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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 3, 2023 11:45am-12:01pm MSK

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the murder of berkut and the protesters is called one of parubiy’s dirtiest secrets. there are two versions: he covered for the shooters, ensuring their quiet withdrawal from the firing positions, or he himself supervised the execution. and the fact that ukraine is not investigating those events only confirms the involvement of the maidan commandant in massacres, and not only in kiev. in the spring of 2014 , parubiy directly and directly participated in the destruction of the camp of pro-russian demonstrators in odessa. he himself preferred not to specify his task in the murder more than 40 people, however, from various sources it is widely known that parubiy brought euromine activists to odessa, held meetings with them, established interaction between local and visiting militants, in short, there is a person personally responsible for organizing the murder of people in odessa, and this is andrei parubiy. for an open crime, parubiy, like other instigators of the revolution, did not bear any responsibility, but after my...
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career went sharply uphill: secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine, speaker of the verkhovna rada, parubiy and poroshenko’s main supporter, in the elections to 2019 he became a deputy from european solidarity number two, the first was , of course, the candy oligarch, parubiy is still in the ukrainian parliament, i think that at any other time, parubiy would never have become the head of parliament, never, this was his reward for everything that he... uh, did during this entire revolution, those crimes that he committed, it was for this that he received his position, and not for his, relatively speaking, intelligence or his authority among parliamentarians, well that's for sure, i'm in it i can absolutely assure you, right? maidan became tegnebok’s finest hour, where he spoke from the podium almost every day. fellowship, brothers and sisters, ukrainian.
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glory to every one of you, lord, for today's sun, on the day of the winter holiday, and you know, such internal thoughts, god is with us, the protesters were brainwashed by an ardent representative of the far- right wing of local politics, in 2012 he was even officially included in the list of jews haters. oleg was remembered throughout ukraine as an ardent nationalist who was not afraid speak openly about jews and muscovites because of. gained popularity, but such statements often benefited the scandalous president, who, compared to oleg, could look like a conciliator of different nationalities and gain even greater popularity among the russian-speaking part of the population of ukraine. tegnebok is a typical hawk, moreover , so toxic that petro poroshenko immediately leaked it after the euromaidan, which did not stop the leader of the party from demanding freedom from zelsky, a complete rejection of the minsk agreements, ukraine’s entry into nato, etc. and
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quote: receiving nuclear weapons from biden, in a word, he was moving ukraine towards the abyss as best he could. it is all the more remarkable that during the euromaidan , 10 years ago, western politicians happily posed next to tegnybok, hugged him, kissed him, uh, recognized him, and it is all the more remarkable that some of them, standing next to tegnybok , declared no -no, there is no nazism in ukraine, it’s all an invention of russian propaganda. as a matter of fact, here is proof of the very hypocrisy of the west, which did not notice tegnebok’s nazi views in that very moment. today tegnebok seems to be fighting at the front, if you believe his social networks, the politician has not been seen on the front line, it is reported that he is in the structures involved in organizing the resistance forces. speaking about tegnebok, one cannot help but remember the leader.
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dmitry yarosh, another margnal for whom maidan was a lucky ticket to politics, the leader of an openly fascist organization aggressively supported the coup. his finest hour came in 2013, from a scattering of small far-right formations, yarysh created the right sector, which for some time became a key structure accumulating ukrainian radicals. the militants of the right sector began to actively operate on the maidan. the ps units were united, not bad. in addition, they constantly showed initiative and pulled the less decisive majority behind them. the right sectorists constantly sought to escalate the confrontation. after the maidan, the right sector actively instigated the war in donbass, participated in hostilities, and at the same time, in fact, created a nightmare for ukraine. street activism has become a calling card radical structure. armed groups throughout the country, political violence, threats, blackmail, crimes. thugs have become a serious force in ukrainian society.
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dmitry yarysh, well, he is such a, how to say , average person, i also don’t think that he is such a fan as some parubiy, well... he proclaimed all these so-called slogans and the right sector in the creation of this regime of fear, hatred, which means fear of punitive actions, of course played an exceptional role, because they were allowed everything, murder, and beating, kidnapping, whatever he did from the right sector, yarosh himself even tried to become president, but gained less than 1%. a year and a half after the maidan, he will leave the right. an asset for the elites and the last position he received was advisor to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny in november 2021, although within a day he was removed, one of the proposals, together with poland
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, to start a war against belarus. first, the svo disappeared from the radar; according to media reports, it is holed up in that very poland. the plan is very simple, we gather here every day exactly at 6:00 before the summit until the 29th, on the 29th we will have a big action, and this is a journalist, elevated by the maidan to the status of a deputy and then deputy minister of infrastructure, mustafa nayem, the author of the famous invitation to the maidan, take umbrellas, tea, coffee , good mood and friends, thanks to him the ukrainian tragedy is also called a revolution. from facebook. naemko organized protests in the early days, for which he received the nickname father of the ukrainian revolution. it was mustafa, the organizer of the famous distribution of victoria’s cookies on the maidan. and no one it didn’t bother me that the bright leader of the nationalist revolution was afghan.
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the revolution won, and naem entered petro poroshenko’s bloc as deputy head of the faction. in 2019, when gunpowder finally died out in the eyes of the people, mustafa ran away, or rather ran to abramavichus. ukroboronprom. here is the material from 2019. this concern is breaking records in terms of corruption scandals and is considered one of the main feeding grounds of ukrainian officials. many people want to come to the feeder, but there is not enough space for everyone. as it has now become known, the father of the ukrainian revolution is included in number of chosen ones. mustafa naem received the post of deputy general director of ukroboronprom. well, over the course of 6 years of a process that he himself once launched, the journalist has made an excellent career: from a person who once served the interests of ukrainian oligarchs for money, he has turned into someone who makes money from the war, from every drop of blood shed . at 21, naye left his post, they say he did not share his earnings with david arakhamia, whom zelensky appointed to the supervisory board of the concern in 2019, but as
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we said above, the place for the afghan is with the ukrainian i found something quite sweet in my heart. the ministry of infrastructure is now dealing with big money and big kickbacks. as part of the presidential program, a large construction project is underway. political scientist mikhail chaplygo believes that in his new position, nayem will have to interact with western curators and provide them with access to information of interest to them. this is the post of an observer; he will be able to view and forward documents to partners from embassies. having ruined the country, this deck of political cards has served its purpose. today in ukraine they rule others, but a coup d'etat, the seizure of power by the opposition. set a terrible legacy. during this time , neo-nazism was actually legalized in the country. radicals became part of parliament's street politics. total russophobia and creeping banderization occurred. a split in the orthodox church, a purge of the media and political forces, the murder of undesirables, a war with a neighbor, loss of territory, a deep
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economic crisis. for 10 years we have been witnessing with our own eyes a cruel, bloody experiment in the collapse of the country, statehood, and the destruction of history, nationality and people. it is interesting that it is impossible to stop this rapid catastrophe, the people are not even trying to resist, it all began with a peaceful march on khreshchatyk, a peaceful protest for european integration, a revolution of hydity, a thousand coffins instead of a thousand promises, there is no european union, nothing, there is only a taste of pechenekt. the country's gdp fell by a record 30% last year. according to various sources, the population has decreased by 25-38% over 10 years. today... ukraine is the third largest debtor to the imf in the world; more than $11.5 billion must be returned. if you name things in their own names, the script was written in the united states, the organizers were politicians from leading european countries, and
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the nationalist forces in ukraine were appointed performers. politicians in the us and europe are responsible for all this. the country has now lost, part of the territory, the country has lost. half the population, no one knows how many ukrainians now live in the country, according to our data, it is 20 million, but there may be much less, let me remind you that in 9 we had 52 million, the economy is not there, it is completely destroyed, we already... completely in debt, zelsky no longer hesitates to admit that we cannot pay pensions if they stop sponsoring us, and western partners, that is , they pay us pensions, our partners pay us, why, so that we continue to fight with russia, it’s clear why, this is what the country has come to in 10 years, european integration has remained a painted myth, and thousands of promises have turned into thousands of coffins, but they continue to feed ukraine with state department cookies today, and yet kiev wanted to reject minsk as well. condoning sanctions and preparing their territory of militants to overthrow the belarusian government. we were once told that
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there is more freedom in ukraine. today it is already obvious that in a totalitarian state there is neither freedom nor independence, and this is the main achievement of the maidan and its western sponsors, i am convinced that this is now definitely clear. happily. the help of god's word and the principles of christian life. if we remember that the lord is above us, everything we do will always be fine. unusual architectural solutions and grandeur of churches and temples. brothers sisters, the church, like the mystical body of jesus christ, is composed of people, people. living stones, and those that have lived in the world,
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and those that have lived in eternity, spiritual laws and life instructions of clergy, can a person cross himself and remain not broken, yes, but to be rich, i give you the opportunity , and this means that i am rich, conversations about morality and reflections on eternal values. here, at home, in peace and quiet at home, understandably at home, at home, this is exactly the same as the translation of the highest concepts holy scripture is our life. watch spiritual prayer projects on tv channel belarus 24. they were born in different parts of the world. glad to know, i studied to become a tv film director at the academy. the first year for me here was to study russian at vntu. and everyone
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found something for themselves here. i was given citizenship of the republic of belarus, so now in my plans, i want to do an internship as a belarusian. and after that i will start working as a doctor. this is the time when i taught at the academy of arts and tried a lot of different directions in art. i i worked with a lot of people, directors and musicians, because they wanted to know more. every hero. that’s why i wanted to study to become a doctor, because it was a prestigious profession, very profitable, i was immediately impressed by the university, the level was immediately felt, the level was much higher. belarus is one word for me , it is very important, perhaps i can realize my idea, which is connected, watch on the tv channel belarus 24. today we see
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how unnatural the prism of the presentation , primarily by the western media, of those events that concern russia, belarus and now this is the time to talk about the abuse of freedom of speech, but for the west we are not only competitors, this is a tasty morsel on which they are always coveting, the antarctic treaty system currently includes 50. four states, only half, including and the republic of belarus, can afford to have a station in antarctica, begin to conduct long-distance scientific inland expeditions, our president was squeezed out of european politics, arrogantly, cynically, instead of inviting, to organize the same there conference, and what are you afraid of, but you were afraid, don’t be silent about the project, miss the new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
12:00 pm
. on belarus 1, noon news, in the studio vladislav bunder, hello, that’s what we’ll talk about in the episode. from economics and international.


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