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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:31pm MSK

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is no one waiting for you? you're a fool, uh-huh, i just don't know who to choose, and you organize a new year's tour to all addresses, fool, a man should have one woman, especially on a night like this, come on, come on.
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excuse me, but you don’t know why we stopped, there is no current, and why there is no current, so i want to ask you, why is there no current, do you happen to work at mosenergo? no,
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i don’t need to open the door for you, thank you. thank you, you too, volodya, hello, hello! but we have no current, no current,
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uh-huh, no current, but i have,
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music, dj, hello everyone, exactly in a minute a guest will come to you and answer all your questions. ruslan, why do you think the children chose you for the conversation? it seems to me that children are interested in learning something new about me, something they don’t know yet. let's see how you cope now, promise to be honest, i will try. then good luck, dear participants of the program, today our guest is the honored artist of the republic of belarus, ruslan alefno. let's meet.
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ruslan, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want you have the right to answer. we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer. you are ready? yes, i will try. then let 's begin. so who's ready to ask the question? hello, my name is yana, how did you come to music, where did it all start? this came at
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the age of 18. i will never forget this day, it was a competition. and with dignity, i realized that... it is this profession that i want to engage in in my life; it is this profession that i want to devote all of myself and my life. what professions did your parents see you in and what jobs did they work in? my parents saw me, i think, in the military profession, because my father is now retired, a military pensioner, and in fact, i followed his strict discipline. in the army, i served in the army for 4 years, and you know, i don’t regret it, and with regards to my mother, my mother worked at a factory in the city of bobruisk, at the shivyoy fur factory, but somewhere in the depths of her soul, i
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think , that at the beginning of my journey as an artist, i suspected that my parents still probably doubted it. did i go down that road? i think my father after all, my mother also saw me in such, well, in the security forces, i would say. hello, ruslan, if your father worked as a military man, and your mother was a seamstress, then who are you so musical in? my late grandmother sang in the choir, but she had no musical education, professional or...
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perhaps one of my nephews or children will continue this path. where did you learn to sing? it all started with those same competitions. at school, after school there was a motor transport college, competitions, after college there was a music school, after school there was a restaurant, of course there was an institute and a master’s degree, and i would say that even today i continue to improve, i continue to study, despite the fact that i am 42 years old, because by training i am an academic singer, i studied exactly this art in italy. such a famous world singer andre batcheli, so it seems
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to me that age does not matter, the desire that is in every person is exactly what helps to live, look into the future, improve, this seems to me the main thing, hello, ruslan , you are the only singer in to my family, if we are talking about profession, i am the only singer in the family, but if we are talking a little more broadly, i would say that i am not the only singer in the family, because i have a brother who is a professional designer and architect, he has a favorite hobby of making music , writing music, writing songs and lyrics, from this point of view i am not alone, but there is support in...
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it will not be as organic in my performance as in his, i would not compare, i'm really happy about it. success and he released five videos in a month, it’s probably happened for me in 5 years, i’m purposeful, that’s why it’s like this. ruslan, on your right, red sector. hello, ruslan, were you a good student at school, were you a nerd or a hooligan? still, i was probably such an average student, because i skipped classes and sometimes i didn’t. homework , despite the fact that discipline in our family was very strict, since my father was in the military, and
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i didn’t get straight a’s in my studies, i loved to play pranks, misbehave, for example, i’m now coming back in my mind, there’s the eighty-seventh year and first grade, and if i were asking a question right now, right in front of you, if i was an a student and was a nerd, who would i be now? was i in front of you on this chair? i doubt. you were born in belarus, but live in russia, which country do you consider yourself to be an artist from? all these years i have considered, continue to consider, and will continue to consider myself a belarusian artist. i'm perceived this way by ruslan alekhno, a belarusian artist, and i 'm actually proud of it, i don't...
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the feeling inside me grew and developed inside me as i grew up, you know, patriotism is not only respect for one’s country, for history, culture, but in difficult times, to stand up for it, to do honest work and conscientiously in one’s place, for me , patriotic people are... you know, those who, for example, it turns disadvantages into advantages
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, problems into opportunities, that is, we need real people, with real actions, even within the boundaries of the country, it is very important that you see this, and have you ever suffered from star fever, you know , and as for star fever, it’s generally, you know, it’s so different look... at the world, that's what i think, yes , that is, why, if you have a famous face, there or you are recognizable in some way, why do you think that... with a snap of a finger you owe everything like would give everything, yes, because this is also a dangerous story, this is a game with a final loss, because there is a world around you, all these feelings can stop you from developing, and most importantly,
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you can lose yourself, but what does it mean losing yourself? lose your conscience. therefore , to such stereotypes as star fever, i so to speak, despite the fact that i am in this profession, which implies all the benefits, i am very careful, thank you for the answer, thank you, further, the red sector to your left, hello ruslan, my name is diana, i have a question for you, here in life are you different on stage?
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he is for this stage, in life, i am a simple person, like you, i have the right to cry, i am a sentimental person, i have the right to fool around, you know, yes, and i, that is , live a simple, ordinary, full, normal life, that is, i do what i don't i do it on stage, so if i answer your question, an excellent question, i would say this, yes, in life, on stage, i am different. why are you called a master of disguise? it flatters me, i won’t hide it. i think this is why you started calling me that, as i understand it, after 2015, when i took part in a project in one transformation show, over two seasons i made 36 images of completely different
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artists, including women images one of the images is the image of andriy miron. so, to achieve the eye color that i was with andrei mironov, they used two colors of lenses for me, blue-green and blue-green, that is, my eyes are brown, to hide my color, so i go to the mirror before the broadcast, and i look at myself, but i usually see myself, i saw andrei mironov, i felt scared, you know, i even turned around, i even felt uneasy. and besides, everything that i learned on the reincarnation project, i didn’t study it specifically somewhere, i still had it from childhood, because as a child i remember very well how i parodied my teachers in schools, i won’t forget when i threw a block and it flew, thank god, it flew,
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when i went to the blackboard for physics lessons i said: you know ohm’s law, if you don’t know, stay at home, and i said this in the voice of a physics teacher, but these were such, you know, point- like elements. ruslan, give us a gift, transform yourself now into one of your favorite images, one of the thirty-six, traveling around the world, like a bird, you overcome. sincerely once, sometimes, as they say, i wanted to forget myself and fall asleep, give me a ship, bravo, applause, answer please answer the question, did you participate in the voice show several years ago? you went on
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stage, but none of the mentors turned to you. please tell me, did this bother you? i’ll tell myself sincerely, no, i ’ll explain, it all started with a proposal, they went to the voice project on the leading tv channel in russia in order to slightly change the situation in a political sense with the tv channel. there is such a story, when an artist who appeared on some well-known channel in russia finds it problematic to appear on another channel, we submit an application, but initially. you have some experience behind you, including competitions, shows, and so on, for what? this is precisely why it is possible, and i
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know, i hesitated before blind auditions, each of the participants in the show is offered a contract by the voice, where the entire repertoire that you have is written in black and white for a certain number of years. it belongs to this company, and this company has the right to dispose of copyright, this is the first, second, coming to mosfilm, blind auditions at 12 noon with my daughter, with my wife, with my niece, and staying there until 9 pm, until started ten.
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our soul begins to condemn , be indignant, and also be offended, but this is not the soul , this is a delusion, this is a person’s pride, because by his nature, without any marks in his heart, a person places himself at the center of the world, around which the orbit revolves, in which there are people, and he there is the main one, but christian... who should be in the center, so resentment is a very bad quality of a person, which destroys
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a person from the inside, which destroys us as a person, something you could never forgive, well, for example, a loved one, as it is written in the gospel: if you forgive and forgive people for their sins , then the heavenly father... will forgive you, that’s it, that says it all, you need to be able to forgive, thank you, red sector, what do you like more, being a contestant in a vocal show or still a member of the jury, what is more difficult for you? you know, for a certain period of time when i took part in competitions and was a competitor, it was necessary for some reason, to gain experience, to strengthen character. internal so that you can pull yourself together in a difficult moment, focus, yes, do
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everything as much as possible when you are given one chance, go on this stage, so that when you leave this stage, you do not regret anything, it is much more difficult to be a jury, and this is not even in the plan there is physical labor, in terms of moral state, yes. that is, did you evaluate the person in this way, did you give him the right assessment, did you choose the right words? therefore, for me it is more difficult in this period of time, i am in this period of time, i am a participant in the third season of the buy factor, a mentor, much harder than being a contestant. please tell me, how do you feel about the new generation of artists? you know, i’m delighted and i’m glad that such a generation of artists is growing in our country, not just a generation of artists who sing, but who handle
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the current of the culture of our country, who take this music, perform it, and it inspires admiration and respect , therefore, the generation that is growing up and coming to the bai factor, academician, future minister, each of you has talents.
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yana loves immeasurably what is timid and timid that which is to be loved. you don't know how to cook it. all ingredients, if they are present in a particular kitchen, have their own cooking technology. a real artist needs to be in good shape, to be constantly in sight, to be in shape, to improve oneself, to grow.
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every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and subscribers on social networks, we offer to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24:7, a project that everyone should see.
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watch us every friday. on the belarus24 tv channel. hello, my name is nikolay, do you think it’s better to create music that you or others will like more? it’s better to create music, in my case, that others like and that resonates in their hearts, rather than for yourself. therefore, here, after all, for me, you know , the viewer has always been an indicator.
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carefully, what consequences may be for you , you need to think very carefully before committing others, performing this or that act on you, so for me this is very important. a burning question, i would say, that i think about constantly. what is more important to you: audience recognition or the financial side? without the audience's recognition, nothing will happen. what could be the financial side, if the viewer does not buy tickets to your concerts, where can it come from? therefore, of course, recognition to the viewer is only for the viewer, despite everything. hello, my name is ksyusha, i have
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the following question. on which famous people or great artists do you look up to? in my life, thank god, i had the opportunity to communicate with the now deceased great kobzon, what i learned from him, because there is such a well-known story, you cannot create an idol for yourself, but in what qualities did i try to be like him, the first is punctuality. i was amazed when , in 2012, at the treglevsky palace for a rehearsal in honor of victory day, having arrived at the rehearsal, i saw an obzon in the hall, who was sitting waiting for the time of his rehearsal, that is, he did not arrive there late, but he was sitting in the hall, and it struck me, the people's artist of the soviet
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union was sitting. in the hall and is waiting for its rehearsal , which can, in principle, come to the stage , rehearse and leave, that is , there is so much to do, a million things to do, plus the second point, in the shoes that you wear on stage, you should never go out on stage street, this is the second one, now i just crossed out the whole stereotype, because he never sat on a chair in concert trousers, just like i did, i did it for the first time, today in front of you, these are these three moments that.. .i learned from him, plus besides, he supported me, so i'm glad that i had the opportunity to communicate and be friends with him, and i appreciate it, and i cherish it. what question would you like to ask your idol at the moment, if you could meet with him in person?
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talk? interesting question, i never thought about this, firstly i don’t have an idol, and secondly, if i had the opportunity to return. after all, this is his phrase: i came, i saw, i conquered, the purple sector, you would have to turn around if you were offered to teleport to any point on earth and to perform where you would go, that’s why i love children, for questions like these, and so sincere? so naive in some ways, i would now return to fyodor chaliapin’s stage and perform with him, this is a real story, i would really like to, we were riding in a troika with bells,
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probably he would allow me to sing this song, you know who such fedorny, come by after the shooting. come to me, i'll tell you. you have a song called i'm sorry, i'm sorry. do you often apologize in real life? every day, every day. a simple example. here, for example, moscow traffic jams, you can probably imagine what it is. the driving culture there is unique, but at the same time , road users treat each other with respect. if someone suddenly... he whines, oh, what, and then i say, it’s your fault, if you can, forgive me, that is, it shows up everywhere, when was the last time you apologized
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, what was the situation, yesterday, in my opinion, if i’m not mistaken, at home in front of my daughter , she says, let's go assemble it, she says, lego designer, please, i say, daughter, you see, i say, i’m busy, give me 5 minutes, half an hour passes, you wanted to forget? i am very glad that we will be modern, i have the following question for you: what would you like young people to know about in your work and this is pleasant, what i would like to forget: every period of my life, every action, possibly
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wrong, i would like leave it in yourself to write this down in your draft of life, and i ’m unlikely, answering your question now, of anything, years, probably you, everyone, had such a situation when you caught yourself thinking that this is exactly what what do i want to do - in life, what followed
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, what followed was study, study, study, knowledge, each of you has a talent, must be so unique in your field that you can instantly bring your actions to automatism. but experience is also needed, but at the beginning of the path, any path, yes, a creative path, when the choice becomes between money and experience, it is better to choose the second, and the first one... will come, so you need to love your business, take care of it, value it. next question, the black sector. ruslan, does handra attack you, how do you fight it? not at all. i generally drive her away, you see, i don’t allow this chondro to the door of my house, to the door of my soul. “the doors are closed for her, i wish
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for you too, okay, as soon as she knocked on your door, you turn around and leave, agreed, thank you, thank you , hello ruslan, do you have any fears, i’m afraid , you know what, who in general, snake, can you imagine, well, speaking seriously, i have a fear of losing people close to me, one that i try not to think about, but sometimes i have to think about think about it, so of course there is, and also you, as an artist, have probably encountered the fear of going on stage, maybe you have some other life hacks that you use and could you share with them, well, what what about life hacks? there may be a stage before going on stage, look, that is, like
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any creative person, creative profession, there is excitement before going on stage, as soon as you go on stage, everything disappears somewhere, disappears, and there have been cases, i’ll tell you, such happened to me personally, when i didn’t feel very good in terms of health, i had a high temperature, and i needed... to go on stage, understand and sing, and you know, at that moment something happens, everything disappears somewhere, somehow dissolves, and you understand that it is that this is some kind of miracle, yes, that is, this presence of excitement helps a person to be more attentive and to what he does, more collected, and this is a good trait. after all, each of you, probably, when you write
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some tests or take some tests, you worry, you must agree, you but this is also there, this is what helps you to gather yourself, to remember, some resources of the body are activated that you may never have known, they help you to be in good, so to speak, sense of the word, in shape. ruslan, to your left, purple sector. if you had the opportunity to create a music program for high school students, what pieces would it consist of? well guys, let’s imagine now i ’m your teacher, let’s imagine for a second, i ’m your teacher, yes, calm down, i’m not a strict teacher, i’m a very strict teacher, that means what would we start with, i think that we would start with songs from the musical works of your childhood, do you all have some favorite childhood songs? yes, let them run clumsily, for example, there are pedestrians through
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puddles, or the circle of the sun, the sky around and so on, then we would smoothly rebuild modern history, modern music, namely, i would ask you to make a list for each of you favorite artists and songs, and would just take it and read it, but these are five names, five surnames, five of the best tracks, and the third point, we wouldn’t... where did they move away from the classics, whether you know andrei mironov or not, you would have to find out about him, even like fyodor chaliapine, as well as effania yaronevskaya, and thus you and i would move, move, move where we came, came to the culture of belarus on our side, to our language, to compositions , to poets, to composers, teams, groups, that’s something like this i would... i would give you a lesson on creative skills, and how do you
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feel about the music of our generation ? you know, in the music of your generation there is probably a certain response that this music has in your hearts, and thanks to you it exists, this music, any music, yes , it is timeless, it is music, but there is music that is temporary, that is, for a certain amount of time, so you will grow up , i am sure that it is unlikely... you will listen to the music that you listen to now, i am convinced of this, but there is music that does not exist in time, it is like expensive wine, every year ours becomes more expensive, tastier, such works are classic . some literary, yes, that is, therefore in your time in such an interesting, modern , the music that you listen to, the music that you like, probably it should sound, it should sound, let's check
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how well you know the music of the modern young generation, what i suggest you do, who is ready to sing your favorite song? and ruslan’s task is very simple, you guess what kind of song it sounds, or the title, or at least the artist, let’s try who ’s ready to drink, the flakes are flying up, there’s magic light everywhere, are you the only one here, hello, let’s go to the parade of planets, i i'll give you a warm balloon, there in space is cold, and we meet the dawn, wrapped in the clouds, how old are you, 16, 16 years old, come to factor bye, thank you for, i don’t know this composition, i won’t sit and guess now, i just want to give you
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a compliment, because that you sing beautifully, but i’m still very interested, what is this song, who is it, who is it, i don’t know, i don’t know, feduk’s cereal, how could i not guess, guys, who’s ready to give a test for ruslan alekhno, i am a queen, a queen, just one look and the cold of the world is shameful, he can no longer help you dissolve, you just sang the song asti , i guessed astiritsya, but we only have one for now, under me is m5 asphalt 8, she has... very beautiful, firstly, all the children are beautiful, that’s the first thing, secondly, very talented, brave, ambitious, this is a super generation,
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cool guys, i'm proud of you.
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yana is immeasurably loving that which is timid and timid that is loving.
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you have many songs dedicated to love. love is the main thing in life, it is the most mysterious feeling in life, that feeling that inspires, that feeling. which gives strength that feeling without which you cannot live, that
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feeling for which we live, this amazing feeling, it is present in my life, in every cell of my body, in what i do, in what i see, in what i i feel, and if the love is unrequited, what should i do, give me advice , honey: send him away, if it is unrequited, then questions from the black sector, hello, my name is milena, they say that it is impossible to forget your first love, but you forgot your first love who it was and how it happened, well how it happened, i tell you i’ll tell you, of course, who it was, it was the daughter of my class teacher at school, i was in her... i was fighting in the pencil case on the erasers , tanya plus ruslan also quickly closed the pencil case
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, left, looked at all back then, at that time , you can imagine how it is now of course, i would come over tanya flowers, who wrote, maybe she erased this eraser altogether, i didn’t see this inscription, you understand, that’s what love was like, by the way, there was no answer. there was unrequited love, now i’m 14 years old, and i would like to hear from you, how is love at 14 different from love at 42? formula of love no one knows, not even me, but the fact that love exists for 14 years and 42 is bravo, it’s wonderful, after all, 42 love is more like that, it seems to me, love with experience, love with such... with feeling parting, suffering , some kind of loss, yes, that is , some kind of story is still filled, at 14 - it is such a
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purer love, more so naive, childish, and so angelic, yes, that is, like some kind this is such a pure grail, yes, that is, such an untouched, that is, this wonderful feeling, because if god is love, if there is love, it means the lord is present, and this is wonderful. to your right, purple sector. hello, my name is lisa, please tell me, is it true that your parents got married 4 days after they met? true, my parents got married after 4 days , you know, how this is a good example, yes, but, but not for me, that i actually got married after 7 years in my first marriage, in my second marriage i got married after 2 years, so i... i haven’t yet broken my parents’ record so that i can get married in 3 days, god forbid, god forbid. marrying for the third time, as you
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and your wife did, but in different ways, it was different for me and my wife, i waited for 7 years for me to propose, then they took me by the throat and i did it, and in the second marriage, i also waited for something for 2 years, but then i did the same. “hello ruslan, my name is masha , i have a few questions for you, how did you feel when you first found out that you became a dad, and did your worldview change somehow, this is an amazing question, firstly, i was really looking forward to my daughter, i i wanted a child, i wanted children in principle, but i dreamed that i had a daughter, i, of course, counted the days, weeks." in anticipation of this day, when my daughter was born and of course, when you know, they brought her to me, and i was present in the peoples, i was not present
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in the peoples where my wife was, so i don’t think it’s necessary, and i took this little lump in my arms, and i felt that i had a second wing, because people, each person has two wings. one wing, only together people can fly higher than the skies, only together people who truly love each other can shelter each other from the scorching the sun with the wings of a loved one, when my daughter was born, it was almost the same with me, this is something that cannot be told and something that cannot be described in simple human words. i don’t have enough words for you, how many emotions, joy and this
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insanity of love i felt at that moment, what did you name your daughter? because she has been studying music professionally since she was 3 years old, she has been studying vocals, choreography, acting, stage speech and drawing at the domisolka theater since she was 3 years old. she went to study at the schubert school, a piano class, she plays notes
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now, but i think... that’s generally why i think that a child, in principle, should be busy, especially in the world in which we live today , and music is one of the components , i see my daughter’s talent, i couldn’t pass by, and i couldn’t resist giving her to this kind of theater like misolka, where she develops beautifully successfully, performs at some venues, well, at some... then, listen, i’ve already spoken in the kremlin twice. in the coming days with me we will also perform in the cream, but choice, choice, choice, when this day comes, she will make it herself, i am convinced that this will only help her, but i am like a kind dad, at the same time strict, but after all, kind, kind, strict, kind, that is, strictly
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there, somewhere, two kind dads squeezed everything. for a fundamental profession, but still for a fundamental one, but again, the choice will be made by her, just as the choice was once made by me, and my parents did not interfere with this choice, for which i still have an opportunity to thank them. hello, my name is anna, i have a question for you. the fact is that before starting this program , i read on the internet that... you received the title of honored artist of belarus in 2021, although you have been performing on stage for decades, please tell me, are awards calling important to you? i believe that awards and recognition should be given during life, regardless of profession, because what
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is an award? the reward is... recognition of your work by the people, and this is, probably this is a confirmation that once 20 years ago i won people 's artist, thanks to the viewer, all these years, what i do is not indifferent, that is , someone needs it, the viewer, people, listeners, what generations need it -that, and for me it is very important, very important. i believe that this gives motivation, it gives strength for new achievements, for new actions, it opens up new horizons for you, plus, no one has canceled the status, after all, going on stage with the title of honored artist of the republic of belarus, this cannot be just nice this is the result of your many years of work.
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and parents, people, and the country in the person of the president, you, the future generation, who may listen to my songs, who also knows, these are my songs, i know, therefore for every artist, this is a very important component of her creativity, according to you by answering earlier, i understood that you are a believer, what religious holidays do you celebrate? family, well, let’s do this: i feel that you are a believer, yes, so i won’t directly name all the religious holidays, but the most significant for a christian and for a believer, it is always celebrated by me and my family, many fasts
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and many other religious laws of god are observed, because in principle... one must live according to the laws of god, again, regardless of social status, regardless of religion, regardless of denominations. we must not forget about this, not lose our essence, it is important that our generation, so young, beautiful, also spiritual , a spiritual core, there is, there is a component, bravo, next, the red sector, to your left, the new year is coming , you have some wishes for the new year, of course, i always dream of some wishes for such and such to happen next year... events in my life, i love this holiday, i love this holiday even more than my birthday, and i don’t reveal my dreams and secrets, i want
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it to happen at 12 o’clock, when the chimes will ring after the president’s speech, and so that at 12:05 it will already come true, and do you believe that miracles can happen in the new year will your cherished dreams come true? imagine, i still, i still firmly believe in this, and i i like it because it makes us a little more like children, takes us back to childhood, a time that, unfortunately, cannot be returned to each of us, hello, ruslan, my name is sofia, we can ask you to perform your song for us, seriously, which one? extraordinary, let's get straight to it, extraordinary, affectionate, tender as the ocean
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, boundless, your love, extraordinary, sweet, priceless, you are the whole universe, my extraordinary, unusual, ruslan, this signal means that the time for questions to the hero has expired, now you have to choose the best one question of this program, i would focus on the question about the homeland. i express my gratitude to each of you, but the rules are the rules, and i would like to thank you now, first of all, for this question, to give you my new
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album, which is called, and we will be happy, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special a gift, but first let's get to know each other, please introduce yourself, where do you study, what grade are you in, my name is eva, i study at school 119 in the seventh b grade. i'll ask the author the best question is to go to ruslan now. ruslan, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. if you could swim without holding your breath or fly, what would you choose? i would like to fly because i like it.


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