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tv   247  BELARUSTV  January 6, 2024 3:10am-3:36am MSK

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more than 5,000 citizens receive comprehensive services at home. the third stage of the commonwealth biathlon cup has started in raobichi. the competition was preceded by an opening ceremony. the stands were filled with fans. the competition program opened with a men's 10 km sprint race. 34 athletes took to the snow-covered slopes, including 11 belarusians. following the results of the sprint , the captain of the belarusian team, anton smolsky, rose to the winning podium. this victory was for us. the athlete is already the fourth in the current season of the commonwealth cup. an orange level of danger has been declared in belarus due to ice. doctors are recording more and more injuries from falls, as well as hypothermia, providing assistance on the roads of the state traffic safety inspectorate, and are ready to eliminate the consequences of heavy snowfalls in the energy sector. the frost will get stronger in the coming days. nighttime readings in some areas will exceed -20.
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i come to work with joy and understand that i will produce a product that will bring joy to people, bring peace and goodness to the family. i am sure that my work is the key to peace and creation. as a child i dreamed visit the factory where candy is made. a childhood dream came true immediately. as an adult, this became my profession. this year marks 20 years since i have been working at the kommunalka factory. the factory has changed a lot over 20 years, new workshops have been added, many new lines have been added. now it is such a giant that provides the entire market for its products, does not stand still, and develops. the factory is thriving.
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for 20 years i tried my hand at many processes, then one of our new lines opened, the mogul line, so i got there, now i work there as an operator, a foreman, this is one of our most powerful lines with a productivity of up to a ton per hour, you can say that the workplace is the heart of the line, i am in the very heart, according to the type of my activity for work shift we try the product we are casting. well, of course, i’m trying to limit myself from sweets, but it’s hard, working in a factory and seeing so many delicious, beautiful candies, it’s very hard, it’s constant work on oneself, we have excursions at the factory every day, to children come to us from school, when they see so many candies, when their eyes light up , when they want to try everything, just smiles, it makes me happy, it also brings me pleasure when so many candies...
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it’s beyond the horizon, we have no other home and no, african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus, because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is very clear to this north atlantic aggressor. placement problems. in our country, russian
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tactical nuclear weapons are absurd, we are simply learning diplomatic, so -called etiquette from those who made the language of force a global trend. we have a new political line for the first company; only supporters of the state line should get into parliament, only those for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace are of decisive importance. go to side and do not interfere. no one is forcing anyone to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority. the propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are setting off on an expedition through the corners of our country. as you know, we are going to form a friendly campaign to take advantage of the charg vandrok. getting to know our talented fellow countrymen, saving the agul cultural decline, modern evils and sacred people. things will happen again and
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again in the past in the aktsyabrsky district. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. here you are the europeans of lankistan were supplied with a happy drop of plowing shukevich on the 19th. what kind of grass lays on a scythe, on the cover of the wound, the bridegrooms gathered from the church , when she put the candle, and the bride, who first pasted the candle, got married, and so she jumped yana pasak to herself, tsi knitted, wove, and gave new ones to the old traditions zhytstsyo, yak yay, kuday yay. thousands of years ago three rubles per month with projects in advance on the tv channel belarus 24.
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hello dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you on this wonderful winter evening, when in our hearts we are already talking about... new year's days before orthodox christmas. and while you were summing up the results of the past year and making plans for the coming one, we were preparing for you a new episode of the ether 24x7 program. so, in the next 20 minutes you will find the most interesting dates and events of the week, and an introduction to a unique , extremely healthy practice. the answer to the question why belarus is so good and much more. my name is yulia burlo. enjoy watching. january 2, 1896 on soviet film director diga vertov appeared. with his creativity and theoretical research, vertov laid the foundation for a new artistic and documentary genre in cinema. he is a recognized
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classic of documentary cinema, who had a huge influence on the development of soviet and progressive foreign documentary cinematography. tomorrow is the national birthday. in france, the maid of orleans, one of the commanders of the french troops in the hundred years' war, joan of arc, also on the sixth of january, but in 1938 the popular italian singer, composer, actor, director, adriana celintana, at the age of 12, in order to help his family, he was forced to leave school and work under a watchmaker. now we’ll find out what other events mark the first week of the new year. on january 4, 1948 , an outstanding composer, teacher, people's artist of belarus, valery ivanov, was born in glusk, mogilev region. he sincerely loved
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his small homeland, admitted that it was she who gave him creative wings as a child and continued to fill him all his life. energy and inspiration. for a long time valery kirillovich headed the music broadcasting of belarusian radio. he is the author of instrumental vocal works, music for plays, films and radio shows. fame came to valery ivanov after in 1980 he wrote the music for the film quiet troichniki, in which his song “you and i domysto” was first performed. his other songs also earned widespread popular love: kokhanaya, walk, duck walk, smells like a shabor performed by “veos, cliff of dew, lyubov uspenskaya” and other popular artists. on january 4, 1869
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, one of the founders of belarusian fiction prose "yadvigin-sha". the real name of the writer is anton levitsky. he studied to become a doctor at moscow university, was going to open a hospital with the money raised from the performance of his play the villain, but these undertakings. for various reasons, they remained unfinished, so anton ivanovich settled in the family estate in karpilovka, where famous belarusian writers were his frequent guests, namely in korpilovka. yanka kupala read his pavlinka for the first time. in 1910, yadvigin sha fulfilled an old dream. walked around belarus for hundreds kilometers, studied the life of peasants. he used their language, culture, and later folk stories, jokes, anecdotes in his works,
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the writer published several collections of stories, and his only novel gold, which remained unfinished, became perhaps the first attempt to create such a large epic in the history of belarusian literature. on january 6 , 1938, belarusian... film director, writer, tv presenter, vladimir orlov was born. vladimir alexandrovich was born in baku. at the age of eight, he and his father moved to grodno, where his first serious introduction to cinema. young volodya ended up on the set of the film mikolka the steam locomotive with the famous belarusian director lev golub. after graduating from the institute, he came to work in the creative association of television film at gosteler. bssr. over the course of 40 years of work on television, vladimir orlov has created
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dozens of documentaries and feature films, performances, and concerts, which today constitute the golden fund of belarusian television and radio companies. the heroes of his films and portraits were both famous public people and those who are commonly called ordinary people. since the seventies, orlov has been filming for television. projects, the priority of qualitative indicators over quantitative ones, promise to stimulate
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the initiative to implement rationalization ideas. in the year of quality, green light for innovation. the departure of western companies was prompted to produce what previously had to be bought abroad. thus, a new production facility was opened at enterprises in rudinsk. lighting equipment for mechanical engineering is now produced here. the automated production line operates according to a given program from loading the product. before control output quality. the company itself has been among the top five lighting equipment manufacturers in the cis for several years now. the quality of products is monitored by gosstandart. its database contains over 31.00 documents with technical requirements. the quality of any product is checked in special laboratories. there are almost 2,500 of them in total. they don’t hide it in the state standards; there will be no concessions for manufacturers. quality requirements will continue to be stringent. after all, the brand made in belarus must be consistent. and now to other topics
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of the week that received the maximum the number of your likes on our social networks. on january 1, belarusians began working according to the rules of the updated labor code. in total , more than eighty articles were corrected in the document. certain standards affect every worker. this applies, for example, to salaries. now everyone. the employer is required to make payments to employees at least twice a month. the changes affected vacation pay accruals. if an employee goes on vacation spontaneously and not according to schedule, the employer can pay vacation pay within two days after the start of the vacation. innovations in parts vacation sharing. changes in the procedure for granting social leave, in particular educational leave. if an employee receives the first secondary, special and higher education or vocational education, it does not matter whether the first one or not, the employer is obliged. an employee is given leave, but without pay, the point has been made in matters of the work schedule of large families; now
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, in agreement with the employer, you can choose either a working day reduced by an hour every day or a full day off once a week. school of mathematical modeling with support state corporation rosatom will open on the basis of the belarusian national technical university. similar engineering analysis laboratories will appear in other belarusian universities in the future, development goals. technological sovereignty of the union state, digital competencies and familiarity with the technology of the building simulator. rosatom actively interacts with belarusian educational institutions. national children's. the park has been equipped with nuclear power plant training simulators, and they plan to hold a hackathon on mathematical modeling in february. the forum in minsk will bring together young developers from belarus and russia. to acquaint contemporaries with the epistolary genre, reveal the wealth of instruments for writing letters and sending postcards, and also provide the opportunity to use postal services right in the museum. all these and other
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activities are offered by the national historical museum of belarus and the famous collector vladimir likhodedov. the historian, laureate of the spiritual revival prize, also owns dozens of thematic collections, which he introduces to belarusians. the day before new year's holidays, likhodedov initiated an exhibition called “i am writing to you.” 400 exhibits, each original, are housed in four museum halls. the exhibition will run until january 31, 2024. the future of the country depends on every vote. the election campaign is gaining momentum. a single vote day will take place on february 25th. we have to elect deputies of parliament and local councils, after which an all-belarusian people's assembly will be formed, competition for the attention of voters is growing among candidates for deputies, thousands initiated groups began collecting signatures throughout belarus, while citizens are attentive to each candidacy, 12,514 deputies
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of local councils and 110 deputies of the house of representatives were simultaneously elected.
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from important news to a healthy lifestyle. today we will review a practice that is very unusual for belarus, which allows you to make your life healthier and of better quality. a specialist will tell you about its undoubted benefits, and we will be happy to show you and invite you to try it with us. zosh in belarusian, let's see. today i suggest you dive in. from unusual modern practices to improve physical health, let's talk about choir practice and learn about the benefits of this method. karina, what is choir practice in simple words? the practice of the choir is the conscious evolutionary development
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of man as a species. and the main element of training in choir practice is your attention, properly organized physical exercises change the quality of your attention, behind this change your actions begin to change, the way you speak, the way you walk, the way you interact with objects, the way you react to situations, how you behave, that is, you begin to change holistically, how does practice affect the body, physical and mental health? in our modern... time, where fatigue, depression, constant doubts tugging at you that do not allow you to act, choir practice - this is solved by training the quality of peace in action, this... quality, what happens in it, your mind calms down or freed, while you do not fall out of
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life, you act, and here it can also be described as total correct relaxation body and brain, at the same time your speed and actions increase. karina, let us now demonstrate with you in practice. what we talked about today, with pleasure, now we will try the youth training choir transport, it is built on two keys: a fast key and a slow key. well , shall we begin? snezhana, tell us how you feel after the training? karina, i really liked it, i was very excited, it just
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felt like, wow, now i see that hora is a very unusual activity for our country, why is it important for our belarusians to know about this practice and practice it? every belarusian is a piece of our country, and young people are the future of our country, and the more competitive and the more competitive...
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belovezhskaya pushcha is a protected forest in the very center of europe, one of the top 10 national european parks. here, almost 1000 species of animal birds feel in danger and bring offspring almost every year. since 1992, this amazing park has been included in the list of unesco world heritage sites. a year
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later it was awarded biosphere status reserve. according to scientists, belovezhskaya pushcha is a remnant of a primeval relict forest. now it occupies an area of ​​about 160 thousand hectares. the reserve is famous for its centuries-old trees. here... you can admire oak trees that are more than five centuries old, as well as centuries-old pines, spruce, ash and linden trees. oak trees have been growing here since the times of rich nobles who hunted in the beautiful lands of pushcha. in terms of the number of plant and animal species, the pushcha has no equal in europe. for example, the pristine bush is home to the world's largest population of bison. the bison is majestic. a powerful and amazing animal, a real king of the belarusian forest. it amazes with its size; an adult male can weigh about a ton, and its height at
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the withers is about 180-188 cm. the beast is absolutely harmless not only to humans, but also to other inhabitants of the forest. wolves and lynxes, red deer and roe deer, wild boars and badgers, black storks and eagles found shelter here. white-tailed animals, many representatives of the flora and fauna of belovezhskaya pushcha are included in the red book of belarus. the pushcha has been known as a protected natural area since 1409. captivated by the wild beauty of the forest, the polish king jogaila issued a decree according to which hunting large animals was prohibited here. the most popular time to travel to this amazing place is winter. it has been in belovezhskaya pushcha for 20 years now. inhabited not only by animals and birds, but also by fairy-tale characters such as santa claus, snow maiden, mother winter and her daughters stuzha in...


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