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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 29, 2023 10:50pm-11:31pm MSK

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and winners of the president's special award, we are waiting for details. based on the results of 2023 , five presidential prizes for spiritual revival were awarded. the abbess of the holy protection convent, abbess anfisa, was awarded a high award for her great personal contribution to the strengthening of spiritual values, cultural and moral education of children and youth, and active participation in the revival of cultural and historical values ​​of the vitebsk region. the prize was also awarded by the team of the polotsk cadet school, gomel. city ​​center for inclusive culture, republican scientific and practical center mother and child, mogilev regional methodological center of folk art for cultural and educational work. in addition, special presidential prizes were awarded to cultural and artistic figures, which is pleasant, and the belarusian television and radio company was also among the nominees. together with the prosecutor general's office and the belarusian telegraph agency, our colleagues managed to make a significant contribution to the preservation of historical memory and the truth about the great patriotic war. projects marked.
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the last witnesses and genocide without the right to life, a high award was given to the group of authors from the grodno region for the creative project to preserve the traditional culture of belarus and holding the batkova bulka loaf fest, as well as the vitina folk brass band and the syabrynka pop song theater. in total , 10 special prizes were awarded this year, including director ivan zhigan and the team of the gorky national academic drama theater. songwriter anna seluk, master of folk musical instruments. thank you, the review was prepared by svetlana chernova. results of the analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all
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the best, away from the bustle of the city. here are your roots , your strength, go forward to come to yourself, slow down to enjoy the moment, the elements will tell you the direction, step unity with nature,
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wild, ancient, your own spruce tree, belarus inspires. information and analytical project current microphone on air on on the belarusian radio television channel belarus24, with you is the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guests, the chairman of the union of journalists andrei krivosheev and bc analyst olga lazorkina. bloomberg recently published an article in which he indicated that, in my opinion , there are currently 183 regional conflicts going on in the world, and apparently there are plans to further expand this list. the babelmandep strait is a matter of serious concern. the yemeni
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houthis resumed their activities there, say, against israeli sea carriers, and i think that many others are falling into disarray; at the moment, many global players in the field of logistics are ceasing their activities in the red sea and in some other regions. andrey evgenievich, what is the reason and how will the situation develop? well, unfortunately, these are not only my forecasts, but also those of many analysts. including military experts, the war that is now being waged over markets and supply chains is becoming global, everyone understands that this is the economic redivision of the world, which, by the way, i warned about the president of belarus, when you remember, in the era of covid, he said that you don’t just look at this covid hysteria, the hysteria that is happening in the world, but look one step or two ahead, the world redistribution begins, large... blocs of countries are trying for the next
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20- 25 years to stake out entire subregions as a food supply in terms of energy resources, labor, and sales markets. so from a military-political point of view, that is, to put pressure on one’s military-political competitors and opponents, and we have already discussed this in this studio, that as soon as india announced its transnational logistics project, which was supposed to pass, again, through this narrow bottleneck of the red sea, through israel, through turkey, which means that a conflict broke out in israel as soon as china began to build its global... .the project was a success and received really tangible preferences from the belt and road project, let me remind you, which is also maritime, the maritime part of it just passes through this bottleneck, the belt and road is 10 years old, conflicts immediately begin on this in this region,
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so yes, unfortunately, everything is leading to the fact that these 12% of world maritime trade, i just want our listeners, viewers... to record this, these are tens of billions of dollars, euros, uh, world currencies per year, the cost moreover, this is an increase in insurance payments, this is an increase in, uh, the logistics chains themselves, which now go around africa in order not to get caught, and there are not only yemeni houthis, there are also samali pirates, who suddenly, it is not clear from whom, it is not clear how they receive modern weapons. today's moment as such special force, publishes, among other things, they all look like if before we perceived them as some kind of savages with some kind of scarves on their faces,
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today these are absolutely modern sabotage groups that descend on these tankers in helicopters, capture them and further.
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coalition, but today we see that it is not working, we had to create a new one, obviously this is not connected with global projects, but most likely with solving regional problems, and experts say that it is important for the houthis to solve not only the problem of the straits, but also their internal issues, they must strengthen their positions , and the high degree of interest that the players show on the part of nato allows them to establish themselves in this new position and make the most of the opportunities, but the uhusito’s requirements are quite specific , because they oppose the conflict that israel is waging in the gas sector, and as soon as the conflict subsides or
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ends, the houthis are quite ready to cooperate, but now they have such tool, they use it very actively, and as for...
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that, let's say, the trump administration made colossal efforts, with the help , by the way, of trump's son-in-law, jard kushner, who traveled around this huge arabian peninsula and... tried to find - e a clear negotiator on the part of israel in order to conclude a new, as they are called, abrahamic agreements, that is, to reconcile the conflict that for 60 years has poisoned world trade, the world economy, the world security system, checks and counterbalances, he succeeded in something, and many conflicts actually came to the stage where they could be resolved, in particular the arab-israeli conflict, the issue with the palestinian... state, all that remained was to take half a step, suddenly a certain force appeared that provoked new , the most violent
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clashes, this attack on hamas on israel, that’s it, this puts an end to this, at the same time against israel and against the christian, well , conditionally christian civilization of the european union and america, which are also involved in arab-israeli conflict, a new coalition is being built in that. including the participation of iran and arab states, monarchies, that is, as if the world is being pushed into a new religious, civilizational war, and such wars, we have gone through in the history of mankind, you can remember there from the crusades, they are the most cruel and by the intensity of passions, even more cruel than, it would seem, creepy... well, in many ways we see that this is fueled in europe itself, by the burning of holy books,
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by the attitude towards migrants, refugees who today are already a fairly large part, including the indigenous population in various european countries, and as for such proxy wars and confrontations, here i think the attention of many experts is currently focused on the situation in serbia, especially in our ... in belarus, the technologies that are now used in serbia are quite familiar, and many in telegram channels now simply provide two photographs that are almost identical to the belarusian events. andrei evgenievich, what do you think is the nature of what is happening in general ? are the country’s leadership being punished here, or is this, in principle, such a standard scheme, attempts to turn the chessboard over and start their own game. here again there are several dimensions: on the one hand, yes vucic. and his team’s sovereign position does not suit either the brussels elites or the american elites,
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part of the american establishment, and the task is to overthrow the school through such a classic coup d’etat, but i talked with my serbian colleagues yesterday, they told me that thanks to belarus, which gave us a living, fresh recipe on how to resist all the technologies of this coup d’etat, the color revolution. so -called, and thanks to belarus and belarusians, modern serbs have an example of how to effectively resist such technologies. on the second hand, well, if we rise higher and higher, of course, the european union elites, who are not elected by anyone, want this collective barrel, yes, uh, which the president of belarus very aptly assessed, that this is just a bad politician who puts his stupidity on his shoulders. all residents of european countries and there germans, austrians,
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belgians, dutch, this is an attempt to really turn the chessboard on the one hand to stop the fall of the house of cards, which began with hungary, and then continued in slovakia, now holland, the netherlands, one of the main donors the european union declares its national interests. yes , the local elections in germany gave an alarming signal that the alternative for germany is already in second position, and may become the leading force in germany, so this desire, on the one hand, means that their elites, well, excuse the body, to counter-up, that is, unknown, knock the trump cards out of their hands, declare them criminals there which support, therefore, the most tyrannical regimes on the planet, on the other hand , this is a new campaign in the balkans, this is an attempt... by nato, first of all, to expand their zone of influence at the expense of all the balkan states,
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to gain a foothold there and pose a new danger both for the russian federation, and for iran, and for the trade of the same china and india. well, this is actually a very interesting topic, i ’m just now thinking about it, which is true given what is happening in the red sea and the logistics routes that both china and india are building at the moment, including through turkey. peace in europe, even those countries that my colleague listed, it’s difficult to call them agents of peace, rather they are guided by the fear of losing their leading positions, second, united the states, of course, have stopped considering the european union in the limited space of the european union, now
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this is the european continent, and clearing up around the edges is certainly underway. and as for serbia, i think it is important not to allow the expansion of the coalition, but in general the number of voices that are heard broadcast precisely national interests, so sovereignty is a bit of a concept that has undergone changes today, it is difficult to interpret it accurately, but here are national interests, pragmatism, then, which vuchit says to a greater extent in both slovakia and hungary.
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can’t imagine their life, they openly admit this to lexus vavan, in these wonderful pranks, that they are simply a product of this new american colonial system, and yes, nato is simply one of the restraining factors in the training of the european union elites, and yes , the european union, in my opinion, is absolutely
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perceived as a food source, and not as an ally or even a junior partner, that is, what junior partners, if... you don’t sovereign, what kind of partners are there, you are a food source, so you need to be insected so that you move into the category of cockroaches of these lower creatures that can be milked, from where you can take production, from where you can pump out the intellectual forces remaining in the european union, which you can , like this, on command, at the crack of a whip , force, say, to finance the same ukrainian conflict, well, just look, well, if already... norway, which has colossal internal reserves and reserves, thanks to oil, they call the amount of one and a half trillion of this national wealth, which norway created by supplying its oil and petroleum products at terribly high prices for the european union, but even norway
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was forced to finance the ukrainian massacre or japan, then how will they react.
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this is the deindustrialization of this state, i would like, olga egirovna, your opinion on how this is interconnected, in germany everyone records deindustrialization, in the usa reindustrialization, how is this is interconnected, it can be explained very simply , it is connected with the resource base, for many decades, i would say, we have been instilled with the idea that the economy of the european union is developing according to some kind of fairy-tale laws, these are the simple ones that are written in textbooks, they are for us. but for them they don’t work, in fact, everything is simple, now we are finally seeing the transformation of the european economy into the real one, which is a market economy, yes, which should be, because
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the resource base is the main thing, for belarus, for germany doesn't matter and as soon as you have cheap resources, then you can say that the german economy is number one there or number two in the european union, when they are not there and only liquefied gas comes... and gas, oil, russian oil products, uh, but take france , the same uranus , kazakhstan, niger, well, the french
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economy is starting to crumble, is beginning to introduce strict restrictions on electricity consumption and so on, uh, there are also sales markets, because the european union was pushed out of the two, or almost pushed out of the two largest growing regions and markets, this is our eurasian community, that is, russian class. the market and further there all the way to china, including mongolia there, the same iran, and even from africa, so yes, there are two black swans, one black swan, even three, listen, trained elites who are not capable of accepting sovereign economic, including solutions, resources in terms of minerals, natural resources, and markets, that's all, and the fourth one. the black swan is also logistics, how will the europeans deliver their products at the same time ? china, india, generally southeast asia or latin america if shipping
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becomes unsafe. since we touched on germany, it was also interesting to hear one of the ultimatums of the farmers , who said that on january 8, in my opinion, they would stop the whole thing there, not only the farmers, there was the largest strike in the history of germany since the post-war crisis there amazing. colleagues may also have watched the video when industrialists said goodbye to the rolling mill, to the last rolled pipe, to the torches, in my opinion, they walked there with tears in their eyes, grown men understand that they are left without work, their enterprise, where their fathers and grandfathers probably also worked, is closing, so returning to the farmers, olga igorievna, what are these protests connected with, what they are trying to achieve, directly in germany and throughout the european union, because this situation is developing. for the entire union, let's say, this is happening in poland, in my opinion, in holland, farmers also come out with protests, in addition to these funny shots, like manure they cover administrative buildings
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and block roads, the problem of farmers is not a current one, it began a long time ago , by the way, back in the twentieth year, or rather in the twenty-first, when supplies of belarusian rut fertilizers stopped, because german farmers, especially nitrogen, where gas is used most.
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after all, even macron spoke on this issue, and he just focused on the supply of agricultural products, he said, we are ready to supply, but in the future, if we suddenly accept ukraine, then the question agriculture - this will be the number one issue, and today german farmers and experts say that ukraine is a huge agricultural country, and something will need to be done with this segment, while no one knows what to do with it something does it destroy. exactly as they did in poland, polish farmers are just saying why there should be some preferences for ukraine, when we were forced to close 15%, as far as i remember, of the sown area in order to be able to fulfill all the conditions for joining the european union, and sales markets, so we used to look at polish apples, which we had here in large quantities, and did not pay attention to it, but
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the polish farmer... paid for a plowed but not sown field, and i i saw with my own eyes how these unfortunate polish farmers plowed these rubbish roads, the roads that led to their fields, in order to plow them, but not sow anything, for this, for every hectare , for every hundredth , they were paid from the budget of the european union but that's good you get quick money here, now the same farmer received this money, but after 2-3 years these fields fall into desolation without...
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high-quality fertilizers, cheap, without regular cultivation, it all turns into a lunar landscape, and there is one more fact here , which is hitting the global agricultural market, because those countries that were previously net consumers of agricultural products are now carrying out an agricultural revolution, including with the support of belarus , even pakistan, even vietnam. india is the same, china, not to mention already about the russian federation, there is mongolia and other countries, african countries, take zimbabwe there, which has already carried out two stages of modernization of the agricultural sector with the help of belarus, so they need european union food less and less, they go out on their own, they even become pure sellers, that is, the balance is already positive,
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they are ready. there is certainly no asia with the same local farmer in vietnam or china or india, so yes, this is a crazy policy that has led to the weakening of the entire agricultural sector of the european union and the prospects are the most tragic, on the other hand, these... union officials, clerics, dogmas, and they say that we don’t need it at all, as we were told there 20-25 years ago, we don’t need this agriculture, agricultural production , that means we will make money on something else, the service sector, on it technologies, solar wind electricity there, we will buy this whole business, well, we can wait for that time, i don’t say briefly, but in the medium, long term, when again...
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with our hands and feet, but then we saw that ukraine has its own quotas, and everything is quartered there chooses literally in the first month, there in january they already send everything that...
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we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home. african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia. why are they ready and willing to work with belarus? because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself. that tool which is very clear this north atlantic aggressor. reproaches about the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country are absurd. we are simply learning the so
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-called diplomacy from those who made the language of power a global trend. we have a new political line for the first campaign. only supporters of the state line should get into parliament, only those for whom the words “belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace” are of decisive importance. step aside and do not interfere. no one is forcing us to do anything . for one simple reason, we and so is the absolute majority. the project includes propaganda. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. we have a very good golden collection, these are films, well...
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i would like to say that young directors are doing very good work, i would like to note kirill khaletsky, he has now completed a film called filmmakers. we accepted it , watched it, it was very interesting, so we will show our belarusians a worthy movie, as i understand it, this is one of the thirty projects that will be presented for the anniversary, yes , what else will surprise you with, we want to show documentary cinema, this is a very important direction, we show history to young people, we preserve our traditions, values, we will show,
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and we see the attitude of the poles towards belarusians, we saw how they tried to destroy our culture, our belarusian roots, their influence, but we also see how our side did not leave its people in trouble, so to speak, they came to rescue them from captivity, they were not afraid to come to prison and carry out an operation and free our people, those who stood in our positions, so the picture is very important. how long
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have you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily devouring every word of all manifestations of human creativity? the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books. by reading, a person survives
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centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. own shipbuilding, access to the arctic space forces, arkhangelsk, allied. partner of minsk. here, on the shores of severodvinsk on yagr island, where we are now, there are several military-industrial complex facilities. business and friendly relations spanning two decades. a new impetus to the traditional vector in the conditions of import substitution. maintenance and maintenance of notes also has a number of advantages. gifts from bely, karsky and barents, what are they getting? from the very bottom to us in whole parties.


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