft artillery. the defense of the fortress began on september 14, when wehrmacht units approached the
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citadel. this is a rather little-known fact in the history of the shine of the fortress, but nevertheless, for almost 3 days, about 4,500 officers and soldiers of the polish army, among whom were natives of local regions, our regions, defended the brez fortress. and on the night of september 16-17, 1939. a decision was made to leave the fortress, since there was no longer an opportunity to defend it, there were very large losses, many soldiers of the polish army, belarusians by nationality, were captured, not only in brest, but along the entire front line, many remained in captivity until the fortieth year, some were liberated by the red army, some managed to escape. mikhas vasilek also suffered more than once, he was taken into the polish army, he met the thirty -ninth year in the polish army, ended up in a german concentration camp, and in the forty-first year, having escaped from the concentration camp, he ended up as a red partisan
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and participated in the partisan movement already in podgrodno. on september 1, 1939, with the outbreak of war in poland, the soviet union announces general military mobilization, despite the non-aggression pact signed by molotov and rebentrop a week before, because poland had a peace treaty with germany concluded back in '34. such friendship as the supremacy of poland had with the reich cannot be found, well, daladier, others. although they disguised it with demagoguery, they said openly, yuzef lukasiewicz, the ambassador to london, that they said that in two or three weeks, there would be no secret links and the germans and i would resolve our issues. the year 1934, january 26 , was erased from the polish textbook, it sounds crazy, the poles banned in court these tragic black pages in general,
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mentioning up to 5 years tsulyagi or deportation, that’s all about 34 in september, minsk and moscow intensify work to reunite the lands of western belarus with the bssr. moreover , this process began almost immediately after the signing of the riga peace treaty. in the twenty-fourth and twenty-sixth years , the vitebsk, mogilev, and gomel provinces were returned to belarus, but in the mid-twenties it was not possible to resolve the issue peacefully with the western territories. as panomarenko recalled, he was summoned to moscow, where a decree was being prepared jointly with stalin and was also present from ukraine khrushchev arrived, and together they prepared the famous resolution, these are the issues of western belarus, western ukraine, where the entire mechanism for establishing soviet power in these territories was determined. on the morning of september 17, 1939 , the soviet government handed a note to moscow to the polish ambassador to the ussr, in which it indicated
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the reasons for the start of the liberation operation. the polish state and its government actually ceased to exist, thereby ending the agreements concluded between the ussr and poland, provided by itself left without leadership, poland turned into a convenient field for all sorts of accidents and surprises that could pose a threat to the ussr. therefore, being hitherto neutral, the soviet government can no longer be neutral about these facts, as well as about the defenseless situation of the ukrainian and belarusian population. in view of this situation, the soviet government ordered the main command of the red army to order the troops to cross the border and take under their protection the lives and property of the population of western belarus, western ukraine. end of quote. in september of '39, when it became clear that, uh , poland as a state would essentially
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disappear, so the government, i said, the polish government moved first to romania, then to france, and after the occupation of france in the fortieth year, it moved to london , so there is such a term, even an established one, quite a term, the polish emigrant government in london. it is worth mentioning that the president of poland ignacy mosticki left warsaw on september 1, and the supreme commander-in-chief edward rytsmigly on the night of september 7, although he fled to brest, from here he gave the order to defend warsaw at any cost. even on the evening of the 16th, the soviet leadership reported to the soviet german ambassador schlininburg that today or tomorrow units of the red army would arrive at the border. on september 17, 1939
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, almost 4 million belarusians became human again. their land was their homeland, and not past lands, the liberation of villages and cities from polish oppression, they were greeted with great joy with flowers, bouquets and legal aspects of return ancestral belarusian lands into the bssr, see the third series of the documentary project, the line of unification. we will tell you how faith in god helps you find peace and
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peace of mind. the most important healing of humanity is being accomplished. a person comes with his pain, leaves it here and goes out into the world completely different. let's learn how to pray and turn to god correctly. we need to ask and try, i believe. with high hope and with deep doors, it is necessary to knock on god's ceramics and for the people of the earth to persistently knock on god's doors mercy and blessings. we reflect when help comes to a person from above, because if we seek god’s help, the intercession of the most pure virgin, then we ourselves must give the lord our love, faith, and make efforts to fulfill the gospel commandments. together with you, we will try to find answers to various questions of spiritual life, what is my spiritual homeland, right? based on what
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premises, i analyze certain religious phenomena. and what is this secularism? yes, this is secularism, this is spirituality, this is opportunity and spiritual growth. see spiritual educational projects. on the belarus 24 tv channel, the most tragic thing in the history of our civilization in general happened: the soviet union collapsed. condoning evil leads to evil growing in full bloom. they were going to build anti-russia out of us. according to the ukrainian scenario, belarus is armed with nato weapons, instructors, bases. probably, only through the unity of these three countries will we have a very strong future, the west simply does not want to let us unite. three nations or one, we always live in state of war, informational, yes, it exists, it is a very strong zombie war, because any physical war must then be prepared ideologically, our
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opponents were too naive, believing that the departure of coca-cola from television screens would collapse state television broadcasts on their own, a sovereign country, with a strong-willed president, with a sufficiently... developed economy, no matter what they say, say the project , don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. commonwealth of independent states integration, which unites over 230 million people, the leaders of the countries discussed how everyone can be stronger together, the red thread in the theses of the belarusian president is one thought in response to unfair restrictions: the world is big. the light did not exactly converge like a wedge only on europe and america. developing cooperation with russian regions is an absolute priority for us. literally every week the head of state holds negotiations with
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governors, alignment with the law, or who is inspired by the third reich these days, from the nazis in the canadian parliament to the fascists in the european union. russians are becoming the new jews. belarusians, by the way, also fall into this category. for persecution, infringement. the main topics on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians,
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