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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 4, 2023 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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moved on to practice, the final stage is passing the exam, they need to invest in speed indicators, which for the third grade, for which they take 20 km/h. we are there quite often, well, we go to training grounds and conduct practical training, the cadets are quite well prepared, they know the devices, operating rules, and techniques. and, as the ministry of defense reports, the general focus of combat readiness training is to conduct a set of consistent training with all categories of military personnel, units and military command and control bodies. ukraine may be left without the 50 billion euros of aid promised by the european union, the financial times predicts. the issue of replenishing the bloc’s joint budget, including funds for ukraine, will be discussed at the next summit. weeks,
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according to sources, the course of negotiations may be affected by the victory of the far right in the elections in the netherlands, in germany, the court refused the government permission to receive new loans. earlier, the economist magazine wrote about plans of the netherlands and sweden to stop supporting ukraine, against financing the kiev regime and hungary. yes, more and more european countries are moving away from the uncontrolled pumping of the kiev regime. germany will reduce its contribution to the so-called. the european peace fund for ukraine refers to the fact that it has previously provided assistance to kiev, writes the telegram. at the same time, paris wants the fund to stop transferring weapons from the stocks of participating countries; it is noted that france proposes to focus on joint purchases from weapons manufacturers from europe. you do not belong here, as western countries carry out racial cleansing, humiliation of indigenous peoples, cultural genocide. denmark,
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sweden, canada, usa, murder of children and inhuman dictatorship, from the 19th century to the present day. shameful stories of democracy in understandable politics, watch today after the panorama.
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today the ministry of internal affairs announced the detention of a group of drug dealers, the youngest is only 17. according to the department, the first to come into the field of view of operatives was a fifty-one-year-old resident of orsha, he was detained at the entrance to belarus in the city of the doksky district with the force support of fighters riot police and traffic police. during an inspection of the suspect's car, two caches of a large batch of a particularly dangerous psychotropic drug were found. it was established that the man acted on instructions. market and delivered
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drugs to our country that were intended for smaller wholesalers for further distribution. further, operatives , together with colleagues from the vitebsk and mogilev regions, detained four more drug dealers aged 17 to 29 years, including one girl. all of them were links in one criminal chain. for illegal sales drugs. investigators opened criminal cases. according to the sanctions and the article, the defendants face up to 20 years in prison. to adopt the experience of strengthening fraternal relations at the youth level, minsk hosted the first gathering of students of military-patriotic clubs of belarus and russia. the competition was held on the basis of the elite part 32:14. guys from belarusian clubs, trot, courage, valor and granite, internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs, pupils of clubs from bryansk and pskov competed in speed, agility and endurance, demonstrated.
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fire training, strength competition and paramilitary relay race, here there are standards for physical training, pull-ups. which a military man needs in his training , a good spirit, a good atmosphere, we , you hear, yes, we are very interested in talking to see russian children, how they are engaged in military-patriotic education, well, you know that i am happy and proud, our the children are very well prepared, i am quite interested in this experience, because this is an international competition between russia and belarus. as long as we are together, we are a strong people, we also have a lot of good things , interesting, interesting traditions that have long taken root, after all, we have the bryansk region, this is a partisan region, so we remember that, and
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our city of bryansk, a city of military glory, is also yours, which means khatyn , and we have hatsun, you understand how consonant this all is, we also prepared a cultural program for the children: following the results of the rally, all three prizes were taken by teams from our country. anyone from belarus - this is a new trend with national pride that is gaining popularity on the internet. belarusians they make videos to show what love for one’s native country is. this trend is not only a way to express your affection for belarus, but a way to unite. i feel how easy it is to be able to live with me, if you are with me, all the dear sirs who live in our free land, the rare ones, the bright ones, the young ones, i wash the size of them, if they
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are fucked, let’s dance with me, above the old woman y my, i do you understand what this means, shanavat the land. well, then we have sports news, all projects of the telelenova agency are also available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on screen. new information at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you later. a draw for the play-off matches for the right to play in the major league of the belarusian championship next season took place at the football house. the host of the first meeting on december 6 will be the capital's energetik bgu, which will host vitebsk football players. the return match will take place in vitebsk on december 9. let us remind you that this season the students took fourteenth and penultimate place in the elite division only in the last round, and vitebsk finished
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third in the first league. bobruisk belshina leaves the top division, and derzhinsky arsenal and magirevsky dnepr won direct tickets to the elite. barcelona defeats atletico madrid in the central match. tour of the spanish football championship. 1:0 the catalans are stronger thanks to the accurate strike of felix, who plays for the blaugrana on loan. thanks to this victory , barcelona rises to third place, just four points behind the leading duo and real madrid, who have 38 points each.
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the song of the year program, popular in the soviet union, was always eagerly awaited, favorite artists, hits loved by viewers, new names and already... famous performer. the 1987 program came as a surprise and a complete surprise to the residents of the ussr. it was broadcast live not from the television center, as was customary, but from the belarusian collective farm sovetskaya belarus, kamyanets district, brest region. this was the first time in the soviet union.
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it was difficult to believe that just a few decades ago, the collective farm was considered not just lagging behind, but lying, as they say, on its shoulder blades. in 1955, the central committee of the communist party of belarus issued a call for agrarians to lead the lagging collective farms in the republic. it was possible to raise the ruins of the farm. overall, the situation remained difficult. lack of equipment, farms, many of which are in decline, low milk yields, low yields. there were a lot of people willing to go to work in the lagging economy. for many, an example was the collective farm dawn in myshkovishchi, which they managed to turn into a scream in a few years. twice a hero
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of socialist labor, he then accepted the farm in a deplorable state, no equipment, no cattle, no milking herd. when he arrived from the post of second secretary of the brez city committee of the komsomol, then... one of the leaders told him: we don’t have chairmen, we need chairmen, but bidulya is not a chairman, so he had to, all the time he was working as a chairman, prove his worth as a chairman. and bedulya proved this with his extraordinary actions, bold decisions, which often ran counter to what came down from above.
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at the beginning of 1960 , another commission of inspectors worked on the soviet belarus collective farm, this time from the central committee and from moscow, they carefully examined the cows, questioned milkmaids, made some notes, then everything was repeated again, and the questions were tricky, well, where are the cows from, what is the reason for such milk yield, notes, we feed milk. here are the milk yields, now the inspectors were already shrugging their shoulders,
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until recently in the reports the collective farm was listed as lagging behind, and there was no need to talk about milk yield at all, but in front of them there really were well-fed cows that did not give the impression of emaciated cattle, when the inspectors... again began to question the chairman of the collective farm, vladimir bidulya, obviously intervened. to another question from the inspectors. where are the cows coming from, what kind of breed is this? with his characteristic humor, he clearly answered: the belarusian humpback, well fed, the inspectors had no choice but to confirm what they saw, the milking herd really exists in reality, the milk yield is high. success depended primarily
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on the actions of the head of our farm, vladimir eontsevich. reads something somewhere, finds these people, gets in touch, is interested, we find contacts, subsoil co-production, then they found a way out in expanding crops, there is no corn, as was required from leaders at all levels in that period, and potatoes, despite criticism, it was decided that...
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very large quantities of fodder beets for the winter, and this very well helped raise milk yields, they began to sow crops that are rich in protein, alfalfa, white clover , red clover, began to make synage, beautiful, silage. despite the plans that were communicated to each farm and which had to be carried out, the collective farm proposed its own path, and the result was not long in coming, the chairmen were the first to give money to the cow 700-800 kg, after a few years bedul came to start, 5, then at 2,000, then they started
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at 4.5, 5. over 30 years, the production and sale of milk was increased 30 times, and this is against the backdrop of the general situation in agriculture in the country, and it was not changing for the better, especially after the meeting in leningrad in 1957, at which khrushchov put forward his... famous thesis: to catch up and surpass america in the production of meat and milk per capita. the period of the notorious corn was coming, the crops of which had to be increased everywhere. corn is a wonderful product , it is really very good, but growing corn, say, in krasnodar and somewhere in vladivostok - these are completely different
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conditions, what they did in belarus, no one resisted, by and large... everyone understood that it was possible done, and it is possible to increase the area sown for corn, but they simply did it in bulk, increased the crops for clover, sugar beets, potatoes, for what grew well and brought profit, among the initiators of such approaches was the soviet belarus collective farm, sowing sugar... and we there were years when the village gave 300 tons, and for this even the board of the collective farm gave us a bonus for the brigade; we received 3,000 rubles. the entire brigade who worked was bought gifts,
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the management chose the right path. how to move and develop the republic , preserving subsidiary farms and some small farmsteads, at the same time developing some large economic complexes , which as a result brought small farms under them and thereby created a common basis for the development of all agriculture, which, by the way, did not exist in general, probably in others regions of the country, main installations... the leadership of the bssr. attention to the peasant. support for personal farming. a peasant should not live worse than in the city. they were clearly going against the grain. with the general guidelines of the party, and this irritated the center and khrushchev. there was also such an indicative case in minsk , there was a meeting, khrushchev had just arrived and
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orlovsky, the chairman of the collective farm, a famous, so to speak, partisan, was speaking, and he asked orlovsky, so this is for the whole room to say, how much potatoes are you sowing, orlovsky says 900 well, now after after we received instructions from the center and here we are... well, orlovsky hesitated and said: well , we’ll do 850, which means we’ll still sow potatoes, but how much corn will we sow? 50 hectares, how many will you have? well, talk 100, well, khrushchev was annoyed, he saw that he could not do anything about it, and it was no coincidence that he spoke about his father, this partisan, and he put in all his such an attitude, the republic went... its own way, despite to constant checks and criticism from the center. on the farms of the republic, the sovetskaya collective farm
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belarus, tried to introduce everything new and advanced. at some meeting we learned about transplantation, the villain receives it through transplantation. this was new, for the first time in the entire republic, from our collective farm. went around the region, they transferred embryos , received calves, selected bulls , they came to our farm, very often, often a delegation, and other collective farms came, from other collective farms, from other regions they came, especially when they supplied us with loval equipment, successes were in that including... a collective farm is people, people are a collective farm, and necessarily a new village
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urban type, and if the song of the year, then why not broadcast from the collective farm, where the people are kind and the place is so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off, well, on song 8 there were a lot of artists, there were cars piled up all around, except that they performed in the forest, then here at the club, pakhmatova came and ulyanov came, how we applauded him, how we met him, he told us, it’s not you, it’s not you, it’s us who should applaud you, it’s thanks to you that we live , leont came, they came when it was... 87 well-deserved awards in 1971 the collective farm was awarded
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the order of the red banner of labor. biduli was awarded the title of hero of socialist labor with the order of lenin. second gold star and order of lenin in 1987. the collective farm itself was repeatedly awarded with orders and medals, diplomas from prestigious exhibitions, the order of the badge of honor, the friendship of peoples of the red banner of labor.
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progress on the collective farm the turntables of the grodno region in december 1971 were waiting for an important message. on this occasion, we were waiting for the start of the broadcast of the evening program. v the port committee gathered those who were not busy with evening work, but the construction team was almost in full force. finally, speaker kirillov began to read the resolutions of the cpsu central committee and the ussr council of ministers on the awarding of state prizes. they listened to him with bated breath. when did the announcer say, “improvement of the village.” grodno region, bssr. no one could contain their emotions anymore. that's even it. it is mentioned
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that in the seventy-first year in the program , igor kirillov and i read information that a state prize was awarded to a collective farm millionaire vertelishki of the belarusian ussr, you understand, grodno region. in general, the situation in belarus is paradoxical. khrushchev's reforms in the late fifties and early sixties hit hard first . in the villages, in the republic they are thinking about how to pave the entrances to fields and farms, how to build a modern school, kindergarten, store. as for our economy, it was revived when at one time there was a resolution of the council by the minister of the central control commission of the ppss, that it was necessary to create in each region, which means experimental and demonstrative farming, that means, in order to convince. using
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examples of how agriculture should develop . innovative ideas belonged to fyodor petrovich senko. at the age of 23, during the most difficult time of organizing collective farms in western belarus in the fifties, he headed one of them. 110 farms, 11 villages in 1957 , united into a progress economy, it all began, everything depended, so to speak, it was probably the leader, an extraordinary leader, he thought 5, 10 years ahead, everything actually had to start from scratch , the economy was organized from the fact that it was in people’s private hands, the equipment was low-power, we have those who worked in the ussr, which means only caterpillar
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tractors. in one area there were eight, not counting the t-25, there, as they say, mtz 82, this was the main tractor, at that time there were very few units of agricultural tractors, but the material base gradually increased, and around the 80s there were more 1000 units of equipment, this is after the merger of all the small enterprises of our large sec. not only was there not enough equipment, there was not a single brick building, and according to such an important indicator as livestock husbandry in the region, there was only a herd of 76 heads, when i came, and the herd was formed at the expense of heifers, only heifers were kept, so then the herd was increased to 700 heads.
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250 each, all the small collective farms were united, larger production began, but it required the construction of some new buildings and structures, the general feeding and maintenance system began to improve. well , naturally, something gave its results, they started raising the farm with feed, thoughtlessly they didn’t sow everything with corn, of course there were such instructions from above, but they seem to be viewed purely like that, well, in the common sense, at least they didn’t throw their heads in the air, you need to look at what the fashion is, look at what is growing on your lands,
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experiment. constantly sow new varieties, new crops, try , look, corn is such an insurance crop, a fodder crop, when another crop can prevent drought, it gives, it helps out , corn, but for example, according to recommendations, it should be in the feed , 50% corn silage, for example, and 50% of tarveniy karmoў, began to grow other crops for livestock feed, concentrated farms in one month, let’s say, only... three dairy farms, and also built their own feed shop, so as not to carry feed, installed a herringbone complex, this there was know-how, they had already come to the delegation, either from the farm, or from the district, from russia they came, looked at everything, maybe asked, our farm is one of the best, one of the first, installed this particular milking installation, everything came to us at
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bold experiments were carried out on the farm. for the first time in the republic, production sites were introduced. shop culture of production management - dispatch service. savings in everything, rational use of fuel and feed. this made it possible to purchase equipment, seeds, and replenish the milking herd.


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