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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 14, 2023 2:40am-3:11am MSK

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for the rest of his life he had this youthful need to draw, to make something beautiful, he was very fond of beautiful women, beautiful people, beautifully dressed people, he did not allow himself any untidiness, for him a white shirt with a short sleeve was a must, perfume, a good hairstyle , neatly cut hair, and of course, discipline, this formed him, he was a disciplined person, in the workshop at eleven, then... at lunch, then again he finished drawing something, that is, this system, perhaps, gave him this creative longevity, because he wrote for a long time, almost until he was 90 years old, and then when he could not stand, he drew, drew with felt-tip pens, colored pencils, he loved flowers very much, he loved nature very much, and of course horses, horses - this was his love since childhood, not only because he was a cavalryman, everything was very interesting with him, he was a consistent... person
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, he remembered, he, for example, uh, made comments to me about how you draw, why do you draw like that, i draw winter, what - that crooked ebony tree, he says, there is such beauty in this white snow, i say, well, the snow is white , he says, and there are all seven colors, he knew how to start, he had some such properties, he made you look at the intention differently, but he somehow saw it, thanks his talent, apparently, i think, improved a lot, he loved music very much, about music and love for music, perhaps your mother contributed and well, yes, they were in childhood , i remember that i was waiting for them, they came from a concert and were very they vigorously told each other what they liked, what they didn’t like, these were very bright moments of life, he was life-loving, absolutely , he loved it very much, i know how he always waited for journalists, how he prepared for the day, why he always... received people in the workshop,
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because feedback was important to him, when this gallery appeared, he he said, it’s a blessing that my works won’t be collecting dust on the shelves, but they will be, people will see these, i write for people, it’s not that he wanted to hear a compliment, but he wanted to hear how a person felt this or that and how he understood, and how he understood this work, it seems to me that everyone, everyone who is with him collided, charged, when you left dad, i immediately wanted that...
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there was a question from some journalist for 87 years, why have you been going to the workshop to work for 87 years, he answers him, why? because i haven’t done everything for me yet, there are still moments that need to be completed, dad’s creativity for me is such a health pill, it’s such art therapy, because he broadcast what he himself loved people, he broadcast what he loved ...nature, everything that surrounds him, and this is conveyed in his works, that is he always has this feedback in his work, he knew that people would see it, and so it happened, he had art in everything, art, invite people, accept people, in the workshop, teach too, teach, tell , suggest something , well, spy too, here he was, he had a manner, you came to him, he had
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a camera in his workshop, he took pictures of you and for some of his moments, then used creative ones in his works, and he loved watch programs on culture, about art, loved watching artists, to watch how they are hung in the gallery, how the painting alternates , how sometimes we talked about this, that is , he was all interested in the details, this is how it all works, and have you ever discussed with him, maybe the topic ... have you thought about the art of the future? well, he said that art, it will have to be very sincere, it should be very sincere, when you write, you think that you are writing sincerely. leonid chemelev, when making drawings, changed his style depending on the creative task. he painted then thin, with clear strokes in a quick and slightly sketchy manner, often choosing a pencil, he worked out the form in detail. modeling it with a non-contour
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drawing, the master mastered an expressive single-contour pencil line and made excellent use of a picturesque chiaroscuro style. in interviews, he often noted that he could not imagine life. without canvas and brush. everything that i embody in canvases is my life. this is the history of my homeland, this is memory as one of the most cherished concepts. these are people whom i love endlessly, and nature, without which i cannot i think about my existence. yes, said the master. leonid chemilev was sure that art should bring joy and the desire to live. if a person who sees the picture feels warmer in his soul, then the goal has been achieved. yulia burlo was with you. let's follow the cultural path together, see you again in exactly a week!
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well, the third world war is already, as some say , it seems to have been going on for a long time, only the forms are quite hidden, the west understands perfectly well that russia and belarus cannot be defeated by military means, it is impossible, the bet is always on that an internal explosion, without organization , will not raise any mood anywhere. everything is collapsing everywhere, ukraine, the card was played, nothing worked out, plus there is a refusal of the dollar all over the world, yes, they managed to topple europe today, but this does not allow them to fully revive the united states as a world hegemon. the world
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is at a breaking point, in this version, of course it will not exist, but the hegemon cannot retreat, what he managed to do, excuse me , will still hurt him. anything, good or evil, it comes back, especially evil. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. in minsk, the results of a whole range of business trips of the president and government were summed up: china, the united arab emirates, vietnam and african countries, a busy negotiation marathon and a wide range of agreements that now need to be implemented, as well as think about perspective. how did prime minister alexander lukashenko lead india? a specific plan for joint work with this country is another task of the mit. strict control in each of the new areas (fundamental requirements president). so that you take special control of the results of these business trips. we worked with equatorial guinea in a new way, everything went under my strict control, the minister of foreign affairs visited there, established contacts with this state, then specialists worked, and the ministers,
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on the eve of my visit, having visited this country, developed the main directions, in my opinion , there are 15 of our work with the equatorial and 74 specific projects. also, the united arab emirates are ready to join our joint projects in africa continent, this is a new and very promising window of opportunity, given the large resource potential. chairman of the central election commission of belarus igor korpenko held a meeting with youth activists in minsk.
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information and educational activities, where meetings with young people occupy a special place, are a new measure in the preparation and conduct of the election campaign, which is enshrined in the electoral code. to this work. a new body created under the central election commission is also being involved - the youth council, which includes future lawyers and students of belarusian universities. for young people need to understand that the election campaign must be looked at from several angles, firstly,
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voting stations will be formed no later than january 10, and precinct election commissions will be formed by january 25. the ministry of foreign affairs hosted a meeting of the advisory council on the affairs of belarusians abroad. at the opening , the head of the foreign ministry sergei oleinik emphasized: belarus appreciates the positive contribution of belarusians.
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force the consumer to choose one manufacturer or another. in turn , belarusian pharmaceutical enterprises today they offer the market modern drugs that are not inferior in quality to foreign analogues, while the price is an order of magnitude cheaper. there must be equal representation. here we have a brand resolution that concerns trade in general, where we say that goods within the eurasian economic union should be equally represented. the same principle should apply here: here is an imported drug, it costs so much. there is a belarusian drug, it costs so much, it is an analogue, so the consumer must have equal rights to choose what he needs.
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at the end of last year, belarusian enterprises produced medicines worth $600 million as part of import substitution. belgos food industry is expanding its export geography, and belarusian confectionery products are supplied to 24 countries. foreign consumers are offered the assortment that is in demand and can compete in quality and price. signed a contract to supply products to vietnam; china is demonstrating a steady growth trend in sales. more manufacturers are gaining a foothold in the market of the allied five countries and mongolia. the african vector is being worked on. of the total production volume, almost a third of goods are supplied to the external circuit. most of it is sold on the domestic market. on the eve of the new year and christmas holidays , businesses will focus on holiday gifts this year by releasing at least 2.5 million special sets. how
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long has it been since you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting every word, from all manifestations of humanity? creativity. the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. they are heard clearly and distinctly. the voices of people, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books. through reading, a person survives centuries; reading brings
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generations together.
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how unnatural is the prism of the presentation, primarily by the western media, of those events that concern russia, belarus, here it is time to talk about the abuse of freedom of speech, but for the west we are not only competitors, this is a tasty morsel, which they are always looking forward to, the antarctic treaty system today
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includes 54 states, only half, including the republic of belarus, can. in our republic they have not forgotten what november 7 is; this holiday of social justice remains an important date in the state for the people. and there is always a parade of gifts on this day. the country received its own nuclear power plant on a turnkey basis. from now on, we, in the ranks of the leading powers, have implemented the largest strategic project in the history of sovereign belarus. belarus with prefix
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electric, electric, electric car and electric bus. principle. divide conquer continues to be relevant. democracy exporters are stirring up regional conflicts with such frenzy. push everyone together and sell weapons to the parties to the conflict. the fundamental concept of us foreign policy. geopolitical confrontation is intensifying, and customary trade ties are collapsing. this is a serious challenge for our open economy. belarus began supplying food 10 years ago. and today about 160 of our brands have access to the chinese market. main.
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business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus. may be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. hello everyone, my name is kayla, i come from venezuela, in belarus she studies russian, in the end
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i was kept here for 8 years because i fell in love, i love this country, the people, and also the herring popshuba and the cold one, and most importantly, i like to travel and shoot videos, hello, my name is taimari, i also from venezuela, i really like belarus and here... very kind people and they also have the most delicious fried potatoes. ola! there is little time left until the new year and of course we continue to get acquainted with the sights. where are we now? well, i know that we are in the village, there is snow everywhere, there...
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yes, well, i guess i hope i didn’t mix anything up, let’s go and look for what’s wrong, even if i mixed it up, we
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’ll get the whole story soon, yes, you’re with us too, and you know that, what i like is when the sun is there, yes, and look around, it’s unbelievable, as if. you can't do that to venezuela. look, kayla , you just said venezuela, and i noticed the house, it looks like the house of the avorigeni
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nashi, i don’t see anything, but if we get closer, we can look better, but still get it like ours, what? knock, it’s better, let’s go, we’ll lose all the time here, really, well, that’s it, really.
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so we didn’t learn anything, i hope that somewhere else they will tell us everything, at kali, look, it’s white, white, like snow, yes, it’s even difficult to separate it from the snow, but it still gives an effect, but you know, right away it’s clear that this is a different style, we are scoundrels, it seems to me, i don’t know, it looks like this style, well, something like that? because we are used to it and you know that it is also modern, it seems to me as if it was recently built, but if we go like this slowly, we won't learn anything today, slowly, slowly, let's go faster, better, kayla, what are you mixing up, i'm mixing up that it looks like the cards where you play this. the king and
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queen are ace, and i immediately see that this is an unusual style in belarus, an unusual style in belarus, i feel that he is rich, uh-huh, well , it’s as if a king lives there, it doesn’t look like a fortress, it’s 100%, what do you think, and why is it also higher, well, you look there, this is a lower territory, i think that all the castles were built before. height to see best, then you agree with samona that maybe the king lives there, even if he does, we’ll meet soon, oh, taymari, you know, it seems i got confused,
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have you ever been to st. petersburg? yes, yes, but in your opinion it doesn’t look like petergov, but where there are a lot of fountains, it seems, only here there are few fountains, and there is a lot of salt, a lot, yes , but there is a lot here, there are also invas just like there, well, but there are still monuments there, yes, well, there are big ones, there are a lot of them, but i suggest you look for them, and i have already discovered the door, so i suggest i go there. and you go there, and i want to go there, well, clearly, i understand why she wants to go there, yes, but hello, beauty , who are you, you can see a beautiful figure , but they didn’t cover it well, but i wonder why such rich people used to be, the kings took
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greek mythology and always put such figurines in their territory in zanke, well, you must agree, she’s beautiful, but you’re not that cold, but i suggest you cover yourself completely , otherwise you’ll get the flu, or what she’s holding in her hands , there’s an apple right there, and there are guys, somewhere aimari, a little uncovered too , she provoked him m... you can’t eat an apple, and he looks on her, it’s interesting how the taimoristan, oh, even the statues, such characters are so invented, oh, this is the first time i’ve seen such a style in belarus, it looks like michelangelo, who in italy, also stands like that, but the hair is missing, but it looks like maybe , it says here who he is, but
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i think it’s... exactly michelangelo, but i won’t touch it, okay, we looked at the statues, but we need to fight with the hearts of the kings, so we need to come up with a competition. stay, you know that if we want to win the king, then we must play fair on the throne, you you'll always come up with something, yes, so i suggest you just run from here. whoever won a better crown today, but well , there will still be two crowns, i think, let ’s go here first here to start, yes, well, uno, to the best, it was cool, well, that’s it, after all.
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oh, kayla, dewy light, yes, it’s like for us, for a girl, yes, i agree, just imagine, this is a castle purely for a girl, this tower will be here.


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