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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 15, 2023 8:50pm-9:46pm MSK

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hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana are in the studio. and today our guest is the illustrious one.
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italy, how did you feel when you learned about the award? delight, happiness, immeasurable, for us this is a great reward for our entire team, the foundation, all those people, volunteers, volunteers who , one might say, worked with us these years, we tried, of course, not for awards, not for awards, we did it sincerely, with full dedication and... with a pure heart we helped
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our neighbor, our people in donbass, communicated with thousands of people of the russian federation, young people, paralympians, and just citizens who somewhere needed a certain motivation, a different vision, perhaps for their own lives, now we have received this award, this is a great achievement, to receive... an order from the head of our fraternal state, the russian federation, from the greatest leader in our time, vladimir vladimirovich putin, who today is trying, working, i am sure, he has spent his whole life, as our president, serving the fatherland, and with him russia is really developing today.
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takes its most worthy place in the world in geopolitics and today a new world is being built, many states from different continents are paying attention to russia, to vladimir vladimirovich putin and want to build good, good, mutually beneficial relations, all of europe is worried about the actions of the russian federation that strategic
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people, we know the merits of alexander grigorievich, lukashenko, our president, how he moved all these integration processes, including the union state. he was a locomotive then, when the kremlin was still not patriots at all, but those who were ready to splash themselves in front of their western partners and do everything in favor of their national interests, but not our interests, there were even more likely not national interests, but some kind their personal corporate interests of transnational corporations.
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countries, they are now plundering, they are now
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filling their chests, they think how much they don’t think at all about their future , they will spend these millions and millions of these dollars there, they think to live forever, but often we see that... we are helping, in fact, your children, thousands of children have vacationed in belarus, and you are against, well, you see, they, we are already tired of refuting their statement that both you and lukashenko you steal children, and if you look at the photographs of these children, here they are, the next
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shift is leaving, how they treat you, if you see their smiles, their faces, we see that they are leaving, they, look, how many packages, how many, as it were. helps you drag, again, refuting all this information, we provide specific facts, we do not we say unfoundedly, here you go, we can even watch a fragment of the story, what the children themselves say about their holiday in belarus. in addition to health procedures, they visited the sights of the brest region. we visited a toy factory, saw how the famous local ice cream is produced and, of course, tried it. we went to the zoo, went for a swim, well, i liked everything there.
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we see a drop in ratings, and citizens trust the media less and less, they go more and more to the internet, and actually search for information in person somehow they are trying to select this selection and
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study the information from different angles, but this is also good, this is our way of opposing that propaganda. a strong opponent, apparently so, you also said that soon a rehabilitation center for children of donbass will appear in belarus, what kind of center is this, what is the current state of work on its creation, tell us in more detail, a very important, good, kind project, the estate was transferred to our foundation grand dukes of the house of romanov, a very special rehabilitation center for children who suffered as a result of the fighting, those children who lost, lost.
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there was a good meeting last week on friday with the permanent committee of the union
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state, and there we have already defined a road map of how we will move in this direction and funding, and other issues, how we will decide, since this is such an iconic place , there it has historical value, as we will decide on all these issues, but we cannot delay. this is the task now, we must begin implementation now, and how can ordinary people participate in this good cause, well, let’s tell you a little, firstly, if someone wants to contribute a penny to this project, then you can find ours in yerip, which means our fund can make a transfer, and you must definitely mark it for rehabilitation center so that our specialists can see what it is. a pretty penny, these funds went specifically to this project, they will be accumulated, and we will
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direct them, which means it is to this project, i think that there is a lot of information on the internet, yes you can find it, alexey, well, you already remembered your story, 1999, well , you probably remember your first trip to donbass, there were many of them, but probably the first one is etched in your memory.
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there were many, many citizens who did not understand how necessary it is for all of us to concentrate our attention now, to value our homeland, to try each in our own way.
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such that everyone would wash themselves with blood, well, they also wanted to carry out a bloody maidan, yes , they wanted us to now have the vitebsk region, mogilev, gomel, from where these bandera regiments of these different units under the white-red, white banner, went there, to the bryansk region, to pskov, to smolensk, ours.
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ours, our multinational world , it was important for me, to preserve our homeland first of all, to strengthen us on all fronts, the most important thing is to understand that living life is not a field to cross, and that peace does not come with itself, look how the president works, every day, every week is busy, it’s just
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in me, although i also try, and work it out ... yes, of course, there is something for all of us to think about, you did everything right, and for now we will take a short break, our telegram channel, say do not be silent, subscribe, invite us guests, ask your questions, we are in touch.
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we talk about the most fascinating thing from the world of science: more than 2% of the world's population is in the last stage of this disease. and according to the forecasts of scientists, this figure will only grow. thanks to science, we have learned to control their spread. i’m talking now about viruses and, of course, about the main method of combating them: vaccination. let's share interesting facts that if you let drinks and... grain crops, berries, fruits and honey ferment a little , intoxication will occur when consumed, people knew in ancient times, the negative consequences of drinking alcohol were noticed even before the ancient greek scientist aristotle called it voluntary madness. there is an assumption that viruses appeared on the planet earlier than any living cell, that is,
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billions of years ago. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and the last question, many people think that in the new season there will be a new strain and vaccination will no longer help. why is it still worth getting vaccinated against both influenza and coronavirus? to create a vaccine, we will split up this virus conditionally.
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the photograph, measuring 42 by 94 cm, was made using the contact method in 1903, and only four such photographs are known in the world. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is our illustrious champion, paralympian, public figure,
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courageous man, alexey talai. alexei, well, the second part, let's start with the award, we congratulate you again, just recently you were presented with an award from the belarusian red cross, here is the badge of ganorava, a member of the belarusian government chyrvonaga kryzha, of course, absolutely fair. our congratulations are deserved, thank you very much, the decision of the international federation of the red cross to exclude the belarusian red cross from its ranks from our organization is absolutely unfair, do you agree with this? yes, we tried to explain our position to them, i also communicated with geneva, we had a direct connection, video link, and there were specialists, their organizations, the structures of this international, and not...
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the big one was there from kiev, most of all they took the brains out of geneva and the leadership of the red cross, and for them this is a fundamental issue, so you disobeyed there they say and ...
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and they are not allocated, we allocate funds for help, support, and good deeds. you shared the news in your telegram channel that a girl from germany collected a nineteen-kilogram parcel for the residents of donbass. and what do you think, these are the people will it become more and more there abroad? oh, of course, our dear people, our brothers and sisters abroad, wherever you
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are in europe, how in ukraine there are not enough people who speak russian, think russian, say that they are russian, want to help the russian people, wherever they are, they act, a stream is coming from ireland, europe is beginning to awaken, including seeing that all these actions are unleashed from somewhere overseas, including this hitting the european economy itself .
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there is a lot of vulnerability, they will come here, they will appreciate god's grace and peace on our streets when our children can safely go out into their yards.
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yes, they are further away under certain drugs , and other today these stars do not know how to return here, already in russia, there also their certain patrons are trying to somehow lead them back into the field of activity, but people no longer accept whether we need them, these blue ones the lights don’t want to see these pugachevs, these galkins, these reptiles. who barked at a difficult time for the country, against the guys who died there defending our the fatherland, how people will forgive them, how their mothers will forgive them, the fathers of the dead guys, i just
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now met in the bryansk region with the mothers and wives of the dead guys, looking into their eyes , i had to somehow talk, somehow support them, where to find them? come up with, somehow motivate , but when a loved one died, what can you say if not about god, about heaven, that we will all see each other one day anyway, what can you say to them, and i cried, although i was holding back the tears, somewhere there are almost lips...
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so you can expect this forgiveness, you know, alexey, the fact is that they have all these country houses there.
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with this land, then you will be drawn to your homeland, to these birches, to these fields, to your native fatherland, even the air here is completely different, the air is different, and you will feel strong, courageous, and not be this dog that is there they kick, they have to cower in front of someone all their lives, they ask for some concerts, some kind of patronage, imagine how they talk to them there. yes, they understand, they have no other options, yeah, or they’ll come back here to
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to bow to your dad or to vladimir vladimirovich putin, and with them there, because traitors are not loved anywhere, they are hated, inside, even if they smile at you, they will understand that it is you, a person of some kind there, a traitor his people and his land, and no one likes such people.
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well, here in guba you can read what you are saying, thank god for everything. tell me,
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alexey, is the ringing of the bells really healing? indeed, this is so, under this ringing bell ringing, strength appeared in me from somewhere. i'm so excited to go there i was walking, there i received such a charge of positivity and it was as if something so bad just flew right out of me, because yes, we are still faced with hate with these all kinds of sanctions, pressure from outside, so it’s very important, i was happy that we had time before the events, to relax for a day, walk around the ancient nizhny novgorod kremlin, visit shrines, visit...
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the program say don’t be silent is on air again, our guest is paralympic athlete, public figure, alexey talai. alexey, the collection of coins for the monument, which will be installed in moscow for the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. tell us how you can participate in this initiative, what needs to be done for this? yes,
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this is a very big project, this is a continuation, this is its third part, we have already installed the first monument in the city of hero minsk, in our capital. why is there a hero near the brest fortress? yes , because this project has simply acquired a national scale, unprecedented coverage. if 130,000
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coins fell into the first monument, then the alloy of the second brez monument already contains more than half a million soviet coins from grateful generations. children, youth, students, the whole family carried their coin from their family in honor of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought for us, for life for our people on planet earth, and of course, the third, final stage is the installation of a monument similar to the second capital of our union state, and thus this project will become an all-union project, as it proudly sounds, installation in the hero city, moscow, and where we discussed this point with my good friend, i am proud of our good relationship with boris vyacheslavovich gruzlov, ambassador russian federation, and we and he said that he would do everything possible to ensure that this monument was installed in such a sacred, iconic
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place in moscow, on poklonnaya hill, in the national library just the other day, last wednesday a transfer took place: a copy, of course, we solemnly handed over to the head of state alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, and were glad that today this is the second one.
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fifth year, you will read, you will be amazed, we have seen films, we have read books, but there are materials there, what can be called something special that excites all of us, those who know what war is and want to know even more, how it was, so we will try to have these 45 volumes appear throughout...
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that, gentlemen, look carefully, those who decided to go under white, but at the same
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time the organizers of the olympics expect that 10 million people will come to them, they are boasting, it seems to me, but this is no longer and will not be, europe is already dangerous for just tourists to go there for the weekend, like it was before, look what's there what happens is these poor people who are migrants whom they wanted to fit in there. their christian world, nothing is working out, and these people, of course, are dissatisfied, and god forbid they do something else there in that paris during these olympic games, in revenge on these european, that is, dictators, in fact, who destroyed them libya, their iraq , their homes were destroyed, they are still eating, i have a feeling that nothing will work out for them, and these olympic games... they will simply fail miserably, well, in this situation, we will probably feel sorry only athletes, they must accept this
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reality, like the rest of us. you know, when they say that athletes have been preparing all their lives, but betray national interests, you have been preparing all your life, they must understand this, they prepared, they did not prepare, we all prepared, but now the world is changing before our eyes, each of us must be able to adapt to new circumstances, including some beyond our control, and to accept it calmly, this is what we talked about with young people in grodno, it’s hard.
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you will be left with this unpleasant feeling, that you took part in other people's scripts. alexey, thank you very much for coming to our studio once again, for being frank and sincere, we are once again delighted with your big heart, your honest answers and, probably, your fortitude. thank you, dear compatriots, thank you,
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i bow to everyone, thank you for your prayers and support. good luck to you and...
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it has been scientifically proven that sport has a positive effect on brain function, our program, by the way, also questions and...


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