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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 21, 2023 5:05pm-5:41pm MSK

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in ukraine, cannabis has been legalized, with specification so far only for medical purposes, although many in ukraine note that, in fact, there will be a complete lifting of all restrictions on its use, and the level of corruption in the country is such that it will not be difficult for anyone to write a prescription. during discussions , deputies pointed out that zelensky went to the elections with a promise to soften the ban on the use of soft drugs. for an inexplicable reason, the authorities took up the problem right now, apparently, they considered it. one of the most relevant at the moment, to this i've got it all, see you at 19:00!
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68% of people, according to internet sources , use it for work, 21% for entertainment , only 9% for education, although the person who first started talking about its creation saw it as a tool for schoolchildren to study the world, but more on that later, today we will talk about... one of the most powerful scientific inventions of the last 50 years. about laptops. this is a science project nearby. my name is ekaterina beretskaya. hello, don’t change the tv channel for the next half hour and you will find out. a portable computer the size of notebook. who first started talking about creating laptops? and most importantly, for what purpose was it needed. why the first models
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did not become popular and how laptops are created today in our country big report of the program. the assembly process is quite complex, it involves approximately 70 people. the first laptop was more like a suitcase and weighed 11 kg. let’s find out the history of the creation of one of the most popular gadgets today together right now. the idea was to create a flat-screen computer without a huge number of wires, so that it could be easily to use by children while studying, belongs to alan kay. the american voiced his thoughts in 1972 at a scientific it conference and for the first time
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uttered the word “laptop,” meaning that the device should be no larger than a notebook. ikea’s idea could not be fully realized at that time, simply due to technical capabilities. but in 1973, the xeerex company, where alan kay worked, assembled the world's first laptop. of course, this version of the pc was extremely far from the one we were used to. the computer was heavy, 11 kg and grams. contrary to hopes, it did not become a children's laptop and these laptops were often called luggage laptops because they looked like suitcases. a lighter version was invented in 1981 by adam osbron , an englishman who lived in the usa at that time, but due to a marketing mistake, the company announced sales of the next model of laptops, which is why people did not buy the first option, they were waiting for a new product, so the company. crumbled literally in a year, so
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the name of the creator is not heard, but it is well known in business circles, there is even a term “osborne effect” that describes the situation of the company's ruin at the very peak of its development, a year later in 1982, by order of nasa , william mokrich creates the first laptop that most closely resembles the current laptop. this device was used only by astronauts in freedom. it never made it to sale, and until the end of the eighties of the last century, laptops remained rather expensive exotics, but already in the nineties, gradually a variety of companies came to the format that is familiar to all of us, the form of a book. the laptop weighs no more than 5 kg, the memory capabilities are much more serious than the first ones models, they could store information of no more than 100 kb. just any today.
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the photo hangs more. and the brains of these laptops began to work much faster, since in 1990 intel introduced the first dedicated processor for mobile devices. personal computers, by the end of the nineties laptops could already work without recharging for 3-4 hours, in the first decade of the 21st century, specifically on january 15, 2008, steve jobs demonstrated a laptop model that he literally took out of an envelope, so the gadget was thin, but that model , due to its high cost and poor performance , did not become popular, steve's company corrected the mistake at the end... of the same 2008, releasing the first people's favorite, a thin laptop with high performance at an adequate price, this moment and is considered to be the beginning of the era of modern laptops.
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well, right now i propose to disassemble the first belarusian laptop into scientific parts in the science project studio next to a technologist. the country's largest production enterprise electronics and household appliances. ekaterina, hello. hello. ekaterina, this year you launched a new laptop from the hbook mac 4 series. tell us what the special features are, what the technical characteristics are, this probably worries everyone who knows a little about it. the main feature of this model is its accessibility for consumers of the belarusian market and cis countries. this model also has many. there is also such a characteristic, also a screen diagonal of 14.1 and 15.6 inches,
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as graphics of irish dts audio systems, also this model is. one of several models in this series, that is, a line, yes, yes, that is, there are several models in this line, which differ in various configurations, such as processor, these are i3, i5, i7, ram, solid-state drives, what about the memory our laptop is good in terms of capacity, yes, we have factory ram. from 8 to 16 gb, however, since this memory is soldered, it can be replaced with 32 and 64 gb. before our interview with you, viewers told us a little history of the issue, but the first laptops weighed 11 kg, how much does our belarusian
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laptop weigh? our laptop weighs from one and a half to 2.5 kg, that is, light, yes, good in technical characteristics, with good performance... the task is doable, and we are trying to accomplish it in the near future, well , let's probably see, how our belarusian laptops are created, my colleagues have already visited the production site and are ready to show and tell us everything. it only
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takes a little over a minute to assemble the laptop. but only before that you must be ready basic components, some of them are created at the computer equipment plant, which is part of the horizon holding, and some are purchased. to begin with, components come to us , from these components we produce the laptops themselves, that is, the assembly process is quite complex, approximately 70 people are involved in it, that is, for these 70 people... they produce this laptop from start to release to the finished product 65- 70 seconds. it all starts with incoming inspection; this stage guarantees that no defects will enter the new product. the assembly line specialists select
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a supplier for the battle, let’s say, that is, they look at the quality, then they let people onto the assembly line step by step. these nodes assemble, that is , each employee has a specific operation, simpler operations are more complex, that is, the same motherboard. insert hdd, ssd, that is, all this is inserted during the assembly process, that is, all operations take place specifically on the conveyor, that is , there is no third-party interference, that is, everything from the beginning of production to the output everything is here. the brains of the computer are the motherboard, which is connected to the display by the pro. here the matrix is ​​inserted into the case, into which the webcam and microphone will be built in. the display is connected to the laptop
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using hinges, and the last stage of assembling the upper part of the laptop is pressing a thin metal frame around the display. the bottom of the laptop includes speakers, a motherboard, a fan to keep the computer from overheating, ram, wi-fi modules, and, of course, a battery and a keyboard. after the assembly itself, how... if everything corresponds, the tc stamps are affixed and the finished product comes out
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, and testing a laptop is a long stage, for example, just checking how the computer opens and closes and whether anything in its operation at this time fails takes up to a month, and after that the products goes to the warehouse, the last place in the factory, after which the new laptop will fall into the hands of the consumer. you watch the science project nearby and don’t miss in the final part of the program why it’s blue, we’ll talk about the design of the new belarusian laptop. we chose blue is a color for a reason, because blue is the color of cornflower, and cornflower, as everyone knows, is a symbol of the belarusian people. what portable product is currently in development by a domestic manufacturer? computers and why, even in the modern world, laptops
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, tablets, smartphones are definitely not worth using, in the program in a few minutes. officials of latvia, the investigative committee of belarus opened a criminal case under the article of crime against the safety of humanity. criminal cases were opened against their comrades from poland and lithuania, although these countries participated in disturbing the peace in the countries of the middle east, they are in no hurry to admit refugees. maybe it's different? the confrontation between the west and russia, which began during the cold war, has received an unexpected continuation in our days. in their attempt not to be like russian representatives.
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in the new issue of the fashion for culture project, we will go where no man has gone before, we will see the only unique relict forest in europe, and we will also go skiing, ride a winter bike, and find traces of unseen beasts. watch this weekend on belarus24 tv channel.
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for those who have just joined us.
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time to show to release a new #book pro , which will surprise everyone with design variations and also technical characteristics, that is, it will be even more powerful, yes, even better, intrigued, ekaterina, thank you very much, good luck, still, even if sometimes, he will put aside modern gadgets standing to the side, at least to pick up a book, yes, any work today can be... shouted at the tablet, but not a single screen, a paper book, you see, will not replace it, especially if we are talking about real cultural monuments, books of historical value to the nation, and there are a lot of them in the presidential library of belarus, which turns 90 this year; my colleagues have already congratulated the heroes of the day. constitution of 1900.
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governance and self-government are our priority users, that is, for them we work as an information and analytical center, but nevertheless, we are available to all users, according to the cultural code we provide the right to free use of information for all citizens of the republic of belarus, regardless of their place of residence, if they have a passport and
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have reached the age of eighteen, that is, absolutely any adult can visit the presidential library... the reader for the first time, when he comes to the library, of course, he registers, this is the first thing he does, he registers in our reading room, or on a subscription, he receives a library card, and like in all libraries and in general any information center, we have a sea of ​​information so that to navigate, of course, he needs to go somewhere, and he turns to our information and reference service, in this sea of ​​​​information the reader... the bibliographer helps to understand: firstly, this is our electronic catalogue, an electronic catalogue, which is created by the library itself, in the electronic catalog we have both books and analytical records, that is, newspapers, magazines, collections, some monographs are signed, so there are a lot of records, we have to help the reader somehow find these
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records, in addition to the electronic catalog there are various... collections of databases of its own generations and also databases acquired by the library. we are creating a database of legislation of the bssr , this database currently contains more than 42 thousand documents, it is full-text, everything is digitized, and full texts are presented, full texts in all state languages, at some time, we had four state languages ​​in our state , this is an ibrid. these are polish, belarusian and russian, for some time now there have been two languages, so in two languages all documents are presented, you can use these documents on any computer. you can use this data not only in the library itself, but at any other point, as long as you have access to the internet. speaking about the library website,
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i would like to note the following: a global revision was carried out, which managed to integrate our electronic catalog with internet search engines. 1.5 million documents were indexed and such a stuffing was done on the internet, thanks to which the user, without going to the site our library, it is possible to order. document, that is, he searches for it on the internet through various search engines. of course, the presidential library is a center of innovative technologies. the global trend of web 3.0 is also being developed by us to create a semantic social intelligent network. for this purpose, a script module was developed thanks to which , through an electronic catalog for documents in the public domain, there is a search, semantic search for the full text of documents. of course, regular visitors first of all look for legal documents in the presidential library. economics, law, politics, public administration - these are our priority pillars on which we stand and which our fund forms.
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none of the republic’s libraries cover this topic more broadly. our fund amounts to 1.5 million printed publications alone. everything that is published on the territory of the republic of belarus also goes to our fund, and this can be found here. all current laws around the world can be found in the reader's section. the hall runs out, they are removed, replaced with new ones bills, again, all this information can be found in electronic form, libraries, as soon as their actions are the legislation of the cis countries, which is such a database, deputies often use this database, because when writing various bills you often turn to the legislation of the states, the experience is very interesting, how it was there, how they had it later...
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that our electronic catalog, our information resources, our library can be used not only by residents of our country, in principle, but also by residents of the world. from
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authoritative records, the reader can not only read the information he was looking for, but also find out additional information about the author, and spending a minimum of time. initially, by looking at the authoritative record, our users can get minimal information about the object or subject they are interested in, as if to know from the very beginning, that is, what were the pseudonyms, what did this person do, that is, in what field of activity did he work, already based on this, it carries out its further search, moreover, in any language, if this author wrote there in foreign languages, you will definitely have this information too, just press one button, select one authoritative entry, but the employees themselves call the collection of rare and early printed publications the pearl of the presidential library’s collection. this is about 70 thousand unique documents. the collection of old printed and rare publications contains documents that certainly reflect
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the profile of our library: law, politics, economics, parliamentarism, public administration, they are, one might say, these documents form the basis of the fund, but other areas of science are also represented here, as our readers say, they didn’t even expect that, for example.
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spiritual heritage of belarus. the main goal of the project is to show the versatility and richness of the spiritual culture of our people. in connection with this project, an agreement has already been created with representatives of the belarusian orthodox church, as well as with the museum of the minsk cathedral mosque, within the framework of which our libraries were transferred for subsequent scanning. ancient kitabs, hamails, korans, dated xvi, early xx centuries. scientists call the book an intellectual simulator; when we read, according to the latest data from neuropsychologists, almost all higher zones of the brain are involved. this is an excellent prevention of alzheimer’s disease, and it can be free, because you don’t have to buy the book, you can, for example, borrow it from the presidential library, completely free. of course, the advent of laptops
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has made human life easier in a variety of areas and has made it possible to quickly exchange data from various parts of the planet. however in free time from work, modern neurophysiologists advise putting gadgets aside so that a person’s social sphere does not suffer. even the creator of the first thin laptop, steve jobs, when a journalist asked him: apparently your children are crazy? tablet replied: they don’t use it at home, and we limit the time children spend on tablet screens. and don’t forget, and you now know this for sure, that the very first laptop was created exclusively for educational purposes.
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help god's word christian principles life. if we remember that everything we do is above us, lord, everything will always be fine. unusual architectural design and grandeur of churches and temples.
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is not engaged in creativity and is the only person who, in general, has brought creativity to some kind of professional level, who does this professionally. the fairy-tale world of furfuriks and its creator alla rusnachenko. furfuriki are toys, this is the common name for new year's toys and specifically those that come in the form of dolls with faces, a. the name also appeared very interesting, in fact it’s easier to create something for me, but to create something rather than name it, watch on friday on our tv channel, our region through the eyes of foreigners, i am very happy that minsk is a clean green city and a safe city , this is now noted even by those foreign artists who come to our circus, when we arrived
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in... yes, for the first time, what i noticed was that it was crystal clear air, i wanted to drink it. how did they end up in belarus and why did they stay here? i born in vilnius. this is the capital of lithuania, the family moved here to minsk, that is, the father was appointed here to serve in the military mission. i come from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty. by decree of the president of our country, my husband was appointed ambassador of the republic of belarus. project look at belarus. so i realized that i feel very good here, because, let’s say, living in belarus, i never felt that i was a stranger here, we are people here, we are not even artists. this.
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more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch our projects tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it... to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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millions of belarusians perished in the hollows of the long-lasting agricultural war, otherwise... their memory lives on. in the different parts of the country, in the months of tragedy and incitement, memorials were created to heroes and heroes. vyalikiya and small yans want historical justice and satisfy that which is why they remember the meetings. memorial complexes of belarus in the cycle of memory of the earth. emergency. edges of the road, the routes reach the village, the field, the forest, the hills, the snowy field and the forests, and the vast expanse, this hill, but without huts, without doors, without people, only in the centers.


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