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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 15, 2023 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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countries to the african continent, because equatorial guinea is a very closed country, it is even called the united arab emirates in its own way, yes, but only in the african world, that is , the authority is so high, it is a country rich in natural resources, oil and gas, they said a lot that we are going to build agricultural towns here, supply equipment and so on, a whole road map has been signed and spelled out, but here’s... an interesting point that literally the day before the morning, before the heads of state met in a few hours , another very important point appeared in this general program, but here is control over the execution of instructions, and this is perhaps the main fundamental thing, the minister of agriculture even joked on the sidelines that we are scaring them a little with our pressure, but nothing, the main vector has been set, political will, political decisions are there, so it’s just a matter of...
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little remains to be done, in six months we’ve already made a big leap. china, china is a separate topic, many people discussed that the head of state was not present at the summit in beijing, they say how so, they whispered, exchanged glances, then a full-fledged working visit of the president took place, alexander lukashenko, sidin pin, teta, in a broad format discussed the issues that we have today, in general, and i... i think that the visit to china, to the celestial empire, is very important precisely in the context of our visit to africa, in particular to equatorial guinea, with which china is very actively cooperating in various areas, including military. i think that experts today will help put together this whole string and logistics chain in the overall picture, i will definitely say that, in my opinion, it is already very clearly visible, very clearly visible. how the world has changed and how this
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blanket has now been pulled to a completely different pole on a different hemisphere. well, in addition, please remember these shots from the climate summit in dubai, when before the start, before the photographing ceremony, alexander lukashenko actually organized an intercontinental summit, where there were representatives of different african states, different states of the eurasian continent, it seems. looks like we're already seeing the emergence of a new, if not an alliance, then at least a new center, a center of power and common interest, this will be very interesting to watch, i give you the floor, kirill, studio, and i will listen to our conversation online, see you in minsk next week, from africa my colleague, alena. alexey
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, please tell me, you know, journalists have recently been putting forward such interesting terms in order to describe what is happening there, this entire community of countries that our president visits and talks with is called such a brix spear, which directed against the west, well, kind of artistic things like that, or they say that this is the global south, and tectonic political plates begin to move, and indeed. this whole policy of isolation, which was aimed at the leaders of russia and belarus, putin and lukashenko, it is completely destroyed, we saw vladimir vladimirovich’s visit last week to two arab countries, to the united arab emirates and saudi arabia, and there is absolutely no smell there isolation, our president, as alena said, he really gathered such an intercontinental summit, it looks like what journalists are really saying is that some political shifts have begun around the world.
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that the usa, great britain, the european union , with their resources, and financial, economic , can no longer act as someone, you know, an attribute of a manager, such a global manager, let’s not say hegemon there, such catchy words, just a global manager of the world economy, they are already they can’t, they don’t have the resources, and as a result, naturally it is necessary... to build something different,
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because everyone understands that since the global manager does not have resources, well, now they still exist, but tomorrow they may not exist, then the day after tomorrow some may begin. global economic crisis, everyone wants to avoid it by any means, but in order to avoid the fall, the collapse of the united states of america of this entire old post-war system, it is necessary to very quickly find common points of contact , to understand that it is these direct contacts, and personal meetings, that they they will literally allow you to do it over the phone.
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phrases to go away and say that they are trying to awaken africa, to awaken it with large investments, these investments have been going on for the last, probably 20 years, because those global corporations, global banks that monitor all trends, and the productivity of this or that region, are well aware, for example, that no matter how much we praise, the asia-pacific region is gradually beginning to stagnate, its growth rates are beginning. to fall, this is no longer interesting for world capital, we need new points of application, new points of application are certainly the entire african region, it has not been developed , it needs to be used, so investments go there and it seems to be awakened, everyone starts talking about africa, it is clear that
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belarus is not a country with such a scale that is capable of raising the entire african region, yes, but we note the most important thing. we are not entering the african region , you know, with an outstretched hand, there, give us some contracts or give us some projects, no, we are entering with a very high status, technological status, managerial status, we know how manage projects, we know how to make money, we know how to feed the people there, and give them work and the opportunity to earn good money, and this is what attracts african countries in short, so that we don’t leave.
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you didn’t name it in africa, they are dividing the market, and cheap labor, resources, whoever is the first to stake out their zones of influence there will earn money here, so i say again, explosive growth occurs where the cost of labor is the lowest, and you can use modern production technologies can quickly achieve some growth, so they today they are fighting for access to resources, and investment means seizing a deposit and other things, and that means...
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china, the united arab emirates, some real guinea, they are essentially different, well, that is , not only are the countries members of different unions , countries that from... turned out to be a country with which everyone can agree, but no, i actually don’t think so, i think that the key word that should be heard is our eurocentrism, it would be strange if, being , actually in the center of europe, we are also in them did not suffer to some extent, and here for
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observant people nothing supernatural is currently happening, the head of our state studied at such a specific... faculty that teaches you to look at things from a different angle, and you know, the soviet strong school of history , she never discounted these states, there was no shame. the head of state, i think, understands this perfectly well, and the logic of his actions
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tells us this, these visits of his, they only seem spontaneous, in fact they are very simple you can look at at least the messages to the national assembly of the belarusian people, where the head of state has already said this and, moreover, even outlined certain points on the route, then we add up the line, we can look at the autumn of this year certain of...
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kenya is generally a country that a very large number of countries focus around them, including tanzania, uganda, and ethiopia , including kenya, and many simply do not know and do not understand this. the question is, again, we spent a lot of time under the liberal views of europe, our fugitives, i have already said this more than once, why did the belarusians go to zimbabwe, this is our visit at the beginning of the year, the british, the americans are all from there.
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now we are establishing bilateral contacts , it seems that this is how you began to talk about the soviet system, remember, we have a university in trisal ulumba, in fact, we knew a lot about africa , we served in angola, this is the same approach, this is a fundamentally different approach, because that the world order is changing, like tectonic plates now there is a serious movement going on on our planet, and i think that in 5-10 years the world will be completely different. africa is... the future of the world’s economy, or it’s just a story in which
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you need to invest a lot, or it’s really some kind of mystery country, but for some reason everyone, americans and french, are fighting for it, the british, the russians, the chinese, here we are, well, let’s go from africa, although in general i would say at the beginning why we went there in the first place, that is, the thing is that i wouldn’t say that there
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because the goods must not only be produced and delivered, there have been changes in cooperation ties, that is, the supply of technologies, including the supply of components, is not as profitable as with ukraine, well, that’s why, of course.
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the development of individual countries, i say again, cannot be approached using the same template, they exceed the global ones; out of the top 10 countries that are today leading in terms of growth in economic indicators, five countries are. on the african continent, these numbers indicate that indeed the african continent is the future, the future from all points of view, from the point of view of approaches, how to work, how we work, how others work, i would not agree with several theses of my colleagues, in general i fully supported the trend, but the fact that english companies left the uk,
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german ones there , they didn’t leave, they just got tired of their colonial trend and approach, come, take, extort. the people's republic of china, they are really withdrawing hundreds of billions of dollars of investment, they are localizing and so on and so forth, so we are not just going there we sell products, this is the first step, in order to get acquainted with our products, you need to understand that this is the export of not only
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food products, there is consumption, yes, but these are complex technical products that require service.
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many people looked at africa from the point of view of ideology, soviet ideology is a country that was helped by the soviet union, if this is a capitalist ideology, then the united states, now the paradigm of some kind of international cooperation is really changing, what do we come with? many people say that, for example, our president, after he visited dubai, he was in china and china, which is now the largest investor on the african continent, as a matter of fact, is. well , including big partners, so to speak , the entry of the belarusian economy, belarusian, belarusian enterprises into the african market is politics, ideology or economics. what is truer for us now? i think there is a combination of reasons at work here and we have to look very carefully at the political component. economics, i
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i agree with my colleagues, it is very important, but today we bring to these countries where we travel the multilateralism that everyone dreams of. here is belarus, i think this is the tour of our president, and the agenda that we are launching is the beginning of multilateralism, because you cannot decide early in the morning where, that we are... going somewhere, it is necessary that that side too was ready for this, and we see today that there is not only a promise from our side, there is a very high level of interest from africa, from china, from the neighboring east, today everyone understands perfectly well that the economic , political, international mechanisms are not working, they have entered a very phase that is causing concern, and in order to talk about building... we need to get to know each other seriously, africa, i absolutely agree with colleagues, this is still teroincognito for us, and alexander grigorievich did today, in these days, he took
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a very important step, we must get to know our partners, we have diplomatically almost six months from the meeting of the two ministers of foreign affairs at the airport before the signing, this is exactly what i am pointing out that we are talking about the counter-measures very seriously. movements, and this does not mean that the republic of belarus is trying to forcefully break through somewhere, but that these processes, we are integrating into world processes, and we have felt them very sensitively today, i also wanted one important moment, i have already said in some programs that my life seems to be consciously divided into two parts, that is, as an engineer and as an economist, back in soviet times, when i worked in seva, we really connected, well, i had a different level with my african colleagues, so to speak. ours, it is very important here, i noted then, now i see, so to speak, at a high level, personal and interpersonal relationships are very important, especially between state leaders, so if some of
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our opponents say: that’s where alexander lukashenko went on a tourist visit, no , it is with these kinds of visits that future countries begin, so the concept can be tracked by these visits, but this does not mean that the president arrived, agreed, everything is fine, let’s remember two or three or... a month ago there was a large presidium of savmin, where the prime minister considered the relationship, how trade and economic relations with the african continent are developing, and he noted some negative trend there, yes, that is, there is no growth, oddly enough, there is a decline in external economic relations, absolutely an indicator, but he said that the political level of contacts today prevails over the economic one, so the next step is very important, it is necessary implement these... well, look, this is what you always talk about, i heard from you that phrase the collective east, which
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opposes the collective west, so , in fact, our president is now going on a big business trip to the collective east , we can say, we are also part of the collective east, we must start with this, like this, yes, but not the east , what is the collective east, well, someone says? so, what is the collective east, these are those countries that have never participated in discrimination and colonization world and have never stood for those who colonize and discriminate against the world, we , on the contrary, are the injured party and today we cooperate with those who for decades, they say directly here, if we take the chinese concept, have been colonized and discriminated against for centuries. for example, let’s take equatorial guinea, the country is a former colony of france, yes, and the president of equatorial guinea directly
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says: yes, we received formal political sovereignty, but we do not have economic sovereignty, here is alexey talks about western transnational corporations that own companies in countries, what africans want from us, to rise up with us and throw out these corporations. this is the creation of alternative, parallel, international structures in politics, economics, and international relations, which should replace that unipolar
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well, yes, well, bring technology, no one is talking about revolution, this is essentially, the second part we are talking about the big visit of our president to the so-called countries of the global south or collective east, as our colleagues say, andrei petrovich, we started talking about the fact that in essence we are coming to the african continent with some technologies, with our own ideas, but at the same time as equals, again i will return to the same russian experts , they say this, china
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comes there with investments, the russians come with their... equipment with protection, well, what to hide, we come with the technologies that we have, peaceful, but still, i understand so perfectly that like petya he says, this is the territory, the frontier between the west and in the east, it’s not clear where he will go there, especially since some countries in africa, for example, through coups, are going over to the side of good, as we call it, yes, that’s the military component of these visits, in fact, the military component of this global south or collective east. it is very important to us, we learn something, or we bring something , well, i also want to add a little that let’s see how the head of our state, starting, well, let’s say somewhere in september, really approached all these aspects of problems, well , firstly, starting from the meeting with vladimir vladimirovich putin in september, why, within the framework of the summit of this cis treaties, then the csto, we met in kyrgyzstan
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, we met in minsk, we met a lot... a lot later, of course , climate summit, this aspect of the climate summit can be taken as a starting point, where the provisions and points that we are basically discussing today have actually already been determined, look, the meeting really with representatives of african countries, very many meetings, so the initial aspect, the initial points related to exactly how we will move forward, were discussed there, after that.
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united arab emirates, the second trip where the head of state took place, namely to the united arab emirates, where these aspects were also discussed. where and how belarus will act, they invite us there for a reason, and it is not our weakness that russia, china, the united arab emirates stand above us, on the contrary, this is an indicator of our strength, our political will and the authority of our head of state, that we have now arrived there, behind us are those who will not allow belarus to be thrown out of here just like that, yes, those who are today from these western countries
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, everything else is the same... these are those main companies, like shell, there , this is shell, mobil, mobil and so on, all these main companies that are connected specifically with oil, which absorbed themselves there, in the end there were five sisters left, the two, as they say, were dismantled in parts, it is no coincidence that belarus ended up there in these aspects, next, let's see what in general, this is happening in africa, there was such an interesting summit between africa and russia, remember, africa, russia. 54 african countries arrived there, it was planned, in the end 45 arrived, 16 were represented by top officials, well, the rest as it turned out, equatorial guinea was not represented by the head of state, theodora, he was not represented
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there, but when a coup happened nearby in the state in gabon, already in october the head of state found himself nowhere. and the fact that we came there today to equatorial guinea is not by chance, we visited malaba, we visited then rio muni, that is, yes, where the new capital is, a city of the world is being formed there, as it is translated, yes, that is, all these moments where the head of state visited today, they...
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lukashenko managed to do, think about it, against european countries imposed sanctions on us, ukraine, our major trade and economic partner, imposed sanctions, a number of countries around the world, australia, us allies, etc. , etc. imposed sanctions, but we managed - last year plus 4.3 billion dollars to trade taking into account goods and services, you know, that is, building competent, healthy relations, we increased trade turnover with china by 95%, increased exports by 65%, the russian federation opened its market to us and we work efficiently, because we don’t knock hard on the table anywhere, we don’t spit in anyone’s direction , we have common sense, pragmatism, respect for partners ahead, and our individual neighbors,
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let’s not point fingers, let’s behave diplomatically, political ambitions and desires to bite someone are ahead, but they are already shooting themselves in the other foot, poland, our neighbors, lesh, please tell me, here in fact, we can... observe in the future, i already, as it were, from the position of such pleasant optimism for me, am talking about the fact that our countries, which we now call, say, unfriendly, the russians, that they will at the end...
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a year and say about the fact that it is weakened now , no, it’s just being rebuilt, it’s so used to it, it’s been rebuilt like this every time for 400 years, capitalist, and this is the world order, so our task, that’s the most important thing now, and it was the president who flew in, agreed at the highest level level, and... then simple management work is underway, yes,
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those who will implement all these agreements, yes, implement them locally, the task here is for our managers to make maximum use of the speed mode, yes, the time mode, in this case belarus will have results , otherwise, if we miss a little time, they will come and cut us off, where we can speed up at our sole request,
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your interests will not be taken into account, why? they take it and take into account themselves, this is how to defeat this. i'll quote, i'll just quote, putting is coercion despite resistance, i calmly explain in russian, if washington collapses tomorrow, they will simply cough, half of humanity
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will die of hunger, that is, a sharp fall of such a system is impossible, only idiots, illiterate people who even ended badly. china, a powerful economy in terms of purchasing power and the first in the world, behaves in a very balanced manner, which allows the people's republic of china to achieve such success, including in the economy. we in belarus need
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to behave 10 times more carefully and in this system we are not talking about collapse some pole. our task is to strengthen our pole. so much so that he is taken into account, whatever you want, a nuclear war, whatever you want , economic collapse, stop talking with the language of the cold war, yes, indeed today we have come to this on the threshold of nuclear war, but here are those guys who are pouring the mill again for these matters, next time on the air we will issue military tickets and send them somewhere to serve, that’s all, well, if they want, that’s all, take off the buttonhole, go to fight, what’s the problem , what’s the problem, someone wants to live.
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interests, what the conflict is today, is the armed defense of their own guinean army, yes, they have about one and a half million there, this is the purity of the population, 1,200 military personnel, three armored personnel carriers, two planes, one helicopter, but i’m exaggerating, so with from this point of view, this is where i agree with vadim, that
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is, we need to find general trends, so to speak, that are of interest to a specific country, a specific region, today’s trend. this is a strengthening of the military component of this country, we cannot declare that we we will help create an army, we need to be smarter, i agree, but in our heads behind the scenes we mean this, together with our russian partners , we supply equipment there with the help of financial instruments of the same russian federation, there is such an insurance policy as exr. here is an example of a case where belarus, without conflicting publicly.
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france, who controls france and europe further, i think everyone understands, this is the dollar, into which they will throw the latter for now, unfortunately, this is the world order we have, which we are trying to fight today, it was correctly said, but these negative trends are still interrupted by the fact that something needs to be done, so the president does it. he himself is a former military man, he is 81 years old, so he has such a bearing, to this day, he graduated from the general military academy in zaragoza, then commanded. the national guard, which usually happens after this with the support of the people and the army, carried out a coup d'état, now in 1979, he
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leads this country successfully, according to the human development index, this country is included, well exactly in the top five in africa, not to mention the orp, nominal value, gdp in terms of purchasing power, also from three to six, they say it has its own problems, everyone knows, the same thing, this is connected with oil, that it begins to end if they were mining before.
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to moscow, what was discussed is already obvious, well, probably not oil reserves or how to send belarus to africa, no, the issue of the gas sector was resolved there, and today this issue is not being resolved in vain, it is being resolved today not by america, nor by the british, he is being decided today by this circle of people who are able to change not only in africa, but in the neighboring region, and by and large the following is happening there, today they considered it to be in order. 155 places where armed conflicts and various tensions take place, crisis situations and everything else.
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the americans have six aircraft carriers left on the move, two of them they sent to fight, one, as they say, in the mediterranean, the second is there now and the houthis are putting it in place, yes, there are four aircraft carriers left, and that is, they will scrape it, there’s also eskiba appeared, everything else and ukraine is connected with them, the west today has become geopolitical. splits, they have nowhere to go, and the president said the right thing, and now this is our time, it is pressing, and we must prevent it everywhere, well, in fact, i will also continue your thoughts on these, it’s really possible that the world is on a certain kind of split, and you know , when you need to solve a very difficult situation, no matter in chess or in a political game, sometimes you always need to choose a person who has been in the game for a very long time, understands everything and has a certain trust on all sides, so...
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president of belarus alexander lukashenko met with the leaders of the delegation participating in the nineteenth meeting of the meeting of heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis states and members. it was about confrontation. external internal threats. alexander lukashenko emphasized the special importance of effective foreign intelligence activities in obtaining reliable, relevant and, above
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all, forecast information that allows leadership.
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a meeting of the coordination committee took place in minsk council of heads of competent authorities of the csto member countries, it was attended by delegations of belarus, russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and the secretariat of the organization. at the meeting , the results of the regional operation to combat illegal migration this year were summed up, issues of control over foreigners, issuing them temporary residence permits and simplified acquisition of citizenship were discussed. the event participants signed a number of final documents.
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police club bagration. the members of the association were children from fifth to eleventh grades from three educational institutions in the city. they will study according to a special program, master combat tactical training using specific examples , learn how to behave in extreme situations, and become familiar with military equipment. true professionals in their field will share their experience with students. by the way, the initiative to create this association belongs to teachers and students. there are already nine in total in the brest region. it is planned that in 2024 in every district of the brest region region there will be at least one military-patriotic association with a police orientation. if the first military-patriotic clubs in the large cities of pinsk, baranovich and brest, the initiative came from the regional department of internal affairs, now the initiative comes from below, and not so much
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even from the internal affairs bodies, but from secondary school students. children and teachers themselves are already initiators and say: why have military-patriotic clubs been opened in large cities, but not here. i like wearing a military uniform, it's an atmosphere and i want to be a patriot of my country, i must love my homeland, and i want to follow in the footsteps of my father and grandfather, both police officers, and i will help people, i am always for justice and a person should always be responsible for his actions. the modern veterial system has appeared in service with grodno ophthalmologists, it is... a combined device for performing surgical interventions for various pathologies of the retina of the vitreous body of the eye. such operations allow patients with serious diseases to preserve their vision. combined the vitrioretal system helps grodno ophthalmic surgeons perform operations at the level of republican centers. new year's beauty for a festive mood in every home. on special plantations of forest farms
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, a christmas tree inventory is carried out. norway spruces grow over a large area under. open sky, they moved here from nurseries several years ago, experts select those trees that they plan to prepare and send to christmas tree markets, and these are, as a rule, the smoothest and fluffiest specimens, the plantations are monitored around the clock using photo and video cameras; those who decide to cut down the new year's tree themselves will face a fine. in total , we have about 15 hectares of plantations in the polykhoz, this particular plot of 1.2 hectares, on this plantation grows about 6,000 spruce trees aged from 5 to 10 years. we harvest spruce directly on new year's plantations, somewhere from december 20 to december 31, every year they are cut down here every day, loaded into transport and delivered to christmas tree markets in molodechno throughout the minsk region. artproject after the bride's cover is ready, presented in
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the vitebsk art museum, with more than a hundred unique items on display. wedding dress, accessories, photographs, cards and invitations. the oldest exhibit is over 80 years old. this wedding dress is decorated with hand-embroidered flowers. in this outfit in the thirties of the last century. a resident of one of the villages of the vitebsk region was getting married. the exhibition also presents modern wedding dresses, a bright addition to the project, paintings by famous artists isaac borovsky, felix gumin, oleg skovorodka and other brush masters. we’ll go with you to the coolest and most iconic spots in our country. it is possible and necessary. spend them on vivid impressions of traveling around beautiful belarus. sorachan lakes, the blue necklace of the island, which rightfully tops the list of the most beautiful places in belarus. the nature
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of the reserve will captivate you 100% with its picturesqueness. i just love river walks, because it is from the water surface that you can see the most amazing natural landscapes untouched by human hands make excellent ones.
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the bet is always on an internal explosion , without organization, no mood can rise anywhere, everything is collapsing everywhere, ukraine, the card was played, nothing worked out, plus there is a refusal of the dollar throughout the world, yes, they managed to topple europe today, but this is not allows us to fully revive the united states as a world hegemon, the world is at a breaking point, in this version, of course it will not exist, my hegemon. can’t retreat, what he managed to do, excuse me, is still lurking for him, any, good or evil, it returns, especially evil, the project is objective, do not miss new episodes on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . the belarusian press house is from the heart, it is from the heart, under any circumstances, for me it is of course home, my family is offended by me,
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the fact that i live at this enterprise, my name is yuri orekhovsky, i am the deputy general director for production. ideological work of the republican unitary enterprise belarusian house of printing, i have been working at this enterprise for more than 30 years. i got into printing for a reason, my father and my mother, they also devoted their whole lives to printing. there has
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never been a shortage of books at home; this played some role in my future development as a printing worker. in my third year i was offered to become a master in the world dry, which is where i worked. and from this period of time this is a classic career ladder. to our enterprise. we will already be 105 years old in december of this year, but in general our calculation comes from the basilian priests who founded a printing house in minsk in 1790, so we are no longer 105 years old, but more than 200. publishing house has about 580 people, communicating with them every day, i know almost everyone by their first name and patronymic.
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so-called duplicate printing, the image from the printing plate is transferred first to offset rubber, and then only to the printed material. if we look at the form of offset printing, it seems that even if you move your hand, there is a printed and a space element, they are the same.
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well, that’s fine, just make sure that the turn doesn’t take off the paint, don’t add too much , it will be fine, well, great, the best way to transmit text information is high, in terms of color saturation, this is a deep process of flat or offset printing.
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option, now we see a sheet-fed, asphalt printing machine, man rolling 706, it is used to print a book edition, fairy tales in full color, this prints the back of a sheet, which will subsequently be folded and prepared for the book, imagine that back in ninety- one or ninety-two year... in the all-in-one workshop in the prepress area there were about forty assemblers, at this time i have three working in one shift operator of electronic output devices , that is, three people replaced almost 40. in order to get...
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sets the paint, measures it on the print, the printer himself enters this data into the machine, it completely looks at the correspondence in optical densities, you see scales that are specially applied the forms are then
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transferred to the printed sheet; if it does not meet the standard optical density, the printer either adds or reduces paint and brings it back to normal. printing ink moves forward so much, for example, in black penguin, what is black pigment? soot, of course, can be harmful to health, but since it is applied in tiny amounts, if you wrap a food product in newspaper, you will never get rid of it. the loyalty of the workers of our enterprise comes only... from dust and noise, then the sheet that is printed goes to post-printing processing, this is either folding, forming a block from each notebook, shetvo, printed on
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sheets printed in machines, after control and additional trimming arrives at this area in order to bend this...
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logies for improvement after printing processing of the block cover in order to make special effects to suit every taste of the consumer. this lid also has a lock with glitter applied; if you twist it, you can see how this golden glitter shimmers. traveling through the blue-eyed through the eyes of foreigners , such an interesting entrance is generally stranded.


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