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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 6, 2023 12:40am-1:11am MSK

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[000:00:27;00] you and i have just left the electric depot, we immediately went down into the portal, that is, from the ground space, we went underground, into our beloved subway, now we will go to the automobile factory line, and after a while we will have the opportunity for the first time to be part of the creative team of the belarus tv channel 24, move from the second line to the third , in principle, no one has ever done such filming before, today the train is controlled by a fairly experienced driver, although young
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in appearance, but we have him... very experienced, quickly navigate in all situations, this is pavel chastov, here is pavel, tell us a few words about how our route will be, well , now a blue traffic light will light up for us, allowing readings, we will go with you to the main path of the malevskaya station, and then we will go to the pushkinskoye station, we have not taken journalists before this , no, no, for the first time, that is, here he is for the first time and your debut is his debut, that’s all, but we distract the driver while driving, he must strictly fulfill his duties. they are strictly regulated, we maintain a regime of silence, 43 on the first main mogilev rifle route, as i’m connected, at the first station the route is ready, okay, i can hear you without passengers until the station, i understood you until pushkinskaya without
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passengers, i can hear you too well, i’m leaving. now we are moving through the tunnels of the automobile plant line, well, at a fairly high speed, more than about 70 km/h, but i want to say that in the german metro we have restrictions, trains move at a speed of no more than 80 km/h, this is done for the purpose train traffic safety, we are in the cabin of a new modern innovative composition, and you probably noticed the difference between the old train and the new one, there is more space here, it is in the cabin, a completely new control panel interface, in principle , an automatic steering system has been introduced here , in fact, the driver only controls the process of controlling the train, so the train moves independently, the point is the fact that when a train
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moves along lines underground, through tunnels, there are many so-called curves, that is , turns, various, ascents, descents, and naturally, the descents and turns wear out the rails the most directly, it happens that at night you have to change a certain amount of the rail line in order for it to be safe, well, as a rule, again, this is on curves, on turns, because the greatest load goes on the metal, but our workers manage this at night to do, in the morning passengers don’t feel this, they already calmly go in the morning from 5:30 and go to work somewhere else and don’t even think that so much work has been done, well, here we are at the dead end of pushkinskaya station, in principle, then everything else ,
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the train cannot go any further. trains spend the night here, but and there is such a common opinion that as if the trains are turning around, they don’t turn around, they just come to a dead end, then the driver, now pavel will move to another cabin , the movement begins in the opposite direction , pavel, show me how this happens, dispatcher? forty-third blue on the second main bagushevich, how can you hear
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the connection? i can hear you well too, i’m leaving. a big and joyful event opens 6 months ahead of schedule. train movement on the first section of the minsk metro. well, the minsk metro probably appeared thanks, well, first of all, probably to two people. the first person is the millionth resident, who was born on january 25, 1972, his name was oleg basko. why was the millionth resident so close to minsk and the minsk metro? because in the soviet union there was an unspoken opinion that only cities with millions of people could lay claim to the metropolitan, to build the metropolitan. of course, not all cities with a population of over a million, er, had subways, but nevertheless, minsk received such a right, but naturally, our second person is the head of the republic, pyotr mironovich mosherov, who made a lot of efforts to ensure that the minsk metro appeared, that there was decent
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funding for the work, and that in the following year, on june 29, 1984, in the eighty-fourth year, that the launch of the first eight stations and our first moscow station took place lines. well, the minsk metro, in principle, the whole, almost all of its objects are critically important objects, that is, they are, in general, well, special control of special significance, uh, what happens in underground space, there are a number of restrictions on connecting electricity , let’s say, air exchange must be constant, an influx of fresh air, some noise parameters, fire safety systems, special extinguishing, that is, everything here is specific and arranged so that maximum safety of every passenger , every metro worker, from some emergency situations, well, there are also funny cases, passengers, well, they really love their pets and try somewhere to move them in the wrong way into the metro, so
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one of the passengers was carrying a snake with him, and a poisonous snake at that, that is, well, we also had to be vigilant here, there was a situation when a small dog ran away into the tunnel, we had to stop the movement, our employees found it. and the hostesses returned it, well , even to the point of banality, they somehow told the story, but it was a long time ago, apparently, a live carp also fell on the way, and the hostess asked that, well, after all, her, let’s say, prey, one might say, which was carried away from the store so that, in general, well , they would return it to her, well, maybe not everyone knows what if even if you look at the nimiga station itself from some second tier, it resembles a boat, in general, even during excavations during the construction of this station. when the site builders were working, a really ancient castle was found, a whole series of archaeological artifacts were found, but the construction had to be interrupted for a long period, archaeologists worked, but in the end, in order to continue construction, it would be necessary
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to make a certain decision, and the archaeologists did their job, and then it's on the metro builders worked, built the station , this is what it is today, but during the construction period there were a variety of finds, there was... a jug with gold coins, and there were also ancient historical animals, these are the remains of a mammoth, and an ancient historical elephant, in general - that is, in principle, well, at the institute of culture, let’s say, a warehouse, a huge ammunition warehouse from the time of the great patriotic war, had to be stopped by work, because the sappers worked for a very long time, the warehouse was huge, that is, but there were so interesting, there were moments when representatives of the station had to change the bed of the svislych river, for some period , and for a very short period, there literally... there, just a few days , they returned the bed to its place in order to do certain types of work, the minsk metro, like all the others the metro systems of the world, apparently, also perform the function of a protective structure, that is, in the event of some
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emergency circumstances, or natural disasters, a significant number can take refuge in it, and menchan probably guests of the capital, so naturally, very many are provided moments, and a special bolt, there are so-called shutters. which, let’s say, are closed at a certain moment by our specialists when a certain number of people accumulate, then also certain life support systems, air supply, clean air, also the provision of drinking water, night training, and yes, even to the point where such special ones are inserted fountains, there are hatches right on the platform, they open, such fountains are connected, drinking water is supplied to people who are on the platform. it is permissible that people can be accommodated in trains that are being arranged, at stations, if necessary, even in filling tunnels with people, that is, so that as many people as possible can use the metro to protect themselves from certain unfavorable
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factors, we are very we do a lot in the metro in order to talk about the rules of safe behavior in the metro, especially for children; last year we completed work on the third series of animated films, an animation was made about safety rules. well, the interesting experience was that we ourselves came up with the characters, it was pasha, dasha, pasha, a hooligan who is always in a hurry, disrupts, dasha gets him for something, and of course the main character is how our minsk metro is cleverly designed, you want to the park with cotton candy, you need to get on the escalator in just 20 minutes you will arrive at the desired station, oh, this is a turn, who behaves like that, you shouldn’t be allowed here, those who argue with the rules, the escalator is at least cool, after all it's safe here, he's the first of those which appeared... this is such a collective image of a person who runs the metro and
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who knows how to do everything and what to do, but how the image was created, but the legend says that the prototype was the real head of the station, one of our stations, there two stations, each vladimir mikhailovich , he’s working now, our veteran, well, he doesn’t refuse, he says, yes, so be it, so be it, that’s it, dmitrovich modeled himself on me, and after that, of course, such sheets began to appear . this type, they are in there are trains, we distribute them on the day of safety in the subway, here are different children , so that those who go with their parents, so that they know how to behave correctly, the most typical, the most basic rules, well, we also have a large the mitrovich doll , she’s different, more positive , good-natured, he’s a large two-meter figure in which our animators, the guys work, our electrical engineering employees are mostly adults... first of all, of course, they should know how to behave in metro to make your trip safely.
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the work of a press secretary involves not only, let's say, such an external visual part, when you present the metro in smart suits, let's say, in a tie, a white shirt, or something else, well, what naturally needs to happen, so that there was, well, a whole row of jackets , that is, about eight to 9 jackets, there were a dozen ties, of course there were shirts to quickly change something, and there was also the kind of work clothes that we wear during emercom exercises, for example, during special forces exercises, which is carried out at night, so that the metro creates safe conditions and the ability to react to all moments, well, naturally, when we go to construction, we also announce the same clothes for a construction site, there must be a helmet, that’s because the settings , but when we go into the tunnel at night, after usually somewhere... or rather at 15 at night, to relieve tension from the contact flight,
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without fail, we all put on reflective vests like this, so we sign up with the station duty officers at a special journal, she is responsible for all the people who are in the tunnel at this moment, they must all register, and must, let’s say, be taken into account in the same way when they all leave the tunnel, then she must make sure that everything, well, yes , there is also... something from my previous service, that ’s when i am a captain of the second rank in the reserve, i am a member of the belarusian union of military sailors, well , in general, after almost 30 years of service in the navy in the armed forces of the republic of belarus, now went into reserve in his time, then here is the living peaceful life of a civilian for 8 years now, the head of the dss for 5 years now, the head, press secretary of the minsk
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metro. well, i had a long-standing hobby, in general , photography, so to speak, for work, it’s more like a divorce, there are several photo albums, somehow i participated in some - let’s say, competitions, uh, photojournalists, well, one thing one of the hobbies that was acquired, maybe about 10 years ago, is billiards, here we are with friends, with colleagues from work at dsa in central council, we had our own table and we played both at lunch and gathered somewhere in the evening, so he developed such a hobby, well, he began to periodically go to billiard halls with friends, and then his wife and son
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suddenly made such a surprise, unexpected, we bought this cue, it’s handmade , by the way, and it’s nice that our belarusian master, my fellow countryman, here he is, let’s just say, it was unexpected, pleasant, he says, well, if you play, then play well, play comfortable instrument, well, i’m a belarusian myself, and my parents were born in belarus and i have... an older sister who has always been involved in music, she studied professionally, first she graduated from music school, then from a music school, a music conservatory, that's when she graduated from music... at school, well , my parents also wanted me to master what - an instrument, well , it was interesting, when we went to music school, they first invited me, my sister already said that she wanted me to study the button accordion, my parents wanted an accordion, but i said that of course i want to play on the guitar, so we we came to the conclusion that i was playing the button accordion for one
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year, of course, well, i didn’t really take to it very much, so my friend and i gave up the button accordion and immediately went completely different. we went to do weightlifting at the olympic reserve school in the city of borisov. i have wonderful parents, unfortunately my dad is no longer here, he didn’t live to see 85 years old, he’s a very kind man, very decent, i ’ve never heard a single bad word from him in my entire life and he’s so kind, and he passed this on to me and my sister . mom is wonderful too she has the broadest soul, she is so open, she always helped everyone, tried, in general, and somehow it seems that my sister and i have absorbed these qualities. well... by the way, i also met my wife in borisov, we lived literally across the street, ina, so she and i are already walking together to shake hands, we have been married for 35 years, and before that we were still friends for 5 years, in fact we are 40 we have known each other for years, that is, we look at such a period, it seems in the mirror it doesn’t seem like that the period is so long, well, so of course,
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this is completely my entire hope of support, aka was the censor of my first printed materials , when, when there were doubts, either to continue journalism or to do some more practical work, she supported, here are all those comments on the texts of the materials, on some stories that we did on television, then she suggested from the outside, and it was so accurate, it hit the nail on the head, the wife of technological production, she worked in her profession for many years, but like all military wives, wives of officers, she had to work where there was an opportunity for such work in those garrisons, where we served, there are a lot of talents , it’s very nice that she perfectly... creates some of these, i remember back in the far east, she can knit a thing herself, embroider it beautifully, that is, make an applique with such taste some kind, then well, even some artists we knew came to us, the designers were simply amazed that it was just like that for themselves, just like that, make
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something for themselves in a few days, wear it for a month, maybe several times put on, do new things, then well, in general, there is a very great talent in this regard, for me the formula for happiness is very simple, it’s... when you go to work with pleasure and return home to your family with pleasure, this is just an ideal, it’s simple, it seems, but this this is really correct and vital, then you are a really happy person, when you are in a hurry to get home at work, you try to do everything, you have a reliable rear, you know that this rear will always support you, will always warm you up, let’s say, we always have such naval order , because the spouse supports, well and i will say that i also learn a lot from my wife, to love animals, because somehow in our childhood it turned out that there were no pets in the family , but in other words, at first we had one cat we had solomon, he lived for 16 years, so she really loves the cat in general, different animals, since childhood , and so does our son maxim, he is already 35 years old, here is an adult man, since childhood
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, love was instilled in us, in general, for the whole world and through love for animals, we everything that happened, a little turtle, there were talking parrots, parsley was a parrot, there were nymphs, there were some hamsters, wimps called someone there as a joke, there were deguslets, well , there was so much, now we also have a cat, irma, a beauty, british, and my wife says, how come, she’s alone, she’s on the street we found a street cat, we watched him for about 2 weeks, fed him, and now he has been living with us for about five years, marcel, he turned out to be of noble blood, in general, a wonderful wonderful cat, so i am learning to be kind, that she herself is very... animals , she cooperates with volunteers, in general she feeds the animals herself, takes in some animals for foster care, well, i literally , well, support these financial endeavors , i go somewhere with her, so you learn everything in this life and i am very grateful to my wife, for those happy years, then there are, well, i think 35 years of marriage
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, this year 36 - this is of course a long journey, and we started off hard, we went to the far east together, we went to kamchatka, there we served for 7 years , let’s say, together, so to speak. , our son maxim was born there, the earthquakes survived about seven earthquakes, and two of them are quite significant, it is very important to start together with the difficult ones in order to go through these years with dignity, yes, we had everything in life, grinding in characters and, as it were, everything was fire water and copper pipes passed, so now we are already looking something like this for all situations and therefore there is no reason for any disputes, they taught us to give in to each other, to respect each other, to value some of our hobbies, hobbies , to support them, sometimes it happens, we even do the same, i ask, she’s coming with me, she even plays games in the hall, and we put the balls, she tries it, it’s very good it turns out, naturally, every father and mother, although for their own child. just to bring the most, well, classically good light , kindness, love, respect for elders , no respect for any other person at all, i
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think that we managed to put this into our son maxim, he is a wonderful person, we are very proud of him, here he is also works in the transport sector, and i want to say that in general, somewhere, sometimes even my spouse and i say, well, listen, well, you can be decent, but maybe you need to be a little somewhere in this life a little... a little, well more agile, more like... somehow i don’t know, well , something more somewhere might be a little more somehow, he’s a rather simple-minded person, he’s an intelligent person, but somehow he really perceives everything as it is, then there is, he doesn’t like to prevaricate, he’s a very decent person, so we are delighted, and it’s very pleasant that even for 35 years now we’ve been here, and we can always, we can always reveal some secrets to each other there, and in the family, he and his mother can talk something somewhere, then somewhere with me. then discuss something together, that is , there are no taboos, it is very valuable when you maintain such a
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trusting connection with a child for many, many years from childhood. when this connection is lost , of course, we see that different things happen, well , very different things happen in families , children and parents move away, in general, and this does not lead to anything good, so we ourselves, parents, must definitely support this , this light of the soul, this warmth, this relationship, you need to feel, help, give yourself to the child, and he... completely give yourself to your parents, that is, you just need to be a decent person in life, well, of course, i consider myself a happy person, because well, somehow fate turned out interesting, i generally worked, tried, well, communicated with people, that’s it never somehow, maybe this is my minus , i never strived for a career, well, somehow it always worked out at all stages that i was offered some new places, jobs, new positions, i won’t say that i have a lot friends, but i have a lot of acquaintances and comrades. that is, well, there are about 2,000 in the phone about 2,000, well, in general, contacts
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, well, a lot of work contacts, a lot of social contacts, well , there are quite a lot of acquaintances and friends, well, today i can say with complete confidence that i am a happy person, because i have a wonderful
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family , great job, good friends. one of the best places to work for me, i come to work as if i understand that people work here who do not care about their work, an electronics manufacturing enterprise, briefly and clearly. overwhelming most of our products are our own development. in 5 years we are ready to open a production site on mars. courage bordering on audacity, perseverance, carried away by imagination and supported by competencies, purposefulness, inspired by the desire to act now. here the energy pulsates, thought works. hands create, this is the minsk production association of computer technology in collaboration with all areas of the
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horizon holding. all processes are interesting and, in fact, every employee, including me, is passionate every direction, every process, and we all enjoy our work. there are a lot of tasks here, when you solve all the problems, you succeed in something, you get a certain level of pleasure, and this moves you further and develops you professionally. today the association is one of the leading industrial enterprises in the country. the flagship of the belarusian radio-electronic industry develops, produces, installs and services a wide range of complex technical products. we have two main directions. first direction - these are auto components. the second is computer technology. these products are not inferior to european foreign analogues. and in some respects they even surpass them. the association has been around for almost seven decades ; for almost seven decades, the factory entrance
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has been greeting and escorting workers from warehouses ; products made through their efforts are being shipped; in the workshops , production music is heard, which is created by working machines and mechanisms. our company was created in 1956, when the council of ministers of the ussr issued a decree on the development instrument making industry , automation systems. this decree launched several dozen factories throughout the soviet union, including our enterprises. in the fifty-ninth year , the first product was released, this is the m3 computer, developed by one of the institutes of the academy of sciences of the soviet union. all production and technological processes were worked out on this machine; already in the sixtieth year, the minsk-1 electronic numeral machine was completely produced. she was the ancestor of a large series electronic computers, minsk.
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minsk-1, minsk 2, minsk 22, 23 and minsk 32, these were produced. for more than 15 years, it was completely its own development; in 1958 , a design bureau was created at the enterprise. at the end of the sixties, the production of kvm minsk-1 reached 4,000 units, at that time, this was 70% of the entire fleet of computers in the soviet union. in 1970, the creator of the family of these machines was awarded the ussr state prize. since 1971, the plant began producing the vvf unified series in 1986, a very important milestone, our company released the first personal computer, ev 1840, many remember and know it, in the difficult nineties for all industries, the management of the association decided to launch the production of new products, electronic automatic
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telephone exchanges. our first product was ats quantum. with this automatic telephone exchange, we worked out all the production technological processes already in the ninety-fourth year, in the series we launched our own development of automatic telephone exchange bit. it was supplied to all cis countries; in total, over 1 million ports were produced. one of modifications from tsbtm have been adopted by the grand troops of the republic of belarus. the enterprise , which has been through difficult historical vicissitudes, has, figuratively speaking, cultivated the will of fate within itself. character, strengthened resilience and accumulated strength for further development. development is the course that the association is following today. we have a development program that includes - bringing new auto components to the market, bringing new computer products to the market , why, because every year processors become obsolete, video cards become obsolete,
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the market demands new sizes, diagonals of screens of the same laptops. but... we have a development department, which includes 42 people, and the development department includes both technological specialists and designers who are involved in the development of new products and production support of existing products, a number of import substitution programs have been launched, which have been successful have been implemented and some of them are in the process of development, we are constantly developing new products of the enterprise, components for trucks, agricultural machinery, mining dump trucks, intercoms, metal cabinets, equipment for special communications, laptops, mini-pcs. in 2005, when a new building of our library was being built, and the library was equipped with shelving produced by our
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enterprise. in 2022, the unification of computing loudly announced. about itself, exciting the public and professionals and amateurs, the informational occasion for both idle conversations and serious analytics, served as the start of a massive production of the first belarusian laptops. this is a new direction, this is a joint project, horizon holding, in which absolutely all of our enterprises took part, but we are already producing the final product directly at this production site, we are generated by the idea, our team and both marketing and logistics specialists, we all participate and technologists in including the designer, that is, this is a large, huge team, as well as representatives of the management company, who help us a lot in analyzing the market, giving us some ideas that we already here we process it in more detail and
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make decisions collectively. we do not tell dry historical facts, we load the era. geta is so outstanding, it’s


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