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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 10, 2024 2:10am-3:11am MSK

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a microphone for the world as a whole, the passing of 2023 , on the one hand, is another year, the third year in a row of great upheavals , the tension is only increasing, there is no hesitation, on the other hand, not everything is as gloomy as we were told by various heads of state, threatening to grind us into powder , their promoted transnational media and various traitors got drunk, in general for us... this is, perhaps, the very moment when we showed that we do not succumb to difficulties and adversities, no matter how large the predator who is torturing us may seem gobble up. the economy has not collapsed, although it has already been buried there in the west several times, and we do not change our plans, just like the spoken words and thoughts about what is happening. but our opponents, it seems, are beginning to look for suitable shoes for the subsequent geopolitical maneuver. their presentation.
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according to surveys, 37% of eu residents have difficulty paying bills, and 73% of europeans expect life to worsen in 2024 . in the twenty-third, the trend towards the unconditional strength and correctness of the west began to crack, however, until final sobering up. still far.
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the trend towards the return of prodigal oligarchs to russia is very interesting. the loudest was the arrival of billionaire friedman. the most ridiculous is the latest statement from chichvarkin, a fugitive to london, who has long been experiencing problems with business development in britain. it would be absolutely logical to go and sell everything now. and build a tourist village there for the interior. ukraine is suffering huge losses, it is running out of people, weapons and ammunition, and the economy is literally on its last legs, with nothing to pay for basic and social benefits. in chernigov, bread is being distributed to pensioners in the cold.
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russia will collapse quickly, replaced by using ukraine to weaken russia, this is a cheap investment. biden is asked the question: does he believe in ukraine’s victory? singer taylor swift, with a net worth of more than a billion dollars, was named person of the year by time magazine. this is the first time that the title did not go to a politician, businessman or public figure, here is the model bellu hadit, named just 4 years ago, the most beautiful woman in the world, and a year ago the most stylish. on the contrary, they began to cancel it after her
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statements in support of her native palestine. the house of dior, whose face she was, scandalously fired hadit, replacing her with the israeli fashion model mai tager. the very war between israel and palestine confirmed the trend towards impunity of the western world and its partners, despite the death of children and journalists in the conflict zone, demonstrating the cannibalistic hypocrisy of a unipolar world. the pope has allowed priests to bless same-sex couples as well. baptize representatives sexual minorities, to be godparents witnessing a wedding in a church, although 2 years ago the vatican even issued a document stating that the roman catholic church considers such a practice unacceptable. 2023 has become the year of the victorious march of artificial intelligence, or rather neural networks, doing the work of creating texts and video graphics faster and often better than the average person. in the future, these technologies will clearly help... to create
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an artificial picture of the world for a mass audience in the western media. well, about what to expect from twenty fourth year, huh? let's talk about the main issues, challenges, and threats with political scientist dmitry yastafiev. dmitry, what topics, issues of geopolitics can already be identified as the main ones for 24, well, for example, in the arc of russia, west, east, maybe china, no, i would come from a completely different direction. the main question of 2024 is whether geo-economic regionalization will resume or not? no question in 2024 to the weakening united states, the united states, which, well , obviously this can be said, is in state of internal political decline, will it be possible to continue to restrain these processes,
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or will we still see an acceleration of the processes of formation of macro-regions, and by the way, this will be a very serious answer to the question. and what is the future of eurasia, that is, this is what concerns us, question number two, here i agree with you, of course, this is the question of the relationship between the united states and china, at the moment, these relationships, you know, like a drop falling from a leaf of grass, so it hung and neither there nor there here, in fact, predicting where... sino-american relations are going is very difficult, almost impossible, it depends on too many factors, both internal and external, more tightly, it begins to depend on accidents, on incidents that would take 10
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years were ignored ago, now they can play a large, extremely destabilizing foreign policy role, but it is absolutely obvious that the core...
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i don’t foresee news, there were hopes that the attitude towards the union state and, above all, towards belarus on the part of poland would be stabilized, but i look at what this tusk coalition is doing, and i think that
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we are entering a period of very serious internal political turbulence in poland, within the framework of which many unpleasant processes are possible, i concern... it will not be resolved, but tension in the border zone and from ukraine from poland, unfortunately, i’m afraid it will increase. thank you, it was political scientist dmitry evstafiev with a forecast for the twenty-fourth year. as
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you know, before a competition you need to warm up thoroughly and warm up all your muscles. to i mean, the same applies. and heads. the participants of this show believe that you need to pump up not only your muscles, but also your brain. what is the metal rod of a barbell called? alexander. grif, of course, friends, let’s join in, they compete to see which of them is more savvy, intellectually. what sport in the uk is said to involve the exchange of opinions through gestures? and by the way, our time has come to an end. vadim, stadium, stadium, yes, is the correct answer. emperor ruma, totchi. probably the crown and majestic look are not here either. random, emperor francesco toti,
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ruler and captain of italian roma. sports and entertainment show, head game. watch on tv channel belarus 24. belarus, represented by our president alexander lukashenko , has always advocated peace negotiations between russia and ukraine. they were ready to end the war if we took... the european union to make them poor and dependent. the key competitor of the united states
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of america or anglo-saxon corporations has always been european companies. how to destroy any economy, make sure that input resources were extremely expensive. but with russia and belarus, everything is completely complicated for the west. stubborn, independent, rebellious. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the tv channel. belarus 24, and this video crystal clear shows who is who in world politics, who the united states is in reality, if we discard their annoying pr about the city on the hill, the beacons of democracy. voting in the security council. the un calls for an immediate ceasefire in gaza and the release of all hostages. on the background
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there was deathly silence, only the us representative raised his hand against it. great britain abstained, everyone else was in favor of a ceasefire. usa v. this is at the very moment when 100 children were dying every day in gaza. on the one hand, horror. on the other hand, if on some issues the united states remains completely alone. not all is lost for the system of international relations. us first lady jill biden shared a christmas video from the white house. a troupe of dancers tap dance down the corridor of america's political heartland, performing a very playful interpretation of the nutcracker. reviewers noted the allusion to the aesthetics of such a provocative film as stanley kubrick's a clockwork orange. the dance troupe from manhattan is known for supporting blm,
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radical leftist ideas, including the abolition of prisons and cuts in funding for law enforcement agencies, which has already led to a rise in crime in the united states unseen in 30 years. the very production of the black nutcracker in the white house is an example of the fight against racism, in quotes, that is, the world classics are being reformatted to suit black culture. or here even clearer. the dream of the average american and made good money from it, but
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the modern american dream , as interpreted by disney authors, apparently does not reach the masses, that is, the majority, which may sympathize with a possible minority, but like professor preobrazhensky, will not give a quarter for it. the year for such a legendary, seemingly indestructible company as disney became a terribly disastrous commercial year, although it seems... it very accurately introduces the latest western values ​​into its products, from racial and gender diversity to meowing dogs, these are the trends: the company's total losses will be... in the long term, perhaps, more than a billion dollars, this is what happens when you film not about the plot, but about the strong and independent, in quotes, of course, in general , of course, it’s surprising that a corporation that has made billions on traditional family values ​​is actively promoting something that destroys them, this movie, it turns out that if you make films with
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a feminist transgender agenda in the genre for a family audience, then they won’t be made look, what discovery? this is an old question that does not have an exact definitive answer, so how does this life determine art or does a creative idea make reality transform? here, most likely, it’s like with the egg and the chicken, both true and true. about 10 years ago, an ideology was born, which in russian has not yet found a final name, it is either wakism, or... vakiism, or maybe even wakiism. the meaning of wakiism is simple, the world is full of injustice, the foundation and pillar of all things. let's open it a person’s eyes are on this, and he, the awakened one, will turn the wrong world upside down, and there is no need to think at all, but it is necessary to act, and only then
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a justification will definitely be found for the correct vakiist action. hit, burn, destroy, you.
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a whole string of films where they won’t tell you a fairy tale, but will invite you on an excursion into the world of progressive ideas, this is how the little mermaid of nigrette appeared, and for the new year they planned to release a reimagined snow white, but the seven dwarfs turned out to be so revolutionary colorful and different sexes, that they considered it better to wait a little longer with the premiere, polls promised failure at the box office, the public seemed seriously tired of buying a product in which...
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in response, the corporation announced that it was leaving the state altogether, problems with vakiism are not only with disney, for example , a beer advertisement that caused its sales to plummet by a quarter. today i celebrate the 365th day since i became a woman and badlight gave me a great gift. did, he probably regretted it very much, just like victoria secret, the company tried to sell its lingerie by choosing models of fat women and also former men. result: minus 5% of trade turnover. shernarmas have gotten used to their gender roles and do not dream of being like those who have
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been women for 365 days. but don't delude yourself. the notorious akiism is not a whim of corporate management, it is clearly a decision of people higher up, those who do not care about profits, since they are busy with social engineering. disney's losses will be written off and forgotten. they will find new directors who will advertise gender transition and coming out not directly, with soul and taste. as a last resort, they will donate disney, but the main thing is to reforge human souls, even after losing trillions. but the new person will firmly know that the main thing is the right of a man to become a woman, on the contrary. and everything else - freedom, satiety, the opportunity to change bosses - that's it. which is not worth a damn. together with
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the belarus 24 tv channel, we will plunge into the cultural life of our country. now they would say the theater of opera and ballet, because look, our stage is quite high, you see the bars below, but from there the artist could unexpectedly. magileo is a city with harmonious happiness, pay and good neighbors, rich history and bright everyday life. let's remember folk traditions. there was an outstanding garad tradition going on here. the skin is day, and every day, with the visible dancing of the eyes, there is the sound of the belarusian fanfare, this trumpeter, like the apavyashchie citizens of grodzen, who are proud of everything good and calm.
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our planet is under attack, and this was discussed a lot at the climate summit in dubai. alexander lukashenko spoke to world leaders with an inconvenient truth. this speech is already part of world history. those who even took part in the first birth here, and who took care of their grandchildren, are the ones who are fighting these wars. and wars are terrible pollution of the planet. the european commission and the united states continue to sponsor belarusian fugitives, extremists, and swindlers. however, while the appetites of the latter are growing, yes. one of the studies of the liquidated office press club belarus. according to all sociological studies conducted , the belarusian population supports alexander
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lukashenko. three visits in a week, we're grinding it out sanctions in the sand in different parts of the planet, synchronized watches with the emirates and equatorial guinea. the east asian wind of change is like a lump in the throat for the west. there is nothing that doesn’t work, this is about belarus and china. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel. in the uk, a blogger was detained on charges of deliberately disseminating the truth. the editor of the real truth podcast heard this accusation from bristol police. the real truth. the case is interesting and symptomatic. in some official a new term even appeared in the documents - mal information. this is the so-called definition
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of an inconvenient truth. it even leaked into the report of council of europe experts, and has been enshrined in the unesco guide for journalists since 1923. liberal translation of the new term into russian leak. however, this is still more truthful information that is harmful to humans. either an organization or for a country, well, if it turns out that, for example, the nordic flows were blown up by the usa or great britain, the person who spoke about it falls under this same mail information, because for the uk this is a harmful truth, somehow. donald tusk, who recently became prime minister of poland, practically the first thing he did upon taking office was to clean up the personnel policy. state television and radio, high -ranking bigwigs responsible for pouring slop during the last elections threw him into the street, however, his
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party opponents. dropped from eighteenth to fifty- seventh place in a ranking such as the world press freedom index, but there are more of us i am interested in one division of polish television, which in belarus has been recognized as extremist and has been providing informational support to coup attempts in our country for many years. it turns out that the poles became victims of representatives of this propaganda resource. and those who
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work with money from polish western funds. readers, my supporters, that i will soon go to facebook because i wanted to show my friends in belarus. i know that my readers, the poles who read my articles, love belarus, and i knew that they would like that i would go to belarus, and i boasted about this accreditation on social networks, there was my photo, my data, they were in my
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profile. although i don’t have agnieszka romoszewska as a friend on facebook, information reached her that i received press accreditation to belarus, she was very angry about this, she published my accreditation with my photo, with my data on her facebook, on her profile on a social network, and there she awarded me various epithets, she hinted that i was dishonest journalist and so on, no meaningful discussion, but she said the phrase for which i sued her: you know, it so happened that in poland very often journalists or people who make public statements that differ from the mainstream, on various issues, on the issue of belarus, on the issue of russia, on the issue of the war in ukraine, or on any other issue, even on the issue of the pandemic, if someone was against vaccination, then they said about him that he was a russian
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agent. agnieszka romoszewska simply surpassed everyone, she did it in such a boorish manner, it crossed all boundaries, and my friends said that we need to sue, because this is already too much. agnieszka romaszewska is a person with very strong influence in the polish state. her mother is an adviser to the president, her father, who is no longer alive, was also a very influential man. her husband is now the polish ambassador to ukraine, so we are talking about a very influential family, untouchable. that not every lawyer would decide to take on someone very influential, that’s why it was a problem to find someone like that lawyer, suddenly a lawyer appeared who was in the media, here it was necessary to speak out, to connect to me, offered to help me without taking money for it, mr. pavel chuga from a law office in glewitz offered me help, and what’s most
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interesting, the lawyer... did it, besides, he wanted to help me because he saw what kind of hatred had arisen against me. such a human gesture of selfless kindness. in addition, lawyer chug is a person who is well aware of how harmful the belsad company is. chuga's lawyer knows that belsad is responsible for setting us up against our neighbors, against belarus, against russia, this is contrary to the interests of the polish state.
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agreement that she would apologize to me, she had 2 days to do this. obviously, she did not fully comply with what she undertook to do before the court, because she was obliged to give an opportunity to comment, sorry.
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because, for example, i talked with very interesting representatives from the russian federation, and never, this applies not only her, but also the so-called mainstream in poland, they never discuss, do not speak out on the merits about what i publish, what my interlocutors say, they throw around the epithet russian agent paid by moscow. i preferred to accept these apologies now, so that i would already have a safety net, and if someone wants me again. i think that it doesn’t occur to such people that someone can do something for ideological reasons, doesn’t it, so it didn’t occur to agnieszka romoszewska that i i write articles about russia and belarus for ideological
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reasons, and not for money. i write these articles because i want good relations with my neighbors. i travel to these countries. i went to belarus, i went to russia several times because i was interested in what was happening.
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take part in an attempt to overthrow the government in belarus. i am afraid that there may be such
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actions, which, by the way, are evidenced by some articles on the belsad website, which say that they clearly support a movement of this kind. poles, i'm talking about sensible poles, there is no shortage of them, the mainstream media just won't let them in. therefore, at first glance you may not see them, but i can assure you that there are such sensible poles, they can be seen mainly on internet forums or in private conversations, well , unfortunately, they are not shown on tv, but many sensible poles completely against such measures, and absolutely precisely, the poles do not want to enter into any conflict with belarus, do not overthrow the government in belarus, unfortunately, everything indicates that the belsad tv channel is such a mouthpiece for propaganda you...
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the work of assembly plants in venezuela, we are also ready to build housing, increase food supplies, and we also propose to organize direct flights. meanwhile, diplomatic belarus returned to... the corresponding agreement was signed, what will the film be about and how are preparations for
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filming going? the film is a fictional one, it will be about the friendship of our two states and, of course, about love. the scenario of the film at the finish line. now there is a preliminary casting of actors and selection of exteriors for filming. until january 2024 to decide on performers main roles. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. see the events program. on thursdays on the tv channel. belarus 24 they are delighted by every corner of their small homeland, which they generally call a fragment of the region, there are very beautiful places here, here we have 200, in my opinion, almost 67 species of birds, no matter where we are, we are still drawn to our homeland, native air, native land, this is a gift that we receive from birth, they know everything about how to run a household. says, thank you, sergey, thank you, i think, for what is it, he says, for the first time my wife
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dipped her nails into the ground, took out potatoes from there, with such pleasure, and are ready to endlessly find inspiration in the simplest things, it’s such a joy that he touched the ground, touched a bird, that is, you can fence yourself with anything, some buildings, gold, diamonds, but if there is no peace and joy in your soul, then nothing will save the situation, there must be inner joy. watch polishuki's project on the belarus 24 tv channel. 2024 could be a turning point in the history of mankind. mass media elon musk's startup is reported to have received permission to test. on people a chip with a brain-computer interface, there are already
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thousands of volunteers. the neurolink company is developing brain implants that can put the paralyzed on their feet or give the blind sight, this is ideal. in practice, such a chip is the dream of a shrink, theorists who propose the concept of a so-called lazy society, total digitalization. you put on augmented reality glasses and you’re at the resort, asking the neural network to write a book. here it is ready, they will do everything for you for nothing, but we know that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap, in fact, each of us today already has such a chip, a mobile phone with access to the network, but imagine if it is installed in you, finds a route to get from point a to point b, writes an essay, you know that young people today have a hard time remembering, let alone analyzing, texts longer than five pages. another thing,
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welcome to the new reality, which can be designed by ranking, for example, a news feed, it would be interesting to conduct an experiment, turn off the internet, make blackout, how will people without the skill of searching for information off the internet begin to act? question for orval and his novel 1984. microphone, monkey see, monkey do, a quote from popular culture that describes the formula for almost any trend. imitation is inherent in human nature, just like the desire to be, or at least seem successful, but if earlier the needs of society formed trends, now trends are aimed at destroying traditional society. the modern beauty industry is literally cutthroat, what happens on the catwalk.
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today it is a way to loudly express yourself. what style icons are portrayed by modern fashion, that all kinds of opinion leaders, such as ivleeva or kirkoroov, remain almost in their underwear, not seeing anything special in it. fashion show session followed by exposure.
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who is there holding the line of defense nearby is making such a mess, well, yes, that he shoveled, at first the exposed opinion leaders misjudged the consequences and issued an explanation in their accounts in a slightly boorish manner in the spirit that it was an artistic performance, art exhibition from ivleeva, former editor of playboy magazine, you just
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don’t understand anything, it was important for me to hold the event, and i’m glad that it took place and we did it, that we went to the art exhibition. art object, i reacted with irony to the fact that someone did not like it, however, as soon as the party participants began to be cut out of new year's programs and concerts were canceled, that is, deprived of earnings, ivleeva was already untidy in a sweater ala sergei bogrov from the film brother , i tried to ask for forgiveness, i’m the same you are a girl from the village, she really didn’t succeed, only vulgar excuses, she is the nurse of her mother and even... dogs, she needs to earn a lot of money, while she asked for forgiveness from her food supply, subscribers and invited artists, that’s it guess whether this is an apology or a continuation of mockery, a demonstration of material superiority. if i could have foreseen all the consequences, of course i would simply never have done what happened.
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bottom line, the rapper who came wearing only one sock got 15 days in prison, with ivleeva advertising contracts were terminated. filed two lawsuits: one for a billion from the public, the second for 70 million from the club where everything happened. searches were carried out in the offices of her companies, they write that ivleeva faces up to 5 years in prison for tax evasion on a particularly large scale. posts that do not support the start of the svo have disappeared from nastya evleeva’s instagram. other artists who showed off at the party also began to apologize. i have one question: why did you arrange this? why did you photograph all this, why did you do everything? this was dumped on the internet, what did you want to say to society, that you don’t care about this society, and about public morality and morality, well, as they said in the soviet union, if you spit on the collective, the collective will wipe it off, and if the collective spits on you , you will drown, the so-called naked
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dresses are not a product of the fantasy of a russian video blogger, this is one of the trends of modern fashion, ivleeva regularly attends shows in europe and from there. draws its aesthetic inspiration, especially when such is the easiest way to attract attention to yourself, which means gathering an audience that can already be sold to advertisers. this is exactly how it works. monetizing public attention is the goal pursued by western style icons. when they tell you that, for example, such a phenomenon in fashion as unisex is the result of the development of women's rights, their equality with men. consider whether the potential is expanding.
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person, few people say that the so-called icons of body positivity die at a very early age. fashion houses produce such original outfits, indistinguishable from garbage bag, for example, priced at $6.00, in such a context it is not always possible to distinguish a model from a prankster who entered the new york fashion week show wearing a bathing cap and a plastic raincoat. there is one in las vegas. can literally be translated as grill heart attack. a client of this catering weighing more than 160 kg can eat there absolutely free of charge. the guy in the video just approached the demon and seems very happy. if we ignore the marketing of the restaurant, then this is
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a real trend towards the destruction of health. yes we understand that obesity is bad for your health, it might even kill you, but from a body-positive agenda, it’s okay, you’re beautiful. and thus, physical degradation, the destruction of the body is encouraged, somehow it turns out not very humanistically, although it is presented. form, like caring for a person, and what will happen next, alcohol, drug-positive? the radical approach influenced the original ideas of body positivity, turning them into a farce, a dangerous farce. it was the trends program. all the best.
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the nomination of candidates for deputies continues this week, until january 15, inclusive, territorial and district election commissions will accept documents, then the commission will begin to register candidates, this period will continue until the end of january, only... after this, candidates have the right to begin election campaigning. this is one of the most active stages of the election campaign and the most visible to citizens. campaigning is allowed until the single voting day. of course, there are certain conditions, the candidate does not have the right to call for the overthrow of the government there, they do not have the right to oppose the system there call for election disruptions, or engage in bribery, seeing some kind of distribution of gifts of money there, which means there are restrictions for voters, otherwise, please. creative flight presents its program, tell people who you are, what you are, what you are trying to achieve, in what ways you will achieve changes to certain legislative acts
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in order to make life in both the country and the city as a whole better. rural, city and district election commissions have been formed, only in the brest region 229 commissions of all levels, with more than one and a half thousand members. there are many experienced people who have already been through many companies , and there are people, well, let’s say, new, the team has been formed, a lot has been done, we can already see that banners have already appeared in the city, the company is quite actively unfolding in the media, well , the main thing is, of course, the candidates themselves, they must promote themselves and, accordingly , the election campaign itself, so i think that there should be no problems here. in belarus since the beginning of the year, an updated version of the tax code has come into effect, and an income tax rate has been introduced for individuals. 25% for those whose total income for this year exceeds 200,000 rubles. a single property
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payment is being introduced, which will include land and transport taxes on real estate. transport tax rates have been increased; special attention should be paid to owners of luxury vehicles. young professionals will pay less taxes, for an organization with a tax base of profit over 25 million rubles. the rate increases from 20 to 20.5%. individual entrepreneurs work without vat, individual entrepreneurs whose revenue exceeds 500,000 rubles. they will be required to create a commercial organization. a new tax deduction was introduced. this deduction amounts to 620 belarusian rubles per month and is provided to graduates who have received higher, specialized secondary, or vocational education and are assigned to a place of work. this deduction is presented to them for the period of work to distribute for the next extension of the contract with the same employer is all up to you. for no more than 7 years, for example, if a young specialist earns 100 rubles per month, then 620 of them are tax-free, thus saving on
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income tax and getting more in hand. help developers find potential partners, provide a package of benefits and financial support. the hi -tech park has opened for new residents and has already begun accepting documents for registration. over the past year alone, the number of companies in the htp increased by 64, now there are more than a thousand. but the it cluster also supports promising developers who are not yet part of the park. at the end of 2023 , htp, technopark and velikiy kamen held a startup competition for the first time, identified the two best, they are already changing the lives of belarusians, and one of the startups received free placement in the high-tech park. in total , fifty developments from different fields took part in the competition: medicine, it, agriculture , education. in the coming. the reception company in belarus will be held according to the new rules, in particular , the registration deadlines for the ct are changing; it is planned that it
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will be carried out from april 9 to april 22, also for targeted applicants. a minimum average certificate score is being introduced, no lower than seven, benefits are being systematized for admission of gifted and motivated applicants to the specialties most in demand in the economy and to regional universities, adjustments made to the rules for admission to colleges and universities will help improve the quality of the admission process , experts say. in past experience recruitment for target training was carried out on the basis of a competition for all target students arriving. from different regions at the request of various personnel customers. this year , applicants have the opportunity to participate in a competition at the request of one personnel customer. if the competition as a whole for all the guys who participate in this area did not take place. this is seen as a significant advantage, since the customer will
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definitely receive a well-trained specialist. the level of danger due to severe frosts remains in belarus, in some regions of the country the temperature is down to -30. the nights of 2024 are the coldest in 3 years. doctors ask not to let down your guard. from november 21 to january 8 , almost 9,500 victims of ice and cold injuries were registered in belarus, about 2.0 of them were children. an exhibition dedicated to needlework and craftsmen who are fond of embroidery took place in the borisovskiy gallery. central regional library, 70 works from twenty participants of a local art studio, a magic cross, a creative association well known not only in borisov, but throughout belarus. in addition to embroidery, the exhibition features pillows, needle cases for needlework, soft toys and other works of decorative and applied art, household items and souvenirs. among the embroiderers there are people of different professions, people who are engaged in embroidery, some just
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recently, some before... but for a long time, each work is a perfect masterpiece in which the soul is invested, the heart, behind which there is a life story, a story that the embroiderer creates with your own hands using threads, using threads. winter jazz in nesvizh castle, a concert program with the participation of musicians from the finberg national academic concert orchestra combined classical and jazz within the walls of the radewilovsky palace, as well as a work by tchaikovsky mozart. khovin, brahms, rachmaninov and even russian folk songs were sounded in jazz arrangements. winter jazz from the chamber theater hall will move to the palace courtyard in the summer and transform into the open air festival format.
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gorizont tvs are an excellent tool for exploring the world around us - users who allows them to create in the name of peace, and i, in turn, am, as it were, a conductor of creation into their world. in order to do their job efficiently, any employee of any organization, not necessarily gorizon. must have a high level of responsibility for everything he does, i chose this profession based on my previous learning and work experience, i wanted to apply my skills acquired during my studies, knowledge of physics, electrical and radio engineering, for me work is an opportunity for my self-realization, this the opportunity to influence from a positive side
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, on my immediate environment on my colleagues, the electronics b... horizon plant mainly produces televisions, as far as i know, innovations in this direction, which our enterprises are actively developing, is a tv with a translucent screen, the company horizon is competitive in our country, in a number of foreign countries, countries of the former soviet union, a number of asian countries, european countries, at the moment i can be proud of the products that the company produces horizon. i don’t know people at all who are happy about the fact that this war seems to be going on, in general, no one is happy, we ourselves have given the opportunity to our enemies, as if yes, not only to dismember us, but also to force us to fight with each other, there behind the lines, behind everyone , they are rubbing their hands like this, they , so to speak, slavs, kind of forced us to kill each other, but we didn’t have enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand that there is no more important person
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nothing, you have, despite the fact that you don't have resources, justice is not something that is trending now, but in our state, our people have a demand for justice, including in the international arena. you become the same beasts as your enemies, you lost, even if you won, if we stop being human, we will lose, even if we formally win, this is our success, this is the fact that we still hold on to this , markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, the priesthood is a way of life, a clergyman, this is the one who looks at every person who comes to him is treated as a child of god, as an image in the likeness of god, and
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treats him first of all with respect, showing him his attention, love and care. at the minsk theological seminary, we try to ensure that every student imbibes that good example from the first year. which he sees on the pages of the bible, which he sees in the works of the holy fathers, for example, communication with one or another shepherd of the church of christ. i am priest artemy kirko, head of the correspondence education department of the minsk theological seminary, this place is an almomatory for those who decided to devote his life to serving god and people.
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the minsk theological seminary dates back to the end of the 18th century in 1785, experienced various stages of its history, was transferred from one city to another, opened, experienced its first revival after the great patriotic war. two-year theological courses were opened in žurovice. then these two-year courses grew into a seminary. and the seminary operated until 1963 . she was revived again in 1989, the first patriarchal exarch of all belarus, metropolitan filoret. in 1996 , the minsk theological academy and the regen branch were opened, where not only young men, but also girls studied. the academy existed until 2015 and then was transferred to minsk, and 2 years ago it returned here again to zhirovishche, no longer just as a regen department,
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but as a department of church arts, which includes the eigen department and the icon painting department. this is a spiritual educational institution where, in addition to studying, students learn prayer and liturgical life. in addition to studying, they study work, perform certain obediences, all this together, combining they learn how to live according to the commandments of god. this place is very important not only for the church, but also for the state, because the students are graduates of our theological school, they are also citizens of our country, and how they will be raised here will be important.


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