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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 2, 2024 5:05pm-5:26pm MSK

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it’s not scary to even jump into swamps in belarus, look at the project at home on our tv channel, there are already about 20 agreements today with universities, centers, enterprises of the people’s republic of china,
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in the bnto and we are also working within the framework of creating a center for the protection of machine parts, corrosion protection, we have such a joint educational and scientific center. confucius institutes, let's say, their main mission, they are designed to spread the culture of china, to acquaint residents of all countries peace, but with chinese culture, sit. but our confucius institute is also distinguished by the fact that we deal with issues of scientific and technical cooperation with china, there is an urgent need for specialists who study chinese not just at a basic level, but also have a fairly deep command of scientific and technical terminology, this is exactly the problem , let's say, was touched upon 10 years ago, when the decision was made to open the confucius institute for science and technology at bnto. as ksenia valentinovna already said,
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it is northeastern university that is our partner in the work of our confucius institute; at the moment, for example, one dictionary of scientific and technical terminology has already been published, and its second edition is being prepared for release, which will be expanded. we have 22 teachers from china who teach chinese at different levels, from beginner to advanced, to business level, this is chinese for work.
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national technical university, we provide extensive training for economic specialists, but focused specifically for the work of industrial enterprises , scientific and technical work, these students also often choose and are not afraid to study in technical specialties, students study at the faculty of mechanical engineering, at the automotive faculty, at the faculty of energy, that is, let's say, the geography of the choice of specialties is different, but what i would like to note are very diligent students who are very motivated to study disciplines, who communicate with teachers with great interest, even despite some, let’s say, language barriers, yes, there are , let’s say, opportunities thanks to modern technical devices, the ability to communicate , so students study scientific and technical subjects at a high level, well , i wonder what’s next, how cooperation will further develop with...
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develop, first direction - this, of course, we would still like to continue the direction of interaction in the field of education, this aspect is very important for us - joint educational programs, and the second direction is holding conferences joint, at our base a conference is held on new horizons for our youth, this is a very interesting event when... representatives of the embassy and representatives of the chinese belarusian side of the youth come to the conference and talk about their achievements, the guys talk about the interactions that they can have in the future, well, how we would like to take it to a more practical sphere, do innovative projects, we also have a one-belt competition.
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in all areas, technical and with chinese universities for the implementation of economic, so that scientific and technical issues can be resolved jointly.
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welcome guests all over belarus, today the navigator brought us to one of the most fantastic places in the country, picturesque nature, magical atmosphere, festive mood, a unique story filled with goodness, and here the heart of a dragon beats, you
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may ask where are the dragons on the territory of belarus from? ho-ho, of course, from a fairy tale, yulia burlo is with you and this is a fabulous release of the cultural fashion project. there is not a person on our earth who does not like fairy tales, even if it seems to us that we don’t like them, in fact , we are all connected with fairy-tale stories and plots, in our real life events happen that are very similar to fairy-tale events, it is no coincidence that people often say things like in a fairy tale. a fairy tale is not just an amazing story about fictional events and characters that entertains and captivates us. fairy tales often tell about true love and friendship,
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about how important it is to be kind, honest, and brave, as this is the surest path to happiness for yourself and your loved ones. fairy tale "from the most popular genres not only in literature, but in other forms of art, as well as an inexhaustible source of plots, themes, ideas, inspiration and imagination for creators. the history of theme or fairy tale parks of legends begins in the middle of the 20th century. the first theme park to become popular and the ancestor of many other parks was disneyland, opened by walt disney in 1955 in california. theme parks are special entertainment complexes created to provide visitors with a unique and exciting experience, combining elements entertainment, culture and nature in one place. they offer a variety of shows, performances, games and other activities
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related to the chosen topic. amazing stories are told here, transported to fairy-tale worlds populated by familiar and not so familiar characters. limitless. fantasy and imagination, thanks to detailed sets, costumes and special effects, a person takes part in an unforgettable adventure and becomes a time traveler. and even mind-blowing rides are not necessary. the main thing is to create an atmosphere with using details and decoration. with the advancement of technology and innovation , theme parks are becoming more interactive and immersive. today, such parks are one of the most... types of attractions, they continue to develop and attract more and more entertainment and tourist visitors from all over the world. fairy-tale characters are amazing creatures who live in a world of magical stories and unreal events. they often serve
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as symbols of certain qualities or life values. dobrovits, elves and craftsmen neighbors on earth. they live in a fabulous country. malevur is a living country, a fairy tale in it. law: from good will flow into good, from love love will awaken, what is hidden from people will be revealed more boldly. gradually, in good time, you will learn everything about us, if you are our good friend, come into the magic circle. in the very center of our belarus, a fairy-tale park has grown up, steeped in secrets and legends, with a dragon, caves, elf dwellings, inhabited by fairy-tale characters. here it is worth stopping by the stables of count malivour to get acquainted with the horses. stroll through fairy-tale houses, try the fabulous menu. the country of molivur
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is a whole world in which dobrovites, masterovits and elves live, and are guarded by the valiant dragon sky. i wonder what the inhabitants of fairytale land eat? you can try unique recipes from dobrovit local cuisine in the fabulous lunara turtle cafe. just look at the soup from grandma gelly, where the ingredients are a pinch of success. and a hefty piece of happiness, a tasty and healthy potion, magical fish and extraordinary malivurchiki pancakes. an outstanding english writer somehow. said: don’t brush aside grandmother’s tales, because they preserve knowledge forgotten by those
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who considered themselves wise. fairy-tale images not only serve as entertainment for little adults, but inspire and teach valuable life lessons. one of the important features of fairy-tale characters is their symbolic meaning. they can represent certain qualities such as kindness, courage, wisdom or anger, greed and betrayal. their appearance in fairy tales and stories often serves as educational material, illustrating important moral and ethical principles. the opportunity to learn their symbolic meaning and apply it in real life makes fairy-tale characters indispensable assistants in the formation of personality. firstly, many fairy-tale characters are examples of bravery and courage. they face difficulties and trials, but do not give up, they strive for their goal and show that with the help of faith and perseverance , any obstacles can be overcome. secondly, fairy-tale images awaken a person’s sense of justice and show that good always triumphs over evil.
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they help to understand that even the smallest defenseless can resist the enemy and win the battle thanks to his ingenuity and kindness. thirdly, fairy tale characters teach moral values ​​such as honesty, generosity, kindness, compassion and friendship. they send us important messages about how to behave in life, how to be noble and merciful. person. another important feature of fairy-tale characters: they may be from different cultures and nationalities, but their history and symbolism are understandable and accessible to people. living in any country. fairy-tale characters unite us and help us feel our common human heritage. there are no fairy tales better than those created by life itself. the guests have it.
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something not very good appeared, then from which if he would like to get rid of someone inside his heart, the good heart of a dragon will definitely transfer its magical power to him, and this person will become a little stronger. the snow elves and the guests are trying to wake up the fire-breathing dragon, which is owned by the evil sorcerer glogan. to prevent the coming of the new year to a fairyland. how so? who is stopping us here? who drums angrily, who rumbles to spite us?
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let's stay with the children in a round dance and tell together how it will be for us on new year's eve without the snowy woman, it's sad, yes, let's go, now let's hold hands and let this one go. dreamed dreamed, no one helped, it was mine, i heard the water, i welcome everyone, friends, snow elf, my name is snow elf, how glad we are of your arrival, we
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definitely need to wake up the dragon, i read the old books, we should call the dragon. we need to be together cheerfully and amicably in order to destroy the witchcraft, so that magic will appear, we will call the dragon , we will light the christmas tree together, what is his name, friends, i haven’t read the book, snout, kneuskai, the christmas tree is burning, with magic, everything worked out, a wonderful miracle has happened, our christmas tree is on fire,
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new year, friends are in a hurry, and what to bring the new year closer? let's stand together and dance, in all fairy tales, the invariable thing is that the villains cannot... be happy, each of us can live like in a fairy tale, but we should take a correct look at ourselves, our inner state, because we can want the happiness of the princess, inside to be a real witch, the witch’s happiness will come to us if we don’t change anything, so throughout the entire fairy tale the characters correct themselves, change, learn to become kinder, better and share joy, because every fairy tale
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must have a happy ending, a fairy tale - art, as they say , rely on santa claus, but don’t make a mistake yourself, luck doesn’t smile on lazy people, the team of the tv project fashion for culture, congratulates you, our dear tv viewers from all over the world , happy new year, may the next year the valiant dragon will be the most successful and memorable for you, believe in the fairy tale and let the fairy tale come into your life, follow your own cultural path, yulia burlo was with you, see you again.
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it will bring good luck and a lot of money, and such unusual cymbals are only available here in the settings, i will also try to play them, victoria poplerchenkova plays, they play, and the soul of the blue eye is people, and well, it’s based on
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the principle of these fire shows, yes, these yes this is what the fire show is. what about life, there’s a family there, they’re doing something there, the city will never have what we have in the countryside, we have nature, we have fresh air, we have our birds, they even sing differently. yana is not very sensitive to the rules of the kashtouna people and i will come out of this. droplets, droplets. i think dze found some drops on the ball, and yana gota...


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