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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 4, 2023 9:10am-10:41am MSK

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ensure the safety of about 7,000 people, as well as social and economic facilities. just this year we opened new fire stations in slavgorod, opened a new fire station in the city of gomel, and we are opening in ivye, we will open approximately in mid-december in veleika, for us these are very important elements of the security of our units, because the main burden of rescue they are the ones who carry people. almost 5 million rubles from the budget, as well as an investment fund, were allocated for the construction of a new fire station building in ivye ministry of emergency situations. more than 600 new year's fairs will be held in belarus, the first will start on december 8, and christmas tree markets will open on the 15th. there are almost a thousand green spots around the country, an assortment of coniferous trees, fragrant bouquets at the skating rinks, and preparations for themed shopping. also retail facilities,
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window dressing and hall decoration are being completed. in total , it will present over 2,000 new year's items, including sweet gifts and about seventy confectionery variations. for this season, 3d snow holograms were introduced into the packaging. our concern belgospischeprom and its manufacturers have already produced about two million new year's gifts, more than two are planned, more than last year. here. the approximate cost of such gifts will be from 8 rubles to 80 rubles , depending on the format of such a gift and from 300 g to 3 kg for every taste. we naturally offer products with the symbols of the new year, it is clear that this will be a wide range of souvenir products, and as for food products , there are a lot of semi-finished products, i think that the population will all be covered in pre-holiday trade to create the right mood.
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the holiday trade will delight you with new year's sales and tastings, promotional games and interactive activities; in total, about 12,000 winter promotions are planned. these are the main news of the telelenova agency project, available on social networks, in our mobile application qr code on the screen. watch the developments on our broadcast at noon on a successful day.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from the country and abroad. broadcasts especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of azerbaijan,
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turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab. emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish on the aizer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with tv channel belarus 24 and discover belarus. this is the main broadcast! hello! the ecology
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of our planet is under attack, and this was discussed a lot at the climate summit in dubai, where our country was represented at the highest level. alexander lukashenko spoke to world leaders clearly, sincerely and, of course, with an inconvenient truth. this speech is already part of not only our, world history. a big report from oha awaits us with all the details, we’ll also talk about what ’s going on in the already completely confused and fragmented house named after the european union. let’s not ignore our native regions and sports culture. polina shubba and maxim uglyanitsa are with you. look in our program. if you want to save the planet, stop spending on war, what is the weather like in a common house, the president spoke at the climate summit in dubai. those who even performed here during the first births, who are concerned about their grandchildren, are, after all, waging these wars, and wars are a terrible pollution
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of the planet. in the struggle for supremacy, the west sponsors extremism, but in fact throws money down the drain. the unfavorable truth has leaked from... the polish press club belarus. according to all sociological studies conducted, the belarusian population supports alexander lukashenko. belarusians' trust in the government is growing, while debriefing is underway in latvia, we will tell you in the screenshot section. they go all-in on the bank. in ukraine they dream of minsk-3, but they risk getting a maidan with the same figure after the elections are cancelled. everything was fine, but johnson persuaded him to continue the war. who will take the helm of independent britain or.
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collapsed like a house of cards, the acting path to 5,500 km , the cameroonian became the favorite of the audience of the gorkov theater, yes, of course, me and the country, so he says, yes, come on, he, let’s work, then, look how i work here, i’m happy, what is the phenomenon of hockey vitebsk, not a single trophy until 2022, but they won the soleil cup for 2 years in a row. the northerners recently strengthened their leadership in the belarusian championship. the planet is overheating, this is a problem due to which
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a world climate summit is held annually under the auspices of the united nations. this time we talked about weather in a global sense in arab emirates. the strategy of action to overcome the consequences of major warming was determined in detail. back in 2015, by adopting the famous paris climate agreement. belarus also joined, but unfortunately, everything is moving forward with difficulty in this matter. not everything is so simple, although, judging by the speech of the belarusian president at the global forum, there is definitely a way out. alexander lukashenko discarded flowery formulations and told the world as it is. our political observer is currently working in dubai, natalya breus, we’ll find out all the details from her. colleagues, greetings, in snowy minsk climate issues are not so acutely felt, i think, in 30-degree dubai, you feel it for yourself, the whole world has gathered here these days, because the problems of climate change can only be solved together, the world is becoming
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hotter in direct and in a figurative sense, not only the degree celsius is growing, but also the degree of confrontation, as for me, at this global forum everything revolved around three things: climate, money, and big policy.
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almost 200 countries, about 150 world leaders, it seems, oa did not expect such a number of widson, but this did not stop them from organizing everything at the level, despite the criticism, it is still the largest oil producer in the world. as part of the un climate change conference, state delegates meet annually, but to such a wide representation as is currently possible. even the un general assembly is envious, capturing a historical moment, this is a tradition of protocol, our president in life, in the photo in the vanguard. political performance fell out of nowhere waited, at that moment the leaders of the baltic states and poland decided to isolate themselves from the world and held a photo shoot separately. on the sidelines, journalists joked, maybe the real leaders overshadowed those who were lost on the margins. when the world is rocked by wars,
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it’s easy to forget about the climate, the contradictions that are tearing the planet apart today are full, from the energy crisis in europe and migration to military operations in the middle east and ukraine , there is no consensus on the climate field, but there is a conflict of interests. carbohydrate countries believe that without oil and gas will not get into a clean future, the west, that without reducing the gradual abandonment of fossil fuels, climate goals are unattainable, the only question is whether clean green energy will pull all this out, but in the end, in the end, the states developing the most from natural disasters, with a shortage of financial resources to solve climate problems is difficult, there is a way out, and it is our president who will speak about this summit. all the speakers, especially the speakers from the speakers who spoke here first, became concerned about where to get money? come on, you, sitting here, even a journalist will tell you where to get the money,
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an example, to answer this question, you need to look into recent history, in order to destroy iraq and afghanistan, and bring benefit to these countries for the peoples, it was spent, according to estimates, from one and a half to two trillion dollars, but count how much money was spent to protect these countries, how many people died, you can’t estimate it in dollars, today there is a war in ukraine, it’s no longer 15-2 dollars, it will already cost 5 trillion dollars , if we can come to an agreement in the near future about peace, why today there is no peace in this part of the planet, because those speakers who spoke in the first..." talk about peace, talk about keeping the planet clean, and taking care of their grandchildren, at the same
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time unleashed , and they are waging the most terrible war on the planet, in the middle east, how much will the massacre cost, and if it breaks out in the pacific ocean, it will be trillions and trillions of dollars, well, let’s direct them to the cleanliness of the planet and there will be no need to search, as we say for coal this money, maybe it was not possible aggravating, but burying one's head in the sand when problems arise is not lukashenko's style, from a high rostrum our president expressed everything he thinks about the lack of funding, we have gathered here to once again express concern, and those who even spoke here were in the forefront , who are concerned about their grandchildren, they are in these wars, and wars are a terrible pollution of the planet. let's
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stop this, so the most important thing is that we need to learn to say less words and do more. i understand that if we adopt some kind of declaration or memorandum, as we always do sometimes we are unlikely to achieve anything. but let’s, as they said here, again, at the beginning, the speaker: 80% of the dirt on the planet comes from twenty leading states, let’s write it down in our declaration, mr. chairman. not concern, but we will demand from them to reduce emissions into the atmosphere by at least half, we will not do this, so why are we gathered, here is the money, real money, 10 trillion dollars, which we can stop in wars, direct to cleansing
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our planet, according to the reaction , without a word, not in the eyebrow, in the eye, the decisive call of the president redirect. financing of military conflicts to solve global problems with climate change was echoed in the world press. the president of brazil discussed this topic with annoyance at the forum. in the north of the amazon, one of the most tragic droughts; in the south, deadly hurricanes, which were supposed to go to fight hunger and climate change, ended up going to war. if all the leading powers of the world, the main players who are interested in ending the war in ukraine, think like brazil, lula dalva, there will be no war. these words were addressed to journalists who approached alexander grigorievich more than once
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that day with reporter’s interest and respect for his position. by the way, we even do climate control. more than they committed to, but pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by no less than 35% by 2030. we provide invaluable ecosystem services to our continent, preserving a unique source of oxygen, natural swamps, forests, and the lungs of europe. we are developing green nuclear energy, minimizing the risks of climate change. paradoxical. but in response we are getting new economic sanctions, barriers to international trade, limited access to technology and not only us, it’s time to admit that the green agenda is meaningless in conditions of confrontation, it requires respect, the sovereignty of countries and unconditional
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justice. you cannot put pressure on political opponents with sanctions and at the same time make demands. this is a dead end and dialogue is needed to find a way out, but who will tell what sergei oleinik and john kerry were talking about. belarus calls on everyone who is obliged to take upon themselves the time of historical responsibility, make a feasible contribution to resolving issues of climate security and strengthen support for developing countries and states, if the international community and, above all , the collective west expect russia and belarus to implement the paris agreements in general and transition to alternative, more environmentally friendly sources of energy, then they should certainly stop putting sticks in
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wheels for the development of our national economies and integration within the union state, technology requires quite a significant investment of funds in order to maintain climate on our planet, at least in the form in which it currently exists , in order to avoid even more rapid rates of global warming, countries must sacrifice something, this brings problems for their economy, this creates an additional burden on ... if western sanctions pressure is added to this burden, frankly speaking, not even pressure, outright blackmail, unfriendly measures that can be compared to military aggression, then this only complicates the situation, our president suggested to your colleagues and representatives of the highest
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leadership of world states, to be honest with yourself. and speak honestly about the problems that exist in the world, without hiding behind formulations, without blurring the true reasons for what is happening in the world, and naturally many people really don’t like this, and this platform was not chosen by chance, because the processes that are taking place in the world , they are inextricably linked with each other, this is the climate, this is confrontation, this is military operations in different parts of the world, all this... looking into each other’s eyes from a high rostrum and speaking our president. in my opinion, alexander grigorievich raised a very important and fundamental point. problem at such a forum , and the most important thing is that not every speaker could dare to consider this
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problem in his speech, somewhere they said something about preserving some opportunities, but in order to create conditions for development in their regions, advised something to others, this is a fundamental, extremely important, political question that was raised only, in my opinion, by the president of the republic of belarus. climatologists are making grim predictions that 2023 will break the record and become one of the hottest. anthony ogurish will tell you who is able to prevent climate chaos under the influence of the melting glaciers of antarctica and nepal. just a few days ago i stood on the melting ice of antarctica, i was surrounded by the melting glaciers of nepal. these two points are far apart in
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terms of distance, but they are united in crisis. polar ice and glaciers are disappearing right before our eyes, leading to disasters around the world, from targeted floods to... sea ​​level rise, but it is one symptom of the disease that is bringing our climate to its knees. this is a disease that can only be cured... oil production , which in the usa, for example, is growing, the work of enterprises, transport emissions, all of this gives rise to the emission of greenhouse gases, due to which the planet's temperature ultimately increases, well, in response, floods of drought , typhoons and storms, fires and tsunamis, thousands of people die. we don’t have and won’t have another home, and let’s act, let’s not start acting, nature
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will force us to live according to its laws, unspoken the law of any international summit states that there should be as many handshakes as possible, because this is a rare opportunity to immediately discuss pressing issues with colleagues without formalities, for example, as with vucic on his feet, serbia’s policy towards us is unchanged. we talked about our bilateral relations, i really hope that next year we will be able to organize his visit to our country, it is always pleasant to see familiar faces in a large company, after a warm meeting, alexander lukashenko will have time to talk one-on-one with ilham aliyev, there is always something to discuss with the leaders of cuba and equatorial guinea. with the first - strengthening the economic sphere, with the second - upcoming visits and planned plans. with kenya, for example, we still have to decide on the directions of work, and if the heads of such. we already know very well who is expected in minsk for a visit. the most important thing now is not to stop. yes,
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we have certain results of our cooperation, as you already said, and you began to export grain and so on, but we still have a lot of work to do in your country, and we ready to implement the plan that we once outlined during my visit to zimbabwe. negotiations were held with the prime minister of mongolia, and at a meeting with the president of the comoros islands, who currently chairs the african union, we agreed on cooperation. mr. president, you know, i sent you a corresponding letter, we are extremely interested in cooperation with the african union. we have been cooperating with north africa for a long time, including with egypt and other countries, and we are developing cooperation in southern africa and zimbabwe. go out to the equator and we were very happy if you contributed to such a movement of high-tech belarus to the african
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continent. belarus is serious about moving forward on the african continent, it offers cooperation and equal partnership without colonial pretenses, this marathon negotiation is a good foundation for the future, without months of preparatory work for dialogue, so in one fell swoop we can say, we can cooperate, meetings have been held with the presidents of mozambique, rwanda, botswana, during these meetings also mainly discussed, the key areas that concern african countries today are primarily agricultural technology, education, healthcare, technological development, information technology, and they discussed not only the prospects for the development of new information technologies, but also, as the president put it, we should not... sometimes about the old technologies that we have, which africa desperately needs today. a number of meetings between the head of state and the leaders of our eurasian
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region and presidents took place. kazakhstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan and a very wide range of meetings were held with the leaders of african countries , this is a huge continent, about a billion people live in black africa alone, a demographic explosion is happening there, soon, by the fiftieth year, according to un estimates , from one and a half billion to 3 billion people will live there population, it's just south of the sahara, they can't buy. conditions when we need to develop our tools to enter their political and cultural space, because without this there will be no entry into the market. why did such needs arise right now, for the reason that the west pushed russia and belarus away, essentially pushed them out of the already established good relations between the west.
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and russia, and with belarus we had good economic relations with the west, so we need to look for new markets, and russia is going to africa, and we, naturally, are going too, while the first speeches at the world summit were going on, it was already dark in the oaa, the main thing is said, but it’s too early to draw conclusions; the discussion on accelerating climate change will continue i'm here for almost 2 more weeks. this was the climate at the world summit, if the global... bogdan petrashko and ivan martinovich, dubai. however, the president’s work program continued while alexander lukashenko was on vacation in belarus on december 3 and 4 with a visit to china. negotiations between the belarusian leader and the chairman of the people's republic of china are expected in beijing. the agenda includes issues
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of trade, economic, investment and international cooperation, as well as a number of social and humanitarian events in the visit program. yes, the summit in dubai is a turning point for our country, the president's speech and a string of meetings are a definite success for belarus in the international arena, no matter how the planetary map of cooperation changes, no matter how high the degree of sanctions rhetoric is in the world, we find partners on different continents. and the visit of the vice president of venezuela to our country is yet another confirmation of this. minsk and caracas have known each other for a long time, this friendship has been tested by time, and most importantly, it has a strong foundation laid by chavis and lukashenko. on this basis, it is possible to build strong economic ties, our president is convinced of this. them you won’t have to start from scratch anymore; a lot was planned back then. today is the time for a big
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reset. so the goal is simple - to resume cooperation, as in the best years, and political unanimity and similarity of views on many things in world politics can become guarantees of the success of future economic projects. not through our fault, not through the fault of belarus and venezuela, there was a certain pause in our relations; they were these relations, but not so intense. fortunately, we have not lost those directions that were previously defined in our... cooperation, and the main thing i would like to tell you, mr. menendez, we are ready for more intensive, the most intense cooperation with venezuela, you know our capabilities, so i think we need to audit all our projects and add something , what is not relevant today, exclude from the plan of our actions, update our road map, which
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we once... the european commission and the united states continue to sponsor belarusian fugitive extremists, swindlers, however, while the appetites of the latter are growing, trust in them is falling, in including fugitive flock. this was shown by one of the studies of the liquidated press club belarus office, which is now located in poland. the study was closed, but was at our disposal. quote from it: according to all sociological studies conducted, the belarusian population supports alexander lukashenko. or here’s another fact: trust in state-owned belarusian media is growing, while the audience is leaving the so-called independent media due to political bias and lack of professionalism. closed study ekaterina tikhomirova will reveal the fugitives in her column. the apple trees were blooming. millions
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of dollars went from the budget for the maintenance of free and independent journalists, training, education of journalists, their salaries, offices, computers, equipment, and the ratings show that belarusians don’t believe the regime-shaking gangs, and consider independents to be grant drug addicts. on top of that, while trust ratings there are going downhill, viewers are turning to watching state media. don’t believe me, this closed study was conducted and closed by a liquidated structure, the press club belarus, which is located in poland. it is not for the public eye, much less a cursory one. but since the research is in our hands, let’s open it, as required by the narratives of democracy. in 2020, 47% of respondents indicated that they get information from television, which is 14% higher than in 21 . in the years twenty and twenty-two , the share of consumers of tv, social networks and instant messengers increased, and the consumption
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of information from internet sites decreased. from august twenty-two to may twenty-third there was an increase in the share of weekly use of belarusian and russian state media. according to all sociological studies conducted, the belarusian message about lukashenko that belarus has not entered the war and is not a party to the conflict is perceived by the population as a merit of the current government and, accordingly , people’s trust in state media increases. what is going on at this time in the foreign media that call themselves belarusian? why do structures that are controlled by infopoint write only good things or nothing about you? what is the reason for this loan? trust? the media abroad, who work off the belarusian propaganda, live on grants. in the year 2020, we mobilized financial resources for 100 million euros for such a wide investment. and in this regard , we have consulted with the office of sviatlana
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tsikhanovskaya. just tell us how much money there is in each place, and the total amount of money is 100 million dollars from various financial sources. the european commission has a consultative office in the kitchen near the gidemin tower. a penny nyama, many people think that it’s a yawn, a penny. and he decides who will receive grant cutlets from this kitchen, so be friends, love and speak well, or not at all, here are just some of the fresh grants that have already been completed or are in the works, a grant from the council of ministers, norway in lithuania and the swedish institute, 41 applications were received , where did they find so many media , remains behind the scenes, approved only 15, paid 211,000 euros, where would we be without the ubiquitous staff, in august they opened a grant
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for the independent mission of belarus, the issue price is 135,000 dollars, in the summer of this year the european union opened a new funding project, he is also for belarusian and for russian media, independent will depend on how clearly they will fulfill the tasks of the european union inside, in our case inside belarus 2,200 euros. a politician cannot be a politician in the country, and a journalist cannot be a journalist if he is financed from abroad, even from unfriendly countries , the independent media game in the usa is heard from, it is written about the independent us embassy , ​​which allocated a grant to an independent independent media, and not all agents of influence. obviously, when you look at these numbers, how much do they get there? money, as far as the leaders of all this, those who organize all this, are interested in the struggle going on forever, so that the fight against the regime continues, as they call it a millennium, the fight has been for millennia, so that
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these flows never stop. so, how do the media influence the socio-political life of belarusian citizens, according to a closed study of the liquidated organization press club straight from poland. the audience of belarusian state media grew by 18%, and trust by 8%. this is sadness, states the closed report of the press club. a for the so-called independent media, we will use the wording from the report: on the contrary, the loyal audience is declining. loyal means constant those who return for information to this particular source. the number of those who read them from time to time also decreased. loyal audience of state media is stable, there is an increased segment of the detached audience, the growth in consumption of state media is not due to an increase in the pro-state core, but due to yesterday’s neutral audience, which for the most part degree becomes loyal to the state media. this is their
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recognition that this reading and viewing audience of ours, which was so -called neutral, nevertheless leaned towards the state media and potentially they became our viewers and readers. that is, he is this credit of trust to the state media, since we do not lie, but speak time-tested facts. so, to the conclusions: the audience of the so-called independent media is disappointed in the quality of the materials. political bias and the lack of professionalism of so-called journalists is why they go looking for the truth in the state media. here's another study now open from a british ngo. according to them, a third of fugitive journalists, having gone abroad, have today stopped working in the media altogether. and 75% of those who remained made attempts and looked for opportunities to return to belarus, data fresh from
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november 22. from this section it is well clear that popularity is a resource that needs to be supported by practical actions; it is not enough to talk about a bright future and hope for miracle. in germany , the ratings of the ruling parties are rapidly falling; industrial enterprises are unable to cope with current energy prices. the hand of the market with the stars and stripes cuffs tightly holds german producers by the throat. in artificially created aggressive conditions, more and more enterprises are forced to reduce production and get rid of excess workers. a brazilian journalist spoke frankly about the reasons for what was happening. this is america's war with nato's help against russia. this is the first thing secondly, this is a war against europe. because one of the goals of the neoconservatives who started this war and who worked on it. by unleashing this war for at least 8 years is to
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deindustrialize europe, sever economic ties, especially between germany, the european union and russia, and turn europe as a whole into a vessel of empire. we are approaching a very dangerous threshold where they will throw everything against russia and it won't work, they will become paranoid and crazy. it's like what they did to libya, they destroyed the country, because in their opinion they needed control over a very fertile and important one. part of northern africa in iraq. in 2003 , the americans started, and nato continued. we all know what happened. there is no historical example of nato promoting peace and security. history shows us this. former manufacturing giants are paying less and less taxes and are increasingly raising the issue of providing government subsidies. the bundestag responded to these pleas for help in a very unexpected way. olaf scholz officially announced termination. curbing prices for gas and electricity, while promising not
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to abandon anyone, which caused shrill laughter in the hall. citizens can be confident that the government will keep its promises. we do not leave anyone alone with the problems we currently face. you will never be abandoned. well, with such approaches to caring for ordinary burghers, one should not be surprised at the unexpected appearance of an angry woman near the bundestag. tol, although every european politician has a your pragmatic option. the scheme is simple to the point of disgrace and has been worked out more than once; now, without waiting for the secretary general of nato to relinquish his powers, one after another, the paper tigers of the european union are making claims to his warm place. details in the screenshot section.
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the lads are striving for power, an expression familiar to everyone from the legendary series about bandits , very succinctly describes what is happening in the western establishment, although no, not like that, these are not part of the establishment, but they really want to, they are obliging for this reason are trading in the sovereignty of their own countries, baltic politicians intermittently declare their desire to become secretaries general, this time , of course, not of the soviet union, but of the military... bloc of nato, although not everything is so simple here, among the napoleons there is also a representative of estonia, and kaya kalos is sure that the position is not based on merit or competence, but on the basis of gender. you know, i recently heard a joke that the next secretary general of nato should be from another nato member country that has been around for 20 years in an alliance, he should definitely be from a country that spent 2% of gdp on defense, and it would be nice if it was a woman, that makes sense, how rude, how rude, would you want
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to be considered? yes , putting the nato horde under the estonian heel is a very interesting initiative, and most importantly extremely timely, it’s all about that very scandal with the prime minister’s husband, while western politicians, like kalos herself , are talking about the importance of sanctions, despite... including bankruptcy. enterprising hubby very fruitful worked on the russian market. his transport company stark logistic provided cargo transportation services with great pleasure. as they like to say in the country, the aggressor, the prime minister, of course, sprinkled ashes on her head, but refused to resign, the promising general’s wife even told russian pranksters about her family grief, i must first of all say that this is a big, big scandal, but my husband has no no
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connections with russia, but you know how difficult it is to fight the media, to the warm chair of the secretary general the former prime minister of latvia, and now the head of the foreign policy department, is also trying on his loins. in 2019, he became involved in a case of real estate fraud. it turned out that the politician made transactions through banks that were suspected of money laundering. karinch, like his estonian colleague in a dangerous business, is rapidly losing popularity and increasingly incurring righteous anger. last year, he literally called latvian entrepreneurs with sergeants, the reaction was not long in coming, and he had to publicly apologize. the controversial american -born politician believes it's time to pack up. provided that latvia decides to run for the post of secretary general, krishja niskarins is ready to join the competition. the most telling example in such situations
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is certainly the chief gynecologist of the european union. at one time, medical education did not prevent ursula vonderleen from becoming the minister of defense of germany. people in the bundesfer remember the lady and still obviously regret that they could not bring the matter to its logical conclusion. regarding ursula conducted an investigation into a corruption scandal, using her official position, she hired third-party consultants at inflated prices and eventually laundered more than 150 million euros. the position of president of the european commission became a lifeline for ursulu. i have great respect for my new one. positions in supranational authorities, be it the european commission or the notorious nato, have become such an offshore zone for evading responsibility in one’s own country, stealing, taking bribes full of pockets or bringing the population down
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countries to the point of wanting to commit self-mutilation, suitcase brussels station, about paper general secretaries, andrey sych in the screenshot section. during the week, it was more interesting than ever to watch the ukrainian ruling class, where they were deciding on the geopolitical choice of britain or the states, preparing to accept military defeat, and deciding the issue of power. a more fateful historical moment for the country has not happened for a long time, while big politics in ukrainian, as usual , is composed in the genre of heroic vaudeville, do you think such a genre does not exist? but in kiev has it, when thieving and unprincipled figures try to play the iliad, but what they end up with is still an invariable farce. oleg romanov will continue. internal ukrainian
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politics invariably makes a stunning impression on the unprepared viewer. it seems like there is absolute chaos here. behavior of all actors. is meaningless, and the result of the brownian movement of the wills of meanings can only be the final disintegration. but the picture doesn’t look so desperate and hopeless if you know that in kiev everything is subordinated to the struggle for power and money, and organizes a total war of all against all, external interest, british, american, or some other, the most discussed now in ukraine, the statement about rahamiya, that for the last year and a half soldiers have been dying to win a hundredth of what kiev refused to take almost for nothing for istanbul negotiations. for... end the war, as we assume that finland has neutrality there and the ladies demand that we will not join nato. just one point. well, actually, the key point is literal. koli mi they turned to istanbul, boris johnson came to kiev and said that we will not sign anything with them, and let ’s just fight. but rahami’s words
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are commented by a man who has long been the nightingale of the ukrainian general staff. he remained loyal to zelensky, but such loyalty will not survive. good, but johnson persuaded to continue the war, and the istanbul peace initiatives were very, i ’ll tell you, a good interim document, because many people are shouting about neutral status in nato and so on and so forth, we could never afford this in nato, in nato perenato, but firstly, where is nato, does it accept us or not, and secondly, let’s and will it accept us, secondly, let’s do it this way, now putin will definitely set this up as new conditions, and in fact they are already setting them, they said no need under any conditions, this is red for us. but only now 2000 or how many 3000 people would be alive, perhaps, and half of ukraine would not be destroyed and mined. exposed his boss as a monster, obedient to someone else’s will, ready sacrificing ukraine by ukrainians for the sake of british interests, in reality everything is not quite like that. yes, on the knight, in shining
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armor, the ammunition was slightly faded, but the people and the world were informed. zelsky always stood for peace, he was simply not allowed to conclude one. this is a necessary semantic transition, because a week ago the main official slogan was victory or death. now zelensky’s rivals are gaining points, proving that victory means death, and therefore the war must be ended. take it away from them. slogan and try a variety of arahamies and reporting: we have always been for a bad world, but we were prevented from signing it. zelsky’s main rival in the peacekeeping field is the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, zaluzhny. the general claims that the conflict has turned into an endless bloodletting, which, in principle, cannot bear fruit, except perhaps ten meters of scorched earth, if at the cost of thousands of lives it is possible to move the front line a little. the president's office sent a special person, deputy marina bezugloya, to the war with zaluzhny. she hammers the verbal charge tightly. facebook gun and hits the general straight tip, he is to blame for the lack of strategic vision, for tactical blindness, for mistakes that are worse than
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crimes, and finally for the fact that the western press is raising zaluzhny on a shield, what do you have left, valery fedorovich, custom articles from the economist, if you care about ratings, ours military chances are falling every day. zaluzhny is especially fond of the americans, the cousins ​​from zaluzhny, as the british call them. according to the surron , puddles, on the islands they still prefer zelsky, so he himself, by all indications, decided to defect to the americans, because ex-prime minister johnson has been exposed as the culprit of ukrainian blood, the sweat of tears, as a criminal who disrupted the istanbul peace, so they are trying to tie the generals to the oligarchy and accuse them of preparing a conspiracy, i know, on a short arm with zaluzhny with our guys still there and now talk, if for us... they are all with us, they are all with us, they are waiting for decisions. ukraine is a world of a thousand mirrors, in which you never
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know what is reality and what is reflection and appearance. it seems like the film is fake, the oligarchs poroshenko and akhmetov are such nonsense they didn't talk on the phone. however, they could and even should have said something like that, precisely because it is in the logic of ukrainian political culture, because money gives birth to power, a rifle gives birth to money. in a situation where the war deprives power of money, peace lover... everything becomes, especially the generals are raftocrats, you just need to quickly move from london to washington, the sooner you do this, the greater the chance that you will become your son of a bitch for the americans, your enemy will remain a stranger, work has also begun with public opinion, now the ukrainians they are not campaigning for victory at any cost, on the contrary, for an end to needless bloodshed, what is most important in ukraine, ukrainians or square meters, let’s decide, well, well, in order to draw up a treatment plan? we need to understand what our goal is, i talked about this again, what our goal is, preserving life or
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preserving a limb, if the main thing for us is preserving a limb, well, go ahead, then let’s mobilize everything that moves, but this is so , but for me personally, for me the primary human life, the eye the voice of god is the voice of the people, and a simple ukrainian in the person of the people’s doctor speaks out completely unambiguously, which means that now everyone is supposed to think so, another sign of discourse, zelsky’s announcement that the counter-offensive is over and is moving on to strategic defense. if victory is no longer a question, then the question is why the war is being waged. that's right, citizens, it is meaningless, and the oligarchs, the wealthy and ex-prime minister boris johnson are to blame for the protracted bloodshed. at least, the office of the ukrainian president offers just such an interpretation military zukzwang. one can only guess about the timing of the truce. there is a suspicion that it will be announced before spring. why? the verkhovna rada recently decided that presidential elections will not be held under martial law, but by forcing them to be held, europe and the states are putting pressure on zelsky. this means that martial law
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will most likely be lifted by spring. the verkhovna rada is prohibiting elections for now precisely so that the propaganda campaign starts right before the vote, and no one except zelsky even has time to print leaflets. peace of course okay, the war is bad, but the thought pulsates in my brain that the last year and a half of slaughter was needed. there is a suspicion that ukrainians will also ask this question, and zelensky is from... olek romanov, on the main broadcast. europeans are increasingly tired of helping ukraine , and even once friends in arms are beginning to turn their backs on kiev. for almost a month now, polish carriers have been continuing the blockade of the nezalezhnaya border. in queues, more than 3,000 heavy trucks have finally connected in warsaw, to the dissatisfaction of truckers. followers of dictators stated that the country would appeal to the european union to return necessity to ukrainians. obtain permission to enter europe. but this is rather populism. meanwhile ,
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slovakia also decided to cut off oxygen to ukrainian truck drivers. about a thousand trucks have accumulated at the checkpoint of uzhgorod, vysny nemetski, followed by hungarian carriers, they are stopping ukrainian trucks that are trying to leave slovakia in order to return to ukraine in transit through hungary, according to ukrainian media, there are already queues more than a thousand trucks. the ugorshchina has closed the entry for our trucks to the slovak border, so if you are coming here to the ugorshchina, slovakia, beware that there are no ugors there anymore... kiev has no choice but to count the losses, the country's ministry of economy stated that the loss of ukrainian exports across the polish border due to its blocking by local carriers has already amounted to 40%. for the sake of it , he complains that revenues from customs alone fell by more than $250 million in november, which undoubtedly affected the financing of the armed forces of ukraine. thus, ukrainians they come to the understanding that they are
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superfluous people in the european union, but this is not the first time. in history, you have no place here, as western countries carry out racial cleansing, humiliation of indigenous peoples, cultural genocide. denmark, sweden, canada, usa, murder of children and inhuman dictatorship from the 19th century to the present day. the shameful history of democracy in understandable politics.
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now let's move to our belarusian lands, every corner of the country is unique and original, we will talk about a cozy and compact city, a satellite of brest, which in recent years achieved a record result in terms of housing construction volumes in the region. zhabinko is a quiet, cozy and environmentally friendly city with developed infrastructure, a kindergarten, a school,
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a clinic, shopping facilities - everything is within walking distance, a farming enterprise is successfully operating in the area, the head of which gives people the opportunity to grow professionally . there is also a sugar factory here, this year it celebrates its 60th anniversary, about the sweetest city in the brest region, about the people who chose zhabinka and the region as a place to live, katerina strikha will tell you. since the 19th century, this quiet, cozy settlement has been located at the crossroads of important transport routes. at one time, the moscow-brez railway passed through zhabinka, it was at that time that it turned from a small village into a regional center, where today more than 14,000 people live. according to one
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version, the name of the city is associated with the zhabinka river. others claim that with plants. third, they believe that this settlement was so named because of the swampy area where a huge number of toads lived, well, good welcome to kwakanburg, as the locals jokingly call their hometown, reclamation workers also left their mark on the history of zhabinka, for example, workers of the mobile mechanized column number 19 have been engaged in land reclamation, landscaping and construction for more than half a century, the enterprise is among the most... successful in its industry in the bresse region. it would seem that pyotr vainovsky knows everything about the development of land reclamation on these lands. zhabminka once became his second home. we arrived in your city, but we never met any amphibians, although it seemed oh, little toad, there must be a lot of toads here, so where are they? well, there are toads, there are toads, you just came in the winter, but come in the summer, autumn, here
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today you can hear, and there are such swampy places in the zhabenkovsky district. a native of the pinsk region came to these parts and stayed for five decades. the locals now believe behind the scenes. the main purpose of creating the complex is to preserve the memory of the time when a whole generation of people was engaged in reclaiming the nature of wetlands, developing them and making them suitable for agricultural use, the second no less important task is to educate a new generation of land reclamation workers of glorious traditions. in a unique open- air museum. its exhibits include tractors, bulldozers, cranes and excavators. rare cars were brought here from different parts of breshchina. this
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equipment could be turned into scrap metal, it has acquired the status of a collector's item, well, take this tractor from 1962, they say it is still in working condition. state quality mark of the ussr. pyotr vladimirovich behind all the exhibits is looking after. greets tourists with pleasure, the man believes it’s too early to leave for a well-deserved rest, there’s a lot of work ahead. if you dream of a sweet life, then you definitely need to go to zhabinka, here is an award-winning enterprise that this year celebrates its sixtieth anniversary producing sugar. the zhabinkovsky plant occupies a quarter of the belarusian market. since the beginning of the year , 750,000 tons of sugar beets have been processed here and 102,000 tons of white sugar have been produced. approximately 50% of products are exported.
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there is demand in russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan. the list goes on for a long time. today, 1,20,000 tons of sugar beets have been harvested, and we have another 50,000 tons of sugar beets to harvest. it is stored in. we think that we will finish processing by about january 3-5, this year we were pleased with agriculture, the yield is average, higher than last year, well, there is a little sugar shortage, but this is, of course, due to weather conditions. but the climate in the team is to the liking of all employees of the enterprise. vitaly karakozov, a representative of the labor dynasty at the local sugar factory, worked all his life his parents. now my sister, daughter and son-in-law are working. vitaly vladimirovich came to the company in 1996, began his career as an assistant, shift supervisor, and now manages the finished products section. when i was young, i didn’t think that i would work at
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our plant, so i entered the construction institute, studied to become a civil engineer, but nevertheless, my roots drew me to our enterprise all my life here. shabinka is quite a small compact town. excellent logistics, we have nature here good, its own reservoir is nearby, the people are good, kind, friendly, also the sugar factory is a pioneer of industrial tourism in zhabinka, they have already invited guests here in test mode, they plan to start leading excursion groups on an ongoing basis next season. by the way, the production process does not stop for a minute. the plant operates 24.7. farm workers also work tirelessly. juice production in the village of fedkoviche and for many years has been led by viktor yakovchuk, who comes from a peasant family, once he exchanged a banker's chair for a blooming garden and never regretted it, he says he made a choice in favor of his small homeland. this year
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he pledged 1,700 tons of apples to the state stabilization fund. he was one of the first to grow blueberries in the brest region in the distant nineties. raspberries, strawberries and chokeberries also grow on his plot of land. we wash apples, dry them and pack them, we are happy to supply our products to the networks of the republic of belarus, and if there is a surplus, we will supply them to the russian federation. how many apples do you need, let's say, to produce 10 liters of juice, well, it depends on what type of apples, well, on average from 15 to 20 kg of apples, we have our own technology, which we are still keeping in some kind of secret. this is mainly what the technologist does. valentina vladimirovna, how many types of juice do you produce? we have developed 18 recipes. i am glad that i have been able to apply my experience for 10
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years, since 2014. is it possible not to love a farm like this, where so many people work so that our workers, our people, can get an apple, this kind of juice? direct pressing such good packaging, such quality. is viktor ivanovich a strict leader? yes, strict, but fair. the staff is about 50 people. ivanovich treats them like family members. built 10 cottages with government support. the bedur family also became the happy owners of the keys to their home. valery and svetlana came to belarus in 2011. i fell in love with belarus throughout the border. what i liked here is that there is order everywhere. they immediately gave us housing, which is a very beautiful house, everything is well equipped, the salary is decent, so we live, work, uh.
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we happily go to work and return home to our family and children. zhabinkovsky district is the smallest in belarus, its area is 684 km. nevertheless, the prospects for the satellite city are cosmic. the city is increasing the volume of housing construction, providing people with jobs and doing everything so that the residents of zhabinka can confidently say that this picturesque region is a comfortable place. for life, on the main broadcast, katerina strikha, sergey matveychuk and maxim lev. the union agenda also sounded week. the belarusian delegation worked in the leningrad region, we are the number one partner for this russian region. at the end of the year , we are preparing to record a trade turnover of more than a billion rubles. behind these numbers there is a strong friendship; together we launch import substitution projects, exchange food products, and build any kind of facilities.
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anton malyuta talked with the vice-governor of the leningrad region, olegomko, about where else they are useful to each other, why it is important to be together today, he, by the way, is also a belarusian, was born in the gomel region in a family of agricultural workers, therefore knows firsthand that we can learn a lot from our country. in 1989 , i was assigned to leningrad ; so much time had passed there, well, belarus, if i had understood that there would be some kind of borders there, today there are no such borders. oleg mikhailovich, hello, good afternoon. in september, a large-scale delegation of the leningrad region worked in minsk, everything was very eventful, including, of course , the main thing - a meeting with our president, well , this was not the first visit, i think, far from the last, but what is generally important to discuss in time for such visits, and maybe there are already plans for next time? well, you know, the main partner of the leningrad region. the republic of belarus,
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if you look at the results of the twenty-second year, we grew by 18% compared to the twenty-first year, and the figure was no less than 837 million dollars, and alexandrevich and alexander grigorievich discussed the billion figure that we had to reach in the twenty-fifth year, but we hope that this year we will reach the bar, we discussed the issue quite closely interaction, and new directions have opened, what are we talking about... and we didn’t talk about those stations that today, from belarus we are actively receiving equipment, if you look at the equipment, then compared to the previous year we have already grown in fact, by 50%, that is, last year there were just over 100 units, this year 139 units of equipment were subsidized for agriculture there, and belarusian tractors last year were about 140, this year there are already 65, and the range of equipment has been decided , that
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yes, today belarus has radically changed the approach to the production of equipment, before we considered only tractors, today both forage harvesters and grain harvesters are attachments that make it possible to put land into circulation, today the mechanical engineering industry of belarus is working at a faster pace, showing us worthy examples, equipment , which give us the opportunity to interact together, the leningrad region is especially important for belarus precisely from the point of view of logistics, do you feel that the load on your ports from belarus has increased and how do you assess, again, new projects, railway, road, you know, the fact that the load has increased, this indicates that the trade turnover itself has increased significantly several times, the baltic republics, unfortunately , they showed themselves from the worst side, not as partners, so when someone tries to close there, but
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for sure... they won’t return back to them, as soon as they reconfigure, they have already reconfigured passenger traffic, this will happen through the leningrad region, for in order to independently transship cargo there, it is necessary to expand the railway, because cargo will increase significantly , so i am sure that this will give such a colossal impetus, but the position of the leningrad region here is the same as that of belarus, if some routes are closed on their own , then there are enough countries in the world where they are ready to say welcome to us, believe me, today there is potential for work to increase the volume - this is times, just times, because the world is waiting for a quality product, that’s why here, russia today it is a leader in grain production. there is the amount of land in the north-west, and we have a difficult climate, but back in the nineties, when belarus did not produce virtually a single ton of food wheat, today it covers itself with food wheat in full, we are today the leningrad
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region in this year i received the first food wheat thanks to the seeds that were brought from the republic of belarus, that is, even in our climate food wheat appears, we find... summing up our interview, why do you think it is important for us to stick together today? you and i have always stuck together, we’ve always stuck together, but today we are convinced that the closer partner who will never let you down, no matter what difficult situations we are in, is not there, this is friendship that has been tested over the years, and the last test that we... we went through this, we were convinced that by lending a hand to each other, by walking together, we can create a good product and become stronger and we are taken into account, that’s why we don’t have there is no other fate, there is simply no other fate, in
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the national academic drama theater named after gorky there is a replenishment atypical for our stage, one might even say exotic, in the posters and programs tashuolo for a year now, an actor from the african continent, who has identified belarus as his place to live, has been on stage and really surprises the viewer, where the artist came from and why he chose our country to move, olga medved found out, this is the first time in the belarusian theater, in general in its entire history, when the stage comes on, the viewer is always like this, and an acting path 5,500 km long, our hero overcame so much in order to... become an artist of the gorky national academic drama theater, a new favorite of the public, who is increasingly appearing in the repertoire, came to us from central africa. hello, my very dear friends and lovers of the gorkov theater. blaise
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penodelel tashuolo arrived from cameroon. by the way, the name of the country in portuguese means river of shrimp, so impressive are the european rock-shaped ones. belarus has a lot in common, for example, a rich river network, dense forests and developed agriculture, in the economies of the two countries, this is an important niche, cameroon is one of the most fertile territories on the entire planet, and this state is also in sixth place in terms of annual precipitation, but we surprised the cameroonians with ours, brilliance, how do you like belarusian snow, oh , belarus snow, this is very cool, very beautiful, i never see snow, the first time i see snow is here in belarus, and when i see snow, i say, wow, look how cool this is, the snow hangs me , but when it’s not
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cold, and this doesn’t happen, to us from sunny african country, blaise arrived 3 years ago, but he had been preparing for this trip for another year and a half until he heard about belarus on tv one day and decided to find out more about it on the internet and couldn’t stop. the first thing i did upon arrival was go to the university to take language courses. belarus, it’s not easy, but a lot of people help me, i have friends in belarus, i started working here as cleaners, it’s not easy. well, we have a good director here, a director, a deputy director, people, everyone is kind, i see them, i’m a foreigner, yes, of course, i’m a foreigner, but they say, yes, come on, he, let’s work, then watch
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how i work here, i’m happy, he’s already fallen in love with minsk and brest, with their nature and architecture different from cameroon. cleaner athletes who do not cook in his homeland, but most of all, a black accountant with a professional acting education dreamed of returning to the stage. bles comes up to me and says: “sergei mikhailovich,” can i talk to you? he said that he was from cameroon, that he worked in a theater there, in a big one, so it means that he is a professional actor , he asked if there would be any roles, we started working on the play... husband, and there was just the role of the knee, and we took aim, looked, and i really liked blaise, he organic, interesting, now it’s like it’s like me, one million
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dollars, wanting to add an artist to a corpse in the theater, we were faced with paperwork, which naturally interfered with the creative process, even though he was already working officially, new permits are needed for a new position, when in in the theater there are such actors as bless, then it seems to me, well, legislation or what should be more attentive to theater as an art form. while blaise only has episodes in his repertoire, a year ago in the premiere he even got a role with the words: maliera plays in three languages ​​at once, russian, french , which he is fluent in, and ethnic gomois , a monologue was added to it in maliere, by the way, the viewer accepts such innovation very well, i see his name there is collen, collen, knee, he is gone for a long time, then he appears sleepy, audience does this, but because it dawns on him that this is not makeup, but that this is bless, our bless,
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there were difficulties during rehearsal, only because in fact he had to explain for a long time what si means this or that text, but he is a very hardworking person, he seemed to master everything very quickly, but it was funny, of course, when he says: he doesn’t understand and you don’t understand what he ’s asking, but let’s imagine what main role blestaolo could play. at the gorky theater the repertoire is divided 50/50 russian foreign classics, all the authors in the poster are world famous, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the subtype of our hero no less than atella. let's play along, especially in the direction of artistic director sergei kovalchik, instead of the fatal bed, a table from behind the scenes, primitive costumes based on complete improvisation according to shakespeare, in television. prank everyone got involved in a theatrical serious way, and that’s how new author’s solutions are born, you need to hug
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her in your arms and strangle her, uh-huh, you understand, but you should, hug her, no, yes, yes, and you are like this, right here, and you should look, your hands are slowly falling, yeah , that's good, like that, this is called a director's move, otherwise... yes, he strangled her, hugging her, yes, that is, this is love, until the calving is prepared for the production, yes and worthy candidates for the main role, most of the male corpse, by the way, bless himself, does not dream of this particular role, and there is no favorite play at all, he dreams only of great work in worthy material, precisely on this legendary stage, and of course, without planning to leave from belarus, perhaps he will rise to the rank of leading stage master. for the main broadcast about
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african flavor in russian theater, olga medved and alexey petrov. a workaholic who loves his job, this can be said about the vast majority of japanese; they even go in for sports without interrupting their usual place of work and do everything conscientiously. clerks from all over the country came to naruto to hold an office chair race. in a competition called isu grand prix. move forward in a chair with their backs, while pushing off with their feet. the winner is the one who travels the most in the allotted 2 hours. two hundred meter circles. this year's winner managed to cover a distance of 20 km and received a bag of sweet potatoes weighing 27 kg as a prize. and we end our program with sports material. the newly opened ice arena in vitebsk once became a large springboard for the development of hockey in the region and the result is about the current leader of the regular season of the extra league
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, the vitebsk hockey club, which won the last two ruslan salei cups, although before it had never won either the cup or the national championship. today on the main broadcast we will try to figure out how such progress happened in vitebsk, where, in addition to successful results , they were able to train a whole galaxy of young talents for the clubs of the national hockey league. about a man's game in which the result is equal to the work. further on the main broadcast. when we have conversations with parents here and there, we say , we don’t set a goal to raise a hockey player in general, we have raised a hockey player, a real man who will stand up for his homeland, is not afraid to join the army, will stand up for a woman, this is the main goal so that we as a team can do well i wanted myself to get used to it, so that he would be physically developed, so that he would generally think well about life there, this is the main goal, and not to raise them there to be the same protasts or ovechkins, who have large millions in salaries there, no, simply therefore, the more, the better, at the very beginning of the story, it seems to me that it is important to explain the exclusivity on the main broadcast of the vitebsk hockey club, and not some other one, with all due respect to them.
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it so happened that it was i who grew up across builders avenue from tidovaya arena, in an area among such... standard vitebsk nine floors, right next to it, diagonally, is the vitsya television factory, where my father worked, that is, i can observe the development of a single club for 25 years, and believe me, this is a lot. vaguely, i remember how there were reeds on the site of the ice arena, i remember exactly how construction appeared there, finally, on the eve of the 21st century, the object was commissioned, this happened in november 1999, the construction of the ice arena, the basis of such a sport as hockey, is not empty words, then there will be only examples. an arena appeared in vitebsk, a real one appeared hockey with a city team with cool tournaments, one of which is the eastern european hockey league. in the 2002-2003 season, the guys and i went to sold-out stands, it was all in the wake of the olympics in salt city. i will say more, the more palaces, the more football fields there are, volleyball fields, everything else, the better. the nation is healthy, well, in the end
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, children don’t go there, they don’t play computers there, they don’t drink beer, they don’t smoke outside, let them play sports. exactly at the same time. although no one could know about it then, the light became appear vitebski, players in the future of the caliber of the nhl draft, izkean prospects like prota, sapego, eremenko, sidorov and others, of course , yes, because well, if there were no ice where they skated on the planter, but with us, what with us novopolski, at that time there was ice and minsk was no longer an art. and at that time, the beginning of the 2000s, vitebsk was proud of only one hockey player. our kovalev has the puck, well, andrey, score! this is andrey kovalev, one of the authors of the goals scored against the swedes in salt city. and my dad told me how they in fact, they grew up in the same companies in the same square on chernyakhovsky avenue, they were the same age. kovalev will leave for moscow at the age of 15. in vitebsk there was no suitable infrastructure in the late seventies, the infrastructure will become a real star. but for a very long time, it was the surname kovalev that was such a connecting element between such a sport as hockey and a city like vitebsk. so,
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2022 has arrived. winner of the soleil cup for the 2022-2023 season. congratulations to roman yupatov's team on their well-deserved trophy. both solemn moments when vitebsk raised over the head of the ruslan saleev cup in 2022 and 2023 became one whole, before such a triumphant double in the biography of vitebsk there was not a single trophy in history. and then there are two at once. in some of the teams there, the serviceman puts things in order; our guys basically stick to the same plan. firstly, this is... probably the basis, the theater begins with a hanger, coach roman yupatov did not become a big hockey player, but he played at the level of the belarusian championship, by the way, he is absolutely a man for vitebsk, there is a tendency that they run extra league clubs in very famous in the past hockey players. yupatov destroys such a stereotype and emphasizes with his example that working as a head coach is a completely different profession than you were as a player, here everything is from scratch and a whole synthesis, which at
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this stage of his career the coach obviously knows what? coach yupatov not only brought the first trophy to the biography of his native club, but also trained the first native of vitebsk to make his nhl debut. give at least one more similar example of such an amazing coincidence. yupatov is also about emotions. the story of the coach and the director has one thing in common the line. both served in the ministry of emergency situations. solotkin, though much larger than yuatov. but nevertheless, these men know what courage, clear decision-making and, most importantly, the path to the goal are. he rose from firefighter to colonel in 32 years, yes, that’s why he was at work all the time, i didn’t have these office jobs, that’s why he served honorably, then he kind of served, he served honestly, and he performed feats, then he went to hockey, that’s it, my father and i are now playing amateur hockey, your lips were sewn up a year ago, but you’re playing and not you are afraid of this, no, no, no, and how
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the feeling when you sewed up your lips, it hurts , well, it’s normal, because here is hockey, today we don’t have everything like others, but let’s say, probably a desire, the management of the club, focusing attention on the management of the club and within the team here, strives for some results , let's go, the most important work in its place is the morning workout before the miner's game, an important game, because vitebsk and soligorsk are the undisputed leaders of the regular season of the extra league, look, a piece of them is coming through here, now what they said even in the subsequent games a month later, when the mentor is corrosive in such routine work, the game comes, there is already an outburst of emotions, some details clearly show that this is a healthy team, there is a chance to break out into first place, the match was not easy, the audience was nervous , vitebsk will score twice,
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the second puck will let everyone breathe out, and the sound will be heard under the arches of the ice arena, from which everything began in ninety-nine, hit teams, this is about the question of how to attract people to the stands, you have to win, to you. will stretch at the time of today's release of the main air program, vitebsk is the sole leader of the championship. in the locker room you can feel the unified spirit of the team, in which there are absolutely no superstars by our belarusian standards, but there is a team. when i was a child, i actually carried him in my arms, he’s almost a backbone, as they say , because i worked with my father together, i don’t have to sit there for half an hour talking to him , we talked for two or three minutes, other times we don’t even communicate, it’s just the call is there, he says that it is necessary, but i try. to do everything, well, probably a sign of our quality, our work all together, this is a full platform , this is the most important thing, guys, there is nothing
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to say here, well, a single team, it was clear, 60 minutes, just men in general, not even, it all lies in simple, selfless work and the opportunities that i give an open hockey arena and even after success, the coach and club leader discussed the details of the game for a long time, an important season 22 is ahead, and on the main broadcast andrei kozlov, ivan mozgoy, nikolaifovich and that’s all we managed to tell you, maxim uglenitsa and polina shuba were with you , see you in a week, happily. bnbc produces amino acids, in particular
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lysine, trianine, tryptophan, various feeds, premixes, all of this goes to livestock complexes and is used as animal feed, and i believe that bmw in general is aimed at peace and creation in our country. i also liked chemistry at school, upon completion of school i entered the belarusian state technological university, and studied with a degree in biotechnology. in my third year i got an internship at the belarusian national biotechnology corporation, upon completion studying at the university, i came here to work as a young specialist, i realized that this is really mine, what i like, what is interesting to do, my responsibilities include
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control of parameters, cultivation, control of lysine fermentation parameters, control of the preparation of nutrient media, control of raw materials entering the workshop, in itself, the fermentation of lysine is a rather complex process, because... chemical, microbiological, we have a lot of dangerous production factors, this includes temperature, and various aggressive environments, acids , alkalis, these are pressure vessels, that is , a lot of dangerous production factors are collected specifically in this dry place, i believe that my work is important for the country, for our society, our corporation is a very large-scale... project , a fairly large number of people work here, as far as i know, the staff of bnbk numbers 1,500 people, this is a huge number
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of jobs, a person must have , first of all, responsibility, because this is working with people, working with subordinates, this is always associated with some kind of risks, since this is production, i am happy to come to work at bnvk, at the moment, this is, so to speak, a unique enterprise on the territory of the republic, and so... we no longer have it. the path to vologda is certainly not close , but trains will not help you with this, at least it will be a very long time, but
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it is not at all by chance that we were at this station, before, every time the carriages arrived from st. petersburg and back, there was always a familiar sound here every motive, i personally carry the letter to the post office as if i’m having an affair with i am writing as a continuation, but after time... the right took its toll, but it was our songwriters who made this city, and its openwork carved palisades so popular, to this day it is believed that this is not the official anthem of vologda. they are sure in the local museum , they say that such a tourist boom here will no longer be remembered, as if the whole union, everyone immediately wanted to see the carved vologda patterns, but what a thing, polygardens, of course , were made in our city, and small fences, but that’s what here is a carved garden, it wasn’t that special
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characteristic. which was sung by the singers, well, after this song they began to make more carved palisades, this is the power of art, volag residents strongly advise taking a walk along the streets of the city in order to feel the unique wooden flavor, and at the same time take a look at the lace museum or at least in the local shops in production, where all this lacy airy magic happens, exactly as it was hundreds of years ago. the gunsmith does not weave that much, that is, on average it is the size of a palm, but it depends on the density of the pattern , its complexity, about an hour of work - this is such a small area, a technology that no machine can replicate, so the labor is painstaking and only manual, by the way, the local college teaches for several years, they say there is no end to those who want it, vologda weaving is, of course , unique, you can see its workmanship, say lacemakers, white thread, linen or cotton and
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usually floral patterns, all this reveals local traditions and yes, it’s expensive, but they don’t complain about the demand, there have always been, are and will be lovers of antiquity . we've had quite a long time the products serve, we have samples even in tablecloths there from the sixties, take off everything in order as before, in simple life you still don’t see lace so often, gloves, collars, most people buy it, here’s moscow st. petersburg, for example, what about going out to theater , for example, that is, to go to a restaurant, but in general here... traditions are carefully preserved, vologda was wooden, and they strive to preserve this flavor today, fortunately there is someone to stand up for the city's heritage in the city of voluda, what is valuable is oil , this is lace and wood construction, cities there are no such wooden houses abroad, let’s just say there are none left, in russia, well, three or four, and i think that this is what we can still do to preserve, i think,


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