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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 10, 2023 3:50pm-4:21pm MSK

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strength, time to put this structure together, and documents were signed, so minsk today has another opportunity, indeed, to be peacekeepers in this terrible fraternal conflict, which was previously formed provoked by nato countries or western countries, so i turn to belarus always...
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watch the intellectual tower show on our channel. let us remember the sensational revelation of the leader of the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada, david arakhamia, which everyone heard, but tried to immediately forget. in the west it is not discussed at all. it is about how johnson instructed the ukrainian negotiating delegation not to sign a peace agreement with russia, and kiev continued to fight. do you know what this means? ukraine has no subjectivity, no sovereignty. well, especially cynical, against the backdrop
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of half a million dead at the front , arakhamia’s confession about belarusian sausage looks. at the negotiations in our country, ukrainian security forbade the delegation from kiev to eat, fearing poisoning. but the chief negotiator arakhamia was not at a loss and quietly devoured all the sausage from the refrigerator. other politicians in ukraine, it seems, is not yet. then we went to belarus, i remember that... the security service at reznikovo said that we couldn’t eat anything, but we’d been traveling all day, but when we arrived, they checked us into some rooms, i opened the refrigerator, there was some kind of sausage... that is, well, i ate everything, i say, watch after me, and he endured until the border, right up to the border, i tell him, i’ll eat for everyone, if anything happens, don’t worry about it, when we returned from istanbul, boris johnson arrived in kiev said that we in general... 75% of those mobilized in kiev were
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caught on the streets, only 25% came to the military registration and enlistment offices on their own after receiving a summons from their place of work or expressed a desire to go to the ssu. this is essentially a catastrophic situation for the ukrainian armed forces fighting on the eastern front. moreover, even motivated ideas for formations like the azov banderaites are forced to recruit people to the front from the street under duress; barrier detachments appear in positions. the male population of ukraine is fleeing the country. richer people buy documents for traveling abroad for a lot of money. those who have empty pockets trying to cross the border with moldova illegally. there are known cases of death in the forest and frostbite, but this does not
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stop new waves of fugitives. petro poroshenko was not released from the country abroad, even despite the official one. even an illegal test, not allowing me, i will be handed over to the cordon , if the ex-president of ukraine and the oligarch are not allowed in, then what can we say about ordinary independent citizens, but more and more people want to leave the country, in mukachevo, mobilized, risking their lives, made a daring escape right through the grid of the local territorial recruitment center, and this ukrainian wandered through the mountains for more than 3 days, hoping to illegally.
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they have long become a common place, there are hundreds of them on the internet. now shocking things are coming from combat units in the ssu. firstly, commanders benefit from the deaths of soldiers. they prohibit taking the bodies of those killed from the battlefield so that they are included in the lists of the missing, but at the same time they continue to receive salaries and bonuses for them. the fighter says so: the money is distributed through kambat. these are like dead souls, yes, naked. mikoli vasilovich. those guys stink.
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even at the risk of dying on the romanian border, i’m about to cry, phew, musician eric fled from kharkov also illegally, despite the fact that he was entitled to a white ticket legally, they also said, come on already, that i tried for six months to draw up documents with my illness , but no one allowed me to do this, somehow my nerves could no longer stand it, the illegal crossing... for a bribe of 3,200 dollars you can get permission to travel to poland for six months, for 400 dollars it can be extended for another 6 months. volunteer visa a humanitarian mission costs $2,800 for
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six months, but the hit of the season is, of course, a white ticket, that is, unfit for military service, with which you can safely travel abroad and return without investigation. here... prices vary greatly, those who do not have money for a bribe are forced to risk their lives trying to cross the border illegally. 95% say that, well, they didn’t let them remove this cover. these people were caught when they tried to cross the river to swim, since february 22, 19 bodies have already been caught here, how many more lie at the bottom is unknown. microphone. over the past 30 years, ukraine has formed a part of the population that cannot see the big picture, that cannot draw conclusions from its history. for example, now ukrosmi has launched a campaign that the
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soviet conscription system is to blame for the system of catching citizens to send to the front. if there were more social memory from gray matter, the average ukrainian s.
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what do we need, why are you silent, that they stuck their tongues where below, so to speak, sciatica, look what they are doing to ukraine, no one can cope with them, it is not profitable for them to let in and compete with... with our agro-industrial sector is a blockade, they are not profitable there from the point of view of logistics carriers, a blockade, and neither the vaunted eu, nor the european commission, nor the european council, nor you charles michel, nor ursula vonderlein for you, no bar for you, no one, and we are silent about friendship, about support for the poles. in parallel with the drama around, the end of unconditional love for ukrainians, and therefore support for its actions, is unfolding. another front against the gods who descended from heaven, first polish, and now slovakia and hungary have joined
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the carriers blocking the border with ukraine. these are not only multi-kilometer queues on the highways, but also billions in losses. trucks are simply not allowed to pass. the authorities in kiev do not yet know how to react to these demarches. in general, this is the very case when it won’t help to go abroad. friendship is friendship, but tobacco is in dew. while the border with... a month ago, relations between poland and ukraine showed a new crack. this time it’s not even a matter of tense relations between the authorities of the two countries, but the wallets of poles who are actively losing weight. for now, in quotation marks, humiliated and disadvantaged ukrainians are profiting from their preferential position in economic relations with the european union. from the sixth.
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the protesters are adamant that water is also running out of fuel, but the border blockade will continue at least until the beginning of next year. we have no food, we have no water, we have no money, look how many people and cars are standing here, everyone is standing still, no one wants to let us through, no one tells us anything: we have a problem and we want to go home, please do something. so we can return home. ukrainians are driven to despair, and
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therefore conflicts arise every now and then. the police are forced to get involved. the other day , law enforcement officers restrained ukrainian truck drivers who were trying to pass, allegedly to negotiate with polish drivers. but it’s not surprising, you never know what might come to mind for those who do not hesitate to shout nazi slogans in a foreign country and wish the death of yesterday’s friends. ugorshchina has closed the entrance for our trucks
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slovak cordon. however, while ukrainian carriers are enjoying all the delights of neighborly hospitality, in kiev they are already counting their losses. they were valued at over $253 million, and this is only from customs revenues. exports fell by 40% in a month. specific dates, industrialists and pharmacists at gas stations are also complaining about delays , the cost of autogas at gas stations has risen sharply, imported medicines are also in question, it is very difficult to maintain the correct temperature regime in stationary trucks, what else did you expect ukrainians, friendship with them has become too expensive, if previously all
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the attention of the public and the media was focused on kiev, now the palestinian-israeli... usa, the country with the largest debt in the world, will end the twenty-third year with losses of 2 trillion dollars . then think for yourself. it was the trends program. all the best.
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officials of latvia, the investigative committee of belarus opened a criminal case under the article of crime against the safety of humanity. previously, criminal cases were opened against their comrades from poland and lithuania, although these countries participated in disturbing the peace in the countries of the middle east, are in no hurry to admit refugees. maybe it's different.
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destroys itself from the inside. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. the television news agency bel tv and radio company and
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the state security committee of belarus present a documentary investigation.
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we live a correct spiritual life. in many belarusian cities today, an orthodox cathedral is adjacent to a catholic church. outdoor synagogues operate as mosques. freedom
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of religion is guaranteed to us by the constitution, equality of religion is enshrined in law. nobody oppresses us for our faith. no one is creating any obstacles for us. dialogue between faiths, religious equality, as well as the exceptional tolerance of belarusians is a kind of code of the nation that has been around for centuries.
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used by politicians and activists, essentially in their own interests. religious discord is a reliable tool in attempts to undermine political and social stability. in countries where the orthodox population predominates, they are trying to provoke a conflict over the issue of a split in the orthodox church. the main manipulators, as a rule, are people who are far from religion. belarusians first encountered a church schism 100 years ago.
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polish, as a rule, because most of the schools had already been translated into polish, almost, then all of them, by the end of the 30s everything was in polish, this was the palitichny croc, the crock of the polish kingdom for the sake of territory poland, and akazvatsya on ya peўnae palіtychnye and cultural-national ўzdzeyana ў within the framework of palіtykі palanizatsiі non-polish menschasti. poland did not disdain anything for the sake of effect.
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the government decided to appeal, again especially when they saw that the polish patriarch of constantinople, without coordinating this issue with the russian church, that is, violating that gospel... principle of consent, love. the main task is to break the family, national and spiritual ties of orthodox belarusians, turn a blind eye to the canons and proclaim polish autocephaly orthodox church, that is, to gain independence and become independent from the russian orthodox church. the primary task for the polish government is to completely subordinate the church to the state, the one that has achieved autocephaly. it didn't matter how this was done. u 1924 godze polska. the settlements of the damaged years in the abbyashchennaya autocephalous right of the slavic church of the kantzinopalsk patriarchate, some seem, and this thought hadzil ў...
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the lord does not act, which means that the sacraments are not performed, the divine service is not performed, so all these mysterious actions with which the church illuminates people, they do not have the power of grace, therefore the illegal, non-canonical proclamation of autocephaly harms people, harms their salvation, spiritual life, pastors who do not agree with religious genocide, poland deprived the
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parish, then citizenship. a number of priests were arrested and served sentences in prisons and exile camps. bishop of novogrudok pantiliman razhnovsky was removed from the department. the bishop who actually headed the grodno diocese, bishop belostotsky vladimir tekhannitsky was similarly suspended and expelled from the country for opposing the declaration of autocephaly of the polish church. documents of the polesian spiritual consistory, an organization for church affairs under the diocesan bishop in the late thirties. the polesian-pinsk diocese was headed by alexander inozemtsev. vladimir fenkovsky, a monk, served under his leadership. interestingly, in just a couple of years the clergyman changed dozens of parishes. appointment orders and transfers take up almost half of personal case, which consists of only 65 sheets. in 1938, almost every month fenkovsky changed his place of service, often due to complaints from parishioners. in may 1939, he became the rector of
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the temples. the ancient kuplin, not far from pruzhany, is appointed hieromonk vladimir fenkovsky. a hieromonk is a priest who has taken monastic vows. in the white clergy, this rank corresponds to the rank of priest, but father vladimir served here for only a short time. after the reunification of belarus in 1939, the western territories began to live in new political, economic and religious conditions. it so happened that the alexander nevsky cathedral in the city of pruzhany became vacant. october 1, 30.
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that the temple is vacant, in addition, this vacant temple is a temptation for the soviet government, which can close it, and i thereby saved the temple from closure. since the autumn of 1939, orthodox parishes and monasteries in western belarus began to return to the structure of the russian orthodox church, including the zherovichi monastery. pantileimon razhnovsky was released from arrest. the bishop became exarch of moscow patriarchate in the returned territories. most of the clergy of the episcopate had previously served.
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people have the same ones at all times, the passion of power, the passion of money, the passion of your inner pride, when you sow not peace, enmity in human hearts, being a clergyman, here you need to really think about why you are standing at the throne of god. on june 22, 1941, nazi germany, despite existing non-aggression treaties, attacked the soviet union. the military-political leadership of the third reich counted on lightning victory. the strategic program reflected in directive no. 21 under the code name.


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