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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 11, 2023 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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there can’t be too much, there can’t be too much, i’m very glad that fellow coaches, veterans remember the glorious victories when the unified soviet sports team won, they are proud of these, we had a single system, we took everything good from this system into the current management systems, and i i want to thank my colleague mikhailovich kavalchuk for the work that the ministry of sports and tourism is doing to strengthen. joint colleagues who once again demonstrate that we have a common task, i repeat, to strengthen the unity of our peoples, we are learning from each other, we spend every 3 months of this national sports system, and we are strengthening the unity of sports, as a very important factor in today’s stable development of society, i may not feel the same way about this coming of centenarians, but i am very pleased that in this year i’ve already celebrated my 50th anniversary of being in this industry, you know? i will say that this
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generation, which i can already imagine, they are carrying, they are carrying this flag, of the soviet union, they are now carrying the flags their republics, this is very pleasant and worthy. let us note that, despite the imposed sanctions, belarus and russia continue to work together creatively, the countries have created a single sports calendar and joint competitions are held in almost all sports, which demonstrate openness and hospitality. and respect for olympic values. that's all about sports for now, a more complete review on our nightly broadcast: take care of yourself!
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we have introduced such an indicator: what is the effect of investing a budget ruble? if you take induction activities, then in the first half of the twenty-third year , about 24 rubles worth of products were sold per ruble of budget investments, of which approximately 22 are high-tech science products, we do everything for the patient free of charge, absolutely all stages of treatment are paid to the patient by the state there is no difference , the operation costs 100 rubles. europe as a periphery
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is to use the intellectual, economic, financial, and technological resources of europe to strengthen the united states in a powerful struggle with china. and the efficiency of the government’s activities is, well, the highest, because even under the conditions of the imposed sanctions, nothing has fallen for us; this year we will have dew. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. if we were talking to you 2 years ago, i would have told you that there are about 70 girls studying in sports schools in belarus, at the moment there are already more than 200 of them, only in the new academic year there are already about 100 girls came to hockey schools, so yes, hockey in belarus is developing and developing, including among women. why did you decide to reach the republican level, the republican championship? what goals
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do you set for yourself? in principle, this is a logical development of the history of hockey, the history of women’s hockey, and in our country girls have the opportunity to play hockey together with boys up to a certain... age, that is, up to 13-14 years old, while there are no power techniques in hockey, girls play with boys, but then they are faced with the choice of either continuing to play with the boys where they are already forceful techniques, or look for other options for developing their sports career , or end it, therefore, in order to give them the opportunity to play further, one of the solutions is hockey, the national hockey championship among women's teams, in principle, hockey as the rule is recommended to give 6 years, this applies to both boys and girls, and if we talk specifically about girls, we are waiting for them at almost any age, because we want the development of women's hockey, moreover, we sometimes even invite girls from adjacent
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sports, from figure skating, from speed skating, and we are also waiting for girls from the age of 6, but it is clear that for some kind of long... sports career, it is necessary to understand that there are certain sensitive periods up to 12 years which are necessary, in which it is necessary to develop certain qualities, and the later you come to hockey, the less chance you have of playing it at any more than an amateur level. how many schools do we have in belarus today, how developed are they in our regions, how is women’s hockey represented, regions, there are 27 public hockey schools in our country. that is, if you know that there is an ice palace in your city, this means that there is a hockey school in it, in principle you can come and play hockey, at the moment girls play hockey in all public hockey schools in the country, it is believed that hockey is this is not a women's
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sport, but do you generally agree with this statement? no, i absolutely disagree with this statement, it’s just a sport, it’s played by boys and girls, men and women, and - hockey for women - has one significant difference, just one, but it is significant. it prohibits forceful techniques , so hockey for women is less dangerous, but on the other hand there are certain stereotypes, which also exist, probably, thanks to the famous song that real men play hockey, but this stereotype is not entirely is true, and women's hockey is safe, and...
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in general, hockey is played in the world in seven divisions in the world championship, competition, of course, is present, there are countries, leaders, as they say, here is canada, it is a multiple world champion, and as they say, as a rule, they are world champions, everyone else is playing for the remaining places, but in principle, competition is growing, women's hockey is developing and more than anything else...
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air. victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today our guest is the chairman of the republican party of labor of justice, alexander khishnyak. good afternoon. good afternoon. alexander nikolaevich, allow me to congratulate you. party you you lead, one of the few, or rather out of three, that has undergone re-registration; today we have four with belaya rus. parties, in principle, which it makes sense to talk about, you not so long ago, in september
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of twenty-two, became the chairman, in some interviews that we have already heard until today, you said that before its registration, in general there were a lot of disputes, it is necessary is she, tell us how these debates went and how you made the decision, finally, to be such a party, before...
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so widely, not in relation to our party , but in general to party building, they were covered, and i remember a meeting in one of the regions, when it was not a meeting, it was just a consultation, people had accumulated problems, me and the deputies present with me chambers, representatives probably spent an hour and a half advising people on various pressing issues, and...
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a useful society, right? you know, to begin with, you always just need to talk to people, and without this, well, you can’t draw any conclusions, you went for the second round, for what? second round we already went to prepare for the congress, which means that, in principle, we already saw people on whom we could rely, then we held the congress and made a decision at the congress, it was a collegial decision, not mine, which means it was a collegial decision that appropriate work needs to be done and submit documents for re-registration, which we eventually
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did, for which we congratulate you, thank you, by the way, here is the photo that we showed, it shows that... i think yes, it played positively, i hope so, on outcome, why do many games not were able to pass, although the president at the meeting said such a good phrase that thanks to re-registration it was possible to clear the party field of decorative and destructive forces, that is, all the other
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12 parties at that time were still registered, they didn’t want to, or they simply didn’t even have a chance did not have? you know, here you probably need to ask them first of all, why? someone applied for re-registration, did not pass it, someone did not find the strength in themselves, but if you consider yourself a certain political force, you have a history, it means you are not trying to re-register, this is wrong, well, many talked about some difficult conditions, about 500 and so on,
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so that one could say that this is impossible, but the main requirements, you know, the presence of structures in all regions and minsk, and 1 /3 the district should be represented by party structures in each region, well , the ban on funding from abroad is an innovation in the legislation regulating the activities of political parties. okay, alexander nikolaevich, please tell me, is this question inevitable than your party from others is different? well, the first thing that distinguishes our party from others is the name, well, that ’s logical, let’s go, the first, the first point that we always pay attention to, and those things that are already declared in the name, this is labor justice, still in contrast , probably from other political structures and
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parties, including, we are considering labor. not only as a way to work, earn money, labor is the basis of the existence of the state, at this time it is very important, in fact, not only because it is necessary to consolidate society, but labor is without there will be no further development of labor, well , i don’t know whether the communists are laborers or slackers or liberals or against you rightly, we won’t criticize the communists, but... this aspect, this aspect, no one, at least from those programs that i it is known, is not being considered , but as for justice, the request for...
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an institution that represents the interests of citizens in power, and one of not only the tasks, but the responsibilities of the party is participation in elections, representing the interests of citizens during the electoral system, from trade unions there is no such function, any party, if you remember ilinin’s testament, and i’m sure you ’ve read them, it should be in the vanguard, anticipate some public demands, look, labor justice is what our state, it defends without of all parties throughout its thirty-year history of independence.
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when you proclaim that you are a party of justice labor and register, are you declaring some kind of ambition, what? we, like any political party, declare ambitions to represent the interests of citizens in local advice. party in 2016, since then we have been working very closely with him, not only within the walls of the party, but on the platform
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of the parliament of our country, and what i would like to personally note is about a person and a leader, as well as the leader of the justice labor party, so this is a person who is a new formation, as i call it, a leader. and the rule is threefold: this is a patriot of his country, and this is a professional in his field , and this is a very decent person, so when such three qualities are combined in one person, then this is, of course, a worthy leader, this is a person who knows how to persuade, at the moment it is very important when people hear, listen and follow such a person. therefore, i believe that our party leader is a very worthy person, a professional patriot. this will probably be the answer to the question why
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your candidacy was nominated back then in 1922? probably, and i also liked that the party introduced us, it sounds fresh. well, in fact, i was nominated from the republican party of labor of justice in the minsk city council of deputies.
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what kind of work did you do? the most low-skilled: a shovel, which means carrying heavy objects, auxiliary work , well, then after gaining a little experience, somewhere i had to be a slinger, a carpenter, a concrete worker, but i started with hard physical labor, i ca n’t do a lot of things with my hands of course , there is enough time for everything, but i want to say that... well, that time taught me a lot, and something that i probably never talked about, for some reason i wanted to learn, and i will explain, this, i can explain this to you too, but it was a certain incentive , including in order to engage in self-improvement, well, not only in terms of the physical, but look, when you
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are building now. cities, do you have projects that you are proud of, of course, of course , these are what, you know, these projects are widely heard, these are certainly satellite cities, this is certainly the chinese-belarusian industrial park great stone - this is really such a project, which did not exist in belarus before, we developed industrial territories, but projects of this scale, here using world experience... including chinese, and not only chinese, this is a project with which it was not easy, and ostrovets? the city of power engineers, ostrovets, yes, but i want to say that the approaches to the construction of these cities, namely cities as if in addition to the enterprise, they were quite good in the soviet union, we are like that here, well, not...
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i still consider it one of the best in in the area of ​​territory development, i agree, and as a terrible motorist, i notice all these interchanges, which are much better than many places in europe today we have made between cities, the scale of china is amazing in everything , what is your participation in this, so that the audience already understands, we must understand that everything related to the development of the territory, urbanism and so on, is a complex work, absolutely not one people involved there. and architects, engineers, and specialists in the field of transport, ecology, including lawyers. my area is the management of this process, and discussion and control, and often making many decisions, where what objects will be, for what year now are planned, here are the plans, which year they apply to now, the plans, they have several stages, and as a rule.
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the object is planned for 5 years, the first stage is 10 , a little more than the second, we are looking only 10 years ahead for now, but the fact is that far-reaching trends are being laid in the planning of settlements, including for a fairly long period, there are projects that see the territory even after 50 years , then after a pause, let's discuss your experience, how it was useful to the city. construction, construction of the party, but for now let's take a break, not for long, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch.
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belarus. doilіtstva, which is important for your jumping and this time, you need to learn and master knowledge, for belarus the tree is as mature as it is... any masters of magli can work easily and from this material let's do whatever we can. varying and galloping to the façade, we really respect here the sprung- up appearance of the columns with the completed karyn order. history of creation of significant cultural ab'ektaў, was horrified that the construction was wrong, the thing was being done wrong, if you look inside the temple, the right effort was made, i almost didn't build. varyans uzho. it’s weak to swim to pallet processes, and there the said gate of the town hall was pure nonsense. cultural-asvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus. classic town halls in belarusian towns and cities at the 16th, 17th, and 18th
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centuries often contain elements of baroque architecture. the tile contains mars shells and mars eggs, which actually existed 40 million years ago. gladzice on our tv channel. computer game or real world? they entered the game, but left one thing out. everything is real here. this is the most extreme project in the country. heroes, reboot. he fights with himself. this time, instead of young fire and rescue professionals, representatives of belarusian show business will compete. top spots on the charts. they want to show character and express themselves even louder, i admit honestly, but i’m not an athlete, i’m an artist, this is not a vocal competition, i would like my fingers to remain intact, anton is waiting for you kushnir, there is no need for these dances, the presenters, every
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time it gives birth to its heroes, the mission control center is ready, tsup, ha, you need to unscrew it, otherwise you will remain living there. that's it, i lost , yes, it seems, yes, goodbye, what is he doing , serge, this is incredible, guys, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, alexander nikolaevich, a man of work, this is necessarily a representative of some kind of working profession, engaged in physical labor, or for example, an it specialist is also a person. a working person is also an it specialist, a scientist, of course, people of working professions, managers, and ordinary people.
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the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the leader of the republican justice labor party, alexander khezhnyak. alexander nikolaevich, well, we have already said, we mentioned that the party has been for 30 years, during this time...
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now in the party there are absolutely different categories of people, working people, these are blue-collar employees , they have remained in the party, no matter what, of course and people of intellectual work, representatives of science, statesmen including, here are completely different people who are close to these ideas, this is probably correct, because you cannot concentrate on any one category.
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and in general then they were interrupted, yes, there was silence, a pause, as you yourself said, for two years in the activities of your party, what was it, in the twentieth year, and what helped to maintain the main thing in your opinion?
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in the history of the party, this is not some kind of frozen formation, a living organism, and it is necessary, necessary, necessary to go through various periods, well , we went through this one, well, what helped, like you you think, get together, mobilize, register, there was a concentration of efforts of still caring people, this work took place on the basis of the existing deputy corps.
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we know you have a good relationship, now a question for you will come from the leader of the liberal democratic party of belarus , oleg sergeevich gaidukevich. attention to the screen. alexander nikolaevich, good afternoon. i respect you as a person, as a patriot, as a professional. i'm good for friendship. i am very glad that all the leaders of the four political parties registered in the country, communicate with each other, are friends, despite...
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including national brands, what the republic of belarus is doing, which means that there are no smart watches in belarus yet, which i use to communicate with my phone, but clothes, shoes, that means, and many, many things that i have at home, including household appliances, this is belarusian production, we should be proud of our industry as well, and one of the areas, including here -
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to get rejection from people, we must go out to media space, and we go out into the media space, and not only for me, but also for my colleagues.
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a person is, well, a little, a little, a little at all, that is, these are some active people who are looking for some kind of political life, besides the life that they currently have, but here’s another thing that confuses tatyana and i. , yes, when
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you run for deputy, you have to go around many, many roads and people, and present yourself and present yourself in such a way that...
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it won’t happen, but that is, what’s happening inside you the party is some other filter, and the selection of any organization, be it a public association, a political party, a personnel filter, if i, with the mandate of this party or somehow your sports card, go to register myself without your approval,
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nothing will work out, it won’t work out , it is not possible to do this from the party, but if a person, let’s say, does not come from the party, this is how the movement will collect a signature. convocation yes, that is, the method of nomination is the collection of signatures and decisions, and why did they decide in two ways, that is, you wanted for yourself to enlist the support of the people, and well, knowing that you will also pass from the party, or vice versa from uncertainty, you know why, from uncertainty, collecting signatures is
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such an event that will allow you to communicate with people, including bringing you closer together and is it possible to find out people's opinions, is it possible to collect signatures? well, collecting signatures is such a thing, you know, this work can be assessed in different ways. yes, some party structures had professional signature collectors and this is no secret, there are a lot of reports and articles about this in the media and opinions, and even well-known fees, and even well-known fees, about random people, you said that...
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you didn’t get there and then would not discredit this party, so i suggest you just think about this seriously, these
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structures should be headed real ideological people are moneyless people who cannot be bought, their opinion also needs to be taken into account in party building, these are the mechanisms of internal self-control in every party, it seems to me, there should be 100%.
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we have not yet created this structure itself, neither the party, nor the supreme national assembly, nothing has worked yet, but we already need some kind of superstructures, some kind of control bodies, well, let this train go in general, you know, here, here the main thing is to find a balance between control as a form, in management science, including there are very different studies in terms of control functions.
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listen to all the experts in their fields and hear some opinion, when the decision is made, this is the essence of party discipline,
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exchange of opinions is good, but when the decision is made, most of the decisions in accordance with the charters are made collegially, well, member the party must continue to carry out the party line, and society still learns lessons from the historical events that take place, and the most important thing that the twentieth year showed is that there is no need to solve problems on the street, there is a lot of institutes for this.
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and before, that is, the setup foreman is not an anecdotal figure, you know, this too, these are managers, i’ll tell you, managing a construction site is quite difficult, and no less difficult than leading a party, because to link all those processes, not to impede the movement object to the intended goal, that is, to the completion of construction is a very serious issue and... no less significant than the leadership of the party or some kind of collective, respect, the authority of people, a good leader needs to be earned by his deeds , it just doesn’t work out like that, and now we ’ll take a break for a while, after a short pauses , let's return to this studio again, for now , subscribe to our telegram channel, that's what it 's called, say don't be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1.
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let's plunge into the physical intellectual world of sports, where everything is important. oh, what a moment, blow 1:0. dynamo takes the lead. he actually created football in our country , the dynamo brand, and... from this brand, from this club came the whole history of belarusian football, victories, defeats, emotions and swiftness, minutes and seconds, so we try to help each other, help, and this is very positive, good competition, well, thank you for inviting me, of course, we always came, every year and will continue to come constantly, i recommend that athletes and coaches do not lose heart,
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on the contrary, look for, fight for your place in sports and... to prove with your victories, bright victories, insignificant victories and your precisely friendly team, it seems to me that this should unite us even more, only sports, only belarus 24, the investigative committee of belarus opened a criminal case against latvian officials under the article of crime against the safety of humanity. previously, criminal cases were opened against their comrades from poland and lithuania, although these countries participated in breaking the attack. in the countries of the middle east they are in no hurry to let refugees in, maybe this is different? the confrontation between the west and russia, which began during the cold war, has received an unexpected continuation in our days. in their attempt not to be like russians, representatives of the so-called civilized world have reached new levels. now it’s not enough for them that they have
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democracy, a counterbalance to slavic values.
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as a deputy of the minsk city council, what questions and requests did people most often turn to you with, what issues did you most often have to resolve? people addressed completely different life issues, often simply with consultations, but... the appeal is, of course, the sphere of housing and communal services, the sphere of school children's and preschool institutions, my district is kamennaya gorka, there was a period when there was a very tense
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situation with the availability of places in kindergartens and schools, so these issues are addressed. this is the program say don’t be silent, our guest is the republican chairman.
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