tv [untitled] BELARUSTV November 18, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK
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this is news of the country and abroad. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland , italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia, set up your satellite dish to expressss am8 satellite. the tv channel signal is broadcast in
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open form and available 24 hours a day every day. be with tv channel belarus 244 and discover belarus. if, as soon as we wake up, we immediately dive into social networks or email, then we lose focus and spend our time on the needs and problems of other people, and it is better to spend the first minutes of a new day doing something useful, this will create a pleasant mood for the whole day. we start our morning with a proper breakfast and prepare it together with fitness instructor valeria sukhoverkhova. all physical exercises
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discipline the child, this is very important in training process, that is, when the coach speaks, the child just has to listen and do it, out of season, don’t be afraid to buy frozen beans, they still contain enough useful substances. we stand, take the leg in our hands, for those who find it very difficult, we hold the leg here, look to the level, who can lift it as far as possible. in principle, with or without cheese, this is still a very healthy and very healthy dish that will enrich your body with fiber, vitamins and amino acids. today we will have breakfast for real champion. the list of products from valeria is very interesting; we will make all purchases at once in one place in the hypermarket. choose
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green beans, they can be sold both fresh and frozen. first of all, you should pay attention to how it looks; the color of the beans depends solely on the variety. the pod itself should be intact, without any dent marks. out of season, don’t be afraid to buy frozen beans, they still contain enough useful substances, and defrosting them is very easy, fill the pods with water at room temperature, in a couple of minutes they will be ready to eat. tomatoes are now sold in market stores all year round. of course, tomatoes taste better in summer, but out of season you can choose the best fruit. it doesn’t matter what color the tomato is or what shape it is, the main thing you need to do when buying is to taste the fruit by touch. if the tomatoes are soft, then you shouldn’t take them, they are ripe. the next
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thing to do is inspect the stalk area. if the area around it is greenish, then most likely the fruit was ripening after it was picked. and of course, smell, a ripe, ripe tomato has a sweetish, rich smell. the skin of proper tomatoes should be smooth, without wrinkles or defects; if the fruits have dark spots or damage, they may already be sour. and remember, ripe fruits are quite heavy, this means that they are juicy, fleshy, not dried out from the inside , choose greens, when buying , first of all, always pay attention to its appearance, it should be a rich bright color, mostly green, smell fragrant and no hint of you see, there are several negative factors that are bad... firstly, it is oxygen, in
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the fresh air the leaves quickly curl and darken, and secondly, it is direct sunlight, because of which the green shoots quickly turn yellow. the third factor is high or low humidity levels. in an environment that is too humid , the greens will rot; if they are too dry, they will die. let's move on to the department with fermented milk products. brine cheeses differ from other cheeses in the way they are aged; special brines are used for their preparation, thanks to with a high salt concentration, they acquire a special taste, and due to ripening and storage in brine, they absorb moisture. in hypermarkets , pickled cheese is sold in packaging, so when purchasing, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date on the date of manufacture.
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if you opened the package and did not use all the cheese, then you should store it in the remaining brine. the choice is made, all that remains is to prepare the champion's breakfast. lerochka, good morning, thank you very much for coming to visit me today. good morning masha, i am very glad that you invited me, today we will prepare the breakfast of the champion. valeria sukhoverkhaya, master of sports in artistic gymnastics, absolute champion of the republic of belarus in artistic gymnastics, prize-winner of international competitions, professional sports in the past, today aerobic gymnastics, works with children and adolescents, a separate milestone in sports, classes with special children, enjoys psychology, energy therapy psychosomatics, i’m sure that all a person’s illnesses come from the head, tell me that we have a champion for breakfast today, and
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today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, this will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty, i can’t wait to start making fish balls, prepare the minced meat... 300 g of pink salmon will be enough for two servings. you will also need onions, dill, one egg, whole grain flour and olive oil. for the salad you will need spelled cereal, lentils, green beans, you can use frozen ones. one large tomato, 100 gyr cheese, mint, cilantro, parsley, lemon, olive oil. tell us where we'll start. oh, we'll start with that i will boil the lentils and volba, and you please boil the green beans. come on, let's get started. so,
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what's next? oh, now you and i will prepare our minced meat, so for now you chop the onion in a blender, and i’ll add an egg to the minced meat. come on, great, that’s why we’ll tell you about your ideal morning. so my ideal morning begins with the fact that i wake up and literally do breathing practice for 10 minutes, and then i go on - a small exercise, an intermediate one, a small one at all, and after the gymnastics i drink a glass of hot water, that is, the temperature can be different, in order to choose the right temperature, you need to experiment a little for some time. that is, choose a convenient comfortable temperature for yourself. it can be hot, that is, someone is comfortable drinking hot water, someone is comfortable drinking water at room temperature, and someone is comfortable drinking cold water, that is, these three options are suitable, the main thing is to look at how you feel, so it was
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comfortable, i drink hot water so that it is not only absorbed into the stomach, but also in addition, it also acts as an absorbent in the intestines, that is, this is very important, it is mandatory. ritual, this is a mandatory ritual, every morning, every morning i recommend starting your day with at least minimal physical activity, so i suggest we start today with a bend, we stand, we take our hands in the lock, we lift up, we lean forward, our knees are straight, our back you can bend a little, bend down, again: keep your knees straight, feet fully on the floor, rise up, and these can be done in ten approaches.
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our next exercise is called a pistol, we stand, take our leg in our hands, the supporting leg can be slightly bent, we look at the level of physical fitness, you can here, for those who find it very difficult, hold the leg here, look to the level, who can go anywhere lift. we do the same with the second leg, try to do this at least three to five times. our next exercise will be stretching the back on the back of the thigh, which means what we need to do is the mermaid exercise, it’s called, we take this... this
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position, you can throw your head back, hold for 3 seconds, then slowly, you can have your legs apart, you can have your legs together, stand 1 , 2, 3, repeat this exercise at least five times, always start your day with physical activity, you will get a boost for the whole day, energy, vigor and good mood. ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus on the banks of one of the cleanest rivers in europe and in the second most populous city in belarus. gomel. on ragachovo the borders of three lands and lands met. charnihapa principality. they are waiting for you
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unique architectural monuments. the famous russian art critic georgy lukomsky, visiting the palace in 1913, wrote: this is one of the richest in the russian empire. and the most interesting historical facts. queen bonasforza, visiting her lands, adved ragachou, adved her castle. what kind of knowledge is there on the castle nearby, all the members of the founder of the cascel, various privileges. the photograph, measuring 42 by 94 cm , was made using the contact method in 1903, and only four such photographs are known in the world. watch the program of the city of belarus on the tv channel belarus 24. let me say, help! alive! kostya saw that there were two of them, one was so light-colored, but they were right
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behind the ulsibozhal, thank you, you heard screams, everyone who was in the entrance ran out into the street, and then we looked, two of them were rushing around the muscovite, and finally, in our hands there was a hat that belonged to one of the criminals , and from this one hat we can find the criminals, act, andrei dmitrovich, but i warn you, we need to find them as soon as possible, where did the hat go, and this is in the end after all, it's my own business. if you want, consider me to have lost it. in my opinion, we need to arrange a confrontation with the cashier. so, after all, kopylov? yes, yes, yes, you take all the blame on yourself. attention, to all posts, routes of the gi pmg, in the area of partisan avenue.
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watch the tv series problem with three unknowns, on the belarus 24 tv channel. i chopped the onion, great, add minced meat, and now i’ll add the protein, yeah, i know that you work with children, not only with children, and with adults, so tell me , how do you manage to rebuild with whom? i prefer to work, but i had such a practice in my life, i taught at the university of economics for 2 years, teaching sports aerobics and just aerobics. masha, i’ll digress for a second, please cut the dill, while i add salt and pepper to our minced meat. yes. yes, with children it’s one thing, that is, but you work and conduct classes in a playful way with children, with older age, that is, it already starts from 17 years older, this is a completely different story in the sense that there conscious people, that is
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yes, there are some nuances with children, but it’s a little easier to work with adults, that is, you gave some instructions, they go and do it, but somewhere something doesn’t work out, and i, as a coach, am already correcting it all, yes i was of course, there is one difficulty in my practice, that is, i am apparently not very tall, but when it was necessary to, say, insure some elements, here, of course, i needed help, because as a rule, girls are much taller than me, and the elements are complex and we need professional insurance, but we managed it this situation, without injuries, without any precedents, everything was fine. i know that you also work with special children, how do you manage to find an approach to them? and yes, this is also in my practice, this is a very interesting experience in my life, i am very glad that i once agreed to this, in fact, training takes place in different formats, that is, and sometimes it can be a game format,
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sometimes it’s some kind of m even at the level of discipline maybe, that is, it’s also a very.... such a labor-intensive process, but the most important thing in classes with these children is love, then they need to be accepted and loved for who they are, and at what age do children take classes with or without their parents? and children can be of different ages, that is, it can be from two to 3 years old, older , that is, 10-11, that is, well, in my practice so far they were 10-11 years old, and sometimes you need the help of parents, but this maybe the first one. classes so that i can understand how to interact with a child in general, then i myself begin, well, how to build a relationship with him, i understand that when you work with special children, you don’t you strive for them to become the greatest athletes, but there is still some kind of goal, yes there is definitely a goal, and that is, each child comes in his own condition, that
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is, with some i even start with elementary discipline. i explain how it’s possible and how it’s not, that is, all physical exercises discipline the child, this is very important in the training process, that is , when the coach speaks, the child just has to listen and do it, but if you take special children, then of course , there is a difficulty in this, but tell me, first of all, coach must be strict or a friend to love them, and the coach must be everything, that is ...' first of all it is love for the child, these children very much feel on a subtle level whether you love them or not, that is, they will never open up to you, if you treat them, well, mentally poorly, but as a friend - this, of course, this is also gradually building a certain relationship, and as for rigor, rigor is also present, at some point i have to show these qualities, well, so
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that they will listen to you , yes, of course, in order to fulfill, we go to training in order to learn something, accordingly. and you also have to use some methods. well, masha, our next task is to make meatballs with you, we will do this with the help of spoons. come on, look, children , for centuries, as a rule, everyone is mostly on gadgets, so many have problems with their backs, necks, and some suffer. obesity, and you have a sports background, you did gymnastics, that ’s how applicable your knowledge from this area is when you work with children, yes, this is, of course, a very big problem with these gadgets, how my past helps me, even if we take just the same somersault , well, that is, it is aimed at coordination, and
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our coordination is also responsible for speech, that is, there are cases when the child does not speak... starts to walk to gymnastics, play sports, perform the most basic coordination exercises , speech is restored and the child begins to speak better, better connected speech, that is , well, there is a result from this, and if we take stretching, for example, then stretching is also a lot is important in our everyday life, even just simply tying the same shoelaces, as if for some you need to try, if you kind of start playing sports, start developing your flexibility, life becomes, well, definitely easier, that is, even if somewhere before to reach for something or there, let’s take winter, i slipped somewhere, oops, there’s a split, before filming you told me that your life has changed dramatically, you ’ve become interested in energy therapy, tell me more,
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what is it? yes, this topic is interesting to me, energy therapy, that is, if we take... then a person not only consists of a physical body, that is, we also have such a concept as energy, there is such a concept as the etheric body, so if we take our energy, that is, we can sometimes even feel people, that is, when you communicate with a person, you understand, well, is he right for you, is it yours or not, that is, it happens that a person just, well... you want to move away and not interact with him in any way, so that the person, developed harmoniously, you need to deal not only with the physical body, then there are also we connect spirits to this. development, in order to develop spiritually, now there are a lot of practices that can be used , they are well in the public domain, and yoga can replace
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such practices, and yoga is like a type of spiritual practice, that is , yoga is suitable for someone who - it’s suitable, there’s energy therapy, it’s suitable for someone, psychology , that is, everyone has their own, you need to choose it individually, now there are a lot of... specialists who can help figure this out and - push for development, look, our meatballs are ready, what will we do with them now, now we will fry them and assemble our salad, our meatballs are ready, great, then we will now start with the salad, please, cut the greens, and... while i prepare the dressing for the salad, and i would like to return to the topic of energy therapy, but that is, there is a misconception that the psychology of sports, they are not
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connected, but in fact this is not the case, but i will tell you a small example from practice, and it happens that during training an athlete shows wonderful results, and as soon as he enters the competition, he immediately, he is the last or the penultimate one to come to ... some, well, his own distances, that is , in order for the athlete to tune in to a competition in a certain way, in a certain state, there are a lot of things for this i’m a practitioner, but pictures help me a lot, what kind of pictures are they, how do you work with them, and there are such, such a tool in psychology as metaphorical associative cards, that is, they are on different topics, that is, they can be... and let's say, by the way, this is how it is in my sport,
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a very relevant topic is about losing weight, about keeping yourself in shape, and there is this one, let’s say the deck is called the fullness of life, let’s say you ask a question, what ’s stopping me from losing weight or keeping myself in shape, and you take out these pictures, these pictures for you, well, your subconscious begins to answer these questions, you draw conclusions accordingly. are you already moving in this direction to correct some errors there or, well, that is, the pictures help you visualize the problem? uh, yes, pictures help to identify these at the subconscious level some problems, so that later i could either, say, go to a specialist so that he could help me with this, or deal with this difficulty myself, sports psychology should go next to each other, so i chopped the greens. what are we doing next? next we’ll assemble the salad, i’ve just prepared the dressing
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, good morning, today we’ll be sorting out another breakfast, on our agenda are pink salmon meatballs with armenian salad, i’ve already looked at the recipe, which is for you... the guys have prepared it , i can already say that the dish will be really wonderful, tasty, very healthy, at the heart of everything we have lentils, this is a very good legume, low glycemic index, very high amount of protein in it, so for getting a good amount of energy and for getting amino acids, it’s a real treasure, also for a side dish here the guys picked up spelled and green beans in addition to lentils... both beans and both really appeal to me, because spelled is the same slow carbohydrate that will give you additional energy over a long time, and green beans
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beans, as one of the options for amazing vegetables, will add more fiber, vitamins and minerals to your breakfast, that is , yes, it’s really what you need, boiled lentils, added spelt, added green beans and as a side dish - this is just an amazing dish, then , what we did, we added meatballs from pink salmon to this, super cool, i agree, no questions asked, pink salmon is a good type of fish, it has a fairly large amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, it’s really very good for your health , and these are the meatballs added to our lentils, it turned out that we have a large amount of slow carbohydrates, we have a good amount and a good combination of protein, because we took the protein from lentils, just... vegetable and we also took protein from fish like animal, then we have made up for the deficiency of amino acids in our body, there is quite a large amount of vegetables here
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, the only question i have is... salt cheese, because i don’t see , yes, what is the composition of this cheese, if, for example, this cheese is quite fatty, then maybe it’s not worth it at all add to this dish, if, as it seems to me, in principle, all pickled cheeses are not very high in fat, yes, then it also has a place in this dish to add a small salty note, and some kind of piquancy, in principle with or without cheese, this is still a very healthy and very healthy dish that will give him a huge amount. the amount of energy will charge you, make you cheerful , enrich your body with fiber, vitamins and amino acids, that is, yes, this is a well-balanced good breakfast, use it, use it in your menu, diversify your menu and make yourself healthier. everything is fine, but you need to add some color, please cut the tomato into fairly large squares, and i
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’ll get on with it. by the way, about flowers, did you know that red is the color of food, it warms , that is, it works as internal heating, if someone is cold in winter and autumn, it is advisable to eat red foods, this could be tomatoes, red apples and peppers, especially tinctures with rose hips, wow, i didn’t know about this, and by the way, i’m freezing in winter, so you’ll know now, yes. and the last touch of the meatballs, excellent, looks and smells very appetizing. so, the first thing you need to do is prepare the main ingredients for the salad.
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boil spelled, lentils and green beans, at this time start preparing meatballs, chop the onion in a blender, separate the yolk from the white, we only need the white, beat it, add the previously prepared ingredients to the minced fish, add salt and pepper, mix everything thoroughly, chop the dill , add minced meat, gradually add whole grain flour, three or four spoons will be enough, form meatballs and fry them, prepare a salad, the dressing for it is classic, just mix the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper, take care of the greens, separate the mint leaves from the stem and chop them along with the rest of the greens, collect salad, combine spelled and lentils, add green beans and greens, season with sauce and mix. cut
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the tomato into fairly large slices and gently stir the tomato into the salad. cut the brynetsa into small pieces, but you will need it a little later. you can serve the dish by laying out the salad first, sprinkle it with cheese on top, and fish balls next to it. the champion's healthy, hearty breakfast is ready. bon appetit. well, is our breakfast of champion ready? it is very tasty, healthy and incredibly beautiful, and presentation is also very important, because food should be pleasing to the eye. yes, i completely agree with you. friends, cook with us and enjoy your meal, bye-bye.
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