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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 15, 2023 10:50pm-11:21pm MSK

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there are more countries, well, now there are various opportunities, there are streaming platforms , there is the internet, we have a channel on youtube, here, let’s say, for information purposes you can use the global network, there are no questions, and we use it, i’m just asking why, because that these films are primarily desirable to be seen by those who are not entirely friendly towards us, and obviously these films are in their cinemas.
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feature films are already in full swing, animation is all the films without each other, graphics are now developing in a completely different way, the system is constantly being improved, so i would say it is developing dynamically, and we can say that we also started using our feature films, feature films, there are also computer graphics, something is drawn, it...
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our academy, the guys are assigned to our best masters, who teach everything and thus support young people , we are preparing replacements for ourselves, so young people, groups of five people, i am very pleased, i come in and this is on a regular basis, i watch how they work, this and the producers are animators and so on, so everything is constantly moving, belarusian cinema has a future, there is a future, we are preparing, most importantly, we are preparing young people. who will
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be involved in editing, sound engineers and so on, they directly work with modern equipment, we teach them so that they can replace the older generation, this is normal, thank you. general director of the belarus film studio yuri alexey answered the program’s questions. results and analysis of the main events of this week in information and analytical program atn main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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doctor, this is the time when i taught at the academy of arts and tried a lot of things in different directions in the arts, i worked with a lot of people, directors and musicians, because they wanted to know more, each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus, in the east, all responsibility is usually on the man, so i wanted to study to be a doctor, because it is prestigious it was a very profitable profession, i immediately got a university seal, the level was immediately felt, the level was much higher.
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all of these are lively workshops, here they create soft dekaratsy for pastanova, darechy, and they know in the bathhouse of the theater. let's remember folk traditions. rapen-geta, yashche yago is called by the people with singing drums. the paper was pressed with the first teeth of the apex. and then the lips dropped and began to hum with a melodious voice. and there are all these special pins, as they are called. pa getam lyalki yashche called shpyanev.
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this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country. feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries : azerbaijan, kazakhstan , turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia , turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar,
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united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a companion. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus 24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guests political scientist yuri voskresensky and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, military analyst alexey poddubny, hello, colleagues, i don’t
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know if you were following or not, yesterday i spent half a day watching a meeting of the polish sejm, they were dragging out for a long time just a colossal number of speeches from the ruling the parties... talked their teeth as best they could in order to delay the time of voting on the premiership, in the end, as we all saw, morowetsky was declared a vote of no confidence, tusk took the prime minister's chair, so... on the thirteenth he should be sworn in along with the government, interesting your opinion, yuri , what is it connected with, in general this was predicted , but still, because there was an important point regarding what morovetsky said, or at least the experts said that morovetsky could buy out what was missing the number of parliamentary votes to remain in power, but apparently it didn’t work out, for what reason, we said this in one of the previous broadcasts, which is definitely, if you remember, definitely... tusk will become prime minister and why this circus
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that launched by the ruling pis party led by duda morowiecki kaczynski, it is not clear why this was an oath, the appointment of ministers, most likely they were cleaning up the tails, but believe me, there is something to clean up, for example, the polish press yesterday published data on the payment of bonuses to members of the polish government. it turns out that in just one year the number of bonuses was 50 times higher than during the 8 years of the previous government’s rule, the distribution of these bonuses to government members. these are the golden parachutes, apparently, which is why most likely this circus is that they delayed the implementation of the will of the statement of the polish people for a month, yes, they cleaned up some traces, but... that the meeting of the polish sejm was watched by a lot of experts, a lot of
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people looked at poland, more than 2 million theaters were behind the cinemas, that is, you you know, this reminded me of the open meeting of the supreme council in 1989, remember how everyone at the dachas, in the apartments listened to these lights, so to speak, well, we thought then, but the polish people were thirsty, judging by everything, that is, how we listened then. well, it seems to me that we should not expect fundamental changes for belarus, perhaps even these
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will be changes for the worse, because already the first rhetoric of tusk is alarming, and the candidacy of his minister of foreign affairs, mr. sikorsky, is shocking, i remind you, this is exactly the type who was happy and i thanked my american partners for the explosion of the northern currents, but nevertheless, here we are again. since we are turning to polish partners, this is a unique opportunity to reload our relations, because a simple belarusian polish family , they want to visit each other, they want to exchange goods along the border, attend some cultural events, yes, learn languages ​​together, visit burials, that is, this is a unique opportunity for a reboot, and we are turning to tusk, to his... government with an invitation to come in belarus to try to resolve all
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the controversial issues, there are not so many of them, that is, such a small chance, of course, must be left, but most likely this new polish government will be much more russophobic in its russophobia than the previous government, this became clear already with the first words of the prime minister. yes, from his first visit, his first visit to tallinn, yes, he is going to estonia, with the words that it is necessary to support the fire of the fratricidal war that is happening between russia and ukraine, this, of course, is annoying and not pleasing, but in general, uh , the polish new government, if it treats the poles in the same way as this junta did. duda morovetsky, kochinsky, she also faces an unenviable fate in the next
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parliamentary elections. definitely, in this context, of course, it’s even interesting how the western press calls this government a dull patchwork, because it’s really stitched together from different pieces, just yesterday, alexey, i don’t know whether they observed it or not, there was an interesting moment, when a right-wing politician, a polish one, started running around the sejm with a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire here - there was some kind of installation dedicated , as i understand it, maybe even to the israeli-palestinian conflict or some jewish holiday, so he extinguished these candles from fire extinguishers, which caused a big scandal and... everyone is now distributing this video, calling these actions are absurd, and it seems to me that probably all polish politics throughout the - say, tenure of these politicians will be approximately in this flash mob style, what do you think about this? you know, i'm like a caring person who lives on the territory of our republic, like all sensible people, watched what was happening with
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our closest neighbor, and there were many questions, namely... to say olimpa, she was more, probably so conservative, she more supported the interests of poland itself, which is natural, could not but please such states as france, well, let's start with germany, which determined the economy of the european union itself, questions arose, including from the curators of poland, who directly
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supervised these puppets who were there were appointed who rule from london from washington to the anglosation world. means that poland wants to acquire some kind of independence, i completely agree with yuri in terms of what the new government can bring us, which, well, in any case, hope, hope that, after all , the common sense that exists among the polish people, the polish people, they are very close in consciousness, understanding, living standards to our belarusian people, it’s no secret that our western borders are closely are interconnected with the population of poland and... there are intertwinings for us in more than one generation, there all these intertwinings go up to the fifth to the seventh generation, and our religions get along well there, the orthodox religion, and the catholic religion, and the churches stand there, and there are no problems, and polish programs exist, and so on and so forth, that is, but the most important thing is that the borders are open, that is, come, please, see how we live, come visit, well, from our
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side, that means, so what? concerns e interests, new... prime minister, but i think that the rhetoric will not change in relation to the russian-speaking world, that is, to the republic of belarus, to russia; most likely , control over the corridor that is happening around kaliningrad will be strengthened, because they understand that when they control the baltic sea, they will have such an instrument for the russian one. and to achieve some of his specific interests, with regard to statements about the brother of the murderous war, about the war in ukraine, well, he is a literate person, which means will look at the events taking place in ukraine, will see where the conflict will develop, what tasks will be set for it by those curators who will manage them,
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well, he will orient himself accordingly, which means that there can also be two developments here , one... negative, if, let’s say , he has a reason to have a negative attitude towards the destruction of our constitutional system, to take some kind of painless part in this for them, painless participation there in weakening russia, i am sure that without hesitation he will make a decision in order to to do everything to ensure that this is the case, if there is a strengthening of our constitutional system, military potential, of course, events in favor... that means the russian federation, and it will be mandatory during the conflict in ukraine, but it will be guided and accepted based on situation, i think that this is how everything will happen. yes, i agree with you colleagues, i think that tusk will play within the framework of the common rules of the european union, in general he does not deny this and has repeatedly said that he will to adhere to the general concept as much as possible, the only problem is that in fact
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there is no general concept, let's be honest, because they are increasingly talking about the fact that ursula can lose. as a result, cemeteries in ukraine are overcrowded and continue to expand due to even urban developments. the other day, by the
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way, it was ten years ago, many people noted in telegram channels this famous photo, noolan with livers, yes, the livers turned into a funeral table, unfortunately, to a great extent unfortunately, we are not talking about this ironically, but really with pain for...
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in the end, from all these shows, pr campaigns, all these productions of the clown government with a nazi overtone, you must
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finally step away and take a trivial look at the map when you look at the map of ukraine , you see that you have 100 km of border with belarus on top, and next to it there are 2600 km with the tail of the border with... with russia, so what kind of european union are you going to join, you need to live, build relationships with your neighbors, instead of they built at least some kind of relationship, they are the kiev authorities, and we became witnesses, thanks to the work of our special services, we all became witnesses this week, we received all access to materials, that... the kiev authorities are trying to organize provocations on the territory of belarus, for the first time they invited, united all these fugitive crooks, extremists
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of belarusian origin, and that we heard what we heard from their speeches, including the deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, all state media showed this, that is , it’s one thing when we say it, well, maybe ... an element of mistrust, well, maybe something exaggerate, well, why are they speaking for someone with words, although we said all this, yes, experts, political journalists, political scientists, politicians, and another thing we hear when deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine call for an armed rebellion, for an attack, for terrorist acts on our territory, for which we deserve such gratitude for the fact that president lukashenko...
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questions, in my opinion, even this meeting was held at the ukrainian academy of sciences, that is, the involvement of the ukrainian state in an attempt to invade our territory, well one hundred percent, that is, we can state
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that gru stands for it. this or gur, as they correctly designate it all, and the armed forces of ukraine, it’s interesting, alexey, your opinion, as a military analyst, how promising is all this, all these ideas, too, before you start answering, i’ll note a small point , not everyone paid attention to him, because on the eve of this gathering, it cannot be called otherwise, alexander soros came to the territory of ukraine, this is the heir of george soros, i’m just being nice. well my eyes widened, when i looked at these photographs, because zelensky and his team came to power precisely against the backdrop of such anti-sarosyatin, in general the term sarosyatin came from ukraine, because everyone there constantly accused each other of having connections with this social and political figure , who is behind most of the coups in the post-soviet space, and today zelensky shakes hands with the heir of george soros in the public space and
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presents it all. media and is directly communicated, which means to us by official sources, which means that we can say that the events that took place are just the information that is circulating in ukraine, not only the arrival of soros, quite high-ranking officials, including the military, came there. such as the director of the cia, which means the us secretary of defense , well, that is, it is clear that they did not come to just walk around khreshchatyk and drink coffee, well, they brought some money, second instructions, of course, well, it was an inspection , apparently, inspection, what is it like represents today the military potential of ukraine and how it can be used, in what direction, that is , either, well, i’m speaking now from the point of view of kiev, either it will go to the north, or it
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will go... to the west, or it will fulfill the tasks , based on how they will look in the southern direction, that is, this indicates that the inspection was carried out, conclusions were drawn, as for this sabbath that took place in kiev, well, i think it should be taken very seriously, these the intentions they expressed there are practically, probably, they chose the direction of their plan for those crazy people who are already mired in this...
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to say without attention means, and i am sure that our military-political leadership, which means our state, took all maximum measures in order to prevent any infiltration into the territory of the republic of belarus, and most importantly, control carries out, knows all movements, movements, concentrations , that is, of any elements, equipment, something else, so that there is no such a massive breakthrough, as for impact on territory of the republic of belarus, well, we are looking. the information that the state security committee puts forward, how many saboteurs they regularly detain who are trying to do some kind of destructive actions on the territory of the republic of belarus, who are trying to commit some kind of terrorist attacks here, including how recruitment happens, that is, such a war is already underway , it is fully controlled by the state security committee, which means the successful
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operation that is shown indicates that our units that are engaged in this direction, they very clearly successfully protect the perimeter of our country, i am sure that the head of state begins his working day and ends it with the security of our state, and what measures have been taken in this regard, so our people can sleep peacefully and know that the entire security bloc, which performs these tasks, he works 100% on all these areas, in this context, you know, colleagues, i, for example, too, well, i am very... ambiguous about these statements that they are trying to make about what and why, what preventive strikes belarus attacked there in 20, there were no attempts at all to attack belarus from the territory of ukraine, and so on, all this is some kind of propaganda slander, they openly hold congresses, openly discuss the invasion of the territory of the republic of belarus, and starting somewhere in the fourteenth year on our land , only those who spoke publicly were detained.


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