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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 9, 2024 6:35pm-7:00pm MSK

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these are wide design possibilities, we are the only company on the eu market that carries out the deepest processing of raw materials, we produce resins from gondrid, we produce resins, of course, pigmented varnishes and paints. about belarusian organizations about the people who work there in the quality mark project. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. we are getting acquainted with the original belarusian traditions, i haven’t hit you yet, it’s scary, you’re not afraid, i’m scared, hitting, of course, hurts. tell me,
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what could a woman do in such an outfit? probably, to control the work of the servants, the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions. well, guys, how did i fit into your team, take it? yes, i’m really thinking about buying a jacuzzi, i’ll add milk and honey to it every evening and feel like cleopatra, the route project has been built, watch it on the tv channel. belarus 24 i have strength , this is an understandable policy, hello, civilized european countries distinguished themselves already in the first days of the new year, with riots , hundreds of people detained in fights and arson of cars, it seems the american one is on fire education system. at the beginning of 2024
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, another serious blow was dealt to false impeccability. in january, harvard said goodbye to its president, or rather cladine gay was forced to resign. we will tell you about the reasons below, but this is not the first case and apparently not the last. why scandals, repression and corruption become the hallmark of even the most prestigious american universities. we only have the facts, you can draw your conclusions.
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cladine gay became the thirtieth president of harvard in history; she took up this post only on july 1 of last year. election to office president of one of the most prestigious ivy league universities, gay was an important victory for so-called tolerance activists. the trigger was
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the december meeting in congress, and during gay’s testimony, when asked whether anti-semitic calls by students contradict the harvard charter, she simply remained silent, for which she was immediately subjected to serious obstruction. we are talking about the outbreak of protests against the backdrop of the arab-israeli conflict, the confrontation at harvard is obvious, not everyone supports washington’s actions. student associations came under attack for a signed open letter claiming that israel was solely responsible for the war. the authors noted that millions of palestinians in the gaza strip are forced to live in open-air prisons and called on harvard to take action to stop the ongoing destruction of palestinians. the names were not indicated in the document, but the organization ecuracy in media began leaking student data onto the internet. accusing them of anti-semitism. as
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a result, all students with wrong views have a wolf ticket, because aging one of stanford's graduates created a list of terrorists in the college. useful. the guide for employers, of course, did not go without consequences for harvard on all fronts. the most prestigious american university finds itself at the epicenter of the culture wars surrounding israel. the number of applications from applicants for 2024 immediately fell by 17%. the reason for this is the politicization of education and the struggle within the liberal camp over the war in gas. at the same time , a scandal broke out around harvard about racial discrimination of applicants. in court it turned out that the asian applicant has. 25% chance of getting into harvard, white 35, hispanic 75, and black 95%. the supreme court considered this a violation of the constitution. not only is political segregation inherent in american universities today; only in june of last year, the us supreme court declared illegal the use
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of race criteria in the selection of applicants, but in reality, everything is still not entirely different, in the field of higher education, and in many other areas, in the field . in the field of military service, in the field of medicine, in the field, including including, therefore, law enforcement agencies and the army, this is a huge problem. asian students have been trying to achieve excellent discrimination for the last 10 years, but it hasn’t worked out particularly well. in response to pressure from the court, harvard promised to work on diversity in the selection of applicants. but they added the following in the statement. harvard believes that in order to improve the quality of education in one form or another, it may consider race in admissions by asking students the following questions: how has your race affected your life or do you believe that does your race define you as a person? journalists note that for a long time
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the president of harvard managed to get away with scandals thanks to that very agenda: a black woman occupies a position in which they are accustomed to seeing a white man, but race, like gender, will not save him from... you are going against the american system, that is, you did not support israel is in the murder of palestinians, get out. thus, clauden gay headed harvard for only six months. this is an anti-record for all 387 years of the university’s existence. but much more important another fact: gay’s forced bet seriously hit the reputation of not only harvard, but the entire ivy league. this is what the united states calls the association of the most prestigious. against the background of such scandals, in addition to political repression , a financial instrument is also included. sponsors are noticeably cooling their support for what they consider toxic stories. simply put, only the most ardent haters of palestine and hamas receive grants. wexner, for whom one of
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the buildings at harvard's kennedy school of government is named, said in email addressed to the university's supervisory board that his foundation was officially ceasing its financial and programmatic activities. relations due to the dismal failure to take a clear and unequivocal position against the barbaric killings of israeli citizens. israeli billionaire eden offer, who also has one of the kennedy school buildings named after him, told cnn that he is resigning from the executive board due to a lack of clear evidence of support for the people of israel from the university's leadership, coupled with their apparent unwillingness to acknowledge hamas is the terrorist organization that it is. if in 2022.
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to the university, where for their own money they will be implanted with ideas that they do not share, they will shut their mouths at the slightest, at the slightest disagreement with the official line. however, kladin gay is not the first person to be thrown out
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of office for her wayward views. on december 14, 2023 , the university of pennsylvania lost its rector. more than seventy deputies demanded the immediate removal of the leader. for tolerance of anti-semitism, essentially the same story, the founder and ceo of one of the largest hedge funds. university of pennsylvania letter notifying the cancellation of a pledged $100 million donation. the reason for the cancellation was a congressional hearing during which university president lis meggel refused to unequivocally condemn calls for persecution and genocide of jews on the university campus, saying that everything depends on the context. but not all of this was discussed at the same congressional hearing by the rector of the massachusetts institute of technology, one of the world's leading scientific institutions. according to the following there also there were protests in support of palestine, there are a thousand reasons why the contract with this
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scientist will be trampled, and his and her subsequent employment will most likely be simply impossible, because such a scientist will be made toxic and not a single university will want to accept him, again for those reasons that you can lose subsidies, lose grants. will lose funding, lose favor from the department of education. at the time of recording the program, the rector still remains the rector, but the european ivy league is burying competitors continue with undisguised pleasure. it's true that too many harvard students got there because of family roots, athletic achievements , or a generous donation from a relative. and some ethnic minority students did enroll. to this university because of its affirmative action policy, but most of the students there were there because of their
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brilliance, incredibly smart, talented scholars who were truly the best, regardless of their background. however, with since then, harvard has become completely different: what was previously only hidden undercurrents, intellectuality and arrogance, as well as the desire to restore social justice through double standards, acquired a dominant, ideological defining character. let's return to the ex-president of harvard. in addition to the obvious political overtones, she was also accused of plagiarism, which she allegedly actively used in her harvard dissertation and other scientific works written over the past decades. moreover, after having received attacks from professors, gay began to correct articles for 2001-2007, putting previously stolen parts of the text in quotation marks , noting that these are quotes. they also counted the stolen work and whether gay people have a right to their own housing, in which the professor discussed the topic
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of fair distribution of housing for the low-income. borrowing on the sly, stealing someone else’s, or simply making it up is not such a rare practice even for the largest american luminaries. last year , the head of stanford had to resign in disgrace. it turned out that the president university, its team of researchers, simply made up data in their papers. an independent commission found errors of distortion in scientific research. works in the field of neurobiology, the author and co-author of which was marc tevigne. he and his team manipulated statistics from experiments on alzheimer's patients. five of the twelve papers contained obvious distortions. it is noteworthy that the errors in the works of the stanford president were initially discovered by a freshman. these works, in particular, formed the basis for research into new approaches to treating alzheimer's disease, although it soon became clear that... tatas cannot be reproduced. three of the scientist’s articles will be retracted,
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and corrections will be made to the other two. you shouldn’t be surprised what graduates of popular universities, stanford and elizabeth holmes again, are doing. after receiving her diploma in 2003, she will open her own company, the value of which in 11 years will exceed $10 billion. start plugged extreme innovative inventions. disson devices for blood testing directly at home. enough. one drop and after a couple of minutes the user has all the information; according to holmes, her gadget could even predict the risk of developing cancer and other serious diseases. in 2013 , time magazine named the modest blonde one of the most influential women in the world, and holmes even gained the status of steve jobs in a skirt. then it turns out that the high-profile startup is just a dummy, and holmes is a banal liar. over all the years of operation, the company, contrary to its promises, has never been able to do so. in november 2022, the san jose federal court
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sentenced the fraudster to eleven years in prison. in fake success stories harvard is also close behind. his employee haruka abakata published a sensational article in january 2014, where she claimed that she had found a way to create artificial organs that any organism would accept. however, the scientific community will pay attention to the illustrations in the article. and they had little in common with the text. moreover, scientists who worked on abakata's algorithm failed. already in the spring, the researcher admits to the fake.
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where sensational experiments were carried out, will commit suicide. corruption is another scourge elite universities, for a bribe you can become a student at even the most prestigious american university. in 2019, the united states exposed the largest corruption scheme for admission to elite universities, including el and stanford. it turned out that hollywood stars, businessmen and successful managers paid intermediaries from 15 to 75 thousand dollars for their children to successfully pass exam tests. us federal prosecutor's office. accused about 50 people from six us states of taking $25 million in bribes to help children wealthy parents to enroll in the country's elite universities, the group rigged results, attributed non-existent achievements to applicants, and arranged for other people to take entrance exams. among the educational institutions that have opened their doors to students of the protégé of the criminal group are yale,
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georgetown, stanford universities, the university of california and others. this is the largest college admissions crime case in history... in the united states. fake grades, fake photos and fake achievements. criminal scheme operated for almost 10 years. the us attorney's office called it a national conspiracy and reported fifty arrests. the handcuffs snapped not only to parents, but also to the organizers of exams and standardized tests that applicants took. experienced teachers also took part in the fraudulent scheme. they corrected the mistakes of applicants during the entrance exam. exams , sports coaches who, in exchange for bribes , ascribed non-existent achievements to boys and girls that provided benefits for admission. we believe that all of them, parents, coaches, university employees lied and deceived to cover up their crimes, hardworking students, honest taxpayers, suffered. the fraud has already been called the largest in the american education system,
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all the laurels here go to fifty-eight-year-old william singer from california. the achievements of others in this situation mean nothing. in one case, the head coach could bypass the general rule, and the talents of the yale university women's soccer team, in exchange for 400 thousand dollars , took an applicant to the team, knowing that the girl didn't even play football. after the applicant entered the university, william singer received
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$1.2 million from her parents, says massachusetts county prosecutor andrew lelenko. actress lori has a similar story. who was enrolled in the university team for a symbolic sum of 500 thousand dollars in southern california, despite the fact that both had never held an oar in their hands. another star, desperate housewife felicity huffman, paid much less, just $15, and spent it as a charity. a what about the clear and strict admission rules: the system of selecting the most worthy candidates for training, the basis of the pride of that very promoted american system. the press immediately remembered jarid's case. bored with donald trump, he was accepted into harvard shortly after his father donated $2.5 million to the university. it is worth noting that it is extremely interesting to observe such a situation, because universities such as harvard and stanford have always been a dream for students from all over the world. it seemed really great
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education that will open any door. but now it is clear that not everyone, and not everyone. and if you are not an american or god forbid not... our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and
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festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sporting and team. we not only tell you about significant events, we introduce you. with active energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to
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understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home. african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus, because that the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country. but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is very clear to this north atlantic aggressor. the accusations about
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the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country are absurd. we are simply learning diplomatic, so -called etiquette, from those who made the language of force a global trend. we have a new political line for the first campaign. only supporters should get into parliament state line, only those for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace are of decisive importance, step aside and do not interfere, no one is forcing anyone to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority. propaganda project, watch on belarus 24 tv channel. they are dedicated to their work, special children are in need. in us. and our task is to prepare them for independent life. the health of children is the health of the nation. we all worry about our children. we make every effort to ensure that the torture is
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high quality, safe and liked by children. ready to share knowledge. the child’s speech is at the tips of his fingers, and the more often children engage tactilely, with any aids or objects, the easier it is for them. to assimilate any material, show one day from your life, it is better to put marmalade or fruit, well, of course, fruit is better. it is enough to develop an approximate menu according to established standards twice a year, taking into account seasonality. the defectologist teacher sits with the child at the mirror and shows the child articulation gymnastics. child, looking in the mirror, he sees himself, the teacher. watch on tv channel.


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