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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 12, 2023 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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for a long time, this is everything for me, the meaning of life, i am a monogamist and the ministry of emergency situations comes first for me. secrets of good morning and good mood. good morning belarus. on the air of tv channel belarus 1 from the satellites of tv channel belarus 24, the program of good morning belarus. my name is svetlana barovskaya. warm, don’t be yet and treat the legs of those who hurt.
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complex, sovereign countries and economies, dehumanization, dehumanization is happening before our eyes today, people who taught how to value human life are themselves today committing horrific crimes, the worst thing is when children die, i’m now talking not only about children in palestine, i’m now talking about half a million syrian children, about 2,500 children in donbass, and this is called collateral damage, double standards.
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yadnanne za proroday, dzikaya old-fashioned pile tree, belarus is dying.
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about complex things in simple terms. today we’re talking about how many bears there are in belarus, is it humane to shoot them and is it worth living according to the laws of the jungle in the center of europe? go. at night, at the end of august, i was lying in a tent on the shore beautiful belarusian lake kromon, and next to me we spent the night with a metal spoon of a mug so that we could drum one and the other if a bear came to our camp. according to my calculations, the roar must have been his. scare, it was a period when all the media had already covered footage of clubfooted people who, in 2023, decided that it was time to remind belarusians who was boss. bears were seen on the roads near lida and mogilev, in the village of kovalevo, vitebsk district in dubrovsky and krubchino in the shumilinsky district, in pudino, novogrudok district in nelidovichi near minsk, but when they appeared in borovlyany in gonoles under zhdanovichi, it became clear that the bears were not afraid of cars or crowds of people. in the village...
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i swam in a stream, not far from a residential complex and a noisy cafe. i understood that if predators are not shy about coming to people’s homes, then in the noliboki pushcha they are at home... and not me, and their appearance there is a very real scenario, especially since since 2003 the number of bears in belarus has grown significantly, 20 years ago, there were about 150 of them throughout the country. latest information they say that about 700 bears live in our forests; their count is organized by the academy of sciences, which also decides whether the population is in danger of extinction. based on its data, the ministry of natural resources. and environment approves lists of rare endangered animals and plants. the red book of belarus is simply an illustrated version of these lists. the red book is planned to be republished in 2025. and now the task of scientists is to count the animals again in order to
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decide which species should be kept on the list disappearing, and which ones should be excluded from it. old ways of counting bears are imperfect. people who live near forested areas. they were simply interviewed through questionnaires, where they indicated when and where they encountered predators. this made it possible to determine the approximate number of bears and determine their habitat areas. now, at the insistence of the ministry of natural resources, the academy of sciences has developed a special method for counting clubfoot. each hunting organization will count them all on its site. the experience of the huntsman and the camera will help. because the figure a more accurate one will probably show that we have more than 700 bears. “do we have a lot of bears or not enough?” - the scientists will answer, they will determine what number of predators is optimal for each region and for the country as a whole, and decide whether it is time for the bear to leave the red book? until this moment, experts from the academy of sciences did not think that we had too many
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bears; they were not going to exclude them from the list of endangered species, but their real numbers are still in question: does this mean that talking about shooting clubfooted bears is sacrilege? no, that doesn't mean it. they are not distributed by territory of the country evenly, it is impossible to assign 10 bears to each forest plot, give them registration cards and expect them to obediently sit in the permitted place. bears roam the forests; the bulk of these predators live in the vitebsk and minsk regions; in the bressk region, for example, they are not present at all. in places where there are too many bears, they begin to violate the boundaries between the bear and human worlds, and this is unacceptable. no matter how much respect we have. experts from the ministry of natural resources, scientists, representatives ministry of forestry, state inspectorate for the protection of fauna and plants and the hunters' guild, in order
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to jointly decide what to do with predators, including bears, in november the head of the belarusian society of hunters and fishermen igor shunevich, after a detailed consideration of the situation, proposed... not to remove clubfoot from red book, then at least allow their shooting where bears have bred and threaten human life. bears are very cute, especially if they are plush or painted. the brown bear, which is found in belarus, is a giant up to 135 cm at the withers, that is when a large male stands on four legs, he is only 30 cm shorter than the average belarusian woman. now imagine that he gets up. on the hind legs. belarusian bears weigh up to 400 kg. this is almost six people of average weight or two java motorcycles, only complete with agility, thick skin, sharp teeth, claws, powerful paws and jaws. when such a machine attacks a person to eat or
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maim, what are the chances of fighting back, that’s it. the bear is one of the few predators that may kill not because of hunger, but for the sake of curiosity. he doesn't know pity unless i die.' will not let go of the victim , it is difficult to deceive him, bears are smart and cunning hunters, they can ruin life not only with a direct attack, their presence keeps entire villages in suspense, people are afraid to go out and suffer serious losses when predators attack livestock, kill dogs, tear chickens and destroy apiaries, so if somewhere near a populated area there is a cute bear persistently hovering around, you need to do everything to prevent compassionate nature lovers from approaching it approach and report him to the executive committee. police or ministry of emergency situations. the authorities will assemble a commission, and if it decides that there is a danger to people, the animal will be euthanized, taken away or shot. yes, the bear is a red book bear, but there are times when this does not matter. if a bear attacks and
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is killed, the criminal case will be closed as soon as it becomes clear that it is a matter of self-defense. but even if it does not come to an attack, any wild animal can be destroyed if it is possible. kill or maim a person. a bear that came to the garden or to outskirts of the village, has such an opportunity? it has. how to find out if he will kill people, ask or hope for his order. it is unlikely that he will answer, and there is a risk that it will turn out to be dishonest, then risk people, confiscate, that is, shoot, and this is spelled out in resolution of the council of ministers no. 237 of april 11, 2019. the structure of the document contains a provision on the procedure for interaction between government agencies when an animal is discovered that may pose a threat to the life and health of people. this provision states who must be a member of the very commission of the district executive committee described by it. the powers and fate of the predator depending on the situation. shooting is allowed if the animal is seriously
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wounded or poses a threat to the life and health of people. moreover, the document assumes that the animal may die during capture; in this case, it describes how to deal with its carcass. too callous about the life of a bear, and this is because human life is more important. for those who want to live according to the laws of the jungle, we have more than 9.5 million hectares of forest. information about plans to shoot bison is generally clear speculation. some resources attached it to the news about bears and presented it as if bison were now dying out in our country, and someone insidious wants to allow them to be hunted. bison are indeed included in the red book, but hunting them is not prohibited, for about 10 years. this animal has a binary status: there is a main gene pool of the population, and there is a reserve one. this means that some of the teeth can be hunted, while others can be hunted. for beauty and reproduction. in our country, the bulk
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of teeth live in belovezhskaya pushcha, osipovichi forestry, ozyory reserves, in krasny bor vitebsk region on the territory of the polesie radiation-ecological reserve. there are also small herds, like dyatlovsky, with several dozen individuals. all bison in the country are divided into 11 micropopulations, and the legal entity that owns them is responsible for each of them. or manages the territory of their residence, for example, this is the forestry agency, its specialists are tasked with culling old sick animals from the main gene pool, or determining how many heads of the herd are larger than the optimal volume. transfer excess old patients from the main gene pool to the reserve one. for this purpose, by the way, they also collect a commission. rejected individuals are available for prey, that is, they are allowed to be hunted. hunters cannot shoot teeth in reserves . just like that, they are always accompanied by huntsmen, therefore
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it is impossible to accidentally kill a young bison of interest, and culled ones are not prohibited, this is enshrined in resolution of the council of ministers no. 708 on the protection and rational use of teeth, it is also written there how to legally transfer a bison from the main gene pool to the reserve one. in addition, our bison are bought by friendly countries, to breed them in their reserves. of course, healthy young individuals are sold for sale. in may, the first batch of nine heads went to bashkartastan, before that kazakhstan bought bison from us, that is, selling and shooting bison has long been legal, because the optimal number for preserving the population in our country is 1,500 individuals, and we now have 2,616 of them, this does not mean that they can be distributed and shot from right to left, but there is no reason to be afraid of the imminent extinction of this species. by the way, belarus is a country with exciting modern history. our bison is a rare animal, and i think it’s right to take the best from the experience of friends, because in the future
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we could conduct bison diplomacy, like china does with pandas, leasing them only to states with which it is ready to do business. we could build the same scheme with the sale of teeth, only to friendly countries. how many individuals, what kind of species are needed so that they do not fear for its safety, how citizens and departments should behave in order to maintain a balance in their relationship. belarusians with our nature legislators will write it down in the country's environmental code. there is no such document in belarus yet, but its concept already exists. after finalization, it will go through the required stages of approval, and like all documents on which the well-being of our land depends, it will land on the president’s desk. signing by the head of state will mean that the rules of the code will become fat for each of us. but for now these are plans for the future, albeit soon. look in. in the refrigerator, if there are no meat products there, your indignation over the shooting of large animals is reasonable, but if
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there is meat there, so you feel sorry for the animals only in the comments. answer yourself the question: are you ready right now , out of compassion for a predator, to sacrifice the life of yourself or your loved ones? there are people in belarus who are faced with just such a choice by proliferating animals, and if this choice is beyond the power of those who condemn, it is worth leaving the issue with wild animals. scientists, well , remember that in... everything is clear, see you later, we’ll tell you how to choose quality
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products for healthy dishes, buying good products is not so easy, but cooking... one of them is a pleasure: it is better not to take a piece of meat that is too huge; most likely the bird was fed gmo products and hormones. buy an orange, touch it carefully, the fruit should not be soft or deformed. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. we will have a french style breakfast, it is a clafoutis with goat, cheese and vegetables. the time has come to assemble our beautiful dish. i am a fan of vegetables, in order for us to be effective in everyday life, since we have been sitting a lot lately, we need to devote 10-15 minutes to work the gluteal muscles, we try
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to reach as far behind our arms as possible, while the pelvis should, on the contrary, try in the opposite direction. watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel, a show where they fight not with the help of physical strength, they have strength, they don’t need intelligence. in our program we will prove that this phrase has nothing to do with sports, because sports are the business of smart people. name the hero of the famous tv series in the past, who during his school years played for the ural stars team and even scored a hat-trick in the final tournament leather ball show. where the main weapon is intelligence, all these english clubs represent london, except one, aston villa, astonville, of course, we all remember that if a pawn reaches the end of the court, it becomes a queen, so purely theoretically, there could be nine queens to the court , however, activity will also play a role, as they call a long-
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distance runner, alexander, stayer, absolutely right, this is stayer, ilya, give it to others. play, this is the correct answer, absolutely correct, equestrian sport at the 2024 olympic games will be held at former residence of the french kings, i guessed that he should rest, which means it was not in vain that he was sent to rest, watch the intellectual sports show, head game on our tv channel, in our republic they have not forgotten what november 7 is, this holiday of social justice remains important.
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you are watching the news now, olga kalairova is here. hello. the prosecutor general's office continues to investigate the case of genocide of the belarusian people. about new sad facts during the patriotic war regularly.


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