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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 2, 2023 6:15pm-6:46pm MSK

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as additional food , the plant organizes the sale of buffet products in each educational institution. the buffet products are presented in a varied assortment, this is a wide selection of lactic acid products, the buffet also offers a wide range of juices, and drinking water is always available for sale. of course, as a public catering facility, we also sell public catering products, that is, children. as additional food can receive a full meal through the buffet, we we sell salads, sandwiches, hot dishes, you can also buy, the school buffet always has baked goods, this is a wide range, and they are prepared directly for the catering units, these are various pies, children’s favorite pizza, always sausage in dough, which can be sold twice a week on tuesdays and thursdays, and there is also a wide range of confectionery and bakery products,
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but there are some products that you will never see in the school cafeteria, no matter when you come to it, caramel is prohibited tonic drinks and carbonated drinks, chewing gum is prohibited. on september 1 , 2021, the school nutrition plant of the city of minsk launched a pilot project : smart buffet, smart buffet is... a non-cash payment service for purchases and we use it when selling buffet products. the convenience of this service is that a parent can deposit money into his child’s account and track his purchases, he can set certain limits on the amount and even restrictions on the child’s purchases, then there is if he thinks that some goods are not allowed for him or somehow... do not meet some
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health requirements, when a child comes to me shows his student card, here he shows it, the code is read, his code is displayed invoice , it contains the surname, first name of the student, what class he is in, how much money he has in his account, how many transactions his parents allow him to make per day, meals for schoolchildren in the republic: belarus is carried out either at the expense of budgetary funds, or at the expense of parents or legal representatives . on the legislative level determines which categories of students will receive budget meals. in the city of minsk , more than 50% of all students receive budget meals, and this is quite a large amount, considering that we even have more than 200,000 schoolchildren. the number of meals received from budgetary
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funds depends on the established benefit, as well as on the length of the child’s stay at school, for example, three meals a day are predominantly received by primary school children who attend an after-school group day, that is, the child’s stay at school is more than 8 hours, from eight to 10 and a half hours, if the child is at school from 6 to 8 hours, he will receive two meals a day, schoolchildren of the fifth to eleventh grades, which are provided at the expense of the parents receive lunch, and its cost is equal to a similar diet for budget funds, the process of organizing school meals is impossible without interaction with the educational institution, impossible without feedback from parents, and of course children, as direct school food consumers. one
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of the main tasks that we , teachers face, is to ensure that the child is in a safe environment and is fed on time, and nothing should interfere with the assimilation of the school curriculum, and here it is impossible for the school feeding complex to be on its own, and we carried out the educational process without paying attention to nutrition, so we have close interaction at all stages, we tell parents about what the child eats. we have a telegram channel where in the morning, parents receive complete information with photographs of the dish that the child will eat, so that they can balance the child’s dinner, the child’s lunch, and so that the child receives all the necessary microelements for his normal growth and development, it is very important that the children themselves understand , which product to give preference, that is, this is instilling a culture of healthy eating, we start from the first grade, hello. guys,
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today's lesson we will devote to a very important topic for you, this is food culture, yes, everything you are growing organisms, so we need a lot of energy for the active work of the educational process. today we will check whether our school meals meet the basic standards of proper nutrition? our older guys count calories and they really like it, that is, they understand directly from a scientific point of view all the benefits of this or that product. we care not only about our children, but about those employees who work in our school. sometimes teachers spend 6-8 hours at school, so it is very it is important that the teacher can come and receive a healthy hot meal. the school nutrition plant probably already takes part in parent-teacher meetings on an ongoing basis, conducts surveys of parents, and
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generally surveys schoolchildren themselves periodically throughout the school year to understand, for example, whether to leave a particular dish or exclude it. if possible... or postpone it until later, and of course, school meals are impossible without such educational training work, we have more than 300 public catering facilities, 314 to be exact, at each catering unit, in each canteen or buffet there is an employee of the school nutrition plant, in total, in the school nutrition plant he works for the benefit of... children 2,753 employees, the requirements for staff selection are very high and strict criteria, employees are required to undergo a medical examination, and when hiring, we
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provide them with sanitary clothing, conduct the necessary instructions with them to comply with all requirements in order to prevent any violations, then we supervise: in the process of work. the school nutrition office of the city of minsk provides meals for students in 246 schools and gymnasiums in the city of minsk, in thirty-two institutions of secondary specialized education, including 20 of them at the level of vocational education, as well as in four institutions of higher education. we also have catering facilities. in the structure of the school nutrition plant there are six procurement facilities, these are workshops for production and powerful conditioning products, products that are manufactured in these factories, we distribute them to educational institutions in canteens for children,
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they are served for afternoon snacks, and can also be sold as additional products in school canteens, our confectionery shops are equipped with all the necessary equipment, all the labor that used, it is manual, of course, in order to comply with all the necessary requirements, careful controls must be carried out at all stages of preparation. i have been working at a school nutrition plant in minsk since march. 2019, there are all sorts of nuances in my work , it seems to me that the most difficult thing is to get into all the taste preferences, because there are so many people, so many opinions, we discuss, even sometimes within the family, my mother
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cannot cook so that everyone likes it to her children, if there are more than one of them, but we still feed 200,000 children. but at the same time, we still try our best to ensure that they still like everything we offer. this is a very important job, it seems to me, it is very responsible, feeding schoolchildren in our country has defined the highest criteria, that is , the need to strictly adhere to diets, adherence to natural standards, caloric content, food intake, all risks are taken into account in order for the nutrition to be as healthy as possible. and safe, of course, we , as a school nutrition plant, strive to fulfill all these established requirements, because after all, the health of children is the health of nations, we all worry about our children, we make every effort to ensure that the food is of high quality, safe and the children liked it.
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on september 7 of this year, presidential decree no. 278 came into force, which regulated the new procedure for the republic of belarus, who permanently or temporarily reside abroad, and now diplomatic representatives and consular offices cannot perform these functions for citizens of belarus and the citizen of belarus must directly return to the territory countries of the republic of belarus and submit a corresponding application, this is an administrative procedure to the civil migration department of the authorities internal affairs at the place of his last residence or at the place of residence , well, where he is actually located, and on september 7, our territorial division applies this procedure, explains to citizens, including, for those applications that come to our
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division, the procedure for exchanging documents with all that follows hence the consequences of the timing of the administrative procedure and what package of documents must be brought , including abroad, in order to exchange a passport, well, of course, a little in advance this needs to be done, but what about those belarusians who, for example, currently have an expired passport? in fact, there are also quite a large number of citizens of belarus, who, among other things, live outside our country with invalid documents; in fact, they have a way out one, they must apply in the prescribed manner to our consular offices of the republic of beards abroad in order to obtain a certificate of return, which are issued for a period of up to 6 months, in order for them returned to the territory of our country using this document, and then again turned to the civil migration department in order to exchange documents. of course, there are some tricks when citizens of belarus, including foreign documents, try to travel to the territory using foreign documents of the republic of belarus, within the framework of, among other things, the visa-free regime of the union, who are staying through the national airport2 or in relation to our neighbors,
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when the visa-free regime is in effect, including at ground checkpoints, but in any case, border service units identify this category of persons, because there are numerous information resources and, of course, bring administrative responsibility for violations. what other important nuances are spelled out in this decree? in general, the decree concerned a whole range of administrative procedures that citizens of the republic of belarus can no longer carry out on the basis of a power of attorney, and this includes registration of vehicles, various real estate transactions, such procedures can be executed on the territory of belarus only personally by the citizen himself or on the basis of a power of attorney, which is issued directly on the territory of the republic of belarus, that is, all foreign powers of attorney that were valid until recently, in fact, on september 7 they lost their legal force on the territory of the state, all all actions must be calculated in belarus. important changes also affected belarusians who have a so-called second citizenship, yes or. for residence in another country - this is already a law on citizenship, yes, what important points
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are there, here is what you need to take into account to know, yes, well, firstly, this norm has already come into force on july 11 of this year, in accordance with which all citizens of the republic belarus, who receive foreign citizenship or receive a foreign residence permit or other document confirming the right to benefits, privileges, such as a pole card or some lithuanian cards, for example, or some other documents, are required to send the corresponding information. according to the established form, i want to draw your attention, because very often we now receive quite numerous requests, where there is simply some kind of note, some personal data, a photocopy of the relevant document, no, in fact, there is a corresponding regulation that is approved by the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of internal affairs of the republic of belarus, which provides for a strict form, which means filing the relevant notification, as well as attaching a copy of the foreign document, as this information is entered into the relevant information resources, the citizen receives appropriate confirmation of this in the future, when there is responsibility, it will be introduced in any case, because according to analytics we see that
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the activity of belarusian citizens in informing internal affairs bodies or diplomatic service bodies in such cases is not very high yet and therefore, of course, most likely liability will be introduced, because in any case, let’s say in the russian federation it already exists and there up to criminal liability, so the legislator is ready for this the issue will be returned when there is a corresponding instruction on this issue, but how today can persons who live abroad obtain permission for temporary or despite the sanctions policy that is being implemented in relation to the republic of belarus, restrictions on the travel of citizens, we are receiving quite a large number, probably , applications from foreign citizens, primarily for obtaining a temporary residence permit. or obtaining a permanent residence permit, but for only 9 months of this year we issued 39 temporary permits, 39,000 temporary residence permits for foreign citizens, citizens, and more with permanent residence permits, that is , belarus is still quite attractive for a certain category of release, but again we say that these should be law-abiding citizens who have
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a basis for obtaining one or another permit and strive to integrate into our society, that is, it is quite popular in... in fact, this is the trend of moving to belarus for permanent or temporary living, it’s just that not everyone can exercise this right yet, but in fact we are also considering various proposals to amend the legislation so that the list of categories of persons who can receive such permission, well, in the near future it should be resolved, well, the world is really uneasy now, this directly affects migration flows, literally throughout the entire planet, this is what concerns belarus, from which countries do people first of all come to us for obtaining belarusian citizenship, how... active is this now? the process, even in comparison, for example, with last year before last, well, look, in fact, the process is quite stable, first of all, because in any case, as the president once said, citizenship of belarus must be earned, that is, not every person , not every person who arrives on the territory of belarus writes an application that i want to become a citizen of belarus, can get a citizen, you need to meet certain criteria, firstly, if you don’t have prices from here, which
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is a minimum of 5 years of permanent residence, you are not married to a citizen, then you have a general procedure for naturalization and the numbers are always stable, we are now considering, as of september of this year, we have considered more than 3,000 applications from foreign citizens for citizenship of the republic of belarus, and here probably there is still a top country, this is primarily the state of the former soviet union, this is first of all the russian federation, ukraine, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, armenia, and subsequently, well, if only countries european union, if the state. in general, what do we call distant countries, such as the usa, canada and some other countries, when ethnic belarusians who once left return to the territory of our country and apply, and they have such a simplified procedure for restoring the civil republic of belarus, and without procedures for renouncing previous citizenship, which they very often use; this year we carried out such a procedure for more than 150 people, it is also
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quite in demand. 2024 has been declared the year of quality , there is a special attitude towards this concept in belarus, and at the state level, a brand made in belarus inspires trust and respect, it’s not for nothing that foreigners exclaim, well , of course, you have control, you have guests, this is of course it’s nice, but competitors are not asleep, so you can’t rest on your laurels, this is the message of the head of state, who proposed to spend the next year under the sign of quality. we need to declare next year the year of quality, everything is fine with us, and we are producing volumes, there is demand for belarus is colossal, but we still have
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problems with quality, so quality, quality again, who in our country must be responsible for this? is responsible for quality, whether it can be measured and whether the requirements for manufacturers will be tightened, we will ask about this the one for whom quality is the number one question every day. valentin bolislavovich, we often hear the phrase that belarus has preserved the best traditions and qualities, so what exactly have we preserved from the soviet past? the republic of belarus is one of the countries that has preserved as a single principle, these are the main components of the quality infrastructure, such as standardization. tests and this allowed us to manage these elements really well and to update the modern base of standards and, of course, over time , quickly make some appropriate decisions. i will give the following example, well , look, we have 160 countries around the world where
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our products are exported, of course, in each each country has its own nuances. and demands, today we are faced with unprecedented elements such as political pressure, restrictions of all kinds and so on, sanctions, and of course, this greatly influenced the structure of exports, we had to reorient our industry first of all to new markets, for this, of course, we needed appropriate requirements, and which are in force in these countries, what has been done, last year we carried out such colossal work with industry, with business, repeatedly held round tables and so on, and adopted amendments to the standardization development strategy until 2030. where was it made the emphasis, based on, i would say , the industry’s expectations for import substitution, the second stage - this included issues
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related to finalizing the strategy in terms of export supplies, that is, these requirements are those countries for which, of course, emphasis was placed either on acquiring these requirements, and with many countries , we have agreements on the dissemination of standards, or on the development of our... unimpeded exports to these countries. this year , about 470 stb and gost standards were updated. and our manufacturers generally manage to track these do they meet all the standards? it doesn’t happen that they then grab their heads and say: again, the state standard has come up with as much as possible. of course, but we cannot do this without industry participation. that’s why i said that we held round tables, discussed when it comes to... making changes to updating standards, of course , first of all we hear from industry, these are their ideas, these are their amendments, and from the point of view -
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changes in requirements, yes , in the standards, as it relates directly, this is updating, and if we then consider this at technical committees with the participation of industry representatives, because the standard is what it is, it is a document that is adopted by consensus, if consensus is not reached, that is, the industry says no, we will not be satisfied with it. then, in principle, a standard will not be born, so this does not happen, although there are some individual elements, isolated ones, well, let’s say, today someone is not very interested in these requirements for such and such a standard, because the products are so, well he's not releasing yet, tomorrow, for example, there will be a need for the production of these products and he says , listen, but those requirements that we have updated in the standard, they are already the same, we are not satisfied, but you know, we are also considering such isolated cases, because you need to understand, industry - this is the engine of everything. and we, of course , meet halfway, promptly consider these issues and also make those decisions that would suit the industry, there is one more element, these are the standards that are becoming
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completely irrelevant, and we are behind the last year, 169 of them were canceled , they also talked to the industry and they don’t say that these are all these standards, they have already outlived their useful life, what constitutes the general base of state standards, there are more than 3000 of them, well, if that’s the case literally today this figure is constantly changing every day, but 31.300 , of which, look how interesting, in general, we have retained that base of, indeed, interstate standards with the abbreviation gost, it is constantly updated, and new developments are carried out precisely in in this area to our interstate standards appeared , and not just national ones, because this is a pass to other countries right away, because these requirements, they are also accepted by agglomerates or consensuses of a number of countries, and these are valid... in these countries, so these are the ones out of 31,000 there are 26,000 of us - these are the gosts and 5,000 - about 6,000 - these are our national stb.
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they do not contradict anything, i will say that a number of our standards, with the abbreviation stb , are used as an evidence base, technical regulations, it is stb that is included, although now we stand on the fact that so that this list of regulations includes specifically between... state guests, why? because each country is trying to push through some of its own interests through standardization. valentin bolislavovich, right now we are in production, and regarding the production of lighting products for our mechanical engineering, how exactly is quality control carried out at this facility? the first stage is, of course, everything depends on how well the product is designed. and for this purpose it is at this enterprise that they use modern methods of 3d modeling of those products that we will eventually see here at the production site. of
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course, the product goes through a certain technological cycle, and there are intermediate operations where control points are established for measuring specific geometric dimensions, for assessing the quality of optics, since these are optical devices after all, and then there is such production control, when - products, the final stage for such an assembly occurs automatically, control of all such basic parameters products, this is also an automated process , and human participation is excluded here , the output is fully automated, we have a suitable device or an unsuitable device, naturally, some elements for correction also come from here, naturally, they are removed from this machine, and such control commands are somewhere then they end up... in the technology or design department to take specific actions and decisions developed, if there is something, some inconsistencies, if everything is fine, the next stage is directly
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the production stage: control in the factory laboratory, but how can we improve quality in general, rely on high technology, innovation, modernization, or tighten legislation, or both? well, look, you practically answered everything for me in your first part, absolutely right , they said that quality is the entire production cycle, from the idea to the final stage , of course, here without modern technologies, without modern equipment, innovative without process automation , what we see in this production, without robotization of processes, and it would probably be possible to obtain some kind of product today, yes, but how competitive it would be, how much the quality and price of that product meets the requirements of consumers today, no, of course, from the point of view let's say, here's the second part that you said , in the form of tightening legislation, you know, this is probably necessary locally, but
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where and at what points can it be applied and where it is necessary and so that it does not lead to some kind of backlash. i think, after all, quality is work, let’s say , quite multifaceted, and also specialists, because even if we have a sufficiently high level of technology and equipment, but do not have competent personnel, we will also not get competitiveness at the output. you are talking about that there are many stages of quality control, at which stage there are the most violations, at which stage, roughly speaking, our manufacturers can cheat somewhere, that’s a good question, look, in general, here are the control points, what we said, you know, as controls points are not a criterion for the reliability of a product, and, accordingly, reliability is also an integral part of quality, they
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are capable of identifying some problems, at the control points we saw that some parameters do not correspond, this is where it comes into play system management , that is, management that is built on the management of the entire production, and when some symptom appears at a control point, then a reverse reaction occurs and goes to the designer, technologists, who would consider these at a production meeting problems and accepted to manage... this is the connecting link and the system management that is present at the enterprise, they are, say, a complement to those elements of quality that we said in advance, yes, this is about equipment, about technology, about automation and so on, but only in such a segment we can say that some products that do not meet some criteria-parameters will be identified in a timely manner and control commands will be accepted,
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which will subsequently... prevent the exit products and delivery to the consumer. to what extent are our belarusian requirements for product quality harmonized with international standards? who is more oriented towards whom? after all, we are to some extent trendsetters or, on the contrary, we adapt to other countries according to international requirements? we, as a conductor of technical policy in the country, have an agreement with a number of international... organizations for standardization, this is is, this is mec, these are a number of other organizations where we participate in the technical committee, which considers and develops modern standards and we can see there what is planned tomorrow in the country, not only in our country, in general in the world, from the point of view of the production of some new innovative products and we see these requirements, of course it is important that our state fund
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standards that we have, but were harmonized with these requirements, these are the broken standards that are being developed in our country, our national standards, state standards, they, you can give statics for last year 70%, they harmonized with international ones, you asked such an interesting question from the point of view of where we bring something, yes, so i want to say, look, everything that is connected, for example, with food products, yes, in the world, international standards say, in mainly about testing methods and some control methods, we make a slightly different contribution, including direct requirements there, laying down, for example, for chocolate, we have a standard that directly concerns chocolate, it has been adopted as an interstate goskha is included in the list of regulations of the eurasian economic union, and there we synthesized not only...


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