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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 6, 2024 7:35pm-8:06pm MSK

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a city and a safe city, this is now noted even by those foreign artists who come to our circus. when we flew here for the first time, what i noticed was that it was crystal clear air, i was thirsty, how did they end up in belarus, why did they stay here? i was born in the city of vilnius, the capital of lithuania, then the family moved here to minsk, that is, my father was appointed here to serve in the military mission. i come from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty. by decree of the president of our country, my husband was appointed ambassador to republic of belarus. project look at belarus. so i realized that i feel very good here, because, say, living in belarus, i never felt that i was a stranger here. we are people here, we are not even artists. this is such a place, such a point in the universe where a person feels like a human. i'm interested in belarus, i'm interested in meeting new people. i am confident
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that i will be comfortable here in this country. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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quality has long become a lifestyle of belarusians, our national trait, and now becomes a symbol of all our endeavors. well, the benchmark is 2024. work hard and efficiently, and the first working meeting with the president is about this: each of us must feel this year through changes in the quality of life, goods, salaries, infrastructure, literally in everything, this is the main task, and not only for the government, we need to start with ourselves, each of us must also have our own personal plan, the maximum task is to surpass ourselves ; there will be no mercy for manufacturers, quality requirements will still be strict...
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today they have been multiplied, you must admit, it was not easy to maintain these best achievements, but we belarusians understand that if we do not do better than someone else, then we will remain unusable. we do not have resources , the president spoke about this, we do not have any other wealth, yes, except intelligence, so if the product is not competitive, of poor quality, then our economy simply will not function, but this is a confirmation of what we have. .. industry, despite all the sanctions, is gaining momentum, this is the most important factor the fact that our industry is competitive today, and if you look at international ratings and so on, then this is specifically confirmed, well, in fact, also due to the fact that we have retained the same production base, on the basis of which we can already improve and
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modernize , but to install modern equipment and move on and withstand competition in the market, if we had destroyed everything then, this would not have been the foundation, undoubtedly. you know, not just, let's say, uh, technical equipment it is important, not only new technologies, new materials, scientific schools are very important, moreover, competent personnel, and we must constantly improve this competence of our personnel, the president said globally that quality must be everywhere and in everything, from careful attitude to resources, to a responsible attitude towards what you yourself do. the president and the government have created the conditions so that we can do this today, with the quality of the products we produce. today we live in ideal conditions in terms of peace, tranquility, comfort of life and so on, so we have
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a seemingly small task, but we must complete it, that is, achieve quality in all areas. well, the head of state clearly outlined the task at the meeting, she. ambitious quote: to put quality control of goods and services produced, the quality of life of the country to a higher level, does this mean that approaches will somehow radically change? radically, it seems to me, we need to change our thinking, otherwise we should just move from the point in terms of improvement. as for the development of high-tech industries and import-substituting projects, do the accents remain the same? you can’t doze off at all, they talked about this at...
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yes, what we are used to in traditional markets, requirements in the form of standards, it is necessary to carry out a whole layer of work in order to adapt even some elements of the product specifically for this market, to find new components, because there were restrictions on the supply of components, when entire technologies had traditionally already been established, built on well-known brands of components and so on, but we succeeded, we succeeded , and you know why, because such energy emanates from the head of state, yes, which gives impetus and impetus to everything, the entire economy, it was very pleasant to feel this spirit, that we, you know, are united, yes , from the point of view of the set goals, yes, their achievements, all areas, that is
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, ministers were present, because the president set the task for us to achieve quality in everything, this is a very ambitious task, but quite. belarus has long ago formed image of a successor to the best soviet achievements , in fact, practice shows that our policy is far-sighted... but in this part it is very important to rely on history and those states that have
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progress in their development, of course, take the best from that past and transfer transforming it into new forms for the present, which will again find a continuation in the future, therefore discussing the issue of continuity from the point of view of some better traditions, traditions dedicated to improving quality. you can’t help but rely on the good things we have was, say, the example of belaz, the example of the tractor plant, in some countries, not only in the republic of belarus, this equipment has been preserved, which has been working for half a century, and this suggests that the product really not only was, it means it was worthy of this sign, it really deserved precisely these awards, and those approaches that were implemented or, say, were applied in those days in appropriating products.
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quality mark in the total output exceeded 90%. among those awarded in the bssr in different years were the belas mining dump truck, horizon tv, a forage harvester from gomselmash, electronic watches from the electronics factory, worsted fabrics and even our processed cheese and chocolate. but in the current period we endure this perception, but such a serious step is quite serious from the point of view of appropriation of products. quality mark what bonuses we have so many different quality competitions, why do we need another one? every competition
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that we have today in the field of quality includes the best products of the republic of belarus, so we are reviving the competition of the 100 best products of the republic of belarus in the market of the russian federation and government awards in the field of quality, they have the right to life, because you know, thanks to these competitions we find such enterprises, such products. from the outback, which no one knew before, and thanks to these competitions, they gain fame, markets appear, the opportunity to develop appears, that is, in essence, this is a casting to get into this competition, by and large , of course, because the makings that are inherent in these competitions, yes, they are the initial step to the final competition from the point of view of receiving a quality mark, and the head of state noted that...
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in european countries, pay money, you will come, you will receive a medal, these are also to some extent, you know, these are advertising, yes, these are advertising steps and so on, it’s probably also possible, so i ’m calm about this, that there are other competitions, each has its own purpose, you know, each has its own niche, only... the really best product or the best can apply for such a competition products, that is, money in envelopes will not help here, they will not help here,
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this will not work, because those products will be assessed by commission at two levels, and for compliance with the best world standards, who are these people, who will evaluate? we assume, and if it is adopted, then the presidential decree is a government decree in terms of the procedure for conducting this competition, it will be a regional commission with the involvement of specialists from both the state standard - the ministry of nature and environment, the state committee for science and technology, the ministry of industry, and of course, well, those who are directly in charge of these...
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well, thanks to the government, today we have a testing capability of a fairly high level across a wide range of tests. a striking example of this is that at the belarusian state institute , standardization has deployed a radio-beech test chamber, which, in principle, has no analogues in the post-soviet space, and we can test equipment up to 20 m. up to 20 tons, and you know what’s also interesting, 21 people came from the state committee of the winprom , came from the state committee for science and technology, we discussed the issue of conducting tests, including unmanned vehicles and so on, we found an understanding in terms of additional funding and staffing of this laboratory to expand all capabilities,
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and the guys came to me and said: you know what would happen it’s very cool that we have a... climate chamber in our country, into which you can drive any vehicle, it creates climatic conditions with running drums, that is, you can demonstrate a speed of 120 there is 90 km, icing, minus, rain and so on, this is an element of improving the quality of our products, because you know, quality , what else is such an element, we must clearly understand for each manufacturer what level your products are in comparison with competitors? he must evaluate this constantly, carry out work, in order to evaluate, you need to have a testing base, a completely new modern testing base, and understand in which market it can be used to the maximum, of course, here is the aeroclimatic one camera, we even worked on the railway, they are interested in when such a camera will appear in belarus, this is a question that, in
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principle, you know how it is at the stage, it is still complicated in the minds of our specialists, i think... go to the government, attracting interests of the railways, that is, it should also include railway access tracks, and this will be such a big breakthrough, and the second element was discussed with the president - this is the construction of a testing ground, the academy of sciences has an institute of mechanical engineering, which has been assigned the task in the twenty-fifth year is to complete the construction of a test site for testing our automotive equipment, other equipment, and so on, that is, our manufacturers will have a hard time confirming quality with a quality mark. yes, there are these scales at the top, on the one hand, of course, it will be very difficult, yes, but on the other hand you will know where you are, in the balance or you are, and if you look globally, you can still make money from exports services, obviously not everyone in the post-soviet space will have such a laboratory, they certainly will those who wanted to test the strength of their equipment noticed very subtly and aptly, because having built a radio-free chamber,
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today we have rostelmazh, today we have special equipment. comes from russia today, our twenty-meter articulated buses come there, we have chinese equipment being tested there, tractors are being tested, combine harvesters are being brought in from ruselmash. at the meeting, the president outlined what a product should be that claims to be a quality mark, a unique, impeccable product on international markets, and in addition this, will attention be paid to how the enterprise as a whole operates? what kind of social package is there, what are the economic indicators, how are taxes paid to the state treasury, will it be a general package, or is it only the quality of the product that is impartially assessed , do you think it is possible to produce competitive products when there are problems with the economy, when there are not enough personnel, well, it’s possible hire inexpensive labor and not
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pay them wages, relatively speaking, yes, but at the same time, what do we have? yes we will fuck, we talked about this, today that product , especially a technical product, mechanical engineering and so on, is not a product of the production of some plows, although plows today, listen, are colossally complex technical things, and this is the work of engineers, engineers should it will be simply impossible to manage this process from the point of view of, say, those mechanisms, which are equipment, which... technology and therefore without this, so from the point of view this question is answered, probably partially, of course, it intended for the production of one or another must be in a complex, and... look, one of the criteria that we voiced today, when receiving a mark or nomination for a quality mark, receiving a quality mark, is stable quality, how often will
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nominees get quality mark, how often will this competition be held, well , the competition is planned every year, which means the quality mark will be valid for 2 years, all these preferences that will be provided within 2 years, what preferences, i announced a number of such preferences that already existed in principle.
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the most important components of quality - reliability, safety, innovation, aesthetics and accessibility. the goods underwent state certification, and as a result , the undisputed winner received the right to mark their products with a high quality mark for a period of two to 3 years. any product from a children's toy to a large ocean-going vessel could apply for this title. it is noteworthy that gaz 66 became the first soviet car to be awarded the state quality mark. it went down. v the basis for the design of all the signs that were presented at the meeting with the head of state, in general there are many options, well , initially more than twenty options are being developed, but in reality five have reached the finish
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line, show me, well, in principle, of course, we see the traditional quality mark that was in soviet times, we tried it, so interpreting this option is enough, it seems to me that he repeats the slogan, continuity, yes, that we need to preserve the best that we had, yes, with some innovative ideas, we have belarus appears, and we rely on exactly the same fundamental things, and then there are, of course, these elements in subsequent such variants, well, one of them is with our ornament, well... our constant attribute is the stork, and a stork, you see, taking off, which also says that we are striving for the best, well, and somewhat,
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i would say, complicated, but watchable from the point of view of color, and a sign, well, in this format, you need to look at it in its entirety , evaluate, and i think that soon time we will see it, we will hear it, yes , what kind of sign will represent the quality mark of our state sign.
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do not directly correspond to the requirements that are laid down in the standards, and of course - they perform the main function, and this satisfies the needs of the consumer, because these are the requirements that we lay down in terms of quality characteristics, standards for the food industry, of course, they are based on - interests of consumers, and as is known, the standard is adopted by consensus in technical committees, they are competent people. and directly discuss each characteristic, each element of innovation, and inclusion in this standard, then the consensus
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accepts these requirements, and the result is the result. a fairly modern standard and the corresponding aspirations of consumers, this is the most important thing, of course, it’s always nice to talk about where we are succeeding, but in what product positions we may be a little short or very difficult to reach these international standards, where we need to strengthen, there are elements such as, say, where we need to concentrate on individual elements, including industry, and in order to attract the interest of industrialists we are today
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in the soviet union. they have become an instrument for barrier-free trade, ensuring the quality and safety of products within the eurasian economic union. the fund of these standards is kept up to date; the standards change to meet new technologies and market requirements. in the belarusian standardization system there are more than 5.00 state standards - these are our national developments. last year more than 500 of these have been approved. today , standards are being developed in the field of
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smart industry, including smart cities.
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in general, the agenda is extensive, but to summarize, the issue of quality is in any case at the forefront; for you, in the context of both new tasks and previous tasks, what is the number one issue? quality is everyone’s responsibility, if we perceive it in the format, as the head of state said, it will directly lead to the quality of the well-being of our lives, including
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patriotism, because... what if we to see improvement in everything, of course , patriotism will grow, including for our products and products that will be produced in our country, this is worth a lot, and we are taking such steps towards this, and of course, the overall economy will benefit from this only a plus, that’s why i’m happy that i live in this country, we really have tasks that contribute to improving the standard of living and i... am participating in this, there are already about 20 agreements.


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