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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 20, 2023 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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there is practically no sign that the action of law and respect for the law, no characterizes the state, no sovereignty, independence of decision-making, no territorial integrity and some well-clear borders of the state, no, there is nothing, this is a wild field, a wild field where they don’t even live according to concepts, but simply on the basis of some instincts, corruption as a norm of life, why did i start talking about this now?
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and as for your question, why have you already answered it, yes, well, in short, it seems to me that there are no ideas, no super mission, no ideas , there’s not even a conversation about this, it seems to me that there is something else, this is so beautiful, in quotes, of course, it’s tragic, but from such a scientific point of view, an experiment to reformat the consciousness of the people, in a historically insignificant period of time they were made of the people , i don’t know, the crowd , the masses, these are still good words, for that - for the population that lives, because some believe in something in the meanings that come from tv, some are simply intimidated and afraid, and this is just a total reversal grinding the psyche of the whole people, but it seems to me that they have not turned this population into a mass, i believe that they are simply hiding now and withstanding this whole situation, realizing that they cannot influence anything, and these people are a gang in kiev , they perceive it as meat and mass. i just
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want to hope for this, and we know how people live there, and these are very close people, they are similar to us, they worry, they harbor not just a fierce resentment for what these people did, but this always happens, they will find outlet for your emotions who are about to get close, i will support you, aleksandrovich, but i want to say that, probably, what i spoke about above is also present, you know why, the phenomenon of meat storms, indicates that people who month after month they are going into obviously disastrous attacks on... the front without air support there, without a normal plan, without anything, just probably death, which means something quiet happened here, i support valeevich, look how interesting the situation is, but it’s even striking how this deputy communicates with these people with belarusian passports, as yet, as his vassals, and the master’s slaves assigns them tasks, although the code is also an example for me in ukraine, here, dear colleagues, what i want to say, first of all, is to thank... the belarusian special services,
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who provided us, the entire belarusian society, with a recording of this secret conference for review, and secondly, to note that for the first time all our fugitives, who are really right alexan alexandrovich, do not have any influence on the internal political agenda, they gathered, they all gathered in one place, despite the fact that they quarreled, that is, this means that... it cannot be, such a meeting cannot take place without the participation of state structures of ukraine, it cannot, and even then the fact that we observed deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine there confirms this. the third point, well , it’s one thing when we spend the whole time on your program, everywhere on the air, talking about the plans that are ripening in their sick heads, it’s one thing when...
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about what they want to fill with blood, says gaidukevich, romanov, voskresensky , well maybe maybe they are exaggerating, all the belarusians were convinced, we are not exaggerating, we are understating , they voiced all their plans, to drown our country in blood, to make a second ukraine out of it, with the hands of these fugitive criminals, this is a very important point, a very important moment, because they they voiced all their plans themselves. an interesting metamorphosis is happening, i would like to dwell on this moment, when even i now take as an example not only fugitives, but also people who, it would seem, are a respected person, dmitry bykov, writer, lecturer, and then it moves to another, different context, now we see a prank performed by vavan and lexus, where a completely different person appears before us, who is sure that he is communicating with the head of zelensky’s office, andrei ermak. let's listen to the fragment and continue. i am waiting, i
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can’t wait for the day when mariupol is taken, i am following this direction very closely. of course, when russians are killed, i am offended, but... i have no complaints against you, just as i have no complaints against israel regarding gaza. yes, yes, i hope you have this conversation on you won’t give away russian television in any case, well, in general, i’m very proud that i can be useful to you in some way, if you published a book, we would spend the entire fee on drones. this is a good proposal, by the way; it can be done, of course. i would be very happy, thank you from the bottom of my heart , this is what we have said in this studio more than once, the fifth column always ends the same way, because in ukraine, where servitude comes from, wait, i’ll tell you everything, look, it always starts with small, in at the beginning, a foundation appears, which means a public
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organization, here he is all his life, we say, a respected person, what, he lived all his life on grants, he did not hide it, all his life he was financed from the west because he promoted what he wanted west. and the fate of all these fifth column traitors is always the same: it starts with the values ​​that he allegedly defends, everything is always beautiful, freedom, we are fighting for real elections, for democracy, but at the core it’s always someone else’s money, and it will all end, either as he did sits, can you imagine, a man who says that he defends democratic values, he says, it’s okay that people are killed, let’s make more drones so that they kill even more of mine, those with whom i live next to, let them kill. or second , which is even worse, look who committed terrorist attacks on russian territory, who tried to carry out terrorist attacks here, the kgb detained them, they are all from there, they all started, who is in the fund, who else gets money somewhere, but keep it though there would be some face where something like this came from , it was just the initial and last thing, that means,
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returning for the last time to kiev, maybe just think about one thing, people sit and discuss, if we throw away all politics, like we have... russian classical literature, in fact , he slandered, lied about russian literature, about russian culture in general, he gave rise to hateful relations in relation to our history, our culture in the minds of young people, i was always
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taken aback that he is provided with the best audiences, he speaks to students, he works with children, he conducts the so-called all-russian dictation, and so on, it is necessary recognize and do this talent. the situation changed, he began to do it not covertly, as before, but putting it in some kind of shell, it seems, what he had always done, but now clearly and openly. olga igorevna, join me, regarding our first question, we still need to remember that ukraine today is the defender of the democratic world, it has been assigned this status, we look only at the relations between belarus and ukraine.
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about the intelligentsia, in principle, this is the choice of each individual person, this is the flip side of freedom of opinion, because freedom is always understood only as freedom, and freedom is always an opinion, it is always responsibility, only then freedom, well , since he is a famous person, someone allowed him to become famous, this is necessary, you need not to look at what is now , look at what was previously difficult, and we need to work on ours.
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it’s shocking that all these people in the russian cultural field, they were literally swimming in money, they received everything from the authorities.
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it just doesn’t work out, if only there was an opportunity to go back and cross out what he said he would spit on his principles and do it. regarding the expectation of big money, one of the main topics related to this is, of course , the meeting between biden and zelensky. we managed to talk a lot about this this day, someone drew attention to, because there was not as much content as some expected, that once again i answered...
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but i would like to draw attention to the amounts, it seems to me it is indicative, it says that the americans no longer count on a real victory, they are giving this money so that as long as possible, prolong the conflict in ukraine. the conflict in ukraine, one of its dimensions, besides geopolitical ones and so on, is a very big business, these are drugs, these are organs, these are weapons, these are people, now for very influential circles. in the west it is a source of huge income, it is very important, so this amount, as she
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told me, is this: we don’t count on victory, we want this to continue for a certain number of months, during which time something we will think, make some decisions, but ukraine as such, its victory is no longer even discussed, it’s not on the agenda, what do you think zelensky and biden actually talked about, well, in this case, i understand what they said.
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james vance on cnn, it is in the interests of america to admit that ukraine will have to cede part of the territory to the russians and we need to end military operations, the politician said, here are a few more of his quotes, but when we say that he quotes, we understand that many people think so , not only republicans, what is the point of giving ukraine 60 billion dollars, if earlier... 100 billion helped. the state of ukraine is functionally destroyed; the average age of soldiers is 43 years. it’s okay that putin will take away part or even all of ukraine, no, it’s not the us’s problem to issue a blank check. the republicans are not ready and so on, that is, no matter what biden whispers to zelensky in the cozy oval office, in real america the questions are loudly heard, the closer the elections, the louder they will be asked, and this is already a system, if you believe the guardian, and not believe in this case there is no reason, the allies of the hungarian prime minister orban will talk to republicans about stopping funding for ukraine, and
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a short fragment is about how non- elites, in this case tucker carlson, the spokesman, speak. of the american masses. our army is the most deplorable example. these are the best people, the salt of the earth, but they are commanded by almost the worst of the worst. i was at a junior commander’s wedding this weekend, and he kept complaining about how bitterly offended he was. these people risk their lives for the sake of the country, and they are led by narrow-minded politicians from the pentagon with low iq. this is incredibly unfortunate. the thing is, that the army, in principle, is not used for noble purposes. if our military really defended the country, for example, they fought drug cartels in texas and saved americans from overdoses, i think people would willingly go to serve, they wouldn’t even spare their lives, in that case i definitely wouldn’t be afraid to die for my homeland, we wouldn’t have there were no personnel problems, not like now, but when they tell us: we are obliged to defend the sacred democracy of ukraine, where there are not even elections, are you kidding me? it is not
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sacred and not even democracy, it is a complete it's a scam, everyone knows it, i myself won't give my life for... my sons and daughters, our army is being used for other purposes, and it's all very disgusting. what is happening now inside the united states, when the budget is being adopted , it means that the republicans took advantage of this situation, don’t think that the republicans are our friends, no, they are not friends, they took advantage of the situation with ukraine , they are trying to push their decisions into the aid package for ukraine to israel domestic political problems, and specifically the tightening of migration legislation. increased spending on the border with mexico and other issues are hitting key democratic constituencies. democrats are fighting back. democrats don't care about ukraine either. this is the meaning of all the open leaks, the opinions of these republican and democratic senators. it is, if we boil it down to one thing, that in fact, what we said in this studio several years ago, the united states does not care about ukraine,
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they solve their problems, they solve only their problems. but i still do. both republicans and democrats do not need a strong europe, and republicans and democrats do not we need peace in europe, the question is how they each of these parties, and those who are now sitting in the white house, see the possibility of continuing the war throughout europe, how to prolong the conflict in ukraine, in victory, i agree, they do not believe and they never believed that everything they did was designed not for victory with russia, but to blow up the european one. weaken china from within , try to weaken russia, and here, by the way, i want to return again to belarus, but the gathering in kiev is just another very alarming element, they are considering seriously the scenario of an explosion in belarus in order for belarus to be included in this military company, along with belarus, the whole
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of europe, they want to do this through terrorist attacks, through extremism, that is, they need to somehow prolong the agony. they will provide the americans are confident that the assistance will not be given in the amount that someone expected, but the war will continue, because in fact they are making money from it, behind the republicans are the same military-industrial corporations that have already calculated which us states are this year received record money into the budget for companies in the middle east, for companies in ukraine, so my conclusion is this: don’t think that anyone from the american senators is worried about what’s coming...
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the situation will not be able to, everything was clear there long ago before his visit , why did zelensky go, this whole topic of those 100 billion, i think it’s just an ordinary screen, well, another quarter 95 or whatever it was called, there is a very important issue that needed to be resolved, and this issue needed decide at the congressional level, and today, if we look at the european agenda, we will see that this issue is already beginning to appear there, this is the issue of frozen russian assets. they are huge, and if the united states does not have money, because the election campaign is now beginning, and the allocation of such funds to ukraine is a purely political issue, then it is a matter of assets. this is a completely different question, but the americans cannot decide to create such a precedent, because in europe today the swiss banks, which
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decided that it was necessary to charge interest for several years in advance on these frozen assets, but the main money is from the americans, and this issue needs to be resolved somehow, this is not the first time zelensky has approached solving this problem, but nothing has worked out yet , the americans don’t want to create this... we can’t reset it, but i think that this is the purpose of the trip, it’s more realistic, and these 200 million, by the way, they didn’t
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go to zelensky, they were allocated to supply new weapons, weapons are the military-industrial complex, american, that is, the money was transferred to america, it remained there, and then they will receive it. he talked about how most of the funds still remain in the united states, also american politics, it is inextricably linked with... with political symbolism, now, if the first time zelensky was received from the main entrance on a red carpet, in the literal sense of the word, this time he was received from the side entrance, the western wing, he was met not by president biden, as the first time, but by one of heads of the presidential office, this is a very important point, well, now the americans are directly saying that ukraine needs to... dig in, thus, the widely publicized counter-offensive has turned and is turning into a counter-retreat.
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well, here’s another moment of fooling the population of ukraine , which we talked about at the beginning of the program, i was tracking ukrainian resources yesterday , there’s nothing to brag about, including in negotiations with biden, just imagine, remember these fakes that putin died that something happened there in russia, in belarus, yesterday a new fake appeared. this is all seriously accelerating. biden gave some new secret missiles, which one missile destroys an entire platoon there, and no one sees it. and everyone writes: hurray, now we’re definitely moving forward. can you imagine how they bully people, for what? for new meat to go to the front, for new meat to go, it means that they will die again for this mobilization, that is, this, this is a huge amount of money being allocated for this. a large part of this american money goes towards information processing and fooling the population. now they've already failed they are trying to convey information to the population that something good is ahead , new missiles, now everything will be fine, everything will be fine, and during this time
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thousands more will die, thousands more will be in their graves, that’s what’s scary, another of our neighbors, big democrats, the polish sejm passed a vote of no confidence in the government of matteusz murawiecki, and then nominated donald tusk to the vacant seat, the deputies voted confidently and elected a new prime minister of poland, therefore. here's what this whole story is about, in general, what do you expect from it, well, judging by everything, belarus can expect nothing good anyway, by the way, when we discuss , this is what oleg sergeevich spoke about today, there is
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controversy and some kind of political battles between democrats and republicans in the usa, i don’t know there are conservative liberalists in britain, opposing opposing forces in poland, i never think that any of them is better for us, that’s what the conversation was about today, as a rule. these are private problems of internal political life they can discuss, but on the external contour they are usually united, well, there may be some relative, relatively small differences , but in general, they implement their policies, the policies of their country and the forces of big business and lobbying groups behind the policies, they implement it quite purposefully, in the case of poland, it seems to me that the situation is exactly this is such an internal political struggle. the struggle of major political forces, where everyone has their own financial resources, support from influential lobbying groups, but
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if we talk about... how this affects us, from my point of view, not, not really in no way, but there will be no change for the better, we will not see an outstretched hand, we will not see any steps towards resolving certain problems, but the fact is that they are mired in disputes among themselves, president duda, prime minister tusk , and this will distract their attention from doing dirty tricks in the belarusian direction, we can perceive it as a bonus for ourselves, and i also think it’s unlikely, it seems to me that foreign policy. it is relatively independent in the system of political activity, and those structures that are involved will carry out their the line that was pursued did not always come from warsaw, well, remember, a month ago we discussed this whole situation and said that tutsk would become prime minister, and discussed why the political magazine put donald tusk on the cover, calling him a person year, most likely, taking into account the fact that ukraine is unable to become.
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real things that are close to the polish people, a normal border with political forces that would oppose belarus, 90% of poles would like a normal border, normal business, who cares about this is it necessary, does anyone really believe that there is a polish family sitting there, they are worried about some belarusian radical there, but they don’t care about him, they think about themselves, these politicians were enrolled in poland, today we have about the european dimness, pro-european and
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pro-american. kaczynski, but america will not let poland out of its hands today, because it will not let all of europe out of its hands yet, and this is not only a problem for poland, this is a problem, a problem of the european union, its lack of independence, its lack of sovereignty, what awaits us, i agree with their colleagues, but they don’t care who they have in power now, the stronger we will be, and today we are pursuing such a foreign policy that we are strengthening our own state, they will communicate with us, so i’ll tell you , probably no longer a secret, when party leaders...
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but the first thing is that the electoral temperature, it had to be kept at a level acceptable for the human body, that is , 39.7 we are treating ourselves, 40° we call a doctor, the doctor arrived, he was invited, that’s what doctor came, what profile, will we see now? on today tusk has a very good position, he has an airbag, the outer contour has been written down, the whole of europe is chanting. tusk has arrived, finally, but there are always huge but, that means, very high expectations, from that other side, inside we had to immediately, in the very first hours, announce the implementation of all the programs that he announced, not from himself, not from this one of his this hundred-day one, how did he show it there, this big piece of paper in the sem, and the pis program is 800 plus, plus thirty percent bonuses, second: after all, in 2 days he
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plans to bring billions from the european union, but he has not yet accomplished anything, has not done anything himself to ensure that all this happens.
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in africa, asia, in post-soviet times , interest in these regions decreased even more. evidence of this is that even
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the teaching of foreign languages, they focused on english, mainly german, french, the languages ​​of the east, arabic, chinese, were practically in oblivion, now the south is becoming larger and larger. france, britain, and they still sucked out all the juices, financially, political pressure, military pressure they set up their own bases there, and so on. and these countries, they found themselves in an even worse situation than when they were colonies, until the 50s,
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sixties, people are dying of hunger, children are really dying of hunger, there is no medical care, our minister of health talked about, well formulated so softly, but the meaning is this: there is no system there, there simply is no system, perhaps an individual. to act humanely, it seems to me, is very important, to bring peace, help to these poor people, health, food, culture, but on the other hand , this is a good, good market for our economy, because the african continent is also the richest continent, it is no coincidence that france, britain, belgium, with their hands and feet, cling to the african continent, this is a pantry raw materials, these are diamonds, these are oil, these are rare earths
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... not export, the humanitarian component is of course very important, but it seems to me that the head of our state spoke in a broader context, how can we work in the markets of africa, which is completely captured by western companies within the framework of those international economic conditions, the system that exists today, we see that this is impossible, even any simple financial transfer will already encounter...
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i really feel this call
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of belarus, but this is a very long process, we we always say, this is the fight for africa, the fight for the middle east, the fight for the post-soviet space, why? the west is not used to living at their own expense, they have never lived at their own expense, they have always lived at the expense of others. why today we say, the fight for africa will be cruel, why is it just beginning? well, russia, belarus, together with us, a significant part, i think, will teach the post-soviet space in the future. the west to live at its own expense, today we told europe russia-belarus, live at your own expense, since the ninety-first year since the collapse of the ussr, they lived at our expense, at the expense of ukraine, which they plundered, took out everything they could, then at the expense of the countries of the eastern bloc, what is happening now in romania, everything was cut down, everything was taken away, that is, this is moldova, what did they do to moldova, go and look, i was there, i know my colleagues were there, it’s a poor country, it was simply plundered, it’s impossible to live off of us, the middle east is snarling.
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we are ready to share what we have, here we can do something, the president said, we will teach you, do it yourself, we will not rob you, do it for you, we will teach you and do it, this is the approach, did the americans have someday, never, afghanistan, a simple example, the last one, today the taliban, you can treat it differently. published official data, you know how much they were able to reduce drug crops in afghanistan, 90% were removed, but under the americans it all flourished, they came there to democratize the country. i’ll rephrase this question, maybe i’ll come from a completely unexpected angle, but it ’s essentially about this, and i’d like to start thinking about this topic with you, and at the same time, given that the program is already approaching completion, draw some conclusions, just recently there was a very important date, special december 8th,
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it is special from all sides, as it is a sacred date, it turns out to be ninety in the first year, this is, of course, viskuli, in the ninety-ninth year the signing of a treaty... the creation of a union state, and indeed the biblical plot turns out, on the one hand, betrayal, on the other hand, if not resurrection, then such a painful restoration of one’s connection, here what is happening now is what we have been going through in recent years, and this is not revenge by chance for the fact that we, firstly, survived as a state, and secondly, we allow ourselves to go through the world today, yes, not everything works out everywhere, but walk with pride.
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i don’t know if they believe it, you can believe in it, not believe it, but probably all of us, citizens of the soviet union, all those who were born after, probably had to drink so much hardship in order to understand what we lost and what we did not appreciate , also demanding some kind of reforms or being indignant at the lack of some kind of sausage, and what did we all get as a result? this tragic collapse, wars, hatred between countries, broken economic ties, only thanks to the initiative of belarus, russia recently, even though they are beginning to get ready, as for the president’s trip, we had this wide tour, we
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saw how a professional manager and head of state should behave, and not push through any thresholds. in the modern world, only large integrated entities survive, it’s like in economics, yes, that is, there is one single farmer, he cannot compete, just like a single store will never compete with a chain retailer in his life, the same thing here political sphere, in this geopolitical sphere, we need to unite,
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we need to be united, and we offer, the only one i want is a very important point regarding the meanings. as oleg aleksandrovich says, like other experts, yes, we offer our ukrainian neighbors, the ukrainian people, this is the most important point to get out of the war through some kind of creation of a cooperative union of the union, if you like, of belarus, russia and ukraine, this is very important moment, we offer them a picture of the future, but no one offers what will happen next, the war will end. the war will end, and what will happen next? and we offer this is the meaning we show in cooperation with other states and, above all, with our main partner, the russian federation, the benefits, if you like, the advantages for the common man, for the population of this interaction. i fully support you,
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in the concept that you expressed, the concept of place, in such a simple folk language, sounds like it would be out of the ordinary, yeah, but what do i mean, because the point is that true sovereignty, in particularly economic, and all types of sovereignty for western countries - this is a koschei needle, this, this is their death. olek sergen, quite rightly said, i know this, it seems to me, on such a theoretical basis that the welfare of the west exists due to unequal exchange, unequal exchange, again in russian it is called robbery, for one dollar of profit, about 80 cents this is due to robbery, due to pumping out resources, free labor, stolen technological secrets and much, much more, this is the source of their well-being. our naive citizens, some think that west america lives because they are hardworking, because they are gloomy there, they save their every penny and
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so on, they live well because they stupidly rob the whole world, when those appear who say, we will not allow ourselves to be robbed, this is it causes hatred, what do you mean, this means that tomorrow, tomorrow we will have to work normally, we will have to greatly reduce our expenses, not waste money left and right on crazy purchases and...
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we can realize our national interests, not give away them on some supranational level, not to lose our sovereignty, but to unite and fully
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realize those of our national interests that are vitally important to us and to exist as an independent state, and this is reality, it is based on the example of the republic of belarus and the union state, it exists, and there is absolutely no need for this prove, we proved everything a long time ago, always laughed when someone shouted sovereignty? sovereignty, sovereignty, and at the same time a simple, banal truth, sovereignty , belarusian statehood is strengthening in alliance with russia, and lithuania would have strengthened, there are lithuanians , you hear me, you want to be truly sovereign, now you have no sovereignty, in an alliance with us, belarus, russia, you will be sovereign, ukraine, if there were no war, there would be real sovereignty, you there you experience everything, independence, independence, so there is no independence, and there will not be without an alliance with russia and belarus, the second moment, the collapse of the ussr, tragedy and... all the blood of ukraine, all the blood of part of the middle east, everything that was in the post-soviet space , in the hands of those who destroyed the ussr, in their hands, here they are
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let them turn in their graves, it’s their fault. and one more thing, i’ll intervene, i hate no one more than my life than gorbachev, because it would seem that this dear uncle, who spoke so sweetly, through his actions, and him, and this caudly who was with him, and then chechnya , and then that's it. yes, all the blood is their hand , all the blood is on their hands, on theirs, it all started back then in the ninety-first year, when they drank vodka and ruined the country, and one more thing, look, our history has already proven and is proving again , no one us cannot be destroyed from the outside, no military force there, now belarus will defeat russia, but never, they will always rely on... they are doing it on the inside now, so they gather in kiev, in warsaw, they are looking for policemen, traitors, it was always like this 100 years ago
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, now it’s the same, so unity within the country, the understanding that the country is one, that no one cares about us except us, we must strengthen ourselves, well, we also need to remember history, great things are seen from afar, today, when we remember this december , we must remember what our president said then in back in ninety-four, he... was one of the few, and i can say this, i have a father in politics for 30 years, who said: the collapse of the ussr is a tragedy, it is necessary to build an alliance with russia , he came to the elections with these meanings ninety-four, he won with these meanings and goes without changing his position, and that ’s good, thank you for participating in this conversation, that’s all for today, thank you for being with us.
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meeting on the development of the belarusian national biotechnology corporation, carrying out milioration work in the country -
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topics that are being discussed by the head of state today. participants. lukashenko noted that this composition traditionally brings up the most pressing, very important issues of the strategic development of the state for consideration. bnbk is one of the image projects in belarus, launched a year ago, but today not everything in the production meets the set objectives; the president demands from the government a clear algorithm for eliminating shortcomings. it's been a year already. how the grand opening of the unique, large-scale bnbk production took place, we were in our time, but now we are proud of this production. all conditions were created for the start of its work, and we agreed that we would support this project in every possible way. however, from the documents presented, i see that things are not quite as we
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planned. state control committee, which was. it was ordered to seriously audit the situation at bnbk, reports that there are significant shortcomings and problems in loading the plant’s capacity and marketing finished products. the president made a number of critical remarks against the government during milioration. a year ago, at a republican seminar meeting on the restoration of the use of reclamation lands , tasks were identified, but today the situation with the implementation of reclamation... is far from ideal, said alexander lukashenko. at the meeting of the 65th session of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus of russia, which was held in moscow, the budget of the union state for 2024 was adopted. chairman of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus vladimir andreichenko took part in the meeting. revenue part of the budget amounted to 6.970 million russian rubles.
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compared to 2023, the share contributions of belarus to russia have increased by... these funds will finance five programs and 37 activities of the union state in the fields of energy, information technology, space, medicine, agriculture, and border security. vladimir andreichenko expressed confidence that the budget of the union state for 2024 will become an effective tool for the implementation of projects and programs that are especially in demand at the present stage of integration. young people with due to developmental characteristics, it is important to provide professional training. further socialization, this was stated by the speaker of the upper house of parliament natalya kachanova. the council of the republic held a regular meeting of the advisory council on issues of adaptation and integration of such children. as an example , the minsk state college of digital technologies, where special children study, and the heads of an it company work and show excellent results, noted natalya kachanova. in our country , the work is quite systematic and, most importantly,
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that we drew attention to this... problem so that parents could hear that there are opportunities for the realization of their children, this is what we discuss every time at meetings of our advisory board, because it’s not just that we got together and discussed, it’s the in fact, further work and very painstaking work is being carried out in the education system, in the healthcare system, and most importantly, we are preparing these children to be ready for socialization. in society. alexandra lukashenko signed an order to encourage talented young people there are 74 names of scientists in the new list of fellows, eight doctors of science, 35 candidates and 31 scientists without a degree yet. the areas of work are very different, physics-mathematical, chemical, medical, some of the fellows work in the field of humanities, all the results of their research are applied. the belarusian
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women's union summed up the results of the past year and discussed plans for the future. all projects. aimed at strengthening the role of women in society and its significance. today in the ranks of the organization there are more than 160 thousand people, active representatives our country, the association is involved in political life, and the day before , the issue of the participation of the organization’s divisions in the preparation and conduct of the upcoming election campaign was decided, and the results of work in the international arena were also summed up. during the year, the union successfully held forums with colleagues from russia and uzbekistan and plans to expand the list of countries next year. most recently, we organized a united organization in the state standard of the belarusian women's union. today this is more than 165 thousand in total throughout country of active women. but the most important thing is not that we are growing quantitatively. the most important thing is that we are growing qualitatively, because people come to us not because someone said to come according to the order, yes, but because they see our activity and want to become involved in what we are doing and the events that we are holding ,
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it’s clear that when some new category of women appears, new ideas come with them, hence the constant fuel for the constant movement, well, i’m sure that this will continue. belarusian firms are preparing to surprise domestic buyer with its unique product, craft cheese. to date. there are already more than 100 craft cheese factories in the country, one of them is on the farm of the kulikov family in the soligorsk district. the young family’s agribusiness is going well; they use their unique product from braid cows, a special breed, to make cheese. the products are in demand, and now another batch of farm cheeses is ripening for the new year's tables of belarusians. our goats are of the anglo-nubian breed, their peculiarity is that the most they have raw milk, high, high protein content, we have shamikomori goat. i liked him just in appearance, blue eyes, wonderful, these languid eyes, chup, i liked this one just in appearance, our cow and baby are a jersey breed, also very raw milk,
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more than thirty riders took part in the winter carnival in ratomka , the turkish princess, the black swan and the king of the lemurs performed at costume competitions. this time the competition participants had to hone not only their technique performance, the jury evaluated the creative approach, the rider's costume and even... the horse's outfit. you could earn points for revealing the image of your free program. the winter carnival included individual and pair performances. to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there. what a cute city. yes, the name is so cool. parisov. here i go. paris.
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preparations and decoration of the palace of the republic are underway, this is always a very long process,
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we have not used any design companies for several years now, everything we do the decoration with our own hands, the same formula as at home, and at home we always try to do something special, in our house, in our palace. every year we also come up with our own new concept, how to make the palace turn into a fairy tale for a time, especially new year’s performances, this year the palace of the republic has quite a lot of different events, they were large and they were not only in the palace, but in the minsk arena and at the dynamo stadium, but for us it is always fundamentally important, this is our annual final, these are children's events, children's matinees, because there is nothing. better than hearing children's laughter in the palace, this year the director of the main performance was agata motskaya , she is a famous director, this year there will be completely new approaches to the new year's
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performance, these include interactive activities with children, we tested them last year, they behaved very well showed when not only actors, fairy-tale characters are involved on stage, when they communicate from the audience and work , including from the audience. this year it will be are also actively used, this year new pyrotechnic elements will be used that will allow you to be drawn into a fairy tale, of course, there will be some intrigue, it will be clear... negative, positive heroes, of course, it will not do without the main character santa claus, good will definitely defeat evil , the guys will be very interested to see our new approaches to the stage in terms of screen placement, led screens, this will be new mechanization, in general, a lot of surprises await all those who come to us new year's performances, the new year's projects of the palace of the republic are popular among belarusians, but the main thing among foreigners? very
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attracts our foreign guests , last year we had guys from the baltic states come to us, last year we had quite a lot of guys from russia who came to see this performance, of course there is a tour of minsk, but the main thing, as it were, is an informational occasion - this to attend this particular event, but this year we already have applications from smolensk, nizhny novgorod, tula, moscow, st. petersburg, guys who are coming. see the main program of the country, in the baltics last year we had guys from latvia, last year there were guys from lithuania, they come, of course, until a certain time , guys from ukraine came to us quite a lot, and we are still always happy to see them we are waiting, in the month of february in the palace of the republic there will be an information center of the central electoral commission for elections, all journalists throughout...
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and other experts will communicate directly with journalists, to monitor the progress of the elections, and for us this is very important, in february we will have an information center of the central election commission for elections in the palace of the republic, all journalists will be in the palace of the republic for several days when they arrive...
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childhood - this is the most carefree time, when all the child’s emotions are real, children with special needs have the same emotions, they sincerely smile, sincerely rejoice, cry.
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this is a rebus, we must find the key to unravel. i, ledovskaya yulia vasilievna, teacher-speech pathologist at secondary school number 52 in minsk. special children need us, our task is to prepare them for independent life.
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today, a new model of education has been created in integrated education, compared to the one that existed before, a child with special needs could not study in general education schools, in kindergartens, preschools... our school number 52 is located in kamennaya gorka, the school is very young, but promising , over 2 thousand children study there, also among these children there are children with
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developmental disabilities; they have such findings as learning difficulties, severe speech disorders and autism spectrum disorders. hello guys! let's smile at each other, say good morning, children with special needs are taught in separate classes with a defectologist teacher, they study disciplines such as mathematics, russian language, russian literature, people and the world, they study other disciplines in general education classes, thereby they are gradually integrated into general education system , children with special needs have their own program: their own educational route, their textbooks are different, topics may overlap, but the tasks are simplified, we teach these children social and everyday orientation , how to take care of themselves, take care of their appearance, how
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to use cutlery correctly, so that in the future they can independently serve themselves. integration class is a unique bonus from the state, where children with special needs receive psychophysical development absolutely free of charge special education is of a fairly high quality, sometimes we have three specialists working with one child at once, that is , there is a tutor, a teacher, a defectologist , and another educational psychologist comes when the child needs help, and this is justified, we see that children are...
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wardrobe, right up to meeting with the parent, some children come in the morning not in a very good mood, you need to ask the parents, meet them, ask what ’s wrong, calm the child down, get into a learning mood, start the lesson. created for children with autism spectrum disorders special...


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