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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 22, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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that he wants people in parliament who will care about the country, who will really not destroy what has been developed, but will support and strengthen it. thank you very much for this conversation, everything is happy today.
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we are going on a journey in which we will learn more about the national identity of belarusians. our ancestors were earth workers, and in the beginning of the year of agricultural farming, we collected all the grains, we collected all the grains, we collected all the fires, we collected all the gods, and of course this is not a requirement for desecration. let's remember folk traditions, getim.
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gadoў and here sapraўdy adchuvaetstsa all these hours and the last hundred years of the tsudoўny tops you adkazaў i tabe padaruna i give silver rubles all and the het rubles ўspamіnae danila mickevich eldest son of kulas zahoўvaў all here i'm a 41-year old yak talisman smatrytse cultural project project on the tv channel belarus 244. my history, nature, culture, faith, people, beauty, adzin once you want and will not be forgotten for many more, everything is here for the sapraina.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, tatyana sherbina, svetlana are in the studio smolonskaya, our guest is the rector of vitebsk state medical university, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor alexey chukanov. hello. alexey nikolaevich. hello. good afternoon. we are glad to see you in our studio. you, as they say, are straight from the ship to the ball. and just yesterday we discussed issues; you were at the airport in moscow. and today you returned from vacation to our studio. tell me how it is in the tops. thank you, you have gained strength and are full of energy to implement all your plans. well, as far as we know, you rested in a sanatorium, for the first time in many, many years. was there not enough time or desire before? more like time.
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was not enough, the desire is always there, but the question is that we must try to resolve all the issues that arise, so, probably, it’s still an age when you feel... full of energy, full of strength, and you can evaluate as a doctor, say, the sanatorium-resort base of the sanatorium in which you rested, of course, this is the sanatorium belarus, our sanatorium, domestic, a list of all absolutely procedures that are in the world, ball practice, reflexology, everything, everything, anything, but again there wasn’t enough time for everything, for all the procedures, because i wanted to go to the sea, i wanted to breathe, i wanted to... matsion and wander along the seashore, naturally, that, therefore, but so, i highly recommend it, a magnificent sanatorium, your appointment to the post of rector of the university took place in january of this year, let’s watch a short video meeting with the head of state, you can’t wave checkers from left to right
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, approach thoughtfully, there are good personnel, there will be a result, the it's more about high level managers. if they are in place, the result will be strong, 90 percent depends on the leader in any business, so this should be a law of science for everyone, you should always give a chance, a person, well , he made a mistake somewhere, stumbled, give time, give time to the person has come to his senses, help if necessary, maybe something will work out for him, consult with people, talk. who worked, who knows, but then you make a decision, because people are watching us, if we swing, as i say, with a saber from left to right, chop off heads, what kind of work will there be, there will be no work, why
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does a person need such work, he will be in a stressful situation all the time, he will have neither a family, nor will there be a business to which he is assigned, look, this is the main thing for you , you are in charge. how did you consider this message from the president for yourself then? yes, the leadership, the head of state absolutely correctly noted, the question is that personnel policy is a very delicate thing, after such a post has been appointed, bearing responsibility for institutions for people, this is a huge responsibility, we need to be very careful here , so of course, we need such advice, such guidance, without fail, but did you take some notes, can you remember which ones now? you can probably write down almost all of his statements, i noted, a very significant phrase for myself, the university is the last place where a personality is polished, yes, the educational process and the formation of personality, we are talking here in a broad sense,
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as a citizen, as a patriot country, comes from the family, from the moment birth, and kindergarten, and school, well, this is exactly the last outpost, where you can still, probably, it’s so correct... to say , polish and trim and somewhere there may be excess cut off, but send most of it, because this is a student an established personality, already, as it were, no matter how much we think that these are still children, these are not children, these are established, formed, but to direct - to show in the right direction, somewhere by your example, somewhere by example, even here we practice some professional aspects during... practical classes, a story about the achievements of medicine, echoing the achievements of domestic medicine, that is, talking about the same achievements in cardiac surgery and transplantology, we say, this is the belarusian experience, this also gives rise to pride in the country, so i took this thesis
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as probably the main leitmotif of our activities is that we must make every effort to ensure that we not only have a high-quality professional, but also a citizen who can be relied upon. before appointment to the position of rector of medical at vitebsk university, you headed belmapo, the belarusian medical academy of postgraduate education, where you went through, let’s say, your entire career, from assistant, graduate student, associate professor of the department of ultrasound diagnostics to rector, being the rector of belmapo and vsmu is one and the same, or as they say in odessa, these are two big differences, in some ways they are similar positions, there are people behind you, behind you. the implementation of the tasks that are assigned to the institution, this is science, this is education, of course, this is the educational part, on the other hand, in the end
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the student environment has its own specifics, within the framework of the fact that we are still educators here, so of course, for me, a somewhat new aspect opened up like this, when i still felt myself, somewhere, probably, well, without unnecessary things... i’ll say pathos, a father for many of our students, who, unfortunately, often need advice from men, maybe somewhere there is a father, sparing his child. he won’t say anything, but i have this duty, i have to not only praise, but also explain that this is not good, like this you can’t do this, here you are great, and we will really recognize you here, so these are similar positions, but different, yeah, and often students turn to you for advice, they often do, after i became rector, i introduced a slightly new format of communication such a box is called mail rector, it stands outside the cameras, a.e. video surveillance , it stands outside... the zone where someone could see who put the letter to the rector, and it must be said that this
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plays its own and important role within , probably, the approach of the administration’s activities to the students, they feel what can they say, because again, not everyone dares to come to the office, although i, like any leader, have a reception on personal issues, students are no exception here, we talk with them in a formal setting, like this, when they come, informally, but still like this... this is an opportunity to communicate incognito on their part, allows them to more clearly express and frame the problem, and i always share my thesis with them when i come to lectures, if we and i, as a representative administration, head of administration, i won’t know about your problems, we won’t be able to solve them, and many of course are embarrassed, but some children, well, not children, students, take advantage of this opportunity. they write, they will say, we need this, this, this, this, and what they write , everyday issues, once, somewhere from their
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point of view, it is not quite an adequate assessment, which they received two, and third, interpersonal conflicts, please translate into that group, we don’t work well together, this and that, well , again, we always clearly understand the situation, of course, i maintain confidentiality about who wrote and what group it is and how, but we always get together and this issue: it is done within the next few days, again we find an acceptable option for the parties, well, this is an interesting form, that is, you the administration also sees , say, a snapshot of those problems that are on the surface at the university, but the answer is unexpected, because when you were appointed to the position, they took into account your experience at the medical academy after graduate education, and the head of the ministry of health, representing you to the vitebsk university team, noted that this university is famous not only for undergraduate training, but also for postgraduate training, which is now acquiring a special role in
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the concept of continuous professional education in the field of healthcare, so we settled on your candidacy, and your past experience has already come in handy in the new positions, you felt this fully, of course, we have two faculties of advanced training and retraining at vitesky medical university, one for doctors, the other for psychologists and pedagogues. accordingly we we have modernized the approaches a little, we have modernized a little, even the curriculum, study plans in order to, let’s say, give these aspects at a different level, because again, the academy of postgraduate education is the training of accomplished doctors, this is polishing, this is some kind of... then enrichment with new knowledge, for students this is not always necessary, and what sins at the university refers to them, often calling them ours... yeah, we have moved away from this practice today, these are not children, these are accomplished people who lucky in life
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to become doctors, definitely, we need to treat them differently, these are not, not the same students who were 10 years ago, more active, they, they are more advanced, they are already an order of magnitude better with technology, they communicate more calmly than we do, even though i well, i don’t consider myself such a retrograde and i communicate quite well with the computer. but again, this is great, this is progress, and accordingly, you need to speak with them in a different language, as with adults, accomplished specialists, this experience, as we talked with doctors at mapo, we definitely also, now we communicate with students in exactly the same way, i can’t say that we are on equal terms, but at least we give them a message and show that guys, we are almost on the same level, so be kind, these are childish pranks, this is all great, their time... has passed, we will teach you in a new, adult way, but what is more difficult to lead, to be a rector or
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to make accurate diagnoses as a doctor? emotionally more difficult, of course, the role of a leader is a big responsibility, it’s more, and there ’s probably more attention to small details, uh, medical work, it is more familiar. you were also asked the questions of career guidance training, network training, retraining and knowledge control, is everything going smoothly with all this, or are there any difficulties? well, it probably doesn’t happen smoothly in education and smoothly in medicine, but again, we put a lot of effort into this, we also use innovative approaches, today we have projects that were long overdue to be carried out, one student at a time the day when we invite e as a career guidance work,
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we invite students interested in mastering this specialty, because my deepest conviction is that to say that guys, let's... everyone go to medical school a month before the start of the admission campaign , it's too late, we must select those whose eyes sparkle, times, those who are capable, because this is one of the most complex universities in terms of volume and complexity of the materials presented, accordingly, you will study in far from light conditions, as young people say, this is the most severe, discipline, self-discipline, and this is a huge amount of knowledge, this is at the same time... this is latin, these are specific subjects that need to be learned in one day, today for tomorrow, and of course, we must select the best here, at the same time explaining to the children so that they do not there was a breakdown, because, unfortunately, we are faced with several cases when, after the first session, children, unable to cope , either independently say, this is not for me, or
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they say, i can’t study, i didn’t know it was so difficult, here’s the question of course, career guidance work, because. the state spends money, even if the student completed his studies before the first session, we still spent time and money on him, on the other hand, we distracted him from another specialty for which he would probably be more suitable, so these are the questions of career guidance work, the most it is important to carry out this work many years before he comes to us, so that this choice is conscious, and today we are doing this kind of work, going to the regions, we - vitebsk university supervises both the vitebsk region and the mogilev region, we work there too , here too meeting with schoolchildren, these are tenth, eleventh grade and ninth grade, and medical colleges, we see that well, 10-12 percent of the children are ready to come to us, and it is their conscious choice to say that this work is easy, no, because i constantly have to look for some trick to interest young people, if
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i come to them beautifully in a tie, like this, it will immediately cause rejection, they will say, the administrator has come, will agitate, well, we need to find an approach to them and speak their language, this seemed very good to me before it’s very easy, well, how am i, i’m already a grown man, and that i won’t be able to talk to them, you won’t be able to, and i learn a lot from my nephews, from my own, somewhere from my daughter, how it seems like in the same language, but sometimes this is how they say something, and you understand, this is what you need to use in a conversation with them, and of course, it’s great that such opportunities have appeared, to discuss the experience that was transferred for, so to speak, to a new field, wider, i won’t say that it’s easier to work with students, it’s more difficult, so here to the experience that i had as the rector of mapo, a new layer is added, psychological and pedagogical support for their activities as students,
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so that everything goes well for them, because our task, we have the same slogan. administration for students, not students for administration. yeah, well, in another interview you noted that another of your tasks is to maintain the enthusiasm of students in the process of mastering a difficult medical specialty, we have already talked a little about this, but still reveal the secret of how maintaining this enthusiasm is indeed very difficult to study, a very intensive program, an intense schedule, but you have already said that you approach in a fatherly way and say that guys, you are no longer children, you are already... future doctors, so let's , be disciplined, but always this principle is just a whip, it doesn’t work , no, of course, even i probably wouldn’t call it the principle of a whip, because a whip is already a punishment, some kind, we have an incentive , we must explain that if you want in modern conditions, wherever you are
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worked, it will be a republican scientific and practical center, it will be a district hospital, it will be - i don’t know, any medical institution, patients will be drawn to you only when you are a high-quality specialist, if you want to stand out among, excuse me for this among the crowd of other specialists, then you must be able, in addition to the fact that we are now telling you about anatomy and physiology, you must be able to talk with a patient, you must communicate with a computer, you must constantly keep yourself updated on technological innovations, because medicine is the most... harmonious and the most dynamic industry, we have new treatment methods every six months, look at the experience of covid, every month new protocols, new medicines, something is added, we have everything... absolutely the direction is such an intensive updating of knowledge, therefore
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we explain to students that you don’t have to study, but then you won’t be ranked, but for the pride of a young man, or a girl, this is the most important thing, i have to be not only beautiful and smart, but i have to prove myself as this one here, this one here , but remember, here alexey nikolaevich told us that he was probably right after all, here... somewhere and by personal example, i now , to my great regret, this is probably not a very popular appeal to the soviet past, but before there was political instructor klachkov, who says do as i do, but in fact we followed him, and we are doing exactly the same now , despite the fact that the rector still remains a practicing doctor and very often, when we are with students or with doctors on promotion qualifications, tell, show, about complex things can be told in simple language, so that you are interested, the most important thing is to break the threshold - fear, oh, this, this is scary, new, i won’t succeed, you will succeed, i’m telling you that you will succeed, this , this is probably the same thing, somewhere
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maybe, we exaggerate, simplify, especially in order to again attract people to say that you try, you try, driving a car also seems, well, very scary, but then little by little, little by little everything is working out, so this is the way we are going, in the meantime, we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you of our telegram channel , say don’t be silent, subscribe, suggest to us, ask questions, we are connected, hello, kitten, ours, how did he sleep, ours, but like a fireman, with a roar? for more than 10 years, you know, so many different things have flown here, such as cats on this airfield
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, there was no trace of anyone, no, no, listen, i've been dead for a year, really, you should have asked first for what reason, i called you for a drink, andryusha, no, why did you call him by that name, well, i told you, i told you, you you never listen to me, you can’t call me. the cube, at the helm of which was the honored test pilot ivan kotov, clearly sat down on a given point , the tester had to have time to take off again , what would end up, watch the series hugging the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel. club of editors, an ordinary european man in the street, he sits under the threat of war, he is scared terrible putin , terrible lukashenko, the migration crisis
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, while he has terrible economic problems, he doesn’t understand where to go, people , instead of fighting for their rights, they americans are losing these ideological guidelines, they have the task of pitting the europeans against each other, they are doing this methodically, with the help of the british, the sacred economic vessel of the european union... europe will not get anything from this war, except for the destruction of the economy, this is already happening, the loss of sovereignty, this is already underway, and third, the socio-political problems that will arise, this is what europe will get from the ukrainian crisis, we should not look back at anyone when we build order in our house, don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the program “don’t be silent” is on air again, today our guest is the rector of vitebsk state medical university alexey chukanov. alexey nikolaevich, this year about 800 first-year students arrived to study at vitebsk university, among them many foreign students, from more than 50 not only in the country, but abroad. this can not only be considered, i believe that we will use this as proof that no matter what anyone says, this is an official fact, which is impossible for our opponents to move away from, or to wriggle out of, moreover . again, without probably advertising to individual countries, there is a country where graduates of our university, having passed the exam in their country, were in the top 50
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who passed the internal exam the best, in addition, our graduate also takes first place in this ranking , this is probably something that not only vitebsk university, but the whole country can be proud of, but the ministry of education and the ministry of health, having created the conditions for preparation, practice orientation, know-how, all possible, doing science, mastering practical skills, we have achieved such a result, which is a marker of the fact that these are not third world countries, they are quite economically developed, politically developed countries, which we are especially proud of, again, speaking that yes, if these are two or three countries, but when they come from fifty countries, then here it is already called, well , try, say something against, well, 50 countries, it turns out that education is
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international. sanctions are not a hindrance, or here the imprint is left by the fact that vitebsk university, also known as the order of friendship of peoples, just became the rector, the idea was born to make this a brand, we have only one university in the post-soviet space of the cis, the order of friendship of peoples, that ’s why we say that guys, come to foreigners, guys , come to us, you will join the family, because this is... still a soviet order, and we not only preserved, but also developed these qualities in our modern belarus, so this is very cool and this is a very attractive factor for them, but where are these students accommodated, are there enough dormitories? today, we have all those in need, 100% occupied in the hostel , not only first-year students, but all those in need, well, this level of 800 people has been maintained by vitebsk medical university for several years now,
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the same figure was the graduation rate. last year of the university, how in demand are these graduates today in institutions, the region as a whole in the country, the demand is enormous, because today we have many applications are received from all regions, absolutely, this is not only vitevsky mogilev, the one that relates to the supervision of vitebsk, and this is minsk, well, these are all regions of the absolutely country, and, it must be said that students... our graduates are quite seriously rated internally country, because applications for these specialists come from many of our republican scientific and practical centers, which do not accept, so to speak, specialists below a certain level, i express myself so carefully, our students are the owners and winners of many awards, both in the cis, this is the russian federation, these are other countries, intra-republican ones,
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respectively. for various competitions, they have quite a serious scientific achievement, they know how to work with their hands, accordingly, they are the fund that leading clinics, leading republican scientific and practical centers are hunting for in a good way, and this is great, this does not work for me as a rector not to please as a citizen of the country, especially since these are the practical skills where students receive, that is, do you have some kind of, i don’t know, clinic at the university? today we have two university clinics, one general somatic, the other dental , where practical skills are directly honed on patients, respectively, this is direct work with our hands under the guidance of our leading specialists, plus we have one of the first, created at vitebsk medical university, a simulation center, which is, today, one of the most
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fruitful work. but for today again, it would be more correct to consider the simulation center not as a replacement for working with the patient, absolutely correctly, the minister of health says, this is access to the patient’s bedside, we are practicing skills inside muscle invasions, various intravenous ones, laparoscopic manipulations, but only having learned and so to speak, getting rid of children diseases, so we will say, yes , the student has practiced, that is, having already worked with his hands, they use laparscopes, for example, to tie knots under the control of a specialist, so that later the patient will not to practice these ordinary skills, which are not always safe to practice on a person, it must be said that this is quite important, so here is such a holistic training program, a simulation center, practical work in a university clinic, only then at
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the patient’s bedside, he is already directly... introduces all this into practice, and how do patients react when they find out that they will be treated by a student, patients coming to a university clinic understand where they are coming, they, this is the main condition, you will be treated, but again, here you need... to understand correctly too, you will be treated under the supervision of a leading specialist, professor , associate professor, head of department, this is high-quality care, take my word for it, we uh, i even want to knock on wood, there are never failures when a student due to inability to harm the patient, there is always a senior comrade who will say, wait, you don’t need to do this here, you need to go about it differently, so the question, there ’s probably even double control, there will be more guarantees that there will be a high-quality result, there will be the result is high-quality, and the result will be quick, on the other hand, there is also an interesting aspect, i very often go to the structural unit, and many patients
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say, listen, it was so interesting for us, we found out ourselves, it turns out that karios is treated like this is being treated, that is, it also broadens the horizons of our patients about their illness, well, not an illness, this is a temporary condition, that is, there is also a free lecture, yes, this is wonderful, in the future vitebsk honey will have transformation and changes in the structure, some departments will be enlarged in connection with the trends of modern medicine, and changes are planned to begin with the faculty of pharmacy, this whole reorganization is a question of when, it is clear that breaking is not a matter of building, won’t this rebranding, this reorganization, interfere with the learning process, nor will not hurt in any way, moreover, i will say , it will help, because we... are moving along the path of expanding the professional competencies of a doctor, starting with the student, that is, if earlier we said that a student surgeon can
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it’s good to cut, sew up and cut out, then today we are talking about a surgeon - this is a specialist who can immediately look at the ultrasound to see what is there and how it is, and can immediately give some advice regarding which tablets to treat this or that, that is, dilation outlook, it is natural that we began the transformation. having enlarged some departments, precisely based on the fact that we understand that today’s student needs a qualitatively different range of knowledge, wider, deeper and much more extensive than even the day before yesterday, therefore here is not something that will not worsen, but will definitely improve the quality, but somewhere it will be more difficult for them within the framework of the increase in the volume of hours, which and the volume of subjects that need to be mastered, but this is a modern trend, if we want, if we want to talk about that we are moving towards the medicine of tomorrow, then we must train them ahead of time, the student will graduate from college this year, next
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year, but he will work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and today we must give him the knowledge that will be available tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we say, oirt-kt. mri-ct already thanks again to the leadership of the ministry of health and the government. in almost all institutions where it is needed, unlike in europe too, should students be able to at least preliminary evaluate the result, of course, otherwise, what kind of specialist will it be who will come to the region and wait, oh, let the mri doctor be there someday he will look, well, this is not the case, we , we should have pride in our graduates, so we will again teach them this, even if not today, but tomorrow this knowledge will be in demand, and he should know somewhere technologies of the pharmaceutical industry, somewhere... pharmacoeconomics, why prescribe this drug, why not prescribe , because the effectiveness within the framework of society is completely different, why should we vaccinate now and not later, and so on, so on, so on, that is, it is a look into the future. alexey nikolaevich, how are things going with the creation
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of the previously announced medical and biological cluster in the northern region? today, the process is almost at the stage of completion, it will be implemented. knowledge. understandably, must be present, but in order for a person to be harmonious, he must also be patriotically minded, let’s say, in this direction, so that the graduate feels part of the country, part of society, needed by this country, and he himself wants to benefit belarus, yes, that’s it in this direction you are taking, we always try to show students their relevance and the need for us in them, i mean civil society, the country in that yes, it was hard for you to study, but you are in demand, we need you, why do we need you we need it because you are our guide , again returning, unfortunately, to the twentieth
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year, why such a resonance arose in the medical environment, paying tribute to justice, we probably analyzed this very often. probably, engineers, builders, repairmen, doctors were equally involved, everywhere the same percentage of involvement, but doctors were at the peak , because of all, i’m not afraid to suggest, this was the layer that society listened to the most, and intellectuals, yes, oh, the doctor’s words, this is it, but we’re somewhere here here they were spoiled, absolutely correctly, and the head of state noticed, they spoiled, saying, yes, you are a white bone , such conditions were created for you, but absolutely, probably, now we must not forget, remind, what it cost to train you, and what it cost to put you in the hospital . an mri-ct scan, on which your mom and dad were done at the moment
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when they needed it, not in a month, in a year, like in europe, this also shouldn’t be kept silent, you need to shout about it, let alone talk about it , to say, this was done thanks to the fact that we all worked together, we all earned money together, the budget , the state bought it, installed it, and you use it, like you, for free, that’s when it ’s forgotten when it says, well, this is how it should be, but no. comrades, come to europe, look at the queue, this is the involvement of students, specifically in the discussion , our public platforms have now become our permanent event, where we invite leading experts, it is now very easy, no one will refuse to speak in front of a youth audience, in front of , but the youth audience is great, that too, but also the teaching staff needs constant explanation of the processes that are taking place.
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because many people don’t have time to get acquainted with modern trends in the development of society, there was a discussion of the results of the referendum, a discussion of changes to the constitution, many due to the fact that there was not enough time, the educational process, there was not enough time to get acquainted with what’s new , oh, what’s there, no, just wait, the constitution, the law by which you will live tomorrow, when they come and explain, it’s great for us, the rector of the academy came management and was explained by a person who is himself a bearer of knowledge, this is a completely different perception, yes, i can retell his words, but when he speaks out himself, when you have the opportunity to ask him a question directly, this is, this is a completely different answer, and you understand that the heads of departments and institutions come to you and tell you, it means you are interested, it means you need this, this is absolutely, this is already civic inspiration, it will be, this means that we are not some kind, excuse me, which
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we forgot, but you are truly the members of society that we need, the teaching staff also see this, the students see this, they communicate with joy , their worldview changes completely, listen, it turns out that the administration knows how we live, it turns out, listen, and the rector it turns out that he goes to our parties and is interested in, well, what are you doing, yes , so look, that’s all, that’s where i say, somewhere personally, not only the rector, i meant. that the rector as a representative of the administration, the deans also do this, this vice-rectors also do this, that’s the only way, when there is a connection with, not only group curators, group curators are great, but the level is a little different, well, students, well, yes, this is ours, yes, we select those who enjoy authority in the student environment, as it were our rupees, but we also have no right to turn away and says, guys, listen, we have our own business here, no, no, no, so, we will get the result later, well, it ’s good, of course, that we made such conclusions from the twentieth year , we have a big election campaign ahead, that’s what you think,
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those events that we have already talked about with your students, public dialogue platforms, they will be enough to ensure that those events that happened, well , god forbid, do not repeat themselves either in the country or in a particular university, this is a storm, there can’t be too many ideologies, i’ll definitely say that we should raise this issue in everyone, every minute and every, probably every lesson, i’ve already said that we even... weave ideological aspects into professional subjects, they heal teeth like this, do you know who made the first cement in soviet, this was done in the soviet union, and you know how a liver is transplanted, and you know that the best results for a liver transplant, dear students in the republic of belarus, and you know that the cardiac surgery service and cardiology are the best, because invested , here, when you talk about any disease, you should generate in students. for our country, for our achievement, especially since it is not
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so pretentious that we are deceiving them, it is so, but we were simply embarrassed to talk about it, to the question of whether it is enough there will be these events, and there should be even more, and today we are participating, it would seem, where is viteps, where is everyone, we are participating in the creation of a new fortification on the territory of kubren, a new memorial, we go there, our students come to khotyn, especially. here is the first year, the second year , which seem to be educated children, but many did not get there, although they studied not so far away in schools, but you can imagine how emotional it is. a splash for them and somewhere an emotional shock when they, well, it’s one thing they’ll read there, but another thing, they walked through this land , they saw these monuments, they were imbued with this spirit and they understand that not everything that i heard before from those people is in fact true, right here
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of course, to work there and work, but you have some kind of faculty, which or department there, i don’t know, a group of military doctors, a training cafe where we train specialists for our army, naturally, military doctors are in great demand, we also adopt experience, today is very active our colleagues share, and i can say that, uh, well, these are probably some of the most ideologically correct guys, because again there is a selection process, this year 150 officers graduated, they graduated, they are awarded the officer rank after completing training, this is their first time for many years, the practice was not theoretical, it was precisely in the conditions - the divisions, uh, lived in the barracks, ate porridge, saw how this army was from the inside, and many then had tears flowing when they took the oath, these are the
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people you can rely on , this definitely, we trusted them, they took the oath with military weapons, on our square in front of the vsmu, where we have a flagpole, an anthem, a banner, everything is like for real, this is the kind of fuse that they approached, then they told us that this fire will be enough for several years, we say, well, we’ll throw some more at you, well, we’re watching, now there’s an ongoing israeli-palestinian conflict, blood and death of a huge number of people, women, children, civilians, including doctors are also suffering, according to who data... in the sector gas, about 200 doctors died , now the medical profession cannot be called peaceful, because we see in the same gas sector when hospitals are bombed, these are not military doctors, these are ordinary civilian doctors, so i learned from our colleagues with great surprise,
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that earlier during the great patriotic war they painted red crosses, medical instructors, bandages, they painted crosses on cars so that they would not be touched, combat units, now it’s exactly the opposite, kill doctors, because these are people who can help and endure from the battlefield, respectively, the personnel reserve, and for me the discovery was again that today’s military doctrine is aimed at the primary destruction of precisely those who help, this, this is here without comment, a battle of ideology, battles, well, these are ours the values ​​are still humanistic and their values, i won’t... voice now, everyone understands perfectly well what we are talking about, but it must be said that our guys are ready for this, because this is not even a question of self-sacrifice, there is the concept of duty , definitely, there is a concept of loyalty, not just an oath, loyalty to the country, loyalty to what you dedicated yourself to, i say this without pathos
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, dedicated yourself to serving people, and if you see a dying person, a wounded person, these are victims, this is someone who died in a car accident as a result of what in the event of an armed conflict, i am sure, without a doubt, all our doctors will rush to help without hesitation, which actually practice shows today, both in case of fire and in accidents, doctors always run and think less about ourselves, therefore, to say that we have young people today, today we have the most magnificent youth, the most magnificent students who are sure, without hesitation , will come to the rescue in... under fire , this is literally either under fire, or god forbid. some kind of situation , and we’ll take a break for a while, after a short pause we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus one youtube channel.
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the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air again, we have guests are the rector of the vitebsk state order of friendship of peoples and the medical university, a student at the academy of management under the president of belarus, doctor with golden hands and a golden heart, alexey chukanov. alexey nikolaevich, well, now your students will probably be a little tense; in the educational process, starting from this academic year, you planned to use new interactive technologies more widely, for example, using them to control the process of assimilation of knowledge during the course. lecture day, without waiting for students to come to practical classes, tests or exams, have we already managed to implement our plans, practically yes, we have already developed a technological platform where they, using a certain software product installed on their smartphones, will answer questions that the teacher will
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broadcast to them on the screen during the lecture, tracking what who is doing what during the lecture, since, on the other hand, is everything clear to them as the material is being presented, because you can’t just ask an oral audience of 100 people, on the other hand, this will help us get an immediate answer to the question: is everything going well? in the process of mastering the material, so we have almost completed the development and the next few months will involve implementing all this directly into the educational process. and from students there is some kind of feedback on this issue , maybe the rector has already written to you in the mail that this is good, they say that it is interesting, they generally love all such technical innovations, technical things like they say, of course they are interested somewhere and can get distracted at the lecture, oh, i’m going to press a button here, this one, this one, this one, on the other hand , of course, introducing such a lively flow that allows you to communicate, this is also great, well,
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now we’re talking about technical things, you’re talking about them they said, and in this studio we actually ask all our guests this question, can neural networks in the future replace doctors in this case? replace no, help, yes, we have the concept of the ministry of health, a neural network and artificial intelligence, this is assistance in making clinical decisions, that is, this is helping the doctor make the right decision based on the abundance of information that has been received , laboratory diagnostics, how he tolerates medications, anamnesis, that is, the history of his illness, the anamnesis of relatives, etc., etc., a huge array of big data, as they say, reprocessing it, well, this is also quite difficult, so it is much easier to do this with the help of artificial neural networks, but how can we help. on the one hand, on the other hand, the responsibility lies with the one who makes this decision, naturally, here
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the approach should be very, very careful, i, as an imaging doctor, my main thing is visualization diagnostics, my profile, even with clear pictures, the diagnostic accuracy is 89.90%, not 100, so of course, for now we can talk about the arrival of a skilled one. it is premature to replace a doctor, i think that this is unlikely to happen, we are too, too delicate , well, you have reassured us, because talk , talk, yes, the word heals, we have already mentioned, you are a student of the academy of management under the president , why do you need this, what knowledge is missing, i’ll probably say that the science of pedagogy, the science of administration, and the rector is a teacher and it is so complex that relying on your own experience is a very risky business,
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because after all, when we talk about the experience of all teachers who teach at the academy in any educational institution, this is of course incomparably more, those and examples that are given to us are incomparably significant, on the other hand, the experience of communication with listeners who occupy absolutely different positions, different, and positions, in their own way solve their problems, but in principle everyone has the same problems, conflict management is the main thing for a manager, a bottleneck when you have to make unpopular decisions somewhere, but don’t make them somewhere, because you are afraid to offend somewhere, but on the other hand too the balance must be maintained somehow, because you can do it perfectly well, this is no secret to everyone, with this person you already understand, you can move on, with this you understand, what do you know? he’s not up to the task of being a manager, but it’s kind of a pity, because it’s like, he’s been working here for so long, it’s like
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i wish i could, here’s what to do here, here’s the good advice, based, again, on excellent scientific research, so they’re given at the academy of management, so i only , unfortunately , entered it very late, i really, really regret it, yes, no i did it even 20 years ago, because it probably would have been different, different, different life in. within the framework, i wouldn’t have made those bumps and maybe somewhere i made a more correct decision, you know, the ways of god are inscrutable, so this is fate, by the way, you are a believer, and what is the percentage of believers among doctors? there is no correct atheist doctor, and there cannot be one, because everything in the world is quite complicated, and the longer you live, the more you understand that there are forces that help our patients. for us in making a decision, there is a concept and everyone understands, there is such a moment of insight, this is what it is, and this
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may be sent to you, make this decision, everything will be fine, you yourself. most importantly your patient, among believers, well , i must say that today, again, this is ours, ours, if you want ideological position, ideological concept, between the ministry of health and the belarusian orthodox church, at one time a cooperation agreement was concluded, and we very widely support, we are very, i am not afraid of this word, good friends with representatives of the belarusian orthodox church, deeply respected metropolitan benjamin, was a fairly frequent guest at the belarusian medical academy of postgraduate education, he already came to our vitebsk medical university, this cooperation will continue, again, we as doctors, as people, draw strength , where, including in the spirituality with which the church comes to us, i won’t say that i’m a believer, i won’t say that i’m an atheist either, but i
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i understand that there is something, and this is this something, it at least often helps me , i’ll say this, and i think that most of the colleagues with whom i work, they adhere to the same position, well, you basically live in minsk now, but work in vitebsk, life in two cities, it’s correct to say that i i live in vitebsk in minsk, i periodically come to minsk, i now live in vitebsk, because the work requires complete dedication, well, this is normal, again the management team should know this. and must always keep your finger on the pulse. alexey nikolaevich, well, as an inveterate humanist, i am still convinced that medicine is very difficult to learn and know all this, but it is impossible, it seems to me that future doctors are some kind of cyborgs, they believe that a medical university is the only university , which you cannot enter through connections. frankly speaking, this cronyism will end during the first session, because you will understand that, and we
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will even moreover understand that you are a random person who came there. i heard very correctly what the head of state said, and this applies not only to employees, because for the most part he of course meant those with whom he worked side-by-side, to a lesser extent he meant students, but let me allow myself to develop this idea, we always give students a chance, but the child is still a freshman, remains a child, and with his psychological way of life, and he left school. where he was 10 years old, everything was familiar to him and he came close to a completely different team, he is of course in a state of hyperstress, and of course the exam, when completely different guys and aunties look at him, as they say, these are their words, which do not always treat them favorably , well, benevolently, these are also concepts, here, of course, he can be stressed, and he, of course , can even answer incorrectly, what
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to sin, we, too, have always encountered such situations in your life, we’ve probably encountered... that’s why we always give a chance, not just one or two, after the first session we have a retake once, a second time, and a third, i won’t reveal the secret, because everyone knows that we are a university with a favorable attitude towards students, alexey nikolaevich, question , probably, which will interest our future applicants, what is the most in-demand specialty in the vitebsk media, well, over the past number of years, the most in-demand specialty is a dentist, this year we have...' the largest competition 12.4 people in place of a dentist, and these are 12.4 all excellent students, so this is the most in demand specialty, without a doubt, with what thoughts, with what moods do you watch tv series about doctors, if at all, i don’t watch it, we have a program, don’t be silent, and frank, speak up
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, with the greatest satisfaction i watched only one series of interns, a magnificent game and noticed exactly those traits that were charismatically reflected by khlabystin, and in fact the interns themselves were very, i remembered myself, because we went through this school, all the rest, but it’s so far-fetched, that’s why i don’t like tv series about doctors and films about doctors, because unfortunately they don’t make what was before, let ’s expect that in the future there will be good, realistic tv series and films about doctors. thank you very much, alexey nikolaevich, for giving us a chance today to ask our questions , of course, we wish you great success in your field, we hope that there will continue to be a large number of students, students, future doctors work for the benefit of our belarus, and well of course, success to you as a student of the academy
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of management, and we, tatyana sherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, say goodbye to you. until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, and now alexey chukanov is speaking. as a doctor, i wish everyone good health, self-confidence, confidence in the future, believe in yourself, everything will work out. i wish us all peaceful skies, what is probably the most important thing for all of us today, thank you, alexey nikolaevich, this picture was drawn by artificial intelligence based on our logo, the logo of the program, say don't be silent, in the style of the renaissance, this is how he saw it, as you can see, there are already a lot of signatures here, please leave us some wish, and we hope that we can read it, with pleasure , dawajcie tak, wasz.
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adventures of foreigners in belarus me, what 's going on here, be careful, the village is a tourist place, so to speak, the residents here are not permanent, but everything is here, yes, hello, hello. we try to restore all the houses using the ancient technologies that were used that's in those days. a guy from ecuador, travels through all our villages, i want to live in the village, i will build my
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city there, a tourist city, i will tanjit, here you go, eat, bon appetit, this is only for one, this is only for one, you know that in my country i only saw this on candy or on zhubashka, but i haven’t tried it in real life, i’ll go further, i need it. travel around belarus around belarus he talks with pleasure about the most picturesque places in the country i would stay here of course good work and food i’m glad when i listen to belarusian music, i don’t have a word when i feel it and then it just burns inside, watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. noon news on belarus-1, in the studio vladislav bundar, hello, first a short about most importantly, by this hour. the sustainable operation of the industry, despite economic sanctions, has been shown. the hands that give weapons are becoming scarce. washington is putting pressure on berlin to provide aid to ukraine; germany has reinsured itself on


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