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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 5, 2023 10:25pm-11:26pm MSK

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when the war began, the same thugs, the same inadequate people were sent to these borders, many shots were shown where they were in an inadequate state, drinking alcoholic drinks with bottles, staggering, in general, walking along this border, moreover , it was also shown how they crossed this border more than once, how they carried away these border pillars without having the right to cross the border there at all, uh, this mannequin, well, what is it like... there to treat, again, some... then nazi methods, anastasia, so you figured out why they do this, why do they provoke our military? for what? i think that this is purely psychological pressure, uh , so that the guys doubt, so that they come over to their side, probably, well, i don’t understand that this will not happen and will not happen, because those guys with whom we talked are, again, not alone we had material abroad, we showed the guys who are doing their service, but this will not happen, and it seems to me that quite a lot of time has passed , these ranks have already been cleared and... only
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those who are doing their service remain, and well i'm in it we can be absolutely sure that we will be safe, moreover, residents, adult ladies , border residents who see and live in this state of constant fear, understanding all this, even they and their children say that if something happens we are ready stand up, defend your borders, but this is about the fact that those people who directly see all this, if they agree to this, what can we talk about here? well, they see the methods of these infantile thugs, yes, who, when drunk, behave in the service they perform belarusian border guards, besides these valeras, which they hang mannequins, we know that they throw out even corpses on our territory, and i think you also did a report anastasia during the migration crisis, and this is still going on, this is actually the same again, terrible footage, here is one of the last materials we had on the main broadcast, where - including a person who
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was thrown out like that, he showed footage that they were able to record on the phone, where polish border guards threw him out, where in parallel shot, there are cases when they shoot at point-blank range, they talked about new, again nazi habits, when real mockery of these people occurs, they poison them with insects, that is, they first neutralize the person, they beat him until the person can't move. until he can’t give any kind of resistance, until he can’t run, then they start throwing insects and someone else under his clothes, they look and mock at all this, and in this state they throw this man out to the belarusian territory, there are enough such situations , that is, before you throw it away, you still need to make fun of it, this is terrible, we have a job, it is associated with stress, of course, and we saw you in a bulletproof vest more than once on the screen, how did you learn to cope with them?
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it’s difficult to cope, you just pull yourself together , it seems to me that at the moment of stress, there is no stress, stress happens either before or after, when you realize what you did, at that moment in time, or what could have happened to you, how was in donbass, when that place where we put on bulletproof vests, it arrived there , then you realize, at the moment you are getting ready, well, just doing your job, and it seems to me that even if something were flying at a given moment in time, you would still work first, and then, and then... let's think , let's take a break for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and invite guests, we have connections, get to know belarusian enterprises and
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the outstanding results of their work. our company released the first personal computer, ev 1840. we have risen to the level of the best in the world, the largest enterprise in europe, more than 2 billion 750 million linear meters of fabric, if all the fabric is sewn in one roll, the globe can be wrapped around the equator 86 times. we have two main areas: automotive components and computer equipment. these products are not inferior to european foreign analogues, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, our enterprise is no longer young, but its motto preserves traditions and boldly looks into the future. there are people who have been with us for 42 years the workshop has worked, we really value the continuity of the generation. and when you solve problems for yourself, you achieve something, you get a certain level of pleasure, and this moves you further.
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is developing professionally, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel, already, as some say, it seems to have been going on for a long time, only the forms are quite hidden, the west understands perfectly well that russia and belarus cannot be defeated by military means, it is impossible, the bet is always on that, an internal explosion, without organization, no moods go anywhere they will rise, everything is collapsing everywhere, ukraine , the card has been played, nothing has worked out, plus there is a refusal of the dollar all over the world, yes, they managed to topple europe today, but this does not... allow us to fully revive the united states as a world hegemon. the world is at a breaking point, in this version it will certainly not exist, but the hegemon cannot retreat; what he managed to do, excuse me, will be denied to him. anything, good or evil, it
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comes back, especially evil. the project is objective, do not miss new releases on tv channel belarus 24. the program say don’t be silent is on air again and today our guest is the head of the department , reporter of the television news agency bel tv and radio company anastasia benedesyuk. during that time, again, anastasia, until we saw each other, you did. wonderful film children of donbass, let's look at a small fragment. belarus did not divide the children, did not invite them only for medical purposes, and in the same first year of 2021 a group of children without disabilities also arrived. 131
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people were vacationing in the zubryonok camp, we met them at the station then. this trip our children really needed it, because here, as you know, no one goes anywhere, don’t give up, continue to live, even lost a lot of things, on purpose, saligorsk district of latsk, strasitsa town, they accepted children there, in 2022 the most a large group of children, about 900 people, then there were several more small groups, they continued in 2023, in total about 300 children will rest. to date, more than 3,500 children have already vacationed in belarus, this figure was told to us by the secretary of state of the union state dmitry fedorovich mezentsev, he was recently in our guests and you all this time anastasia accompanied the children, listened to their stories
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that people write in the comments, it is impossible to hear without tears, people write, we have seen a lot in this life, but it happens every time, the reaction is the same, it’s just painful and - it’s a shame for them, but you get it, because these films are sanctioned by the eu, it’s for these films that the european union punishes you, what’s the logic here? this was the first series, the first series, which was made from belarus, the next three we went to donbass , in fact, we already communicated with these children there, regarding the sanctions, the european union sanctions were not for this, the european union sanctions, i thought so too, we just returned from a business trip, and then suddenly it turns out that i am on this sanctions list. i thought, well, are they really working so quickly, but it turned out that in order to make this or that decision, they need a year there, or even more, and in addition, for which i was included in this sanctions list, this is just after all, there was that very regiment of kolinovsky, these are the same fugitives, so i can assume that this is one,
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gray-haired drinking comrade who advocates so for alexei tolay and our president to be caught, convicted, and of anything, i can assume that i liked the criticism addressed to him in the address of all the fugitives, and in fact, he probably somehow asked me, so that you think he scribbled a denunciation , well, i think that this is still uh from a number of those who left our country, i think that uh, taking into account what was written in this column, the reason, i think it’s them, uh, i’m not sure , what do they have, well, all this turns out, but i think that it’s them, as for the children of donbass, of course, it’s all complicated, of course, to be honest, it flows after this synchronicity, when the girl burst into tears , there were many more tears in donbass, and sometimes emotions took over so much that next year i will have 10 years in
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journalism, well, i couldn’t ask questions, and alexey tolay, who was there at the time too, we were in this same group, or rather we accompanied him even more quickly, he approached the guys. started talking to them, at that time i came to my senses, he found a common language with them, then we continued this communication, because he is great at it, he has this psychological yes. he also invigorates the children of these guys who were left without arms, without legs, because they were blown up by a mine, because they just went out to play, because they simply can’t be at home anymore, he encouraged their parents, he encouraged their grandmothers, because well it’s clear that their emotions are completely different, everyone wants the best for their children, and then suddenly you are in the hospital with him, so alexey, of course, he’s just a great man, just a low bow, that’s what
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vladimir putin noted it, and now alexei tolayi has been awarded a state award, this is probably just a great assessment of his work, and perhaps once again in our program in your program, anastasia, but still , please explain the nature of this fake about the kidnapping of children by alexey talaev and the head of state of belarus, and why do people believe in this, and why do people believe, they say, the more incredible it is, the more likely there is a chance that they will believe it, well, that’s probably true, moreover, i watched your interview with dmitry evgenovich shevtsov and he also spoke on this topic, where all these fakes come from and that it didn’t all start with children, but much earlier, when , among other things, there was a border, when refugees from ukraine fled, and they fled with the words that they didn’t we know if we are doing the right thing, because we are talking about how unsafe it is in belarus, about what is being taken apart for organs , what is being sold there, and so on and so on and so on, but again, in the comments under
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here with these films of ours about the children of donbass, there are quite a lot of sensible reviews, where people say that both the country and talay, of course, the president of belarus, are doing a good deed, we hear the same from citizens of other countries, now there are quite a lot of interviews, atn journalists write with citizens of the baltic countries who move to belarus for permanent . place of residence and say how good it is here, what good values ​​they put into the heads of the younger generation, what good schools, what good hospitals, how nice and safe it is here, so i think that in addition to thousands of ukrainian citizens, a trend has already been noted moving to us, and european citizens, we were soon promised official statistics, which will surprise us, like many people, peace in our country, moreover, i ’ll even interrupt and add,
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people are moving to us from european countries, i talked with a french woman, who has quite a lot of experience in the european automobile industry, she specializes in passenger cars , she came and said, i understand that yes , cars, yes you have geely, but i would like to try to work on the belarusian maz, we organized a meeting with her, we agreed , we’ll keep an eye on it, but she expressed such a desire , she’s ready to relearn how to speak, she’s ready to agree to basically any conditions, because it’s a cool enterprise, i see what sanctions are being introduced against the same maz, i absolutely disagree with this, and actually, that’s why i’m moving from france and i’m ready to serve for the benefit of this enterprise, but i saw this report, it’s also very cool, anastasia, so much of what you do, but returning to the children of donbass, i want to remember something that worries me more, maybe it’s fake,
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i’m just talking to people about this situation, now everyone is discussing it, russia, ukraine, they say, after all, there were only 15 children who died over 7-8 years of escalation , and this myth that our opponents are spreading is very sits firmly in people, that is, just think, there are only 15 children, that the answer is disproportionate, and we are from your films. we actually know the situation, that there were much more of them, that there were hundreds, and the victims were a thousand crippled, and moreover, it seems to me that there is no need here absolutely no statistics, just talk to these children, because every child, if he is not crippled, then , unfortunately, he definitely has a friend or acquaintance who was blown up on the playground, or something similar, absolutely all of these children are crying, absolutely all these children tell stories like this, many of these children do not go to school, because one day it flew to their school, where
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, among other things, there could be children, if not taking into account some kind of educational process, then, well, actually, here they come to work out, come, i don’t know, to the library to take a book, no matter how trite it may sound, but there are such stories, they also exist, so to say that there are 10-15 people there, but this is just very stupid, well, these are fakes. and we know that it is conscious , why it is done, but it is treated with only one thing, in your case, i think that you, well, when you traveled there, listened to these stories, you have no doubts at all, and our viewers have the opportunity watch your films to answer this question for yourself, how many victims , crippled destinies are there, not only of children, but of adults, too, you know, because the help, it continues, when we went in july, and in the hall, i saw, we went to many events, we went to many social institutions visited and not always only those children
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who were on the territory of belarus, although , of course, this was the most important thing, to prove that these children... they are returning, er, returning to their home, no matter how safe it was there , but we simply can’t, although we would probably like to take everyone, warm them up, and to return them home when it is absolutely safe there, but it is necessary to return them , not only these children, but others had , in one hall, when they told the story of the life of alexei tolay, i noticed how he was crying, crying very much grandmother and holds - well , tightly the child, well, as it turned out, this is the grandmother ’s granddaughter, i asked them to go outside to record an interview, well, what touched them so much, but it turned out that this girl had a threshold of the heart, it turned out that in donetsk she cannot provide specialized assistance, so now the children are from donbass again for recovery in belarus, and this group included this girl with this grandmother, they came to belarus, they
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, of course, they are very grateful and i, uh, i myself, to be honest, here i say, i have goosebumps too. because i feel how right we are doing what we are doing , how right things are, how right it is not to pass by other people’s grief and other people’s tears, because here is one small interview, an appeal to one person can change his fate, just like we tell about some children who went to their home, we tell a specific story of a specific child, and there is help that tv viewers also send for this specific child, because they saw his stories, saw his tears, his suffering and pass it on through the alexey tolay foundation, on the other hand, seeing these children, everyone understands perfectly well how many other children there are who need this help, so every day, both the belarusian women's union and belaya rus, we film a lot, in fact , they carry, carry, carry the package and it’s great, it’s great, and i was also pleased that some of these kids dream of returning to
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belarus, going to university and studying here and living in belarus, that is... well, this also expensive, these are very good, small good deeds that do one big good, but let’s move on to another topic, the sbu also throws fuses at us from time to time, let’s remember the saboteur nikolai shvets and his attempt to blow up a military plane at the airfield in machulichi, but you know , anastasia, on the web before there are still many people who do not believe that swede is a terrorist, they say that he was framed, everything was set up. what do we answer to such people? yes, i called his mother and brother, uh, this is about when they publish separate publications, a message that we talked to his mother, and his mother says that it’s not him, he’s such a good boy, and then the glasses and we show these shots, so what kind of mother is this who doesn’t know what her child is doing, and where he is at the moment and where he is at the moment
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time that we respond to those people who think that he is such a poor lamb. yes , we show materials, including , recently, at published an interview, an interview monologue, without any questions, without a journalistic text, with a minimum of questions, where shvets tells everything, how it happened, where at the end he cries, because that he realized that he turned out to be of no use to anyone and just , well, this is such a pawn-bipod, a bargaining chip, well, it reminds me of a lot of people who are already remorseful, you know, here’s another interesting thing, when ukraine - says that we are kidnapping the children of donbass, and they are asking us to return them, we need them, well , the question arises, for what purpose, what are they doing next with these children, because again in mariupol, they told me how an entire orphanage suddenly disappeared from mariupol , they took him somewhere, and it is still unknown, so why aren’t they worried about this
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ukrainian citizen of theirs, not such a son of the ukrainian land, or what’s wrong with him, why are they stuck again in this interview confessions the swede says that diplomats didn’t come to me, they didn’t give me anything, i didn’t transferred money, well, he called all this , remember also, when they changed his route with their curator , even then you abandoned him only at the moment when you are beneficial to us, you know this for the conversation, how all the same fugitives talk about , that we worry about our own, for our own, but at the same time they don’t make an evacuation flight, and when they liquidate, from kalinovsky’s regiment, they don’t do anything when they take prisoners, and quite a lot of militants, unfortunately, are belarusians, but at the same time, they don’t get them out of captivity either, and moreover, from the office of the same madam pilipchuk, they report that yes, we know that there are belarusians who are in
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captivity, we know about each of them, but yes, they belong to the armed forces of ukraine, but here again the same question, because there is nikolai shvets, there is this terrorist, there is this saboteur who washes himself with tears and says that well, i’m abandoned, i’m ukrainian and no one needs me, but i don’t understand the goals of the sbu, do you understand? why are they planting it, to explode, i will not take on such responsibility as to say for what purpose they are doing this, based on what shvets himself says, having already been there for more than 7 months, the interview came out after 7 months, he himself admits that i understand perfectly well that this was another provocation in order to involve belarus in this war, that’s all the same thing that happened at the border, when we talked, when they hang up these dummies, when they tear down the pillars, when they throw up some corpses, bodies, when they shoot, when? loudspeakers, these are purely provocations in order to drag belarus in, well, the closer to the elections, probably in our country, the more we will notice such provocations and from the office he perked up,
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recently they cooked up some kind of film, we were waiting for it, with great anticipation, i freed up the evening for myself, i think our former colleagues, moreover, a former colleague from my department, and i was waiting with great interest, so what would he say, based on... from what i saw, uh, i got the impression that he was sad, that he missed the tv news agency, that he missed journalistic work, more besides, the way he talks about aten being the elite, uh, here atn journalists do not relate to this, we come to work and do our job, these are the people who left atn, from what i hear, they treated it like a liti and for them it was more important... to be part this elite, than to do something for the benefit of your country, than to make good quality news, because when a person, a journalist
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atn, says that i’m cool, you know why, because i put the government record in the trash can, and i didn’t do that no one else, you know, i'm great at this, yes, well already it’s funny, you must admit, when this same journalist, i remember very well, he went to film the votes on the eve of the elections... and the same madame pelipchuk lent her voice to the conversation that we did not cover how this happened, so they covered her, and the same guy went, came back, so emotional, and said that when i saw her, i wanted to give her a bundle, and those people who stayed to work at bt, they say, she’s a woman, calm down, you can somehow express your point of view more tactfully, but this man is here today says that i'm going to the trash can, but that's where he belongs, you know, that's where he belongs, he was absolutely not in this film and in general there wasn't a single at journalist who left at and who was worth something in atn, in this
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film, which was so quickly put together, two guys, both of them, actually, i think you didn’t even know who they were, for the most part, the tv viewer didn’t know, because one is tanks, the second one, which didn’t work, well, in my opinion, in the frame even, in general, well enough, so they produced nonsense. there are three corbs and about pteski , which are only from atn, although it was not purchased for atn at all, absolutely everyone knew this at that time, that is, they just had to blurt out something, and they didn’t even bother, well, taking into account it took a lot of time for them to prepare this film, but somehow they could have at least concocted something more literate, not a single fact, not a single example, they just sat down, it’s just that simple, but they are styles , they don't bother? facts, we know, anastasia, uh-huh, yes, therefore, or else it will happen, yes, elections are ahead, but if our opponent is like in this film, then it will be
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easy for us, yes, well, facts on the table are not their strong point, but for now we’ll take a break for a while, our telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe , ask questions and suggest us new interesting guests, we are in touch. the heroes of the getai program chose to live outside the city. what a joy, all our fathers and great-grandfathers lived in their houses, farmsteads, and came to the forest here, here.
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i'm always going to be a theater and here all this fire, laki, everything was in search, they opened farm, we have leased 150 hectares of land, we will continue to plow and re-cultivate, the task of the leader is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, and to complete several tasks around the farm, all the bulbs have been planted, iago needs to be dabrat, judging by tired cossack , you might get the impression that yesterday i celebrated some kind of birthday or anniversary, but this is not so, well, there’s a little red tractor, why didn’t we load into it, watch the project i’m from the village, on the tv channel belarus 24. a proper morning should begin with a proper breakfast, this will be one of my favorite breakfasts, we will prepare zucchini pancakes along with red fish, in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad, and i will prepare stuffed zucchini, we have today
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friends, a celebration of the belly, we will help make the first meal tasty, healthy, what a beauty, i haven’t had breakfast, so i can’t wait to start. mashenka, salt and pepper please, sauce, then dress the salad and when you go, please cut the fish, very interesting, how to choose a quality crown? first of all, pay attention to the packaging, it must be airtight, do not forget about invigorating exercises, from this position... push yourself up, raising your pelvis , stretch the entire front line of the body, you need to try to jump on your full foot on bent knees so that take care of the knee joint. watch the breakfast of the champion in the program, on the belarus 24 tv channel. on the air again
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, say don’t be silent, our guest is the head of the department, reporter of the television news agency, anastasia benedesyuk, we stopped on fakes that are distributed to our country in huge quantities on an industrial scale, but it seems to me that we can say that today we have already coped with this scourge and the comments of our viewers, not only foreign ones, also say that so arrogant, frank... no one believes live messages anymore, but you , anastasia, sometimes read some fakes about yourself personally, for example, when you met with a mixed style fighter, kudin, yes, they wrote that you were under his primus brought into the hall they forced me to give an interview, but almost by force, when you read such messages about yourself, what do you think, but it amuses me, touches me, i’m probably even flattered somewhere, taking into
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account mine. 158 cm tall and alexei kudin , i think this flatters me, at least my opponents should probably be worried, if i kudin could, yes, then what will happen to him then amuses them more, and which is the most monstrous it’s a lie to read to yourself that i wanted to go over in 1920, that this was probably the only one so dirty an article that was, we already discussed it with you, about how she wanted to leave and wanted to work - in ukrainian publications, probably this is it, in general there was no such thing, it’s always the same template if she works in beltelerokia , i wanted to work somewhere in space, but it didn’t work out, so the betelerok works, so i don’t read, recently you shocked all social networks, i’m not afraid of this word, with stunning beautiful shots from kamchatka, we have the opportunity to ask about this trip, kamchatka was beautiful, kamchatka
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has already aired on the main... air and - film we had, yes, for the sake of such shots, we , of course, woke up at 4:00 in the morning, drove to the pacific ocean, uh, together with the speaker, to film all this beauty to show the tv viewer, because we understand perfectly well that not every day we we can find ourselves in such a beautiful place, besides kamchatka is quite far away, so honestly, i used every opportunity together with the cameraman to capture the most beautiful plans, and it seems to me that they even dubbed such a non-standard film crew, because when we came to some official speaker, a high official, for us , well, of course, some halls were prepared, this entourage, officialdom and so on, i say, no, no, no, we have walls at home , please, let’s go somewhere like this in your beauty, that’s why absolutely all our interviews were recorded, uh, with a view, and definitely with a view, kamchatka is quite far away, they say it’s the ends of the earth and there’s
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a sign there, basically, just when you arrive , where it is written that this is the region of russia, although they say russia, of course, has neither an end nor a beginning, and we will continue to explore, kamchatka is probably already with me. my fifth region this year was sakhalin, irkutsk, vladivostok, uh, not the closest, it takes you to the ends of the earth, yes, but i always choose something that’s not the closest, because it seems to me that we are close we’ll always have time, i’d like to show something interesting like this, taking into account the fact that we have close ties from kamchatka, taking into account the fact that we trade from kamchatka, which is where we get wonderful caviar, there is a beautiful fish from there, and when we were filming how our... beautiful tractors with a view of these mountains are preparing food, fertilizing the soil there or doing something else, it is of course just crazy pride when you are riding in our giant maz and the driver tells , which is cool and we don’t use
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it on any other, because it doesn’t matter how much electronics it’s stuffed with, the main thing is that the machine works, this machine works, and the one that’s stuffed with something is basically stuck with us and it stands there because in general, the weather conditions there are quite unpredictable, the terrain is quite unpredictable, and when they talk about all this, how popular belarusian food is there, well, the pride , of course, is simply unreal, when one store after another of belarusian products opens there, when we come, and the people themselves they come up and want to tell us what they love about ours, when we come to communicate with our diaspora, and they say that they are really looking forward to belarusians there, and moreover, we understand perfectly well that kamchatka is not itself... budget holiday option, and they ask, somewhere, where possible , tell me, let ’s open some belarusian maentok with some philanthropist or some businessman, so that it is here, so that belarusians can come at some budget price, stop, and we
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will look after it here, we don’t need any money or anything else there, just so that there is such a corner so that belarusians can see when they are there, on the other side of the world, they love belarus so much and they say that... there we fell in love with belarus even more, in this seems to me to be the essence of all these business trips, and kamchatka is more beautiful, even more beautiful for us belarusians, when there are such belarusians there and also, if there is such an opportunity, maybe someone will hear us, but who knows, and not the first russian region , where i talked with belarusians, they are mostly all very talented, creative people, they all have wonderful groups that sing belarusian songs, write them themselves, and who really want them not only there... to be known, heard , but also so that belarusians knew heard, if there is such an opportunity , for example, to organize a slavic bazaar, they also ask for this, a slavic bazaar some day or some evening for these belarusian diasporas, because yes, we invite foreign guests, but why not invite our people from all over and not
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have such a warm meeting, because well, these people, they definitely appreciate and know , and i like both the idea with the sign and the idea of ​​making komchatka day at the slavic vazar. from those distant points that you listed for us, kamchatka, irkuts, sakhalin, but there is a favorite place where i want to return, yes, i would probably like to return everywhere and return in good weather, because it just so happens that all these shootings, they are either winter or autumn, but i want to see this beauty, this greenery , so here's one more time everywhere next year, anastasia, well, look, we listened to you, such a funny thing turns out, in fact, because the usa all the time tried and wanted... to separate us from russia, but it turns out that with their own the same actions and the same sanctions and other things against us and russia, they have further strengthened our ties with our neighbors, with the russians, this is so, absolutely true and absolutely all regions
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are now interested, you don’t need to be a political scientist, you don’t need to be an economist to understand all this, we see with what regularity governors russian regions come to the head of state, as they all invite... our head of state on a return visit, for what amounts are contracts concluded, so well, definitely not, and moreover, somewhere on twitter, i think a chinese diplomat wrote about that the sanctions that are being introduced against russia and belarus, if you look and count, this is a fairly small percentage of people who support, 85% of the population, they are for cooperation with belarus, for cooperation with russia, it just sounds so big, that’s where the european union is. there is the collective west , there is america, it would seem large, but on the scale of the planet’s population there are many more people who want to be friends and cooperate, and we ourselves know residents of eu countries that would also like to have trade relations with us, but
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unfortunately, this is not possible yet due to the political situation, but we will wait, we know how to wait, really, anastasia, while studying your films, reporting, and in general your journalistic career, i notice that you have everything... built, structured, and nothing happens by chance, for example, you shoot stories about how children zegging, and in our teenage, student years at school, and, unfortunately, there are such people too, and then we find them either mercenaries or are they fuses or something else, that is, well no matter how much the thread winds , it still seems to have the same end, it’s disgusting that you have such vast experience, to track already , well, as if from the first characteristics of such a person, one can already tell what awaits him there in the future, but to me i like that in belarus we still have a demand for peace, justice, and your viewers, you are a popular anastasia, whatever one may say, your stories are among
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the top views, they want this peace to be preserved in belarus, how to do this? our president said it perfectly, and i, in my opinion, i also perceive this as a whole, you just need to do your job, do it, and regarding the fact that i or any other journalist is supposedly there, we notice something cleverly in these schoolchildren or students, we understand what will happen next, it’s not us , it’s more likely that the system has already been built in the country. everyone understands quite clearly that they need to start working not only with people who have already committed a crime, but at such an embryonic stage, when they just post some kind of mimasic, some kind of smiley with a zigzag somewhere, because then, if you don’t see it in time, this person, well , you can trace it from our materials, first it’s a meme, a smiley, then it’s a person who joins the chat, these are all sorts of plans and so on further and so on, then
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he gets the installation, you are absolutely right, they blow up, and there were materials when they are ready to blow up anything for 500 dollars, and they want to give these 500 dollars to their mother, they tell stories like this, so that in total this didn’t happen, everyone should do their own thing in their own place work, journalists to report, show these people, anastasia, well, what you say , you need to work and do your job well in your place, it’s true, we were able to see this for ourselves today, you are our only guest from whom we did not take away the phone during the recording, and you even answered work calls, well, reveal the secret to our viewers and let our opponents tense up a little, perk up, what sharp things are you working on now, oh, it seems to me, you know what, when they perk up, when i i’ll say that i’m currently working on a project , for example, belarus is creative, and a wonderful topic when i say that i’m working on a film on the republican scientific and practical center, neurology and neurosurgery, when our doctors perform simply unreal... operations, when they provide such
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high-quality medical care , it seems to me that this probably hurts them even more than when we talk about them, because when we show these belarusians, cool, professional, people in their field, who have not left, who do not talk about politics, although maybe they too there is something to be said about people who talk about their daily work, well, this is probably the most important thing, it’s so spicy, that’s probably why it’s spicy, so as not to talk about it, spicy, it usually comes like this, today it came and we’ll work on it today, therefore, today for creation, yes , our successes, you’re right anastasia, have a very sobering effect on them, it seems to me, like nothing else, and all this in the voice of melancholy films betrays them headlong, thank you very much for this conversation, anastasia, we’ll let you go by because the phone is ringing off the hook, anastasia,
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she is a reporter, so she cannot sit in the studio and talk for hours, but nevertheless, we are very grateful to you for today’s meeting of successes, svetlana smolonskaya, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, anastasia venedesyuk is speaking now. despite the fact that today we talked a lot about the global, about something common, i would like to say that each of us also has private ones, and in this bustle we should not forget about our own loved ones, so call your mom and dad right now and tell them how much you love them, anastasia, you admitted that you watched some episodes of our program, both as a colleague and as a journalist, you know what to do, our weapon, yes, be honest in front of myself, this is the most important thing in my opinion.
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just one chance to show your strength, everyone here is correct. the answer brings the teams closer to the journey, each incorrect one to the journey in the setting 70-80% i answer, but this is while sitting at home, from the couch, what was the name of this gang, if memory serves black cat. from what holiday? alexander , dozhinki, dozhinki, of course, absolutely right , the ice arena, which is home to the extra league club dynamo molodechno, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country, we have no choice, check, check, check imat, we don’t play chess,
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check - this is the dying state of the king, when there is just one more action, one more step, and then there will be checkmate, this soviet... the smartest and bravest gather here, this is an egg, what a chicken, chicken egg. quiet, look at the intellectually entertaining show on tv channel belarus 24.
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rebooting belapsoyuz or how to fill rural stores with urban assortment? the government sets the tasks for the trading network. year of quality, everything according to gost, or how to increase the competitiveness of a product with your foreign buyer, we evaluate what has been done and tell you about plans for the next year. innovations for summer residents; many issues will be resolved more simply; the decree on gardening partnerships has come into force. let's analyze the document in detail in the program interview. this is an area of ​​interest,
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we are talking about the most notable events in economics, svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. belcapsoyuz needs to develop an effective business model. prime minister roman golovchenko said at the presidium of savmin, where the work of this trading network was discussed. a third of the country's population uses belkapsoyuz stores, especially in villages and small towns, where there is often simply no other alternative. however, there are a lot of questions regarding the operation of retail outlets or auto shops of this structure. so, based on the results of the first half of the year, the presidents were given a fairly harsh assessment of their activities. there is only one requirement: this system must mobilize. did not fulfill the plan for 2023 by any indicator. people have many justified complaints about the assortment and availability
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of goods in stores of the consumer cooperation system. most of the properties are for rent; the number of new points opened is very small. the results of the activities carried out by the state control committee and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade indicate a lack of control on the part of management in certain regions regarding mismanagement. at the same time, i have already spoken about this, the system of consumer operations in the country is in demand and every decision to close or repurpose a facility evokes corresponding emotions on the part of people who are accustomed to being served in these facilities. after all, they perform not only the task, well, the direct task, so to speak, of satisfying consumer demand. in fact, in many, especially rural settlements, this is a place of communication for the local population, which replaces a club, there is also a post office group of interests, and so on, but it happened so, in fairness it should
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it should be noted that the consumer operation is trying to maintain its position and organize work to achieve the goals that it faces, efforts are not enough, a clear , verified system of action and an economic model for the functioning of the system is needed, which could ensure break-even operation. belkabsoyuz plans to develop its network in accordance with the approved program for the development of consumer cooperation until 2025, but the first steps to reformat work and service are ready to be implemented right now, especially before the new year holidays always in high demand. belkabsoy... plans to launch its own online store. among the plans for the future, the retail chain intends to open at least 70 facilities in major cities in the near future. the assortment will be, firstly, wider , and secondly, the emphasis will be more on the new year's assortment, on the same gift sets, somewhere on those products that are traditionally
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more in demand before the new year, in the same way today both advertising and design and promotional design of our retail facilities will be expressed in this, in the same way, we have strengthened control over prices so that today prices really do not differ in the city and even in the auto shop, so we plan to work in this direction, as for the directions, the main directions that we have developed or worked out, this is still further increasing operational efficiency due to a more active presence of the consumer cooperation system in cities, we plan to open at least seventy- one retail facilities in the near future, specifically in cities, we plan to switch to more modern ones trading methods, such as online trading , i think in the near future we will also launch a single online store, but at this stage , already on september 27, we launched a single contact center of the belkupsoyuz, where
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any resident of our country can use a single number make a request for a product that, for one reason or another, is not in the store, this may apply to a greater extent to some industrial group of products, equipment, as soon as possible, as a rule, within 3 days we will deliver this product either to a retail store object, or today we will deliver it to our buyer through the auto shop. this is an area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement. and then the program includes a year of quality: everything according to gost or how to increase the competitiveness of a product from a foreign buyer. let's evaluate what has been done and talk about plans for the next year. innovations for summer residents; we will solve many issues more easily. the decree on gardening partnerships came into force. let's analyze the document in detail in the program interview. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. let's cheer up
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a magical folklore expedition with paradoxical numbers 568. it happens and many times before the past there are sprays on the other side. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. at the myastechku radunі voranavskaga district. the peoples of 13 nationalities live here in ladze and zgodze. myarkuezza, what. the name paselіšča paisla adstarazhytna slavyanskaga words radzec klapatsіtsa. zahodztse, zahodztse, prahodztse, kali laska, gostsik, darazhenkiya, we take your bread, we ask you for the blessing, and for the old traditions and new life. and not with that dzyauchyna, for three evenings i’m gone, but i’m standing still. immediately with the project ahead of the past on the tv channel belarus
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24. each of the heroes of the project is engaged in an important matter. the chief custodian of funds is an earthly profession, very responsible. our team is working to collect and preserve materials about the past for the sake of the future. we will introduce you to. people who have found their calling, i am the deputy director of the republican landscape reserve naliboks. conservation of nature is important for all of us, as we all depend on the environment to provide us with food, water, health, quality of life, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. welcome to our palace, the item comes here for temporary protection, then the question of its acceptance. is constantly being decided by the stock reserve commission , we turned it upside down specifically with the jaw up, the age of the skull is about 2000 years, at shatyakov
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, there were traces of a bear there, we planned to go there in a group today on an excursion, well, watch it on the tv channel belarus 24. this is an area of ​​​​interest, and we continue , the next year, 2024, has been declared the year of quality in belarus. we constantly pay due attention to these issues, for which purpose a quality control system has long been introduced at enterprises and organizations. it would seem that the manufacturer’s goal has been achieved, the products are being sold successfully, and if so, then the price-quality ratio will satisfy the end consumer. therefore, continue to act in one word in the same direction and count your profits. what's the point of thinking about something that has already been implemented a long time ago? but here you can sleep on the lavas
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it’s definitely not possible, because competitors. and only those who seek and find reserves for development win in such a struggle. ilona volynets learned the important components of success. valentin bolislavovich, we often hear the phrase that belarus has preserved the best traditions of quality. so this is exactly what we have preserved from the soviet past. the republic of belarus is one of the countries that have maintained a common foundation. these are the main components of the quality infrastructure, such as standardization, metrology, accreditation, testing, and this allowed us to really manage these elements well, and update the modern base of standards, and of course, over time, quickly make some appropriate decisions. this year , about 470 stb and gosts were updated, do our
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manufacturers even manage to keep track? these are all the standards to comply with, it doesn’t happen that they then grab their heads and say: again the state standard has come up with as much as possible, of course, but without the participation of industry we don’t do this, that’s why i said that we held round tables, discussed, and when it comes to making changes, updating standards, of course, first of all we hear from industry, these are their ideas, these are their amendments, and from the point of view of changing requirements. yes, in standards, as regards actualization directly, but if we then consider this at technical committees with the participation of industry representatives, after all , a standard, what is it? this is a document that is adopted by consensus, if consensus is not reached, that is, industry says: no, we are not satisfied with the requirement, then in principle the standard will not be born. what is the general base of state standards? there are more than 30,000 of them, yes, well, if
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we say so literally today, this figure is constantly changing, but 31,300 of them, look how interesting it is, in general, we have retained that base of, indeed, interstate standards with the gost abbreviation, it is constantly updated, and new developments are being carried out in this area so that our interstate standards appear, and not just national ones, because this access to other countries immediately, because these requirements, they are also accepted by agglomerates or consensuses of a number of countries, and these are valid... requirements in these countries, so out of 31,000 we have 26,000 - these are state standards, about 6,000 are our national stb. valentin bolislavovich, the extent to which a product meets certain criteria is determined by special laboratories; as far as i know, there are about 2,500 of them in the country. can you give an example of the laboratory we are in? in this case this one
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laboratory, it is a radio-bezel chamber. which allows electromagnetic compatibility testing, what is it? each product that contains electronics emits radio interference, so the level of this radio interference must be normalized and it is, this level is determined by mandatory documents, and this is checked in accordance with the second, what is possible here, what possibility is implemented in this camera, this is the creation of a certain level of interference and at the same time... the product must be operational its purpose is broad, thanks to this laboratory of ours, built, thanks to the support of the government and the president, today we have a unique opportunity to rapidly master the production of cars, electric buses, we are now working and will be even before equipping unmanned vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, it is possible is it
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possible to measure the concept of quality at all, or is it such a relative concept? this is an interesting question, and one can philosophize and somehow explain that quality is this, that, that, well, yes, but we can say that it can really be measured through those standard procedures that are available today, using, of course, special measuring instruments, and those characteristics that are included in the standards, and well, let’s say, it’s popular so, the rumored energy efficiency of equipment, say a+, a2+ and so on, is possible. that these are high-quality products, because they have a high degree of energy efficiency, but without appreciating it, this is just a declaration, which is why there are such laboratories in which you can clearly define these parameters. innovations for summer residents the decree on gardening partnerships has come into force; it is aimed at making many issues easier for owners of country real estate to resolve. the decree also creates conditions for developing infrastructure and
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maintaining order in garden areas. it makes it possible to transfer high-voltage power grids from partnerships to the balance sheet of state energy saving organizations. this should ensure their reliable and safe what problems will now be a thing of the past forever, anton malut discussed these important topics with economics specialists, vladimir aleksandrovich, good afternoon, the decree on gardening partnerships has come into force, tell us what caused the changes? the changes were dictated by the need to make a number of adjustments to existing issues within the framework of the activities of gardening comrades. there were a number of requests from citizens who demanded regulation. in this regard , decree 155 on gardening partnerships came into force on december 2, which brought a number of
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changes. if you list the main changes, what are they? the right is given garden partnerships transfer high-voltage electrical networks to energy supply organizations based on their actual condition, and also, if they wish, there is the possibility of direct contracts with power supply organizations, members of the garden partnership. the second is the right of the governing body of gardening associations to make decisions regarding the establishment of rules for payment and the amount of membership fees, one of the most requiring regulation. a number of property issues were also resolved, regarding land plots and escheat property. one of the changes also became the ability of local executive and administrative bodies to appoint , in the event of a long absence, chairmen of the board of gardening partnerships
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, as well as to give binding instructions to gardening partnerships for action ; members of gardening partnerships were also given the opportunity to receive information about members of gardening partnerships from the local executive body, introduction this norm is dictated by the fact that the composition of the participants in the garden partnership has undergone changes over time. changes, plots were sold , inherited, and in order for members to have complete information about the number of their participants and the composition of participants, fair formation of contributions, informing new members about the procedure and conditions for the functioning of the garden partnership, this norm was introduced. the rule on membership fees, that’s what caused it , what was the burning question? this is a pressing issue; indeed, a number of government bodies have received quite a large flow of requests from citizens, members of gardening associations, and not only on this issue, it was necessary
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to regulate that situations arose in which some members of gardening associations acquired one or more plots, in this regard, a situation arose that, having owned more than one plot, a member of the gardening association the partnership paid contributions as for one plot, citizens paid attention to this, this norm required adjustment, now the board will independently determine the amount of contributions based on its vision. the norm was discussed the inclusion of gardening partnerships in the settlement, what is its fate? these norms, regarding the possibility of including gardening partnerships in the settlement, have not been implemented to date; there were difficult issues to resolve, such as ensuring state social standards, issues of financing these processes, while they are still at the stage.


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