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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 9, 2023 6:10pm-6:41pm MSK

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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. it is not so easy to buy good products, but it is a pleasure to cook from them: it is better not to take a piece of meat that is too huge; most likely, the bird was fed gmo products and hormones. when buying an orange, touch it carefully; the fruit should not be soft or deformed. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. we will have breakfast in french. style, it's a clafoutis with goat cheese and vegetables. the time has come to collect our wonderful dish. i'm a fan of vegetables. the more of them, the better in our diet. a large amount of vitamins, minerals, you will forever forget about pharmacies if you eat the required amount of vegetables during the day. don't forget about invigorating exercises. in order for us to be effective in everyday life, since we have been sitting a lot lately, we need to devote 10-15 minutes to working out. gluteal muscles, we try
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to reach as far behind our hands as possible, while the pelvis should, on the contrary , try to reach the heels in the opposite direction. look in project breakfast of the champion on the belarus24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest. can you tell us about your very first experience as a conductor? is success luck or hard work? it's luck. why does an orchestra need a conductor? if the musicians themselves know what to play , so that everyone does not overextend themselves, there must be a leader in the team, absolute honesty , sincere emotions of the heroes, we look so old that we bought a night for a cossack, dismantled it and delivered its stage through the window, when i saw the nerd, i thought she had it a heart attack will happen, you often argue at work, well, we often kill each other at work, talk shows? in which famous people
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answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how strict a father are you? well , i think this question is some kind of dummy question, right? if you have any bad habit. julia, what is your bad habit? no, come on first. they say that creative people are difficult to get along with, but you are an easy person. we'll leave that for the behind the scenes. see the project 100 questions for adults. on the tv channel belarus 20. everything that lives modern belarus today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews.
6:13 pm
on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan , tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq , kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates. sad's arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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yuri vyacheslavovich, good evening, hello, look, the heads of 150 countries have gathered in dubai to save. planet, against the backdrop of pandemic wars, global warming, well, it seems, you know, like a topic from a past life, but the leaders of countries still gather, discuss and figure out what to do with the climate? this year, in my opinion, something went wrong, and in short, the whole event can be called this: lukashenko found money for climate protection around the planet.
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today it’s warmer, in 200 years it will become colder, this is a common thing, but since the climate is changing, therefore we need to adapt to it, well, for example, in the united states in recent years various typhoons or similar phenomena have hit very hard, basically
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all the major ones devastating natural disasters in recent years, usually specialists. is associated precisely with the effect of global warming, but the fact is that over the past 200 years the modern economic map of the planet has been formed, that is, in 200 years, even less in less than 200 years, huge economic regions were developed, manhattan, more precisely new york, california, tokyo, uh, the coastal cities of china, these are all huge investments that were made, in production clusters, all over the world, so, in everything , today the climate is changing, it requires adapting to new, new
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trends, and this means for such huge regions huge investments in adaptation, well , let’s say, fukushima collapsed due to the tsunami. and we see the consequences, how expensive it is, so fukushima is an extreme option, adaptation to climate change or the consequences of climate change, imagine that the whole planet has to be rebuilt, and this means that the biggest money that should be spent on adaptation to climate change, it concerns developed countries, so it’s just a huge amount of money, it’s not even money, it ’s more likely... to call it in other categories, so for humanity , adaptation to climate change means, well, very deep transformations and very large investments, and of course, different countries strive
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to protect their interests, those who for the last 200 years have become leaders on the planet, they are not going to lose their status, so that... that form of adaptation to climate, which is proposed by developed countries, it should secure for them this current status, which means, in relation to some batswana, this means that developed countries will develop such algorithms for adapting to climate change that are conditional, excuse me, if anyone is... listening, for them it is very important that they will be offered an option for adapting to global warming that is not provides for their growth, yeah, here alexander grigorievich comes and speaks directly about this, that there are
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developed countries on the planet that are not going to give up their place and therefore... all those climate solutions that are proposed today through developed countries , they all provide for securing the 150 or how many remaining countries there, undeveloped of their status, undeveloped, that is, the status quo should be maintained in the form in which it is, yes, but still the president proposed setting priorities, trillions dollars are spent on war for... and at the same time, tens or hundreds of billions are required to maintain the climate, or to manage the climate more or less in the interests of all humanity, that is , there is a source of money if it is redistributed from war to climate questions, yes, then in
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principle nothing else is needed, there is no need to climb into other boxes, because the point of this was the speech in the first place, but they heard not only that, yes, but they heard. as a rule, yes, some what they heard was not what they heard, they heard mostly, i think, there are few stupid people on the planet, at least at the international level, at such conferences. they understand that this is how these huge investments and money for climate adaptation will be distributed now, and this is how it will continue to develop, these african countries, especially, not only african ones, who have colonialism in their memory, they understand that now there is an opportunity break out, that’s it, and then, when these investments in climate adaptation are implemented, it’s already years... well, 50-100, 50 years dash 100, there won’t be such a chance
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, that is, now there is a chance, yes, well, well, here ’s an interesting moment, yes, the presidents of lithuania, latvia and poland staged a demarche, refused to be photographed with all those who came, vae leaders and left, as a result, our president is in the photo and 147 participants from other countries besides these three, this can be called a step: global warming, and i’m not talking about climate, no, it’s rather a step somewhere in the other direction, they just left the agenda, they left the agenda, yes, yes, why did all these leaders gather, to solve the problems of the global warming, that is, to solve real planetary problems, but they are gone, they are small, compared to the global one.
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tabloids, our president established connections in the literal sense, but not at all climate ones, during this time he talked with dozens of leaders of various countries, european, african, asian, what kind of degree prevailed at this summit in your opinion, economically, politically and or is it just the climate, the climate is a starting point for conversations, but really a reason to get together. a in reality, people solve development problems , the main part of the planet is poorly developed,
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there is a golden billion, as they say, and out of the 8 billion population, and there are the remaining seven, these remaining seven live very poorly , at least not very well, therefore any planetary problems are a reason... a hook for solving development problems, so that these other 7 billion, they are trying to escape from their poverty and misery, so they were looking for this path, and the fact that the president, our president was so well received, is precisely because they perceived that we saw another rebel, fidel castro once spoke with a similar effect, because the development structure that provides the golden billion and
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the other seven billion cannot please the other 7 billion, so any, any leader, any proposal on how to break out of of this predestination, when there is a conditional metropolis that still controls the colonies, how to break out?
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kopecks, kopecks, i think, where i found kopecks on the ball, and she’s in a figurative sense, that every berry is a kopeck, there's a drop and a drop of donations, well, it seems like a twig, you can throw it in the carriage, you can light the cashier, on the other hand, when you do something with it and then admire it yourself , it picked up speed and ran to grab this mushroom,
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i don’t know, there there were no mosses, but i took the mushroom. glyadzitsa project paleshuki on the belarus 24 tv channel . the second point of the president’s route, yes, already the most important statement of the two leaders, the president flew to china, for the second time in a year, right? the chinese side stated that it is ready, together with belarus, to strengthen the strategic interaction in the name of creating a community with a common destiny for humanity. that’s a little , not a little, but let’s get straight to ours , we will build a new world, but
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the chinese leader spoke with putin about the construction of this very world and changes that have not happened for more than 100 years, and at their meeting... a specialist in to china, what is the prospect of this global project, how to create this very new, obviously non-unipolar world, according to the proposed scenario, it is simply inevitable, why is it now in the frame and belarus, precisely within the framework that china, from about 2009, moved to new... development models until about 2009, over the course of 30 years, china developed , broke out of poverty and backwardness to the status of the second largest economy on the planet, china broke out due to the well-known development model, the so-called catch-up development,
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which japan, south korea and so on went through after the war in the 50-60s. this model provided for the supply of goods to mainly the american market and the market of their allies. and so this the model was catching up, yes, they, these countries escaped from their poverty and backwardness, but this model was a model of dependent development. whether the americans will give access to their market or not, whether they will give access to... to power from their zone of geopolitical influence or not, by 2009 china was based on this model of catch-up development with a huge disproportion, they developed mainly coastal provinces , yeah, in 2009, around 2009, a new
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development model was adopted in china, that is, they decided to develop the entire their national territory and turn their entire national... into a driver of economic growth, and not just the coastal provinces oriented towards the us market of their allies, and this means that china has challenged dependent development, they decided to become independent, they are doing it, they are sharply they raised their income level and made their market a driver, that is, if in 2009 their average income was somewhere around 200-300. dollars on average per person, today they have more than a thousand dollars, yeah, they made a huge investment in the infrastructure of these provinces.
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corridors, for everything else, before china, in general, europe was not particularly interesting, by land, sea communication was enough. today, china has formed such a huge market, such a demand that fast communication by land is already needed, for example, the new great shulkov route, and from all this a new geopolitics of china has been formed, which china was not interested in before. large communities, he built relationships with different countries, usually on a bilateral basis, yeah, but today, when
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they have turned, willingly or unwillingly, well, more freely, into the core for a large number of countries that gravitate towards them, they need to put forward some kind of their own doctrine, so they put forward it, calling it like this, the name is complicated, but according to at least the vector is clear, yes, that is, they are the center , everyone else is in... the locomotive, africa, yes, since we started from the climate forum, what interest did our president have, and let’s be honest, not
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only ours, in the meetings with african leaders, and we are now seeing how they are improving these bilateral ties with african leaders, obviously this is the continent that in the future can become an african economic miracle, well, you yourself say, but you struck such an interesting thought for me... i liked that raw materials countries are now very important for china, then there are countries that have natural resources, the african continent is filled with natural resources, including unique ones, if we are talking about the same lithium, let’s say, yes, plus the countries of africa are probably one of the few left as reserves economic growth, global economic growth, so to speak, and the jokes of some of our poor souls about these meetings.
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i answer your question: first: there is a population explosion in africa, today in black africa, that is, the southern sahara, there will be approximately 1 billion people by the year 50, according to un estimates.
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the question is: will africa be a source of global instability, or will it still be possible to take africa into our hands, just as we managed to do with china? interesting message. the second, the second thing that's happening in africa is shift to the indian ocean zone, including to africa, as they say, in patagonian slang. yeah, that is, as long as wages were low in china, investments continued.
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the account of this is quite low, and since china , well, that is, the cost of production has sharply increased the level of income of its population since about the ninth year, then those investments that used to be used for cheap labor, they are now looking for other regions, and this is mainly coast of the indian ocean, so the prospect of catching up development is shifting to africa who brought china out of poverty. yeah, up to the level of the second economy on the planet, and economists know well which specific countries in africa should receive an incentive for development due to the departure of this cheap money from china, this is mainly about kenya, tanzania, ethiopia, uganda, and naturally nigeria,
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everything is there. those prerequisites that existed in china since 1979, when it rushed into development. well, in fact, you confirm the thesis that africa is a promising continent, which in some ways resembles china, of course, of that period, of course, these two trends , the demographic explosion, plus the shift in the zone of the indian ocean, catching up with development from east asia, they are superimposed one on one and... here we also add what you noticed, a sharp increase in china’s interest in obtaining and sources of raw materials , and in general , a sharp growth, as far as i understand, in investing, in principle, in the african continent, well, that’s why investing is, that’s why these three impulses, they come together on this huge continent. ok,
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but we understand perfectly well, yes, that... belarus to this continent, or no one will ask them, to others, in your opinion, are they ready to let in new players, russia, china, roughly speaking, american and european, yes, they are unlikely to give up this continent so easily , so what? this will be determined
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by the tattoo over the black majority, for about 30 years, they probably fought, they were literally partisans, that’s the image, this is in zimbabwe, well, in principle, it was the same in south africa, yes, in the end, these were two interconnected country, both here and there stood for about 30 years, the whites are in power, who established a brutal regime of control over the blacks, the russian racial society, and the blacks... they
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were overthrown and zimbabwe continues this struggle, now trying to break out of the backwardness into which they were screwed, as they believe, white supremacy. well, okay, in your opinion, for belarus, why is the african continent interesting if it’s literally on the shelves? first of all, as a market, what we can supply to them, our tractors, ours, well, everything that we produce, is considered in terms of price-quality ratio. yes, and for them it’s exciting, so for us it’s a very promising market if we can enter it. i think that if this kind of relationship building goes like this, as it is now, the prospect may be positive, well, there is a chance, there is a chance, yes, a chance, but i want to say, africa is a very complex continent, but since africa is huge , and africa is growing due to demographics.


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