tv [untitled] BELARUSTV January 5, 2024 4:25pm-5:01pm MSK
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sovetsky ’s workshops have already been closed, the ncca building is located there in this place, but before there were workshops there and, of course, this is a dream, after the academy, especially you go into outer space, where, what, how, it’s not clear, here they give you 3 a workshop for a year, with large ceilings, bright windows, and at the same time they also give out some art materials, free of charge, pay a stipend, well... a dream, and at the same time, such a viewing takes place every six months, but this viewing, you know, is not the same, what's going on in schools or art colleges? there or in college, where they gather there and they can scold you and so on, it was such a more creative meeting, that is , a commission headed by mikhail savitsky, georgy georgievich poplavsky, and many other interesting and wonderful artists came.
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master, there was a discussion about where you were going, what you wanted, and what next, that is, some kind of creative conversation that did not trample the artist, but, well, well, it seemed to me , it gave him wings, that is, this is the kind of in my opinion, a very good springboard, i want more remember my wonderful... teacher tyurin vyacheslav petrovich, who gave me a lot in terms of technology and spatial thinking, so i went to him when i was preparing for the academy and it was he who often quoted chastyakov, pavel chastyakov, professor at the imperial academy, and i generally liked this phrase, first by talent, in the middle by stupidity.
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to complete according to talent, and i also liked where with a needle and where with a broom, yes, that is, this is what he constantly quoted, my aspirations or my deviations in artistic some kind of world, first of all, my mother supported me, because at one time she herself dreamed of entering the academy of arts, but at that time they didn’t really want to accept women and girls into the academy, that is, there was... firstly, huge competition, there there were, i don’t know, there were 50 people per place, but a huge number of students tried to enroll and were accepted primarily by boys, because among the teaching staff there was, well, i don’t know, a stereotype that this is a male profession, a woman should be in the family to give birth and cook, so to speak, they seem to me they didn’t want to spread themselves thin.
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only one boy at a time, the profession becomes a woman’s profession, so her mother at one time was afraid to enter the academy, she went into architecture, but she really dreamed, so when i had some inclinations, she, of course , supported it and in every possible way constantly she consoled me, if necessary, if they scolded me there, she says: no, you’re great, you ’re doing well, you... that is, she
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supported me so very well, so yes, this is all from my mother, you can say, father it's not much he still understands everything, there are some drawings, you can’t build a house for these drawings, he thinks there’s more and so on, many people have this stereotype that an artist is something like that lying under the fence, drinking constantly, doing nothing, well, sometimes there is something blurting out on the canvas, this performance is in many ways thanks to the same films that are constantly being made about artists, and they constantly show some kind of strange, practically non-existent life of bohemia, which is related to fine art has no practically a relationship, so a stereotype is created that these are some kind of party people, some kind of party artists, uh, wasting
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to minsk, stayed for 2 weeks and realized that one fine day we just arrived noisily in the winter, well, the circumstances developed, we already lived here, well, that is, we already came here, we liked it, despite the fact that our apartment was on fire, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business. the main goal of our farm is not to earn money, but... to provide ourselves with good quality products, how to build a house and not get divorced, that’s what helped, probably, after all, the desire to be together, and a miracle, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life , apparently a tv presenter with
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experience in construction work, well , i have a wife, i have a mother-in-law, i think, as a man, you understand what this smells like, still mock like that. ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, on the banks of one of the cleanest rivers in europe and in the second honorary city of belarus, gomel, the borders of three lands closed, the lands of drigovich and razimic and krivichai, and then...
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pour into students, somewhere absorb from students too, then it will be a joy, and in principle beneficial, because young minds always give birth to some new interesting thoughts, somewhere you can even spy on them, learn for yourself , that is, such an exchange takes place here, and unless, of course, you like it and there’s about...
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a person is obliged to constantly put himself in rose-colored glasses, why not, you can look at any thing artistically , and even the most seemingly unsightly substance will be interesting and creative. a very difficult question about discovering the talent of a direction, and how not to make copies of yourself, of course, always arises, but it seems to me that this... is impossible to do, because hidden, somewhere subconsciously, everyone
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a teacher, an artist, considers himself, well, somehow, somewhere an ideal, somewhere, somewhere right, and, of course, we teach, we are teachers, i mean, we teach what we ourselves can do, that’s why here there are probably always threats to make a copy of yourself, but on the other hand... a student, a future personality or an existing personality, she herself must decide what she takes from the teacher, what she doesn’t take, in the end it always turns out like this a compromise between the image of the teacher, the inner core or the inner world of the student himself. with time i began to work in various techniques and graphic
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techniques, including painting, that is, in addition to graphics, i also do painting, but since childhood i really loved working with ink, pen ink has been my love since childhood, then this drawing with pen and ink, in principle, has already passed in other graphic techniques, such as lithography, you can also... draw with a pen, though not on paper, but on stone, there is such a lithographic stone, a special fine limestone, and also with the inspiration of such a wonderful artist as roman sustov, i tried my hand at afort, afort is an engraving on zinc, there are different types, very different, aquatint, mesatint, drypoint, but i’m... myself in the etched stroke, such a rather complex, interesting process, but i am more inspired
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by drawing with this needle, a thin needle, i take a sewing needle like this, and the fine drawing turns out to be almost the same ink, but even finer, although i found this way of fine drawing with ink, rapitograph, there is such a rapitograph, such a technique , by the way, rapitographs came to us as architects since they were the first, rapitographs, it was architects who used them, they are there in different calibers, here there is 0.18, if loaded. black ink, then it turns out, well, this is a 0.18 line, but i tried to mix yellow and black ink, it turned out so light, so golden, golden ink, i tucked it into the rapitograph and it turned out twice as thin, that is, almost an etching line, well , i love lithography, lina, i’m also
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interested in engraving, it’s also a very interesting technique, in general, any technique is... it’s a language, in which the artist talks to you, but for me it’s not the language that’s important, the meaning is important , it doesn’t matter what language, if a person can say something interesting about something with love, even in tatar, even in french, in chinese or in belarusian, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is , what are you saying, and technology, well, this is the beauty of any language, yes, what, what is more beautiful? chinese or french, it’s impossible to say, these are some kind of different musical directions, in general, since i studied graphic design for 5 years, we studied such a wonderful graphic and design language as posters, poster - this is from the french word
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to shout out, that is, it is such a cry of meaning, that is , it is necessary... for example, in this work - i initially conceived that we have these babies, here they are lying, but initially there were four babies, and then in the process i draw , draw, draw, then i think, why four, if i make one block of wood empty, it seems to me that this will enhance the impact, strengthen the image, well, i decided to make one block of wood,
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as if empty, without like this gaping hole, so... well, in the process maybe something needs to be adjusted, something can change , maybe, yes, the titles of works probably also come like lines to writers, to poets, i don’t know, there’s just some kind of ready-made image, and how to put it into words or add to the word, that is, the name, the word is the complement of the image and the image is the complement of the word, that is, these are two such parallel flows, and this series, for which... however, i was given a prize in the field of fine arts, this series is called khatyn, it is just was originally created for the museum khatyn, so far it consists of two sheets, the first sheet, where babies are depicted,
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with visual creativity, because it is some kind of addition, it is also a kind of image, only in a different language, again, yes, music is a different language, but about that same. there are different stages, it all depends on the character of the artist, some live according to the plan, they have, as they say, a planned economy, some live. completely spontaneously and, but many of them, it seems to me, are each time at some initial stage, that is, it seems like you
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are doing, there are a lot of you and exhibitions and some works, but every time you probably find yourself somewhere again at the beginning, now in art there are generally no criteria at all, and how to consider yourself in this absence of criteria is generally difficult. again, rose-colored glasses probably help here, every artist has his own, his own rose-colored art glasses , which help, probably, not to go crazy and fly somewhere, probably nowhere at all , well, to stay in some kind of your own condition, exhibitions are needed not even for the viewer, but for the artist himself, to see himself, so we arrive in our... skaya with our rose -colored glasses, then it’s all put on display at the exhibition, or not all of it, or something selective, and you look at some section, some
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stage of yourself, and how it looks in a different space, because a workshop is one space, a gallery is a completely different space, when some viewer is standing next to you, so you came to your own exhibition, a visitor is standing next to you, and you don’t even say anything, is silent, but you even seem to be connected, connected to his gaze, to it’s as if you are looking at it all with different eyes, and maybe you even get the feeling of some things that can be completed, this is some kind of self-improvement, probably in the form of an exhibition, my family is so creative. my wife graduated from the graphics academy , she and i, one might say, found each other in the mountains, we once went to a big group from
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wise woman, even if there are some family quarrels, for some reason they always come from me, due to my perhaps impatient temperament somewhere, she always balances it out , somewhere it can always be wise... to say, somewhere it is wise to remain silent, well, we are even such advisers to each other, somewhere i show some sketches, she says: so, here you can still correct, where - so i say that here you can move a spot somewhere and so on, especially since we work in completely different styles, this probably helps me too. they ask how you sign your works, because they notice that there are all sorts of strokes under my works,
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graphic sweats, as a rule, are signed on the front side, and i basically answer that calligraphic handwriting appeared in my youth, i i found, well, let’s just say, i came across one book by a wonderful belarusian calligrapher, colleographer, i still can’t understand what, probably calligrapher semchenko, the melodies are called calligrapher a brilliant book, it was completely written by hand, i then fell in love with calligraphy, began to study, train , constantly twisted these monograms in the margins of notebooks, got great pleasure from it, this calligraphic handwriting is greatly facilitated by either a fountain pen or a feather, ink pen or ink pen, because the pressure itself provokes the hand
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to do something beautiful. the hand and eye see this beauty, they begin to obey this beauty, what are the three criteria for creativity? for me it is very valuable, the first thing is technology, the second is the plan and the third is the soul, that is , technology, plan, soul, you can do the work at the highest level in technology. with a good idea, but no soul, that’s all, for me this work is, well, a little dead, you can do it with a good idea with a soul, but without technology, for me this is also a rather weak work, or you can do it with technology from the soul, but without a plan, then it empty works, that is, these three parameters are very valuable to me, and if i see in some artist a combination
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of all this... i really like to see such work, well, i myself strive for this, that is , i try to perfect the technique, any drawing, painting technique or calligraphy, or some graphic techniques of etching, there are lithographs, i perfect the technique, i try to find ideas, well, and not lose my soul, still, there’s something in... to bring something so, well, metaphysical.
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the street by the pool, which family was the last owner of the worldly castle, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the fullest country, the main thing is of course. no secrets, master of sports in artistic gymnastics and master of sports in jumping on the acrobatic track, amazing, alexander slesar, he devotes most of his time to family, watching sports matches, fishing, as well as collecting coins, banknotes, watch
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you know, marina, marinochka, i understand you very much like a mother, but look how smooth it is all , he’s smart, he says, and i’m bouncy, mom, don’t be afraid, and the logo, good morning belarus, but i don’t know how to draw it, but can i whistle? look at the good mornings of belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives with today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is national news abroad, broadcasts. important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country,
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you are watching the news now, tatyana korol is with you, hello! the product must be unique, the president said at a meeting on quality improvement in 2024. alexander lukashenko noted that we must surpass ourselves with no formalism and sloppiness, and quality control of belarusian goods and services will be placed at a higher level, because such a state sign is a reward and incentive for good work. "we must surpass ourselves to do this done, there should be no formalism and sloppiness, something was done for show, noted, everything is fine, this should not happen and will not happen, i promised you that.
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