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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 6, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] i spent a whole hour with her, i looked, he went into a corner, his tears started flowing, and his wife comes up and says, thank you so much, he says, he’s so tired of loneliness, he couldn’t grow his emotions, this hour, like a goat with she spent an hour with him, he just stood there and stroked her, he stroked her for an hour, maybe this touch, yes, she didn’t leave him for a second, you can’t do that, yes, but what then? there is such a psychological game, you have to imagine how you live in old age, what you see, and i would i wanted to be like that, to be a grandma already, to leave the wooden house, in which there is a long long table, you can always
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gather around this table. i’m going outside with a cup of tea to see how tourists are walking in our space, and i wouldn’t want to be alone in this space, i would like like-minded people, our whole space should be active, i really don’t like people who lie on the couch and talk , yes, i could, you get up from the couch, then you can, but for this there still
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must be some kind of creation. belarusians, and since there is still a little milk, then we can afford to choose according to taste , just enough to hold a master class so that people can try it, so that we can somehow learn a little more, then when the so-called big milk begins, when all 50 braids start milking at the same time, i i imagine, like cleopatra , i’ll just accept you, that’s probably
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why at the moment i... you’re dealing with creative people, they’re you , one person in the field is not a warrior, you know, when they introduce you to other creative people, and so one after another, step by step, stage by stage
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stage, so i can't. to say that it’s all in me, i can’t say that i give birth to all these ideas, i’m a person who, i have six bloods, you know, what kind of blood began to boil this morning, i have no idea, but i know for sure that there may not be tomorrow, so why shouldn’t i live happily today, why shouldn’t i get some kind of defect today, as i call it, from my activities, they are simple... indeed, polesie is simple, but rich nature, simple but very tasty food, modest but very friendly people, here everything is somehow a little different, and if you compare it with the people from europe, it’s easier here, at least they smile at you, but they don’t
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reveal themselves too far, they don’t let you in. and here it’s enough to smile, well, well, let’s just say, my grandmother was right, there will never be hunger here, and here you will never be hungry, you see, they will simply feed you. yes, but at the stern, so it’s some kind of symbiosis, probably between me and real
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paleshuks, but i’m also already a poleshuk. as if you were holding a book in your hands, rummaging little by little, sniffing your skin in words, from dryness. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate on old books, bytstsam enchantress. we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our
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daily life. belarus 24. hello, you are watching the program “tell me not to be silent.” victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today our guest is a member of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, andrei savinykh. hello, andrey vladimirovich. hello. you know, tatyana and i
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recently recalled that... gdp growth has currently exceeded 3.8%, that is, gdp growth is almost 4%. this is against a backdrop of recessionary declines in output in western europe, or near-zero levels of growth in other countries. well, you must agree, it’s quite unconventional. but the most curious thing is that industrial production grew by 8%. when does this happen? was, this is a completely unique result, simple examples, the production of washing machines quadrupled, the production of white cars tripled. we once doubted
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will our plant be able to reach 25,000 cars a year, now it has already reached 60,000, and the government is seriously thinking about how to increase production to
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120,000. the point is that the balance of $500 million
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is positive, which means that we are strengthening our competitiveness; if it were the other way around, we would still need to sort it out, but here, without any doubt, this is an achievement. the past year, we have already talked about the fact that we are reorienting our economy, it seems to me that we have made very serious progress in relations with a number of countries that are our geopolitical allies , with whom... we have a common idea of ​​what a fair international order is, and we are very actively developing trade, cooperation and political contacts with them, these are china, indonesia, vietnam, india, iran, turkey, the united arab emirates, well, authoritative, large countries, we are building a certain belt of good neighborliness
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no longer along the borders of belarus, as we did. recently, we also see a lot of qualitative, positive changes here, we we are establishing ourselves on the african continent for a long time, and the main thing is that this corresponds to our interests and the interests of african countries. at the miss europe continental competition, it just so happened that we learned about it quite recently, a representative from the congo won. she took the first crown, but as expected,
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belarusian took second place, is that inspiring? the president is talking about this, and this is probably what we will still need, and at the same time we should not act separately, nodding at each other, but by communicating, that is, in concert,
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supporting each other, the sco is some kind of completely unique experience when countries are trying to agree on equal opportunities, we declared this a lot earlier at the un, but we still encountered such a hierarchical approach, but the sco is just an attempt to create such
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the organization of international life, where the interests of large states will be, and you know that the highway includes china and india, but the interests of small states will also be taken into account, they will act in a certain harmony. this is my first time encountering such an attempt, and indeed, we see these trends , this is an invaluable experience for all humanity, and this must be supported in every possible way, it includes the sphere of security, economic cooperation, humanitarian development, but if this works out, i think that we will see a prototype of the future of the un. and future global international organizations, even the already defined name “multi-nuclear world” has appeared, not multi-polar, but multi-nuclear, this is where there are many nuclei, each of them exists quite comfortably, but i would like to say, here’s another remember brix here, you see, brix
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is ​​also different from the sco, so that there is an understanding, brix is ​​rather a union of states, large states of the world. in order to soften the transition from the old globalization to a multipolar or multinuclear world, here is an attempt to make it at the lowest cost, well, as bloody as possible, to reduce the number of conflicts, but it is rather a discussion club that creates a space of trust, if we draw
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an analogy, i would probably compare it with the cis, i saw the last session in yerevan personally speeches by a number of representatives of the old western european states who said that we were driving the organization into a dead end and that we needed to listen more to opponents or alternative opinions,
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otherwise we would simply end up in some kind of fighting among ourselves, and this would not be good , well, i don’t know what the future of the obs parliamentary assembly will be. and in a bipolar world, these rules were still observed. in ninety-one, the world
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changed, these rules ceased to apply. by inertia we lived a few more decades, but these decades were a period of decay and degradation of the institutions of the global agenda. alternative institutions were ripening out of the blue and, in fact, today they have already appeared. this is precisely the sho brisk, a union state, these are other centers , well, let’s say, of regional integration, why because globalization is being changed by regional trends, i think that the world will be reassembled through various regional unions, and this is already clearly visible literally everywhere, by the thirtieth year we will already see more less clearly the configuration of the future world, this
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process will not be completed, but... nato, in fact, a zero-sum game was imposed on the world of europe, someone had to lose, completely
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wild distortions arose, with security being ensured first of all through a violation of this main principle: personal security cannot be ensured at the expense of the security of a neighbor, security must be equal and indivisible, and it must be in all three
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dimensions of the osce, military. consists of representatives of transnational corporations, financial institutions , let's say, it consists of people who control money, financial resources, they provide these resources for the functioning of political parties or individual politicians, without this money he will not be able to function as a politician, that is, they are hired workers, well it turns out , that these are hired showmen, showmen,
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the second question is, do you know what else is very important? in such a situation, by and large, the collapse of the crisis and a very strict reformatting of all political institutions, then in the opinion, by the way, i don’t remember now one of the philosophers in the west, in such an era can be governed either by dictators, that is, authoritarian leaders who, by the power of their personal authority
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, can lead the country, or by clowns
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who pro... andrey vladimirovich, let’s pause for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel , say , don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and invite guests, we are in touch, especially andrey vladimirovich, i have prepared a provocative question for you: turkey, friend or foe? i think first of all. a partner who respects belarus and respects its national interests. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the chairman of the standing committee on international affairs of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus andrei savinykh. andrey vladimirovich, well, again about the results. in 2023 , 183 regional conflicts were recorded in the world.
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it turns out that we are standing on the threshold of the third world war, or just recently. nazarbayev spoke out on the threshold of a nuclear war, not really, the point is that well, yes and no, i would say that the third world war has already begun, only this is a war of the 21st century, it is not there will be a global nuclear war, because well, there’s simply no point in this, that is, those forces that now have wealth, that control global world wealth,
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they are russia, belarus, china, secondary sanctions against third countries, well, an insane number of restrictions on everything world, i can assure you that... a peaceful trade organization already exists, also only on paper, that is, serious changes are underway, and finally the third is coming - a tough information war, opponents are simply demonized, turning the conflict into an ontological one , that is, there is a zero-sum fight, someone must win, someone must lose, there is no other way, there can be no one, and there can be no one, yes, i like this expression that the one who falls will win... the last one, this number of local conflicts simply says this: 3 years ago, a cluster of transnational corporations, i also call them a financial oligarchy, they
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proposed their way out, their neo-globalization scenario, calling it inclusive capitalism, this is never inclusive not capitalism at all, their idea was, let’s abolish the national state, reduce their role, but... he analyzed the movement of capital for more than 200 years in the western world, and came to the conclusion that 50% of the wealth that is accumulated in in the west, it is controlled, owned
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by only half a percent of the population, this is less than 10 million people, so they are the owners of these corporations, but this scenario did not work out, and most likely they moved on to another
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scenario, they will try... we need to create the maximum number conflicts, so that they do not overtake the formation of their macro-regions, this is where these conflicts arise, so this is not a global nuclear war, which will lead to the destruction of the entire civilization, this is such a very painful, very difficult, bloody transition through a large number of local conflicts to a new world order, a multipolar world, well, no matter how much you and i bury in... the first part of our interview with the un, it is still acting and even adopting some resolutions not on the first try, but on last week, they finally adopted a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector in
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the zone of the palestinian-israeli conflict, and here attention is drawn to the fact that such hawks as britain, germany, and italy abstained and did not vote the way the united states voted. what does this mean, andrei vladimirovich? it is clear that no one will ever justify the actions of hamas, this is a terrorist provocation that led to the death of israelis, in general, everyone’s assessments here, the entire world community are unequivocal, but the fact that then this was followed by the conduct of a large-scale military operation, from which
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the peaceful world suffers... when israel was created in 1948, then egypt, as a sovereign state, did not exist at all, it was a colony of great britain, people lived in it. somewhere around 20 million people, which means that in jordan there are less than a million, in syria 4 million, in lebanon, well, something like a million, maybe a little more, it turns out that israel arose with 2 million people, in 70 years since its existence, it has grown to 10 million. at this time, egypt has grown to 105 million jordan up to 20 million same thing syria.
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lebanon, in my opinion, has more than 5 million people, that is , around ten million israel there is a belt of states with a population of more than 150 million. a completely different situation, right? and for everyone, for them what is happening in the gas is unacceptable. let's think about the strategic consequences of these actions. what could this lead to in 5,
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10 and 15 years? thus, the total amount of support provided by the eu to miss svetlana’s office since 2020 will be 140 million euros. how did you rate this one? support? is 140 million euros a lot or a little? you look at such obvious things. let's think a little now. what does bareilles do and who does he represent? this is really interesting. let me go now.
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i’ll draw a certain picture, and you’ll tell me whether you agree with it or not? well, borel, you yourself already mentioned, says that our western civilization, well, most likely having either western european or transatlantic civilization, is a blooming garden surrounded by jungles, which translated into such literary language is usually that we are a civilization of the highest order, surrounded by... subcivilization and barbaric countries and state education, well , savages to a certain extent, that is, you can only copy our experience, but you cannot even come close to ours level. what is this? do you think this can be called appropriation of the right of superiority? then the next thing comes up: we look at what this civilization is doing, it is using coercive measures. and coercive measures,
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just like measures of violence, they are very different in the 20th century. on the one hand, you can declare sanctions, restrictions , you can organize color revolutions, you can finance such opposition groups from abroad so that they destabilize the situation in the country, what if these are not coercive measures, that is, this is the appropriation of rights in...
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here in syria, where us military units are located illegally, that is, not officially, and so on, it’s correct that we can call this appropriating the right to violence against other peoples and the state is again superior, and now if you look into any encyclopedia and look at the definition of fascism, you will see that these two signs, the assignment of the right to superiority and the right to violence, are precisely the system-forming signs
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of fascist ideology, fascist. its own theory, that is, these ideas of superiority over the rest of the world, essentially in the history and culture of western european civilization, but at the same time, of course, we must still make a reservation, there are a large number of people there who do not accept such ideas, this
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it is alien to them, and this movement is constantly growing stronger, we see the growth of even communist movements, socialist movements in italy, spain, portugal, we see the right. the movement here is a little more complicated in germany and france, but still the majority of the population, the majority of citizens of these countries who still remember the lessons of the second world war, they do not accept these ideas, rather this is the philosophy and ideology of the ruling circles, those groups, social groups that control western europe and, in general , the transatlantic civilization as a whole, after all, i
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tannin question. in accordance with generally accepted norms of international law, to develop some kind of agreement on bilateral interaction, this is most likely a repetition of these cliché accusations that would justify the use of coercive measures against our country, yeah, what was surprising is that he usually dealt with these matters the european parliament, and global and regional european institutions. and here , uh here, the national legislative body of germany was thrown into this matter, that is, this is a bit of a new trend, it seems to me,
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that this comes from... the problem is not ours, let 's take a break for a while, after a short pause we'll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to
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our telegram channel, say don't be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. say it again don’t be silent, we have a deputy of the house of representatives of the national
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assembly of the republic in our studio. that is, i conducted a dialogue with parliamentarians from other countries, without communicating, so to speak, with them , but they were present there, so they probably still remember this event, the issue of those who is in prison, and i gave a clear qualification, we do not have political prisoners, we have people who
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have violated certain norms. common points of contact, he spoke about this quite a long time ago, in my opinion, the cis has not changed this character, the meeting of the leaders of our states, it will most likely still have significance from the point of view of the situation in the world, there is a serious regional division,
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when you need to choose aside, i am convinced that both alexander grigorievich and vladimir vladimirovich will come to this meeting
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one team. list, new ones, he will easily give up , do you think, if you look at history, yes, then these are all the organizations that you defeated constantly, which makes us think that he will win again, you make me analyze history a little, the hegemon was changing, it all started with the british empire, which was global, the british
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empire overlooked the formation of the united states. 16%, which is 2% less than the soviet union in 1991 at the time of its collapse. this speaks volumes: resources are dwindling, the world is changing and changing rapidly, centers of economic influence are flowing away. the hegemon is observing, he is not observing, he is already acting, he is already creating these conflicts, he is already trying to counteract everywhere, but there are fewer resources, they finance the situation
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in ukraine, they essentially control the government of ukraine and force them to make
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the government. tatyana sherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today. goodbye. goodbye. and now andrei savinykh speaks. dear viewers, i want to take this opportunity,
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just to wish you a happy new year. we all live with our own human problems. we care about our children, our future, our well-being. i am sincerely convinced that we will succeed, with everyone. we will cope with the challenges that we may encounter in the future , happy new year with new happiness, andrei vladimirovich, in the past year on this wall, which shows how many guests we had in the studio, with what great wishes they visited us, leave your autograph
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and wishes for our program, okay. every week we review the main topics that aroused the most interest among our viewers and followers on social networks. we offer you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides. we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24/7. a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the
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