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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 20, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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and those who committed murder at the owner’s go-ahead. the story of mikhail borisovich khodarakovsky and his, probably, one might say, best friend, comrade-in-arms leonid nevzlin, is such one big, bright, unfortunately, terrible illustration of what happened in the nineties, like those very oligarchs who left and robbed russia, those the very people who are now talking about the need to change the system in russia, the need to overthrow the president, but what they say essentially means democracy, this is lawlessness, this is theft, this is the plunder of the state property and so on, well, actually, that’s why belarus was such a tasty morsel for characters like khodorkovsky , who financed some projects, they are abroad, but very actively took part in the information war in belarus in the twentieth year, we’ll talk about participation later further, but for now one more touch from
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those with whom they wanted to build some kind of new belarus, with such allies it’s scary to imagine what those same supporters of change would do here, that’s what nevzlin writes on social networks. my roots from belarus, i love this people and this country, i would like it to become not the western outlying mafia of the russian federation, but a democratic sovereign state of europe. i believe that only parliamentary democracy is acceptable for belarus, without onions, illumination and other monsters. i would like to note that bichugin received a life sentence for a series of murders, he is crying on camera for no reason, judging by the materials of the criminal case, but he managed to escape to israel already abroad, he became preoccupied with the fate of belarus, and the now destructive media at that time actively circulated the thief’s statement and organizer of ordered massacres. the participation of nevzlin, who is hiding in israel, in murders and attempted murders has been proven and confirmed by a court verdict in absentia. it is clear that nevzlin performed all his actions only with the approval of his senior
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partner, mikhail khadarkovsky, no one denies this, not even nevzlin himself. nevzlin from an interview. i was a junior partner in relation to mikhail, and now our business partnership is a thing of the past. khodarkovsky is a unique friend. already at the prosecutor's office, he told me not to was returning. one of his lawyers called me and said: “mikhail borisovich asked me to tell you that you don’t need to come back.” i was lucky to have good friendly relations with misha, equal ones. we did everything together with our own money. i came across a book: commercial banks of capitalist states. a wonderful book, it described in great detail how the banking system works on a popular level, i say, i like it. fine? how can i make a bank? on october 25, 2003, khodorkovsky was arrested. thanks to
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fed by the media, he became prisoner number one, and although he himself denied any interest in politics in the work of his funds for western countries, his own people burned him, that’s what the journalist valery panyushkin wrote in the book, prisoner of silence, according to the businessman. mikhail khodorkovsky with seven pr people and assistants went to the regions to meet with the officially stated that the purpose of khodorkovsky’s trip was to advertise the united company in the regions, to explain to the population that all people in russia would only benefit from the merger of the companies, because the price of gasoline would decrease new social programs will be launched. unofficially, says sps leader boris nemtsov, khodorkovsky wanted to communicate with governors and students, to understand how dissatisfied the governors might be with the authoritarianism of the central government. here we
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come to the most important topic: the influence of sponsorship by khodarkovsky, liberals, scammers and scoundrels of all kinds. the oligarch founded the non-profit public organization open russia in 2002, even before his criminal sentence, and soros’ ears are already sticking out. it all started literally training manual of the famous hungarian. khodrakovsky created computer classes in schools. schools of public policy, regional clubs and even opened the koralovo lyceum in the moscow region. the director of the foundation for effective politics, gleb pavlovsky, was the first to praise a non-politician by the hand. he stated that those programs that are used to educate young people aged 12-18 are trivial work on the future electoral base. the fund continued to operate while khodorkovsky was in prison. one of the most famous products is those same novalnyata. they are through. society
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pumped up as much as possible, and then at these necessary moments, when, for example, there are unauthorized actions , unauthorized rallies, etc., these structures, in particular khodorkovsky, which hide behind various names, for example, open russia, well, this is not open, russia is not there is a media holding, it was essentially the structure of global political provocations, and when this provocation takes place, people come out, then the employees of open russia become coordinators, they become centurions there, thousands, if we speak in the language of the maidan, and khodorkovsky as... who at the moment directly depends on the special services, well, here you can argue whose special services are british or american, their goal is one - to destroy russia, what is at russia's side , this is belarus, the closest partner, the closest ally, this is essentially a link in one chain
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, that is, they see us as enemies together, if you briefly swing russia through belarus, russian journalists have repeatedly talked about the close connection between khodarkovsky and soros. we met back in the nineties. soras, who openly hates russia, often attended open russia events as an honored guest, called the oligarch his longtime friend. when things became too obvious, the liberals' main donor tried to play hero again by shutting down the card, as the fund was called, himself. open russia is closed to protect its members from unlawful persecution. this happened in the spring of twenty-one, but there is one point, at the same time alexei navalny’s anti-corruption foundation presented its annual report the tax service, the american one, because a subsidiary structure is registered there, it turned out that only officially khodorkovsky allocated a million dollars, although the report was publicly published only in september
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22nd, the americans said that all this time, quote, they were processing the information. alexei navalny's anti-corruption foundation financed only 22% from donations from sympathetic citizens, the remaining 78% in the period from the seventeenth to the twentieth was contributed by the fund's employees themselves, businessman evgeny chichvarkin and philanthropist boris zimin. as the financial documents at artie’s disposal show, in total this amount amounted to 164.6 million rubles. more than half of the funds came in transfers from zimin and the head of the fbk headquarters network , leonid volkov. this contradicts one of the foundation's core tenets. existence solely for independent money, that is, financial support for a wide group of people without attracting large private capital. and odarkovsky simply gave part of the money in cash. by the way, in belarus in the twentieth from different foundations and ngos have also often heard, they say, we exist only on your donations, we are
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independent from hell. another dust in the eyes. khodorkovsky’s salaries and budgets, which he allocated to his activists, were simply fantastic at that time, even for that opposition. therefore, of course, this attracted many adventurers, some kind of political chess players who were integrated into this system, but they never had any public records, because, of course, they always existed on shadow budgets, there could be no question of any transparency here, through some kind of fake schemes, through the cashing out of foreign cards and so on, that is, people used such a symbiosis, well, none of these methods can be called transparent, open, or, i don’t know, aimed at some increase in trust in these structures. khadarkovsky and his funds have long been loved in the west, because he finances not only organizations engaged in subversive activities in belarus and russia, but also british educational institutions, through the khodorkovsky foundation and oxford russian
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fund. and here there is another direct bridge to the events in belarus, mbx media, as if by chance, a couple of months before the elections , journalists from this publication poured into us, why? you'll guess, some of the so-called journalists of these projects were detained even by the belarusian security forces in the first days, they were not accredited, they had nothing on them at all, what can be called journalistic, some kind of journalistic attributes, and in the end there were no power banks , if you are filming on your phone, in my opinion, these people performed a function coordinators, this is not the first time they have done this, so these same characters were detained, and there are actually a lot of them. they don’t change their names, surnames , uh, faces, and so on, they don’t represent anything as people, they’re actually cogs in such a pretty well-built scheme of propaganda and active action, or rather counteraction to the authorities, a noteworthy example is the two coordinators of open russia, artyom
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vazhenkov and igor rogov. khodrakovsky’s agents came to minsk in august 1920 to coordinate the protests, took them from caught red-handed during the riots at the riga supermarket. however, when law enforcement officers detained them, postcard workers told their legend about the tourist trip. what are we doing here? i was on vacation for tourism purposes, i came to minsk, and so did i. from russia, came to a sanatorium and today was relaxing in minsk with a friend, the boss of these journalists himself constantly shouted on the air that the true president of belarus was a runaway cook, in general, followed the trend of general narratives, a destructive agenda in the general flow of lies and fakes, managing to carry out mind-boggling parallels. i am sure that the poisoning of alexei navalny, i have no doubt that this poisoning was connected specifically with the belarusian events, this is very putin-like, in minsk, but the fact that it
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could cost someone’s life, well, acceptable costs, preservation lukashenko is more important in power. scripts should be written in hollywood, not politics; by the way, the file on khodarkovsky’s personal channel is dated august 22 , 2020. what kind of nonsense did they feed their audience back then, these liberal and honest activists. nothing should interfere on the path to the goal. neither people, nor organizations, nor entire countries, nor society , nothing, there is a goal, i am moving towards the goal, with accompanying victims in the form of people, the state, the country, society, there are some organizations that stood in his way, they are swept away, this is the evolution of mikhail khodorkovsky, the natural result that we are seeing now, absolute bitterness and no longer the need to hide any of his true plans. but from england,
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switzerland and germany, or somewhere there now lives a fugitive oligarch-criminal, of course, it is clearer how belarus and russia should develop. at the same time, the senior partner in the contract killing actively distributed instructions to the rioters in minsk, calling for the use of force against law enforcement officers. not everyone understood this message. we all heard berkut's negotiations on the maidan; they began to think only when they were answered. by force, i’m afraid there is no other choice, khodorkovsky wrote on twitter. you are a dear pervert - they answered him in a comment. mikhail borisovich, come to barricades, lead the protest, otherwise they somehow lit up in kiev, and then the hut is on the edge. move to belarus and help the republic. here we also remember the story of olga kovalkova in a loud prank by a television news agency and her shameful confession that if she came to power, she would sell naftan and mozyr to an influential oligarch for virtually nothing. everything as he likes, for example. khodarkovsky, why finance a political campaign, of course, which would be covered up with the same cliched
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freedom and democracy, a simple understandable scheme dividing the country, it would be the same with tekhanovskaya. and at the moment we are talking about processes such as privatization, not today, in the sense in belarus, yes, naturally , when you come to power, if you are interested in something specific, then you need to talk about this specific thing, that is, as it were if you are interested in a specific enterprise, as a large businessman , of course there is also an interest, i also wanted to participate in that privatization process and in the belarus that will be built with your participation, well, in particular, interest in not all chemical industry, yes, i understand this too, with such a background it would be a sin not to work in ukraine. khodarkovsky is closely connected with rinat akhmetov, one of the main ones who worked through the smarthoding company and the german gerhard frank rieger. rieger was introduced through
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the dutch company metinvest. it belonged to akhmetov and owned the azovstal plant. the german represented the interests of a shareholder who wished to remain anonymous. through him, they organized an additional issue of class b shares. these are securities with increased voting rights and value. so thus, the mysterious investor became an important part of the company. match number one. rieger appeared at the corporation literally a couple of days after the first meeting between akhmetov and khodorkovsky. coincidence number two. rigerge worked with the oligarch in moscow throughout the nineties; in 2002 he became the financial director of the yukos company. everything indicates that rieger became khodarkovsky’s personal confidant, one of a dozen close associates. even his colleagues from top management did not know what athens the director actually did and what assignments he carried out. however, subsequently in october. year, a man with the same name, gerhard frankrieger, appears in european
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companies associated with hadarkovsky, in estonia and the czech republic. for example, since 1914, frank rieger was on the board of directors of the czech fao; it was through fao that khodorkovsky paid money to the russian opposition, primarily to alexei navalny and representatives of the parnassus party. in 2015 , the equivalent of 40 million rubles passed through fao accounts to support projects of the non-systemic opposition. it also provided funding for open russia and its electoral project, open elections. obviously, the chains were broken, and khodorkovsky , perhaps for the first time in his life, felt a new feeling for himself. he was cheated, he invested 10 million dollars in the construction of luxury housing in kiev, the construction was frozen , and the oligarch’s company is a candidate for sanctions, because he earned his money, which he managed to withdraw from russia, in russia, which means it must be blocked, karma, that’s what it is , another parallel with the belarusian events,
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khadarkovsky also wanted to create a government in exile and it also turned out to be zilch, but it seems the story does not end, in september he went in the usa, where he was essentially given carte blanche to work with fbk, navalny’s foundation, so that the media lured by the west and the frontman himself will probably appear closer to the spring and our elections, and then the russian ones, and no one in the west is embarrassed by what the disgraced businessman my hands are up to my elbows in blood, i hope now you too will understand this and be happy. sports day on air, anna eismond studios, good evening! let's start with hockey, dynamo minsk played the first match of a two-game away series today, the bisons visited tolyat, the local team, one of the leaders of the eastern conference and already in the first minute of the first period the hosts made it clear who was stronger here today. alada doubled the advantage already at the start of the second period, in the middle of the second
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twenty minutes the score became indecent for us 0:3. but seven minutes into the third period, cody keuren created a chance that sam enos only had to shoot into the goal, and he did. but after equalizing the match, dynamo simply did not have enough time, losing 1:3. dynamo's next match will be against motorist on november 22 at 17:00. live broadcast as always on belarus 5. the belarusian youth football team completed the calendar year with a match against peers from croatia; unfortunately, our team lost to the opponent 0:1 in the last minutes. head coach sergei osinsky announced three forwards in the starting lineup at once: shumansky, loshkin and korpitsky, but in the first half of the meeting the croatians attacked more sharply. for 7 minutes the belarusians played with a minority, when the muscovite was sent off for the second yellow card. the last time the belarusian youth team won the qualification for the european championship was in june
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twenty-second year. the latest losing streak now totals five matches. i will also note that in this selection we have. there are no victories, the fate of the head of the youth team of sergei isinsky will probably soon become known, who previously noted that he would think about possible remnants after the match with croatia. the professional basketball club 3-3 miner, created in november of this year, has already won its first international award. the day before , the friendship league stage ended in st. petersburg, where the second miners team, consisting of maxim sazonova maxim koratsova, anton zaretsky iskiy became the silver medalist of the tournament. novachik and alexey baldin are in seventh place in the standings. in the women's tournament, the belarusian national team took third place . our women's quartet played on the st. petersburg court consisting of anna lopo, ulyana skiba, polina verabe and polina katlinskaya.
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the youngest children need to be taught the basics of sports. in shape, since this is the only way to interest them, accordingly, in the future the chance of growing him into a champion will be much greater above, this opinion was expressed by olympic handball champion andrei borbashinsky in an exclusive interview with our tv channel, otherwise if you send a child to just run for 45 minutes around the stadium, he will not want to stay in the sport, the eminent athlete continued. personally, andrei stanislavich himself did not immediately decide to stay in handball only thanks to the persistence of the first coach, but did he still decide to live his life with this sport? i came to this children’s school, got hit in the forehead with a sword, because my coach, the first goalkeeper, and he decided, well, since he’s chubby, but tall, well, it will become normal, he will close the playground more, he got it, he got it, he said, no, guys, that won’t work, he studied well,
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there were one or two b’s, great, he was, well, a home boy, another six months passed, they went the entire school was trying not to persuade me, but my parents, so that they somehow, somehow, well, take me away from this belief that no, this sport is not mine, in the end my coach, the first coach decided to remove me from gates to let me into the court, and i , as a friend, as i remember now, scored my first goal, i liked it, these are the steps needed. so that young handball players do not get lost when transitioning from children's handball to youth, and how, in principle , to take this sport to an even higher level, andrei borbashinsky discusses in the sports personnel program. don’t miss the coming tuesday on your body. according to tradition, at the beginning of the week the wta and atp updated their ratings, two belarusians managed
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to maintain their positions in the women's tennis association report card. we are talking about arinets balenko and victoria zarenko. they occupy the second and 22nd lines, respectively. but at alexandra sosnovich and irina shimanovich have had a slight regression. so sosnovich is now in eighty-ninth place. and shimanovic is at 169. novak djokovic. from now on most often. the winning tennis player at the final tournament of the year. the serb had won this competition for the seventh time the day before, surpassing the legendary roger federer in this indicator. we’ll tell you how the next ending for zero turned out right now. in the title match, djokovic faced courts owner janik sinner. it was to the italian that serb lost in the group stage. therefore, few people believed that within one week yannick would beat the first racket of the planet for the second time. most likely not. sinner himself was sure of this. the main match of the tournament in turin turned out to be boring and lasted only 1 hour and 40 minutes. djokovic scored 13 aces, did not make
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a single double fault, made three breaks with eight break points. sinner completed seven serves in the game, never made a double fault and did not make a single break with two breakpoints 6:363 nil over. account in personal. the meetings became 4:1 in favor of djokovic, but most importantly, this triumph for novak became the seventh in his career; according to this indicator, he surpassed federer; roger had six victories at the final tournament of the year. the serbian finishes the season very well on the first line of the itp rankings, with a handicap of almost 2,500 points ahead of the spaniard carlos alcaraz. the struggle with nature and oneself on the eve of lovers. neither the frosty weather nor the prepared obstacles stopped them, and they are worth noting, there was a lot on the way, arable land, dirt,
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dirt forest paths, thickets, fallen logs, not only, all this awaited the athletes on way to the finish. of course, each participant was able to choose a distance according to their strength, whether it was 10, 20 or 55 km. i came to you today from egypt. i’m a little bit cold, my lips are puckered, well, the weather today is fine, not as cold as i thought, the track is as smooth as it was prepared, very clear, very smooth and normal, everything is visible, i didn’t expect that such an atmosphere exists in the city today , all the guys on the track were helping each other, when he saw that someone behind him was walking a little, come on, come with us, full of emotions, a sellout, so to speak, everything is very cool. didn't like it and the main thing is that the first thing i strived for, the hardest thing was that the field was plowed , uh, my legs got a little tired there, well, in principle
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, everything was perfect, in total the wild trail brought together more than 200 athletes from all over the country and not only in the vasipovichi region. watch a big story about an extreme race today in the arena program for belarus one. and that 's all for now, there will be more news in the nightly edition of the program, so see you.
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minsk in the fifties and sixties. he was changing rapidly. in those years he was still
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called the most. soviet union. around entire districts with residential buildings and new streets grew up in the center. almost wiped off the face of the earth during the war, minsk began to live the full life of the capital, with its problems, worries and disputes. and they largely concerned how he should be. construction sites, a landmark object, and the fact that the debate was really heated is reminiscent of the architecture of that time, next to pompous buildings, modern glass and concrete, there are those where minimalism is in everything. it turns out that the country is undergoing perestroika, no, not the one that happened in the eighties, perestroika was announced then
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nikita. in construction and architecture. at the beginning of january 1958, in veskuli, in belovezhskaya pushcha, they were waiting for the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev. the belarusian leadership had to report on the implementation of its instructions. given a year earlier in 1957. then the task was set to build a government residence in a protected area as soon as possible, where high-level guests could be received and hunted. after all, it was a state dacha, in the gpu, belovezhskaya pushcha, so in the design assignment, but it was always subordinated first
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moscow. that is, it was grushov’s union dacha. he didn’t even know that such a beloevskaya bush existed. when khrushchovy, joseph brosita began to ask him about the belskaya pushcha, once famous, the prince. khrushov returned, apparently gathered people and said: “we need to resume this whole thing.” and immediately at 57 they began construction of this one. dacha residences, in 1958 they finished the main building, and then built three more cottages. true, at first the construction of cottages was not envisaged, the construction of the facility was the best forces were deployed and they built at an accelerated pace. viskuli was chosen as the location.
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black sea, viskuli, pure pine forest, all around there were berry fields, pine, oak, spruce, there was no such overgrowth as there was now, leaves, it was all blown through, there was no kamarata in principle, well, a good pine forest, there was plenty of wild boar, food supply was great


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