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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 7, 2023 7:55pm-8:46pm MSK

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part of government policy. the orenburg region is one of the three main trading partners of belarus; the successes of the region were discussed at the international exhibition at the russia forum in moscow. belarus and the orenburg region are working closely in agriculture, industrial cooperation and mechanical engineering with plans to supply 450 domestic tractors and seventy combine harvesters to the region next year, negotiations are underway to expand the dealer and service network of the flagships of the belarusian mechanical engineering, to develop... joint projects in light industry, v several multi-brand stores of belarusian goods have already opened in orenburg. i have the honor, say, to work with the orenburg region, for almost 5 years now we have been closely cooperating, let’s say, naturally developing trade turnover in all areas through possible interaction, this is the ministry of industry, and the ministry of agriculture, and of course, light industry and education. ..
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regional selections for international song competitions within the framework of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk continue in gomel, a hearing was held vocalists from different parts of the region. 22 participants of the children's selection and 11 adults took the stage. the vocalists performed two works - children, a track by a belarusian author and a composition of their choice, an adult song by a composer from a slavic country and a world hit. the best vocalists among adults and children will represent the gomel region in the national selection. december 11 in minsk. new year's surprise for belarusian theatergoers. five performances from the ryazan troupe await visitors to the belarusian state academic mustheatre. four-day the tour starts today, the tour of the ryazan drama theater opens with a comedy in two acts 12 nights in the repertoire of russian foreign classics, as well as modern drama. in response, the mus theater of belarus set off to conquer the razan stage, featuring a musical comedy, a review and the famous musical tristan. isolde. show your best performance
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this season. this is the task facing the athletes of the belarusian figure skating team. the international friendship cup tournament is taking place at chezhovka arena. the flying time for five competitive days will be released representatives of all age categories, boys, juniors and seniors. in addition to belarusians , athletes from russia, kazakhstan and uzbekistan are scheduled to participate in the competition program for singles and pairs skating, as well as ice dancing. on the final day of the cup, spectators await. performances of the best skaters. shopping in black - social legalization of crashes in us stores. thieves with a calculator are operating in the middle of belodnya in front of everyone.
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the ukrainian government is frantically driving the entire population of the country under arms and creating barrier detachments. who poisoned budanov’s wife, or it was she herself who carried out the special operation unsuccessfully. who ate all the belarusian sausage during the negotiations? reznikov's security service said that nothing was allowed. this is the trends program, we are starting. the lovely time of new year's shopping has acquired an ominous criminal connotation in the most democratic country in the world, the usa. once a time of discounts and sales, now a potentially dangerous period, you can find yourself in the midst of a raid by shoplifters, this is when a crowd of thieves breaks into a store and takes away everything in the shelves that they have time for, sometimes these are single people, with them
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by and large, no one fights, interferes, or delays, the whole point is in the new law, according to which the theft of goods up to an amount of $ 1,000 is not considered a crime, or rather, they are no longer imprisoned for it, the legalization of such raids was proposed after cases of murders of security guards, as a result, the united states has been hit by a wave of shoplifting, 24-hour stores are suffering the most due to the rampant theft... owners, realizing the powerlessness of the police, resort to tricks, for example, displaying only their image instead of the goods themselves, a large chain has already done this pharmacy supermarkets, in order to purchase the desired product, the buyer should press the button only then the seller will bring it from the warehouse, the sensitivity of the topic of store crashes is closely related to the issue of the struggle for the rights of the colored population of the united states, against the backdrop of... demands
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for payments, reparations to african americans for the years of their ancestors in slavery, and such contradictory laws are adopted, in this light, black friday takes on a completely... different meaning. why do thieves clean out shelves in american stores and walk calmly past security? this is not a decree, this is california act 47. the states have legalized thefts of up to a thousand dollars. now the one who stole for a smaller amount cannot be sent to prison. the law was passed to relieve pressure on american prisons. in the first year, the number of prisoners decreased by 13,000 people, and the number of crashes increased. raid on a branded sportswear store. several people. so confidently, grab what you can take away, bypassing the cash register, you can finish it in less than a minute, moreover, over time the eye becomes trained, having noticed that the total amount of the theft could be more than a thousand dollars, the robber will throw away some goods, next time he will return only for it, they are not at all
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afraid of anything, why, because they will not get anything for it, that is, they are released they don’t even detain you right away, that is, the officer may arrest you there, bring you, fill out all the papers, then he will go home before... the officer’s shift is over, great, great, in general, yes, apparently a flash mob, more than 100 african-american teenagers, but it’s massive philadelphia raid on the company's electronics store apple, the crowds are hooting, filming what’s happening on their cell phones to show off on social networks, the police may begin to intervene if the raid turns into a pogrom, breaking windows, beating up security guards, but here the development... the situation may turn against law enforcement officers, after the incident of george floyd, there is an unspoken ban on shootings with african americans; black residents of american ghettoes are well aware of the benefits and patrol officers can easily be cited for using excessive force, as well as for
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racism. the only ones who fight back are people of color, for example, the owners of the indian store, this thief was beaten with a stick. this is a unique video, an african-american man working for a company that drives away cars for non-payment of fines , without leaving the car, takes her away from the ghetto of another african-american, just like theft, too, must be dealt with in seconds to avoid a conflict, with the los angeles police, judging by
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what happened with their official cars, the former authority is no longer so much, the problem of crime has become so serious that it is not only activists or local business, you can become a victim of a robbery even while driving a car, seattle washington, emergency stop in a tunnel. the driver can only pray that the robber does not have a weapon. san francisco, cunning guys in lexus are methodically robbing parked cars one after another. surprise and courage are the main ones. shoplifter's methods, even if he is alone, the robber can ride into the store directly on a bicycle, the seller can only film how the robber stuffs the bag for the sake of proof that it was not he who stole goods, the security guard is sluggishly trying to throw off the bag, realizing he is powerless here, or so
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the man jumped over the counter, took the working computer and was gone, but how do you like that, a television crew was robbed in chicago, america, filming a report? about armed robberies , by legalizing thefts up to a thousand dollars, the state itself actually created such a criminal phenomenon as thieves in law, no matter how strange it may sound, if it seems to you that the usa is heaven on earth, here are the results of a fresh survey of americans themselves, on question, how do you think things are going in the usa, 30% answered well, and 70% responded poorly, this is the degree of mood prevailing in american society right now. what is the final goal? do you want to ruin the country? this is complete lawlessness, first at a basic level, where you can act outrageously on the street, and then it will spread everywhere, well, naturally, no one will want to stay away from this wonderful holiday of life, no need to work, go steal, when it all falls apart, that’s it starting
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from childhood, when there are no non- moral foundations, neither the institution of family, nor normal education, this is what it leads to, a mass that can be much more easily made to believe anything, any words, any promises. trends are gradually spreading to the rest of the world. in acapulca, mexico , teenagers rob an electronics store. and one of the fashionable trends in europe has become to wrap the phone strap around your hand, this somehow makes it difficult for thieves to snatch the mobile phone from the owner’s hands or pocket and ride off into the sunset on a moped. new year's black fridays are ahead with their crazy discounts, but sometimes, if you dig deep, a sale is just a scam to get you to spend your money. the future is born from the past. let us remember the beginning of the 20th century and the statements of the then rector of princeton university, woodrow
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wilson, by the way, the future president of the united states. the doors of the powers are locked and now we need to break them. the privileges received by financiers must be protected by representatives of our state, even if this violates the sovereignty of those countries that are not inclined to meet us halfway. this is appropriate. quote and have proliferated in recent times for years, sites have been engaged, according to their assurances , in debunking fakes for the money of us foundations, in my opinion, whitewashing the united states due to the absolute predatory policy of the latter. they are trying to discredit this very quote, but it doesn’t work out very well, it happened, they admit it. but the course of their thoughts is interesting here. firstly, they don’t like the translation, the wording is too harsh. it would be necessary to be more gentle, and secondly, wilson was not the president of the united states at that time, so it doesn’t count.
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the world of western propaganda is amazing. no less surprising are the results of information pr, in which the country, the only one in the world, carried out two nuclear bombings on cities with civilian populations, dozens of coups d'etat, destroyed almost the entire indigenous population of north america, occupied its lands and hundreds of others. is considered in the west a model of democracy, however, the technologies of neo-colonialism have stepped far forward, excellent pr for terrible behavior, these are flowers compared to the appointment of foreign citizens, high-ranking officials and presidents of other countries, vip to agents with powers of heads of state, not such a rare phenomenon, at the end of the 2nd century, the american scientist joseph nye introduced the concept of soft power, the ability to get what you want by attracting, rather than
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forcing, the formation of other people's preferences. within the framework of us foreign policy, the education of foreign citizens is on a par with ensuring national security and defense capability. the object of american soft power is foreign politicians, officials and intellectuals who, after studying in the states, introduce political ones to the masses. from their states, the interests of the white house, the number only heads of state educated in the united states have already passed their eighties, for example, the possible german invasion of latin america during the first and second world wars threatened the united states with the loss of its influence in the region and led to the creation of training programs for political leaders and government officials in argentina, venezuela and mexico. the threat to american interests in western europe in the middle east during the cold war
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led to the development of training programs for foreign citizens, and the rejection of values american society in muslim countries contributed to the formation of new training programs for youth and public leaders of islamic states, and the consolidation of elites around the concept of atlanticism was carried out mainly through the creation of the bilderberg group and the atlantic... institute of international relations, which were able to spread the idea that a military alliance for economic cooperation with the united states is a necessary condition for the survival of the european region. therefore, the role of washed-up politicians brains in the states and those who have returned to their places comes down to one thing: do what is necessary in washington, which means maintaining a course towards weakening regional and international security, building border fences, allowing foreign military contingents into their territory, pursuing russophobic
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policies, trying to build up military potential, and most importantly, all this runs counter to the actual national interests of the people, but this does not bother the newly formed politicians; in the usa they showed how it should be done. in the ranks of people like, for example, maia sandu, the future the president of moldova received a school diploma in 2010. kennedy university at harvard university, interesting because she also has romanian citizenship, she took an oath to two states, one as an ordinary citizen. to another, as a member of the cabinet of ministers of moldova, and the prime minister of the country flies under different flags, and sees nothing wrong with it, such is his devotion to the people and the state. salamia zurabishvili, the president of georgia, graduated from columbia university, and gave up dual citizenship not so long ago, having a passport of another country in
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in many states it is strictly prohibited , why should an official or politician be given the opportunity to create... everything that he is told from the outside, understanding that at any moment his trace will go cold, everyone must be responsible to the people, well, this is in an ideal world, in the current real one, for example , the president of ukraine has the citizenship of great britain, as well as his relatives, and almost all people’s deputies from all parliamentary factions of ukraine who were first elected to the rada, to the party over the year, were honored to undergo training in america announced that more than 300 parliamentarians will fly to the states , the prime minister of latvia, a native of the united states, krisjani scaring, studied in classes at an american university, and in his arsenal the university of pennsylvania and college jones. latvian president edgars rinkevich has gone even further; he studied at
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the us national defense university and holds a master of science in national strategy. eurostat informs. it would seem that using the example of ukraine one can finally confirm how flirtations with the west end. how many you can still step on the same rake and eat cookies from victoria. whether there will be a truce with ukraine next year - answered russian deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov. quote: not only do i not expect a truce, i expect that svo's goals will certainly be achieved. either russia will gain the upper hand already in the twenty-fourth, or we are talking about the fact that, in principle, it is necessary to bring the goals of the north to their logical conclusion. in
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ukraine itself there is now an unofficial trend among officials. thinking about the impossibility of defeating such an enemy as russia, manager of the state concern ukroboronprom, martin brest logically talks about a simple balance of forces: the population of russia and the population of ukraine, ordinary arithmetic. well, if we call in 4 million people, even if we call in 4 million people now, we will reach the border in 1991, but then the country can be closed and extinguished. kiev is the very place that continues to amaze, ukraine will not sign peace agreements with russia without reparations, a fresh thesis from the banking sector, but this does not change the essence, the generals and bureaucrats, in
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at the moment, he is actively turning his head to the sides, against the backdrop of fading interest in his person. what's next: is the west really forcing ukraine to the negotiating table? let's talk about this with people's deputy of ukraine ilya kiva and russian military expert boris rozhin. hello, given the blockage of previous financial flows to ukraine, the failure of the offensive. what are the possible further developments around this conflict? look, the consequences that will happen in ukraine in the near future, of course, depend on many factors, but also probably a year and a half ago, you and i in this same studio talked about the fact that sooner or later this will all end with a military coup, a military coup and a change of power, after all, this
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model was obviously laid by washington, blowing power... in ukraine, which in the right moment simply changes the players in the arena. zelsky, it was initially clear to everyone that sooner or later he would gain negativity with failures on the battlefield, failures in the economy and in the international arena, because his activities spoke about this, for everyone it was it is obvious that sooner or later zelsky will be needed. as an inconvenient figure, as a scapegoat, and today this time has come from the very beginning, always in the political vanguard , washington had a group of backups, this is the team of poroshenko, klitschko and zaluzhny, who today
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are already beginning to actively form, prepare, like the seizure of administrative buildings in kiev, as well as the legalization of this military coup, as well as preparing the troops that are still under control... therefore, for zelsky, today the moment of truth begins, he will try to keep power in his hands through repression regarding the cessation of funding, in fact, it is still ongoing, that is, the americans are spending more of the money that was officially allocated for military support of ukraine, there are still several hundred million dollars left, they will be there now divide into small packages. there are 100-200 million, basically to fill them with ammunition and, as it were, to stretch out this support. well , of course, these are well, military aid packages are not of the volume that they were before, but it’s important
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remember that at the same time there are other channels of financing, well from the us side, these are various secret funds of the cia, various ngo funds, that is, various controlled american organizations that supply various types of assistance, that is, as this assistance is not exhausted, one should not forget about it , your thoughts about the poisoning of budanova, is this an information release to interrupt the agenda or a real poisoning? well, ukraine claims that budanov’s wife was officially poisoned and a number of officers of the main intelligence directorate were poisoned, and already it's been a few days, for some reason they still haven't directly accused russia, although well, as if it were obvious, yes, that... ukraine, but for some reason they still don't do it, that is, apparently, well, in this case there is there are serious reasons to believe that this may be
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part of some kind of internal struggle, an attempt to remove the same budanov, because well, budanov’s wife does not pose any serious threat or any significance, and we see that this news is happening against the backdrop of an aggravation internal struggle in ukraine, we we see that kolomoisky has been imprisoned, we see the removal of various high-ranking people from various positions, we see how kharenko and the head of the special operation were removed and a number of people were removed there, that is, against this background a message comes that attempts to poison him, that is, there is reason to believe, that this may not even be the action of some russian special services, but part of the ukrainian internal affairs. against the backdrop of a growing internal crisis caused, of course, primarily by the failure of offensive plans, well, around on which the entire strategy was built, now
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this strategy has collapsed and we see that this internal squabble is intensifying, so well, since there is little texture, that is, we can assume that on the one hand, of course, well, the russian special services were trying to do something there, but again , there are no facts about this, but on the other hand , this whole situation fits into the internal picture... in general, in the near future , a global movement at the front will begin, the front will begin to crumble, and where the russian army will stop, well, this is known , probably only vladimir, and of course, today we need to put it out. dissatisfaction among people, because everyone has a question , what is happening to us, what’s next, for what, are we dying, and let’s not forget about
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the scandalous interview given by the head of the presidential faction in the supreme council of ukraine, david rahamia, who announced that the war could have been ended or stopped back in april of the twenty-second year in... in istanbul, because then russia only asked for a neutral status for ukraine. think about it, people asked a question, so why didn't we stop then? well , because johnson intervened, because the war was beneficial to great britain and today this excites people even more. all this needs to go somewhere, all this negativity needs to be turned around somewhere. and old favorite models arise, well-established templates among comedians, they simply simply create informational occasions, for example, budan’s wife was poisoned,
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poisoned, not poisoned, but they write about it and talk about it, it seems as if attention has shifted, it’s no longer so scary from that reality, which yesterday still excited brain, that’s it, here’s a simple design, a shift in emphasis to a desire to simply distract people from really existing problems, from the russian side you can already hear a statement that the full implementation of the tasks of the svo is possible as early as next year, isn’t this too optimistic ? well, from my point of view, that is, the americans in their military-political planning describe the conflict until the year twenty-six and twenty-seven, at least orders for defense enterprises are received with an eye to strengthening production of ammunition and equipment in the interests of the war in ukraine after the twenty -fifth year, that is, naturally, now they are experiencing a certain crisis, but they
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are counting on the fact that over time... they will be able to expand military production, that is, eliminate the supply shortage ammunition, well, there is a shortage of supplies of certain military equipment and equipment, and accordingly this will allow in the long term to maintain the capabilities of the ssu to conduct combat operations, now we see there is a certain crisis with this, and well, naturally the russian the command expects to realize these advantages in the coming months, but again the degree of advance... of troops in ukraine will depend, well, first of all on strictly military factors, this is the quantitative and qualitative superiority of the armed forces of the russian federation troops over the armed forces of ukraine, and the ability of our command to conduct active offensive operations , it’s simply difficult for washington to fight on two fronts today, since the american economy is crumbling into sludge, they are drained of blood and de-energized
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permanently before i think in the same way that in any case, after a possible war coup , the process of finding a compromise will still begin, here is the role of belarus, the role of president alexander grigorievich , it is fundamental, because we will not forget all the minsk agreements, which, yes, they were not fully implemented, but how much effort was spent , strength, time to put this structure together, and documents were signed, so minsk today has another opportunity to really be peacemakers in this terrible fraternal conflict, which was previously
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formed provoked by nato or countries of the west, so i always look at belarus as a ukrainian, because i am ukrainian, i am a deputy of the supreme council and i place great hope in belarus that it can be, again, that element, that component that will allow this war to stop. thank you, ukrainian mp ilya kiva and russian military expert boris rozhen were in touch with us. let us remember the sensational revelation of the leader of the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada, david arakhamia, which everyone heard, but tried to immediately forget. in the west it is not discussed at all. it's about how johnson pointed out. the negotiating
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delegation did not sign a peace agreement with russia, and kiev continued to fight, you know what this means, ukraine has no subjectivity, no sovereignty, and especially cynical, against the backdrop of half a million dead at the front, arakhamia’s confession about the belarusian sausage during the negotiations in our country, the ukrainian security forbade the delegation from kiev to eat, fearing poisoning, but the main negotiation..." then we went to belarus, i remember that reznikov’s security service said that they couldn’t eat anything, but we’ve been traveling all day, but when we arrived , they checked us into some kind of rooms, i opened the refrigerator, there was some kind of sausage, well, i ate everything, i said, watch me,
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numbers: 75% of those mobilized in kiev were caught on the streets, only 25% came to the military registration and enlistment offices on their own, after receiving a summons from their place of work, or expressed a desire to go to the ssu. this is essentially a catastrophic situation for the armed forces of ukraine fighting on the eastern front, moreover... even motivated ideas for formations like the azov banderrovtsy are forced recruiting people to the front from the street under duress, barrier detachments appear in positions, the male population of ukraine
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is fleeing the country, richer people purchase documents for traveling abroad for a lot of money, those whose pockets are empty try to cross the border with moldova illegally, cases of death are known in the forest, frostbite, but even this... new waves of fugitives do not stop. petro poroshenko was not allowed to leave the country abroad, even despite official permission. illegal sampling not allowed for the previous one. if the ex-president in ukraine, the oligarch is not allowed in, so what can we say about ordinary independent citizens, but more and more people want to leave the country. risking his life, he made a daring escape right through the bars of the local territorial recruitment center, and this ukrainian wandered through the mountains for more than 3 days, hoping to illegally leave the country by crossing the cordon from romania, the border guards
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found him with frostbitten feet. another failed escape of a man in jeans and sneakers through the snowy carpathians, a forty-year-old clergyman pop, ivan marsharsky, a resident of dnepropetrovsk, was taken. just 3 km from border, despite his frostbitten fingers, mobilization awaits him. videos of forced capture in ukrainian cities and sending to the front have long become a common place, there are hundreds of them on the internet, now shocking things are coming from combat units in the ssu, firstly, the commanders benefit from the deaths of soldiers, they prohibit taking the bodies of the dead from the battlefield so that they were on the list of missing persons. but at the same time they continue to receive salaries and bonuses. the fighter says so: the money is distributed through the battalion combatant. these are like dead souls, yes, mikoli vasilyovich. so, they pay attention every hour of these three months, so that the stink disappears into obscurity, they
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finance salaries and bonuses there. secondly, in the ssu, apparently due to the total flight of fighters, the practice of blocking detachments appeared. there are such foreign detachments standing there, there are three lines of defense standing there. not. it’s possible to kill our own, as if so , we are slaves of the authorities, so one should not be surprised at the ever-increasing attempts of the citizens of the russian federation to break out of the cordon, even at the risk of dying on the romanian border. phew, musician eric fled from kharkov also illegally, despite that he was entitled to a white ticket legally. they already said, come on, come on, i tried for six months to draw up documents with my illness, but no one allowed me to do this, somehow my nerves couldn’t stand it anymore, illegal crossing of the ukrainian-moldovan border will require about 2-3 dollars, for
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a bribe of for $3,200 you can get permission to travel to poland for six months, for $400 it can be extended for another 6 months, a visa for a humanitarian mission volunteer costs $2,000,800 for six months, but the hit of the season, of course, is the white ticket, that is unsuitable for military service, you can easily travel abroad with it and return without investigation, prices here vary greatly. those who do not have money for a bribe are forced to risk their lives trying to cross the border illegally. 95% say that, well, they didn’t let them take off the whole thing. these people were caught trying to cross the river to plav. since february twenty, 19 bodies have already been caught here. how many more lie at the bottom is unknown. microphone. over the course of 30 years
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, a part of the population has formed in ukraine that cannot see the big picture. in general, unable to draw conclusions from her history. for example, now ukrasmi has launched a campaign that the soviet conscription system is to blame for the system of “catching citizens to send to the front.” if there had been more social memory from gray matter, the average ukrainian was the one who resumed it . for example, who are the polishites, for square from time immemorial. as soon as the question of interests is touched upon, that is , money, not friends, not us, they didn’t care about us, about us, about our economy, about our people, on farmers, and in general on... the country , the poles see themselves as great leaders
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of something big in europe, they see us as their slaves, so to speak, but there they are crawling somewhere, exhausted, begging, weak, the poles they see us this way, those poles who bought irons from us 30 years ago, you know, only while our elites have plundered the whole country in 30 years, the poles have built a fairly powerful economy, so what now, where are you all, and who is this? are our poles? why are you silent, why have you stuck your tongues where below, so to speak, radiculitis, look what they are doing with ukraine, no one can cope with them, it is not profitable for them to let in and compete with our agro-industrial sector, the blockade, it is not profitable for them there from the point of view of logistics carriers, the blockade, and not a damn thing neither the vaunted eu, nor the european commission, nor the european council, nor you charles michel, nor you ursula vonderlein, nor you, nor anyone can do this. and we are silent about friendship, about support for the poles. in parallel with
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the drama surrounding the end of unconditional love for ukrainians, and therefore support for its actions, another front is unfolding against the gods who have descended from heaven. first polish, and now slovakia and hungarians have joined the carriers blocking the border with ukraine. these are not only multi-kilometer queues on the highways, but also billions in losses. trucks are simply not allowed to pass. the authorities in kiev do not yet know how to react to these demarches, in general, this is the very case when it is not enough to help, friendship is friendship, but tobacco is in the dew, while the border with romania is still open, but there is a suspicion that this will not last long. a month ago, relations between poland and ukraine has suffered a new crack, this time it’s not even about the tense relations between the authorities of the two countries, but about the wallets of the poles. who are actively losing weight, while, in quotes, humiliated and
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disadvantaged ukrainians profit from their preferential position in economic relations with the european union. on november 6, truck drivers of the polish -lithuanian commonwealth made a bold decision. they began blocking the three main checkpoints on the border between poland and ukraine. a fourth one was recently added. they are protesting because they have seen their business decline. polish companies go bankrupt every day, we can no longer put up with this, we would like to help ukraine and its people, so we offered military assistance and began delivering humanitarian goods, but we do not want to lose our own market in favor of ukrainian carriers. the poles' demands are simple: their rights will be equalized with carriers from the neighboring republic, who received more privileges after the start of the north.
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didn’t let a single car pass, you stuck your heads out that... one car in one year, that’s how it is, friends, but, well, i don’t know, the stench hangs over us, honestly, in traffic jams, drivers are forced to stand for days, they have problems with food and water, fuel is running out, but the protesters are adamant that the border blockade will continue, at least until the beginning of next year. we don't have food, we don't have water, we don't have money, look how much it costs here. and
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we want to go home, please do something so we can go home. ukrainians are driven to despair, and therefore every now and then conflicts arise, the police are forced to get involved, the other day law enforcement officers held back ukrainian truck drivers who were trying to pass, supposedly to negotiate with the polish ones. but it’s not surprising, you never know what might come to mind for those who do not hesitate to shout nazi slogans in a foreign country and wish the death of yesterday’s friends. having looked at the polish movement , the slovak carriers decided to do the same; more than
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a thousand trucks were already stuck at the uzhgorod vyshne-german checkpoint; the cunning ukrainians tried to leave slovakia in transit through hungary, but hello, the situation is getting worse. ugorshchina closed the entrance to our trucks at the slovak cordon. however, while ukrainian carriers are enjoying all the delights of neighborly hospitality, in kiev they are already counting their losses. they were valued at over $253 million, and this is only from customs revenues. exports fell by 40% in a month. we're talking about more than a billion. moreover, interruptions in the delivery of many goods began in the country. delivery services warn that the agreed early dates are not currently valid and do not undertake to name specific dates at all. industrialists are also complaining about delays. pharmacists filling stations, the cost of autogas at gas stations has risen sharply. imported
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medicines are also questionable: it is very difficult to maintain the correct temperature conditions in stationary trucks. and what... what did the ukrainians expect? friendship with them has become too expensive. if earlier all the attention of the public and the media was focused on kiev, now the palestinian-israeli issue has pulled the blanket over itself. just six months ago , popular anger could have been called european sabotage and suppressed quickly and harshly, but now everything is allowed, without camera lenses, the ukraine project is of no interest to anyone. the end of the year will be interesting in every sense: according to bloomberg, russia, let us recall, the most sanctioned country in the world, will end the twenty-third year with a profit of $75 billion. according to another authoritative
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american publication, the new york times, the united states , the most indebted country in the world, will end the twenty-third year with losses of 2 trillion. dollars, then think for yourself, it was the trends program, all the best, we have introduced such an indicator, what is the effect of investment of the budget ruble? if we take innovation activities, then in the first half of 2023 , products worth approximately 24 rubles were sold per ruble of budget investments. of these, approximately 22 are high-tech, knowledge-intensive products. we do everything for the patient free of charge; absolutely all stages of treatment are paid for by the state. and it makes no difference to us whether
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the operation costs 100 rubles or it costs 100,000 dollars. europe as a periphery to use the intellectual, economic, technological resources of europe to strengthen the united states is in a powerful struggle with china. and the efficiency of the government’s activities is, well , the highest, because even under the conditions of the imposed sanctions, nothing has failed us. and we will have growth this year. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24. in march of this year, when alexander grigorievich visited china, the media corporation of china spyuti radio companies signed a memorandum of cooperation, within the framework of this memorandum of cooperation we will further develop our mutual work, we
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will create joint projects, exchange content, can further strengthen exchanges between employees and exchange experience working in the international information space, and now i think that belarus and china have the same positions on the international agenda, and we will be here, we have a lot of work that we can do more of once... the people learned more about china, about ours, through the friendship of our peoples, and we will get to know each other
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better. well, what information about belarus might , in your opinion, be useful to a chinese viewer? well, now it’s actively developing trade between china and belarus, with the recently held expatriation of goods in shanghai. belarusian products were in great demand and aroused great interest among chinese consumers, we also have many joint projects, the most successful are the great stone park, our tv channel often talks about this project, and i think there are many more about cultural cooperation, like yesterday, i learned that 500 chinese students study at the faculty of journalism alone, the belarusian state university,
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and such ties between peoples are strengthening, and we will talk more about such exchanges, and so that the viewers on our site will feel the rapprochement of two great nations, and this will help development... ties are really getting stronger, including media cooperation, why in your opinion is it important to develop in including this direction, well, now we live in one single information space in the world, and as i just said, the positions of belarus and china in the international arena coincide, last year in samorgan the president and president... lukashenko raised the level of our relations, then an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership,
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this is the naive level between states, and here the media should not play the most important role, in order to justify this level of interstate relations and we must exchange more content, do more joint projects, joint production, so that people, so that our cultures countries, got to know each other. we, together with our colleagues from belarus 24, want to make joint projects that will be interesting to our viewers, and i am absolutely sure that our programs, which what we are doing in china will be of interest to your viewers, because you have already said that there is a big, very... significant belarusian-chinese connection, but besides this, we would like our russian viewers to know
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how belarus is turning to the east in a global sense , what interesting projects do you have not only with china, but with other states, and moreover, like the asian agenda, the global agenda, including brix plus the sco, where our partner states are involved, global. how does it work in that including in border areas, this is very important information, this is what we talked about today, and what is very important for me personally, as the head of the media and editor-in-chief, i would like us to know more about how belarus lives in general , the fact is that despite the high relations of the union state, in russia they don’t know much about the achievements, about the positive agenda of belarus, because when we if we... look at the information picture of the day with you, then if god forbid something negative will happen, about this they will write everything if they do...


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