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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 11, 2023 12:10am-1:41am MSK

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during alexander lukashenko's previous state visit to china in march, the total amount of projects exceeded $3.5 billion. last year, belarus and china reached a historic maximum in trade turnover - almost 6 billion. belarusian exports to china increased by 77%. belarus is ready to work more actively with venezuela. this country has been and remains an important partner for us in latin america. what are the pillars of cooperation? for a relatively short historical period. countries have laid out a strong political foundation for interaction, a major reset of relations is now overdue, this applies to the economic sphere. everything that has been planned since the time of chavits is in demand. negotiations between the belarusian leader and the vice president of venezuela took place in minsk. first of all , we are talking about restarting joint ventures for the production of tractors and cars. there is interest in cooperation in the petrochemical industry. the topic of establishing logistics connections is very important. venezuela,
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we are also ready to build housing and increase food supplies, we also offer organize direct flights. the guests traveled from caracas to minsk within 36 hours; a direct flight would have made this journey three times shorter. there can be many reference points in rebooting cooperation, from logistics to education and tourism. we have agreed to. that on the basis of the established enterprises a multi-brand center will be created that will carry out the training mission, the mission of supporting our equipment operating in venezuela, spare parts warehouses, well, everything related to the education and training of specialists who will work on our technology. venezuela is studying the belarusian experience in the functioning of special economic zones. i was interested in the organization of the work of the velikiy kamen industrial park, of which i am a resident. supplies of belarusian
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equipment of various types, from trolleybuses to mass garbage trucks, which are assembled on a turnkey basis, as well as excavators, loaders of various types. in addition, marie ell is interested in the supply of belarusian elevators and equipment for them. we have good experience and a good enterprise in belarus, this is mogilevlift, which produces high-quality products. today.
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we are opening new production, creating uniform rules of the game for enterprises, special attention to new technologies, greater cooperation has replaced 80% of our lost exports. it is already obvious to us that external attempts to disorganize union construction have failed, like many others. belarus and russia have united and are moving confidently. in accordance with the creative course set by the leaders of our countries, integration and investment projects are being implemented, for which 23 passports of such projects have already been approved, and are being implemented events aimed at stimulating the development of production and sales, a lot of joint work, this is a belarusian nuclear power plant , we are now discussing new projects with rosatom, the price of gas until the twenty-fifth is a closed issue, the agreement was signed immediately for 3 years, the supranational tax committee will start working in the near future and center for
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customs risk management, there is already a unified rule for access to government procurement, conditions for work in the transport communication markets. we will continue to consistently remove existing barriers to mutual trade, provide favorable market access conditions for our companies. we will pay special attention to supporting small medium-sized businesses and creating new jobs in manufacturing sectors. and what is very important, our integration solutions are filled with practical content. the share of russian investments in the first half of the year is growing , plus 30%. over the past year, we have already jointly assembled agricultural machinery in novosibirsk, krasnodar, tatarstan, and in bashkortastan we have built a plant from scratch to produce grain drying complexes. are opening goods stores. the new direction, which is now planned to be consolidated, is a smooth transition of the main directions that we have laid down in the previous 3 years. this
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includes a roadmap for microelectronics, a roadmap for machine tool building, aircraft manufacturing, the development of cooperation in the field of special mechanical engineering, including equipment for airports, work with major... all aspirations are enshrined in a new agreement for 3 years, it is a continuation of the current integration package , where there are common commodity markets, agricultural policy ensuring equal rights of belarusians and russians in the social sphere. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel at the beginning of the week. during a working visit to china, the president of belarus visited peking university. alexander lukashenko stated the need to strengthen communication between the peoples of the two countries, including in the field of education. one form of such interaction is confucius institutes. one of them works on the basis of bntu. how
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today does the university develop cooperation with china, we’ll ask ksenia yakushenko, vice-rector for scientific work at bntu, and irina komadei, head of the media center at bntu. hello. so, how are you today? bntu continues in this direction and currently has approximately 20 agreements with universities, centers, and enterprises of the people's republic of china. if we talk about closer cooperation
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, then we are implementing three educational joint programs with three universities, the people's republic of china, northeastern university, this is the city of shinyang, we are working on scientific and technical cooperation on this basis, that is, he was able to help us open the confucius institute in bnto, and we are also working within the framework of creating a center for the protection of machine parts, corrosion protection, we have this...
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questions scientific and technical cooperation interaction with china, there is an urgent need for specialists who study chinese not just at a basic level, but also have a fairly deep command of scientific and technical terminology, this is exactly the problem, let’s say, that was raised by 10 years ago, when the decision was made to open the confucius institute for science and technology at bnto, as ksenia valentinovna already said, it is the northeastern university that is ours. china teaches chinese at different
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levels, this is from beginner to advanced to business level, this is chinese for workers of the great stone, this is chinese for everyone who, let’s say,
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convey to us their position that our cooperation should be, and this
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cooperation will be aimed at ensuring that more and more students academically exchange were involved in the educational sphere, and for us to continue to work in the scientific and technical sphere, this was of course a very big event for us, well, such a popular direction, probably student exchange, but how many students study from china and what specialties do you have? today, about 500 students from china study at bntu, these are students who take full educational courses, those who came to us on academic exchange from other universities in china, students often choose economic specialties, despite the fact that we are a national technical university, we provide extensive training for specialists in economics, but it is focused specifically on the work of industrial enterprises, scientific and technical fields. job, these students also often choose and are not afraid to study in technical specialties, students
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study at the faculty of mechanical engineering, at the automotive and tractor faculty, at the faculty of energy, let’s say, the geography of the choice of specialties is different, but what i would like to note is that it is very diligent students who are very motivated to study disciplines, who communicate with teachers with great interest, even despite some, let's say... and language barriers, yes, there are, let's say, opportunities, thanks to modern technical devices, opportunities to communicate, therefore students study scientific and technical subjects at a high level, well , i wonder what’s next, how cooperation with universities will develop further, this is a very good question, because it’s not in vain that ours met head of state, which means we will probably receive new tasks in this matter. but i would still like to further
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develop the direction, the first direction is, of course, interaction in the field of education, this aspect of joint educational programs is very important for us, the second direction is holding joint conferences, a conference on new horizons for our young people, this is a very interesting event when...
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the vice-rector for scientific work of bntu and irina komodey, head of the media center of bntu. next in program events of cooperation with uzbekistan in the field of medicine, pedagogical dynasties of belarus and preparation for the new year's charity event, our children. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. today we see how unnatural
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the prism of the presentation, primarily by the western media, of those events that concern russia, belarus, here is the time to talk about the abuse of freedom of speech, but for the west we are not only competitors, this is a tasty morsel on which they are always will become involved in the antarctic treaty system today enters 50...
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today at 4:30, great, our time, and a lot of useful and interesting information, it turns out from such a square like this , all the time there were these machines, you only have girls, no, there are also boys , of course, there are fewer boys , of course, of course, there are fewer boys, as always, look at the ballerina, how she froze, putting it on, how you
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froze, you’re not sitting anymore, you’ve already been waiting for us for three hours, in this position, please, look good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel. well the third world war is already, as some say, it seems to have been going on for a long time, only the forms are quite hidden. the west understands perfectly well that russia and belarus cannot be defeated by military means, it is impossible. the bet is always on an internal explosion, without organization , no mood will rise anywhere, everything is collapsing everywhere, ukraine, the card was played, nothing worked out, plus there is a refusal of the dollar throughout the world, yes, they managed to topple europe today, but this does not allow to fully revive the united states as a world
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hegemon, the world is out of spite, in this version, of course it will not exist, but... he cannot retreat, what he managed to do, excuse me, he still cares, anything, good or evil, it comes back, especially evil . the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is the event program. belarus 24 and we continue in minsk , a belarusian-uzbek medical forum was held, what agreements were reached and what was presented to foreign guests, we will find out from our columnist svetlana chernova. the belarusian-uzbek medical forum brought together more than 200 specialists from central asia. these are the heads of multi-level medical institutions, specialized universities, technical schools and departments. during the three-day forum
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, uzbek colleagues got acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of healthcare organizations at different levels. including in the regions of belarus, they worked in eight sections: oncology, cardiology, primary health care, diagnostics, rehabilitation and others. the best medical centers in the capital became venues for holding seminars. during the forum more than 120 cooperation agreements have been signed, one of the promising areas is interaction in the training of medical personnel. in addition, it is not excluded that a branch of the belarusian medical center may appear in uzbekistan. we discussed everything in detail right from january.
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regions of uzbekistan and have visited all regions of our republic, our uzbek colleagues want a network form of interaction, that is, network training in medical colleges, so that we organize network training in universities, network training, not even network, but targeted training of specialists, narrow specialists in our republican scientific and practical centers, the clinical center for managing the affairs of the president, of course, in our universities. on the final day, guests were presented with scientific achievements in the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals at a thematic exhibition. region solemnly opened the longest road bridge in the region. what is its length? 955 m, it is located in cherikov; it took the builders less than a year to put the important facility into operation. during the work they helped with the crossing of the sozh river military, installing pontoons, thanks to which the logistics of transporting children to schools were not interrupted. they did everything as expected, no complaints,
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for the city residents of cherekiv, and, in principle, for the whole of belarus, it is a very important strategic object. and of course, we will enjoy driving across our bridges, which we have already built with our own hands. when european banks refused to finance, and this project had already begun to work, well, the country made its decision. names the publication on the pages of the history of the life and professional paths of representatives of 129 pedagogical dynasties our country. collection and processing of information took about 2 years. the authors turned to both
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archival and museum sources. the publication contains many interesting facts, for example, the longest teaching dynasty is from the mogilev region, with a total work experience of 1500 years. when we monitored the entire country, we initially assumed what we would do. book of pedagogical dynasties of three generations and above, but it turned out that there are about 700 such dynasties in our country. our dynasty began with our grandmothers, great- aunts, who were both teachers and fought the great patriotic war. there are 14 people in our dynasty, with a total experience of 250 years, and we are the third generation and fourth generation. i think that this book, your name is teacher, will become a kind of heirloom in our family, which we will pass on from generation to generation.
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the book's circulation was one thousand copies; in addition to the printed version, the authors created an electronic version of the publication, which will be supplemented with photos and video information with reviews from contemporary students. opened in nesvizh castle exhibition "let's connect the world with beauty", which introduces visitors to the ancient unique crochet technique. what products are presented? displays: christmas tree balls, candlesticks, masks, gloves and even a ball gown. all these attributes of the new year's masquerade are literally hand-knitted using the irish lace technique. for the fourth year now, the collection has been replenished by craftswomen from different countries, who were united by an international project, a native of the nesvizh region, olga starostina. of course, irish lace is very similar to grandma's knitting in that that the same technique is crocheting, and which in belarus we had , which, say, many. our craftswomen know how, but the peculiarity is that why i love irish lace, that not a single machine in the world can repeat this, that is, this is a lace fairy tale that
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only one copy is created, especially if the product is large and voluminous, if a dress, even if they tell me to make a copy of a similar work, i will not repeat it, because in this technique there is 1 degree of inclination of the motif in a different, say, plane, ah... but in the end they give out a completely different composition, the seasons collection was also replenished this year with spring and summer dresses, autumn was added, more than forty branches of various shades, pure cotton, plus handmade, a dozen lace makers, all fragments of the dress were sent by mail, then crocheted with a special thin thread; next year the collection will be completed with a winter dress. thank you, the review was prepared by svetlana chernova. time for gifts and good deeds, charity. our children campaign starts in belarus on december 15, who will take participation in festive events and what surprises await young belarusians, we’ll ask tatiana osmolovskaya, consultant to the main
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department of educational work and youth policy of the ministry of education of belarus. tatyana vitalievna, hello, hello, so, only a few days remain until our well-known event, our children, the new year’s event, first of all, it is already more than two decades old, this is such a good tradition, but what? live in family-type orphanages, in boarding schools, the action is always carried out on a large scale, great preparation, we are sure that this
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year - every year we reach almost a million children in our country, we are sure that this year all the events will also be held on a large scale, there are really a lot of events, they will take place for almost a whole month, but tell us about the key ones, and the start of the action, you already correctly said, december 15, this year we approached the start of the action for the most solemn ceremony in a non-standard way, all regions... of our country and the capital will be connected to the teleconference, which solemnly starts in belovezhskaya pushcha, precisely in residence of father frost. december 15 , a solemn ceremony, this will be the first step in a big plan, actions, various events, these include new year's holiday
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matinees, this is charity... well, as for key events, this , of course, the central event will be the main christmas tree of the country with the participation of the head of state, traditionally it is taking place in the palace of the republic and almost 2,400 of our schoolchildren aged 8 to 14 years will take part in this event, these are children who have
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a lot of knowledge...
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so that everyone who is invited to this event, felt the atmosphere, calm, peace, goodness that reigns in our country, and of course, all the guys invited to this event will receive gifts from the head of state. another important event for older children, in which students, cadets, and students take part. from the thieves' school, our girls from the national beauty school, this is a new year's ball, which traditionally takes place in the palace of independence, more than 300 participants, today rehearsals are already underway, well, it’s no secret that they are funding the action is carried out by our children, representatives of republican and regional government agencies, our enterprises, but can
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each of us join if we so desire, every year... more than 130 organizations provide charitable assistance, you have already correctly noted that these are also republican government bodies , subordinates to the government of the republic of belarus, these are banks, these are concerns, these are enterprises, organizations, and we are very glad that our citizens join the action every year, who also provide quite a bit of assistance, it seems, but not less... very important for every child who is currently in a boarding school or in rehabilitation or undergoing treatment in a health care facility or in some kind of rehabilitation center, but are there similar large-scale events in other countries of the world? well, today the wish tree is a fairly large-scale event in the russian federation, also with
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the participation of the head of state. traditions, it has been carried out since 1995 on the initiative of the head of state, and we see, of course, both the scope and the results, well, thank you, tatyana smolovskaya, consultant of the main department of educational work and youth policy, ministry of education of belarus, answered the program’s questions. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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hello, hello, ciao, nehau, labadena and even jen dobrzy. there will be nothing new for regular belarusian viewers today. a everything for foreigners. therefore, today i will speak in languages ​​understandable to europe and the united states, thanks to artificial intelligence, since the ordinary intelligence of european american leaders does not work. the belarusian viewer will see fragments in the languages ​​of those countries where they do not hear us or do not want to hear us. where our information resources are blocked, where we are deprived of the right to vote. foreign viewer.
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bohater lub antibohater tej rozmowy jest na wolności od dawna, ożenił się, obecnie pracuje i prowadzi normalne życie, ale dla dziennikarzy i polityków europy i stanów zjednoczonych, to już nie jest interesujące. first of all, and personally, the president of our country , alexander grigorievich, because this is his decision.
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en dejar a los niños solos en la calle y las mujeres se sienten seguras siempre, en cualquier tipo de ropa. en bielorrusia hay mujeres muy hermosas. our best service is for private individuals.
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and our gas is cheap, and we sell electricity, and our workers still work in their own enterprises. our production did not burst into flames and did not go into happy state, whoa? sondern nur angestellte präsidenten, denen ihre bürger egal sind. in belarus wird der tag des sieges gefeiert, aber keine lgbt paraden stattfinden. nicht, weil wir nicht tolerant sind. bei uns gibt es andere werte und prioritäten. wir erinnern uns an unsere geschichte, das gedenken an veteranen ist wichtig. wichtig, jeder dritte weißrusse
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starb im großen vaterländischen krieg, minsk wurde zerstört. german fascists, with the help of nationalists, killed 2,200 thousand people in belarus. look, they were burning so much people. "the lgbt community build their own relationships. we are tolerant if these relationships are not imposed on us. yes, we have officially enshrined in the constitution that family is the union of a man and woman. so the belarusians asked themselves, and it is important for us and thank god they didn't ask to come up with something new, przy okazji, o bogu, różne religie współistnieją nas w pokoju." są świątynie, kościoły, meczety, nas nie wypierają chrześcijaństwa,
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obchodzimy dwa boże narodzenia i dwa wielkanocy, prawosławną i katolicką, nie posiadamy żadnych usprawiedliwień dla zoofilii, pedofilii i satanizmu, nie prześladujemy wiernych i duchownych z powodu wiary ne zniścijemo chramy, tak jakbywaje na ukraine, niczogo svyatogo tse not about belarus.
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konservativ und ruhig, aber ohne doppelmoral. wenn wir uns einig sind, betrügen wir keine partner. halten wir die vereinbarten vereinbarungen ein, ja? frau merkel, allan, poroschenko, sind sie alle dabei? alle, um noch schlimmeres zu verhindern, dieses abkommen unterschrieben. ich glaube, einfach. dass durch die minsker, durch das minsker
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abkommen ja die ukraine noch einmal zeit hatte, zwischen 2014 und 2021, wenn man sich mal an die situation in debalzebor erinnert, dann ist einfach dieser zeitgewinn sehr gut gewesen für die ukraine und hat trotzdem diesen krieg jetzt nicht verhindert und jetzt kann die ukraine darauf antworten und bekommt auch die notwendige unterstützung. nuestros se quedan en siglos en arte, ciencia hacen operaciones únicas. nuestros son los mejores en it, también tenemos cigüeñas, visontes y bosques y lagos.
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and if you desire refer to me as a propagandist, i will promote love for my country and foster good relations with
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neighbors and countries beyond our borders. easier to deceive than to convince people they have been deceived. nevertheless, i will give it.
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waarheid vindt altijd haar weg, vandaag gegenereerd door ai, speciaal voor u, morgen zal er zelfstandig iemand van deur.
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our tv channel, so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is with you on air.
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talk show essentially, today we will talk
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about where it is good to live in the city or in the countryside, well, if we assume that we have 74% urbanization, that is, how many people live in cities, then well, actually, we’ll figure it out. if you want to join our program topic, please, here is the qr code, point your smartphone at it and write your comments or questions, on the other hand... well, in general, to talk about this topic, it came together right away several circumstances, firstly, last week we already precisely determined. the head of state signed a decree that next year in our country will be declared the year of quality, many view this very narrowly from the point of view
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the quality of goods, the quality of what they do in our factories, but we still decided to look a little more broadly and talk about the quality of life, and why about the quality of life in rural areas in small regions, because there in small towns, because also such a trend has emerged that when we travel around the country, recently, and at a very high level, questions have been raised related to the fact that something is missing, in particular, we were talking about assortments in rural stores, frankly speaking, that’s what i’m talking about i was very surprised, because well it seems that there is something crazy about food products in belarus, we are always proud of this, we always talk about it, it turns out that a co-worker without boots, well, in general, these are the... moments we will try to sort out today in our broadcast, but first of all, svetlana, i have a question for you, let’s start with something general,
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when we talk about the quality of life, the quality of life in the regions, how it is generally measured, what people focus on, because for one there quality of life - i don’t know that his driveway should be washed five times a week, yes, but for a different quality of life, so that there would be an opportunity to go to the park, take a walk with the dog, and not have to do it. a few stops, thank you, well, as a sociologist , a person who studies society, i can say that the quality of life is determined by a lot, it depends on the age group of the person, the respondents, well, in our sociological language, that is, it all depends on how old , what needs a person has, what expectations, if we talk about the village, then here the difference is very clearly visible in this assessment between young people, middle-aged a group of pensioners. and but if we talk about the overall picture, then you can show a slide - specially prepared by us for
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your program, and here is just... an assessment of rural residents with the main, well , characteristics of their, let's say, life, what they have in their population point, what is missing, but just a little where people found it difficult to answer, the moslow pyramid is the opposite, that is, somewhere there are not enough hospitals and bars, yes, but the garbage is taken out well, the streets are definitely lit, well, somewhere it’s similar, but i want to say that the hospital is for small rural settlements, small settlements, it is normal that there is no hospital. but please note that, for example, other medical institutions, clinics, outpatient clinics, faps , that is, felshev obstetric centers, 72% note that the level system of medical care, so it’s like a basic shabby central water supply, almost 76% have a central water supply, well
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that is, these stories and the fact that in general there is no tap in the village. you always need to get cut, that is, all this of course exists, but statistics look at this a little differently the situation, let's say, the thesis that we carry water from the river with a yoke in a bucket, he exaggerated somewhat, this is usually the case on these agricultural estates, you know now what kind of money they pay for this, and for carrying water with a yoke in a wooden bucket, well, there is something in this, yes, but also accordingly, if you look further at these categories by age groups, then the difference is very clear. in their requests, these are young people, they are more focused on wages, on earnings, on work, they have a clear understanding that if they have money, then to go somewhere, even if there is nothing in your village, well, it’s not a problem, well , look, this is a trend, these young people and older people, this is not a belarusian trend, this is such a pan-european, even global, youth is trying to earn money somewhere more mobile,
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he can move from one locality to another if he doesn’t like it here. i went there, people who are older, they really want their garbage to be taken out, their house to be warm, there to be water, in principle, these are travel adventures, which they had in their youth, they have faded a little into the background, that’s right, well, i would adjust it a little, i would say that communication and transport links are also important for pensioners, at least with the nearest settlements and with those settlements where there are authorities, local executive committees, village councils to resolve some of their issues, yeah, olga vasilievna, look, belyna is 30 km from mogilev, the city is, in principle, not far from the regional center, from minsk, well, it ’s somewhere in a third of the way from mogilev to minsk, here belynychi is oriented towards mogilev, minsk or is not oriented towards anyone, it is trying to be an original city, but at the same time it is trying to maintain some standard, quality, well, relatively speaking, of a regional or district center, you
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correctly noted, we are between minsk and... leaves a certain imprint, but nevertheless, we go our own way, in rural areas we work along our chosen path, there are rural settlements in which over 200 people live, there are small populated areas points, we, with the participation of the leadership of local village councils, village executive committees, local authorities, we are studying the problems and needs. of all settlements, taking into account their characteristics , it was correctly noted that here the quality of life is influenced by the state of the road network and medical care, today people mainly seek high-quality medical care, the condition of roads and trade services, these are three such points , which are the most basic in our region and
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since we understand the situation in every population point, we are on each. we have chosen planned actions for ourselves in the direction of medical care, we monitored all medical institutions in rural settlements, this year we did repair work, brought all health care institutions to a sanitary state, and it should be noted that everyone is working on this together , we spend not only healthcare institutions and not only budget funds, sponsors work here, agricultural organizations are located on their territory these agro-towns. work noted can probably be measured partly in how attractive small towns become for people, it is clear that the older generation are those who have probably lived there their entire adult lives, remain there, are not so easy -going, not so easy-going rise, now we are actively moving towards attracting young people to small towns, but
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the same story with what you can get... well, they will probably have a completely different level of demands, so so, do you somehow look at the future , yes, do you foresee these desires, because on the one hand, yes, there are those who are now, but we look a little further beyond the horizon, and we have all these problems we consider them holistically, because housing issues are related to employment, and young specialists, and if young specialists come to the same sector of healthcare, education, trade, we...
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acquire land plots, houses according to 116 except 116 of the decree, people want silence, nature, clean air, and here positive dynamics, this is where a mental break occurs for any resident of a big city, when i choose a city, for example, i go to nature, i want silence, i don’t need this bustle of shops, yeah. barov, i want one , the maximum i need is maybe a mobile connection, or even not always, and yes, this trend, when city residents buy, for example, houses for themselves, move away, it does not
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correlate a little with the fact that we we’re talking about residents of small towns, because they want the same thing as in the city, well, look, the simplest example is a shopping center , this is the simplest, as my son says, but where is the tutka, they already... have in mind and there should be a shopping center that has a certain set of services, a large store, and if this is not the case , then everyone says, well, the city probably failed, is there such a thing, such a problem in belynochi, that’s what there is in belynochi, why do you need to go, unique nature, well, we’ve already omitted that, so if i want to cross the agricultural town, if we want developed infrastructure, we have enough agricultural towns that can provide young people with jobs, employment and a developed infrastructure for leisure, services and medical trade. but still, i understand what kirill wants to say, that let’s give an example of a big
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city and the capital, and people, people working in minsk, sometimes with great pleasure travel 40 to 50 km to work, well, that is, as if understanding yes that they can have it there. allow, therefore, but for some reason they choose to live outside, a little further away, because there's just a drive-thru shop - it's exotic, when a drive-thru shop is a necessity, here the need arises to get a normal store or a normal shopping center, we're talking about this, i understand perfectly well that all of europe, in principle, which is located in the provinces, well there are no heavy luxury boutiques there, that’s for sure, but we ’re not just talking about trade, we’re talking about banks. access there, for example, a post office, so we were preparing now, he says the post office is closing, well, me too i understand that they are probably not profitable, it’s easier , for example, to send a postman, but exactly where to find this line, maybe i’ll say that
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about the line, and again according to sociological measurements, that’s what concerns banking services, there are quite a lot of critical comments there were rural residents regarding the availability of information kiosks and atms, this is especially a problem. for the working population who work in rural areas, it’s not possible to withdraw money or bring it, but as for the incentive to go to the village, i would add that it’s time for us to just to change the stereotype a little, about small cities , about small settlements, about the village, as something necessarily connected, for example, with agriculture, let's look at the fact that the village is a place of residence, the place of residence of yesterday's city residents, and we fix, clear the request of the urban population of young people to move - well, not all of them, of course, it cannot be said that this is already a trend towards de-urbanization, but the population, young people for environmental friendliness, for
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individual personal space, expansion, an apartment is already not enough for personal spaces of youth, when your own home, barbecue, lawn - this is a completely different level of compt, now we have just connections, resident of the agricultural town of krutilovich, denis, you hear us, you are in touch with us. dzyatlovsky district, brest region, grodno region, grodno region, you see, like this, you can bully a capital resident for not knowing the geography of the western regions.
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i train children, do my job, well, it’s mediocre, and i also shoot a blog, so it seems to me that everyone is the creator of their own, what am i doing here? delicious, you talk about your life - on tiktok to a very large audience, and to a young audience, which in principle should, in theory, come to the village, well, yes, yes, i’m showing, i’m probably even showing
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an example of that , that you don’t need to be afraid of this, you need to come, by assignment or return to where you are from, and well , do, create, i don’t know, but people probably express certain doubts, you yourself say, they are not afraid, but what are they most often afraid of, they are afraid that i don’t know, there won’t be anything to do or there won’t be anything to buy in the store, but there’s such a stereotype that when you come, what ’s there to rob the scales of, that is, what else is there to do in the village? it all depends on, well , of course, on the work, on the head of the organization , so i work in agriculture, the leader here fully shares the interests of young people, supports young people, we have a lot of different leisure activities, a lot of different sports interests, so i feel comfortable here i really want it to be like this everywhere, listen, well, based on the number of guys behind yours with my back, yes, as i understand it, there is no problem with demographics in the village, well, i wouldn’t say that there isn’t, but well, it’s quite... average, i
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would like it to be better, so i’ll try in the end, but why are you training children, we play football, three times a week, who we play football, well, that’s how to say , football, here we train everything, discipline, like the correctness of life, everything else, well , football is everything, i think so, healthy, healthy body, healthy spirit, denis, you have rolled out such a barrel of honey for us, but let’s still let's try. find at least a fly in the ointment, what is missing, come on, ah, what is missing, well, for example, closer, here, here we have a school, a great school, with a large gym, well, with all the necessary conditions for studying life for the kids, but still there is an urban village, for example, nearby, the children still have parents for some reason, well, they bring the children there, so i don’t know this school there , there are children who will go there for 5 years, they will
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probably close it, so this, it seems to me, is the problem, why, well, teachers everything is fine here, why parents have such an opinion, i don’t know, but there are more people studying there, there are 20 people in a class, here there are five, well, i’m counting, i took a diary, i have guys from city , they come and the guys brought diaries from the village, he, for example, has one grade per day, and the guys from the village have five lessons, five grades, that is, because there are few people, few guys in the class. you can ask everyone, that is, in essence, what you get for the city is an elite school, where there are up to twelve person in the class, and for you this is, in principle , a normally developing thing, well, yes, yes, it turns out like this, denis, such banal things as in minsk, for example, shopping centers, clubs, bars, in general this is needed in the countryside or this is not it is necessary, or you gathered the children, for example, in the gym, and this is enough for them to spend the evening, so the children would gather in the gym at least every day. i
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’ll say this, it’s just that i have a little trouble with time, otherwise we could at least get together seven times a week and move, trading centers, it’s cool, that’s how it works for me, i love coming to the city of minsk, but i like to come, get emotions and leave, miss minsk a little, come back again in a month, here i am, i have this opinion, that’s it, denis, thank you thank you very much guys , we waved our hands, everything is fine, thank you very much, hello to the grodno region, bye-bye, alexander nikolaevich, look, here we are denis said, i want to come to the city, take a walk, relax, in principle i have enough shops, we have already started talking about cars.
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there’s just really no big request, i also understand, you bring 30 types of sausage, they buy two from you, and in principle you have to take 28 back, what, let’s say, is the main problem of belkoopsoyuz stores in the countryside? well, you know, probably, in fact , people have some additional requests, this is probably rightly expected, we try or are trying to hear every customer, but everyone has their own priorities, and even if there are certain products . somewhere they want to give priority to one or another manufacturer, so if we talk about the assortment list, according to the assortment that is needed today, it is all presented, it is presented both in stores and presented in auto stores, today in all auto stores there are up to 400 types of goods, although
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based on the analysis of sales in the system as a whole, we see that there are about 50 the percentage of sales in the belkupsoyuz as a whole is about 120 items. that is, in fact, there is such a fairly wide assortment, all the residents of silya say that if you live in the countryside for a long time, a car shop comes to you, then the seller’s phone number the auto shop should be monitored as mandatory, i called, they brought something there, i think that today, indeed, every village resident has the telephone number of the auto shop seller, it’s as if we had already discussed with colleagues that probably the seller of the auto shop is already becoming like a member of the family , and this today may not even concern only the assortment of goods, but maybe... even some other services today that the seller can provide today. but at the same time, you listed very impressive figures of what is in stores, which are in drive-thru stores, but at the same time, videos are made on tiktok, and at the same time
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, analytical notes are placed on the table of the head of state, in which specific facts about specific stores, in which, well , honestly, you can’t look without tears. what are these cases?
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this is not about that yet, yes, nina alekseevna , look, in minsk everyone is accustomed to the fact that in march, in principle, all the audit and control bodies come, banks, for example, with belarusian products, are placed from the bottom up, because the merchandisers put them there, the fashionable word is merchandisers, it’s very, very well known to us, they only place chocolates, belarusian ones are always there on the floor, yes, but here they are exclusively imported, i’m just used to the fact that i want belarusian on the floor, it doesn’t matter, it’s just not, they really are all lying on the floor, belarusian ones, at the very bottom. this is normal, but when we talk about belkopsoyuz stores, they actually show a photograph, there is one type of mayonnaise, for god’s sake, i remember my mother, who bought one in the late eighties a type of mayonnaise called mayonnaise, it just existed, but i really don’t want to go back to those times and when people from the village
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come there, for example, i was in one of the shopping centers, they put up a big new year’s exposition there, they made a car, park and most. from the regions , they came and look at it to buy , so when they go to buy, for example, to regional centers, to district centers, or so that they have not one type of mayonnaise, but two, you should, i’m like people now, yes, where to call, who is to blame, that’s who is to blame for the fact that you do not look after these products, but the fact is that we look, we carry out control measures on the availability of goods in stores, not necessarily in rural areas, cities. and so on, but in rural areas we have carried out 281 monitorings over the past period of this year, and unfortunately, yes, in 95% of cases there was non-compliance with the assortment.
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these are stationary stores and half only belong to the belkopsoyuz, everything else is a private form of ownership, that is to say that in parallel we will yes, that is , to say that according to...
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the consumer society, five of our stores are owned by agricultural enterprises and there are auto shops, we have developed eight routes and eurotorg auto shops operate, we also have two stores eurotorg, one is presented as hit, the second is euroopt, and having developed eight routes, we operate not only the euroopt auto shop, but also shops, we have such an enterprise, it is famous not only in our nesfersky district, but abroad. sec agrokombinat snov, people they love these products very much, therefore, at the request
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of citizens, our auto shop even goes to those stores where there are, in those settlements where there are stationary stores, because people want to buy specifically the products of this enterprise, well, these are branded stores, they are in minsk, in principle, there is a company store, i understand, okay, the question is, if i want to open a store, well , the history of belarusian towns is quite jewish, jews mainly ran shops and trade. we have always prospered, it is clear that something was missing, but they always delivered something, we now have a wide selection of goods, so now i ’ll ask with such a cool phrase, i can find everything i want in the shops in your village council, well, maybe not everything, but if a person there is a desire to purchase a specific product and he cannot get to the city, he can be served according to the application principle, order it and the product that he needs will be delivered to him. you will have to wait, well, everything probably depends on the product that a person wants to purchase,
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for example, a bicycle, so that it is delivered to him, yes, if not, if, for example, we take such things there, well, a bicycle is already something so serious, but if from food products, that is, next time, if there is a food truck, it will bring it to the person according to the declarative principle, the truck store , and the store, the store too, that is, you can come , why do you need food delivery, in which you quickly chose there, then you can come. we returned to the fact that auto stores come to minsk, to almost every apartment, not in minsk, but in minsk, well, no, well, how would you order delivery there conditionally you arrived yes delivery even in other regions , the question is to what extent this is a pressing problem at all, we are now talking about the need for auto shops, there are not enough stores, when, in principle , large chains go to the same ones. the most regional cities provide logistics delivery of goods throughout, well, throughout the minsk region
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in this case, how much do you see this problem? i just remember about 10 years ago, when one of the retail chains entered the market of auto stores because they wanted to create competition for the belkopsoyuz, they then seemed they really saw this as an opportunity to make money, but now with the development of marketplaces and the sale of everything through everything, this is also a problem, a problem with auto stores? there is a problem with goods, with the delivery of goods, now we are talking about the fact that a person may not have something, there are no kuvars, any person who wants to purchase something, as a rule, achieves results, if these are elderly residents, then - if there is some kind of need, it is clear that there are children there, whoever orders, they will bring, uh, but in the context of our discussion today, when we say, what is a problem or not a problem to buy... consumer goods, traditional, ordinary goods, this is not called social
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support, that’s right, a car shop should go to some village even when it doesn’t make a profit there today, yes. any person travels, regardless of where he lives, whether in a village where there are five people or in a village where there are 150 or 350 people, it is clear that he must buy at least the goods that he consumes daily, milk, bread, and others goods for direct consumption, and if we are already talking about some special goods, then it is clear that today there are no problems with their delivery, and if we are talking about some special services, we still...
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pegs are called, the pageat of the dolls is called the pegs. in our museum, all memorials are not working, as soon as we sleep here, when the 13th anniversary of 1956 ceased to be the father's day. right lyubansky getae month.
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well, isn't that so? our state has defined minimum social standards , both in the sphere, that’s what we’re talking about today, consumer services, these are 11 types of consumer services that are needed by residents of, well, the whole country, and the same in the sphere of trade, do we have, well a rural settlement with a population of up to 200 people, which means it is possible not to have a stationary store, but a service.
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we are talking about the standard and we are talking about the minimum, but here it’s like a double-edged sword: on the one hand on the other hand, yes, it’s great , you have a basic set that they provide you with so you won’t die of hunger, sausage, sour cream, potatoes, plus a pig in bread, but what kind of people are we, it probably doesn’t even make sense to criticize for this , ok, if you can provide me with a base, i want even more and... when a person comes, relatively speaking, in the summer to a village, he comes, and i have such examples, when they bought houses or plots there just now , here they are,
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it means that all summer they are ennobling them, they they go to a village store, and questions seem to arise, yes, you can go by car to buy groceries, you can, and so on and so forth, yes, over time i think they will set up some kind of business there or something else , will find a way out of the situation, but in general,
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stationary or even provide on-site, mobile service, that is, we have created plots in each district on the website of the regional executive committees that can be purchased either at an auction, or... without an auction for placement here such objects, that is, if there are interest from any subject? the owner bought a house for one base and opened a store? yes, for god's sake, or came to the store, came to the locality, there is an opportunity to develop a business, please, you can contact either the village council, at least, or the regional executive committee, find out where the plots are formed, then follow this path, sergey sergeevich, yes, i i want
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to add to my colleagues. to join, we should probably also note such a gratifying feature that an increasing percentage of young people are trying, so to speak, to engage in some kind of entrepreneurial activity in village, that is, if earlier , let’s say, the opening of retail facilities in the village was the prerogative of mature people who have their own life experience, who have a certain income, and he already knows what he wants, the fashionable word startup has reached rural business , absolutely right, now young people, they are, so to speak, well, energetic.
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now colleagues show us our chat, on youtube, for example, they wrote there, they criticized the belynechi district, there’s no way without it, there are some other aspects that you have, you know, what’s the matter, what is today the day suggests that everything is perfect, this is probably wrong, because there are problems that must be solved, solved primarily in a working manner, today, if we talk about trade in the countryside, which exists, then the issues will probably be removed. first of all, when the working day of the chairman of the village council begins, maybe when he enters the village store, when he came in and looked at the assortment, when a member of the village council, passing by or coming in, he also came in, listen, maybe people in the village just no so demanding, maybe three types of sausage will be enough, than we have 200 here, but why people, i’m just asking, i’m not saying, no, we strive for the best, so three types of sausage -


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