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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 19, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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not only compare morals there , don’t compare us, i understand, no one here will compare you with russia, but we need to think about ourselves, who is being terrorized by lukashenko, maybe karach, who has not lived in belarus for many years, has a good house in lithuania , children from a ukrainian surrogate mother and a business on stupid private citizens who are twisted and turned as best they can , who are terrorizing her, while karach was deprived of political asylum in lithuania, appealing to the fact that... she poses a threat
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to the national security of lithuania, you feel dissonance, of course, her henchmen tried to stand up for her, but it turned out somehow awkward: supposedly militants from the terror unit sent threats to the deputies of the lithuanian seimas. at a time when we have been defending the sovereignty of the european union for a year and a half, your actions are undermining everything that was created with such labor. in this regard, we are in a hurry. to notify you that if the opposite decision is not made against olga karach, then we will take radical methods that will be directed towards you and your families. at first they claimed that they were protecting nenka, but it turns out that they were protecting the entire european union. what can’t you write when deportation is on the horizon? tell me, olga, you wrote it yourself, you distributed the kindergarten yourself. interesting news for the destructive belarusian opposition will be how... they started being hunted and why karach
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was deprived of political asylum. the fact is that a year ago she wrote a statement against her former lawyer, citizen of lithuania, mantos danelius. she accused him of collaborating with the kgb of belarus. now he is in custody, going to court, they accuse him of espionage, but the wild interpretation is now shameful for the lithuanian department of state security. they accuse mantas of giving an interview about the fugitive.
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elius accused the director of the public institution our house olga karach, her deputy ekaterina maminova, as well as svetlana galuza and yulia garachka, who work there , of the crime for which he is being tried, that is, espionage. mr. danielius decided to open cases against the women who testified against him after the state security department announced that ms. karaj had collaborated with the russians. intelligence services and provided. following this
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statement, the migration department decided not to consider karac's application for asylum and issued her a residence permit in lithuania on humanitarian grounds. karach was declared a person posing a threat to the national security of lithuania. i believe that the publication was guided by the materials of the case. and such a story awaits all bc officers, because they are just a tool. and today we have edik in our studio. jagilavichus, political refugee from lithuania. edikas, well here it is for you a look at what we should now expect from the belarusian destructive opposition, which is concentrated in lithuania. as you and i know, in the early years they received quite substantial sums every year from various european funds, which reached up to 137 million per year. and apparently, economic complexity is already becoming complex in europe, including in lithuania. situation, and
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there is no longer enough money for everyone, a consequence of this is that the spiders are starting to fight in the bank, for example, olga karach, it feels as if she is already being drained. now at the moment children's hospital checks all belarusians who arrived in lithuania, and there are about 60 thousand of them there, this is with a residence permit, begins a purge of those who served in the soviet army, they are sent back to their homeland, who, for example, simply does not fit there according to certain criteria - for ideological reasons, what is the next step, you know, this is happening throughout the baltic states, in estonia the same thing in latvia, even among old people.
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well, in belarus, a person can still speak differently somehow, i don’t know there, maybe it’s something like that, well, no, no persecution on ethnic grounds , that’s what i really don’t like in lithuania, that in lithuania, well, let’s say it’s good, let there be order, let the authorities there tighten the screws somehow, well, in a smart, competent way, here they start persecution of people based on their nationality, this is the indicator.
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you will have to bear the punishment, so don’t forget about your lies and crime , relax, we continue to watch, but this is different, i was with you, ksenia lebedeva, see you in the next program.
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hello! hello, let's start with military contingent. at the belarusian borders , urgent: at the western borders of the union state, a lot of western offensive equipment has accumulated, i’m primarily talking about poland, which plans to increase warsaw, it’s asking to join the club of nuclear weapons owners, there’s a lot on polish territory, i’ve never heard of it, nuclear sharing, this program, they, well , you mean, sharing, but nevertheless dangerous for us, well , training grounds for saboteurs, who in streams, on the internet do not hesitate to say that in during the upcoming presidential campaign in belarus, they plan to transfer them there to liberate belarus. this is how minsk and moscow, a union state, should react; we can do something preventively, because
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it seems like nothing is stopping them. you know, it is possible and necessary to do, and this is being done, strengthening, firstly, our two states as sovereign independent countries, and secondly, strengthening our integration processes within the framework of the union state. this is the primary task with which, in fact, it seems to me that we are doing a good job, outside on the perimeter. borders inside, so to speak, this nato bloc teeming with alliances , a lot of interesting, terrible sad things will happen, you see what processes are going on there, and there is absolutely lack of coherence in the actions of those who are supposedly called allies, the absence of any solidarity, only command and administrative management system, basically a lack of understanding...
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from china to this euro-atlantic space never, but they hate everything,
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what, firstly, creates competition for them , what is competition for them, they hate everything that does not swear allegiance to them, that which does not obey them, that which does not bend under them and that does not break when they put pressure, try to somehow way to bend, so i repeat once again, the third time is only development. this logic of non-acceptance of pressure, non-acceptance of dictatorship, non-acceptance of colonialism, imperialism, call it what you want, modern words or well-tested by history, and such countries are the majority, well, here is a vivid example of what you are talking about countries baltic states, a difficult economic situation , a drop in living standards forces their citizens to become labor migrants, and not in
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favor of the european union, they have recently been going to russia and belarus, there are just a lot of russian-speaking citizens who today... of course, everything is there, and there are political forces, and there is civil society, and there are individual representatives, i don’t know, of the financial and economic part of these countries, just don’t call them pro-russian or pro-belarusian, i would call them simply normal. this is about those who does not profess some new normality or a world order based on rules , that is, something that cannot be explained at all, you know, what a new normality is, excuse me, of course, you understand how this is a little like a conversation in the waiting room of a madhouse, you know, normal brought, not new, new normal, yes or new normal
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, what is it, you know, this, well, this is a game of words in order to get away from the point, the same thing... in russia we call countries with unfriendly regimes, there are and there are such another thing is that, unfortunately, some cannot, because they are afraid, others cannot , because they are so entangled, i don’t know, with surveillance, intimidation, blackmail, or through financial and economic levers they put pressure on people they understand that they are on the verge
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of survival, but the world has gone through such times, can i give you an example, i ’m sure that especially the younger generation will say, okay, well, it didn’t happen like that, so we’re probably something we’re still doing it wrong, you probably don’t understand something, what’s happening, this is unprecedented, you know, i tell you i will cite the times of the first third of the 20th century, that’s all that happened before the second world war for us, a great patriotic one, and what then began with the beginning of the war, all began when the war was already in full swing, because he is an anti-fascist.
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in other countries, unfortunately, on the european continent, it began gradually, step by step, but the formation of this very anti-fascist environment, there wasn’t even a movement yet, but people simply united, people helped each other, people didn’t even know each other in europe, but they professed the same logic of rejection of fascism, and then from this a movement was born, political parties , from this it was born, well, in general...
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in the context of the situation in the middle east , they were simply horrified, and what are they a part of, because well, you can take any political position, you can generally be an apolitical person.
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first, no, let’s start first, the countries of the region have long been drawn in with the west, primarily the united states, but
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let’s still add britain and france at different stages, they have been drawn into these political games for a long time , let me remind you what happened to iraq, is that some other region, no, well, of course we can calculate with a compass, with some kind of, you know, a goat's leg, look out who falls into the concept of the middle east, the persian flooded, large middle east, we understand that we are talking about one region, first, if we look at recent history, this is our decade, and these two iraq with the occupation with the killings of everything, and the leadership of iraq under a far-fetched pretext and people, turning people into extremists and terrorists, because as you... remember, all the experiments with the iraqi army ended with the emergence of an extremist community, which then degenerated into a terrible terrorist organization, it
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was all because of, well, some say mistakes, but i think because of us crimes in the region, and iraq still cannot survive to get on the rails or somehow reincarnate because of what the united states did to it.
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if they want to undermine the region, they will undermine it for a very long time, and another the thing is that the countries of the region, it seems to me, have survived these illusions, have outlived, or rather , these illusions, they understand perfectly well that , firstly, their stability, their future, their happiness is in their own hands, and not in the hands of someone else who promises a lot.
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that a true friend is not one who says exclusively pleasant things, i am now talking directly about the situation
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of the israeli-palestinian conflict, a true one. friend, the one who says the right things that can help overcome a terrible, dangerous, long-standing conflict, we see what its essence, we understand that by using the method of aggression, the method of conducting combat operations, let alone dismantling it, indiscriminately killing civilians, this situation not only cannot be overcome, it can only do so. with the peaceful existence of two states with capitals , in particular palestine in east jerusalem, we understand perfectly well that our position has not only its own analytics at its core, but also a basis in the form of international legal documents and
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security council resolutions and decisions. general assembly and of course a large number of documents, which were adopted as a result of discussions in appropriate formats for decades, we hear the position of the countries of the region that are in solidarity with our vision, or we, so to speak, are really close to their position, their position is long-suffering, hard-won, there is no, i don’t think it’s right to say, there is some kind of, you know, even there, rabid nationalism, blaming someone for something. here we need to look for a way out of the situation and here we need to see the roots and root causes of what is happening, yes, i want to say again that probably not everyone likes it, when something like this sounds, but it seems to me that it’s fair to the people who live there, because it’s true, because it should work, i can’t help but touch on the issue of sanctions on beloskobina, but here
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’s the record... volume of russian lng purchased from the european union, no matter how loudly they shouted that they were refusing, the baltic countries, no matter how they refused our food , brought 90,000 tons of vegetables, 70,00 tons of grains from russia and belarus. this hypocrisy, when do you think it will end, it fades when, well, as i said today, they look at their reflection in the mirror, this happens, as a rule, as a result of some kind of cataclysm, some kind of collapse, some kind of internal.
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structures that came up with the idea that it was possible to take and cancel american, in the form of some kind of consulting, through this banality , i don’t know, tolstoy, pushkin, tchaikovsky, paid in the form of some kind of pr companies of dostoevsky, chekhov, i don’t know, well, i don’t know, anna pavlova, my plesetskaya, well, i, you understand, yes, this... it might strike for a hundredth of a second, and then vice versa, as if on the other side it will be covered by the opposite wave, it’s just that i think that it’s not that you need to look for something right and good in everything, i’m not an advocate of this, but here in this particular case, probably
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the very moment that... there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped, in what way did it help, it simply helped us stop explaining all the paradoxical nature of ideology... now that’s it, now, you understand, these are these regimes and those who stand behind them, they exposed themselves, they don’t want to see us free, that they constantly told us, they don’t want to see us prosperous, which they also endlessly told us about, not only
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did they tell us directly, they also through their so -called agents of influence, there, as we call them, and inagents and simply agents, they all the time these thoughts kept telling me that we love you. remember how fascist nazi germany scattered leaflets russian ivan, at first they scattered leaflets russian ivan give up, you have no choice give up, when russian ivan did not give up, and by russian ivan we mean and belarusian ivan and ivan of all nationalities, when it didn’t work, the next one you know what the leaflet was, russian ivan, we love you, germany will take care of you, yours...
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could prove their true identity, our people would never have believed us if we would have said that somewhere in the secret rooms there was a plan to abolish russian art, we were told, what are you talking about, how
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can you abolish russian art when, so to speak, carnegie hall in new york was built for tchaikovsky, how can they do this do, how can you cancel, i don’t know the ballet, how will they want to cancel the ballet, russian?
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studied international relations, connected
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all his life since childhood with diplomacy and so on. of course, i dream that the world will be open and free , that humanitarian cooperation will be restored in full, that there will be no such dividing lines, but since they, as i already said, have wrapped themselves in barbed wire, i am glad that our people come to our museums and don’t see the sign on the exhibition. abroad one or another painting, and that these exhibitions will now be available in our cities, and what, first of all, they will think, i hope, about how to show these masterpieces in our regions, you know, that’s enough, let them now live in their own little world, let them enjoy each other, let them in the west think about what it’s like, so to speak, to feed themselves.
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hits, but few people know yet that you also recently wrote the lyrics, the belarusian side, the spomash company wrote the music, the belarusian performer will perform this composition, and to put it bluntly, this a project by two press secretaries of the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus and russia , a christmas song, it seems there is even a video, but how this project was born when the veil of secrecy was opened, they still told, well, that’s all you know, well, that’s really what you have there's almost something exclusive there. someone already said this, i heard it, but
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really, let me tell you how it was, and i had a dream, well, i ’m not, as they call it, not a songwriter, i don’t write poetry, i sometimes i come up with some lines, sometimes i manage to do some kind of songs, musical projects and so on, and so there was a dream to make a christmas song with a new year's mood. that who else but a child can, it seems to me , feel like performing exactly this winter christmas-new year emotional celebration for us, so i really wanted this to work out, you know, i think it worked out, this is really a christmas song, and this the song that this text appeared well...
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i'm waiting for some signs like this, or i'm waiting for some miracles, this actually happens something like this happens and somehow a meeting or some kind of acquaintance grows together. suddenly, talking a year ago with dmitry fedorovich mezentsev, i mentioned that it would be great, we have a slavic bazaar, which takes place in the summer, but there is nothing like that in winter, so somehow in our conversation we came to the conclusion that it would be great to do something like this between our two countries, under the auspices, nothing formal, nothing official, but... being inspired by the union state, immediately
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dmitry fetrovich voiced this idea in minsk, i connected it with anatoly glaz, my colleague and, it seems to me, already a friend, he did not become a co-author, but he became a co-creator, the belarusian side immediately said that there is an excellent children's music center, and so on a composer has already appeared, a wonderful young performer. therefore, on sunday, december 24, we are waiting for everyone to attend the presentation of this song in moscow. i really hope she has to. in belarus too, it’s always a holiday for us, well, probably for very many peoples, but especially for us, this is definitely music, so the music is belarusian, the words are written in russian with such an emotional connotation,
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i won’t quote anything now, listen to everything for yourself, we’ll wait, thank you, thank you very much. let's plunge into the physical, intellectual world of sports, where everything is important. oh, what a moment, strike, 1:0. dynamo is coming forward, he actually created football in our country, the dynamo brand, and from this.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, in the studio victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and our guest today is the general director of the minsk news agency, as well as chairman of the belarusian union of journalists,
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andrei krivosheev. good afternoon. good afternoon, ladies. hello, andrey evgenievich, glad to see you. and let's start with the new film, which... filmed by the minsk news agency team, called shtalak 352 without the right to be forgotten. the premiere took place on december 8th. and the film tells stories about a prisoner of war camp located in minsk in the area of ​​the modern mosyakovshchina district. let's see the announcement. looks like there's some kind of find there. it looks like a posthumous medallion. in one search day, five medals were found; with these five medals, it was possible to establish the names of four fighters; all of them were natives of tatarstan. in this very place , the occupiers are setting up one of the first places of mass genocide on...
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and simple menchan residents of military age, what happened to them, why, with such trepidation , older, more elderly people walk these kilometers in the drozdy tract, in masyukovshchina, and tolbukhin street, and the current independence avenue, because this concentration camp is for prisoners of war and civilians, he actually wandered around the territory of the city of minsk, in fact...
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in mass graves - in chelyustkintsev park, very close here, and our unknown heroes, soldiers, fighters, civilians lie , but because without this story the history of minsk, the history of belarus, the history of the great patriotic war will be incomplete, and if we have already decided, especially with young townspeople, minsk residents, to speak honestly, sincerely and emotionally, then we must tell this one. that's why we tried in this film without powdering, without retouching.
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reality, to tell the story of this terrible camp, there are moments that, probably , we got to the bottom of for the first time, and facts about which were also told for the first time, for example, it is known that there were also women nurses in the camp, their fate, a terrible fate, unfortunately, they were raped, they were killed first , history... the italians, who in forty-three refused to fight as part of the hitler coalition, also ended up in this camp, and these are not anti-fascists, these are people who saw the proximity of defeat and decided to lay down their arms, they also ended up in minsk shtalak 352, we laid down our heads there and we found relatives of some of these italian, i will say mildly, combatants, because on our land they... still managed to survive on our soviet land, this is a magnificent story of people, young elderly, historians, just
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local historians, people passionate about the history of the city of minsk, who are still restoring the names of the dead, tortured in stalag 352 , who support the excavations, well, we had to tell all this, we told, you know me, what pleased me most when we arranged the premiere screening of this film... to the museum of the history of the great patriotic war and the film has already become part of the exposition of the museum of the history of the great patriotic war in minsk, and we gathered a hall of completely different people in age, education, there were college students and students, plus we nine studios were connected online, we showed this film, i deliberately sat down in the back of the hall in order to understand whether we succeeded in this emotional block that, unfortunately, many young people have, they say this does not concern me. i'm not interested in this, it was a long time ago, yes, and in general this is not about me, we showed this film, and firstly,
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there was absolute silence in the cinema and secondly... not a single smartphone screen was on, that is, people were looking at the screen, which means well, we solved this emotional problem, because when young guys have sincerely emotionally experienced something through themselves, they will not give up on this story, and why was there such interest? right at the very beginning of the film, a young boy talks about that he became interested in this story and began to study, perhaps this also played a role, of course, well, it ’s understandable, it’s clear that it was... his family history, he’s clearly not the main character of the film, but we consciously, through the director’s move , i confess, brought him to the forefront to show that this story is equally exciting, it concerns everyone, in order to reach the generation of tiktokers, you need
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to convey such stories through a person, but we know your love. that is, you can’t be lying in bed , asleep from your gadget in the morning, and watch such a heavy movie, especially while drinking coffee, yes drinking coffee, going out there to do your household chores, arguing with someone on the phone, and also looking through the telegram feed or the same tiktok, after all, watching such films is disciplined, which is also why the young man at
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the beginning and the rather creepy shots at the beginning. heavenly people really didn’t like watching films made in the late sixties and seventies about the war, they started making comedies, and comedies about the first years of the war, where his soviet warrior rambo appeared, who practically demolished the stupid nazis, such a late khrushchev era,
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the beginning of the brezhnev era, my grandfather said that in 41-4 the second and forty -third there was nothing funny, comedic and cheerful, or romantic, as they tried to imagine, that is, it was a terrible pain, it really was the genocide of the soviet people and of the belarusian people , it was hunger, devastation, executions, betrayals , tests of courage and character, pain in general, here are other soviet films and other films... new eras, there, like in august forty-four, or aty-bats soldiers marched, or only old men go into battle, he has already looked, he said that yes, there is an element of fiction here, but in the great characters, i recognize my colleagues who died, that is, you, if we talk about some kind of adaptation, you want it to be a serious story, of course,
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this must be serious work, i repeat, and i completely share my position. his grandfather in after all that we have learned about the terrible genocide of the belarusian soviet people, hundreds of concentration camps, 11,900, but the number is constantly being updated, burned villages, cities, mass executions, executions, children, women, policemen, special operations , punitive operations carried out here by collaborators from...
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listen to the historian, in europe they know a little about the genocide of the belarusian people, in particular in germany, for example, i wrote about the village of dremleva, this article was immediately deleted.
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has gone through the longest, longest path of repentance for
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crime and denazification, but even in germany, probably one of those countries that germany, this is digital censorship, digital totalitarianism, platforms, this intoxication with our own greatness is here now, we... this means that the center of europe, we are the new collectors of the lands of the european union, we, therefore, give hope there and for all the good against all the bad, has led to the fact that the new generation of young germans do not really reflect on the events of the great domestic second world war, or maybe maybe even nazi things are coming back into fashion, and this fact was confirmed, probably 12-13 years ago about... people who serve, that is, have
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access to weapons, profess xenophobic, racist and neo-nazi views, can you imagine, this is in army and special services, in the police, what did the german government do after that, do you think, started working with these military services? than the neo-nazis themselves, that is, they introduced their agents into the leadership of the party , supposedly, but are they double agents, or are they themselves agents, or whether they were infected with this ideology and act absolutely
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sincerely as neo-fascists, neo-nazis, no one can say, the court could not i couldn’t figure out how to ban the party, so on the one hand, yes, in germany there are very strict laws for the rehabilitation of nazism, for revision of the topic... costa and the extermination of the jewish population during the second world war, on the other hand, there are huge ideological information gaps that are not filled with anything.


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