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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 19, 2023 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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hello, this is simple economics with alexey avdonin. the world economy is undergoing strong changes, a new redistribution of drilling markets for raw materials and products is underway. belarus, thanks to the correct economic course of the last three decades, feels. itself is now stable, direct evidence of this thesis is the growth in the welfare of belarusians. recently, the ministry of economy published a study on the achievements of socio-economic development of our country over the past 30 years. according to the assessment in in the structure of household expenditures , savings increased by almost 30%. at the same time , there was a decrease in the share of essential goods in favor of medical, educational and other services.
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the nutritional structure has also improved. belarusians began to consume more fruits, berries, vegetables, fish and meat. there was an increase in the consumption of durable goods, cars and residential premises. the provision of passenger cars has increased more than fivefold. the number of square meters per resident has increased by more than one and a half times. this year dynamics of durable consumer goods continued to improve. in november twenty- third market. amounted to 140%. purchasing cars and housing are indicators not only of increased well-being, but also of belarusians’ confidence in a stable future. an important confirmation of the dynamics of increasing confidence is also the disposal of the population from foreign currency with subsequent acquisition. urgent goods or transferring
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savings into belarusian rubles. thus, in january-november of this year, individuals in belarus were sold for more than 425 million more dollars of foreign currency than purchased. in november, our citizens increased their deposits in belarusian rubles by 172 million rubles. in many ways, all of these indicators of well-being and confidence are ensured due to the extremely high efficiency of our economy. in january-october here. the largest industrial production was recorded among the countries of the eurasian economic union. in general , industrial production in the ip increased by almost 4%, while in belarus it amounted to 8%. other eau countries showed lower dynamics. such high rates allow us to increase exports and earn foreign currency. exports of goods and services for 10 months of twenty-three amounted to almost $4 billion. the people's reserve assets of belarus
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in november 23 increased by almost $109 million and exceeded the mark of more than $8.256 million in equivalent. in january-october twenty-third, foreign trade turnover increased by almost 10% compared to the same period last year and amounted to over $78 billion. visits of our president to the countries of the middle east east, asia, africa, aimed at implementation. more complex and profitable local managers. the head of state is for us, belarusians. now it’s up to those responsible for the projects, which means increasing the prosperity of all the results of international visits, holds meetings and gives strict instructions to prevent bureaucracy from delaying projects. speed ​​is gold now. it was simple economics with alexey avdonin.
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fewer and fewer ukrainians trust the institutions of power of the kiev regime, zelensky, the verkhovna rada and the government, in comparison since december last year, trust in the government has decreased from 52% to 26, and distrust has increased from 19% to 44, tensions are growing between kiev artists and... the military , local media are reporting the discovery of wiretapping bugs on the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and his team. zaluzhny himself said that the wiretap was found in the office where he was supposed to work from today. the sbu announced the initiation of a criminal case. the west, meanwhile, is clearly making it clear that without victory on the battlefield, the ukrainian conflict is less and less beneficial to it. the prime minister of slovakia is completely sure that the story of the war was played for one purpose. weaken
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russia. i am convinced that most of the european union is deliberately living the war in ukraine in a big lie.
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our lawyers must find legal ways to stop the destruction both from the outside and from the inside. who does orban work for, putin, why are you not doing anything to stop him? don't you see how the eu is being destroyed from within? we see, unfortunately, the tools to stop it are too weak. thus, the priority option is still aspiration. position on ukraine, explaining all the costs of isolation. by the way, an interesting fact: a member of the european parliament from lithuania proposed punishing hungary and depriving it of the right to vote, between the lines because budapest today is pursuing its own independent policy. this policy is very
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simple: decisions of the european union should not harm the residents of the european union, in particular hungary. lithuania thinks differently, a systemic crisis and a path to self-destruction are better. why did the severance of ties with moscow and minsk lead lithuania to a dead end? the economy asks for help, business shouts the guard, but the authorities continue to serve to the west. irrational politics are mistakes for which ordinary people pay, the cool peke of vilnius in understandable politics. watch today after the panorama.
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politicians of recent years are reaping the harvest, farmers are on strike en masse, the stinking manure riots in france have not yet subsided when a wave of demonstrations was picked up in germany. berlin is buzzing today, thousands of farmers from all over the country blocked the street in the center of the capital, demonstrators brought tractors to
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the brandenburg gate. the german farmers' association opposes the abolition of taxes benefits that the government plans to adopt, the industry will lose almost a billion due to innovations. euro. activists are chanting slogans demanding not to cut benefits, holding banners. some farmers, in an attempt to reach the authorities, climbed onto the roofs of tractors. dissatisfaction is growing, and research confirms this. according to information 59%. those asked are in favor of holding early elections. in poland , farmers decided to join truckers who are blocking the border with ukraine, they demand immediate payment subsidies, suspension of imports of ukrainian sugar, preservation of excise duty compensation on fuel, as well as compensation to
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corn producers. however, western governments seem to be looking in the wrong direction. the united states and the european union are ready to provoke the spread. afghanistan, iraq or syria. by the way, the united states has already decided to expand its presence in the red sea region under the pretext of strengthening shipping security forces. this is being presented as a reaction to an attack by houthis from yemen on commercial ships in the red sea. a direct flight will connect the belarusian capital with the city of sanya. it is located in the province of hainai and is famous for its large number of seaside resorts. the presentation of the new direction took place today in minsk, the start of the flight program
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is scheduled for mid-january. it will be possible to get to the destination twice a week, on tuesdays and saturdays, flights will be operated on airbas planes, which can accommodate three hundred passengers. travel time - 11 hours. the opening of a new destination will contribute not only to the development of tourism, but to the increase in bilateral trade. this. sides belarusian doctors have begun installing domestic knee replacements. pioneers, patients
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of the sixth city clinical hospital of minsk. in total, the center of traumatology and orthopedics received 100 endoprostheses from the scientific and technological park of bntu. assessing the quality, doctors noted the high competitiveness of the belarusian product. two prosthetic surgeries were performed last week. today is the first time for patients. for a long time we got back to our feet without pain. details in the report by yulia alferova. i still i do it, look, like this, here, like this 10 times, then here, 10 times, again 10 times. maria ivanovna’s morning now begins with such simple gymnastics; the woman became one of the first patients in the country to receive a domestic knee replacement .
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after all, the operation went as usual, the doctors note, a little more and the woman will be ready to be discharged to the second stage of rehabilitation, this is a complex of physiotherapy exercises , which will allow the restoration of lost functions. this year we also participated in testing this endoprosthesis. yes, we offered ours, as an orthopedic traumatologist, we offered our specific wishes, including for installation tools. i think, as an operator, i am one of those who installed the first endoprosthesis in our clinic. that this is a fairly high-quality, competitive product, yes, which has the right to life not
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only in our clinic, but in clinics and neighboring countries. in fact, an artificial joint is three components made of metal and plastic, plus a set of tools, five boxes, devices necessary for doctors, the past in the fall, this set passed all technical, toxicological and preclinical tests , only after confirmation of effectiveness and safety, the industrial batch of the stented endoprostheses arrived. for the arsenal of doctors, one of the main advantages of reducing the delivery time of a prosthesis, for example, a foreign one takes almost 3 months, our belarusian ones promise to deliver in 2 weeks, this in turn will increase the number of operations, this was the case with the hip, using the example of this hospital in 2019 ten operations per week, now increased to 55. they began to work in two shifts, and even on weekends the demand does not allow for relaxation, the same applies to the installation of knee endoprostheses, and such operations will... be performed not only in minsk, the material and technical base has been updated, for more than 3 million rubles, x-ray units were purchased,
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surgical kits were purchased, saws were purchased, drills were purchased, that is , the material and technical base is ready to fill the need that is currently necessary to provide assistance to patients of this profile, as for today regarding the presence of joints, fortunately, at present, everyone has no problems with this. since january 1, 1,800 operations on endoprosthetics of large joints have been performed in minsk alone, replacements are carried out in the sixth and eleventh emergency hospitals, operating
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on 75 people a week, and this is far from the limit, when there are not just these people... personnel must correspond to the most high requirements and be able to work with equipment, for this komvol has a modern equipment that has no analogues, not only in belarus, but in the cis. here the children will also be able to gain theoretical knowledge; special classrooms have been opened for this purpose. in the laboratories of the komvolny plant, we carry out the dyeing process with any
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dyes that we need to carry out laboratory work, this is provided to us by the komvolny plant. they have all the chemicals that chemists study in laboratory work and practical work, but here there are mock-ups of equipment, mini-equipment, where they themselves can carry out the dyeing process and bring it closer to reality using large-sized equipment, here, if necessary, we come to the enterprise, to the offices, where we can actually study the technology of finishing production equipment, and here... we can come and inspect the fabrics, and in the offices we can carry out decorations, recipes, regimes, all this is very interesting for us, very cool, it’s great that the company gives us such an opportunity, a unique symbiosis and education and the production cycle itself, that is, guys, who will be trained at the center site, they will receive unique competencies and
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, of course, for us as an employer, this is an opportunity, after its distribution, to receive a ready-made specialist who does not require any... they are walking around belarus, there are still 2 weeks until the new year, but gifts are already being presented: the waltz polonese, the dress uniform and the cadet ball whirled. he opened a marathon of charitable events of the republican action our children in the mogilev region. according to tradition, in the golden hall of the palace of civilians during the ceremony, he gathered patrons of the arts, as well as
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representatives of law enforcement agencies, city and regional executive committees. ministries. sports and tourism, household appliances, a video camera, as well as cash certificates for cadets from the bosses, in addition to physical training, drill training , the usual lessons that we have at the cadet school, we have also added dancing, thanks to my partners, we are doing very well today they performed, danced perfectly, i think i will remember this day for the rest of my life, thank you all for the gifts that were given to us, we were very pleased to receive them, and i want to congratulate everyone on... but of course we brought a piece of warmth, every child will make some wishes, i am sure that we will also help make these wishes come true. celebration and concert at the telekhan
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boarding school, among the guests , the minister of internal affairs not only presented gifts to the wards on behalf of the department and watched new year's performances, but also took part in the opening of a patriotic club at the school. for the first time in such a special school a patriotic club was opened, the patriotic club zaslon, and this was not a wish or an initiative of employees of the internal affairs bodies, but an initiative of this particular high school, precisely the guys, among young people this has already become a definite fashion, they are already real patriots, they will... today, an employee of a special police detachment , he gave the compensation that was intended for his family and for him here. 20 air guards from the krim region are marching over
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our boarding school, and for children over the years, the police uniform has really become symbol of courage and patriotism. the presence of the minister of internal affairs at such an event testifies to the great concern of our state for children, especially since our children are very symbolic of this action. over the course of several weeks, police officers will visit orphanages, special boarding schools and other institutions. the main goal of the republican action is not to leave a single child in the country unattended. two new modern training halls recently appeared at the project of the presidential sports club bold step. the guys will be train side by side with participants of the military-patriotic. courage, and working with young athletes will include coaches who have many high-profile titles behind them. the sports facilities are located on the base
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of a separate special forces unit, reis, so that as a result of such activities, boys and girls will acquire not only excellent physical shape. our film crew also attended the opening of the new halls. active teamwork, absolute trust in the coach and motivation to become better and stronger. these guys are from the military-patriotic club courage they preferred to spend sunday morning in the training halls, which were spacious, bright, and comfortable. with new modern exercise equipment, just a year ago everything looked a little different here: the first time i came here, there was an old gym here , i was even a little surprised, now,
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when we came after the summer, when the gym was completed, i was surprised because everything was new here, everything was clean, beautiful, what i saw at the stage of renovation and that now the halls were equipped at a very high level, both for samba classes and for classes martial arts, let's say, practically as for... if a child finds himself in conditions that are, well , difficult, difficult conditions, but a hand is extended to him, then what help,
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attention is paid to him, he can through sports, through, as they say, discipline , you can achieve, no matter in sports or something else, this is further in your life, well , it will be a very good help, opening more and more new locations, and more and more lights in the eyes of children, world champion svetlana timoshenko side by side with no less titled alexander koksha in
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sambo hall. on the floor below, where the beginning thai boxers gathered, multiple world and european champion andrey gerosimchuk was handing out the task. this is one of the features of the project: it trains world top guys in their sports. thanks to a bold step, the guys will now have this opportunity. and the girls of courage, all together, becoming both of them in training, like one big family. and the most important thing is that the children there will come to the military unit where contract soldiers work, who will show by their example how to love the state, including their own excellent physical fitness, they will demonstrate what sport gives. for children who are.
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my phrase: where you were born, you came in handy, you have to love, appreciate your country and move forward, this is the education of the spirit, first of all, this is physical education, this is health, this is the love of the motherland in all its understandings. elena gorilchik, ilya maksimov, dmitry golovach, television news agency. that's all for me, the broadcast will continue. clear politics, mistakes for which ordinary people have to pay, a systemic crisis and the path to self-destruction. lithuania this clear policy, hello, on december 13 , nauseda approved the budget of lithuania for the next year, you population gasped, more than 2 billion euros will go to fight windmills, because official vilnius endlessly talks about the threat from belarus to russia and this.
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against the backdrop of economic collapse, a former member of the cpsu as a helmsman is dragging lithuania to the bottom, how can we only draw conclusions from the facts?
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let's start the program not with lithuanian embezzlers, but with ordinary people, the echo of thoughtless politics falls on their shoulders. it really smelled fried in lithuania last year, the economy collapsed so much that the crisis was called a return to the nineties. the main reasons are economist. they call a decline in lithuanian industry and a reduction in orders from foreign partners. domestic consumption fell at the start of the year, and the pockets of people with mortgages were hit by interest rate hikes by european central banks, forcing people in some cases to pay twice as much in installments. hyperinflation of 20%, energy crisis along the chain sharply everything you need has gone up in price - heating, refueling and lighting. groceries increased by
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25%, utilities too. flew into space, more than half a thousand enterprises went bankrupt, because electricity became almost 10 times more expensive. the crazy prices for natural gas also forced businesses to shout the guard. inflation, in fact, is caused by the very sanctions that the tribalts are driving, caused by their ridiculous energy policy, reluctance to buy electricity from vlas, oil and gas from russia. although, in one way or another , both russian oil and gas and belarusian electricity reaches the same lithuania, therefore, but this is a kind of stupidity that is not even effective, it is not fully justified. society reacted quickly, life became worse, sociologists heard from the majority of lithuanians in 2022. according to a new survey by baltosturimai, the vast
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majority. lithuanian residents believe that life is getting worse; the last time such low figures were 13 years ago in 2009, at the height of the financial crisis, in july 2022 8%. already this year , the roof over your head, that is, housing, came under attack, analysis from svetbank chief economist nerius machulis. the economy of the baltic countries has found itself in stagnation, followed by a period of recession. this is also bad news for those thinking about buying a home. economists, currently in none of the baltic capitals housing is affordable; in vilnius and tallinn housing has become unaffordable; according to our calculations, if you need more than 30% of your monthly income for housing, then we consider it unaffordable, this
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situation has developed in all capitals, tallinn, riga and vilnius. from the same report, the lithuanian economy will shrink by 0.3% this year. but even going into such a minus does not seem to be the worst result. at the beginning of the year they were minus 4%. and then there is the labor market in the form of a ticking time bomb. the number of vacancies has dropped to its lowest level in 15 years. things got worse only after the 2008 crisis. moreover, companies are significantly reducing staff. particularly large players in the market are cutting staff by a quarter due to rising costs. another good example: record layoffs among lithuanian postal employees. out in the spring 2024. about 400 postmen will be sent. according to forecasts, this will seriously deteriorate the logistics and availability of print media. there will be no one to deliver them to small towns. even the lithuanian prosecutor's office publicly voiced the staff shortage.
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there is not a single employee in the department under 30 years of age. only 6% are under 40 years old. the rest are older people. add low wages and high workload. the result is a forecast of minus another 100 prosecutors in the near future. the eec predicts that in 2030 there will be a shortage of 3,000 nurses in lithuania, also in there is a shortage of it specialists, primary school teachers, social workers, managers, advertising managers, civil servants in municipalities. overall , 45% of employers face the problem of labor shortage. with a roof over our heads and work sorted out, let's move on to the neighbors' refrigerator. in 2023, the number of people in need of food assistance increased by almost 12% or 22 thousand people. to these figures it is worth adding 16 thousand ukrainians who applied for help. however,
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few can count on food. the ministry of social protection has updated the minimum wage. if a lithuanian earns more than 235 euros per month, he may not count on help. that is, you have 200. 36 euros will no longer provide help, despite the fact that the average fat in lithuania last winter was 400 euros. against the backdrop of ruthless statistics , the country's government is calling for even tighter belts. prime minister igrida simonyte announced the adoption of a tough budget for next year with further cuts in social spending. the situation for lithuania is aggravated by the fact that the entire the economy of the eurozone, which means there’s not much help to be expected from. in particular, according to... manita, lithuania faces a transition to strict budget discipline in accordance with the maastricht criteria, which will require a significant reduction in the budget deficit. with this approach, the catastrophic ratings of the head of government are not surprising. the minimum
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trust rating was recorded in september and october of this year. thus, last month the head of government was assessed positively by only 20% of respondents, and negatively by 74%. besides this, at the lowest level. today the rating of the head of the mid-country, gabrielius lansberges, is underway. of course, lithuania is pathologically dependent on the european union, and it has its own host of problems. they abandoned cheap russian energy, cut off trade and ended up with a recession in germany, which pulled the whole of eastern europe with it. plus , cynical friends from the ocean are brazenly engaged in economic cannibalism, luring large european companies to themselves. considering that lithuania is a subsidized state, for whom. european subsidies will be reduced, which means austerity is inevitable. in addition, the expansion into
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the balkans announced by european officials means that a significant part of the budget will be allocated to the integration of this region, which also consists of poor subsidized countries. the european budget is getting poorer, and there are only so many mouths to feed on finances. then there is ukraine, which is constantly asking for more and more, so a satellite in the form of vilnius and company will obviously not be easy, even despite the diligence that lithuania is trying to earn before the west politically. tal, constantly provoking tension in relations with neighbors. the lithuanian authorities not only clear out the media space, silence dissent, and persecute for political reasons, but also put pressure on businesses, forcing them to stop doing business with minsk and moscow. serious pressure is also being placed on citizens who are trying to force them to refuse visa- free travel to our country. but the art of currying favor is really vilnius’ strong point. fueled the situation in belarus , fueled the rebellion, sheltered impostors,
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pseudo-politicians, imaginary bloggers and other activist brethren, were in the forefront calling for sanctions against minsk, legally prohibited the purchase of cheap electricity from the new belarusian nuclear power plant, blocked the transit of oil and fertilizers, then what from this happened, analysts unanimously say that lithuania, under nouse, adapted a unique economic... this is a fight against the globe, a fight against geography,
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a rejection of trade routes, trade routes, what’s wrong with russia, what’s the refusal to participate in the chinese silk road, and so on and so on, and as a consequence, this leads to the picture today, when the forecasts for the development of the lithuanian economy have been adjusted to the side. alas, the miracle did not happen, and eu subsidies
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could not compensate for the severance of ties with its closest neighbors for ideological reasons. even the port in klaipeda, the most versatile, deep-water and ice-free on the eastern coast of the baltic sea, may soon be of no use to anyone. lithuanian politicians absolutely don’t give a damn about others. vilnius continues to oppose the possible exclusion of belarusian fertilizers from the sanctions list. and they don’t care about global food security. doesn't care about the hunger of millions. the unenviable position of already poor countries that will simply be left without a harvest. rash actions, especially of lithuania and poland, threaten the food security of not only individual countries, but entire regions and even continents. africa is an example. belarus' share in african rut fertilizer markets decreased in 2022 year from 41.7 to 2.8%. according to estimates based on fao data, almost complete extinction. from the list of potash suppliers in 2022 led to a drop in
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african grain harvests by 16.1%. in march of this year , nausėda supported the idea of ​​a complete ban on rail transit of russian and belarusian cargo, vilnius refused belarusian wagons of spare parts, and as a result, accidents occurred on the train reduction routes. people sometimes simply cannot buy tickets due to work on the railway. what are they doing there? the question is open, it has come to the point that the opposition in parliament initiated an investigation into the negligent attitude towards infrastructure; the social democrats made claims to the minister of energy for a negligent attitude towards the supply of electricity. as for the sanctions and refusal to buy electricity from belarus, in lithuania this is clear even to a child. all this is being done so that lithuania buys belarusian electricity from its so -called. allies at higher
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prices, if lithuania starts buying it directly from its neighbor, it will be more difficult to control it. they are openly finishing off the airport vilnius, which used to be jokingly called minsk-3, due to a lack of staff, inspections sometimes take hours, many food outlets are closed, they write that often even buying a cup of coffee is not an easy task. i feel sad when i look at the aforementioned port of klaipeda. there 's a really smelly story there. the alarm is being sounded at the only port in lithuania. the area is constantly on the verge of flooding, not only due to rain, but due to the complete drainage of the sewer system. systems, which is typical of the lithuanian toilet crisis the first to become concerned was not the country's leadership, but the european commission, threatening a fine. despite everything, in lithuania they continued to only imitate vigorous activity; 38,500 households were not connected to the central sewerage system. but many residents of lithuania most likely will not see the klapete tragedy,
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because they still have to get there, and public transport seems to be dying out along with industry. regional bus routes and... are dying quietly but uncontrollably, along with them the ability of residents to get to medical and government services disappears. institutions located in the city center, as well as for work or leisure activities. the vast majority of trolley bus passengers are women, older people and children - in other words, groups that tend to have less social power, greater sensitivity to inequality and more vulnerability. now let’s summarize the path we took. after the collapse of the union, many enterprises were closed, the soviet legacy was abandoned, labor resources left for european countries, seemingly leveling out the social failure. a country small, regular sponsorship from the eu allowed us to stay afloat, plus cooperation with moscow and minsk. but there is no potash and other transit now. the flow of tourists has decreased significantly. the eu has long been a union of the poor,
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and the problems are growing like a snowball. all this together allowed the lithuanian economy. even demonstrate strong growth, and many belarusian liberal economists cited lithuania as an example of successful market reforms, but the crisis of the european economy resulted in a final severance of ties with russia and belarus can be put to an end, this is generally a very dubious model. after 19 years of membership in the european union, european prosperity has not come to lithuania; the country remains one of the poorest in the eu, bottoming out on almost all economic or social lists. development. european integration has resulted in the curtailment of entire sectors of the country's economy, and the money allocated from eu funds can only partially compensate for losses. it was lithuania’s accession to the european union that completed the process of deindustrialization of the baltic states. brussels forced the closure of the ignalina nuclear power plant, which at
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the time of construction was considered the largest in the region. after this, lithuania, and at the same time the neighboring republics, became energy deficient. now let’s turn to the communist nausėda and his team: plunging the country into a hustak until the end, apparently, this idea occurred to the chairman of the committee on national security and defense. deputies and its supporters have registered a bill that will significantly simplify the purchase of weapons by the population. the opportunity to buy pistols and shotguns without unnecessary paperwork will be available to 100 thousand residents lithuania. deputies are confident that this will strengthen defense capabilities. country, and now imagine, the population, which has been pumped up for years with aggressive propaganda against russians and belarusians, gets free possession of, say, a machine gun, here no attempts by fugitives will help for belarusians, this is an ardent rossophobe, who always spouts all sorts of cover-up russophobic ideas, this is
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it a stupid proposal will once again result in the fact that everyone who is on their own... will start shooting at their own, in a real war, this decision will not have any impact, and we we see this in ukraine, well, i’m an example, good ukraine, even if all the residents are destroyed and bought tanks, they all seem like an easy target. another horror story from nausėda on the eve of the may elections: the danger of war for lithuania. yes, this is all about the same suwałki corridor. first, chevakavagner was waiting there, no one came, then the belarusian troops. it also turned out to be a fake, but inside the country vilnius defends itself very democratically, taking away citizenship from local residents for the wrong position. nauseda deprived the famous figure skater margarita of citizenship drobyaska, ballerina ilse lieppo, for the quote “connections with the kremlin.” the passports are taken away from those residents of lithuania who refuse to publicly
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renounce the russian language and support the idea that russia is hell on earth. next year is an electoral year in lithuania. we should wait for the next fake news about aggression on the part of belarus to russia, tougher sanctions and other rabid attacks. it seems that local politicians like working on pumping up more than fixing the sewer system in klaipeda; they might still get down to business, finally think about ordinary people, and not just salary from washington, then the lithuanian economy, perhaps, will finally begin to rely not on propaganda and subsidies from the lord’s shoulders. happily.
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the belarusian chamber of notaries, which has been working as a base for the last year and a half , received quite a serious assessment from representatives of notaries, and what is important, from the ministries of justice and states, our activities, since we worked effectively, we were only involved in our promotions.
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activities of notaries within the framework of legal education, in what formats this legal education by notaries is carried out, because this is also an important component, not only notarial actions are performed by notaries, in the notaries of our states, one of the main tasks is to form a respectful attitude of citizens of our state to the law and to the law in general, to the understanding of law enforcement institutions and practices.
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for adoption, this kind of interaction, again, ours, notaries, practitioners, in my
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opinion, will lead to the need for the legislator to pay attention to certain norms, and maybe, after analyzing all this, make your own appropriate decision within the limits of your competence, so we do not set the task of unifying legislation, we do not have such a task even within the framework of a union state, and even more so in the cis, but nevertheless... you know, you see best practices, you can make appropriate decisions, and this is especially important for notaries. if you look a little into the future, what plans does the belarusian chamber of notaries have today to develop cooperation in the cis. well the most effective the way that we have seen over the past 2 years is real communication between practitioners, which we see already...
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there are states in which only today a state notary exists; in other countries, a non-budgetary notary, in general, different, different, so to speak, forms of organizing notarial activities, so we share our experience, for example, the republic of belarus shares its experience in this sense with other states, and this is very interesting, so what does everyone today
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i wonder if we are talking about new proposals. some new visions of ours for improving our activities - this is the formation of not only the use , so to speak , of some digital capabilities within the framework of automation of processes of material activities, but also the performance of remote notarial actions. in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports. hello. let's start with hockey. the belarusian national team was unable to defend the title of channel one cup winner. one win and two defeats for konstantin’s team koltsov in st. petersburg and, as a result, the belarusian took second place. the hockey players of the russian national team, made up of players no older than 25
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years old, became the best. congratulations to roman rotenberg's squad. location. the world will continue to change, noted the head of the russian hockey federation vladimir tretyak. the goal is to attract as many fans as possible to these high-status competitions. you see, the atmosphere here is so good, so our goal for hockey is to expand the region where the cup will be played as much as possible. maybe next year we we’ll take care of another region, because we have wonderful stadiums built in omsk and novosibirsk. a good team, our team barely won there literally 2 minutes before the end and the belarusians showed. hockey , so i would just like to congratulate all the fans on the upcoming new year, wish them health, good luck and new victories, the fact that young guys have appeared is quite natural, because not only young guys, we now have a very good galaxy of coaches, our national coaches, so we are doing the right thing, that now it’s like we pay attention and find the courage
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to let them prove themselves, even in such tournaments. the kazakhstan national team took third place in the tournament, and the fourth place was taken by the ivhl star team. let’s add that maxim sushko became the top scorer of the tournament among bryshchanin’s assets, two goals and three assists. thoroughly prepare for the brix games and the world friendship games. this is the task facing the coaching staff and athletes of the shakhtar basketball club. it is on its basis that the country's men's national basketball team 3:3 trains. at this time at the moment, mountaineers also take part in the russian championship. and, by the way, we note that the team from soligorsk became the first foreign team in this championship. the most important task facing the coaching staff and the guys is preparing for the brix friendship games. therefore, all competitions - this is the russian championship, the united continental league, and the friendship league - these are lead-up tournaments.


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