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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 3, 2023 12:35pm-1:31pm MSK

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irish lace means the whole world to olga starostina, a native of the nesvizh region. she learned to crochet as a child from her grandmother. the work is painstaking and complex. her love for the art of lace inspired her to organize an international project to connect the world with beauty. of course, irish lace is very similar to grandma’s knitting in that the same technique is crocheting, which we had in belarus and which, let’s say , many of our craftswomen can do, but the peculiarity is that why i love irish lace, that not a single car in the world cannot repeat this, that is, this is a lace fairy tale that is created in one copy, especially if it is a large, voluminous product, if it is a dress, even if they tell me to make a copy of such a work, i will not repeat it, because in this technique there is 1 degree of inclination of the motif into a different, say, plane, it ultimately produces a completely different one.
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anastasia starystina actively helps her mother create a lace project. at 14, she is already the author of many products. he believes that the lace trend is in great demand in the fashion world, and plans to enroll in linguistics, so that by learning languages ​​it will be easier to work in international projects, because belarusian lacemakers also have something to show the world. this is very painstaking work and to learn how to knit, it seems to me that you need several years, this is the minimum. in many fashion houses. collections, designers also use lace on their dresses or some other products, so yes, many would be happy to buy similar things for themselves, musical lace in the borocco style complemented the opening of the exhibition, a melodic journey into the past prepared a string quartet of the bolshoi theater of belarus in the program of a theatrical concert with music by matej radevil, jan holland , andrei rogachevsky, as well as composers
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on december 16, that is, these are catholic holidays, and nevertheless, this is christmas music performed by tatyana starchenko’s music room. on january 1st there will be entertainment programs for children and adults, from the second to the fourth there will be unique theatrical performances that we are currently working on, and on the fifth we already have christmas jazz planned, and on the sixth this year for the first time we are devoting a day to children's programs, we will work with the philharmonic and present the play the crystal slipper. there are about three dozen christmas trees in nesverzhsky castle this season, most of them decorated with lace balls, toys and masks. next year, the new year's collection of radevilovsky treasures will be replenished with lace umbrellas and vir. larisa gulyakevich, anzor tuzhaev, news central region. well, this concludes our issue. we will show you the most interesting and important things from the life of the central region. until next sunday
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immediately after the midday newscast . you can also follow the central region news project on the website and the telelenova agency’s youtube channel. well, all the best for now and see you later.
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the tsar, the boyar, the veche, this is the traditional form of government for us for centuries, this is the base, and to it we can and should add a superstructure from what are called democratic institutions, these are the elections of the leader, that is, the president, and elections to parliament, and national referendum, it is important for me that you evaluate not the form about tsar, but the essence of what i am saying is that when we strengthen the vns , we return the historical veche to the control system; it does not contradict a strong leader, but complements the system. what is the difference between a politician and a statesman? a politician thinks about future elections, and a statesman thinks about future generations. we can do something to help the world find peace only if we ourselves have order at home,
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because if we suddenly have a mess, then we will have neither time nor energy left for the world’s problems. propaganda project, see on the tv channel belarus 24.
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peter, hello, welcome, i would , of course, like to start this conversation differently, but events in israel overnight began to determine 90% of the world agenda, some experts, they now say with such irony that we should turn it on now usa, iran, china, taiwan, yes, these events in ukraine, israel, palestine, the whole third world war is evident, here... how far do you think this game of thrones will go, will this be replaced by a new doomsday war, how they call it, the current ukrainian agenda, war, whatever you want, let's start with the ukrainian agenda,
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before we talk about the middle east theater, why, because the ukrainian agenda, the democratic administration wanted... to remove even before the confrontations around the gas sector broke out, and this is due primarily to the fact that the election campaigns are going on and what , for example, the sociological service of gallop gives, the dynamics of the gradual fatigue of american society from ukraine, and approximately -10%, in six months, of those in american society who support financial assistance to ukraine, everything this suggests that biden and his administration, in order to win the election, need to remove this topic, despite the fact that we remember that for the biden family personally it is very
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toxic because of his son’s corruption scandal, this is the first, second point - the assistance that has already been provided, now the republicans want to carry out a huge number of checks around it, as far as there were no corruption schemes, i will remind you that the minister of defense reznikov, a former one, who was fired due to corruption, well, of course, without without having told such stories, according to many ukrainian political scientists, his dismissal was due to the fact that he wrote a memo about corruption schemes in the united states of america itself, that is, specific financial and military assistance to the kiev regime, which was allocated, it was not distributed according to only in ukraine itself, but also in the united states of america, and it is not a fact,
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for example, that the weapons that on paper reached kiev did not end up, for example, in the gas sector not through the fault of kiev, but through the fault of the united states america, because any war any military action is the easiest way to earn extra money, no one will go to the front to check which machine guns, which bullets, shells, who is firing at whom... and how many were fired, well, reznikov named a figure, ukraine used this help, only half of that that the united states provided, yes, it turned out that the second half disappeared somewhere unclear, that is, you assume that they could partially not reach ukraine, i assume that they not only partially did not reach, there is quite a large number there, they did not even reach officially, if we look at the budgets allocated to the kiev regime, most of these budgets should have settled in the united states
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of america itself, well, for reznikov, a villa for 7 million for his daughter was enough, in principle, and if we talk about mr. reznikov, let’s remember about the eggs for 17 hryvnia, or military jackets for the winter, which turned out to be summer or off-season, yes, well, this is corruption, it is not profitable, if we are talking about ukraine. but still israel, and israel is precisely where today, on the one hand, it shifts the needle to the middle east direction , on the other hand, it is more beneficial for the republicans, since , unlike ukraine , israel has the status of an ally of the united states of america, although outside of nato, and the third point is the strongest israeli lobby in the united states, which did not introduce neither one nor the second sanctions. and not only in relations with arab opponents there, including in relation to the ussr, there are also sanctions that
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have not been lifted, there is a whole conglomerate here, another moment, another level, if we move away from the internal american agenda, this the level of transformation of modern international relations, that is, before there was a unipolar world, there was one hegemon, it was all clear who calls the tune. this was, in principle, understood by the same arab states and territories, the same palestinians, now the situation is changing , new centers of power are emerging, the same iran, for example, which the americans previously presented as an outcast of outcasts, is today accepted not by the western part of the world community, it entered shanghai he is on the way to brix, he
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is a strategic partner of the chinese people's republic, today he is intensifying relations with the russian federation as much as possible, the north-south corridor. and it is clear that new centers of power, the same saudi arabia, which used to be a hard satellite of the united states, is today. and china works with india, with latin america, with the russian federation, did not submit to sanctions, and the sanctions regime, it also plays its own game, moreover, it would seem that the same hamas was supported by kator, an ally of the united states of america, and i think that's the pinnacle of the fight over it all is, the struggle for control over territories, which... could potentially become part of either the great silk road,
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chinese, modern, or the second moment of the indian trade route, which delhi announced that it would build from the eastern mediterranean to southeast asia, look, but still, there are several facts that i want you to comment on, yes, because it raises questions, after all , who benefited from this aggravation, it turns out, on the one hand, it is obvious that the israeli army slept through this attack, yes, in general, the footage that is shown to us, when in reality soldiers from... the israeli army are caught by surprise at fortified bases; to put it mildly, they only have time to put on bulletproof vests, at best, on their t-shirts, and they practically do not resist; they are literally destroyed, which means that in principle, it was suddenly obvious, many experts say, that it could not have happened without
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betrayal or without some, well, to put it mildly, moves. from the inside, this is the first question, the second question, you say that for the usa, this aggravation was really beneficial, yes, so for biden on the eve of the elections this aggravation will bring points or costs, let’s summarize a little, this will at least change the agenda, and if we are talking about the reaction of the israeli state in general, it seems to me that there is a very good sabotage and conspiracy... the agents worked, why , because on the border, uh, gases and israel, there is a wall with an alarm system, which turned out to be turned off, and moreover , in order to turn it off, you need to have access, which means that there are currently to be agents, just that, but here
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’s another question, but let’s look at what happened to the israeli state over the course of the last 3 years, an internal crisis, constant speeches, rallies, protests, disunity, disunity, which means that internal political confrontation today began to play into the hands of the foreign policy confrontation, because neither the intelligence services, nor the army intelligence, counterintelligence, they did not work, they could not prevent... or at least warn themselves they say that such seizures has never happened in history, this is one moment, the second moment is the unity of the arab world in this situation, that is, here i see that there is a benefit in the redistribution of spheres of influence in the middle east for many, yeah, for
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a huge number of players, and for united states of america, not allowed. the strengthening of china, india, iran, the same thing , and for iran, which wants to demonstrate, firstly, wants to take revenge for what they did last year, it’s clear what kind of intelligence services, yes, there, some drones, mass poisoning in schools, attempts to undermine society on ethnic grounds, on gender grounds, this is not... in lebanon, we just don’t notice it, we don’t live by the theme, but lebanon is simply shaken by internal conflicts, and this is hezbollah, these are those who oppose israel, and this again, the question is who owns the dutch heights, this includes syria, which has received
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blows from israel more than once, and which is dissatisfied with the position that israel expresses in relation to them. this is a very multi-layered cake. well , look, if this linkage is between the usa and ukraine to conclude, in our conversation, yes, the usa , obviously the role of such a global hegemon, it is losing, yes, but at the same time they really want to preserve it, they continue to throw away billions, at least in words, yes, while the draft american budget without assistance to ukraine, well, at least to the extent that ukraine would like, and that’s very good. not look at what kind of bargaining in relation to ukraine only zelsky, but even barel. biden is asking you, is this only related to this 30% that they actually lost in a year and a half, well, if we take 10% there, the number of people willing to help ukraine decreases every six months, is this only
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due to this? here, in my opinion, there is an important role. and the fact that the ukrainian direction , no matter how it is put forward, is not strategic for the united states, the united states does not need a pro-american ukraine, as many may think, the united states, and we know the history with afghanistan, with vietnam, the most significant option, when the americans fought in vietnam, when they merged their own allies, maximum destruction in ukraine is beneficial for them. it benefits them through ukraine to limit the geopolitical capabilities of russia, so take the destroyed ukraine and restore it, this is the second point. and the third point, barel, yes, said such a thing that we won’t be able to pay everything, ukraine’s debts there, its
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budgetary costs, and why did europe fit in like that, despite its own interests, and europe’s interest was a good relationship with russia and china , the americans played a proactive game, they are now coercing european businesses. move their production from europe to the united states america, according to german social studies , which were carried out just a year ago , and then a year ago, 25% of large companies in germany were already withdrawing their enterprises from the territory of the european union, and 51 were thinking about it and planning to do this, that is, by and large weak europe, europe's dependence on the united states is the main interest. europe as a periphery, to use those intellectual,
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economic, financial, technological resources of europe to strengthen the united states in the most powerful, most powerful struggle with china, that is concentrate europe's resources at home, take them over, turn europe into a mere periphery. entertainment for tourists, yes , there, come, look, everything, that is, not independence, but some kind of mercedes bmw will be made, in the united states of america, peter, okay, well, look, bloomberg writes that with this decision, well, at least, with the announcement of such a decision, yes, a serious blow has been dealt to zelensky, here the hungarians and slovaks are throwing gunpowder, yes, although more precisely, they do not want to push him, declaring that they will not give it... wins a party that is extremely critical of ukraine. to be honest, all this is reminiscent of this scheme: yes, when initially
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there is a loud statement, we will support it, yes, and then you are left alone with your problems. this is the stage of fatigue, in your opinion, among european mourners, this is the theme of ukraine, for europe. in fact, this is an ideologically important topic of the image of the enemy, which is being molded from russia, from belarus, such a border, in order to keep crisis-ridden europe, which is already in ukraine, because let's take germany, probably the most advanced economy and a more or less stable society in the european union, here are the elections in which this traffic light coalition has been formed. yeah, in these elections the people's parties, the cdu, the csu and the sdp
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, together, gained about 50% of the votes, and why they were called people's parties, they always together gained a constitutional majority, at a minimum, that is, there is no trust in the systemic political forces, those social institutions that exist, in order to somehow unite society, and best of all to rally, if there is nothing to sell them, is just that, the image of the enemy and fear, uh, this is what is being done, so europe, or rather their elites, which does not think about european interests, they think about euro-atlantic interests, their home is an airplane, between brussels and washington is not interested in europe in this regard, their accounts are in transnational banks, they receive their
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interest, and they don’t care whether the german grandmother receives one pension, or we raise the retirement age, or begin to withdraw part of the pension for some military, there are other funds and services. this does not interest them, but there is another tendency, you noticed about slovakia, and these are only the first elections, and i want to emphasize the curious point that such a special opinion exists and prevails in the societies of the former austria-hungary, but hungary has been from the very first day was very critical of this whole ukrainian topic, we see a sharp change in opinion: soon there will be a czech republic, soon there will be austria, initially there was quite a lot of progress, yes, it was quite restrained, and now there will be even more
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criticism and will gradually build within the framework of the european union such a pragmatic core that understands that we are losing resources, we are losing our subjectivity, due to the fact that some, some part of the european bureaucracy simply fit into this topic for their own benefit ukraine, okay, then the question is simple, now let’s simulate the situation, the united states loses interest in ukraine completely if it switches to the middle east. how long will europe deal with the problem of ukraine, even taking into account, as you said, the need to have a common enemy, like a means to get away from their own social cataclysms, well, this is a rather idealistic option, i think the united states will not completely merge ukraine, but
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their main task is war. the europeans will be charged as much as possible for all military costs and expenses, that we have already , in principle, continued to weaken the russian bear , roughly speaking, including ourselves, for how long they can do this, they also have a printing press called the euro, and there is a european bank reconstruction and development, it is clear that they will pay for it european. taxpayers, plus, we must not forget, such a monster as the eastern partnership and other types of association with the eu, by and large, the system of financial and economic colonization by the european union of other states, that’s what this is, this is north africa, these are some countries of latin america, this the same moldova, georgia, azerbaijan, that is.
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how long this will be is a difficult question, it must be calculated, but i think that they are ready to play until 2020, exactly, why 28? because they will be there next us elections, good answer. ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus on the banks of one of the cleanest rivers in europe and in the second honorary city of belarus, gomelch, the borders of three lands, the lands of drygovich and razimichay and
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krivichay, and then the principalities of smalensk, chernigau and the turvopinsk principality closed. unique architectural monuments await you. the famous russian art critic georgy lukkomsky, having visited the palace in 1913 , wrote: this is one of the richest estates of the russian empire. and the most interesting historical facts: karaleva bonasforza, living lands, advedala ragachou, advedala her castle, as they know here on the castle nearby. she bestowed rich privileges on the founder of the church. the photograph, measuring 42 by 94 cm, was taken using the contact method in 1903. and there are only four such photographs known in the world. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. get to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our company
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released the first personal one. computer 18:40 we have risen to the level of the best in the world, the largest enterprise in europe, more than 2.750 million linear meters of fabric, if all the fabric is sewn in one roll, the globe can be wrapped around the equator 86 times. we have two main areas: automotive components and computer equipment. these products are not inferior to european foreign analogues, the approach to the matter . you need to strive for everyone. our company is no longer young, but its motto is to preserve traditions and boldly look into the future. there are people who have worked in our workshop for 42 years, we really value continuity generations. and when you solve all the problems, you succeed in something, you get a certain level of pleasure, and this moves you further and develops you professionally. watch the
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quality mark project on the tv channel. belarus 24. when we talk about europe’s readiness to continue working to exhaust russia, this automatically implies that belarus is in conjunction with russia; they will work against us, naturally. and here is the president’s visit to a fortified area, one of them, and a conversation on a number of important topics. we have long been accustomed that our first he not only understands and is well versed in the internal and external. agenda , yes, we often see that his words are prophetic in nature, and the president’s warnings, especially addressed to our ardent western partners, yes, should be heeded, and listened to literally,
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so let’s start with the obvious, here is the situation around the borders, yes, we taught lessons from history, lessons from modern warfare, this was discussed, we are ready to inflict an unacceptable attack in the event of an attack... this is what lies behind this once again for our viewers in simple words, in simple words, the fact that we will never retreat and will not give up five of our lands to anyone, this is the first point, the second point is that our state is following the path of dialogue and not a monologue, so let me remember with the same poles, yes, when we proposed to conduct... joint exercises, uh-huh, and how they fidgeted, and then suddenly two high-ranking officials of the ministry of defense signed their resignations, yes,
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here we must realize at some point that the modern militaristic bacchanalia of poland, it has two, two components, the first component is the electoral one. yeah , the image of the enemy, to transport various kinds of armored vehicles throughout poland and demonstrate them to frighten the population, yes, without any need, except for political technology, the second point is something that for some reason we don’t talk about much, this is an attempt by the party of law and justice to subjugate the army , yeah, establishing a partyocracy is a completely special phenomenon, if? about poland, which probably does not exist anywhere else, when the party first took over the main economic, production, industrial concerns, that is, it is the party, not the government, the party, namely peace, places
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its people on the board of directors of orlin, on the board of directors of the group manures, kghm, copper - these are the largest concerns, leading strategic ones. concerns of poland, this is the first point, now they are doing this already in the army and using the army for their political purposes , we are in this situation, when the president says, we are ready for dialogue, we act not as a reaction to something, but strategically , of course, this annoys them, why, because that they are trying to induce us by violating borders, by flying in and out of their own... helicopters to some kind of hysterical reaction, which they would use in their information affairs, things, political technologies, to show that the belarusians, you see, are aggressive, they are for us
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are a source of aggression and a source of danger, it is impossible to act like this , we are not grist for their mill, our grist, this is the first point, the second point, i still... do not agree with some experts who say that the americans are aiming at what -that military escalation, why in our region in our region specifically, there are different forces in the west, there are forces that, on the contrary , are trying to sharpen, so i personally get the feeling that such a force is very much present in the uk, well, these always want to use the wrong hands, for whom the maximum is more profitable escalation, but the americans at... nato itself in vilnius very clearly broke through, promoting the thesis that nato countries should not be involved in direct confrontation with countries that have
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nuclear weapons and b, on whose territory nuclear weapons have been deployed, this is hello to those who said that tactical nuclear weapons in belarus do not work, they just started working, initially these statements contradicted logic, not a single nuclear country with nuclear potential was attacked directly, as you know , here is the second point, if we look at how dramatically the poles... began to change their tactics towards us, instead of setting up offensive contingents on the borders, they actually began to mine the suwalki corridor, that is, the logic of the line maginot, defensive presence, that is , a sharp change in tactics and strategy, it is clear that this is all being done from a political technology point of view, it seems to me, a demonstration, the poles want to sell their service, and
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this is their idea of ​​figs among their intellectuals, as the main force, the united states of america, as such a trojan horse within the european union, which a should control berlin, brussels and paris, and b should carry such a mission of light, in quotes, of course, to the east, such missionism, americans also have an ambivalent attitude towards this, there is a polish lobby, it is quite strong, which really promotes militarization, the sale of weapons, but the sale of weapons is one thing, but the management of the american contingent in europe, which the poles want to facilitate their deployment on the territory of their state, they failed in this, the americans have the main thing... two complaints here : why should we transfer
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the entire infrastructure from germany to poland, when it has already been built since the cold war, there is nuclear weapons, the second point, the americans do not have any confidence in the fact that poland is a predicted state, here is an example of the same grain conflict with ukraine, right? yeah, this embargo was not introduced on september 15 or in the summer, it was introduced back in march of this year, but for some reason no one then just talked about this topic informationally, right? in july, everyone knew that this agricultural coalition that warsaw built against the kiev regime, yes, and their grains, that... would be prolonged this is an embargo, but the hysteria all began
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after september 15, when the extension deadlines passed, and when everything became clear what it would be, but this became such a basis for a big quarrel, this confrontation between poland and ukraine, and which began because for grain, at least in the public space, but from this conflict, can we say that the confrontation will increase, namely between poland and this is already an escalation or a negative situation, but developing in dynamics, and let's look at the reasons why zhelensky this confrontation, especially public, theatrical, profitable, why is it profitable for duda and morovetsky, that’s what he’s doing, the topic of ukraine is gradually disappearing, it ’s becoming uninteresting,
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pull it out of the public sphere, refuse, what happens here, the second point, blinken declares that you you won’t get help, and this is before all the budget agreements, until you carry out the appropriate reforms and start anti-corruption actions, i remind you that in ukraine there is such a unit as... national, anti-corruption bureau of ukraine, naboo, which actually acts as an organ of the united states of america inside ukraine, which carries out personnel policy, controls personnel, who decides who is a corrupt official and who is not a corrupt official, the task of the americans is to strengthen this body and actually reduce the kiev regime that ...has a completely puppet state, a completely
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puppet state, in response, that in response they see that zelsky, this gaze on him is diminishing, help, now, is about to leave from under legs, well, it’s already decreasing, they are already directly saying that it is decreasing, and the most important influence, pressure on the public opinion of the west, which zelensky was so concerned about, is also going away, because they are dissatisfied with it. in the west and he begins a new round of hysteria, look, the poles are traitors, this is a ukrainian case, understandable, what about poland, the party’s ratings... the beginning of june 30%, against the backdrop of bacchanalia and the creation of an image of the enemy from belarus and russia, they pulled up a little up to forty, well, a corruption scandal, but then not just a corruption scandal, this visa scandal, visa corruption scandal, yes,
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which was inspired by brussels, berlin and paris, they leaked this information and promoted it. it lowered the ratings to 32%. and the anti-ukrainian theme was included, which is becoming more and more popular due to the guidance of the ukrainians themselves in poland, behavior, because duda and morawiecki allocated assistance from the state budget to the ukrainian population, again the interests of farmers, as if the interests of farmers, small-scale farm production in poland, there are a lot of farmers, it's big a layer of the electorate is beginning to raise anti-ukrainian themes, hysteria, to show that look, yes, maybe we didn’t really notice the seventieth anniversary of the volyn massacre and swallowed it, but now we are here for you , we will show them, we will firmly defend our polish national interests there, ok, peter , then it’s a provocative question, it’s simple, yes, then why should dudi say against the backdrop of the events
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that began in israel, yes, that, like , there’s no need to over-exaggerate the significance of the arab-israeli conflict, yes, that is, he has always been, yes, he has always been , here, here, after all, there is ukraine, also, well, come on, just for a politician of this level, a week before the elections, such statements, where peace’s positions are already weak, yes, well this looks a little strange or illogical, or is there a logic somewhere, here is a simple logic, dudo does not want to lose the infrastructure and the role assigned to poland in supporting the kiev regime, primarily as military infrastructure, logistics infrastructure, the rzeszewo airfield - this is huge today a logistics hub where both the transshipment of relevant cargo and weapons to ukraine is carried out, and on the other hand, the repair of equipment that comes from ukraine, that is, this is earnings, in any case, this is earnings, and
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duda simply says, don’t forget about us, finance those projects that take place, and do not exaggerate... that is, this is not even a message to ukraine, not to its own citizens, this is a message from washington, okay, but still, elections are literally this week, and insight from our president, polish diplomats are ready to improve relations, but we belarusians are ready for all scenarios, so what is your forecast? on the prospects for the development of the polish situation, i mean the outcome of the elections and the situation after these very elections, where will poland move? well, i would highlight three basic scenarios: the first scenario is understandable, if the country remains in power, either independently
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or in a coalition, it will take someone, in this scenario after the parliamentary and presidential elections, at least in the chinese direction, and this means what border they they won’t close, yeah, why, because 90% of the transit of the northern part of the belt and the route to hamburg pass through the territory of belarus and poland, respectively, this is the first moment, although they will try to sell their... services and we all know that too, why expect from them. the second scenario is the opposite scenario , tusk, the company, pro-european, as politicians call them, although here i would question how pro-european they are, because for example,
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the us ambassador in warsaw, mark brzezinski, is the son of the famous brzezinski , feet, hands supports tusk, the opposition, goes to rallies, here on the one hand, we will have to see less hysteria and more discipline in poland, perhaps a retreat in relation to europe, discipline, including in relation to euro-atlantic solidarity, why, because berlin, today it is not entirely independent, it is being carried out there today by poland itself or the european union is not worth it,
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what is important here, the important thing is that on the one hand there will be some demilitarization of the region, many projects will be frozen, but rearmament, or reduced, but on the other hand, poland will be more disciplined within the framework of this euro-atlantic solidarity, and berlin will be watching... the americans, warsaw will obey him, but we must understand one more thing what tusk will bring to our, western border is not only a geopolitical border, but also a value one, yeah, all these non-traditional values, their propaganda from across the bug will come from the polish direction, but for now between peace, for example, and brussels, peace and washington, on this account exists. here are the latest polls
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that were given by sociological services, they say that none of the parties will be able to create a coalition, and this is the scenario of a parliamentary crisis in poland, when re-elections have to be held, poland will be mired, well, in fact, until the presidential elections, if not further, these are the chichards . electoral process, on the one hand there will be a lot of statements, shouting, hubbub, on the other hand , the technical government, the suspension of the stability of the polish government itself, it will push aside foreign policy issues in reality to the background, that is, this will be a certain respite for us, to the point that they will leave us alone for a while, this is beneficial for us. this is the case, why? because, unfortunately, the polish elites themselves have driven themselves into the mousetrap of this discourse around the image
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of the enemy, they themselves have swallowed the hook that they threw to their voters and cannot swim out of it, okay, then let’s return to my original question, a small remark, would you dare to make a forecast based on the election results, which of these three scenarios will work in your opinion? this many will not like the scenario, i think that the first scenario, because their political strategists demonstrate grace, they can contrive and come out unscathed, while it turns out, unfortunately, or fortunately, so, we better prepare for this scenario, although we don’t need to discard other scenarios, why, because the electorate of discipline. he goes to the polls, unlike the opposition electorate, this is the electorate of pensioners, this is the electorate of residents of small medium-sized cities, and these are
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believers, so they are the first to come to the polling stations, all the rest according to the residual income, that is, the church, which is financed by the state , among other things, and salaries are paid to the priests of the state, he will also play his role in this, of course, calling on people to come and vote, after all, as a person, who understands the other side of the coin of the polish people, at least that they are slavs, that the anglo-saxon spirit is alien to them, yeah, uh, i hope that sooner or later sobering up will begin in polish society, i think it’s probably sooner, why, because the negative, economic, social dynamics that exist there will force, at a minimum , polish society to transform towards dialogue and the search for alternatives, if
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today poland actually has a choice between the formation of this pisov partocracy, yeah, and the formation of that how poland will fit into the new multipolar world, here’s one of their political strategists: he said: either poland will pursue a one-vector policy, or it will still manage to take it, for example, the same experience of hungary will begin to be friends with china, with russia, with the arab states, a multi-vector policy for poland is polish national interests, which are dictated by its geography, it will be interesting, as you know, for the taftology, forgive me, like pis will fit in, yes, for this multi-vector. peter, look, if we are talking about poland, we devoted a lot of time to it, of course, and the elections in poland, but there are also a huge number of, let’s say, those
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that are not only closer to us. and more interesting yes, but they have a certain significance ; they influence, let’s say, the situation, both in belarus, and primarily on society, the so -called fugitives, who fled to poland in tulsha, among others. i’ll ask you to briefly comment on this hysteria and panic, this is literally, judging by social networks, yes, which arose against the backdrop of a presidential decree on changing the algorithm for issuing belarusian passports, right? and naturally, against this background, the initiative that appeared among the fugitives with the creation of a new belarusian passport. let's talk straight based on social networks and direct statements from those who are there, this situation has aggravated panic sentiments, about
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which there is depression and fatal mistrust. in your opinion, why is this initiative with new belarusian passports abroad, yes, it is obviously insignificant, those fugitives who are there today, they really love such a section of our history as the belarusian people's republic, of course, at least , they think that they know it, so i want to remind them that this is even... education cannot be called, this the project also printed its passports, distributed these passports, but no one ever recognized these passports, and those who fit into the bpr project, they turned out to be either stateless or without documents, this story takes place, the project that
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tikhanovskaya is now demonstrating, well, this is... a project of these same pseudo-passports, because no one will recognize this document, otherwise it will be a precedent, otherwise it will be a precedent, for example, some catalonia will want to print its passports, there is a southern terol will go, corsico will go, that is, it will be quite difficult for europe itself, the european union, when it happens... so here i see a certain point that some of these fugitives will try to renounce citizenship of belarus, such a precedent is possible, they will now think about whether they have a choice whether to return or not, but i will remind you that if a citizen has committed an offense, we
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have a return procedure. with the commission with everything, and there is the principle of legal inevitability of punishment for some kind of violation, yeah, that’s it, if, okay, there a person could give up , the offense is not too serious, or it’s just average, yes, but it happens, tikhanovskaya herself knows what kind of offense she committed, better than anyone, it’s clear that someone will give it to her there. citizenship of some small state there, yes, but others are not tikhanovskaya, others are not on grants, others arrived with nothing, many with children, many with something else, that is, if i were in the place of the fugitives, i would advised them to return to...


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