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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 2, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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yes, it’s a museum, yes, it’s a very good day, and the mood is already different after which, after that, i agree with you, let’s continue, just one chance to show your strength, who wrote a poem about a man scattered from the street by a swimming pool, what kind of family was the last owner mir castle, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. the main thing is, of course, your knowledge, well, how savvy are our participants? let’s find out right now what the hockey expression “to throw off the mitts” means?
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devotes time to family, watching sports matches, fishing, and collecting coins and banknotes. watch intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important
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events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, nestan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel
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and discover belarus.
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it won’t happen, nothing will happen, everything will be evil , everything will be evil, there will be nothing, no winter, no snow, because nothing should happen, there won’t be snow, there won’t be winter. nothing, chips are
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evil, evil, everything, evil, no need, nothing it is necessary, fascism will not pass, there will be no snow, there will be no winter either, snow is evil! “this is also evil, hear me, there will be no snow , there will be no winter, this is evil, this is also evil, hear me, hold a glass, please, this is happy, nothing will happen, there will be no winter, you are here treating or treating the ambulance called , by the way, i save people , you know, you need to keep a close eye on him and give him a lecture about the dangers of alcohol, i ’ll keep an eye on you, don’t worry, please
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, that’s all, that’s all evil, that’s it, you come here, stop, and behind you who he’ll take a closer look, it’s none of your business, but we’ll meet again, where?
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i never cry during sessions, yes, don’t cry, my clients. during the sessions they share what worries them, we have already discussed this, nothing worries me, everything just annoys me, i can share this with you, but we are making progress, you ask permission, and what annoys you, something some of the staff, due to their low intellectual integrity, do not understand what it means to keep their distance, and my deputy condones this, personally involved in the organization some ridiculous gifts for... and employees. why does this annoy you? it's normal to maintain corporate spirit. in a team environment it is quite professional. the corporate spirit in the team is supported by salaries and medical insurance. and stas, my assistant, is not doing this out of professionalism.
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for some reason he wants his subordinates to love him. isn't this wild? certainly. who needs sympathy from the people they work with? 10 hours a day, but what annoys me most is my son and my secretary, they filed an application with the legislative office, they also upset me packaging suppliers, they have inflated prices, although i can’t find any apparent reason for this, wait, your son is a secretary. imagine, a secret romance, a secret wedding, the stupidity of your son and the cynicism of a provincial girl irritate you, but no one canceled love, and love is your thing, a common mental disorder, you can’t lose control because
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of a minor illness, but i’ll figure it out quickly . i just prepared a proposal for financing, i hoped that we would avoid mom, wait, mom, wait, mom, wait, i am this conversation, nikolai, yes, mom, wait, i i came up with everything that if we increase the budget of the advertising department, we will make an unforgivable mistake, and this is what, and this, this, this is the amount that will increase efficiency. market, i’m used to encouraging effective work with sums, and not drowning them in unsystematic activity, don’t make me think once again that you’re too young for this position, son, free,
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work. all your problems lydia lie in the fact that you are trying to control everything, i’ll give you a few. several settings for elaboration, your son is hiding from you the most significant for his events, simply because he is afraid of you, give him more freedom, freedom in the hips, communicate with her, and by the word communicate, i don’t mean interrogation, but simple human communication, be more diplomatic, softer, softer, a little softer , plush, corduroy? i think velvet is softer,
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good morning, lady palovna, you are simply glowing today. i’m glowing, it’s interesting, gerda, this shared bed with my son gives you the right not to work and to be familiar at the same time, so choose one, call stanislav sergeevich, since you are still working here, ok, gerda. what kind of name is that? gerda!
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hello, borya? yes it's me! i found out! do you have an interesting offer? would you agree to meet? yes, sure! i’ll bring it now, they’ll bring our dessert now, our new chef, as they say, knows how
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to do things, come on, bring your things, i’ll try, fill up, otherwise there are no suitors, there’s no one to take care of yourself for, so larus, let’s just let's figure it out, but essentially, yeah, everything is very simple, here's who you are, who, you're an heiress, yes, you're not some primitive businesswoman, that's right, but you're like 28 years. groom, this is already indecent , you know, with my appearance and position , it’s indecent for me to marry all sorts of eds, but with your character, neither your appearance nor your position may no longer save you, what will you do then, as usual, dad i’ll ask him to buy everything for me, option, lit, you thought well about the plant in lensk, it’s not just a plant, it’s a powerful plant with enormous potential. let me ask, why did he go broke then, so potentially powerful? because his owner apparently
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tried to reach a level obviously higher than him abilities, normal competition did its job. we will re-equip it and in 3-4 years we will achieve greater profits. i never cease to be amazed at your self-confidence. yes, no, i was wrong about myself at least once. take it away. okay, who will finance this? millions need to be invested there. calm down, stasik. there is one investor, and we are meeting with him soon. your coffee is full. gerda, learning to use a coffee machine is not as difficult as you think. free. sorry. why are
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you torturing the girl? a girl? the girl thinks that she a statement to zachs is a door to a fairy tale. i'm just trying to make her understand that this will be a scary fairy tale. this is love, this is business, stasik, business. and my son is a promising groom. an icy heir, and this asset must be used wisely. snow queen, what do you understand about love? much more than you would like, or you’ve already forgotten, and i’ve been immune since then, why live in the past , think about the future, have pity on your son, grew up without a father, you’re constantly at work, it’s clear that the kid wants normal human relationships , go away.
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gerda, please come to me, come in, come in. gerda, excuse me for today, but my head hurts terribly this morning, i ’m just losing my composure, i understand, liza pavlovna, my mother also has migraines, please go to the pharmacy and buy me something for the headache, again ,
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forgive me, forgive me, please, i understand, lady pavlovna. be patient, be patient, now i’m running to the pharmacy, dad, dad, well, buy, well, buy, buy, dad, well, buy, then he will listen to his brother, your immortal kip, well, buy, i can already hear a quarter of a century, that this time the groom, well, so what, i prepared a list for her , please, good, beautiful, stylish, so that she doesn’t leave me, don’t
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offer edward any kind, all like her mother, hmm, just as smart and beautiful? cynical, shameless, and you like them, there are no more like them, and i’m mom, happy new year to you, so that you don’t freeze, isn’t it too early for these formalities, it’s just that my friends and i are leaving for skiing, holidays. won't you even open it? well , there’s still time before the new year, and before you leave with your friends, tell me what’s going on with the last ones sales, is the annual report ready? it says it will be on the table in an hour, but where is my ring? my talisman, my favorite, bought with my first
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big earnings, wait, your fort? well, where did you last see him? my fingers were swollen. i took it off and put it on the table, the best remedy for a headache, here, stasik, quickly come to me, here, and you here, i don’t know, maybe we’ll call the police, quite unexpectedly, well, the police always show up. and unexpectedly, pockets, and you too, i, i don’t have pockets, you’ll take them yourself, or call security, fine, fine, for her, no, no, not for her, for you, for me, the snow queen was fined
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for having... an icy heart, no, please, not art, not art, calm down, stay, art, this is angela nikitichna, who collected the kingdom of heaven , loved beauty, have you gone completely crazy , have you brought us to the kupir, calm down, stasik, stasik, my boy, of those who knew me like a pimp, the only one left alive. .. man, i wouldn’t want to suddenly lose any of you, my friends, come on in, make yourself comfortable, guest rooms have been prepared for you, lidochka, please. if it ’s like being in a palace or some kind of museum, it looks like
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the owner of this museum is an exhibit himself, like a living thing, hello, hello, larisa, nikolai. gerdov, yes, but you’re okay, nikolai, you too, our parents have known each other for a long time, yes, yeah, from where, your mother and stas stole money from my dad, yes, maybe that’s enough, and larisa, help yourself, my friends.
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if my memory serves me right, i haven’t used it for 20 years, but some water is okay, i’ve taken care of my health, it’s good for the postman, remember, this is the one who became the european boxing champion, he had nothing to do with it, he also didn’t use it, he died healthy. linochka, you didn’t succumb to this hysteria, a healthy lifestyle, a separate nutrition system, what are you talking about, in every system there is a place of exception, one of them and
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you, borusik, let’s drink to our exceptionalism, yes. surprise, stanislav sergeevich, i wanted to ask you something. ask, ask while i'm alive. you see, i love gerda very much, i want to marry her. understand. it's just that only you can help me. i don't understand. talk to mom. i i'm afraid she won't give us life. no , i won’t interfere in your affairs, please, well, only you can help us, she’s only you , do you think she listens to me, i’m sorry, kolya, i can’t, i’ve already let her down once,
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i can’t risk our friendship a second time i will, nikola, but please help me decorate the christmas tree, what ’s wrong, the servants can’t help, what kind of servant are you? it’s a christmas tree, it’s new year’s, i always decorate it myself, by myself, so what can i do to help, or maybe i decorate it myself, because i had no one to decorate it with, well in my opinion, yes, go, go, don’t strain the atmosphere , i can’t, i have a gerdazh, we’re all walking on thin ice here, but we need this money, i can’t, gerd is waiting for me, he’ll wait half an hour, vital. dad, i’ve seen lida’s crazy aunts
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, but you have no equal, you’ve completely misled the coast, this is a compliment, but how can i say it, that is, you have little quiet joy that you and stasik were alive then, it occurred to you to renew with me... a monetary attitude is no longer a compliment, lida, but a diagnosis, you should see a specialist, you already have, yes, and what does velvet say, what does it say? tells me not to bury my feelings, but good advice, i... will take it if some problems start, no, not like that, if i feel that some problems start again, i’ll take you with stasik.
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i drink, i haven’t drunk for so many years, and what happened to angela, with the owner, they say i crashed my car, it’s been a long time, about 20 years ago, i haven’t worked yet, i told you, i’ll learn the rules, learn to drive, get your license, okay, and you
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unfortunately, we knew angela nikitishna. yes, i forgot, you're always like this she was insolent, or over the years she became insolent, for a long time you, borusik, have been confusing self-esteem with insolence, maybe it’s age, hmm, as i remember now, a young and proud girl, i’m already lost on the map. from ryazan, in ryazan you even have mushrooms with eyes, yes, they eat them, and they look, i sold sweet ice cream, where i started, and now i’m the owner of a holding company, what a career, by the way, and what a stasi he was, young, handsome, and still drinking. it’s a gift that
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he was a student of literature, architecture, well , i say, literary, as soon as appeared on the market with his own, the traders immediately flipped through the shares, knew how to get along with people, in my memory he didn’t even beat anyone, it’s not surprising that you are so businesslike, you quickly got along, unfortunately, it was true love, not a business calculation. i just don’t understand why they had to rob me? stop it, borusik, i gave you three times the amount. money is dust, money is nothing, reputation, i went against all notions and left you alive. angela, the kingdom of heaven, asked for you, she liked you, crazy, well, i also felt sorry for stasika. it was good,
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nicolas, where should we hang this ball, here or here, yes, the main thing is that you like it, the correct answer, huh? we've learned that it will be the 21st century, we are lucky that everyone is alive, i think, having become wise enough, you will agree to invest in my plant. you are already doing well, as far as i know, why do you need these problems? stas says the same thing, but i think if a business doesn’t develop, then it’s dying,
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convincingly. only i have one condition, not entirely commercial, let us have our children let's get married, i'll cover all the expenses myself , you can rest assured, i'll insure my money, and you'll provide your business with infusions, and most importantly, lariska's time to get married is long overdue, she's completely gotten away with it, she's all like her mother, so what? do you agree about the children? i agree, give me your papers here, i’ll see what kind of whore you want to fit me into, you want, i’m fighting, here you are, freely, sorry, get out. stasik,
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why do you drink if you don’t drink? and old wounds ached, but you are blooming with us, the ghoul gave money, hasn’t given yet, but the offer i did, i hope, business, business, but i started with marriage. how saints help believers with their invisible power. it is not the saint himself who is the source, he is the conductor of our prayers, he is
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the intercessor before god. why do people change their lifestyle and go to a monastery? something sounded in my heart that i had to leave this secular life, just like the great one. the princess at one time left a luxurious, rich, secular life and devoted herself to monastic work, just as faith gives strength and supports in difficult times. minute. our prayer requests to the lord, mother god and saints should be aimed at acquiring spiritual virtues, saving the soul, even when we ask for everyday needs. what does a person teach?
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polls in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. fairy tale "subtle art". let's visit a fantastic corner in the very center of belarus, where the heart of a dragon beats. let's look into the stables of count maliwa and take a walk around the house. a gnome. in the new year's edition of the fashion for culture program, we will become participants in a beautiful story filled with good. watch this weekend on belarus24 tv channel.
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“it seems to me, or you’re crying, but how can i not cry, lidochka, that in 25 years i haven’t earned your forgiveness, and you just take a ghoul for a ghoul, suddenly you get married, i ’m a ghoul, and you’re a ghoul?” yes, i’m for the ghoul, something is wrong, everything is so, only you had to take the money up front, who would say, your sudden romance with angela, your escape to the islands, deprive you of the right to a suddenly
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erupted voice, you are there under the palm trees and under the southern the sun got to the point that he married a papuan, and what do you tell me then? said how bored you were? while you were bored there, i worked 25 hours a day to pay off our debts to the ghoul, it ’s unfair, lida, did you want me to stay and pay with my life, but i had to hide for a couple of years, but it was hot , boring, and i drank , and what else to do, well, yes , i got married, but i got divorced, this is basically all of me, and you, by the way, too... i found a window in my busy work schedule to take and give birth to a child suddenly.
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what a beauty! kolya, well, you’re always out of time, in my opinion, very on time, gerda, what am i, gerda? “kiss the bride, your mother has already agreed on everything, you are getting married, why, dad always knew how to predict my desires, how to get married, i love you, you and i took the application to the legislative office, oh, well, why all these formalities, love, isn’t this a stamp in your passport, well, you can meet with gerda in your free time if you want, what nonsense, this is just reasonable. this is nonsense, this is getting married
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as a secretary, you’re crazy, i’m modern, i ’ll go talk to my mother, i think she ’s playing a little too hard , and you, i will never marry you, clearly, go complain to your father, challenge, i love challenges, dad, gerda, my future and you, larisa, will not interfere with us. don't you really like larisa that much? yes, i'm afraid of her. i'm afraid of not being alone. you didn’t know her mother yet. yes, i don’t even know my mother. what's the difference anyway? i love gerda, do you understand? kolenika, but you're a smart boy. think, think, what prospects this marriage opens up for us. merger of companies, business expansion. develop, do what you want, leave gerda and me alone, now i
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’m taking gerda and we’re going skiing together, she loves skiing, great, i’ll open a branch in kamchatka, let her go skiing to work there, she’ll quit, if she quits, i’ll present her as an embezzler and a thief, don’t you dare? so, nikolai , you agree to fulfill our agreements with boriso lvovich, i figured it out, gerdochka, you know her, you and i will come up with something, and this will be before, after or during your wedding with... by the way, she’s everything great idea, we can
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see you in our free time, that mumu, kolya, they sold you like a bull at a fair, and tell your mom i’m quitting, goodbye, but i haven’t noticed my fighting character before. open for me, please, i order you to let him out, i am not on orders, please open the gates for me, i can’t, i’m sorry, service, yeah, well, on the occasion of our unexpected joy, let’s drink champagne, what? that this is the groom , kind of gloomy, you can drink some vodka,
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but he’s the daddy, he just can’t get used to his happiness, to comprehend such changes in life, you need time, young, he has plenty of time, for the young, and where gerda? and i let her go, after all, we are having a family holiday , what should strangers do here? he was never there, nikolai, okay, i’ll go , the groom is at... calm down, he’s kind of nervous, i’ll go
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for a walk, answer me, you’re crazy, and you got drunk, yes, what if i knew that i would have to be present, with this shame i would not have been sober at all, a comfortable position, be silent, explain to me how kind, sweet, cheerful could the girl i knew turn into this monster? i don’t have to listen to this , no, answer me, when did you change so much, you sacrificed your own son, you hated your ice cream stand, you always wanted to sew, i wanted to be an architect, you remember that, at least we you yourself decided so, yourself, but if you have gerds and love, but they will not
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be together, because you and the ghoul yourself decided so, calm down, stasik, for what, factories, ships, why are they? you, you are like a shark, which, if it stops, will die, i devour more and more prey, you, you still draw sketches , it calms me down, but what makes you so nervous if you constantly need to calm down, and i’ll tell you, money, we spent the best years of our lives on it, they made you happy, can you plug the hole in your soul with them? you burned a hole in my soul 25 years ago, you don’t need to teach me how to think, feel , take care of my son, the boy has love, you and i also had love, but that didn’t stop you from having love with angela, and what if
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you don’t like the way i do business, then you can always leave, have you done that? more than once, stand, there is a crime, stasik, which has no statute of limitations, so i ’m going to kill you now, come on, boris lyubovich, 25 years have already passed, calm down, stasik, this is no longer boris lvovich, this is already a ghoul , we’re running, but...
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how are you, no one will find us here. i’m an evil and scary servolk, i would nikola know a lot about them, nothing will work out with you, why? well, because i love gerda, so what? damn, well, you're a girl, i can't take you and just i can knock it out like that, but i can, gerda, well
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, kolya, it’s good for you to sit here, larisa, dear boy, can call an ambulance for her, or maybe she’ll just lie there, it’s kostya, she’s... eating there, nothing will happen here, what 's going on here, now the ghoul is hunting for your mother and stanislav sergeevich, while you are here having fun with a gun, by the way, quietly, dad, sit here quietly, it's nice here, during his raids i like to pamper myself, he doesn't like it much afterwards that he remembers, and often these raids happen, rarely, not like before, but you don’t worry so much, he’ll shoot a little and calm down, which means he won’t kill anyone, why won’t he kill, he’ll definitely kill, so help yourself. then everything will get better again, what, what, what, what, what, she loved all these years an idiot like me, how can i shake
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my head off, i’m stressed, you can’t say anything in a minute, in a moment of stress, so be it, your passion is to repeat once again what you just told me, i’m not really distracting you, and lida, this is probably the wrong time. of all possible times, at the wrong time, but i have always loved you, i love you and will love you, forgive me, and you, tell me, stas, and you loved my wife too, leave them
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alone, porvo, like he tore a griddle, lida, you will feed the fish in the bay, do you hear me, stas, you know who you messed with , i ’ll roll you into concrete, i’ll drown you, you made me promise never to raise this topic, calm down, i’ve been silent for 20 years. and now i’ll say, listen, this is the story of the theft of the money of my affair with angela, you had an affair with angela, there was no affair, not that there was none at all, it was angela who convinced me to steal the money when the ghoul refused to give debt, angela could be very convincing if she wanted, she told me the secret of the safe, and then handed us over to the ghoul, why, when will this one arrange it. hunting us, angela set a condition for me, promised that if i sleep with her,
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she will leave, persuade, the ghoul, leave you alive, this was the only time, i swear, i have to believe you, that i caught this only time, yes, i think she set it up too, and then i had to hide, because no one gave any guarantees about my life, lina, and it’s all her did she do more to get you into bed? she pinned her hopes on you, well, except for me, she received her share of the stolen money, separated you and me, forced me to hide, and you to increase it with a super, family income tripled, pay off our debt. lida, stosik, calm down, kolya, that’s right, my angela, she... damn well, was turning people around like thimbles, as if she came to life with us today. it’s good, stasik,
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that i didn’t fool you today, i made you laugh and made me happy. gentlemen, where is the injured woman? so i, i haven’t managed anyone yet, what is going on here, the victim, oops, unexpectedly, well, the police always appear unexpectedly, gentlemen, where is the injured person, excuse me. anfisa, larisa, okay, larisa, what about my daughter , what about my daughter, please, carefully, carefully, well, it seems i’m already doing this, you’re preventing me from giving first priority, you’re not interfering, please, i ’m on duty, you are in execution, well, you are, i ask you, i wait, it seems to me that you are interfering with providing first aid to anyone. but for me, you want problems, but i’ll remember you, but let’s see, my girl
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, you’re in pain, why is it hurting, it’s a bone, like yours, it’s dad, it seems to me, i don’t want to get married anymore, or maybe i’ll be a businesswoman, ludiya pavlovna, come on let's get back to our negotiations, i'll go. should i buy your holding? does the girl need to start her own business somewhere? that's right, stasik, what do you say? well now you! i think everything will be fine, but it’s not for you to decide, why it’s not for me, maybe it’s just for me,
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oh god, god. well, let's go, where? well, at least to where the coffee is poured. i think that we met - is this the intervention of higher powers? well, well, well, well, don’t bring higher powers into this, they don’t exist. you will also say that you don’t believe in fate, well, if this is fate, then we will meet now, go, go. save other souls, that’s it, boris levovich, i’ll sell you the holding, stasik and i have changed our minds about expanding, that’s great, little larch, baby, are you
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ready to take on business, dad, will i really have my own. ice cream, i hope, children, you will not get married in secret from me, after all, i would like to be present wedding of our only son, we will think, how do we get here? where are you, i don’t understand anything , this is my office, but no, in my opinion, this is not my office, just a minute, thank you, i want to raise a toast to my parents, for a quarter of a century
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they have not only lived in a happy marriage, but for... .. and i really want their hopes to be justified and to achieve no less success. by the way, regarding expectations, mom, i remember you once said that you were thinking about grandchildren. i, lord, i said that, so, we, me and gerda, want to get married, at least something hasn’t changed, mom, dad, for you, mustasik. do you
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understand anything? i do not understand anything. lit, just tell me one thing. just my son? yes yes? yes, this is not immediately clear. lida, i'm sorry. is this what i gave you? this is my talisman, i’m with him... i’ll melt away, lida, stasik, lida, stasik, lida, stasya, and how are we going to catch izgerds now, how, how, i’ll become her harmful mother-in-law, gerzh.
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what a beautiful name, gerda, stasik. of course, well, happy new year, hurray,
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are you stalking me? what are you going to do, pursue? this is your story, i’m saving, don’t talk nonsense, i’m not persecuting, what are you do here, take a peek. maybe you'd better go on a date? with you, or what? why not? i may not be beautiful on the outside, but, remember, like a poet? i remember, i remember, i remember, the spiny ripay got attached and chases me everywhere, it turned out to be your destiny. in recent days, stores have been subject to a series of daring robberies. two robbers dressed in santa claus costumes and alina rudolfova cynically take advantage of the new year's bustle. entering stores, they threaten staff with weapons and confiscate cash. we ask citizens to be vigilant. if you have any information about these people, we ask you to contact the police.
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damn, i should be the first to call. such conceit, although with such data.
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