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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 12, 2023 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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let's summarize the results of this day, when the strategy of rapprochement, and historical statements, like international meetings, become the prime minister of friendly unity in order to strengthen the economy and cooperation, the significance of the results of the december visits of our president, the eight-year reign of the ps is over, the poles have elected a new prime minister, we will discuss whether the wind will blow changes in poland, attempts to destabilize the socio-political situation and seize power. belarusian security forces detained the militant, kolenovets. don't miss the exclusive interview, mercenary from the name regiment the hanged man, immediately after the panorama. my colleagues will continue to announce the program. belarus sets the pace for international relations. alexander lukashenko's marathon of visits to asian and african countries caused widespread discussion in the expert community. why are we welcome even where westerners are asked to leave, and as a word.
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the president opens even the hardest doors. let's figure it out together with doctor of economic sciences irina novikova. the past year has been difficult for the european union. the economy is falling, migrants are causing problems, political division can no longer be hidden behind populist slogans. the once powerful association is fading before our eyes and risks soon crumbling. a new building is being built on the basis of magerevsk emergency hospital. in the future , battery technology specialists in svetlogorsk. we decided to support sports fans, they are building an ice arena, as soon as the facilities are put into operation, we will tell people what they need in the section. how a journalist from a state media outlet deceived the bcbs people into fake news, we’ll talk about this in today’s program. united arab emirates, china, several african countries, december turned out to be very busy in alexander lukashenko’s schedule. international
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agendas of a number of states. direct contracts, roadmaps for future cooperation, frank, rather harsh, and therefore widely discussed speeches by our president, as was the case at the dubai summit. all these are only visible results of work, despite the fact that not everything, of course, is revealed to the press. but even if you just look at the weight of leaders in the international arena, with whom our president had negotiations on how these events were reflected in the media, it becomes clear. footage of the diplomatic protocol of the dubai climate summit of 140 heads of state and government alexander lukashenko on the front line of the group photo. you don't have to be an expert to understand the significance of these details. the emirates are engaged in large and expensive environmental initiatives. by 2030,
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for example, they plan to create about 50 thousand green jobs, this means production in which they will primarily focus on preserving the natural environment, even if it is car production or waste recycling. over 15 years, the emirates have invested about $40 billion in projects to develop alternative energy sources. our president’s speech at the summit was very principled on this issue and therefore quite harsh. to destroy. iraq and afghanistan and bringing benefits to these countries for the peoples, it was estimated that from one and a half to 2 trillion dollars were spent, but count how much money was spent to protect these countries, and how many people died, you cannot estimate this in dollars, today there is a war in ukraine, this no longer 1.5-2 dollars, it... will cost 5
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trillion dollars if we manage to agree on peace in the near future. why is there no peace in this part of the planet today, because those... well, let’s direct them towards the cleanliness of the planet, and there will be no need to look for this money, as we say for coal. the emirates, which, without spending a single dollar on war and investing billions in the green economy, still periodically have to endure a wave of criticism from the west that they are
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oil exporters. this principled position of belarus, of course, resonates. by the way, in in the emirates, alexander lukashenko was separately received after the summit at the personal residence of the uae president. first of all, the collective west expects from russia and belarus the implementation of the paris agreements in general and the transition to alternative ones. more environmentally friendly energy sources, then they should certainly stop putting a spoke in the wheels of the development of our national economies and integration within the union state, simply because all these modern environmental technologies require quite a significant investment
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of funds. alexander lukashenko spoke about help developing countries on this issue, communicating a lot on the sidelines of the summit with african leaders. it’s hard for us to imagine, but it’s not that long ago. 120 years ago, almost the entire continent did not belong to itself. it was shared by great britain, france, belgium, spain, portugal and italy. and even when in the sixties and seventies african countries began to gradually liberate themselves, if they succeeded politically and economically, they were very dependent. and only now experts are talking about the real decolonization of africa, when france, for example, was practically kicked out of niger, banning the export of uranium and gold. in burkina fasso and malia and gabon and a number of other states where there is also.
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the past, which connects the countries of the former soviet union, russia, belarus with the african continent, is associated with a certain set of simple but understandable words that are important for every african. this is construction, this is healthcare, this is education, mostly all this is free and the most important word, which, of course, is for every african. africa needs a lot of technology, products, and training; belarus can offer all this. we agreed on a meeting, for example, with the kinya leader, at a summit literally within 10 days, alexander lukashenko was already received in nairobi, separately in equatorial guinea, this is the east and center
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of africa, and both states decide a lot on the continent. 74 specific projects in equatorial guinea that can be implemented tomorrow, and agreements on cooperation in kenya. here are the results of these.
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then it will be a conversation on equal terms. guinea, belarus and other countries should not import what can be produced locally. the country should not waste foreign currency.
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for china to be a powerful power, for china to develop, this is not only our interest,
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first of all, of course, ours, but first of all it is the interest of the entire planet. belarus, under the strong leadership of its president, managed to overcome the impact of various negative factors, maintain social harmony and stability, realize economic recovery and growth, which laid a solid foundation for further development for... china maintaining stability and long-term development is very important, and we have achieved great success in this work. in the modern world , titanic changes are taking place, new risks and challenges are emerging. much of what happens is unexpected for us. the chinese side is ready, together with its belarusian partners, to strengthen strategic cooperation in the name of creating a community with a common destiny for mankind. the press immediately praised the statement, beijing speaks out.
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agreements at the level of various ministries and departments. this is how we gained authority in africa, clearly, fulfilling its part of the agreements. we are welcome, even where westerners are asked to... leave. today we are ready to scale zimbabwe’s experience of interaction to other countries in the region. alexander lukashenko congratulated the president of kenya, william rutto, and the people of this country on the sixtieth anniversary of independence and confirmed belarus’ interest in intensifying interaction. in africa they are counting on us and waiting for us, and experts are sure of this. opinion
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of doctor of economic sciences irina novikova. hello irina vasilievna, we were over the past few days, we have witnessed such a large political marathon of the president in various countries, from china to africa. what is this connected with? is belarus in demand in the current geopolitical situation? yes, of course, because everyone can see what policy, what strategy we are implementing today, so the speech was quite interesting and the idea being pursued is absolutely correct.
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meeting of the belarusian head of state with leaders of african countries, as far as i am concerned i understand that some meetings were agreed upon there, or even the agenda was worked out, in this sense, is practice-oriented in belarus interesting, given the experience of zimbabwe, which is now being scaled up throughout africa as a whole. many, well, opponents laughed, what is zimbabwe, this is a country that is at the very bottom there in terms of living standards, and so on and so forth, and the country really has a lot of problems. their harvests fell, they began to famine, so when we began to cooperate with them, we offered first of all agricultural technology and our own agricultural equipment, yes, what we are strong in, that is , for example, gomselmash supplied combines, tractors, they were supplied, this year there was information that for the first time zimbabwe provided themselves with a harvest, that is,
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for the first time they did not have hunger and there was no need to purchase food abroad, that is, this...
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and it is clear that raw materials are needed, when the countries of africa, malia and niger, these are uranium-mining countries, refused them, why did they refuse, it would be one thing if they bought at a real price , for that ...
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while belarus is strengthening its internal independence and gaining new reliable global partners, our neighbors are being stormed by the winds of change. the change in political power in poland took place 2 months after the parliamentary elections, at the helm of the sejm, now the leader of the opposition, donald tusk. but the question is what to do with what the pis rule has turned poland into. huge hole in the budget, high inflation, corruption. politicians, strained relations with the eu , dependence on the united states, and also the ukrainian issue, this is an inheritance that went to the new to the cabinet of ministers about the polish crisis, material by evgeny
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belousov. millions of poles were waiting for this day; almost 2 months after the xth day , the eight-year rule of the pis party ended. the dictatorial regime of duda morowiecki collapsed. the day before, the seimas decided that the government formed by moraveski.
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in the previous quarter of this year , poland's official public debt increased by 7 billion dollars and exceeded 285 billion, which is 38% of gdp for a second.
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hole in the state budget. 4 billion dollars continues to grow, and in terms of inflation the country on the first lines in the eu. we have no subsidy, we have to pay rent, the electricity bill has doubled. i can't raise my price or no one will come to me, i have to find other ways to attract clients by doing more work and making less profit. it costs warsaw and kiev too much, only direct investment in the ukrainian war, weapons. euro, and this is not to mention the lost economic benefits due to grain, truckers, and migrants. it is not surprising that for more than a month polish carriers blocking the border with nezalezhnaya. and we should not forget that warsaw spent more than $34 billion on modernization of its own armed forces this year alone, naturally on credit. i am acting on orders from the united states; peace has managed to quarrel with the european union, purposefully destroying the unity of views and
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interests. however, in brussels warsaw was punished for such impudence with a ruble, that is, the euro. uncoordinated judicial reform cost the poles at least 556 million euros. more than 58 billion of post-covid payments from the eu general fund have not arrived. new government tusk now has to regain the trust of the european union, and for this it is necessary to follow the european path, that is, to resolve the issue with steel workers, a ban on grain imports and previously suspended supplies to ukraine. changes are also necessary in domestic policy, the conservative views of the pis in europe are unacceptable, and therefore the implantation of a rainbow ideology, the permission of abortion, and the transition to the euro are most likely inevitable. the complete polarity of views of the current and past governments may bring further political upheavals. dictator although duda has lost power in the seimas, the presidential chair is still under him, which means he is still
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able to create problems for the new cabinet. however. it is quite possible that the newly appointed prime minister himself does not intend to solve these problems. the long road beckons him again. according to the publication, tusk plans to serve as prime minister of poland for only one year, and then flee to brussels again to compete for the post of head of the european commission. evgeny belousov, mikhail drugakov, telenews agency. the coming to power of the opposition in poland may lead to increased disagreements between the new government and the head of the polish regime.
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but president duda does not have any views and never has, i mean this man used to be a member of the liberal party back in the nineties, then he changed his political beliefs many times, so if he treats his political future pragmatically, i think that ...
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the american government should not give out money to every beggar who comes to the states, and any help to kiev is help to nowhere. any person with a brain knows that the conflict in ukraine will end with negotiations. the idea that ukraine will push russia back to its 1991 borders is ridiculous. nobody really believes this. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. the average age of ukrainian armed forces officers is 43. this is tragic; it is in america's interests to recognize that ukraine will have to cede some territory to the russians and we need to end this war. american authorities should stop the bloodshed, not write more and more
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blank checks. ukrainians themselves do not believe in their victory, according to information washington post, kiev has almost no trained soldiers left, they are not going to risk their lives for the sake of corruption. quote: while ordinary ukrainians are fighting and dying, members of the government and representatives of other elites are driving around in expensive cars, and officers are taking bribes. the theater of military operations near our borders requires us to be on alert and defend the country at any time. the security forces of belarus are aware of the aggressive plans of our opponents to implement a force scenario in our country, attempts to destabilize the socio-political situation and seize power. all these intentions. carefully monitored and recorded, neutralized. not long ago, alexander kulikov was detained, who was preparing to participate in hostilities; he is now under investigation for mercenary participation in the activities of a terrorist organization. it is known that in
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a neighboring state, unfriendly forces are trying to form sleeper cells in belarus, ready to carry out terrorist attacks if necessary. we managed to talk with alexander kulikov, one of the kalinovites. a one-way ticket, the features of warsaw recruitment into the ukrainian meat grinder of europe were ethnic belarusians, each took their call signs, he took the call sign lennox, like
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a famous boxer, but was knocked out by the harsh reality. i believed that this could not happen in the ukrainian army, which is associated with the western army. theft, drug addiction and hazing. an eyewitness account , just people were beaten, milon, abdul and boomer , myth and reality, what is really happening abroad with fugitive belarusians, everyone has a general idea for himself, there are only guides for this regiment, how to conduct your affairs, how to improve your financial condition , returned alive, but completely broken, a mercenary from the regiment. named after the hanged man, watch on december 12 in the evening broadcast. ukraine's membership in the eu, no matter how much it was wanted, has become a bone of contention in the union. after statements from hungary and
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slovakia, they begin to leak zelensky in austria. the country's chancellor said that vienna will not support the draft long-term eu budget, which includes an assistance program for ukraine worth up to 50 billion euros. to that. austria no longer agrees to begin negotiations on independence’s accession to the eu. moreover, ukraine's membership in the eu it is expensive. according to a study by the institute of german economics, brussels will have to spend every sixth euro on kiev. this is up to 17% of the total budget of the european union, which is approximately 130-190 billion euros. in other words, experts say directly that if ukraine becomes a member of the eu, the union will literally have to. in the sense of maintaining an independent one. despite the fact that kiev is periodically promised a place in the eu, europeans understand perfectly well that this is just a carrot for the zelensky regime, whose agony needs to be prolonged. today the so-called leaders of the old world
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were faced with a choice. it is necessary to solve its own problems, crises within the union, while at the same time europe is a hostage to american ambitions. will they be able to sit in the european union? this is what our author’s program and platform is about. when there is no agreement among the comrades, things will not go well between the armored ones. this is an accurate description of what is happening in europe today. the country is approaching the upcoming summit in brussels with fairly battered economic and political turmoil. and there’s no need to think about how... to make life easier for your own people. people are going to talk about some structural reforms and ukraine’s place in the eu, although ordinary europeans are concerned about ordinary pressing issues, work, salaries and a quiet, well-fed life. but there is nothing to boast about economically.
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the european commission's autumn forecast for gdp turned out to be far from optimistic. it is expected that by the end of the year the association's economy will grow by only 0.6%, instead of the more than 1% expected in may. the reasons are simple. decline of industry and external demand. there are more and more unemployed, utility tariffs are increasingly higher, business is relocating to the usa, and ordinary people are expressing more and more distrust in their politicians, they are increasingly going to demonstrations, it doesn’t matter anymore and why? another sweeping wave of the migration crisis, a demand to compensate for covid downtime, or simply dissatisfaction with politicians. europeans are generally unhappy. it would seem that inflation has slowed down in annual terms, but ordinary buyers do not notice this. over the past two years, eggs have risen in price by 37%, potatoes by 53%, and olive oil by 75%. the example of germany, once the locomotive of the entire european economy, the country is now on the verge of recession. in 2023 it will decrease by 0.4% against the may
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forecast of growth of 0.2%. a member of the bundestag from the right-wing party alternative for germany, uv schulz, outlined the reason very specifically: sanctions against russia and economic measures by the ruling coalition in the country will lead germany and its economic activity straight to deindustrialization. it is not surprising that in 2022 russia has displaced germany from fifth place in the ranking of the world's leading economies. but the commissioner for... economy paolo gentiloni spoke out more metaphorical. they say it is all the numerous headwinds that european economies have faced that have led to a weaker growth rate this year. behind the economic crisis , a political ideological crisis is becoming increasingly visible. journalists boldly say what politicians are afraid to say. and their assessments are like this. danish radio columnist pris ole rybork avoided complex metaphors. plans for a grand summit for december. faced serious obstacles, instead of unprecedented european
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support, the summit could become huge a christmas gift to president putin and the kremlin from all of europe. there is a growing group of political leaders in european circles who do not believe that ukraine is capable of winning a military victory, and for whom their own political agenda is more important than the support of kiev. surprisingly, but true: in europe there really are politicians who are trying to put the interests of their states of people above those of the moment. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, for example, is said to be giving european politicians a serious headache. it is expected that hungary will completely rule out ukraine’s accession to the eu. and in europe they want to give less and less money to zelensky’s bandera regime. and the recent meeting between orban and putin has further strengthened the split within the european union. in slovakia, robert fica is also in the same boat with his hungarian colleagues. they refused to provide assistance to ukraine, and they clearly do not want to see a warring country in the european ranks, which is without it.
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sation of technical information throughout the entire life cycle, from the assembly line to after-sales service. availability of medicine preserving the health of every belarusian is a priority of our state policy, as well as the uniform development of regions and the opening of socially important facilities; soon a new building will appear in the mogilev city emergency hospital, and the residents of svetlogorsk will receive an ice palace as a gift. our next section is something people need. mogilev emergency hospital.
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every year, almost 100,000 residents of the region receive help here, the whole range from diagnostics to high-tech surgery, it is important that everything is in place, says a mogilev resident, alexey kalina, suffered a heart attack, but is already recovering and will celebrate the new year at home. they did everything quickly, diagnosed me, put me in the ward immediately for heart ultrasound and lung ultrasound. thanks to our state and doctors for their attention and care. we. we are equipped with the most modern angiograph, we are purchasing a good computed tomograph, a good magnetic resonance imaging scanner, good x-ray equipment and excellent equipment for operating rooms, including navigation equipment. system for neurosurgery, such a major update of the database it is no coincidence, because there are plans to raise emergency surgery in the region to a new level, once here in the very heart of the emergency hospital there were old buildings, they were demolished, now there is a large construction of a large medical center, it will become an accumulator of technology, specialists in the field of treating not only
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heart attacks and strokes, but associated pathologies, the building itself is unique, has different floors with its own specifics, the area of ​​the facility is more than 50.00 km. each floor has its own department, a neurological department, a vascular surgery department, on the operating unit will be located on the eighth floor, the seventh floor is the intensive care unit, in general there are more than two dozen operating rooms, they are located on each floor, about 240 people work at the facility every day, the building is connected to heating, which means the finishing work will speed up, including young people helping . now students from the college of architecture and civil engineering are in practice, this is of course not our first project, we also worked on the guy monument, on the new sputnik microdistrict... we helped build an overpass, it’s nice to know that we too nevertheless, they made efforts to build this facility, it will save people ’s lives, the construction of the ice palace is being completed in svetlogorsk, this year the builders have significantly accelerated the pace, they plan to commission the sports arena ahead of schedule, because adults and children, both daughter and son , are waiting for a gift , as they say, we have already taught the goats
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to play hockey, now we regularly go to the box and go ice skating, so we will be happy to attend, practice, ninth grader... vinogradova is not the first year he is fond of biathlon, dreams of growing to the international level in order to defend the honor of our country at the most prestigious competitions. every year i take part in the snow sniper competition, for 4 years, i shoot well, the most difficult thing is to start quickly in order to arrive quickly, if we skate more, then skiing will also become better. the palace will be multifunctional, a large private arena, almost five thousand seats for fans, and a gym is planned. class of choreography, acrobatics, very we hope that we will have new masters of sports, candidates will appear in general as a sport such as hockey, figure skating is possible, more than a hundred builders work at the site every day, at the same time utility networks are being laid, adjacent access roads, parking lots, and pedestrian paths have already been landscaped , local residents are sure that
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the arena will become a favorite vacation spot not only for them, but also for guests of svetlogorsk. andrey yastrebov and natalya ignatenko, tv news agency. the most important thing is people, our president has said more than once. in borisov for the first time performed surgery to remove blood clots from the arteries of the brain. the patient was admitted with a developing stroke. until recently, residents of the regional center could only undergo such an operation in the capital. we started in the twenty-first year, there were about 800 people, this year we transferred 100 patients, about 500 people have already received it.
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more than 200 operations have already been performed, 210 operations have been polished, everything is as it should be, attention to the level of medical care in sparsely populated areas in the central region, 22 mobile dispensaries are operating, by the end of the year they plan buy four more. these are the main events of this day, i say goodbye with this, the broadcast will continue with an interview with a detained militant, one of the klenovites, a mercenary from the hanged regiment, immediately after the author’s program of ksenia lebedeva. this is different. stay with us, it will be very interesting. soldiers and failures in training near kiev. how belarusian kalinov radicals are being prepared to become cannon fodder. the losses of this regiment are.


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