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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 9, 2024 9:50am-10:01am MSK

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thanks to that very agenda, a black woman occupies a position in which they are accustomed to seeing a white man, but race, like gender, will not save you from incompetence and the laws of democracy, if you go against the american system, that is, if you did not support israel in the murder of palestinians, get out. thus, claudine gay headed harvard for only six months, which is an anti-record for the entire 387 years of the university’s existence. but much more important is another fact, forced. gay's bet seriously damaged the reputation of not only harvard, but the entire ivy league. this is what the united states calls the unification the most prestigious universities. against the background of such scandals, in addition to political repression, a financial instrument is also included. sponsors are noticeably cooling their support for what they consider toxic stories. simply put, only the most ardent haters of palestine and hamas receive grants. wexner, after whom one of the buildings at the harvard school of government is named. kennedy said
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in an email to the university's board of governors that his foundation was officially ending its financial and programmatic ties due to dismal performance. failure to take a clear and unequivocal position against the barbaric killings of israeli citizens. israeli billionaire eden offer, who also has one of the kennedy school buildings named after him, told cnn that he is resigning from the executive board due to a lack of clear evidence of support for the people of israel from the university's leadership. coupled with their apparent reluctance to recognize hamas as the terrorist organization that it is. if in 2022 sponsors became generous by $60 billion, then in the twenty-third a quarter less. analysts believe that the situation will not change this year; american education will continue to lose money from students, especially given the white house’s unfavorable assessment of what is happening in the world. students see that, firstly, universities no longer... no longer meet
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the standards that society now requires, the education system was created in the thirties of the last century, it is very skeletal, it cannot correspond to the spirit of the times, this is , firstly, well, secondly, so to speak, this temple of science, where freedom has always reigned thinking, has now turned into such a narrow cell of obscurantism, so of course - students are not very, applicants are not very reproachful with the desire to get into a huge debt to go to university, where for their own money they will be implanted with ideas that they do not share; they will shut their mouths at the slightest, the slightest disagreement with the official line. however, kladin gay is not the first person to be thrown out of office for her wayward views. december 14... 2023
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the university of pennsylvania lost its rector, more than seventy deputies demanded immediately removing a manager for tolerating anti-semitism is essentially the same story. the founder and ceo of one of the largest hedge funds, stone rich assets management, ross stevens, sent a letter to the leadership of the university of pennsylvania notifying him of the cancellation of a promised donation of $100 million. hearings are listed as the reason for cancellation. in congress, during which the rector of the university, lis meggel , refused to unequivocally condemn calls for the persecution and genocide of jews heard on the university campus, saying that everything depends from the context. but not all of this came under scrutiny at the same congressional hearing, the rector of the massachusetts institute of technology, one of the world's leading scientific research institutions. protests in support of palestine were also held there. there are a thousand reasons why the contract with this...
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is still the rector, but european competitors continue to bury the notorious ivy league with undisguised pleasure. it's true that too many harvard students get there because of their family roots, athletic achievements, or generous gifts. donations from some relative, and some ethnic minority students got into the university because of the positive discrimination policy, but most of the students went there because they were brilliant, incredibly smart, talented... scholars who
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were truly the best, regardless of of its origin. however, since then harvard has become completely different. what were once only hidden undercurrents, nepotism and arrogance. as well as the desire to restore social justice through double standards, has acquired a dominant ideological determining character. let's return to the ex-president of harvard. apart from the obvious political implications. she was also accused of plagiarism, which she allegedly actively used in her harvard dissertation and other scientific works written over the past decades. moreover, after receiving attacks from professor. gay began correcting articles from 2001-2007, putting previously stolen parts of the text in quotation marks and noting that they were quotes stolen they also considered the work of a gay person, whether there is a right to one’s own housing, in which the professor discussed the topic of fair distribution of housing for the low-income. borrowing on the sly, stealing
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someone else’s, or simply making it up is not such a rare practice even for the largest american luminaries. last year , the head of stanford had to resign in disgrace. it turned out that the president. his team of researchers simply made up the data in their papers. an independent commission found errors of distortion in scientific works in the field of neurobiology, author and co-author of whom was marc tessier lavaigne. he and his team manipulated statistics from experiments on alzheimer's patients. five of the twelve papers contained obvious distortions. it is noteworthy that it was pervoka who initially discovered errors in the works of president stanford. these works, in particular, formed the basis for research into new approaches to treating alzheimer's disease, although it soon became clear that their results could not be reproduced. three of the scientist’s articles will be retracted, and corrections will be made to the other two. don't be surprised what graduates of popular universities are engaged,
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again stanford and elizabeth holmes. after receiving her diploma in 2003, she will open her own company, the value of which in 11 years will exceed $10 billion. start launched an extremely innovative invention , disson devices for blood testing directly at home, just one drop is enough and in a couple of minutes the user has all the information; according to holmes, her gadget could even predict the risk of developing cancer and other serious diseases. time magazine named the modest blonde one of the most influential in 2013 women of the world, and holmes will even gain the status of steve jobs in a skirt. then it turns out that...
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artificial organs that any organism will accept, but the scientific community will pay attention to the illustrations in the article, and they had little in common with the text. moreover, scientists who worked on abakata's algorithm failed. already in the spring , the researcher admits to falsifying some data, but will insist that stem cells were obtained using her method more than 200 times. she will be asked to repeat the experiment. laboratories under round-the-clock observation, the unfortunate scientist tried almost 50 times to repeat the high-profile result she described, but to no avail. she will be fired from the institute, the article from the journal will be retracted, one of the authors of the work of the leading laboratory where sensational experiments were carried out
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will commit suicide. corruption is another scourge of elite universities. for a bribe you can become a student at even the most prestigious american university. in 2019 , the largest corruption scheme for admission to elite universities, including el and stanford, was exposed in the united states. it turned out that the stars in hollywood, successful businessmen and managers paid intermediaries from 15 to 75 thousand dollars to ensure that their children successfully passed exam tests. us federal prosecutors have accused about 50 people from six us states of taking $25 million in bribes to help the children of wealthy parents. into the country's elite universities, the group rigged results, attributed non-existent achievements to applicants, and arranged for other people to take entrance exams, among the educational institutions that opened their doors students of the protégé of the criminal group, yelsky, george town, stanford universities,
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the university of california and others. this is the largest college admissions crime case in us history. fake grades, fake photos and fake achievements. the criminal scheme almost worked. 10 years. the us attorney's office called it a national conspiracy and reported fifty arrests. the handcuffs snapped not only to parents, but also to the organizers of exams and standardized tests, which. applicants passed. in a fraudulent experienced teachers also participated in the scheme; they corrected the mistakes of applicants in the entrance exams; sports coaches, who, in exchange for bribes, ascribed non-existent achievements to boys and girls, which gave benefits for admission. we believe that all of them, parents, coaches, university employees, lied and deceived to cover up their crimes. and hardworking students, honest taxpayers, suffered. fraud has already been called the most. in the large american education system, all the laurels here go to fifty-eight-year-old william.


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