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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 21, 2023 3:25pm-4:46pm MSK

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talented schoolchildren, often with their favorite characters, danced, sang and danced. no need to lose your sense of humor, please don’t, no need to lose your sense of humor , i feel a holiday, i’m in a good mood, immediately such enterprises, because they will let us fall, because it’s fun, it lifts the new year’s mood, my mother also gave me tubing. when children are happy, when children smile, when you do something nice, uh, for someone, especially children, of course, your soul rests, and you are mentally, so to speak, happy that you are at least somehow a piece, some exalted so that the children are happy, children, of any generation, any adults want our children to live even better, even better, but the very thing...
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get the story for the belarusian warriors. the fire-fighting equipment is covered with bright christmas lights and is already plying through the different corners of our country, as a gift to those who are so great.
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the house of the municipality of stagodzia and the interior ambience in the garad apartments of the old city of minsk. such a unique magic appeared recently on an excursion new museum prastory. authentic expression.
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the museum wall displays the small works of galina azgur and the graphic creations of belarusian autaras. that's all, let's look at our website and our yesterday's release. premnaga of the day and yes sustrechy.
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the hero does not look for easy ways, he gives up. challenge yourself, overcoming doubts and fears, the chosen ones are ready to conquer the world of the game, the time for testing has come.
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they believe in the impossible and are willing to do the incredible. adventure lovers are back in the game, they are ready to hunt for crystals. all our participants are real athletes, tested in more than one test. but what we have prepared for them will definitely shock them. today , two new teams will take a step into the unknown, but will they be brave enough to get out? i don’t doubt my guys, because for them, no. output situations include sea robbers, masters of the seas and oceans, and a crew of pirates! i love extreme sports, i really like it, my most cherished dream is to jump in... a parachute and dive in a qualango, it’s very interesting, everyone should try it, i i would like to become a rescuer
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, i don’t have any fears, i motivate myself by the fact that if i can’t handle it, then maybe the team won’t, then i have to help everyone win, i strive not to be afraid of anything, i’d like to jump from a parachute, my favorite hobby run, play sports, draw, there is a spirit of competition in all competitions, it increases self-confidence, you understand that on the track... people are not weak and you try to win, yes, i like risk. 13 years old, my dad gave me my first motorcycle, i have no fears, i am absolutely not afraid of anything, i i'm interested in kickboxing, i like this sport because it teaches character, my dream was to become a fireman, in this profession you can save people's lives, i'm the fastest on the team, my opponents should be afraid of me because... they don't have a chance to win, my team is a single organism
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that works, this is the goal, they support each other, they chose the strongest, most agile, the fastest, the main thing is to communicate with the team more, maintain morale, say that they are the best and there is no better one here , these are the heroes of our future, the heroes of today, they are all the guys who are here on the site, they are already heroes for getting here, we came to win. only victory is everything, nothing else interests us, here they are, the pirates, will go in search of crystals today, hello guys, hello, how are you? great,
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everything has gone well since the era of these formidable warriors, they are determined to win, yes, super, more than a thousand years, but they are still legendary, meet my team, the vikings! mám rád výšky a mám rád adrenalín, mojím snom je byť hasičom pomáhať ľuďom zachraňovať životy, so ako mne už neraz zachránili život v mojom detstve, so chcel by som keby im to od platiť, že moji rodičia ma už od malička v tom vychovávali, aby som pomáhal ľuďom. požiarnicky šport, ako hasiči ma k tomu ešte viac dotiahli, som dvojnásobná majsterka,
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teda na slovensku na výstup teda na hasičskú vežu cez 100 m cez prekážky aj majsterka slovenska v 60, keď väčš inou sú tak v núdzi, tak väčšinou im vždy pomôžem, ale aj cudzým a blízkym, preto chodím na ajnu pedagogickú, no však sa dostať čo to... ale ja vyhrať ju, ak by sa to dalo, takže história toho filmu a ten obsah bol v pohode, väčšinou času tam bolo o hasičoch, čo chcem robiť, lebo to taká zaujímavá krajina, tam pirati, je to celkom zaujímavé, chcel som tam pomáha ť tým chudobným ľuďom a tam kuknúť, ak tam žijú, silné stránky, tak ja si myslím, že rýchlosť, celkom sila, mršnosť.
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ur ? namnadiť s tou psychikou, aby sa nebáli ničoho, aby si to prišli užiť.
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you will go to conquer new worlds, dangerous adventures, exciting chases and grandiose battles await you. today you are at the first level of the game, to win it you need to pass four elemental tests, these are water, air, earth and fire. crystals collected throughout all stages of the game will help you defeat your opponent. we will find out who will take the main crystal. on the tower. the ability to calculate the battle in advance will be useful to you in the first test of the elements. water. it won't be it's just a fight, but a bounty hunt. sharp, intense, ruthless. vikings and pirates in their native element. who will defeat whom
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today? the nature of the water is unpredictable. the calm will turn into a storm in seconds. test, water element. in this test, competitors must: walk on suspended platforms over the sand, stay on monkey bars in the forests, and fly over a wall of rain on a rope. jump on the net, go down it without plunging into the water, then climb along the web to the zip line, slide down it and land exactly on the island, having accelerated, fly up onto the frame and pick up the victory crystal from the totem, don’t get your feet wet, the belarusian pirate jim is ready
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to conquer. belarus in fire and rescue sports and kickboxing, that is, the battle will be powerful. it seems to me that fighting the vikings in general is not an easy task, especially with thor, the patron of thunder and lightning. come on cake, create a real storm here, go, go! andreja som si vybral preto na túto disciplínu, lebo je jeho výška, rýchlosť mŕšnosť je podľa mňa superná presne na túto
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disciplínu, sil som, že bojí sa vody, ale tento blázon... je tak dobre plávať, že to preletí tú vodu nespadne do nej, the first one begins, of course it’s always exciting, the main thing is not to make a mistake, tima, well done, it’s good how slowly they started this test, exactly, good, super, guys, i remind you that there is a rival, thank you for clarifying, there is only one crystal, yeah, hold on, hold on. hold on, hold on, you need to speed up a little, thor, come on, come on, i understand, i almost slipped, hush, hush, hush, both here and there, ah, be careful, be careful, hold on, rubbed
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your nose. you need to get your bearings here first and faster than your opponent, neboj sa pevné uzle, nie poz poď rukami, rukami
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lands right on the target now well, i remind you, the opponent is still nearby, well done, i believe in you faster, ramp and crystal, ramp and crystal, come on, come on, come on, let's go there. thor, what are you doing faster, the first crystal, that's it, handsome,
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ay-ay-ay, how can it be, mogilev piratzhim, well done, thor, how can it be, if he did anyway. he’s already tired, he’s starting to catch up with ours, that’s why there are so many cool ones ahead, exciting challenges, well, vikings , let's get together, look, your torus
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injured his arm, in my opinion, at first glance , the injury is not serious, but you will still need medical help, look, there is something else with his leg, let's hope that he can continue our game. thor is very, very hesitant when approaching specialists, because he is still afraid of letting the team down, it seems to me, and secondly, with injuries it is of course very difficult to continue playing, no one said that it would be easy here, in my opinion, the injuries are not serious, well, so far i only see abrasions, sadin, you will perform, i don’t understand , i don’t understand, it’s still unclear what will happen... his fate in our game, but i still hope for the best, that he can continue the test, coach of the vikings team, now
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they will be just the same decide fate, torah , what to do after all, everything is possible here, you need to be prepared for anything, but it’s still a game, it continues, well done, congratulations.
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to spálil som si kožu na ruke aj na kolene, netreba dávať dole hlavu a treba ísť s tým ďalej. andrej je silny chlapec, určite sa nevzdáva, nie je to až také eh zranenie vážne natoľko, aby nemohol pokračovať. neprestali sme bojovať, ideme stále za víťazstvom, máme len prvú disciplinu za sebou, máme ešte viac pred sebou, takže.
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it was made using the contact method in 1903 and there are only four such photographs known in the world. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . the water surface is still. there is danger in itself, thor from the vikings is hanged, the genie from the pirates was able to win the crystal. e guys, pirates, mogelev, well done, listen, but this is only the beginning, i hope you understand all this, yes , we are determined to win, yes, well , let’s do something energetically, we are determined to win, yes, it was just a warm-up, it seems to me, but
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the most important thing is that we still have the top remained in the game, so dear vikings , show yourself, i believe you, you are strong, you really are powerful, the first test is over, the next one is even more dangerous, only the one who overcomes all obstacles and completes all levels of the game will win the main prize, a grant for the development of sports in the country, winners from the creator of the presidential game. and the winners will also receive incredibly powerful tablets for new exciting battles! you will need the ability to maintain balance in the next test of the element of air. meeting her will easily turn your head, but you won't like it. you will defy gravity, no matter what happens,
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stay on top. don’t fall into the abyss, even if you have to cling to the air, i will activate the second test, chosen against the element of air. in this challenge , the participant must maintain balance on levitating steps. and deftly passing the yakar, manage to grab the bonus crystal hanging above the void, then step on the air pucks and walk along them to the finishing platform to take the main crystal of the easy path, boni from the pirates team will take off, she is a prize-winner of the republic of belarus in fire and rescue sports, so fly,
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fly, fly, boni, only those who are confident in themselves, think like a winner, will be able to overcome any obstacles, the air, it is very difficult. we consulted with the team for a long time and decided to choose lera. she said that she was fearless, but i would like to check her fears after all, whether that’s what she wrote. fear heights, i see what is present in her, she must enter into her fear and overcome it.
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oh, this height is mesmerizing, you just want to stop, admire the views , but you can’t stop, you ca n’t do that, you need to remember that there are teams, there are crystals that you need to earn, firstly, you need to take every step more confidently, that’s what i i can advise a member of your team, because thank you for the advice, okay, leg, leg, leg, in fact, you should not be afraid of the aerial stairs, because everything the main thing here is quite simple.
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here, in fact, we had such a slightly interpreted descent from the steps, it was just a swing, we saw it with you, but... everything worked out, that’s it, we don’t have a bonus crystal, well, okay, god bless him, go , go, don’t be afraid, the main thing is to reach the end so that at least one crystal appears in our team’s piggy bank, listen, how scared she was, don’t worry, let’s go confidently, come on, come on, come on, bonny, bonny, bonny, bonny, bonny where is your klay, well we can get you rename it in general, but to be honest, there’s no time for that now, now there’s no time to look for a fly, because bonnie coped with the aerial ladder. that's it, shake your hands, shake off your hands, monkey bars, they are so unpredictable, you need to jump, the girl is at it, but don't stop, come on, come on, come on, oh-oh-oh, look how it swings, and your hands can get stuck now everything , smart
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girl, bonny, come on, come on, hold on tight , listen, what a great guy, really, wow , come on, come on, a little more, a little more, come on, come on, come on, come on, she forgot that simplicity. everything, well done, it’s completed, yes, when there are still hands on you, the nipple of the hand is everything, i might have reached the end, but the hands are from the inside, here you are standing
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in front of the monkey bars, my legs are generally shaking, rest. i stood on this platform, my legs just started shaking , my knees themselves seemed to be going down, my hands began to beat, they began to slide, and because of this i fell, at the moment when i was falling, my
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heart began to pound strongly , i understood that it was all, maybe some kind of disappointment, because i didn’t bring the crystal to the team, but nothing done.
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the tsar of the boyar veche, this has been our traditional form of government for centuries, is the base, and to it we can and should add a superstructure from what are called democratic institutions. these include elections of a leader, that is, a president, elections to parliament, and a national referendum. it is important for me that you appreciate not the form of the pro-tsar, but the essence of what i am saying: when we , by strengthening the supreme national assembly, return the historical veche to the control system, it does not contradict a strong leader, but complements the system. what is the difference between a politician and a government official? figure? a politician thinks about future elections, and a statesman thinks about future generations. we can only do something to help the world find peace. in the event that we ourselves have order at home, because if
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we suddenly have a disorder, then we will have neither time nor energy left for the world’s problems. propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 244.
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einar dreams of becoming as super fast as spider-man and loves the air, so it seems to me that all the stars have aligned today, dear wikis.
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well, the first step, the most difficult thing, how i think because it’s the most ambiguous.
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here it is important to reach the finish line, because the air staircase is like that, yes, it depends on what you are counting on, of course, you need to support him, it’s great that now the stands are applauding him, good standing, there is, class, every step it is unique in its own way, yes, it can fall when you stand on it, it can rotate around its axis, clidek, clidek, a minute has passed, so the bonus crystal... that’s it, the participant almost did the splits now, this is an element of the show , no, honestly speaking, this is not planned, but it’s very good, a kind of transition from one step to another, in fact, the main thing here is not so much how long it takes, the important thing is the fact that he passed this section with
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the ladders, then the monkey bars, for enar success is very important. go to the end , reach the finish line of this test, come on, come on, come on, well, this segment is not easier, it’s very difficult for him now, but in my opinion he passes , it can’t be any other way, well done, inar, you wanted to learn fly? so einar stayed for some reason, he’s still on the second shabby, i don’t understand what the problem is, he’s afraid to jump over, what happened, it seems to me that his hands were getting tired,
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so he’s tired, kind, but mazu, kind, he got tired during the monkey bars. now you need to heroically get to the finish line, this will definitely be an act, if he gets to the end, come on, let’s take the last step, literally, and he’s so great! well done, he was in no hurry, but he took the treasured crystal that he wanted, a real hero, oh, so happy, how he smiles, he still doesn’t believe that he reached the end, he didn’t expect it to be like this
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it’s difficult, he means he’s a strong guy, i’ll get through it with a snap of my fingers, but that’s not the case, i want to say, that’s not the case, they’re so happy. strong teeth, and in general they are strong tails, i ’ll tell you, darling, na pána, na pána, on to dal ešte to. chytaj videl, máme ho, poďme ďalej, a tretia disciplína, som nevedel na to prísť, že ako sa otočiť na tom lne, vždy ma točilo doprava, najhorší moment bolo, keď som sa nohami nevedel dostať na poslednú platformu, som sa
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musel vytiahnúť z posledných síl, rukami, ale dal som to, nezdávam sa, to emócie boli. veľmi dobre, asi najlepšie, čo som zažil , ešte som také na takom niečom ešte nebol , cítil som sa veľmi dobre, the desire to conquer heights is nothing without overcoming oneself, the vikings took possession of one crystal, the pirates in this test were left with nothing. this is us, now we have a signature move, like you did there, like this, now we do everything like this, tough guys, yes, well done! let's show that we are one whole, we are one team, what we came for, to win, victory
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will be ours, fool, the next test, which you have to go through, the elements of the earth, the bravest of you will find yourself in a labyrinth, it’s dark, very risky, there are no more souls, the main thing is to build the right route, everything will work out, every step. can change the course of the game, what it will be depends only on you. i activate the test. element of earth. this is an underground quest. the player must reach the main crystal within 4 minutes and pick it up. to do this, you need to get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass the key through the pipeline and open the vendshaft with it, get through it,
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called the swampy demons, end up at the storage facility, to open the door to it, don’t miss it along the way, there are clues with numbers, their sum is the code for the lock, once you enter it, you can only touch the lasers three times, take the main crystal, you will have 2 minutes to get out back. if you hurry, the ceiling can be pressed against the sand. the pirates decided that jack would be able to successfully navigate the maze. jim and bonnie will help him; they are already at the command post. we will find out very soon how many crystals we can get. the team and i... consulted about who to send to this rather difficult area, we accepted the decision to send gleb there because he is clever, fast, has a mathematical mind
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, my team and i are waiting for him here with two crystals and hoping for victory, i call you the code, well, you told me the clues, i calculated and gave you the answer, and lera, time, time, okay, until the end, then i ’ll climb right through your place. please, when are these turbos, okay, i’ll tell you right away.
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864 you heard yes 864 now open the next pledge you will have when you go down immediately in the maze immediately immediately in the maze come out and at the end of this there will be a hint. there from above will be at the end from the end not at the end
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why well almost there look you have 2 minutes 40 seconds left i'm trying to open the lock this uh huh i can't figure out how to open it yeah here take it all off look here on this side it's 716 and which one is which the first digit is 716? 816 here you collected 654 you collected yes, wait, say the numbers again 864 864 716 wait 864 and 716 yes - 1.500 then 654 count let's do it again 716 716 716 well 864 means 1.580 yes plus. 754 2.100 count it yourself, let's 1.580 you have a minute
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left less than a thousand again what is it was the number 1.58? 1.580 it turns out 200 200 34 wrong, well, what else, let's do it again 4 2234 let's do it faster, you have 25 seconds neatly 25 seconds faster than 5 seconds, right? but carefully , come on faster, faster, grab back 40 seconds from you, that’s it, time is up , i hooked it three times, why did you count for so long, what does it have to do with counting, you hooked it, but the cat didn’t count, that’s okay, so he hooked , it
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’s not us anymore, he had time. you still had 20 seconds of time, you could have been more careful, we were talking about you, readers, okay, okay, where, we still have a relay race yes, let's go, yes, okay, there's still a relay race, there wasn't enough time yet. 20 seconds you will have 20, well, you would have time, well, in the end it’s difficult that there are three lasers almost in a row there, okay, basically this is my mistake, okay, let’s see how it is in slovakia, they also have readers there, what are you do n’t be upset, everything is fine, everything is fine, hurry up , everything will pass, don’t worry, we still have stages that we have to go through, okay,
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yes, we don’t worry, the tower will decide now, whatever, that ’s it, everyone is great, don’t be upset. i led selfishly and because of this i feel like i let my team down. then the only thing in my head was that time was running out, i thought that i would have to make the last roar myself, because of this i did not listen to my command, i just decided to speed up, and this drove me, made me lose. i feel guilty now, i plan to make up for it by listening more. team and i will listen to myself less. valhalo is already at a low start in einara thor's command post. they will help her find her way pick up the treasured crystals. well, let's see how the vikings cope with this test.
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nemáme, dobre, super, ideme, držte sa , chalani, čau, dobre, banes, ešte raz všetko v poriadku, aha, si tu, počujem, počujem, ok, eh, keď teraz ešte môžeš si pretri špičky, aby sa ti nešmýkalo , ty máš rukavice, no však toto, nevadí, si je v poriadku, meni si tu sama, si tu so mnou, aká je tvoja pesnička?
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poď, poď, kľudne, poď, chyť lano a zapri špičky a ťahaj hore, poď, poď, poď, paráda, poď, poď, poď. si von, poď, kľudne, dobre, poťahaj, kľudne, kľudne, tam niekde po ľavej strane by si mala mať prvý kód, ľavej, áno, z tvojej strany po ľavej strane, haló, počujeme
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ťa, poď, ťahaj, ešte, ešte, ešte ťahaj, pribli žne v strede by mal byť. "kde približne v strede by mal byť na ľavej strane pri pleti vlízko, kde je bliž, ako niekde tam, hľadaj, kukaj ho, poď, otvor si ho." po pravej ruke máš hlano, čo si odopneš, poď dole, poď dole, budeš mať v piesku hľadaj, kde je kód, hľadaj, hľadaj kód, povedzte mi
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kde, kde je kód, však tam vidíš, keby ampulku, potom druhý kód by si mala mať ako ideš smerom. kde to hovor , že máš naspäť, skús sa vrátiť, choď naspäť, choď naspäť do tej totej, postav sa, choď naspäť do ako si šla, ako si prišla do tej, aha, počkaj, mám kiro, ti to zabudol po vedať, 994 , hej, kde tú tretiu, tú tretiu máš niekde tiež na zemi sa mi zdá, máš naspäť, choď naspäť. "asi vnúkam v tej šachte, pôjdeš tam, tam niekde by mal byť, eh, keď vylezieš, tak niekde tam by mal byť kód, nevidím ho, máš 50 sekúnd, neviem
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kde je presne neviem, kde však hovorte, však nevidíte to, nevidím, neviem presne, kde si, nie je tam niekde, nie, nie je, tak, veď pozeraj ju "ja neviem, kde to je presné, máš 30 sekúnd, kde je, hovor ti, davajte, zendi dole, zdeni dole a choď, choď niekde ku dverám asi, neviem, je tam niekde, nie, fú, máš 10 sekúnd, 15, máš, kde, neviem, 10 sekúnd, choď ku dverám, päť, ale to mi..." ktorým dverám, už nič, sme skončili
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, aha, však tu je kód, tu je kód a tu tu tu, tu je keby hore na tom ventile jak šla dole, tam bol, viď, no kde bola tá múka, keď ju nevidela, neviem , kde to bolo, na začiatku, alebo na začiatku, ako si ťahala? ale ja som sa pýtala, že kde tá tam v strede bolavil v strede na ľavej stranej, a potom som sa pýtala, že či mám otvárať už oný dole a že hej, nevadí, nevadí, nevadí.
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andrej vravel že strede šachty ako vinne po ľavej strane, tak to je bolo, ale bolo trebalo trebalo lepšie vysvetliť, alebo fakt povedať, že stojí, no nevadí, stalo sa, ideme, ideme ďalej. dobre, poďme na ďalšiu disciplínu, no som nahnevaná smutná, že proste som to nestihla, aj keď si myslím, že by som to proste stihla, na začiatku som hneď mala problém s tým, že sa mi vlastne noha zasekla, potom sme sa s chalanmi trošku nepochopili, tam ako som ťahala ten kľúč, tak tam bolo ten jeden kód a vlastne nevšimla som si ho a proste som pokračovala ďalej, potom už som zmätkovala musela som sa ne... koľkokrát vraciať aj hore a potom som spadla , tak síce možno podľa mňa by som to dala, ale nejak to nevyhalo, no nie, však sme tým a pokazali sme to všetci a takže puzzle,
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were left with nothing, one good thing is that the opponents also didn’t earn a single crystal, but guys, this experience cannot be repeated in the next test, we agree, let's get together.
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sea ​​robbers are unstoppable, give fire, show what you are capable of! the fire flares up instantly, only by acting together can it be overcome. i activate the fourth test. element of fire. the first players of the fire relay pass through the rock garden, pass the hammer to the second players, dive into a glass bowl and take out a valve from it. the second players, having cut through the wall with a hammer, must dig out the entrance to the mousetrap, stretch a fire hose through it and fill it water on the target so that third players can get the cross out of the flask. after which
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climb up the mast to secure it at the top, whoever goes down first will take the main crystal from the totem will bring the team victory, sparks already flew from such a start from the vikings team , i was excited, from the pirates team and i expect a powerful fiery start from him. continues the test from the vikings team einar from the pirates team jack einar shows everyone his beautiful muscles, always smiles, what a great guy, and jack was determined from the very beginning victory, he will do everything possible, everything that depends on him, we’ll see, i believe, my team.
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believes in you, well, i hope the audience will support you too. the pirate team trusts the buni girl to complete this relay. i hope the choice was made correctly. well, thor will compete for victory against the vikings, i’m sure he can bring it. we will watch the battle between the guy and the girl in the finale, this makes it even more interesting. "na štarte máme postavenú vanes, kde sú prednosti jednoznačne silné, neórazne silné nohy, na druhom úseku damian, rýchle ruky, tenučky, prepchá sa všelikade , na poslednom úseku, andrej, dlhé ruky a rýchlosť, hlavne v kľude, nikde sa neponáhľať, všetko má svoj čas a keď to
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má ..." at the first stage i have timur, any weight for him on the shoulder, he's in fire and water , at the second stage i have gleb, he is elastic, this is his look, at the third stage i have lera, she will climb my pole, she climbs trees like a monkey, she was born in the forest, so i believe in my team, i just hope for the best, they will cope with these stages. well, jim, finish the relay so that already a minute later bonnie stood with the crystal in her hands. valhala was very successful, it could have passed, accelerated.
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great, jack has already started to cut his way into the tunnel, great, i think we even found a vent, so don’t rush things. oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, how did they quickly, perfectly, find the passage? that we didn’t go through the tunnel so quickly, einar, speed up, come on, come on, quickly, so that there are no hitches, now we need to quickly untangle the ropes and move on,
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oh-oh-oh, how can this be, come on, come on, come on, come on, ropes, ropes, ropes. great, everything is super, by the way, the fire hose is 25 m, and the distance is only 15 m, so you need to straighten this hose so that the water flow is even. you need to hit the target. exactly on target so that the water level in the flask quickly rises, well, the crystal is rising and most likely, as you tell her, bonnie will now end up with the crystal in her hands, well , pour it, come on, come on, come on, einar, let's hurry up, please , rather, rather, almost
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from your hands, get up, is this really how it will all end for my team, einar, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! enar sadly looks at this target, in my opinion, we already have victory in our pocket, neatly, neatly, hard, but
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if, if they were on equal terms, it’s not a fact that she would be ahead of her opponent, it’s a hitch with the net, bad had a huge impact on my team’s results. it seems to me, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, there it is, that’s it, how is it, hurray, hurray, hurray, einar is just in shock, he didn’t expect everything to happen. it seemed to me that the members of your team did not fully understand how to operate a fire hose, here the problem is not so much in the fire hose, but in the fact that they did not lift the grate so quickly, in my opinion, the members of your team did not realize that the door and into the tunnel can be lifted, you just lift it, dig it up and
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crawl on, everything happened there the little thing, in fact, probably because of the pirate's trick, can still change in the tower, here in the world, i agree with you, it will really solve everything... the tower, well done, thank you, well done, come on, come on, come on, so what you, come on, well done, thank you, what you did, well done, confidently, that's it, you are the best team, well done, what good is this for him, remember?
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new participant, we won’t do this stage anymore, i grabbed the diamond , started climbing the log, started pushing with my arms, pulling myself up and doing small jumps, my legs were already falling off and i almost fell there, i wasn’t the only one in this team, i i feel like i gave everything i could, we have all heroes on our team. "akože som sklamaný zo seba, že to šlo tak pomaly a tak sa stalo, vanesa v pohode, všetko sa stalo, len jak ja som rozbil tú..." stenu aj vanessa ťahala dohora, ja som ťahol zospodu , medzi drevami bolo kamienky nešlo to potiahnuť
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dohora, tam sme sa strasne zdržali, ale skoro sme ich dobehli, ale to už bolo neskoro, som celkom sklamaný, že neprehrali, lebo nie s me know how to prehrávať. crystals, the vikings were again left with nothing, yes, pirates, so we agreed, yes , that we need to snatch victory literally with our teeth, and we brought, well, like us, you brought two crystals, well done, five, five, five, well done , also, but we don’t get discouraged, we don’t get upset, it’s okay, the main thing is, so that everything works out on the tower, yes, yes, everything, gathered, so, you... have been tested by all the elements, but right now the very moment is coming, what you came here for,
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conquering the towers! in this challenge, all the crystals you earn can affect the outcome of today's game. rough vikings against fearless pirates. which of you will be closer to the main crystal? justa, the teams are ready. just because the peak is close does not mean it is easy to conquer. the final test. tower. this is the decisive test. featured members start from different heights. climb vertically.
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i think so, one crystal is very good, the good old lady is now trying to explain that they have no advantage. doesn’t really matter, yes, yes
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, come on, come on, come on, come on, i hope this will help him, it’s your turn to take the main crystal, it didn’t work out in the first test, but now come on, you have all these possibilities, thor, come on, come on, woo-hoo, andrej sem prišiel získať jeden kryštál pre seba, so ja mu verím a dúfam,
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listen, well, the advantage was small, well maybe it’s thorough, competent. to čo som čakal, že tam je úplne iná rýchlosť. when i heard the signal, all the fear, everything went away, i was sure that he would not catch me when i pushed off from the glass for the second time. when i stood at the top with the crystal, i had no other feelings except joy, i knew that i had not let my coach down, my pride in my team, in my hard training, in myself. we initially knew that he would go through this stage, he communicated with his parents, relatives, that is, they somehow they prepared him mentally, he is on his path, he also has athletic qualities, that he is very
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sharp, very nimble, that is, with one click he can change to any stage, to any type, well... the sea is knee-deep, as they say, i was very worried, the fact of a cliff, a breakdown, no one was cancelled, they proved that we are ready to fight with any countries and show what we are capable of, so i’m happy for my team and i say thank you very much to them for this, for this victory, pirates rushing to victory, who can stop them will be decided by the game. and live as a champion, a hero, well, congratulations to you, well done, well done, in general, all that remains, worked as it should, well done, my pirate
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gang showed superpower, guys, you are the best, you are heroes. you have reached the next level of the game , you will continue to fight for the main prize from the creator of the game, the presidential sports club, even despite the defeat, my guys have found priceless treasures for themselves, they have become even stronger, even more fearless and are ready to rush towards adventures again. this is a game of heroes and it goes on. heroes! they are already next to you, only forward to the heroes. luck, reward, hero, victory will be forgotten. a new day is ahead, boldly go towards it and take the first
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step. without a doubt. this is our finest hour, time has chosen us, don’t miss it, our time, friends, is with you next to us and wings behind our backs.


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