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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 15, 2023 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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everyone thinks you like that they beat you, but we don’t like that they beat us, so we do everything so that they don’t beat us, we beat ourselves, there is some kind of madness in this, madness, from the first day i wanted to become world champion, and didn’t even consider anything other than gold, not without difficulty, of course , but in the end i came to my goal, my strongest feature, if we take physiology, is usually speed, when you leave your comfort zone, you can really look at my life, but in a different way, these tests will probably not be very simple for me, unusual, the main fear is , of course, just somewhere at some stage getting stuck in the dark, in principle you can’t overcome it, when you overcome some difficulties in the end you get new emotions you begin to praise yourself somehow well done, that could , with men , in principle, it is easier to overcome all obstacles in life, so i hope that there will be real men, there is one motto, this is if someone... could, i can do even better, the element
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is earth, now ekaterina vandaryeva from team griffins. ekaterina, sports news presenter on stv channel, my colleague, but this is where our professional similarity ends, and ends abruptly, because katya is a world champion in thai boxing, let's see if this will help her in the maze from the command post.
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katya, look, the first clue will be as soon as you go up, now through the tunnel, right at the exit, right at the exit, you go up now, right away it will be somewhere, so don’t run far, somewhere here, here where something will happen now. calm down, don't rush, calm down, everything's fine, somewhere here, stop, back, roll, back , i found a hint, yes, i got the first hint, what , roll, what number, okay, then, go forward, hello, can you hear us, yes, i hear, i’m moving this thing, where’s the second clue , approximately, the second hint will be at your bottom, when you go down, you’ll already jump down, that’s it, now calmly pass, that’s it, i’m moving.
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moving, moving, so the key, super, katya , what is the first number, so the first number, and 3.7, 37, 37, okay, open, calm down , that's it, open up, calm down, well done, that's it, well done, well done, well done , jump, so, i i’m climbing into the checker, yes, i saw it, come on in, now you’ll have to go all the way, don’t go all the way, you’ll have to go up. go up, as soon as there is space to go up, you have to go up , where is the space, you passed it , a little back, yes, climb up , go up, climb, now as soon as you jump down, okay, climb, then i’ll say, so, and where is the hint, no, no, climb, climb, calmly, below, when you jump, here you remember , you need to open this loop, take your time, that’s how it is, it’s opened, jump down, jump down and there will be a hint there.
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there’s a hint below you, right below me, somewhere here, look, maybe under the mat, this might be, well, it’s not a koba, no, look, look, maybe under the mat, there ’s a mat lying with you, it’s in the very corner, kat, clearly exactly under this mat that you jumped onto, only half of your time has passed, everything is fine, look back, look back, look, she’s right on the floor, up, up , look above you, in the mine, in the mine, look. which got out, yes, yes, yes, damn, what’s going to climb back for me, yes, come on, come on, come on, oh god, there is 54, 54 37, okay, go further, it will be near the door, next hint, near the door, in the center, in the center of the door, in the center, here somewhere to the right, look to the right, to the right, not on the door only, she, she is in the middle, in the middle of the room opposite the door, somewhere. look at the door
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, take two steps back, two steps back, look somewhere down here, or look around at the top, so in the center in the sand, in the center in the sand, look. in the center in the sand, in the center in the sand, come on, 68, 37, 54, 80, 91 and the last one, the last one 68, 149, 149, write quickly, yes, try, 0.149, and hash, hash, hash, wrong, wrong. 7 54 68 68 91 - 68 100 159 159 0 159 damn i didn’t have time right away
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or something, but we ruled like crazy yes well, that’s for sure i even thought it was a bull yes oh so you can see how quickly time flew by, we you they didn’t want to rush it too much, you were already doing a great job walking quickly, it’s a shame i wanted to be between the lasers there, it’s a pity, well, today manna from heaven didn’t want me to take these crystals, for me it was such an interesting experience, i’ve never encountered anything like this before. when you really, like in the movie, overcome this, you know how everyone is crawling there, when someone with a pistol is chasing someone through these mines, it was, well, it was unreal, just emotions, it’s a pity, of course, that we almost didn’t have time, you see how, after all, time plays a huge role in life, it seems that such a little thing
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decides a lot, so beautiful, well done, damn, it wasn’t fun at all, honestly i was in full swing. it wasn’t like that, it wasn’t usual, i liked it that way, honestly, but i wanted really between these lasers, then i didn’t press the hash mark a second time or didn’t have time, i still had to catch the laser when you understand that it’s not enough for you to talk now, i started even faster, good, very interesting. the sparkle of crystals in the eyes overshadows the sense of danger. players from both teams remained captive in the dungeon and did not bring
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crystals to the teams. we can do it, we will win. we need to get together somehow, let's have 1 2 3 fonters. griffins are the best! our game has prepared another test for you, this is a test of the strength of the element of fire. teamwork is important here job. try to do everything possible and impossible to earn crystals. the game is an opportunity to test each other. just don't be disappointed, i'll activate the test. element of fire. at the beginning of the battle, the participants need to carry a heavy
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hammer over the boulders and pass it to the second players, and then dive into a huge cube to find a water supply valve there. second players. wall and having dug the entrance to the moshitovka, they must crawl along it with a fire hose in order to get water into the bowl and fill the flask with crystal, grabbing it, the third participants need to climb the mast, hang it on their souls, all that remains is to slide down the rope and collect the treasured crystal. and here it is, the next stage of the relay this time. at the sand stage, the panthers throw hockey player artyom karkotsky, handball player sergei rutenko has green stripes, the expected confrontation, they competed with each other at the water stage, then rutenko won a landslide victory and intends to take revenge at
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this stage. but the second pair is a real sensation, we are used to seeing it at the tunnel stage two girls, and the griffins are breaking the system, they are counting on...
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the element of fire and the first stage is sand. sergei and artyom drag the hammer to the place where they will need to break through the wall. the hammer itself is not that heavy, but it is chained to two cores, each weighing 20 kg. and so the participants begin to break through the wall, which... stick a fire hose in there, here we see that the teams are acting simultaneously, no one is going into the water, you need to open this very cage and helena gets there first, accordingly artyom korkotsky has the ability to quickly go for the valve. meanwhile, their assistants take out the valve, without the valve it is impossible to activate the fire
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hose, at the same time the teams go through a stage that ivan will have to unravel. these ropes, in the meantime, akhilena can crawl under them, then you still need to straighten the hose so that water flows, because only with water can you hit this water target, so that as a result of these actions the flask that contains the treasured crystal is filled, how quickly it can be done panther, very clearly, the mark is on the target, it shoots water here, and water appears. ivan, but accordingly, the panthers have an advantage. and then igor dudarchik and ekaterina vandareva are waiting, who
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will be the first to cope with the task of getting the first intermediate crystal, which cannot become the only one, you must definitely get it, you must stick your hand very deep into it, you must get the crystal, solely due to the fact that pata raises him up, everything is the same here , whose fingers are longer, the first is igor the dudarchik. let me remind you that ekaterina vandario, in addition to athletes, your colleague and of course, she will now have to catch up, catch up with all her strength, she caught her crystal, but she herself, she is on the machki, but higher on the machki, igor dudarchik, we remember how great it was, he performed the air exercise , and this is his challenge, look, this is the victory crystal for the panther team. igor worked very well on masta and brought
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two crystals to his team. and the panthers are increasing their advantage, because the crystal that is now on catherine’s belt does not count. ekaterina doesn't was able to take the main crystal, so we add two panther crystals, they have five and the griffins have two left. at the last stage, the advantage of the panthers will already be three steps, 5:2, with this result the teams came to the tower, phew, everything is so fast, how quickly artyom took this valve, how quickly, quickly, quickly helena crawled through all these tunnels in the beginning pour water, well , the most interesting thing was when the water rose, and... and with the opponents it still stood still, rose, rose, i thought, well, that’s it, ours victory is close, but they suddenly
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began to rise, it stopped, something went wrong with the water, and they were almost level, but i somehow managed to reach it and jump up, that’s very interesting, the very last stage, right there it will be difficult , and most likely i will be there, the main thing here is not to give a fuck, to win, well, we must win, all the sand got into my face, into my eyes, but i understand that now there is no time to get rid of it, i walked forward, sergei gave me the opportunity to climb into the pool when... unwind the knot or go into some gap, but i understood that i wouldn’t get through, so i untied the knot that was right in front of my eyes and dived into the nearest hole, unfortunately we really didn’t have enough of a couple of seconds to get to the treasured diamond
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to win in this test, but we still have everything ahead, the most important test is the tower, which i think that everything is possible, i didn’t pass the cage, but i did well on this test, i think everything depended on me, it’s all on you, it’s all on me, the opposing team played clearly dishonestly, they took over the pool, they didn’t let me climb in, and worst of all, when he took out this valve, he made all the water swollen, i’m diving, i’m already breaking, breaking, breaking like that, he just used such a hand, half of what i did, he did with one hand. yes, but it was slippery on this one, well, yes , it’s slippery here, but there was more of a problem with these ones, when the scabs come here, and panthers, 1, 2, 3, panthers,
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success comes to those who believe in overcomes himself by the power of doubt, in fire.
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final fight, tower. in the final test, two opponents must rise to the top of the tower from different heights, deftly overcome the vertical wall leading to the glass tunnel, gathering all your strength, climb to the top. towers, only the most resilient and fastest will be able to take the main crystal of the game. panthers are ready to jump onto the tower from a height of five steps, griffins - from a height of two. will their powerful wings help them fly to the top first?
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now, if i had brought more crystals, well , that’s all, it should be a victory, a confrontation with a heavyweight. let's go, i don't understand, after the water it's all over, competition heavyweights, this is the most handball-hockey thing, they thought that the girls might be abandoned, as a result they settled on, so to speak, the middle team, average, but not weak, which of them will be higher, in the end, we will find out.
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5:2 is this advantage actually recouped? what should ivan do to catch up with his opponent? even to their advantage, at the stage of the so-called glass, the transparent stage, they unfold, and even as a person can. igor, a man, a spider, ivan is doing everything he can, everything he can, two singers,
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i wonder if they are now singing something to themselves nose, no, the panther takes the decisive crystal. and his team advances to the second stage of the competition. for me, ivan is the same hero as igor, bravo, ivan! vanechka, you are super too! at the last strength my fingers were already falling off, i walked through force, through pain and got to the second floor, began to climb, but unfortunately, i heard the cherished
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victory ringing, 5 seconds would actually decide the whole game, so you can never give up, you have to move forward, move towards your goals and most importantly remember that you are not alone, but you are with team, and you can’t let the team down , that’s it, we won, you know, we planned to win , but we didn’t tell anyone about it, it’s a stone’s throw to help , but i already realized that there was no point anymore, i already took this diamond, to win at one stage - this is good, but the most important thing is to win the whole show, then there will be a real victory, well, hurry up already, let's congratulate, well done!
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opponent, welcome to the world where everything is real.
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mission to live, to live in such a way that your destiny benefits, first of all , your loved ones, your family, than... more in in life, it seems to me, i do for people, for children, so it seems to me that life is easier, because the mission is to keep the home cozy, warm,
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the mission is to look good when you are busy , the mission is to have real friends, to create for yourself that environment, in which you feel comfortable. my mission is to heal , i remember my mother said, well , where do you want to go, child? , you stink, you can’t say anything, i say, mom, they’ll probably be with their eyes speak? my mother worked in a hospital, and i came to her very often, i always thought that this was probably the most wonderful profession and the best place
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where one could be - well, maybe a woman, because firstly, it beautiful , you can create this beauty with your life , the beauty of healthy children around you , she tries to help everyone, she tries to be a mother for everyone, puts not only her soul into her work, she gives herself completely, glad to see you, you just arrived today , yes i liked it, but what is your name? where are you from came to us? ok, what are you collecting? mushrooms? yeah, yes, let's try it with the second pen, come on, let's do it together, let's do it together, come on, you're this one, and i'll be this one. i celebrated the ninth new year - as the director of the republican rehabilitation center for disabled children. i don’t cry at all in my life. i cried, probably the last time when i realized that i was left alone, my mother left, but when i came here, of course. make
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me cry for 50 years, we had to try, so we’ll imagine it with fish imagine that we are at sea, who is faster, the winner is a draw, high five, come on, see this beauty of children and parents who are raising special children, life has turned upside down here, you think that at 50 you know everything, when you come to work to such centers, you don’t know anything, but the door opens and... here’s such a bow-tied girl with flowers, i recognize my mother, i don’t recognize the girl, she says to me: lyudmila nikolaevna, you can’t imagine what happiness it is when your child is 6 years old runs independently in the dew for the first time when you are 25 for years you have been working only in acute pathology, you cured it and it went away, then you do something and you don’t see a quick result, this is of course a shock, you can’t. how
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to make them smile, and the only salvation was i went to the font, because from what has fallen on you, you know how your cheekbones cramp, you can’t think about anything else, because that you need to do this, that, that, that, that, and then there’s such a splash in the font, oh, you go out and make a phone call. can you talk to someone? rehabilitation is quite an expensive pleasure, rehabilitation in general as a system in our country, i will say this, purely from a human perspective, it deserves respect, a special salt room, like a little corner of belarus, our little village, this is rehabilitation built literally from the first days of a child’s life , that is, it has
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the result, just to put the child on his feet and fully, so that he lives in society absolutely equally with other children, all rehabilitation in our country, it is also at the expense of the budget, we have no paid services, built system to work directly with children , with people, hands with hands, now we will have such an eruption, yes, here, here, here we go, well done, teach first of all... so that this rehabilitation is not only like ours, but also parents, they are obliged , they must be able to accompany their child, teach him to brush his teeth, teach him self-care, teach him to go to the store, teach him to go to a disco, how to use a knife correctly, taking into account the fact that it is winter here today, you will learn how to prepare
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a salad, that's what we do. you need to look at him, you don’t need to go to him, personally touch something, help him, he is a person, he is independent, he needs help when he asks for it, my name is makarik, tell me, my name is, what’s dad? name is sasha, what’s your mother ’s name, yeah, i see, what’s your grandmother’s name, luda,
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luda, what kind of mustache do you have? cool show, look, you see, handsome, yes, children grow when they see how their parents work, i raised him quite harshly, and i told him: and i tell everyone, i do not tolerate three things: lies, theft and betrayal. we are not betraying, we are not betraying the country in which we live, we are not betraying our ancestors, we are not betraying our president, we are simply saying nothing. the most important thing is that there are people around you who know how to enjoy your successes and who experience all the hardships together. for me, my mother is a great example of how to approach your business. to what you do, this is the first, the second point is to go into the new and unknown, no matter how old you are, what you do, where it’s scary, where it’s unknown, we need to go there, the main strength of our family is that we have some kind of single version
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of how we live, what we do, where we are going, when you can just come and don’t need to talk there, they will just hug you, they’ll hug you and say: everything’s fine, mom, i’m here, everything’s fine, i’m a very happy person, because i didn’t live an easy, difficult life, as if for a woman, and i retained this feeling of femininity, humanity and the fact that you’re something... then you’re standing, maybe it’s like this, my credo, but in this life, probably, there’s honor in everything, that’s it how... it’s an honor to serve the homeland, an honor to serve children, to love, probably from the heart, to love with the soul, this is my life, this is service to childhood, to help in any condition, i cannot
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leave a single person without help, if i... i won’t do anything good in a day, i swear to you, it seems to me that i somehow lived a day in vain, if god gave me life after...
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at our enterprise we produce products that ensure food security for the entire country, which allows support peace and creativity in our society. i am a hereditary engineer, my father i worked at the zot as an engineer when i was a little child, we drove past the plant all the time in a car, my father kept saying: remember, son, stick to this pipe, it will feed you, it will give you a start in life. i listened to my father’s advice and followed in his footsteps, like my older brother, like... our children will most likely also follow in these footsteps, for the first time when i got there, well, i was actually surprised, well, the scale of the enterprise, that is, how large an enterprise it is , as far as that is, a very large territory, very a large number
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of pipelines, how many people are working, this is a city within a city , among themselves the grodno residents came here the night before, when there was no slag dump, well, at night everything glows, everything soars in the common people, that’s what the people called the city of the future behind their eyes, my duties during the process are to monitor equipment, monitor the process. make rounds of equipment, as well as restoration repairs, first of all, do your work conscientiously, that is, in terms of some kind of assembly, disassembly, preparation of equipment, because this will later result in people’s lives it also depends, we have now switched to a new modern system, roughly speaking, the entire one shield now fits into two monitors, it is developing in this direction, the enterprise is not standing still, it is moving in the development of new technologies, i am the chairman of the council of young nitrogen workers, a young organization, that is, they are included here...
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it won’t!
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we have introduced such an indicator: what is the effect of investing a budget ruble? if we take innovation activity, then in the first half of the twenty-third year , products were sold per ruble of budget investments about 24 rubles, of which about 22 are high-tech science-intensive products, we do everything for the patient free of charge, absolutely, all stages of treatment are paid for by the patient to the state, it makes no difference to us what the cost of the operation is. europe as a periphery is to use the intellectual, economic, financial, and technological resources of europe to strengthen the united states in a powerful struggle with china. and the efficiency of the government is, well , the highest, because even under the conditions of the imposed sanctions, nothing happened to us, we will be growing this year. project markov nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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tractor, why didn’t we load into it, watch the project “i’m from the village” on tv channel
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belarus 24. the news is on the air now, yuliatsova is with you, hello, orientation towards the world majority, countries globally. south and east. close coordination of approaches across the entire
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foreign policy agenda. these and many other issues were discussed today at meetings of the board of foreign affairs of belarus and russia. they also touched upon issues of deepening integration processes. this year, belarus and russia may reach a record high in the rate of trade turnover. special attention to the prospects for the formation of a european security system in common interests: to create a solid military-political foundation for resolving and preventing conflicts, as well. any dictate and domination from outside the region.


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