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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 16, 2023 3:45pm-4:21pm MSK

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20 years old, crushed from papers. ganna maryt sabrac pa adny dzedzi maroz s kozhnaga gorada erstwhile savetskaga sayuz, і geta meta badai dasyagna, prychym many iz іkh handicrafts, there in adzіnym copies. who helps him except his granddaughter, the little animal, we see a bunny here, he is in trousers.
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premny weekends and yes sustrechy.
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of those, which have already passed into eternity, the spiritual laws and life instructions of the clergy, can a person cross himself and remain unbroken? the tsar, the boyars, the veche, this has been traditional for centuries for us, the form of government is the base, and to it we can and should add a superstructure from what are called
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democratic institutions, these are elections of a leader, that is, the president, and elections to parliament and a national referendum, it is important for me that you evaluate not a form about the tsar, from... what i say: when we , by strengthening the supreme national assembly, return the historical veche to the control system, it does not contradict a strong leader, but complements the system. what is the difference between a politician and a statesman? the politician is thinking about future elections, and a statesman thinks about future generations. we can do something to help the world find peace only if we ourselves have order at home, because if we suddenly have a mess, then we will have neither time nor energy left for the world’s problems. watch ganda on belarus24 tv channel.
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hello, police, godeleva village, please come, no one opens the door for me, everything here is bloody, i don’t know, i’m a daughter-in-law, i came to visit, the door is bloody, there’s blood on the floor, please come, in this apartment lived the tsybulsky family, two pensioners and their son, he was found with a broken face and a severe hangover. a terrible picture appeared before the doctors and police officers: in the corridor on the floor was the corpse of anatoly’s mother. the elderly woman was completely naked, and her father was in one of the rooms. seventy-nine-year-old adam tsybulski showed signs of life, but
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it was not possible to save the pensioner. he soon died in the intensive care unit of a district hospital. the son of the victims became the only suspect in the double murder. for a quiet village. years later, in the bykhovsky district, this incident became a major topic of conversation for years to come. bloodied. clothes, many bruises and abrasions made local drunk anatoly tsybulsky an unconditional suspect in the murder of his parents. since nothing was missing from the house, investigators put forward three versions of the incident: murders for mercenary reasons, due to personal unpleasant
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relationships, or on domestic grounds. the survey of fellow villagers hid the difficult relationship between the son and the dead. according to the testimony. residents of the village, neighbors, the son was characterized negatively, led a moral lifestyle, did not work anywhere, abused alcoholic beverages. vladimir damoratsky, at the time of the investigation of the criminal case, deputy head of the department for the investigation of crimes against the person and public safety of the investigative department of the usc for the mogilev region, conducted interrogations of participants in the criminal process, checking testimony at the scene of the incident. ordered examinations, completed the preliminary investigation in a criminal case, and forwarded them to the prosecutor. there were cases when he took various objects out of the house, food products, and sold them with the goal of
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buying alcohol with the proceeds. it is clear that without working anywhere, he lived off the pension of his mother and father. on this basis between him and his mother ... their son drinks, he is so calm, but when he drinks, he strives to fight with someone, it’s a pity, of course, the parents are calm, hardworking, and i feel sorry for adam, especially hope, the neighbors are not once they saw the deceased with bruises. nadezhda tsybulskaya admitted that her son had been drinking every day lately, periodically beating her, and regularly making scandals because she didn’t let me take things out of the house.
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so i don’t remember anything, i woke up at 7 in the morning and saw that the pillow was covered in blood, going up to the mirror i saw that my whole face was broken , i found my dead mother in the kitchen, my father was lying on the sofa, uttering incomprehensible words, i went again to mother, then it dawned on me, all this, an irreparable disaster had happened, then i changed clothes, washed myself, took off my t-shirt and jacket, which were too much. changed into clean clothes, took the money, went to the store, bought a bottle of wine there, a pack of cigarettes, went
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to his summer house in the garden, where he drank three glass of wine, stayed there for about an hour and a half, knowing what i had done, to go home, call from a neighbor, call the police, approaching the house, i saw an ambulance of police officers, they asked about the key to the apartment, gave them the key, i couldn’t get into the apartment myself came in, was detained at the time of inspection of the incident, and he confirmed this that... the apartment was locked from the inside, there were no other apartments. ivan kechchik, at the time of the criminal investigation, investigator for particularly important cases of the investigation department of the usc for mogilev region, ordered the necessary expert research, collected evidence incriminating the accused, carried out basic investigative actions, interrogated key witnesses in the criminal case, and actually put an end to the investigation.
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live no more than an hour. a fracture of the pelvis, ribs, with the resulting injuries the victim could have a hyoid bone, ear rupture, numerous hemorrhages. the nature of the beatings indicated severe blows, which means a targeted murder. the victim was beaten with a blunt object, but under this wording kicks and punches are also suitable. based on the cadaveric spots, the investigator determined the time of death, from one to three. suspect anatoly tsybulsky, who has the blood
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of the dead on his clothes, confesses to the murder. as a rule, in such cases the preliminary investigation stage takes place without red tape. the detainee writes a sincere confession, where he sets out the circumstances, reasons and motives of the incident, tells such details that only someone who was a participant or witness to the crime can know. name the time. attack, the nature and number of injuries, as well as describe in detail the place where the murder occurred, and forensic examinations will complement the testimony of the defendant, but in this case the results went against what the suspect said, and this raised even more questions for the investigators. the attacker broke the pensioner's jaw from heavy blows to the head; adam cybulski suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, which subsequently led to severe... swelling. in both cases, examinations ruled out injuries due to an accidental fall or other accident.
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case. from the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, the bodily injuries found during the forensic medical examination of corpses are similar in their morphological characteristics, that is, they belong to the same type of damage: bruises, abrasions, wounds. the formation of all bodily injuries from a single fall from a standing position is excluded, since damage. located on various surfaces of the body, including opposite ones. the son's beatings were not like those of elderly parents. cloth. the suspect was covered in blood, examination things showed a mixture of his blood and his parents’, the door was not broken down, which means that the attacker was either opened, or he was already at home. tsybulsky, who had recently confessed to the murder, began to vehemently deny his guilt. well, i don’t know, i couldn’t do that to myself. so much blood on clothes, where did it come from?
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so, i myself am in shock, i wake up, the pillow is covered in blood, my face is all broken, my mother is lying on the floor. she was bleeding, i came up, tried to raise her, bring her to her senses , stop the bleeding, now i got dirty, my mother was naked on the floor , my father was also lying on the floor and he tried in every possible way to provide medical assistance to both his mother and father, he lifted him onto the sofa, respectively, on his hands, on the items of clothing in which he was, subsequently, during expert research , traces of blood were found, he explained: this is because i don’t remember anything, he mentally understood that no one else could have done this but him, but the examination of the naked corpse of the deceased raised other questions for the investigation. the conclusion of the forensic examination stated that the murdered woman was violated in perverted form. this explained why the deceased was lying naked, but the nature of the abuse rather protected the son from this
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atrocity, rather than making him guilty. when the investigator... raised the topic of a sexual crime, it was clear that the man was very worried and felt sorry for his dead mother, you wrote this here, so that i’m my own mother, are you kidding me? yes, we argued, of course, it happened, but i couldn’t do this, who could do it then? so how do i know, sanko and i were drinking that day, i don’t remember anything at all, i woke up the next morning, looking at you. but whoever beat the suspect himself, the elderly parents could not deliver such blows; fellow villagers told about what happened to anatoly on the day of the murder. a company led by a local shepherd was drinking behind the store, anatoly approached them and asked
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for a drink, after he left a bottle of vodka disappeared, the shepherd vladimir noticed this. whether the theft of alcohol or a verbal altercation could have caused the double murder. investigators decide to talk to nikeenko. well , yes, i poured it on him, we poured it in a good way, and he also stole the bottle that i bought. vladimir nikeenko, a rural shepherd, despite
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his 18 years, was famous in the village for his drunken antics and fights. so was it possible that alcohol was the cause of the brutal massacre? anatoly tsybulsky is twice as old as nikeenko, both have their own social circle, which is similar to their lifestyle. the always drunk tsibulsky mostly communicated with barefoot men, men who had no family, the unemployed, who were well over 30. in this social environment, nikeenko was a little higher, he had a girlfriend, a social circle, a local collective farmer. and colleagues working with tsybulsky, they were united only by the village of godylevo, where they lived and their addiction to alcohol, they did not communicate with each other, did not even greet each other, until that moment there had never been conflicts between the men, and in general, in principle, i had never seen him sober, he did not works, drinks all his life, hands always shake, and then what happened, then what happened,
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we sat down, went our separate ways. well, that’s it, basically, and you left too? yes, i went to see my friends, i was there with my girlfriend, her name is nastya, vladimir’s roommate, anastasia, really confirmed this testimony, in the evening her boyfriend came home drunk and soon fell asleep. nikeenko was a drinker, a rowdy, but not a criminal; his only offenses included fines. residents knew everything was abused on the register. was not a member, and accordingly was not registered with the bykhovsky rvd; in simple words, one can say that he was a quiet, everyday drunkard. one of the fundamental principles of legal proceedings in almost all countries of the world. any person, even if officially accused of any crime or
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arrested, should be considered absolutely innocent until legally proven guilty. in the high-profile case of the double murder of pensioners , there was no direct evidence pointing to anatoly tsubulsky. about the presence of inconsistencies and the results of some examinations at all. made the suspect innocent, club of editors, when all over the world you say belarus, they say lukashenko, what is the image of our president associated with, independence, sovereignty, justice, why are such violent attacks on belarusian sovereignty, on belarusian sovereign policy, on our nuclear power? project, but the european union and the united states of america do not need complex, sovereign countries and economies. today
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, dehumanization, dehumanization is happening before our eyes, people who taught how to value human life are themselves today committing horrific crimes, the worst thing is when children die, i’m not just talking about the children of palestine, i’m now talking about half a million syrian children, about 2,500 children of donbass, and this... is called collateral damage, double standards, outright vile hypocrisy regarding the assessment of events on territories of palestine in other countries, on the territory of ukraine, belarus, russia. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel . we'll tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. buying good products is not so easy, but cooking with them is a pleasure. it is better not to take a piece of meat that is too huge; most likely, the bird was fed gmo products and hormones. when buying an orange, touch it carefully; the fruit
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should not be soft or deformed. a proper breakfast is the key to health and well-being moods. we will have a french style breakfast, it is clafoutis with goat cheese and vegetables. the time has come to assemble our beautiful dish. i'm a fan of vegetables. the more of them, the better in our diet. in order for us to be effective in everyday life, since we have been sitting a lot lately, we need to devote 10-15 minutes to working the gluteal muscles, we try to reach as far behind our hands as possible, while the pelvis should, on the contrary, try to reach the heels in the opposite direction . look at...
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the investigators themselves saw more and more inconsistencies that indicated that anatoly was not involved in the murder of his parents. there was clearly someone else in the house. in the apartment , forensic scientists found a fresh footprint from a rubber boot. the shoe size was different from what the cybulskis wore. this could indicate the presence of an outsider during the murder. based on the print, we were able
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to identify the shoe factory. production was located in the mogilev region. investigators even went to the enterprise where shoes were produced, but this did not bring any results. initial testimony that anatoly tsybulsky gave immediately after his arrest, inheritance investigators will call this behavior the tsybulsky phenomenon. in other words, tsybulsky , without suspecting it, assumed how the murder happened, and then came to believe. in his
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involvement, he told the investigator his own conclusions. the testimony of anatoly tsybulsky, which he gave initially, that is, i understood what happened, i understood what i had done. the conclusions sounded like there is actually conjecture going on, and a person is imagining something that he doesn’t really remember. the footprint that was found near the deceased the mother was still not identified. in this situation.
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work, as a result of which it was decided that the proof of the son’s involvement in the murder of his parents was not enough, he was released from the pre-trial detention center and the preventive measure was changed to a written undertaking not to leave. having released the only suspect, investigators never found anyone else involved in the murder. subsequently, versions were worked out that were connected, that the murder was committed out of personal unpleasant relationships, the murder was committed out of selfish motives, the murder of the tsybulsky spouses was committed out of hooligan motives, all these versions did not find their objective confirmation, the only version that remained was that...
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the murder was committed on domestic grounds. traces of blood in the entrance belonged to anatoly tsybulsky himself, and at home there was the blood of his parents. these were two different fights. but whoever beat anatoly himself in the entrance killed his parents. is there a chance that this is the same person? is there a chance that my son wanted to kill you too? investigators also had no answers to these questions. promptly.
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expert studies of additional repeated commissions and so on, well , as a rule, in this category of cases, i will tell you with confidence that work is being done, it is always being done. for eight long years, the case of the double murder of an elderly couple in the village of godylevo, bykhovsky district, remained unsolved. during this time , the investigation was resumed more than once, fellow villagers, neighbors and the only suspect who never i remembered the event of that fateful night. police, i'm listening. hello, police, i want to tell you about
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the murder that my husband committed, he just ... tried to strangle me, he said that he would kill me in the same way as i used to live in the bykhovsky district, so there was a murder there, about 8 years ago, the murder was not found then, and he shouted that he would kill me in the same way as i can’t do it anymore , come already, please dictate the address, a show where they fight not with the help of physical force, there is no need to eat, in our program we will prove that this phrase has nothing to do with sports no relation, because sport is a matter of smart people, name the hero of the famous tv series in the past, who during his school years played for the ural stars team and even scored a hat-trick in the final of the leather ball tournament, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, all these english clubs represent london, except for astonville, astonville, of course, we all remember that if a pawn reaches the end of
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the court. alexander, stier. absolutely right, this is stier. ilya, let others play. this is the correct answer. absolutely right. equestrian sport at the 20-24 olympic games will be held at former residence of the french kings. artyom knew, i guessed, so that he could rest. so, it was not in vain that they sent him to rest. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. traveling through sineokaya through the eyes of foreigners. this kind of detour is interesting.
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watch in the next episode. after 8 years , a new suspect appears in the case of a brutal double murder. i ask you to speak loudly, clearly and intelligibly into the camera. year and place of birth. 03/10/94. bykhovsky district, gadleva village. why didn’t the person involved earlier was on the list of suspects. the next morning, when he woke up, they... were walking through the village, during a conversation, he asked her to say that if police officers came to the village and asked about him, where he was, he asked her to say that
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that he was with her all evening, that is , in fact, to create an alibi for him. anastasia, from his and her words, did not notice anything reprehensible in this, she, again, during her explanation... as they say, well, i had a conflict, and i hit him, who turned out to be guilty and what there was a motive for this murder, see in the next episode.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the tv channel.


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