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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 9, 2023 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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2 weeks from birth and body weight less than 2 kg, at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery, a newborn girl was corrected for tracheal stenosis. the situation with measles incidence in the world remains tense; more than 140 cases have been identified in belarus; most people are not vaccinated. read more about the threat, symptoms and the new batch of vaccine in the report. what happens behind the scenes of the show? in minutes. which of the russian stars will be shown live for dessert by the tv news agency’s film crew in real time. big negotiation marathon on the summit continues this time again in the middle east. today , the head of the belarusian state held talks with the president of the united arab emirates sheikh mohammed bin zayed al-nahyan. we discussed issues on the busy bilateral agenda. back in february, during the previous
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meeting of the heads of state, we agreed to deepen cooperation in a number of areas. the united arab emirates has launched important projects for belarus. today, leaders synchronized watches as they progressed through their implementation. the meeting took place at his personal residence president of the uea. it lasted about 2 hours. home family format. this is exactly how the inviting party defined him. the president of belarus thanked his emirati colleague for the warm welcome and attentive attitude. lukashenko took part in the climate summit in dubai, where he was personally greeted by the oam leader. heads of state and government from over 140 countries attended the forum. our president made very frank and scathing statements about the desire of individual countries for geopolitical and military superiority about the fabulous amounts go to war and confrontation. this speech definitely
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went down in history. and today we had a very detailed dialogue with the top leadership of the united arab emirates, specifically about the development of bilateral relations. the emirates have been a long-time friendly partner of belarus among the countries of the gulf of pursit; trade turnover is systematically growing, demonstrating impressive dynamics and results. among the priority areas of our interaction: food, green technologies and it. in addition, uae facilitates the entry of our products into other markets. last year the emirates took third place in terms of the total volume of investments made in the belarusian economy between the countries; a high level of political dialogue, which is also confirmed by the intensity of contacts at the highest and highest levels. the east asian vector of belarusian attention over the past few years, and this week in particular, has been shaping the information agenda not only of partner countries, but is frankly exciting the world media. our country, in turn, goes where we are. dumb, where
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they are open to dialogue and where they see us equal partners. at the beginning of december , the visit of our president to china, today’s high-level negotiations in the united arab emirates, these days the government delegation of belarus is on an official visit to vietnam. this asian country is also our long-time partner , a fulcrum in the region, and is one of the world leaders in economic growth rates. and, according to forecasts, these rates will only increase. what was the second one?
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we will develop cooperation with our joint brainchild, mass asia, where we can produce up to 500 cars per year. they understand perfectly well when they chose us as partners that , let’s put it this way, this is a european manufacturer with a european approach to the machine, to the layout, to production, and accordingly, even there, small price increases there compared to asian manufacturers, completely cover theirs all, well, let’s call it that, the costs of the price, that’s it. the quality of the machine and its ability to be used. we are now discussing the renewal of passenger transport on the moving streets of hanoi and other cities. this one is blue the bus arrived from belarus. our mazs run here on two routes. 32 vehicles have been transporting hanoi residents for 5 years, thereby
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proving that belarusian quality is at its best. mechanical engineering for sure. for example, minsk motorcycles have been around since soviet times, many here still... are on the move, and many belarusians know the healing power of the vietnamese zvezdochka balm, although their medical technologies have stepped much forward, there is interest in our equipment, as well as agreements on fast registration of 25 drugs. this the drugs from our factories that we produce, our line, are oncological drugs, drugs for the treatment of colds, for the treatment of pneumonia, that is, a whole wide line that will allow us to strengthen exports and bilateral cooperation. we attach great importance, noted the president of vietnam and emphasized the importance of intensifying bilateral ties. our prime minister conveyed warm greetings from the president of belarus and noted the rapid growth of vietnam in recent years, as well as the desire to integrate into this process of updating the technology of our goods
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belarusian producers. my colleague and i agreed to conduct an inspection of belarusian beef producing enterprises in order to supply these products to the vietnamese market. we have been doing this work for a long time, but unfortunately, to date no agreements have been concluded with our colleagues; during the visit, they confirmed that in 2024 an official delegation will come to us to inspect our enterprises for subsequent opening on the market vietnam. working together for the common good once again confirmed at a meeting with the secretary general of the central committee of the communist parties, so the dialogue will continue. strategic partner china is united in the idea of ​​​​building a community with a common destiny , belarus, our most powerful global player, is an old man of humanity, where there is a place for peace, creation,
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development and prosperity. confidential political interaction is complemented by record trade figures. many high-profile projects from car production are being implemented.
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our country’s relations with its closest neighbor also have the nature of a strategic partnership. russia, on this day, december 8 , 1999, presidents alexander lukashenko and boris yeltsin signed an agreement on the creation of a union state of belarus and russia. today , years later, it is obvious that it was an initiative that has stood the test of time. the start was given with the stroke of a pen. belarus is under russia’s nuclear umbrella; these guarantees have recently been expanded by the deployment
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of tactical nuclear weapons on our territory, with the main emphasis on economic integration and the growth of the welfare of citizens of belarus and russia. they tried to bend us down tightly, nothing happened, on the contrary, we somehow mobilized, even unexpectedly, i know for you, and i did not expect that we could survive, but we are a little poorer, we live a little poorer, a little bit. economy to defense, while cooperation not only develops dynamically, but shows
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high growth rates. since the creation of the union state, trade turnover between the countries has increased sevenfold. last year they reached their maximum - almost $50 billion. based on the results of the current trade volume, the record may be updated, it is expected to be $55 billion. belarus and russia are making significant progress in integration, having defined a specific action plan 20. eight union programs, which in total contain about a thousand activities, are already close to completion. together we implement projects from nuclear energy to tourism. life has proven that together we are able to effectively solve any, even the most ambitious tasks. today in minsk, six scientists from belarus and russia received a high award: the union state prize in fields of science and technology. the unique technology of personal identification by dna became victorious. methodology. allows you to find out a person’s age with an accuracy of up to 4 years and his external signs: eye color, hair and others,
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the development is important primarily for the investigation of serious crimes, it also allows you to identify a predisposition to various diseases, that award, which, in accordance with the decisions of the heads of our states, is awarded today to the laureates, dedicated to their work in the most advanced areas of activity, genetics, and significantly the fact that today we... having heard the laureates , we will probably hear about the groundwork that they have not only brought to this point and are presenting to us, but which they are already indicating for the years to come, so that belarus and russia are more competitive in order to ensure their technological sovereignty, the union state prize is very important, we really have something to represent, about 60 programs of the union state have been completed, here are 20 programs for...
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the fruits of interstate cooperation - this is a hefty list of humanitarian missions of cultural exchanges between allies. while the works of russian classics are taboo in civilized europe, unison marks a big date. the symphony of the union state sounded on the stage of the bolshoi theater. there are virtuosos on the academic stage. people's artist of russia sergei raldugin and laureates of the seventeenth international competition named after pyotr ilvich tchaikovsky. in the auditorium, everyone who is not indifferent to high art and is involved in the anniversary of the signing of the treaty on the creation of a union state, representatives diplomatic corps, heads
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of ministries and departments of belarus and russia. for washington, the situation with financing the supply of weapons to kiev to kiev, apparently, is developing in the most unfavorable way. the white house completely despaired of persuading the republicans in congress to allocate the amount of $60 billion, so american officials went to great lengths. defense secretary austin began to scare deputies that if there was no money, he would send their sons to fight with russia. if you look at capital investment, that we did for the defense of ukraine, it will become clear that 90% of the military aid that we provided was actually spent here in the united states,
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with our manufacturers, and that led to the creation of more american jobs, to the growth of our economy, so it's profitable. the fact that the upper strata of american society are extremely corrupt and mired in lawlessness is proven by another story: the state of new mexico sued the meto company and mark zuckerberg personally. they are accused of sexual exploitation of children damage to the mental health of minors. it turns out that
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facebook accounts of minors operate in a special mode. the company and its owner have created the most favorable conditions for... pedophiles to freely hunt children through social networks. what can we say about the son of the us president, hunter biden has been charged with tax evasion in the amount of $1,400,000. in total , the charges contain nine counts. three involve criminal penalties, another six carry administrative penalties. if we were talking about a private citizen, the american media note, he would have faced an estimated sentence of 17 years in prison. conclusions. no one, however, doubts that president biden will pardon his son, if, of course, the sentence is pronounced before the end of his term. biden, the younger, spent the money to live an extravagant lifestyle, newspapers reported. even a bank statement was published showing that hunter spent more than a thousand dollars a day on adult products on prostitutes. the state would deprive him
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of a significant part of the funds to satisfy base passions, and therefore a brilliant son with a treasury. decided not to share. undisguised terror. ukrainian officials talk behind closed doors about the war with belarus. but the truth was revealed. what to do with it is discussed by experts and guests of the editors club. what should be the reaction to the statements of the verkhovna rada deputies. and what awaits the aggressor if kiev nevertheless dares to open a second front with our country. if kiev takes such actions, we have something to respond to. yes.
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the answer will be the toughest, as well as visits president of belarus to china and the united arab emirates, excited the information field and what features of chinese diplomacy were noticed by journalists. watch the new episode of the club editor's meeting of media experts tomorrow on our channel after the panorama. and this friday evening until the end of the season, the bai factor will keep the intrigue on air. third. the show goes on its first live broadcast, what is now happening on the sidelines of the studio on the belarusian film, a few minutes before the show, reporter lydia zablotskaya will show. lydia, good evening. isn't the whole show apartment worried? elena, good evening, really, you know, i’m just shaking from the floor to my knees,
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the atmosphere here is so tense. our film crew is right now in the room where the nerve of each participant is literally exposed, this is the waiting room. from here, as you can see, the participants will soon be preparing to leave. there's nothing on stage yet. look, the sound there is still being adjusted, the extras are being prepared. shows his most vivid emotions, and here the choreographers are preparing, they are applying the last ones, and some of you know, make-up, the last make-up, many are already in costumes, where are the participants, and also in fact, and many are still sitting in their dressing rooms, i will ask you to go along with the operator and look, here is one of participants , we wish you good luck, you see, such a creative atmosphere reigns here too, by the way, vagn minosyan, the last preparation, vagn, good luck to you, we are live, right now in the news, and of course, it’s worth saying that there are 11 finalists and
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twelfth - this duet will be released for the first time today stage, the star mentors have already given their comments and wished good luck to the participants, the show will of course be very enchanting, well, for dessert, russian newcomer lyusya chabotina brought her monaco sun, we are really... looking forward to her closer to midnight, but i think that now we it’s worth capturing all the brightest emotions on camera, you see, the artists, the mass show is already ready, like our spectators too, they are sitting and waiting for this spectacular show, well, what about the studio, over to you, we are all waiting, thank you, it was lydia zablotskaya with such an exciting atmosphere of anticipation for the first live broadcast of the factorby show. and again to the international agenda. today , about a thousand employees of the american washington post went on strike. for about half a century
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, the publication’s journalists have not organized such large-scale protests. the newspaper's employees are dissatisfied with low wages and promised imminent layoffs. the washington post announced plans to lay off 240 people. the reason is huge losses. this year alone, the publication lost about $100 million. "finnish trade unions are announcing a strike in several industries at once, the reason reducing social protection of workers, as well as discriminatory reforms of labor legislation. the finnish government introduces prohibitive regulations on calling strikes and allows the employer to pay only part of the sick leave. a nationwide strike will begin after. december 14. a nationwide strike of railway drivers is taking place in germany . in this regard, the national carrier deutschebahn has invited passengers to temporarily postpone their planned trips.
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last night the freight trains stopped and this morning the passenger ones were laid up. the transport workers union is demanding a 35-hour workweek for its members instead of the current 38-hour workweek. duychibank is ready to provide an 11% increase in wages, but with other concessions. i don't intend to go. by the way, in germany there is such a paradox: the country is breaking records in terms of environmental friendliness; german enterprises have reduced co2 emissions this year by 11% and reduced gas consumption by 20%. it would seem that there should be no limit to joy, but there are fewer and fewer smiles on the faces of ordinary germans. the indicators became the reason economic crisis, production reduction. german industrialists are sounding the alarm. high energy prices made their products uncompetitive. the largest concerns are suffering losses and are forced to cut staff. details in the
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screenshot section. from my point of view with us. the lack of cheap energy resources led to critical consequences for the industrial state. one after another, enterprises announce the cessation of their activities or a significant reduction in production. michelin liquidates its operations in germany manufacturing tires for... the reason is the lack of ability to produce competitive products. in total, this will affect one and a half thousand employees. olaf scholz
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hastened to turn his misfortune into a feat. but he was treacherously ridiculed by the entire bundestag. citizens can be confident that the government will keep its promises. we do not leave anyone alone with the problems we currently face. you will never be abandoned. scholz said, scholz did. the government stops curbing prices gas and electricity due to budget deficit. the burghers are left to their fate. true, not all of them; the line item in the budget does not go away for individuals. bild reports that bundestag president berbelbas spent more than 13,000 euros on hair and makeup last year. this year , frau's makeup artists have already spent more than 12,000 euros on makeup. moreover, before the bases took office, the cost of these services in the budget was 0 euros. the distortion in the guidelines of the chancellor and his team causes not only laughter, but also anger
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pragmatic deputies. what you presented today are simply technical responses to the political decision of the constitutional court. you are a plumber in a position of power, you have no idea how this country should develop in the coming years. you don’t understand what awaits you, what awaits us throughout the country in the coming years. a sad fate befell one of the largest german automakers. volkswagen ceo thomas schaefer said. poor situation at the enterprise, and the problems for industrialists are essentially the same: expensive energy resources have made their products too expensive, and as a result , unclaimed on the market. unfortunately, they see the same way out of the situation. in any unclear situation, start throwing people out into the street. the main thing here is to choose politically correct wording. volkswagen has already suspended the posting of vacancies as part of the modernization of production and has started layoffs.
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expenses and personnel. less than two years into the work of this government, germany plunged into a protracted crisis. brink of default. in such a situation, mr. scholz, citizens did not expect a government statement from you, but your resignation letter. 2/3 of germans want the government to end. that this government is still in power shows its disrespect for the sovereign, the citizen. to the population.
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for the third year, scholz and his guys agreed on the allocation of additional funds to the current year’s budget. 45 billion euros will be spent plugging holes in already agreed projects. the situation for 2024 is significantly worse, it has not yet begun, and the government no longer knows where to get the missing 17 billion. in this regard, almost all ministries will be forced to save. germany, by the situation in this country, one can judge the future of the entire collective europe. the prosperity of the european union for a long time relied on super-profits from german
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industrial giants. today. able to feed even their own employees. about the inevitable transformation of the eurozone, andrey sych in the screenshot section. belarusian deputies have joined large-scale work to control the range and quality of goods in belku stores. opsoyuz. today, a sudden inspection of one of the facilities in the minsk region showed: the prices for the social basket of goods are not inflated, but there are questions about the choice. there is a meager selection of dairy products on the store shelves. some positions of sausage products were expiring, and there was no drinking water at all. the deputies asked sellers to pay attention to the form of presentation of goods and the organization of tempting promotions in order to prevent delays
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in products. wealth chamber commission representatives took a pencil to dig out ways to eliminate them. this monitoring practice will continue throughout the country. let me remind you that the president gave instructions to ensure the necessary things. in shopping centers of small settlements. in the near future , the consumer cooperation system will undergo rebranding. and this is a story about a real miracle and high-level professionalism. at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery, a newborn girl was successfully corrected for tracheal stenosis, which had formed with a diameter of only a millimeter. this prevented full baby's breathing. such a threshold is incompatible with life. in addition, the baby was born with pneumonia. at the time of the operation, the girl was only 14 days old and weighed 1950. this is the first time work of such complexity has been carried out. the surgeons did the almost impossible. according to foreign
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literature, the body weight of patients who underwent such an operation was at least 2.5 kg. the correction lasted 6 hours, a team of 10 people worked. the essence of the operation was that... it was used to expand the lumen of the trachea intersection at the narrowest point due to the displacement of two semicircles , the lumen was doubled and now this lumen is about 3-4 mm, which mm, in principle , fits the age-related diameter of the trachea lumen and this made it possible to ensure spontaneous breathing now, that is, the child is now she is breathing on her own, the postoperative period is proceeding well, the girl is now breathing on her own, gaining weight, and is preparing to transfer the next stage
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of nursing to the republican scientific and practical center for mother and child. yes, thanks to technology and the skill of doctors today it is very a lot can be corrected, but the main principle, when a disease is easier to prevent, does not lose its relevance. quite the opposite. the situation with the incidence of measles in the world remains tense; according to vos, statistics increased by 18% last year. more than 140 cases have been registered in belarus; since november alone, about 90 people have fallen ill with measles, almost half of them are children under 18 years of age, and as it turns out, the safest and most effective way of protection is vaccination. and disease prevention report by elizaveta sinyak. isolation, contact tracing, quarantine.
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you see, there are not many of them, you can’t judge from one patient that the vaccine is bad, measles is dangerous, it’s dangerous because it’s a bacterial infection, it’s 50% of severe pneumonia, especially in young children, it’s atitis, it’s conjunctivitis, but that’s okay, but menengoencephalitis is a characteristic symptom of measles - this is the staged nature of the rashes, measles is transmitted by airborne droplets, that’s right, and if we are talking specifically about distance, at what distance in general...
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today our enterprises have received a combined vaccine against measles and paratitis rubella, glaxosmithklan production in belgium, in the amount of 86,000 doses. this is , in principle, planned work to provide vaccines; in the near future - february-march 2024, the next delivery of the belgian multicomponent vaccine is expected, about 180,000 doses. currently , healthcare organizations already have two vaccines, multicomponent ones, this is a vaccine. against measles, rubella paratitis, made in india, prequalified by the world health organization, there is also a monocomponent vaccine, directly against measles, produced in the russian federation , after you have been vaccinated, is it possible to become infected
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with measles, well, adults can become infected because the immune system weakens, those who have had measles, there, of course, are stable lifelong immunity, adults are vaccinated according to the epidemic indications in case of contact with a patient. you can check your vaccination status at a clinic, outpatient clinic or paramedic-obstetric station. elizaveta sinyak, andrey novgorodtsev, tv news agency. golden knight to belarusian performance.
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almost all the cinemas in minsk and raising our golden knight in a difficult time for us in russia, because they looked closely at us for a long time, what it is, what kind of traditions they defend, what kind of spirituality, and alexandrovich understood what we were doing, and first invited the film forum the golden knight, a year later , invited the golden knight theater forum, raising it even higher, and any award decorates both the performance and the theater, whether the golden knight, a national theater award. we won in three categories, this is first and foremost
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says that the theater has a good creative atmosphere, that the theater has a good repertoire, a good level of direction and good audience attendance. the play idiot is one of the sold-out repertoires, the production by serbian directors is also being performed this evening, tickets are already sold out, the play is a winner of the national theater award, in these minutes... on the stage of the palace of the republic is the play reflections 12 directed by nikita mikhalkova. the people's artist of the sfsr is not only the director and author of the dramatization, but also the performer of a key role. by the way, for the first time the work of american playwright reginald rose, which is the basis of the script. mikhalkov applied back in his student years. 12 angry men in the third course of pike became the first independent directorial work. to the story about a dozen jurors discussing whether an eighteen-year-old is guilty...
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how interesting, can you imagine, a piano in cages, a star cast, complex scenery and makeup, in the theater playbill of minsk 12 for 2 days on the stage of the palace of the republic, the production is tomorrow, tickets are still on sale, screenings of play 12 are organized as part of the foreign direction programs, large tours, a partnership project, our theaters also visited the city with their repertoire.
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the committee allowed our athletes to participate in the summer games . as it became known, the international olympics are in paris 2024, but there are several conditions: only athletes competing in individual sports will be able to go to paris, teams are not allowed, the status is neutral, symbols of countries should not. a unique structure in terms of
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versatility and technical complexity, a site that is known far beyond the borders of our country, a facility that hosted major international competitions, as well as concerts and shows on a global scale. minsk arena is preparing to celebrate its fifteenth anniversary tomorrow. it was on december 9 , 2008 that the complex received a registration certificate. the tv news agency team prepared a documentary film for the event. the project symbol of the winners is broadcast on belarus 1 on saturday at 8 pm. you’re amazed at how quickly time has flown by, 15 years already. there was a pit at this place, they were removing snow from minsk, dumping it to build one object, everyone performed a miracle, we were talking about an object that should be a standard, this is a magnet, this is the center of gravity of everything, there are few such complexes in the world, this speaks of
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the intellectual potential of the state, this is a house, this is a wonderful house, the object is tested by time. so many international competitions have taken place, how many world champions, european and world medals have you already won? when we found out that we would have all these new products, the world began to sparkle with new colors, the possibilities were increased, it allows us to close big major events, the state should create. symbols of your independence and your sovereignty.
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we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. let's start with a magical folklore expedition with the paradoxical numbers 568. and many times before, there will be pimples on the other side. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. at the myastechku radunі
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voranavskaga district. the peoples of 13 nationalities live here. myarkuetsa, what is the name of the pastelishka paishla. ad is old slavic words radzec, klapatsitsa, zakhodzce, zakhodzce, prahodzce, kali laska, state darling, we take your bread, we ask you for the bounty , and with these old traditions for a new life, and not with that marriage, which has been gone for three evenings, but with that marriage, which... for three years has been a walk ў times projects ahead on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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friday's information picture will be complemented by sports day. hello. let's start with the main
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news, not only of this day, but of the last two years. the international olympic committee allowed our athletes to the summer games in paris 20-24 in a neutral status with performing qualifications. this was reported by the department's press service; a similar decision was made regarding the russians. representatives of both participate in team sports. will not be able to, among belarusians, at the moment only three have an olympic quota; at the games they will be registered as individual neutral athletes in the abbreviation aim. at the same time, these athletes must meet all the admission criteria that mock announced back in the spring. and now to domestic hockey. personnel news came from the south of belarus, so evgeniy saulov left the coaching staff of brest. she took the assistant's place. worked at the institute of national teams, he headed the u-16 team. changes on the coaching bridge occurred against
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the backdrop of brest's victory over neman in the regular season of the extra league 4:3. the day before, the bisons managed to break a streak of four defeats in a row. in this match , sergei malyavka scored three scoring points. two wonderful periods, they played great, they couldn’t enter the zone at all, there were punchers wherever possible, then for some reason they gave everything back. 5:2. thanks to this result, the lynxes moved to the third line of the standings with 43 points, the red-black team
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is now fourth, playing for the team from the city with a score of one point. on your screens , the battle of zhlobin metalg and capital youth in overtime, the wolves were stronger 2:1 and this is the sixth victory in a row for the woodworkers. the current winner of the president's cup is slowly beginning to climb out of the hole the guys fell into at the end of autumn. in tykalgori , the walls of the house will help the match against carolina, canadian fans are sure, therefore, last night they were counting on
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triumph, but it all started, to put it mildly, not smoothly. in the ninth minute of the reporting match , the guests were leading 2:0, the score remained the same at the start of the third period, but the home team managed to turn the tide of the match to the delight of local fans. anderson and zariy evened the score. asha rankovic and colman, in the minority, scored this goal to put the winning point in the match 3:2, egor spent 21 minutes and 24 seconds on the ice, another belarusian ilya solovyov started the match in the third pair of defenders, his ice time is 10 minutes 20 seconds, the canadians are still in tenth place in the western conference. the playoff zone is only three points away. calgary will play its next match on december 10 against sharangovich's former team, new jersey.


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