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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 1, 2023 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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on air news in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and briefly about the main topics of the issue. world wrestling summit. with the climate, opening day, our president in the spotlight, on the sidelines, landmark meetings, negotiations, exclusive footage and interviews from dubai, the forest of the former warsaw is being armored, the topic of transport is increasingly separating poland from ukraine, slovakia is adding fuel to the fire, this is not a miracle , high professionalism, our surgeons were the first to perform complex operations to correct severe heart defects in children.
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one step away from live broadcasts, factor bye, what is a game of elimination, this evening the megaproject again intends to break primetime records. only global leaders united together can cure the disease that brings the planet's climate to its knees. calls: to save the world from a climate catastrophe and not to risk healthy food, clean drinking water and the opportunity to breathe fresh air, are heard today in dubai, from the grand rostrum of the world climate summit, as the president of the host country announced the creation of a new climate $30 billion fund for global climate solutions. the statements of world leaders have attracted the attention of the whole world, and belarus will also voice its position today. what is important is that our state was among the first in europe to ratify the paris agreement and began to implement it. we are in touch with you from the scene of the event.
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colleagues, here on the sidelines of the world climate summit, perhaps more than anywhere else , one can feel how big the world is. each country in this world, of course, has its own interest, but everyone understands that climate problems and questions can only be reported, here, as they say, one man in the field is not a warrior , there are 90,000 delegates, only heads of state and government, about 150 people, by the way, they began to arrive at the expo site in dubai, from the very morning, and so that it took more than one hour to greet so many leaders of un member countries, and they were greeted by oaa president mohammed bin zayed al-nahyan and un secretary-general antonio guteres. by the way, he says this: the world is experiencing a climate crisis and calls on leaders to actively advocate for a solution to combat climate change so that humanity still has a chance to avoid the worst. belarus is a party to the kyoto protocol and the paris agreement, the main goal of which is to prevent dangerous impacts on the planet’s climate system.
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keep global average temperature rise below 2°c. achieving this is becoming increasingly difficult, oil and gas consumption is increasing, and emissions are growing. belarus is making its feasible contribution to planetary efforts and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. i must say that this work requires a lot financial contributions and technological resources. we expect our president to voice belarus’ approaches and proposals for resolving global issues of climate and environmental security. was not on the sidelines, we already have footage of these meetings, alexander lukashenko talked with the leaders of cuba and itoga, also on his feet with the head of the batswana, organization of agriculture, we will help as much as you need it, a warm meeting with aleev is always nice to see relatives , the presidents managed to talk one-on-one, as planned alexander lukashenko, spoke with the head of equatorial guinea in a narrow circle . there is always an opportunity to exchange opinions, this is important for politicians. alexander lukashenko
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had something to talk about with the president of zimbabwe, minsk and harari had already set the tone for cooperation with mnagva in minsk. the most important thing is not to stop now. yes, we have certain results of our cooperation, as you already said, and grain would begin to be exported, and so on, but we still have a lot of work to do in your country, and we are ready to implement that plan, which we once outlined during my visit, belarus is determined to seriously advance on the african continent, this became clear from the president’s rhetoric even during the preparation for a large-scale forum; with kenya, for example, the directions of work will have to be decided. these visits, even the specialists worked, just like zimbabwe and equatorial gruney, we could build some kind of plan for our cooperation, i understand what you need from us, and we would look at
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your country and decide on our needs. officially worldwide the climate summit started when all the leaders took their places in the hall, alexander lukashenko. in the front row he spoke with his serbian colleague vučić, which was said at the opening with striking examples by the un secretary general. just a few days ago i stood on the melting ice of antarctica, i was surrounded by the melting glaciers of nepal. these two points are far apart in terms of distance, however they are united in a crisis, polar ice and glaciers are disappearing right before our eyes, leading to disasters around the world, from targeted floods to... sea ​​level rise, but it is one of the symptoms of the disease that is bringing our climate to its knees, it is a disease that only you, global leaders, can cure . an important announcement was made from the leadership of the united nations, as the host country, on
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climate action financing. we have committed to invest approximately $130 billion over 7 years. when we decided to host this conference, we made a commitment to bring the whole world together, so that the world works together to achieve results. we are looking and finding practical ways to accelerate the world's transition to low -emissions growth. i am pleased to announce a $30 billion fund for global climate solutions. why is there so much attention paid to the event? considering how in general the energy situation is not just now ... the crisis in europe, the events in the middle east in ukraine, the big question is: can the world speed up solving climate problems, or will it still quarrel, and of course, here you want to believe in the best . thank you, natalya breu from the world climate summit site. the main task is to ensure order
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and security during the upcoming elections, the minister of internal affairs stated this at a meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs. preparations for the event were also discussed at the meeting. as ivan kubrakov noted, all leaders should ensure strict executive discipline, maximum coordination of actions with law enforcement agencies and other departments, in internal affairs bodies, rich experience in conducting electoral campaigns, but, as noted minister, there is no need to relax. police officers must increase their operational positions and also pay due attention to crime prevention issues. unauthorized. there will be no events on the territory of the republic of belarus, we will not allow the infrastructure of our cities to be destroyed or any riots to occur on our streets, we will ensure the safety of both our citizens and guests of our republic of belarus, i am sure that everything will go smoothly, the internal affairs bodies are ready today
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ensure the safety of our citizens and security in general in the republic of belarus. on the eve, the capital's police officers conducted special tactical exercises and practiced exercises to suppress masks. riots , on the eve of the election campaign of the twenty -fourth year, special attention is paid to the theoretical and practical aspects of ensuring the protection of public order in emergency situations, as well as increasing the level of preparedness of employees to respond to possible threats. the end of a fragile truce: explosions and gunfire are heard again in the middle east. supreme the un commissioner for human rights stressed that the resumption of hostilities in the gas sector is a disaster. i remember this morning the idf announced that an hour before the truce expired, israeli air defense intercepted a missile launched from the enclave, after which the israeli army resumed hostilities against hamas. during the humanitarian pause , 110 israeli hostages,
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mostly women and children, and 240 palestinian prisoners were released. according to a representative of the israeli cabinet , hamas still has 137 hostages in the gaza strip. human. first the conflict. about 60% of residential buildings were destroyed, at least 50 thousand palestinian families lost their homes, such data was distributed by the aljazeera tv channel. tension is growing in relations between warsaw and kiev. poland wants to put on the agenda of the meeting of the eu transport council a discussion of the consequences of the current eu agreement with ukraine on the liberalization of transport, and is seeking the abolition of the so-called transport visa-free regime for ukraine from the road transport union of slovakia. the message notes that the agreement has the destructive impact of the slovak transport market on the markets of other countries neighboring ukraine. meanwhile, the blockade is expanding. previously, slovak truckers, following the example of their polish colleagues, announced to begin blocking
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the checkpoint on the border with ukraine on december 1. we are talking about the border crossing in vyshne-german uzhgorod. prospects for the development of legislation, issues of national security, de-bureaucratization and protection of the rights of belarusians. the forum of the union of lawyers is taking place in minsk. this is the first time such a large-scale format has only about 500 people. representatives of government agencies, scientific business communities. teachers , law students in the current conditions.


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