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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 15, 2023 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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at least 40 million dollars. the plant will switch to the production of products with high added value, elements of wooden houses, beams, wall materials, and other structures. their stable sales on the growing russian market will be ensured. this is the first project of this scale in belarus; it allows increasing the added value from roundwood processing by three to four times. in the deposit market of belarus , the population's ruble deposits continue to grow steadily. in november there was an increase in average volume. term ruble deposits of individuals in belarusian banks amounted to more than 170 million or 2.3%, according to statistics from the national bank, and over the year from december last year to november this year, the average volume of time ruble deposits (we are talking about individuals again) increased by 15 billion or 24%. in turn, the average volume of household deposits in foreign currency in dollar terms decreased by almost half a percent in november, and by almost half a percent over the year. and exchange rates, the belarusian
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ruble strengthened against the dollar and weakened against the euro, yuan and russian ruble. so, relevant national bank rates: the dollar fell to 3 rubles. 16 kopecks the euro added its exchange rate to 3.44. for 10 yuni they give 4.41 belarusian, and for 100 russian - 3 rubles and 52 kopecks. the production of red caviar in russia has reached its maximum volume since 2010 . over 10 months, that’s 22. compared to last year, production increased almost 2.6 times. this dramatic increase is associated with good salmon catches in the far east. this affected the fall in wholesale prices in november. the cost of pink salmon caviar has fallen by 25%. and croquettes, some wholesalers sell at the price is 12% lower than a year earlier. moreover, until now, caviar has been continuously rising in price since august last year. the fall in retail prices, however, is not so noticeable in annual terms. on average only 4%, but experts do not
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rule out that before the new year, prices for the popular delicacy will rise again. and that’s all the economic news for this hour, good luck in your business and see you later. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm yuri shevchuk. hello. an illegal cryptocurrency holder has been identified in minsk. the amount of his transactions exceeded 365. rub. investigators identified a thirty-seven-year-old minsk resident who was involved in illegal cryptocurrency trafficking. it is known that from january to october the man provided assistance to third parties in...
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the department of internal affairs was contacted by 10 minsk residents who wanted to buy a new year's tree, but fell for the scammers. the total amount of damage was about 3,000 rubles. all victims saw an advertisement for the sale of spruce on instagram, contacted the seller, and then transferred an advance payment or the full cost of the goods to the account specified by him. as a result, new year's trees the scammer's customers were not delivered, the communications stopped and the connection was blocked. i was offered several options after i chose the tree. they wrote to me that they work from gomel and in order to arrange delivery, you need to pay half the cost. after i transferred the money, the seller stopped communicating. thus, one of the victims said that the instagram page where she saw an advertisement for fir trees inspired confidence, had more than 30,000 subscribers, positive reviews and beautiful stories. as a result, the girl transferred more than 350 rubles to the scammers. by all facts of fraud. criminal
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cases have been dismissed. the police remind you not to agree to suspicious online offers to purchase goods at too low a price. do not transfer funds until you receive the goods. experts helped identify the thief from the troller and uncover thefts in several districts, so the owner of a dacha in the liozninsky district, having arrived there again, discovered that the front door had been broken into; during an inspection of the house and territory, it turned out that the attacker had entered there by breaking through the padlock , then he did some housekeeping, drank, ate and took away 200 rubles worth of things. the thief miscalculated the alcohol and left fingerprints on the bottle; it seemed that they belonged to a previously convicted resident of the myadel region. together with russian colleagues, the suspect was found within 24 hours in the smolinsk region. in addition, at the time of his arrest, a bicycle that he had stolen in polotsk was confiscated. the fight against sabotage and reconnaissance groups and illegal armed groups. the new special forces unit of the internal troops , tornado, is on active duty today.
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a year and a half ago, the minister of internal affairs decided to create special units in all regions, ready to ensure the safety of citizens in any conditions, at any point. countries. ivan kubrakov expressed confidence that each of the fighters would immediately come to the aid of people and stand up for them, even at the cost of their lives. this was the "area x" project. our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and about the dark one. and we will tell you news from the world of crime in our final program.
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whoever owns the information owns the world , or whoever is aware of interesting news is definitely in the trend, you are watching nichevo cb news, today i, the main trendsetter, nastya
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rutskaya, will share with you touching stories with a happy ending, stylish new products that definitely ...will blow your mind with unique tips on how doing what you love can make you famous online. but first, a digest of other equally interesting news. the cat from molodechno disappeared for 2 years and finally returned home. red cat named motya has always been a pet with character. he left home three times. in may june 2021 , he went out for a walk again and... returned only 2 years later. after the disappearance of their beloved moti , the owners took home a new tenant, kuzya. and literally soon, after another cat-guardian of the hearth appeared at home, motya showed up on his native porch. motya looked very bad. his eyes were closed,
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his fang had been pulled out, and his jaw practically couldn’t open. in the first days he did not eat anything, he could only drink. but thanks to the treatment of the veterinarian and the care of the owners, the cat gradually recovered. they assure that it is definitely him, their motya, and are incredibly happy to see the family reunited again. this is the secret of a home idyll, so that everyone is close, in warm comfort. to all lovers of luxurious hair and fantastically beautiful hairstyles, get ready, this is shocking news. the woman with the longest hair has been found. smita srivastava lives in india, her hair is considered the longest in the world - 236 cm. the woman admits that she has dreamed of becoming a record holder all her life. smita started growing her hair at the age of 14, now. 46. ​​she was once inspired by her mother and love for the images of actresses of the eighties.
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the record holder is sure that long hair emphasizes beauty. true, it still requires sacrifice. at least in terms of time. washing, drying and styling such a mop takes about 3 hours. the entire smith complex is done twice a week. it’s unlikely to be comfortable with such hair, but such a length will definitely not go unnoticed. do you think it will suit me or is it too much? another fashion provocation of the fashion house was the absurdly large sports shoes that models wore on the catwalk in los angeles. directly now in the brand's catalog there are simply large sports shoes, model 3x, but the new product increases the degree of kitsch in proportion to the increase in the size of the sole of the sneakers. the models were dressed in tight-fitting leggings, which only increased the contrast and visual enormity of the boots. attention is growing, the creators are only happy about the growing
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popularity and involvement in shoes. what can you do to stand out? let's continue discussing fashion news. thing of the day. boots from a famous brand in the shape of bare legs, they would give about 8 thousand belarusian for this rubles the shoes imitate a bare leg in a neat white sock. and black shoes, an excellent solution for fashionistas who hide their feet with pain in their hearts during the cold season. the boots were presented to the public back in august, but only now they are fully on sale. if you go down to earth in the boots from the previous news just like these specialists, you can definitely go crazy. working at enormous heights, crane operators do not have the opportunity to ride to... to the desired floor, all with their legs and arms, no matter what peak looms ahead.
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in his videos, the crown maker admits that he was never afraid of heights, but because the ascents and descents are commonplace for him. the only thing is that you have to move slower if the stairs are slippery. here's the secret of popularity: show the world what you like and become an internet star, the golden rule of hype. don't get lost and stay up to date with the latest news from the world with us, see you next week, my name is nastya rutskaya, bye-bye.
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good morning belarus, we tell you again, we are ekaterina antonova and tatyana matusevich. yes, good morning country. well, 2024 is approaching , and the country’s main christmas tree has already been lit on oktyabrskaya square in minsk. see this festive ceremony , hundreds of belarusians came to take part in it, it was very beautiful. what else have we prepared for the residents and guests of our capital on the eve of the new year and christmas? we’ll find out from the representative
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of the minsk city executive committee, the head of the main department of trade and services, elena nagornaya, the head of the department of culture, vitaly brel, good morning, hello, look, 27 new year’s beauties have been installed in minsk, they are simply decorated with thousands of toys and kilometers of garlands, we talk about this very often, show it on our broadcasts and count and count, yes, this is very important, when will you be able to buy that very... new year's beauty in order to place it and decorate it at home, and if we are talking about live spruce trees, then the christmas tree markets will begin on december 22, and they will last until december 31. logical, yes, that is, we understand that we have a deadline, and those who are always very busy at work don’t have time, then naturally on december 31 , on the day off, it will be possible to buy your beauty, the main attribute of the new year holiday, just this year, as in the past , 68 christmas tree markets will operate in the city of minsk, in every district of the city of minsk, residents of the location already know, those who
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constantly buys live spruce trees, of course, artificial spruce can be purchased at any hypermarket or department store in the capital. that is, without any problems , everyone will have a christmas tree, by the way, we also know that the biggest christmas fair is caroling kirmash is near the sports palace, you can buy christmas trees there, there will be one, right, naturally, taking into account the fact that this is a carol kirmash, we have provided for the opportunity to purchase all the essentials specifically for the new year holiday, of course there will be live fir trees and all the paraphernalia to decorate it, if we linger at this carol kirmash, what else will they surprise us with, what program is planned, who will tell us? starting from zavodskoy, he will present his protection of christmas trees every day in one of the districts, district to defend its christmas tree, this is quite an interesting program, we invite minsk residents and
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guests of the capital to participate and see how our districts will be represented. that is, 25 is dedicated to christmas, from 10 to 22 there will be an interesting program on new year's eve from 1 pm to 4 am, this will be a new year's cassette, where you can listen to both old favorite compositions and modern compositions performed by young artists, and also honored artists of our country. on the first day of the month from
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19 to 22 there will be a youth disco, new year, password 2020. four and of course on the seventh the password at the entrance will be asked of course when you enter the sports palace and approach the stage you say the password and they will immediately let you into the site and on the seventh of course the warm christmas family holiday is also from 22 to i beg your pardon from 10 a.m. to 22 the evening will take place near the sports palace, but that’s not all, from the 25th every day at 19:00, taking into account the fact that next is the year of the dragon. mm, such a territorialized production, there will be a tsmok who lives on the roof where this stage production will take place, near the sports palace, of course, there will be every day at 19:00, who will talk about little tsmok, who found himself in such an unexpected situation, but with the help of friends, with the help of warmth, kindness and the new year, he makes new friends and celebrates the new year,
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a children's fairy tale, in general, what not only children, but adults need from this holiday, let's also talk about fairs. yes, of course, we have indicated that the most important thing, our largest fair, will take place at the sports palace, we are starting on december 16, in principle, to satisfy there is quite a lot of consumer demand from both residents and guests of the capital, whom we expect for these holidays, because the occupancy of hotels, at least of the communal form of ownership , is already 100%. the fairs will last until the 14th, oh my god, excuse me until january 14th , yes, and of course, taking into account the fact that our city of minsk is very large, fairs will also be organized in every district of the city of minsk, in some areas they will take place for several days, here at the same time all the information about the venue, time the event and the specific date can be
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found both on the website of the minsk city executive committee, information has already been posted, and on the websites of the minsk city administration. we know there's more. one such activity is interesting, it’s called a new year’s quest with minsk in 2024, tell us what it is and as far as i know, again, that the quest has existed for several years, how has it changed this time? yes, indeed, we decided to continue last year’s tradition, this year from december 23 we are launching this quest, because after analyzing last year, after all indeed, it was in demand, both children and adults participated in it, it was interesting for different generations, but... this year we identified 21 locations for participation and for visiting, and well, we chose on the principle that those locations that are visited by the largest number, which are truly more interesting. so that both residents and guests of the capital can not only once again perhaps visit certain places in the city of minsk, but learn for themselves something new from the life of the city and from the history of the city, according to the terms of the quest in
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in principle, from december 23 to january 7, you will need to visit 10 of the proposed 21 locations to choose from, any you like, we will find the entire list on the website, and there is already an active link to the website of the menguris executive committee, an interactive map, it is very bright, it is immediately noticeable on the page. what are the operating hours, what can be learned there, and any participant chooses 10 locations for himself, in the period from december 23 to january 7, it is necessary to visit exactly 10, the final point of the quest is the fair near the sports palace, so any participant, who visited 10 locations has the right to receive a prize from merchie first, like this. this is interesting, and by the way, you took this quest yourself, last year you did it, this year we plan to do it, last year, of course, we tried it, we’ll try it this
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year, because the most interesting thing is that you can go through it and see how it’s all done is being organized in order to do, well, as they say , work on how to improve this next year, that is, you will have such a test run, yes, it will be a check, it turns out like this, you know, i’ve always been interested, people , who organize our holiday. there really is a big team behind this so that the people of menka, as you said , the guests of the capital have a rest, a lot of people work, how do you approach it yourself, this is a personal question for the celebration of the new year, you come home on the thirty-first day like, wow, everything, everyone, everyone will celebrate , everyone will be having fun here now, and i will be relaxing, or are you still taking part in these events, well, if you take me into account, then of course the new year is a family holiday, well, let’s say so, and of course , how says you will meet. you bring it into the new year, so you try to spend the new year with your family so that you can always be with them, well, then the new year continues under the christmas tree near the sports palace until 40 in the morning, a very
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interesting, eventful program, when you arrive home, your family is already resting, sometimes the spouses are celebrating the new year together under the christmas tree, well, there are such a variety of interesting events, but you know, it’s not boring, it’s interesting, no, it’s clear that it’s not boring, elena, you will also be near the sports palace, as i understand it in the new one? well, now we know where we will go, for example, tomorrow, we’ll find out where our colleague svetlana borovskaya will go tomorrow, we’ll find out from the announcement.
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this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to the enclosure, and then, and then the money flows like this and svetla is like , for some reason we haven’t built anything here this year, she tells me, i can afford it, light, we need to make such tables and sell , sveta. table, i want you, i want to pinch you, come on blim-blim, you really like all this, yes, it’s there, this is that rare case when it’s successful, why is a large family from minsk moved to volozhin, how the life of the local eco-estate works, who created the model of the house from photographs and what inspires the craftsmen in creating new year's toys, you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on dobroye ranitsa belarus with svetlano.
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i say the twenty-sixth, she says , i haven’t slept for 10 years, let me rest, that’s why girls, you see how dangerous it is to make relatives for the christmas tree, life is long, you know, oh, listen, how the fire turned out with the christmas tree, but what can you do? cut something.
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special rollers are high-speed, they can have four wheels of 110 or three wheels of 125, this is the diameter of the wheels. fitness rollers and rollers for special skating are significantly different, since in a fitness roller the boot completely holds the ankle, in rollers for special skating you must hold the entire roller with your foot. children generally start roller skating at the age of 3, this is the most optimal age to start skating, children mostly start with fitness rollers, because if you put such rollers on a child, he will not be able to go far on them, he will just start falling, when children adapt to a fitness boot and already feel confident, then you can order
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a semi-professional boot. not low, like those of professional athletes, but rather transitional, let’s say, and already at an older conscious age you can buy a more professional boot. in summer, spring, autumn, when the weather is good, the asphalt is dry, and we ride on the street, but we don’t just ride, we do general physical training, general physical training is general physical training, so that children not only know how to ride. but they had well-developed all sorts of muscle groups so that the child could carry complex loads , indoors, yes, it’s winter or when , well, the conditions don’t allow it, some choose stalling, riding around chips, doing all sorts of elements, someone chooses bumps from
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a springboard or in height. someone chooses special skating because they love speed, they like it more, and children really like to race at speed more than doing all sorts of exercises around chips. if you love speed, then of course special skating will win your heart. belarus charmed them at first sight, i came from syria, i arrived came here to study, entered the medical university, stayed also for the first time i saw where the russian people were and how friends communicated with them it was like i saw people who don’t like to have fun loves life very kind people even the belarusian anthem begins we are belarusians peaceful people to me belarusian gave me bread, fed me all this time, gave me a job and most importantly a family, i started a family here , chose to go to belarus to study as a director and live here and how it is necessary to add up the money
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to variate everything, but i think that
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good morning colleagues, what a morning us festive, or rather you have a festive good morning, hello, you know everything, yes, the morning is truly festive, we congratulate you, but let’s tell our tv viewers that you are celebrating today, we are celebrating the eighth anniversary of the channel belarus4 brest, hurray!
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in the future they plan to place a multifunctional cultural complex, a small hotel and a cafe there. well, then the specialists will take on the conservation of the northwestern arcade, and then the main building. so you see this beauty on your screens, it will be very cool, very beautiful, i think it’s another such bright tourist place, for every resident of our country, right? yes, let’s get acquainted with the main ones further. brest region. in addition to materials from various museum collections, it presents product samples, documents,
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photographs, awards, gifts, souvenirs and certificates from more than twenty leading enterprises of industrial associations in the region. and also materials from two brez universities totaling 230. three subjects and 40 books. you can visit the exhibition until february 15. this was our second news. and the third today. in pinsk chose the main beauty of the outgoing year among schoolgirls, college students of polesie university. this time , 60 beautiful girls expressed a desire to compete for the crown in the annual city competition prygozhunya polesya. in the final stage , 22 contestants met. they imagined. business card during three graceful fashion shows, they demonstrated grace and beauty, and also showed themselves, by the way, for the first time in a creative competition. it is worth saying that their bright and unusual performances received a storm of applause; as a result, the colorful show won the hearts of
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tenth-grader lolita galikovich won as a brilliant and representative of the second pinsk gymnasium. this is the news, colleagues. this was very beautiful news, but we know what will be beautiful in your story, right? yes, it’s true, our story will be about this: the new year’s atmosphere of the last century reigns in the pinsk museum of belarusian polesie. there is a traditional retro exhibition of new year's accessories. about 350 holiday-themed exhibits from postcards to christmas tree decorations, all taken from the museum’s funds and private collection. our correspondent plunged into the atmosphere of her childhood, and we invite you to do the same. we'd love to see a story about you. thank you again happy holidays and have a nice day, look at the story thank you, thank you, they were taken out only once a year for a short time, paper, cotton, glass and wire, of different shapes, colors and motifs. in soviet times, they were produced not just
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for beauty and festive mood. each historical era created its own themed christmas tree decorations, endowing them with special meaning. the task was always the same, to cultivate artistic taste and pride in people's achievements. this year our pinsk residents showed such a warm attitude towards our museum and responded to our requests and began to actively carry new year's toys and donate them to the museum. common, well -known glass balls, cones and icicles, rare cotton wool girls and boys, new year's cardboard that has practically disappeared from modern use, flat decorations of cramped cardboard covered with thin paper. it seemed like they were made of metal, today, the pinsk museum’s fund already includes thousands of christmas tree decorations and new year’s cards; objects from different years are selected for the annual exhibition, which for a year in a row are complemented by the acquisition of a private
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collector, penchan resident galina selyuzhitskaya. previously, i was more interested in glass ones, and then in cardboard, now i really love cotton wool toys, i make cotton toys myself, because they are very expensive, sometimes i can’t afford them, that’s why. i have a catalog of them, i make them and give them to my family and friends. galina selyuzhitskaya - an active collector, replenishing her personal fund of toys and new year's cards, she managed to meet many pinsk residents, learn not only how and what they decorated christmas trees in pinsk houses, but also how the townspeople lived in different periods. new copies are obtained not only from hand to hand, but also through auctions, some are quite rare, although they seem quite simple in appearance. surprise, also an interesting deal. according to the fairy tales of russian writers, that is, simply made from cardboard, some kind of fairy tale was printed on cardboard in the form of this little bucket, this in in the form of a book, very interesting, very rare toys, by the way. with his prime minister, the doctor
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from pinsk seeks to infect those around him, while he is not afraid of competition, because once upon a time collecting was a craze among children and adults, and although no longer on such a scale, collecting objects continue to bring people together. a new year's atmosphere reigns in the brest region, let's find out if the weather will be favorable to all this, so, what's going on this morning, let's go from bressky. region and start -1 -3 there without precipitation in the capital of the republic minsk 4:6 is also below zero and dry, here in vitebsk there is snow, there is -6, -8 °, up to 9 °, while in gomel it is also damp the situation is snowy, -2 -4 in the city of grodno, cloudy , it’s dry there, it’s snowing in mogilev -7, -9. in the afternoon the weather picture will change a little, it will warm up a little, if of course it’s possible... -1 minus3 in minsk, cloudy with
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clearings and dry, however, dry conditions are expected throughout the country, in brest about zero, in vitebsk -3 -5, a little warmer in gomel, so be it, -1 -3, 0, -2 in grodno, 2.4 with a minus sign in mogilev. friends, well, right now we’ll take a break to broadcast the news, well, then in the third part of our live broadcast we’ll... tell you very useful information, firstly, what should you eat on january 1st, that’s what a useful section we’ll have, and secondly, let’s get to know the participants of the third season of the bai factor, don’t switch, we’ll be back soon, the help of god’s word is the principles of christian life, if we remember what is above us and
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see spiritual and educational projects on
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tv channel belarus 24. every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and subscribers on social networks. we offer you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides. we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and... a project that everyone should see, watch us every friday on the belarus24 tv channel.
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