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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 24, 2023 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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archivich leonov said that yes, they had a flight, they visited there. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. what is strength for you? well, the common expression is that there is strength in truth, i will say that there is strength in justice. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. can you show me a working technique that might help someone?
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everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books; by reading , a person survives centuries; reading brings people closer together. generations, we value the past for our present.
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belarus 24! good morning, dear tv viewers, the program of istnost and inga belova is on air. our program is released on the eve of the great holiday of the nativity of christ according to the calendar of the catholic denomination. the roman catholic church celebrates christmas according to the gregorian calendar on the night of december 24-25. for the first time , the decision to celebrate the nativity of christ on december 25 was made at the ephesus church council in 431. christmas, one of the main
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christian holidays established in honor of the birth of jesus christ incarnate, the virgin mary. today we will talk about the cathedral of the minsk-mogilev archdiocese, the archcathedral church of the blessed virgin mary, built in the vilna baroque style, this is the main catholic church of the capital. the spread of the roman catholic or western christian religion on the territory of belarus began after the signing of the union of krevo, 1385. in accordance with its terms, grand duke jogaila, in exchange for the throne of the king of poland, became a convict, agreed spread catholicism in the grand duchy of lithuania. already in 1387, king jogaila created
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the vilna bishopric and seven catholic dioceses, including three on the territory of belarus. a significant spread of catholicism in belarus occurred in the last third of the 15th century, this was associated with the activities of monastic orders , franciscans, augustinians, bernardines, jesuits and others. the monks launched extensive missionary activities, organized public debates, printed books, textbooks in old belarusian and... the first jesuits appeared in mensk in syeredzina on the 17th century and arrived here with the sign of the new calegium. buy geranium sangushka for them here on the square of the high market and in the autumn square of freedom, dance with the houses, dze manahi pachatku i zhyli. and when the advent of
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the new calegium appeared, then the team was given the status of mission, then it was promoted and resident. and many men's scholars have been in the past since 1714, and in 1678, draulian kascels and draulian pabudov monasteries were published. manahizuits. and the first catholic order that appeared in minsk, with the mission of preaching the word of god. before the jesuits, there were bernardine and dominican monks in minsk. the main competitors of the jesuits were the dominicans. not far from the church of the virgin mary, also on the upper market there was a monastery
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and a dominican church. this is now practically the place where the palace of the republic stands on october square in minsk. the construction of the majestic church in the center of the entire jesuit complex. was the dream of the jesuits who settled in minsk. in 1700 the rector the minsk residence was antony brzhestovsky, who illuminated the corner stone of the future stone church. thanks to belarusian and lithuanian tycoons, construction proceeded at an incredibly fast pace. in addition to the church, or rather around the church, a whole complex of buildings was being built, which, according to the recollections of minsk residents, quickly changed the appearance of the city. it's mid -18th century.
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the saint is very revered by catholics; moreover, there was a ruler with this name on the polish throne. the main stages of the early history of the church are very dynamic. in 1700 it began the construction of a shrine, and after 10 years the church was consecrated by the biscop of zhestovsky. dates indicate that construction was carried out at a rapid pace; according to documents , it took only 3 months to lay the foundation; in 1705, the vaults and roof were erected. in 708, to the left of the presbytery, the chapel of st. ignatius, now the holy trinity, was completed. the catholic church was destined to become the main shrine of minsk, the most majestic basilica in the city. by 1719 , a workshop, a library, a pharmacy and a dormitory
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for students had already been built, and not only did they study catholics, but also greek catholics and orthodox. and, as historical documents testify, it was the best education. there is now a finnish embassade, and now there is a pharmacy, just like in the past. on the right is the fact that the ezuites have developed pharmacies as medical-medical installations, doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors, and different
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medicines for vernika and vogul for all types of fever. and hello, here we are, when we go to school at the university, we study in the jezu siste. there is the trade council, and the jesuit order, i learned hundreds of similar things that we now call rehearsals, and the jesuits developed classes, classes of special sciences, a mathematics class, a physics class, a chemistry class, which were equipped with advisable speeches for trained. kastsel byu kansekravany ў 1700. 10th year, but the tsalkas have their sunny appearance, at the same time with all the complexes, it is on sale for more than two, for three decades.
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spachatku, on the right hell kascela pachali budavat two, trohpavyarkhovy kalіgіi. and there is a jesuit school, there is a lot of knowledge there music school. zawisza received them in 1700 from pope clement 11. the interior was built up 13.
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the foundation was built, it was built as
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a family ploughshare for the family, and the menavita was there at the end of the river, there relics were taken away with the moshchami of saint felitsyan. for many hours the patrons and defenders of our city have been treated. gonar yago navat had a street named kamsamolskaya. the memory of the central nave includes well-preserved frescoes in chapel of st. felician. it is known that this was one of the most beautiful pillars, not only in this church, but in all of minsk. felician was considered the patron saint of minsk, its defender. there are memories of how representatives of the famous noble families of minsk competed with each other to see who
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would bring the most gifts, gold, silver and other precious metals to this chapel. all this decorated the chapel of st. felician. only frescoes have survived to this day ; we can only guess what the chapel looked like. these were the heydays of the church in 1732 . the jakub collegium complex with the majestic church in the center, in the drawing of our famous fellow countryman mikhail orda, has been preserved. in the picture of the horde, in addition to the temple, to the left of the church you can also see the governor’s house, which is quite modest by today’s standards. on the right is the building of the former monastery complex before the revolution.
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forge, brewery, brewery, stock of goods, and kali, kali kalegium of this luxuriance, it occupies the entire quarter, as it is the worst part of the high market freedoms in the international streets.
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was happy to return to her collegium in minsk, despite the absence of the jesuits , the church continued to work, in 1799 it was decided to update the paintings, the original paintings, which after the restoration can be seen on the vault of the church, were made by kazimir atashevsky, a great master of his style, inside they are presented in pink , pastel
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gray tones, much was rewritten in a transitional style from baroque to classicism. in 1798, the minsk catholic church was created dyatseziya. the first buyer is the priest jakub dederka. and in a year and a year 1797, gety tsudoўny kastsel bў pashkodzhany pažaram. and from the furnished minsk dyatseziya, when menavity was raised, work on the cathedral cathedrals began, repairs began. bіskup daderk for... wondering how to create new paintings, and this is the name of the deadark painting of the scale on the vaults and you can study at the technique, so-called on the optics of painting and illusory life. and in the little scenes, all the kali jesus
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kicked out the gandlars from the temple and bathed. central place in the main altar of the church the icon of the mother of god has always been occupied; this is
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traditional for our lands; the image of the mother of god is very much loved and revered by believers. the icon of this temple was painted by the jesuit monk and artist jakub breder in 1721. the church of the most holy panna maria has preserved the memory of families, tribunals, travels and scientific discoveries of the new era. for example, in the church, the famous belarusian artist jan damel conducted experiments similar to the experiments of leonard da vinci. he sought form through its detection by light. during the creation of the painting, saint peter jaanami. studied the interaction of things of light with the help of a lamp in the darkness of the church premises. one of damel's large paintings, the prayer of the cups, is now in the national art museum. in 1853-54 , thorough repair and reconstruction work was carried out on the shrine, which concerned primarily the interior decoration of the church.
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the history of the shrine remembers the names of many public and cultural figures of belarus from the 17th-11th centuries. these are representatives of several generations of noble families, sangushek, zawisha, dzhestovsky, vankovich, radivil, salagobov, aginskikh. the descendants of the vankovichi family were priests in the church and gave the famous artist and painter valentin vankovich to belarusian culture. since the founding of the minsk diocese, the shrine itself has changed its status and is re-illuminated into the church of his holiness panna maria. the activities of the catholic church in belarus in the second half of the 16th century were... initially , the catholic church was not oppressed by the authorities, but then many churches and monasteries were closed, their lands were confiscated , and the construction of new churches was prohibited. the position of the catholic church improved somewhat only at the end of the 19th century. in 1869, the minsk archdiocese was abolished, and the church became a parish church. in november
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of the seventeenth year, the activities of the minsk archdiocese were resumed. priest zegmunt lazinski was appointed biscop. it was difficult to complete all the assigned tasks, as well as carry out full-time pastoral work. in the summer of 1920 , the soviet socialist republic of belarus was proclaimed. the next day lazinsky was arrested and sent to the famous moscow butyrka prison in 1921. in the eleventh month of imprisonment, the bolsheviks were under pressure from the world religious community. ansky world, he asked his priests to treat the orthodox with respect, to know their traditions and, if possible, to interact. lazinsky earned great respect
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from believers during his lifetime, and his memory is passed on from generation to generation. during the great patriotic war, the two towers of the church were a kind of gateway to the capital of belarus. a witness to this event is a belarusian artist valentin volkov captured that very moment in the film minsk on july 3.
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in the first year, according to the design of architect nikolai drozdov, the building of the former church was rebuilt into a sports complex for the spartak society. during this reconstruction , the upper tiers of the towers were dismantled, the interiors were completely redone, divided into several floors, and the main facade was given a new volume. with the collapse of the soviet system came the end of vandalism. in the early nineties, the first services began to take place on the third floor under the very vaults. it has become start. revival of the shrine, because in 1993 it was handed over to believers who prayed on the street for more than a year, regardless of the rain and snow, they asked for the return of the shrine.
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difficult restoration work began, and the ringing of church bells was heard again over the city, as a symbol of revival and purification of hope. on december 10, 2005 , an event took place that marked the completion of a significant stage in the revival of the main catholic shrine of belarus ; the solemn illumination of the renewed main altar of the shrine and icon of the mother of god took place. icon was crowned by pope john paul ii. the polychrome of the new altar belongs to the belarusian restorers, shpint and nikitin. it became important to use special paints that preserve the depth and transparency of the color. they react to lighting changes during various church services. services , the ornamentation of the walls of the church itself also deserves attention. for the first time such a luscious acanthus was created in the roman basilica of st. petersburg by the architect of the second half of the 16th century
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, lorenz bernini. it was he who proposed such an example of european culture of that time. today we can say with confidence that after the latest restorations, the minsk church has become one of the most beautiful catholic churches in our country. if we talk about the organ, then this is one of the best organs. of eastern europe. it was created for a shrine in austria. its weight is almost 7 tons. there are more than a thousand pipes in argan. trimanula with pedals. the organ completes part of the church space opposite the main altar. during services, the church seems to find its own voice thanks to the organ. the sound, like the color of the open frescoes is evidence of the greatness and antiquity of the main catholic saints. minsk, the most majestic basilica of the city and its main
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high-rise dominant feature, today, like many centuries ago, is ready to receive everyone who comes to god with a pure heart. now preparations for christmas are in full swing in the church. the traditions of catholic christmas are many centuries old; everyone begins to prepare for the celebration 4 weeks in advance. we experience the passage of the same, who wants our happiness, we experience the passage of the same, who wants us to graze, who wants to graze
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in our hearts, in our souls.
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in honor of the christmas, not new year's , celebration, millions of people decorate their homes, decorate christmas trees, prepare gifts for loved ones, bake gingerbread, and gather with their families for dinner. the oldest religious holiday surprises with its centuries-old basis with countless traditions, ceremonies, and rituals that have appeared in different parts of the globe. you don’t have to be a catholic, but you must agree, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of christmas, learn its history, and get to know each other. with different cultural customs always interestingly, the broadcast of the christmas service from the archcathedral church of the virgin mary can be seen on the belarus 1 tv channel on december 24, with you was the program truth and i inga belova, all the best to you.
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the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad, more than 100 million viewers. have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like, business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear
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tv viewers. the tv channel belarus 24 is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. mission to live, to live so that your purpose brings benefit first of all to your loved ones, your family, the more in life, it seems to me, i do for people, for children, the easier it seems to me to live, because the mission is


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